Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20160313 : compa

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20160313

with it and it's gray skies. can you believe we're up an hour earlier? we lost an hour but we're going ogain more daylight as spring is in our near future. on the weather bug on the side of the screen, that says 48 degrees for downtown cleveland. so our temperatures really off the charts this morning. that warm front is sitting out towards tuskarawas county into dover, new philly. ashtabula currently 48 degrees. let's track the rain now. you can see a dry slot out towards summit county and stark but lakeshore communities definitely getting hit right now. i am watching this next band that is producing a little bit of isolated thunderstorm activity, it's moving south to east. millersburg, you're up next this will continue to shift across stark into summit county, 77, ashtabula, you're going to get hit with a good not rat rainfall. after a fantastic safety with bright sunshine -- a fantastic saturday with bright sunshine you can see the rain is tracking in all day long. we're talking accumulation of areas. >> you will need the umbrella all day certainly. we're now two days away from ohio's primary election and candidates from both parties of making several stops here in the buckeye state. we're just again, two days away. that is tuesday. meg shaw is in the newsroom with more on this sprint to the finish. meg? >> reporter: let's start with our governor john kasich. if he really wants to win ohio he has to get out and ask for people to vote for him today and tomorrow. the last check of the polls from cnn, donald trump is still leading here in the buckeye state but kasich has managed to today is a jam packed day of campaigning for both parties. kasich is scheduled to make two stops in ohio today starting in strongsville, that is 1:00. then trump will be in west chester, ohio, that rally is 2:00. you may be wondering what about ted cruz and marco rubio? we have not heard much about them here in the buckeye state. rubio is putting all his efforts into his home state of florida because as you know voters also head to the polls on tuesday. as for cruz, he is campaigning here in ohio for the first time. he's scheduled to be in columbus tonight at 7:30. back to kasich. yesterday in mansfield at a rally, kasich's wife said he simply can't win ohio. >> vote for john kasich and show donald trump he can't just march into ohio and take the state. >> reporter: as for the clinton had a speech at olivetete baptist church last night. she may have another rally in northeast ohio today. as for bernie sanders, he will be rallying in northeast ohio tomorrow. live in the newsroom, meg shaw, newschannel 5. as meg said hillary clinton stayed in cleveland after her rally at the church yesterday. a group of supporters will be meeting with area voters on her behalf today. they call themselves the mothers of the movement. they are six mothers who lost their children to gun violence or police involved shootings. for months they've traveled the country speaking about why they think hillary clinton is the best candidate to put a stop to the violence. today's events include a luncheon with the mothers of eric garner and dantre hamilton in cleveland, and two other both start at 1:30. while most protests for donald trump remained peaceful. thanks in large part to cleveland police, tensions ran high as the frontrunners moved on elsewhere. police in kansas city said on twitter they used pepper spray to control the crowd and arrested two people. during his rally in caverns -- kansas city donald trump called for all protesters to be arrested. yesterday morning a man jumped on the stage where donald trump was of he's been identified as thomas dimassimo, charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. trump told the crowd he was ready forethe man but said "it's much easier when cops do it." as donald trump moves farther ahead of the competition, the candidates promise to support the eventual gop nominee no matter who it is. >> i intend to support the republican nominee but it's getting harder everyday. >> marco rubio said that continued donald is dividing -- donald trump is dividing both the party and country and may not be able to support him as republican nominee. kasich echoed the sentiment saying crump is creating a toxic -- trump is creating a toxic environment that is making it difficult to support him. cruz says he'll stand by trump if he comes out in the primaries. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will head back to ohio tonight for another town hall. cnn and tv 1 will host the final meeting between the two before tuesday us a primaries. among the five states holding primaries, 691 delegates are up for grabs tuesday so this is a big final push for all candidates. the town hall is being held at ohio state university and airs starting your sunday with us. i'm nick foley. coming up this morning, the search resumes in new york city. more on the deadly boat collision on the hudson. plus, if you have a trip planned this spring, plan for extra time getting through security. we'll explain why. and our local weather. >> the "power of 5" is tracking a wet, soggy sunday. i'm going to show you in my 7- day forecast when temperatures cool down, more winter-like. the nafta trade treaty -- 850,000 jobs lost. special trade status with china -- 3 million jobs lost. now the trans-pacific trade deal could cost america 448,000 more jobs. only one candidate for president has opposed every disastrous deal -- bernie sanders. while others supported unfair trade deals, bernie stood with american workers. he'll take on wall street and their trade deals because he doesn't take their money. for jobs. for us. bernie. sanders: i'm bernie sanders, good morning. i'm "power of 5" meteorologist janessa webb. tracking a little rain and it's going to stick around throughout your sunday afternoon. this is a moderate rainfall but it's going to help. look at the grass we're seeing out in the greater cleveland area. it's going to saturate the ground. we're talking a good amount of accumulation, up to an inch in spots. so could track in some minor flooding in some spots. right now temperatures, 45 degrees. on the mild side. you can see out towards summit county we're talking lower 50s. so the thermometer will go up a few clicks throughout your afternoon, we're going to be in the mid to upper 50s. you can see out towards norwalk 54 today as that front continues to track in. it's colliding with a cold front which is producing the moisture. lakeside communities from beachwood into solon, 53 degrees as you track more you're the warm spot today, 56. right now the search for new york. they went missing after a deadly collision on the hudson river. crews were working at the construction site of the new tapanzee bridge. the body of one crew member was still missing >> a tragedy, it's loss of human life, and that's the main point of today. you have three people who left for work and who are not going to come home. >> the governor andrew cuomo added the tugboat leaked at least 5,000 gallons of fuel into the river. the cause is still under investigation. >> obviously this is a very serious weather event. serious enough that the entire state has been declared an emergency. a 6-year-old child is among three people killed in deadly thousands of people across six states are dealing with the impact of historic rainfall. authorities have been going door-to-door by boat rescuing people from the flooded homes. the flooding is expected to be a problem all weekend. another round of severe weather is in the southeast and it's on its way. as we head to break -- the nafta trade treaty -- 850,000 jobs lost. special trade status with china -- now the trans-pacific trade deal could cost america 448,000 more jobs. only one candidate for president has opposed every disastrous deal -- while others supported unfair trade deals, bernie stood with american workers. he'll take on wall street and their trade deals because he doesn't take their money. for jobs. for us. bernie. sanders: i'm bernie sanders, in pakistan at least eight are dead and four missing following a mine collapse. officials