Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning America 20161021 : compare

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning America 20161021

american service member is killed in the fight in iraq. the first u.s. casualty as the war to stop the terrorist group escalates. the nfl under fire after new revelations about one of their star players accused of a terrible pattern of domestic abuse. the newly released files, journals and e-mails detail what happened in his marriage. the nfl now re-opens its investigation. caught on camera, newly released surveillance video showing the who bound and gagged kim kardashian. arriving on bike and foot. then fleeing with millions in jewels. the reality star still recovering out of the public eye. as the hotel security guard reveal what is really happened inside that room. good morning, america. the al smith dinner, supposed to be light-hearted and everybody is supposed to loosen up. last night a little different. cardinal dolan was between donald trump and hillary clinton. he called it the iciest place on the planet. >> can you imagine the level of discomfort, sitting between the two of you i don't feel uncomfortable at all. >> we both have very warm hearts. >> hand shakes will happen later. both candidates getting laughs. it was a tough i don't think either got the memo they were supposed to be friends. >> the crowd was tough and were expressive. take a look at this moment that a lot are talking about. watch how the crowd reacts when donald trump calls hillary clinton corrupt. i have a feeling this guy will be on memes for quite a while. >> we have a lot coming up. just 18 days till the final votes. abc's cecilia vega starts us off from the battleground state of ohio. hillary clinton is going to be there in cleveland today. >> reporter: was there a memo they were supposed to be friends? they didn't get it. these two candidates 25 hours after that heated debate, this time in the same room not just that seated at the same table. can we say awkward? nope, right out of the gate, no hand shake. donald trump and hillary clinton in the same room once again. this time a new york charity dinner, the only thing separating them a man of god. >> into me and she very civilly said pardon me. >> reporter: an election year tradition, time for the candidates to poke fun at themselves and each other. no one was off-limits. >> michelle obama gives a speech and everyone loves it. it's fantastic. great. my wife melania gives the exact same speech and people get on her case. and i don't get it. >> reporter: but some of trump's jokes didn't go over so well. >> hillary is so corrupt she got kicked off the how corrupt do you have to be? >> reporter: the typically charitable crowd turning on trump booing and jeering after he seemingly broke the long-standing tradition of lobbing jokes more lighthearted than these jabs. >> we've learned so much from wikileaks. for example, hillary believes that it's vital to deceive the people by having one public policy in private. that's okay. i don't know who they're angry at, hillary, you or i. for example, here she is tonight in public pretending not to hate catholics. [ booing ] >> reporter: clinton sitting right there not looking too happy until it was her turn. >> donald if at any time you don't like what i'm free to stand up and shout, wrong while i'm talking. you know, come to think of it, it's amazing i'm up here after donald. i didn't think he would be okay with a peaceful transition of power. >> reporter: what could possibly go wrong? bitter political rivals asked to poke fun at each other for charity. >> people look at the statue of liberty and they see a proud liberty and sees a 4. maybe a 5 if she loses the torch and tablet and changes her hair. >> reporter: some of her jokes falling flat too. >> and if donald does win it'll be awkward at the annual presidents' day photo when all the former presidents gather at the white house and not just with bill, to get past the muslim ban. >> reporter: others, well, as she says, judge for yourself. >> i hope you enjoyed my remarks tonight. i said no to some jokes that i thought were over the line, but i suppose you can judge for yourself on wikileaks in the next few days. >> reporter: inside that hall, they eventually did shake hands, but outside trump refusing to change his tune about accepting the results of the election while on the campaign trail earlier in the day -- results of this great and historic presidential election if i win. >> reporter: president obama calling it dangerous. >> that is not a joking matter. >> reporter: all right, let's just go back to that dinner. awkward really doesn't even begin to describe it. it was downright cringeworthy at times. it was hilarious at others. it gets at what i've heard of this election all around this country, if you're not laughing right now you might be crying so better to laugh with 18 days to go, paula. >> you know, cecilia, that was a tough crowd but i think it's safe to say neither is prepared to be comedian in chief. the democrats showing new confidence as clinton looks to expand into typically republican states. sending michelle obama to arizona and abc's jon karl joins us from washington. good morning, jon. thanks for joining us. 18 days left. morning. what is the current state of the race? >> reporter: well, hillary clinton has solidified her lead in the national polls but as you know, paula, this race will be won or lost in the states, the battle for 270 electoral votes. with that in mind we unveil our brand-new abc news race ratings. the states in red are those that lean donald trump. the states in blue hillary clinton. and if you look at it, if you look at just the states that are already leaning hillary