are blaming heavy rains in the country's northwest for the collapse. rescuers did save 29 of the miners, are still searching for the four missing. cuba is taking another huge step on the international stage. forging an agreement to strengthen tie was the european union. diane white believes she may have seen the wreckage late in the 70s after getting lost hiking in the area, it's believed he crashed. >> diane says she came out of the trees and saw a big dip in the mountainside. then saw the plane. >> i couldn't believe it. there was this big scene, it was like a plane engine sitting up on a -- like a berm. the rest of the plane was over, covered up with small seedlings. find her children. she intended to go back but her family soon moved out of the state and two months ago she saw a story about the search for hogan and got in contact with his family. this weekend searchers are on foot in the area white described hoping to find clues as to what almost happened -- or what happened i should say, almost 50 years ago. south by southwest festival organizers are apologizing to a u.s. olympic fencer who is muslim after asking her to remove her head scarf for her credentials. registration officials called the request insensitive and apologized to her. she will represent the u.s. at this summer's rio games. south by southwest continues today in austin, texas. with st. patrick's day less than a week away the chicago river getting its green on. thousands of spectators turn out as they do every year on both sides of the river to watch members of the plumbers union local 130 dye the water green. it's a chicago tradition that dates back to 1962. the powder used to dye the environmentally safe, it goes in orange, turns a luminescent green as it hits the water. followed by the downtown parade. firsthand. >> it's pretty. >> very pretty when it's all fully colored. just before st. patrick's day. janessa webb with a look at weather. no green rivers around here but >> yeah. i have a very green radar this morning. tracking in the wet weather coming from the south to east. >> that also looks kelly green >> it does. definitely does. it's going to be a wet pattern throughout your sunday. you can see the clouds are floating in and this will be the theme throughout your afternoon, unfortunately all the way into your monday. though, right now -- and about to get a nice dose of wet conditions. what is happening here, the bigger picture, you can see from the contoured map, it's a warm front that is tracking in from the south. it's colliding with a cold front that is moving in from the west. these two are kind of bumping heads, you can see the temperature difference, 47 for greater cleveland, but that warmer air from charleston into cincy is starting to move in with the warm front. so hour by hour, temperatures today still well above normal. look at this bar graph, completely off the charts. we're going to be in the mid- 50s. count on it if you're in inland locations, into the mid-50s. i do want to show our futurecast throughout your afternoon. definitely going to be a soggy one, after being spoiled by all that bright sunshine. temperatures though, we're your afternoon. another dose starts to slide in from south-to-east, heavier bands, now accumulation totals are pretty impressive and it's going to cause the ground to be very saturated. you can see up to about two to three inches out towards mansfield. under an inch for greater cleveland. the more you track towards the east the system really loses its force. that is why accumulation is quite low out towards ravenna into ashtabula county. of the day, 56 degrees. temperatures still on the mild side, even as we step into tonight we're in the upper 40s to lower 50s. this 7-day forecast continues rain all the way into your tuesday, a few isolated showers, but look at st. patrick's day. we're going to be sitting under mostly cloudy skies, this clears up pretty quickly going into next weekend. we're back in the 40s. a heartbreaking finish for the akron zips at the mac tournament at the q and the browns said see you later to high maintenance quarterback johnny manziel. are other teams planning on taking a chance? lauren has that and more. >> reporter: last night at the q the ascon zips taking on the uv bulls. zips a one seed, bulls a three- seed. winner gets automatic bid to the ncaa tournament. a hard-fought battle at the q last night that came to the end. jackson drains the three to give the zips a three-point lead but didn't last. blake hamilton with the three, 14 points on the night. two seconds left in the game, zips with the full court past, stolen by hamilton to seal the win. buffalo winning back-to-back championships, final score 64- 61. johnny manziel clears wavers yesterday. that means he's officially a free agent. it also means the browns have to pay his guaranteed base salary the next two seasons which adds up to more than $2 million. the salary cap hit for releasing the quarterback is $4.33 million. manziel could sign with any team in the league at this point. he may have trouble getting a job. besides the multiple off the field issues and incidents that have come up the last two years he's currently at the center of a domestic violence investigation that will be presented to a grand jury. the league is doing their own violated personal conduct policies. also don't forget the cavs game tonight against the l.a. clippers, it's here on newschannel 5, tipoff is 3:30. we'll have plenty of post-game coverage including a breakdown of the game, espn's brian windhurst will join us to talk about the game. that's it for your morning sports. this spring we could see a record number of travelers in our country's airports. but some of those very airports say security just cannot keep up with the demand. numbers. >> i came to visit. >> reporter: mary is making the family. and she's not alone. this spring is expected to be a recordbreaker for air travel with 140 million flyers take into account school breaks and easter and it's already begun. >> they came from arkansas, tennessee, alabama -- other states. >> reporter: airports across the country say security can't keep one the lines. an atlanta airport manager wrote this letter to the tsa calling them "woefully understaffed." just yesterday the seattle airport tweeted "tsa cannot keep up" with the hashtag pack your patience. >> long lines. to get through security. >> reporter: when it comes to taking off shoes, unloading liquids and laptops into plastic bins it's hard to speed up the process no matter what you try. >> we're ready to go. >> reporter: the obama administration asked congress to approve a $3 billion budget for the tsa next year. almost 27 million dollars more than they have right now. that would bring the number of officers to almost 43,000, about 2,000 more than this year. until then the only advice tsa is giving right now, get here early. >> our flight is not until 12:30. early. >> we would rather err on the side of being early than late and running to the gate. >> ann says this year the average screening time jumped from 3 and-a-half minutes to six minutes. tsa officers are doing more thorough checks after missing mock explosives and weapons during federal testing last year. good news about the frustrating fees. the airlines charge for things like checked bags and seat assignments. lawmakers are working to standardize how airlines disclose fees so there are no surprises. this would make it easier for to you compare overall ticket prices and find the best deal. the move would require the department of transportation to develop a way to show the fees and for all airlines to start using that method. still ahead -- ohio's importance in this year's primary race is more evident than ever as more presidential candidates are planning an event in the buckeye state today. we'll share where they will be. plus, losing an hour of sleep last night is annoying but it health. (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are...v (dog whimpering) to keep it pumping. hello, everyone. 8:29, sunday morning. we're looking at interstate 77 and 490 from our odot camera. all quiet but the roads are wet so be careful if you're heading out and about. cleveland." i'm nick foley. we've got several developing stories including several more campaigns stops in our area today as ohio becomes the center of attention. we're just two days away from our primary. more on that coming up in a bit. first a check of the weather with janessa webb. >> good morning. we're tracking rain moving in across northeast ohio. if you're up now i know we lost an hour but look at these daylight amounts, that sunset now, 7:32. try to enjoy the increase of daylight. a lot of green across the "power of 5" this morning. we're tracking a good moderate rain that is moving across the area. you can see the yellow, that is the darker downpours we're currently seeing but they are tracking east fairly quickly. i am keeping my eye on this cell that is currently brewing out towards mansfield into ashland area. the darker yellows and orange. be heavier accumulation totals. right now temperatures, 45 degrees out towards elyria. what is happening here, it's towards the south, a warm front is tracking in. that is why we're sitting in the 50s out towards stark and summit county. a cold front is behind that tracking in from the west. that is providing that moisture that we're currently seeing. so hour by hour, after a splendid saturday of sunshine we're going to finish up this weekend with increasing clouds, along with soggy conditions. now this is a good brunt of moisture, we are going to see saturated ground and keeping an eye on minor flooding if you're heading out and about this morning, definitely take it slow as hydroplaning is possible. >> rain is good but we got spoiled yesterday. thank you. all eyes now on ohio now as we inch closer to primary day. candidates for both parties are campaigning in ohio today. and tomorrow. meg shaw is live in the studio, she's following today's busy schedule. good morning. with just a couple of days left before election night candidates are now trying to make their last minute pitches state. looking at the latest poll numbers, it's still a tight race between donald trump and our governor john kasich on the republican side. as for the democrats, hillary clinton with a huge lead over bernie sanders. but looking ahead to the afternoon, it's a full day of rallies and speeches. john kasich is scheduled to be in strongsville for a town hall, that event starts at 1:00 and as for trump, he's in illinois this morning before making his way back to ohio to west chester. he'll be there at 2:00. then on the other side, i can tell you hillary clinton could have a rally here in northeast ohio today, because we do know that she didn't leave northeast ohio after her speech yesterday. at the olivette baptist church. in town tomorrow. tuesday could be an interesting day. sanders could pull upset another upset. and kasich could pick up all the dell gates and keep him in the race for president. donald trump will be back in ohio today, speaking just outside of cincinnati this afternoon. he made his rounds in northern ohio yesterday drawing thousands of people to the ix center. >> we're going to make great deals. we're going to bring back our military. we're going to take care of our vets! we're going to take care of our vets! >> trump's cleveland visit was met with protesters but as many as attended his rally in chicago friday night a little over a half-dozen people were escorted out by police for protesting in the ix center. donald trump not the only frontrunnerrer in our area yesterday. >> i remember the pictures of face, he should be alive today. >> hillary clinton also spoke at olivette baptist church yesterday putting a cleveland specific spin on her usual stump speech. she's trying to win the vote of the black community ahead of the primary. bernie sanders did the same thing last weekend making an appearance at the same church. hillary clinton wasn't the only clinton in town yesterday. she got support from her husband, former president bill clinton was in akron for a get out the vote event. mr. clinton also joined the course of those criticizing donald trump this weekend disturbed him. he likened the republican race to a sixth grade playground fight. new this morning, a teen driver and passenger are recovering after driving off a cliff in bay village. it happened around 5:30 bay village fire department tells us the two were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. the teen was just learning how the accident happened. police in the ashtabula area looking for this woman. hoping you can help. investigators say she used a stolen credit card taken from a vehicle in geneva last night. she was seen leaving an ashtabula gas station where she used the card in a blue suv. anyone with information is asked to call the ashtabula sheriff's office. also happening today -- a farewell to winter in cleveland. the russian cultural garden is hosting maslenitsa. also known as pan cake week. the celebration held on the weekend before eastern orthodox lent. it has games, contests and of course lots of pancakes. next, if governor kasich pulls off a win in ohio tuesday he will be the first ohio native to do so in a very long time. we look back at the last man to do it. window washers trapped on a faulty rig. >> tracking a little bit of rain on the "power of 5". i'll show you accumulation totals and a cooldown that is (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. i'm "power of 5" meteorologist janessa webb. we're tracking a little rain for sunday. right now stark into summit county, look at the pavement. it's pretty dry here. but we have moisture that is moving in from south to east. taking a look at our weather bug right there. degrees. so warmer air continues to track in here as we head into the rest of the day. normal. we sat in a lot of sunshine yesterday. but the thing that is not changing today is our temperatures. wow, we're still in the mid to upper 50s across ashland, to wooster, 56 degrees. lakeshore communities, notice a little breeze out of the east, 15 to 20 miles per hour but that is just that warm front that continues to track in from the south. solon 53 for today. ravenna into the lower 50s but count on it out towards stark and summit county, we're into the mid-50s. this is just kind of mild air. wait until i show you my 7-day 60s as we head into tomorrow. it's daylight savings time, we spring forward one hour. some lucky americans didn't lose that hour of sleep that we did last night. arizona and hawaii don't observe daylight savings times and lawmakers in other times are looking into opting out. why do the rest of us have to go through this? >> we were sleeping through those early morning sunrise times in the summer. that was considered a waste of a tremendous natural resource. >> sounds old fashioned but in modern times studies show daylight saving times saves energy as well. a downside, more people are out driving when it stays light later. recent study also suggesting that losing that hour of sleep could trigger some serious health related issues. preliminary research from finland found the overall rate of strokes to be 8% higher for two days following daylight saving time. people with cancer were 25% more likely to experience an people over 65 were 20% more likely to have a stroke. on the web, facebook says it receives more than one million reports a day -- a day of users violating policy. policy management says it includes allegations of hate speeches posted on facebook and can be tricky to separate free speech from preaching hate. the company usually draws a line when a post attacks people based on individual characteristics. and also they say posts inciting physical violence are usually previewed first. if you see news happening let us know, text or e-mail us. if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all welcome back. 8:4h while the political frontrunners continue to get the spotlight as the nation's attention turns to ohio, governor john kasich continues to stay the course. does he believe we're heaving for a contestant gop convention? plus the governor getting help from a young supporter with national exposure. newschannel 5 john kosich caught one kasich during his push to the primary. >> reporter: shakespeare, in this drama that is the presidential primary process comes to a close this tuesday. march 