clinton, that's 307 than enough to win the presidency. in fact, we are now down to just two purely toss-up states, north carolina and ohio. even if donald trump wins both of those, he falls short. he needs to find a way in the next 18 days to turn some of those blue states red. >> pretty incredible. we just mentioned that the first lady is campaigning in arizona. hillary clinton looking to make inroads in some traditional red states. arizona, georgia, texas. how vulnerable are those states you mentioned the first lady in arizona. the clinton campaign is actually spending a little bit of money in texas right now. that's a state that hasn't gone democrat since 1976. it would be almost a miracle if they won any of them. the fact that we're even talking about it shows how lopsided this race has become. >> wow, pretty incredible right there, jon. thank you. george. >> more with matt dowd. that map that you see this big clinton lead right now. part of the reason they're going to to try to buck up their senate candidates. >> yeah, i think this is a combination of a down ballot and i think what we're seeing changing is fundamental beginning shift of the map where democrats are pursuing states in the west they never were able to and republicans are now being able to gain ground in places like ohio which they have often contested and often been very close and donald trump could win ohio and lose the presidency. >> he's holding on in ohio and iowa right now. even though these states in the democrats strength, college educated and latinos. >> what we'll see is a huge split in the geography, a huge split in the demography. one of the huge problems that we have is i say we needed a pastor more than a president in the aftermath but after that dinner last night even a cardinal couldn't bring these two together in this. >> what does donald trump do in these final 18 days to keep it close. >> he's fundamentally doing, pursuing a base strategy, a complete base strategy, not purring independence, not pursuing soft democrats who anyway not like hillary clinton but what he's doing is push the base as heavy as he can and hope for a low turnout in a low turnout election if his base shows up he has a possibility of winning. >> meantime, you've got a lot of those republican senate candidates having to establish distance from donald trump. >> yeah, we're seeing polls reflect the problem that donald trump is beginning to be a drag for house candidates and i think the republicans need to figure out do they stick with donald trump for the final 18 days or do they finally make a break and try to save themselves. >> matt dowd, thanks very much. a full look at this week sunday morning on "this week." >> overseas to the critical battle against isis. a u.s. service member was killed in iraq. this is the first american combat death since they began the operation to take back mosul. and abc's alex marquardt is right there on the ground where a new round of way. alex, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, paula. that's right this morning we're learning more about that american service member. we have seen these u.s. troops in action. they are vital to taking back mosul from isis and as this fight ramps up, the u.s. general commanding the anti-isis coalition is calling the terror group a challenging and cunning enemy. the battle for mosul seeing some of the fiercest fighting yet. as advancing forces get closer to the isis-held city. introduction of iraqi special forces who have fought to within six miles of the city limits. american and iraqi officials saying the advance is going faster than planned but isis has stepped up their resistance, as well sending out waves of suicide bombers. here an isis vehicle speeding toward the u.s.-backed forces who blew it up. the biggest obstacle, ieds littering the roads and open plains. including one that killed that u.s. service member northeast of mosul on forces when the roadside bomb hit an american armored vehicle and rolled. this morning, isis showing what they do. sleeper cells attacking in the nearby city of kirkuk long considered safe it erupted in heavy gunfire. multiple suicide bombers attacking police stations and a power plant. you can see the streets of this city are now very quiet. not long after the attack officials imposed a curfew insurgents. authorities say most of the attackers were killed as we saw this long convoy of kurdish soldiers speeding towards the center of kirkuk. the fear of what isis will do if they lose mosul and other territory goes well beyond iraq and syria. we've seen those awe fur terror attacks in europe and expected to seek revenge and lash out internationally. >> fires poured out of there. we'll move on to new trouble for wells fargo. the company paying scam customers and learning more about who may have been targeted as a new criminal investigation has begun. linsey davis is tracking the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. one by one former bank employees are now coming forward and telling their stories. one woman told "the new york times" she was so stressed about selling clients unnecessary products that she became addicted to drinking hand sanitizer as a way to cope. this morning, wells fargo is to sign up nearly 2 million customers for programs without their knowledge. the claims were filed in california. former employees tell "the new york times" they were encouraged to prey on people who spoke little english, college students and the elderly. kevin from left in 2010 and says the direction was like lions hunting zebras. >> you had to open ten accounts every single day. >> reporter: stumpf was chastised on capitol hill. senator elizabeth warren called his actions gutless leadership. >> you should resign. this just