15th the ides of march. need to if you are independent and want to vote in the democratic or republican primary tuesday it's >> when you go to vote on will ask you what type of ballot would you like to vote today. request a republican bot? democratic ballot or green party ballot? >> then you're a member of that >> absolutely. you become a registered member of that particular party you 15th election. >> reporter: as has been the case in recent years these are the numbers tallied first so we should have a pretty good indcation how this night is progressing. i paraphrase, the fault dear brutus lies not in our stars but ourselves. the power to vote is yours, the decision to do so is as well. with democracy 2016, i'm john kosich, enjoy your sunday. love that part of the story. the young supporter giving john kasich a hug. >> i love that. going to see a lot -- know a lot after the primaries, a big clearer picture after clearer pickture for the weather as janessa webb joins us now. not so clear with some of the rain coming down. >> it was a nice start to the weekend, we're going to wrap it up with a little rain. the good news, you can sleep in the rain, you can take a nap throughout the day. this is a great shot of our earth cam. temperatures are warm and the clouds floated in. look at the radar now, you can see a ton of green tracking in from south to east. want to take notice of the darker yellows, heavier bands, right now out towards cuyahoga county, will remain on the isolated side. it's where inland locations into mansfield, lodi, you just saw a good swath of moisture move your way. it's moving east all the way into stark, summit county. should be getting hit in the next, about 15 minutes here, you can see that good band that is moving throughout coshocton dry side but it would be moving in fairly quickly. temperatures across the board, good morning elyria, you're currently at 45 degrees. greater cleveland, 47. at you track more inland, wow, 50 already this morning from canton all the way into dover, new philly. what we're seeing is a warm front that is moving in from the south. it's colliding with a cold front that is moving in from the west. you can see those two are bumping heads, one is providing a little moisture. the other one is providing that warm air. want to show you our futurecast here throughout your sunday. you're going to continue to see pretty steady rain accumulation totals kind of impressive out towards mansfield. we're looking at about two inches as we go into your monday afternoon. it is pretty steady hear. on roadways, bridges, overpasses could see a little bit of minor flooding so you're out and about this morning, take it slow hydroplaning you can see it's all the way into the 9:00 hour, overnight and out towards wayne county, dover, new philly, accumulation of up to about an inch. as the track of this thing moves from south to east. you can see the totals here are less out towards ravenna all the way into southern portions of cuyahoga county, from pepper pike into the solon area, looking at 29/100th inch from ashtabula. so as that moisture starts to track east it definitely is losing its force. 56 degrees today, wow, folks, that is still about 15 to 20 degrees above normal for this time of year. i don't think you need the coat but definitely the umbrella handy throughout your afternoon, all the way into your monday afternoon. things start to clear up just a tad bit as you head into tuesday. look at st. patrick's day, we'll be under mostly cloudy skies, temperatures still in the 50s. we step into the first day of spring. we'll be right back. >> we have show manager steve legurskye to tell us more about the car show. this is a big anniversary. what do you have planned? >> it's the 50th annual. we have assembled over 1,000 vehicles including some of the former winners of the show and a feature 50. so we have some of the greatest piston powered vehicles from the country right at the ix center under one roof. >> that sounds pretty cool. piston, makes it go, it's in the show. what does that mean? >> it's bigger than just cars. we have airplanes, war birds, tractors, motorcycles. we even have a band oh rama so to see. >> it's the 50th anniversary of the vietnam war. commemorating that? >> we created a tribute. we have piston powered vietnam era vehicles that are going to be at the show and we've also assembled about 300 photos so people can see what vietnam was all about. theme to it. >> very cool. tell me about kids and families coming to the event and what you have to offer. >> again there's a lot to do for the families and kids. kids 6 and under are free. we have a model car contest, a coloring book contest. a gravel pit for the kids and working with the of cleveland soap box derby. there will be an indoor rally track so kids can take a ride on one of the cars. event for the families, for the veterans and certainly for all the car enthusiasts. >> thank you so much. if you would like more information visit or call 216- 265-7223. we talked about the kelly green river in chicago. those enjoying the parade in sight. two window washers had to be rescued from a skyscraper in the loop after their scaffolding shifted. the crew was stuck for hours between the 15th and 17th floor of the building. but thankfully, you can hear the crowd maybe cheering -- if -- maybe can't hear it but they were successfully rescued and morning. cheering. >> scary moment. wow. janessa webb joins us with a look at weather as we start our sunday. >> multiple rounds of rain, going to be moving across northeast ohio today. so have the galoshes umbrella handy, from sunday into monday. you can see that warmer air though is pretty much tracking in here from the south. 65 degrees, a few lingering showers into tuesday morning. then we dry up. look at wednesday, under mostly sunny skies. a few showers moving in for thursday and then we're tracking kind of a cooldown, a late winter going into spring, spring starts, verbal equinox -- vernal equinox is next next weekend we'll have a cooler weather pattern. then we're quite spoiled in that roller coaster of temperatures. don't forget cavs at the l.a. clippers. this is what i came home for -- to work in the community, turning schools after hours into centers for healthcare and safe spaces for our kids. i'm p.g. sittenfeld. after princeton and a marshall scholarship, i turned down a job at google to work improving education. elected to city council, i've helped create 5,000 new jobs, took on big banks to clean up foreclosed properties. now i'm running for the senate and approve this message to offer bold new leadership starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. trump rally chaos. as the billionaire businessman marches to the nomination, his rallies erupt sba violence, fear, confusion. >> back it up! >> trump, defiant about those clashes. >> i would have been oit there fighting, folks. i would have been boom, boom, boom. >> his rivals say trump is to blame. >> donald trump has created a toxic environment. >> responsibility begins and ends at the top. >> with just two days before the crucial winner-take-all primaries, can trump be stop snd all three of his rivals, kasich,

Related Keywords

Vietnam , Republic Of , Arkansas , United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Alabama , Hudson River , New York , Akron , China , Chicago River , Illinois , Russia , Mansfield , Dover , Arizona , Interstate , Beachwood , Finland , Cuba , Chicago , West Chester , Millersburg , Wayne County , Texas , Elyria , Ohio State University , Cleveland , Florida , Columbus , Cincinnati , Pakistan , Northern Ohio , Tennessee , Bay Village , Town Hall , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Strongsville , Ashland , Hawaii , Americans , America , Russian , Canton , American , Meg Shaw , Marco Rubio , Nick Foley , John Kasich , George Stephanopoulos , Hillary Clinton , Andrew Cuomo , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20160313 :

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20160313