isn't right. >> reporter: since then the bank has hired a new ceo, paid back $2.6 million to customers, was ordered to pay $190 million in fines and claims to have ended all product sales goals. in a statement to abc news, wells fargo says their number one priority is making things right with our customers and now the bank is rated a c minus and has lost its better business bureau accreditation. not only were the bank's practices unethical. california's attorney general says that they may have just committed identity theft. if found guilty it's still unclear who would be held accountable, if that couwould b the executives or employees who opened up the accounts. >> pretty incredible accusations. a lot will look at your apple products. there is a big warning from giant says that a company is selling fake apple products on amazon and gio benitez is here. gio, they say these products could be dangerous? >> very dangerous, paula. talking serious fire dangers here. here's the problem. unless you knew what to look for you'd think they're all real. they put safety at risk, apple says. news that apple conducted its own undercover online sting to figure out where counterfeit cables were coming from. new lawsuit that it bought apple chargers and cables labeled as genuine on amazon, the startling number of fakes, 90%. according to that lawsuit, apple sharing its findings with amazon and the online retailer pinpointing source as a new jersey company named mobile star which they claim imprinted apple logo on products that pose a significant risk of overheating, fire and electrical shock. it shows customer said and the review says after just a few hours of use on the very first day, the charger literally caught on fire. amazon which is not named in the lawsuit tells abc news overnight, the retailer has zero tolerance for the sale of counterfeits on our site and work closely with manufacturers and brands and pursue wrongdoers aggressively and abc news reached out to that new jersey company in the lawsuit and have for identifying fakes. here's a real charger. you'll notice they have some language here. if you see misspellings, it's probably a fake. this one is a real apple charger. if you do this also and you're plugging it in, if it doesn't go all the way in like this does, it's probably fake. >> if it's not flush, it's fake. >> i need to go home and check. man. >> here's one. >> that's yours. but thank you, gio. paula. >> yes. >> great news for you today. you should be happy. happy friday, your cubs, they won. >> i know. i didn't stay up to watch it but i'm very excited. >> only one game away from the world series. yes. they beat the dodgers 8-4 last night to take the lead in their nlcs series and the cubs haven't won a world series since 108 which you are aware of. >> yes. not because i actually existed in 1908 but because we've been i know you're pulling for them and we're pulling for you as well. tomorrow night's game is at wrigley field at home and hopefully they can clinch the series. >> game six, i think they'll clinch at wrigley. i got to say i would love to see and this might cause a rift between us. >> cleveland. >> the cubs, 176 years neither of them have won the world series. >> big year. >> a little math, 1908, 1948. cardinal dolan. i need >> ginger, a lot of rain coming. >> a lot of rain but fortunately not for the cubs. just north of state college, flash flood warnings along the cold front that will bring a whole lot cooler air. remember, we were in the 80s breaking records and now you may see a flake of snow in parts of new england this weekend right there -- i know. a lot more coming up including nfl under fire over domestic violence after a star player's public con federal governments were made public. a model dying days after visiting the chiropractor. a neck adjustment caused her death and now the family is speaking out. ? and off you go, ? ? and off you go, ? ? ? and off you go, ? for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... ? you never believed in fairytales. knights in shining armor or happily ever after. before fibromyalgia, i kept on top of things. i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. good morning. i hope your morning is off to a good start. it is 7:23. today hillary clinton is focusing on northeast ohio at tri-c. doors open at 2:30 this afternoon. she is expected to speak at 4:30. this event is open to the public. >> and donald trump will be in cleveland tomorrow pence. they are holding a rally at the ix center. it starts at 7:00. you can register for tickets online. earlier this week we told you the new lebron james banner would be put up today but with all the rain it has been put back a bit. it will go up on saturday instead. it will have a patch with a championship trophy on the bronze jersey. >> we will be right back in two minutes for a check of your good morning, everyone. i am power of 5 meteorologist janessa webb. still tracking soggy weather across the area and the temperatures are on the cooler side. so make sure as stepping out this morning to have an umbrella and light coat handy. also the big talker today is the breeze, picking up out of the northeast at 15 to 20 miles per hour. stick around throughout your overnight. overnight lows, folks, 3 locations near the freezing mark. so waking up for your saturday morning you will be seeing a possible frost, but things are on the upward trend here. by sunday 60. a couple accidents into the newschannel5 traffic center. 77 south at 30th. no delay. the southbound lanes northbound we are delayed toward the 490 howell avenue. the roadways are slick. give yourself plenty of time. we will be back with another ? ? ? one smart choice leads to the next. ? the new 2017 ford fusion is here. it's the beauty feel a cold sore coming on? only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. it penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells.. don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. abreva. put some distance between you and temptation with meta appetite control. ed brand. ? show you at least i know it won't be long ? ? it won't be long ? big new hit for lady gaga "perfect illusion" the video right there. she'll be right here this morning. got a brand-new album out today. we'll hear about that. and about the super bowl coming up. >> i can't believe we're already donald trump and hillary clinton faced off but this time for charity. the presidential candidates were roasting one another overnight at an annual dinner getting laughs but a whole lot of boos as trumps faces fallout says he'll accept the election result, dot, dot, dot, if he wins. a powerful earthquake hit magnitude quake. thankfully no tsunami risk. a stressful election season but this morning we'll hear from some freshing voices. a group of fourth graders who i had a chance to sit down with and gave advice forthe country and candidates and i think everybody should listen up to what they have to say. >> future presidents in that crowd? >> yes, yes, sonia. second row, right in the middle. she said my dad told me i could be the first female president. th m get there. she's very, very -- she's on top of it. >> the kids have a way of keeping it real this election season. >> real and simple. we begin this friday morning with new trouble for josh brown. the league is now reviewing the new york giants kicker again after he admitted to abusing his wife and newly revealed documents and abc's ryan smith is here and this is not the first time he's faced questions about domestic abuse. >> reporter: a 2015 domestic one-game suspension but these documents made public after a more extensive investigation and prosecutors declining to press charges reveal a shocking picture and his ex-wife tells police about 0 instances of abuse over many years. the nfl re-opening an investigation into josh brown. the pro bowl kicker suspended just one dame into 2015 after being arrested for domestic violence following an incident with his then wife molly. at the time, brown indicating it was a >> it was an isolated incident. >> reporter: but now newly released police reports show brown allegedly admitting several times that he physically, verbally and emotionally abused had is wife. 165-page document containing photos taken after alleged arguments. e-mails he allegedly sent to their friends like this one saying i became an abuser and hurt molly physically, emotionally and verbally. i viewed myself as god basically entries from the couple's count soing like this one where he allegedly simply wrote i have abused my wife. the nfl says when it suspended brown it was unaware of these details and investigators made repeated attempts both orally and in writing to obtain any and all evidence but that their requests were denied. the police report says the league was aware of the couple's discourse. molly telling police before the 2015 pro bowl t to a room where josh would not know where they were after he lost his temper. >> the nfl to be in this kind of situation again, it's mind boggling. this is a failure of the nfl's domestic violence policy. >> brown was at team practice thursday but many standing by their kicker. >> i want him to get himself right. >> reporter: the giants will very you the documents adding it does not condone or excuse any form of domestic violence. now lay in the hands of the nfl. and the nfl says they're reviewing brown's case while john mara who they signed to a deal this off-season says he doesn't feel duped by brown and won't speculate on his phi tore. >> you expect the league to move swiftly on this. >> i think they would want to. this pr is the kind they don't want. >> no question about that. thank you. a scary store. health alert after a model died days after cristing the it showed social media sensation katie may's death was caused by a jneck adjustment. mara schiavocampo has the story. >> reporter: may's career was taking off. in fact she was on a photoshoot when she hurt her neck and now we're learning treatment for that injury ended up costing her her life. this morning, new information about the sudden shocking death of playboy model and so-called office telling kabc's the 34-year-old's mother's cause of death, neck manipulation by chiropractor. her family speaking out for the first time about the tragic loss. >> your heart sinks because you feel like it was preventible. >> my followers are why i'm here so keep them coming. >> reporter: may had more than 2 million instagram followers before her death and was very active on social media. a short time before her tweeting, pinched a nerve in my neck on a photoshoot and got adjusted this morning. it really hurts. days later tweeting, it still hurts. going back to the chiropractor tomorrow. officials say when may went back, the chiropractor tore one of her arteries during a neck manipulation cutting off blood flow to her brain. she died a few days later at the hospital leaving behind her 7-year-old daughter. >> we got a call and by the time next day she was on life support. >> we don't want katie's death to be in vain. >> reporter: in a statement the california board of chiropractic examiners say it is aware of the incident and is conducting an investigation adding the doctor has an active license and has no disciplinary actions against him. >> it should make us all step back and ask questions to our doctors, what are the risks to all the procedures? >> reporter: now we did try to reach the doctor who treated m doctors tell us these kinds of sdechtss