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with it and it's gray skies. can you believe we're up an hour earlier? we lost an hour but we're going ogain more daylight as spring is in our near future. on the weather bug on the side of the screen, that says 48 degrees for downtown cleveland. so our temperatures really off the charts this morning. that warm front is sitting out towards tuskarawas county into dover, new philly. ashtabula currently 48 degrees. let's track the rain now. you can see a dry slot out towards summit county and stark but lakeshore communities definitely getting hit right now. i am watching this next band that is producing a little bit of isolated thunderstorm activity, it's moving south to east. millersburg, you're up next this will continue to shift across stark into summit county, 77, ashtabula, you're going to get hit with a good not rat rainfall. after a fantastic safety with bright sunshine -- a fantastic saturday with bright sunshine you can see the rain is tracking in all day long. we're talking accumulation of areas. >> you will need the umbrella all day certainly. we're now two days away from ohio's primary election and candidates from both parties of making several stops here in the buckeye state. we're just again, two days away. that is tuesday. meg shaw is in the newsroom with more on this sprint to the finish. meg? >> reporter: let's start with our governor john kasich. if he really wants to win ohio he has to get out and ask for people to vote for him today and tomorrow. the last check of the polls from cnn, donald trump is still leading here in the buckeye state but kasich has managed to today is a jam packed day of campaigning for both parties. kasich is scheduled to make two stops in ohio today starting in strongsville, that is 1:00. then trump will be in west chester, ohio, that rally is 2:00. you may be wondering what about ted cruz and marco rubio? we have not heard much about them here in the buckeye state. rubio is putting all his efforts into his home state of florida because as you know voters also head to the polls on tuesday. as for cruz, he is campaigning here in ohio for the first time. he's scheduled to be in columbus tonight at 7:30. back to kasich. yesterday in mansfield at a rally, kasich's wife said he simply can't win ohio. >> vote for john kasich and show donald trump he can't just march into ohio and take the state. >> reporter: as for the clinton had a speech at olivetete baptist church last night. she may have another rally in northeast ohio today. as for bernie sanders, he will be rallying in northeast ohio tomorrow. live in the newsroom, meg shaw, newschannel 5. as meg said hillary clinton stayed in cleveland after her rally at the church yesterday. a group of supporters will be meeting with area voters on her behalf today. they call themselves the mothers of the movement. they are six mothers who lost their children to gun violence or police involved shootings. for months they've traveled the country speaking about why they think hillary clinton is the best candidate to put a stop to the violence. today's events include a luncheon with the mothers of eric garner and dantre hamilton in cleveland, and two other both start at 1:30. while most protests for donald trump remained peaceful. thanks in large part to cleveland police, tensions ran high as the frontrunners moved on elsewhere. police in kansas city said on twitter they used pepper spray to control the crowd and arrested two people. during his rally in caverns -- kansas city donald trump called for all protesters to be arrested. yesterday morning a man jumped on the stage where donald trump was of he's been identified as thomas dimassimo, charged with disorderly conduct and inducing panic. trump told the crowd he was ready forethe man but said "it's much easier when cops do it." as donald trump moves farther ahead of the competition, the candidates promise to support the eventual gop nominee no matter who it is. >> i intend to support the republican nominee but it's getting harder everyday. >> marco rubio said that continued donald is dividing -- donald trump is dividing both the party and country and may not be able to support him as republican nominee. kasich echoed the sentiment saying crump is creating a toxic -- trump is creating a toxic environment that is making it difficult to support him. cruz says he'll stand by trump if he comes out in the primaries. hillary clinton and bernie sanders will head back to ohio tonight for another town hall. cnn and tv 1 will host the final meeting between the two before tuesday us a primaries. among the five states holding primaries, 691 delegates are up for grabs tuesday so this is a big final push for all candidates. the town hall is being held at ohio state university and airs starting your sunday with us. i'm nick foley. coming up this morning, the search resumes in new york city. more on the deadly boat collision on the hudson. plus, if you have a trip planned this spring, plan for extra time getting through security. we'll explain why. and our local weather. >> the "power of 5" is tracking a wet, soggy sunday. i'm going to show you in my 7- day forecast when temperatures cool down, more winter-like. the nafta trade treaty -- 850,000 jobs lost. special trade status with china -- 3 million jobs lost. now the trans-pacific trade deal could cost america 448,000 more jobs. only one candidate for president has opposed every disastrous deal -- bernie sanders. while others supported unfair trade deals, bernie stood with american workers. he'll take on wall street and their trade deals because he doesn't take their money. for jobs. for us. bernie. sanders: i'm bernie sanders, good morning. i'm "power of 5" meteorologist janessa webb. tracking a little rain and it's going to stick around throughout your sunday afternoon. this is a moderate rainfall but it's going to help. look at the grass we're seeing out in the greater cleveland area. it's going to saturate the ground. we're talking a good amount of accumulation, up to an inch in spots. so could track in some minor flooding in some spots. right now temperatures, 45 degrees. on the mild side. you can see out towards summit county we're talking lower 50s. so the thermometer will go up a few clicks throughout your afternoon, we're going to be in the mid to upper 50s. you can see out towards norwalk 54 today as that front continues to track in. it's colliding with a cold front which is producing the moisture. lakeside communities from beachwood into solon, 53 degrees as you track more you're the warm spot today, 56. right now the search for new york. they went missing after a deadly collision on the hudson river. crews were working at the construction site of the new tapanzee bridge. the body of one crew member was still missing >> a tragedy, it's loss of human life, and that's the main point of today. you have three people who left for work and who are not going to come home. >> the governor andrew cuomo added the tugboat leaked at least 5,000 gallons of fuel into the river. the cause is still under investigation. >> obviously this is a very serious weather event. serious enough that the entire state has been declared an emergency. a 6-year-old child is among three people killed in deadly thousands of people across six states are dealing with the impact of historic rainfall. authorities have been going door-to-door by boat rescuing people from the flooded homes. the flooding is expected to be a problem all weekend. another round of severe weather is in the southeast and it's on its way. as we head to break -- the nafta trade treaty -- 850,000 jobs lost. special trade status with china -- now the trans-pacific trade deal could cost america 448,000 more jobs. only one candidate for president has opposed every disastrous deal -- while others supported unfair trade deals, bernie stood with american workers. he'll take on wall street and their trade deals because he doesn't take their money. for jobs. for us. bernie. sanders: i'm bernie sanders, in pakistan at least eight are dead and four missing following a mine collapse. officials are blaming heavy rains in the country's northwest for the collapse. rescuers did save 29 of the miners, are still searching for the four missing. cuba is taking another huge step on the international stage. forging an agreement to strengthen tie was the european union. diane white believes