are very rare. but when they do happen they can be very serious. as for may's daughter who we saw her family has set up a go fund me page to help support her. she was a single mother and now that child lost her mom. >> thanks, mara. coming up on our big board, good grief, charlie brown. why did snoopy get fired? the big gig he'll no longer be a part of and we have brand-new guidelines for your kids in just two minutes so don't go away. ? yes, really! don't sound so surprised. let's see it! -oh you're ready. alright, here we go. let's hear the crowd. ahhhh! i go to the right. i go to the left. fake 'em out. mama go up, up, up! she did it. -again? you can't avoid gravity. but unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. unitedhealthcare ? who's the genius who puts a girl in heels on a subway grate? miss monroe, eat a snickers. why? you get a little cranky when you're hungry. better? much better. time for the big board. our team of insiders are here to weigh in including dr. richard besser right here at the table. we'll get to you in just a minute. we begin with more on the race for president with donald trump saying he'll accept the election results if i win. a letter from one president to another is going viral. jon karl, this is the letter that george h.w. bush left in the oval office for bill clinton and well. you will be our president when you read this note. i wish you well. i wish your family well. it's from another lifetime. >> it's just such a remarkable letter, george. it also goes on to say, don't let your critics discourage you or push you off course. you are now -- your success is now our success. imagine that. and, remember, that was a tough campaign. i remember at one point when george h.w. bush called bill about foreign policy than those two bozos. once the campaigning was done and insults were over it was time to move on and that letter symbolized it. >> they became very close in the years afterward, as well. >> absolutely. >> another tough campaign, 2000, al gore and george w. bush and al gore made a gracious concession speech. let's take a listen. >> i say to president-elect bush that what remains of part an rancor must be put god bless his stewardship of this country. >> now, jon, how important is a speech like that or this speech in bringing the country back together again. >> reporter: i'll never forget that one. that was in december after the long recount after the supreme court put an end to the recount, everybody wondered how gore would handle it. that was the best speech of that entire campaign for al gore. incredibly gracious and the country really needed it. i remember vividly out in front residence there were protesters who had been chanting day after day get out of dick cheney's house, after gore gave that speech, they started chanting, thank you, al gore. it was absolutely critical to bringing the country back together after that very bitter campaign and even bitter -- more bitter recount. >> wow. that was really something. and a real act of patriotism by al gore at that time. >> thank you, jon. now to breaking news over guidelines own kids and screens offering updated recommendations on children's screen time and dr. besser is here joining us to talk about this. what are these new guidelines. >> ace pediatrician i probably get more questions about this than anything else. such a rapidlily changing world. more devices and more options and not a lot of research. for kids under the age of 18 months video chatting only. you can use it to talk to a relative but all the other stuff, no good. an app where a child and a parent can do it together. they need to have the parent there to engage -- >> not just watching a show. >> not just watching a show. a lot of things marked as educational they really aren't. they like the ones from pbs and sesame workshop. it can be really hard to choose. they set up a website that allows to you develop a family media plan that walks you through all of this. >> interaction. >> all of us know >> parents are struck by guilt. but like exercise where there's this goal. any movement towards it is a plus. so, you know, here's a couple things that you can do. how many types you see a parent walking with their smartphone pushing a stroller or walking with their smart 67 phone and child next to them. put it down during those moments. be in the moment with your child. one thing that would definitely help with this. how many times as a parent are you using the device as a way to calm your child down. occasionally but not all the time. >> those little things -- >> a crutch. >> all those things help. have free play, enough sleep and interaction as a family. >> parents are scared on an airplane. i don't blame you on that. keep that up. >> we got sad news for snoopy being forced into retirement by the insurance giant metlife after more than 30 years, let's talk to i guess the company is saying they brought snoopy in 30 years ago to make the whole brand more approachable but now they want to have the brand more directly related to the work and saying snoopy isn't getting that job done. >> okay, let's not put that off on snoopy. first of all i'm a huge "peanuts" fan and wearing my charlie brown stripes. everyone loves snoopy. don't cry for snoopy. he'll probably write his next novel. he had a good agent there but metlife is moving forward and i think there's some new focuses for them on the corporate side of things and snoopy doesn't really play in the boardroom. he could probably dance on the table so i think they're making the right decision for them who love snoopy but that's an american iconic brand. those "peanuts" characters will live on. >> with insurance companies and mascots. does this mea in ex-to go. >> geico created it so they