she may have seen the wreckage late in the 70s after getting lost hiking in the area, it's believed he crashed. >> diane says she came out of the trees and saw a big dip in the mountainside. then saw the plane. >> i couldn't believe it. there was this big scene, it was like a plane engine sitting up on a -- like a berm. the rest of the plane was over, covered up with small seedlings. find her children. she intended to go back but her family soon moved out of the state and two months ago she saw a story about the search for hogan and got in contact with his family. this weekend searchers are on foot in the area white described hoping to find clues as to what almost happened -- or what happened i should say, almost 50 years ago. south by southwest festival organizers are apologizing to a u.s. olympic fencer who is muslim after asking her to remove her head scarf for her credentials. registration officials called the request insensitive and apologized to her. she will represent the u.s. at this summer's rio games. south by southwest continues today in austin, texas. with st. patrick's day less than a week away the chicago river getting its green on. thousands of spectators turn out as they do every year on both sides of the river to watch members of the plumbers union local 130 dye the water green. it's a chicago tradition that dates back to 1962. the powder used to dye the environmentally safe, it goes in orange, turns a luminescent green as it hits the water. followed by the downtown parade. firsthand. >> it's pretty. >> very pretty when it's all fully colored. just before st. patrick's day. janessa webb with a look at weather. no green rivers around here but >> yeah. i have a very green radar this morning. tracking in the wet weather coming from the south to east. >> that also looks kelly green >> it does. definitely does. it's going to be a wet pattern throughout your sunday. you can see the clouds are floating in and this will be the theme throughout your afternoon, unfortunately all the way into your monday. though, right now -- and about to get a nice dose of wet conditions. what is happening here, the bigger picture, you can see from the contoured map, it's a warm front that is tracking in from the south. it's colliding with a cold front that is moving in from the west. these two are kind of bumping heads, you can see the temperature difference, 47 for greater cleveland, but that warmer air from charleston into cincy is starting to move in with the warm front. so hour by hour, temperatures today still well above normal. look at this bar graph, completely off the charts. we're going to be in the mid- 50s. count on it if you're in inland locations, into the mid-50s. i do want to show our futurecast throughout your afternoon. definitely going to be a soggy one, after being spoiled by all that bright sunshine. temperatures though, we're your afternoon. another dose starts to slide in from south-to-east, heavier bands, now accumulation totals are pretty impressive and it's going to cause the ground to be very saturated. you can see up to about two to three inches out towards mansfield. under an inch for greater cleveland. the more you track towards the east the system really loses its force. that is why accumulation is quite low out towards ravenna into ashtabula county. of the day, 56 degrees. temperatures still on the mild side, even as we step into tonight we're in the upper 40s to lower 50s. this 7-day forecast continues rain all the way into your tuesday, a few isolated showers, but look at st. patrick's day. we're going to be sitting under mostly cloudy skies, this clears up pretty quickly going into next weekend. we're back in the 40s. a heartbreaking finish for the akron zips at the mac tournament at the q and the browns said see you later to high maintenance quarterback johnny manziel. are other teams planning on taking a chance? lauren has that and more. >> reporter: last night at the q the ascon zips taking on the uv bulls. zips a one seed, bulls a three- seed. winner gets automatic bid to the ncaa tournament. a hard-fought battle at the q last night that came to the end. jackson drains the three to give the zips a three-point lead but didn't last. blake hamilton with the three, 14 points on the night. two seconds left in the game, zips with the full court past, stolen by hamilton to seal the win. buffalo winning back-to-back championships, final score 64- 61. johnny manziel clears wavers yesterday. that means he's officially a free agent. it also means the browns have to pay his guaranteed base salary the next two seasons which adds up to more than $2 million. the salary cap hit for releasing the quarterback is $4.33 million. manziel could sign with any team in the league at this point. he may have trouble getting a job. besides the multiple off the field issues and incidents that have come up the last two years he's currently at the center of a domestic violence investigation that will be presented to a grand jury. the league is doing their own violated personal conduct policies. also don't forget the cavs game tonight against the l.a. clippers, it's here on newschannel 5, tipoff is 3:30. we'll have plenty of post-game coverage including a breakdown of the game, espn's brian windhurst will join us to talk about the game. that's it for your morning sports. this spring we could see a record number of travelers in our country's airports. but some of those very airports say security just cannot keep up with the demand. numbers. >> i came to visit. >> reporter: mary is making the family. and she's not alone. this spring is expected to be a recordbreaker for air travel with 140 million flyers take into account school breaks and easter and it's already begun. >> they came from arkansas, tennessee, alabama -- other states. >> reporter: airports across the country say security can't keep one the lines. an atlanta airport manager wrote this letter to the tsa calling them "woefully understaffed." just yesterday the seattle airport tweeted "tsa cannot keep up" with the hashtag pack your patience. >> long lines. to get through security. >> reporter: when it comes to taking off shoes, unloading liquids and laptops into plastic bins it's hard to speed up the process no matter what you try. >> we're ready to go. >> reporter: the obama administration asked congress to approve a $3 billion budget for the tsa next year. almost 27 million dollars more than they have right now. that would bring the number of officers to almost 43,000, about 2,000 more than this year. until then the only advice tsa is giving right now, get here early. >> our flight is not until 12:30. early. >> we would rather err on the side of being early than late and running to the gate. >> ann says this year the average screening time jumped from 3 and-a-half minutes to six minutes. tsa officers are doing more thorough checks after missing mock explosives and weapons during federal testing last year. good news about the frustrating fees. the airlines charge for things like checked bags and seat assignments. lawmakers are working to standardize how airlines disclose fees so there are no surprises. this would make it easier for to you compare overall ticket prices and find the best deal. the move would require the department of transportation to develop a way to show the fees and for all airlines to start using that method. still ahead -- ohio's importance in this year's primary race is more evident than ever as more presidential candidates are planning an event in the buckeye state today. we'll share where they will be. plus, losing an hour of sleep last night is annoying but it health. (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. (water filling room) about 50 percent of people die (dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are...v (dog whimpering) to keep it pumping. hello, everyone. 