own that. they don't have to pay extra. same with aflac. the duck never had it so good until it started quacking aflac. so, you know, brands really love these sort of animated characters because there's no, you know, bad headlines where they're caught driving drunk or you make your own icon and don't have to pay "peanuts" or somebody else, you own it so i think these brands are super smart to make it fun and memorable and, you know, bring a little humor to something as dry as insurance. >> lucy, they can say what they want to say, i think snoop got dog. >> you were saving that up. >> i agree with you and there's a blimp for sale if anybody wants it and actually i heard you know pokemon is next. >> pokemon is next. all right. you know what, thank you, lucy, thank you, dr. besser and jon. we appreciate all of you. coming up in two minutes we'll take a look at the security footage, the new clues that could hold about kim kardashian's robbery. there are the guys on bikes and get to kohl's this friday through sunday and take an extra 15 percent off or 20 percent off when you spend 100 dollars or more. that's on top of 40 to 50 percent off outerwear for the family and these already great prices for your home like $8.99 sonoma towels. 's. ? life can be messy... but with crayola color wonder... it doesn't have to be. because the fun stays on the page... and doesn't go anywhere else. don't you wish life could be this mess-free? all magic, no mess. sets each sold separately. we're back with those new details about kim kardashian's you can see them right there and we are hearing from the hotel security guard who says he was there that night and abc's kayna whitworth is here with more. kayna, good morning to you. >> reporter: paula, good morning. his account of the incident is terrifying and now authorities are said to be analyzing this new security footage to see if they can find out who robbed kim kardashian west. take a look at this newly released video allegedly showing those five infamous robbers who snatched up to $10 million worth of jewelry kardashian westbound and gagged in her paris apartment. in the security footage obtained by m6 info you can see the timestamp, 2:19 a.m. october 3rd. watch as the first three pass on bikes. a few minutes later two others on foot. at 3:07 watch all five flee the scene. the last person holding what looks like a bag. sources telling abc news this morning the video has been passed on to police for further the video surfacing as we learn new details from that night. the security guard who says he was forced to let the robbers in was also forced to interpret telling the "daily mail" kardashian said i have family and babies and she began to scream again. that's why he put tape on her mouth. a long piece of tape all the way round her head. >> kim kardashian west is someone who is on social media all the time constantly up she's been silent. sorts say she doesn't really have any desire to resume public life at this point. >> reporter: her sister kourtney now speaking out. >> she's not doing great. >> reporter: confirming in a recent interview with australia's "today extra" her sister is still rattled. >> i think she has a big supportsupport ive family and i know that like all the traumatic things we've been through, you know, we get all about. >> the first new episode of their reality show since the robbery airs this sunday. you have to keep in mind it was taped before the incident so e! telling ab news they're doing limited filming of "keeping up with the kardashians" although full production has yet to resume. full production has not started yet and, of course, you also have seen kim kardashian totally silent. >> there are so many conspiracy this footage maybe they'll think twice. >> we'll see what authorities say about it analyzing it right now. >> scary situation. >> kayna, good to have you here in new york city. great to have you in studio. coming up in our next hour two of the biggest singers in the world are here live, lady gaga is here. michael buble is here. you don't want to miss it, stick around, everybody. coming up "gma's" fall concert series presented by come on duck! (puppy barks) you can do it duck. you can do it duck. iams. helps keep your dog healthy at every stage. so you can always look forward to what's next. oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... that definitely works!" rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena?. "see what's possible." thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. pronamel is all about your enamel. ? (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. (1940s aqua music) (burke) and we covered it, february third, twenty-sixteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads to places like... this... this... or this. today, there's a new option. introducing drug-free aleve direct therapy. a tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. when i was a little kid, i made a deal with myself that i would never grow up. we met when we were very young... i was 17, he was 18. we made the movie the book of life. we started doing animation. with the surface book, you can actually draw on the screen. so crisp. i love it. it's almost like this super powerful computer and a tablet r writing scripts... it's a sketchbook for sketches...'s a canvas for painting... you can't do that on a mac. back here on "gma," noaa put out their winter outlook. snowier in the great plains and drier and warmer in the south brought to you by new drug-free aleve direct therapy. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. clinton and trump trade jokes. nothing off limits as trump downs down on his election stance. 