8:29, sunday morning. we're looking at interstate 77 and 490 from our odot camera. all quiet but the roads are wet so be careful if you're heading out and about. cleveland." i'm nick foley. we've got several developing stories including several more campaigns stops in our area today as ohio becomes the center of attention. we're just two days away from our primary. more on that coming up in a bit. first a check of the weather with janessa webb. >> good morning. we're tracking rain moving in across northeast ohio. if you're up now i know we lost an hour but look at these daylight amounts, that sunset now, 7:32. try to enjoy the increase of daylight. a lot of green across the "power of 5" this morning. we're tracking a good moderate rain that is moving across the area. you can see the yellow, that is the darker downpours we're currently seeing but they are tracking east fairly quickly. i am keeping my eye on this cell that is currently brewing out towards mansfield into ashland area. the darker yellows and orange. be heavier accumulation totals. right now temperatures, 45 degrees out towards elyria. what is happening here, it's towards the south, a warm front is tracking in. that is why we're sitting in the 50s out towards stark and summit county. a cold front is behind that tracking in from the west. that is providing that moisture that we're currently seeing. so hour by hour, after a splendid saturday of sunshine we're going to finish up this weekend with increasing clouds, along with soggy conditions. now this is a good brunt of moisture, we are going to see saturated ground and keeping an eye on minor flooding if you're heading out and about this morning, definitely take it slow as hydroplaning is possible. >> rain is good but we got spoiled yesterday. thank you. all eyes now on ohio now as we inch closer to primary day. candidates for both parties are campaigning in ohio today. and tomorrow. meg shaw is live in the studio, she's following today's busy schedule. good morning. with just a couple of days left before election night candidates are now trying to make their last minute pitches state. looking at the latest poll numbers, it's still a tight race between donald trump and our governor john kasich on the republican side. as for the democrats, hillary clinton with a huge lead over bernie sanders. but looking ahead to the afternoon, it's a full day of rallies and speeches. john kasich is scheduled to be in strongsville for a town hall, that event starts at 1:00 and as for trump, he's in illinois this morning before making his way back to ohio to west chester. he'll be there at 2:00. then on the other side, i can tell you hillary clinton could have a rally here in northeast ohio today, because we do know that she didn't leave northeast ohio after her speech yesterday. at the olivette baptist church. in town tomorrow. tuesday could be an interesting day. sanders could pull upset another upset. and kasich could pick up all the dell gates and keep him in the race for president. donald trump will be back in ohio today, speaking just outside of cincinnati this afternoon. he made his rounds in northern ohio yesterday drawing thousands of people to the ix center. >> we're going to make great deals. we're going to bring back our military. we're going to take care of our vets! we're going to take care of our vets! >> trump's cleveland visit was met with protesters but as many as attended his rally in chicago friday night a little over a half-dozen people were escorted out by police for protesting in the ix center. donald trump not the only frontrunnerrer in our area yesterday. >> i remember the pictures of face, he should be alive today. >> hillary clinton also spoke at olivette baptist church yesterday putting a cleveland specific spin on her usual stump speech. she's trying to win the vote of the black community ahead of the primary. bernie sanders did the same thing last weekend making an appearance at the same church. hillary clinton wasn't the only clinton in town yesterday. she got support from her husband, former president bill clinton was in akron for a get out the vote event. mr. clinton also joined the course of those criticizing donald trump this weekend disturbed him. he likened the republican race to a sixth grade playground fight. new this morning, a teen driver and passenger are recovering after driving off a cliff in bay village. it happened around 5:30 bay village fire department tells us the two were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. the teen was just learning how the accident happened. police in the ashtabula area looking for this woman. hoping you can help. investigators say she used a stolen credit card taken from a vehicle in geneva last night. she was seen leaving an ashtabula gas station where she used the card in a blue suv. anyone with information is asked to call the ashtabula sheriff's office. also happening today -- a farewell to winter in cleveland. the russian cultural garden is hosting maslenitsa. also known as pan cake week. the celebration held on the weekend before eastern orthodox lent. it has games, contests and of course lots of pancakes. next, if governor kasich pulls off a win in ohio tuesday he will be the first ohio native to do so in a very long time. we look back at the last man to do it. window washers trapped on a faulty rig. >> tracking a little bit of rain on the "power of 5". i'll show you accumulation totals and a cooldown that is (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. i'm "power of 5" meteorologist janessa webb. we're tracking a little rain for sunday. right now stark into summit county, look at the pavement. it's pretty dry here. but we have moisture that is moving in from south to east. taking a look at our weather bug right there. degrees. so warmer air continues to track in here as we head into the rest of the day. normal. we sat in a lot of sunshine yesterday. but the thing that is not changing today is our temperatures. wow, we're still in the mid to upper 50s across ashland, to wooster, 56 degrees. lakeshore communities, notice a little breeze out of the east, 15 to 20 miles per hour but that is just that warm front that continues to track in from the south. solon 53 for today. ravenna into the lower 50s but count on it out towards stark and summit county, we're into the mid-50s. this is just kind of mild air. wait until i show you my 7-day 60s as we head into tomorrow. it's daylight savings time, we spring forward one hour. some lucky americans didn't lose that hour of sleep that we did last night. arizona and hawaii don't observe daylight savings times and lawmakers in other times are looking into opting out. why do the rest of us have to go through this? >> we were sleeping through those early morning sunrise times in the summer. that was considered a waste of a tremendous natural resource. >> sounds old fashioned but in modern times studies show daylight saving times saves energy as well. a downside, more people are out driving when it stays light later. recent study also suggesting that losing that hour of sleep could trigger some serious health related issues. preliminary research from finland found the overall rate of strokes to be 8% higher for two days following daylight saving time. people with cancer were 25% more likely to experience an people over 65 were 20% more likely to have a stroke. on the web, facebook says it receives more than one million reports a day -- a day of users violating policy. policy management says it includes allegations of hate speeches posted on facebook and can be tricky to separate free speech from preaching hate. the company usually draws a line when a post attacks people based on individual characteristics. and also they say posts inciting physical violence are usually previewed first. if you see news happening let us know, text or e-mail us. if you're doing everything right but find it harder and harder to get by, you're not alone. while our people work longer hours for lower wages, almost all new income goes to the top 1%. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultrarich for working people, ensure equal pay for women. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message because together, we can make a political revolution and create an economy and democracy that works for all welcome back. 8:4h while the political frontrunners continue to get the spotlight as the nation's attention turns to ohio, governor john kasich continues to stay the course. does he believe we're heaving for a contestant gop convention? plus the governor getting help from a young supporter with national exposure. newschannel 5 john kosich caught one kasich during his push to the primary. >> reporter: shakespeare, in this drama that is the presidential primary process comes to a close this tuesday. march 15th the ides of march. need to if you are independent and want to vote in the democratic or republican primary tuesday it's >> when you go to vote on will ask you what type of ballot would you like to vote today. request a republican bot? democratic ballot or green party ballot? >> then you're a member of that >> absolutely. you become a registered member of that particular party you 15th election. >> reporter: as has been the case in recent years these are the numbers tallied first so we should have a pretty good indcation how this night is progressing. i paraphrase, the fault dear brutus lies not in our stars but ourselves. the power to vote is yours, the decision to do so is as well. with democracy 2016, i'm john kosich, enjoy your sunday. love that part of the story. the young supporter giving john kasich a hug. >> i love that. going to see a lot -- know a lot after the primaries, a big clearer picture after clearer pickture for the weather as janessa webb joins us now. not so clear with some of the rain coming down. >> it was a nice start to the weekend, we're going to wrap it up with a little rain. the good news, you can sleep in the rain, you can take a nap throughout the day. this is a great shot of our earth cam. temperatures are warm and the clouds floated in. look at the radar now, you can see a ton of green tracking in from south to east. want to take notice of the darker yellows, heavier bands, right now out towards cuyahoga county, will remain on the isolated side. it's where inland locations into mansfield, lodi, you just saw a good swath of moisture move your way. it's moving east all the way into stark, summit county. should be getting hit in the next, about 15 minutes here, you can see that good band that is moving throughout coshocton dry side but it would be moving in fairly quickly. temperatures across the board, good morning elyria, you're currently at 45 degrees. greater cleveland, 47. at you track more inland, wow, 50 already this morning from canton all the way into dover, new philly. what we're seeing is a warm front that is moving in from the south. it's colliding with a cold front that is moving in from the west. you can see those two are bumping heads, one is providing a little moisture. the other one is providing that warm air. want to show you our futurecast here throughout your sunday. you're going to continue to see pretty steady rain accumulation totals kind of impressive out towards mansfield. we're looking at about two inches as we go into your monday afternoon. it is pretty steady hear. on roadways, bridges, overpasses could see a little bit of minor flooding so you're out and about this morning, take it slow hydroplaning you can see it's all the way into the 9:00 hour, overnight and out towards wayne county, dover, new philly, accumulation of up to about an inch. as the track of this thing moves from south to east. you can see the totals here are less out towards ravenna all the way into southern portions of cuyahoga county, from pepper pike into the solon area, looking at 29/100th inch from ashtabula. so as that moisture starts to track east it definitely is losing its force. 56 degrees today, wow, folks, that is still about 15 to 20 degrees above normal for this time of year. i don't think you need the coat but definitely the umbrella handy throughout your afternoon, all the way into your monday afternoon. things start to clear up just a tad bit as you head into tuesday. look at st. patrick's day, we'll be under mostly cloudy skies, temperatures still in the 50s. we step into the first day of spring. we'll be right back. >> we have show manager steve legurskye to tell us more about the car show. this is a big anniversary. what do you have planned? >> it's the 50th annual. we have assembled over 1,000 vehicles including some of the former winners of the show and a feature 50. so we have some of the greatest piston powered vehicles from the country right at the ix center under one roof. >> that sounds pretty cool. piston, makes it go, it's in the show. what does that mean? >> it's bigger than just cars. we have airplanes, war birds, tractors, motorcycles. we even have a band oh rama so to see. >> it's the 50th anniversary of the vietnam war. commemorating that? >> we created a tribute. we have piston powered vietnam era vehicles that are going to be at the show and we've also assembled about 300 photos so people can see what vietnam was all about. theme to it. >> very cool. tell me about kids and families coming to the event and what you have to offer. >> again there's a lot to do for the families and kids. kids 6 and under are free. we have a model car contest, a coloring book contest. a gravel pit for the kids and working with the of cleveland soap box derby. there will be an indoor rally track so kids can take a ride on one of the cars. event for the families, for the veterans and certainly for all the car enthusiasts. >> thank you so much. if you would like more information visit or call 216- 265-7223. we talked about the kelly green river in chicago. those enjoying the parade in sight. two window washers had to be rescued from a skyscraper in the loop after their scaffolding shifted. the crew was stuck for hours between the 15th and 17th floor of the building. but thankfully, you can hear the crowd maybe cheering -- if -- maybe can't hear it but they were successfully rescued and morning. cheering. >> scary moment. wow. janessa webb joins us with a look at weather as we start our sunday. >> multiple rounds of rain, going to be moving across northeast ohio today. so have the galoshes umbrella handy, from sunday into monday. you can see that warmer air though is pretty much tracking in here from the south. 65 degrees, a few lingering showers into tuesday morning. then we dry up. look at wednesday, under mostly sunny skies. a few showers moving in for thursday and then we're tracking kind of a cooldown, a late winter going into spring, spring starts, verbal equinox -- vernal equinox is next next weekend we'll have a cooler weather pattern. then we're quite spoiled in that roller coaster of temperatures. don't forget cavs at the l.a. clippers. this is what i came home for -- to work in the community, turning schools after hours into centers for healthcare and safe spaces for our kids. i'm p.g. sittenfeld. after princeton and a marshall scholarship, i turned down a job at google to work improving education. elected to city council, i've helped create 5,000 new jobs, took on big banks to clean up foreclosed properties. now i'm running for the senate and approve this message to offer bold new leadership starting right now on "this week" with george stephanopoulos. trump rally chaos. as the billionaire businessman marches to the nomination, his rallies erupt sba violence, fear, confusion. >> back it up! >> trump, defiant about those clashes. >> i would have been oit there fighting, folks. i would have been boom, boom, boom. >> his rivals say trump is to blame. >> donald trump has created a toxic environment. >> responsibility begins and ends at the top. >> with just two days before the crucial winner-take-all primaries, can trump be stop snd all three of his rivals, kasich,

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Arkansas , United States , Cuyahoga County , Ohio , Alabama , Hudson River , New York , Akron , China , Chicago River , Illinois , Russia , Mansfield , Dover , Arizona , Interstate , Beachwood , Finland , Cuba , Chicago , West Chester , Millersburg , Wayne County , Texas , Elyria , Ohio State University , Cleveland , Florida , Columbus , Cincinnati , Pakistan , Northern Ohio , Tennessee , Bay Village , Town Hall , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Strongsville , Ashland , Hawaii , Americans , America , Russian , Canton , American , Meg Shaw , Marco Rubio , Nick Foley , John Kasich , George Stephanopoulos , Hillary Clinton , Andrew Cuomo , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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