18 days until the final votes. gretchen carlson's new rallying cry. her fight to take the secrecy out of fighting sexual harassment at work. the former fox star now planning to head campaigning to change the laws for all women in the workforce. ? it's the election kid edition. >> hello, hello in hi, michael. >> oh. >> michael face-to-face with fourth graders. what do they want. >> american citizens, we should be nice to each other. >> what will they saying about the big issues in this election? one incredible friday and lady gaga is here before her brand-new album drops. look who is waking up with "gma." michael buble, starting the day in style. >> good morning, america. good morning, mike >> he has his coffee and he's coming to times square. >> big day. always excited. my first time on "gma." new record release, always nerve-racking, you know what i mean. >> no. >> and now he's performing live. >> he's here to say - >> good morning, michael buble. really sold that this morning. >> yes, he did. >> in times square. >> i sense a little michael on michael man crush. can we go back to that video. strahan, it looks like you've got a pretty big fan here. >> yes. >> you know, i have his picture what a coincidence. it's a little michaels love michaels. >> m&m. >> phenomenal guy. >> he really is. had the pleasure of spending time with him upstairs. cannot wait for his performance and lady gaga is also with us. she has new music. oh, that super bowl thing, we got a lot to talk about her. >> she's coming up. a lot coming up. the story this morning, the war on isis. fighters launched an the city of kirkuk targeting several locations with bombs and gunfire including a police compound and power plant killing more than a dozen people. the assault appears to be a diverse from the ongoing offensive in mosul. now, a u.s. soldier assisting iraqi forces was kill yesterday. the first american casualty of the mosul campaign. and federal prosecutor are accusiing an employee of stealig court docks don't say whether he shared this material with a foreign government. the data reportedly included top secret details about an operational plan against a u.s. enemy. and now to politics. donald trump and hillary clinton mixing politics with punch lines last night. they wasted no time exchanging insults at what was supposed to be a light-hearted catholic charity dinner. abc's cecilia vega has more. cecilia, good morning to you. >> paula, good morning to you. i got one word foyo awkward. donald trump and hillary clinton just 24 hours after that heated debate in the same room sitting right at the same table. this was supposed to be for charity. a chance for the candidates to make jokes, self-deprecating jokes but perhaps no surprise in this race, this one got personal and it got ugly. >> i don't know who they're angry at, hillary, you or i. in public pretending not to hate catholics. >> people look at the statue of liberty and they see a proud symbol of our history. donald looks at the statue of liberty and sees a 4. maybe a 5 if she loses the torch and tablet and changes her hair. >> reporter: yeah, there were boos even jeers from some in that room. no one was off-limits. now, trump that captures just how awkward this night got. this guy sitting right behind trump cringing at one of his jokes, paula. his face says it all. >> certainly does. thank you very much, cecilia. we do have a frightening scene can at a mall near boston to show you. see-called flash mob of thieves ran into this apple store and cut cords, made off with 13,000 worth of iphones as shoppers similar heist that happened a few weeks ago. sometimes you just got to have coffee come hell or high water. this man in hong kong didn't mind his local starbucks was get getting flooded during a storm. he refused to be disturbed while enjoying his coffee, morning paper. the internet is creating memes. our favorite one right here. jaws in the water. still sipping that cup. that must have been some pretty good coffee to stay there through the flood for the hour >> zen master. >> "pop news" time. happy friday, everybody. and attention, shoppers, target has a new partner in none other than victoria beckham. joining forces with target, the chain's latest collaborative line. she took to twitter to announce the limited edition collection. over 200 pieces set to hit the racks for women and children, sorry, guys, victoria says on target's blog she loves the idea this spring and should last about one minute. >> snapped up. >> absolutely. i really had to think did i want to share this news because i really want to get something. and you never can. we've seen missoni and lilly pulitzer, she's collaborations just go. >> they don't make it for men so we never get a chance. >> you do just fine. >> that is true. >> buy the ladies -- >> okay. got it. got it. >> we know you got little social media to take one unknown teen from a local merchant to a megamodel. 18-year-old arshad saw him with customers. he was trending on twitter and also being called hot tea. users swooning over his dashing looks, his piercing eyes, that was it. model. my guess is the clothing fits him to the tea. >> i lara. >> ding, ding, ding. >> so good. >> remember the bell. i miss the bell. i got a little -- >> overused it. >> the bell was bent because i couldn't stop. >> a little aggressive. >> i was aggressive with the bell. and finally, remember ken bone from the presidential debate? >> how could we forget? here he is. check him out. asking the now social media star and putting his 15th minute of fame to good use persuading americans to vote in the election. how does he plan to achieve his goal? well, of course, with the famous red sweater. watch this. >> is this really happening? it's just a sweater. >> get out and vote. get out and make your voice heard. it's all about being part of 9 political process. i'm not a politician. i'm just a guy with a positive message. >> we want people who are through -- >> just a guy with a positive message and amazing red sweater. the very brand that made him stand out in the first place for the online spot which is called ken bone's fifteenth minute. >> maybe victoria beckham needs to start manufacturing the ken bone sweater at target. >> might last more than one minute. that's "pop news," everybody. have a happy friday. >> great coming up, what kids think about this electric. i was fortunate enough to sit down with a bunch of very smart and wise fourth graders. let me tell you what, i learned a lot. >> you actually got to meet a future president, i believe. gretchen carlson gearing up for her next big fight. how she's trying to help all women in the workplace. [ "on the road again," by willie nelson ] ? on the road again ? [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just $199 a month. advil liqui - gels work so fast you'll ask what bad back? what pulled hammy? advil liqui - gels make pain a distant memory or longer what pain? advil. today we re going to make their secret recipe. turn it off! i'm trying to! this is why i trust tide. it has the power to get out the kind of things we get into... in just one wash. removes over 100 stains in one wash. it's got to be tide. (vo) pro plan bright mind adult 7+ promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. (ray) the difference has been incredible. she is much more aware. she wants to learn things. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece toms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at welcome back. former fox news anchor gretchen magazine to help women facing sexual harassment after her very public battle with former fox ceo roger ailes. "nightline's" juju chang has more. good morning, juju. >> reporter: good morning. you know what, gretchen carlson built her career in part by poking fun at political correctness. the former miss america was a jewel in the crown of the fox news empire but after taking on roger ailes she now says she wants to fight the power, to change the system so that women everywhere can feel this morning, gretchen carlson speaking out to "time" magazine. an unlikely advocate with a feminist rallying cry. i am saddened by the prevalence of powerful men objectifying women. i think this is happening every single day in all different types of corporations. how does what happened to gretchen and her position on this play into the election? trump that everybody heard on the bus sparked a sort of national discussion about sexual assault. there's a lot of women who have been dex wally harassed at work and can't speak up. do not have gretchen's power for position. >> welcome to "the real story." i'm gretchen carlson. >> reporter: it's been three months since the anchor filed the sexual lastment lawsuit against then fox news chief roger ailes. >> it's time for us to come out of the shadows and let our voices be heard. >> reporter: carlson fox's parent company for $20 million. now carlson says she's planning to testify before congress against forced arbitration clauses which she says are harmful. because companies can force alleged victims of sexual harassment to settle employment disputes via arbitration. saying, it is a huge problem because it's secret and it plays into why we think we've come so far in society and we probably really haven't because we don't really was a toppler and brought down a giant. >> reporter: for now the wife and mother of two continues her crusade for women's empowerment. >> it's not the last we've heard of gretchen carlson. >> too many people have underestimated gretchen carlson. i cannot believe this is the last we've heard of her. >> reporter: now, carlson declined to talk about her settlement with fox but what we do know she too had to undergo secret arbitration which is why she's fighting against these cases swept under the carpet and studies show women get smaller payouts in arbitration versus public sexual harassment cases. >> huge difference. >> she did. >> as that woman said taking down a giant. all right, juju, thank you very much. "time" magazine's exclusive interview with gretchen carlson is in the latest issue. that's on newsstands today. coming up, michael sit down with kids to talk about the candidates. what they want in their future b. i would like to smell like this every day. but what was body wash a? ohhhh i love bath and bodyworks. i have this in my bathroom. and what was the one they preferred? ohhhh. this is suave. really? that's quite a bit of smelling good. hugo and princess aren't morning people. princess isn't even people, but he hasn't told her. still, they wake up for new meow mix brushing bites, tasty treats that help care for teeth. no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. hey, jesse. who are you? i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. over time, your money could multiply. hello, all of you. get organized at how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. (chuckle) come on, dad. ( ? ) ? they tell me i'm wrong ? ? to want to stand alongside my, my love ? ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ? you ready, dad? ? whoa-ooh ? welcome back to "good morning america." i'm standing by. aunty marion is how old? >> she's about 93 years old and she's watching you today and all right, everybody, the time has come to talk kids and politics and i got a chance to sit down with impressive fourth graders who were honest, open and very wise sharing their take on the candidate, the issues and their message for the future hello, hello, hello. >> all: hi, michael. >> reporter: sure, they may look tiny but don't be fooled. you ever been on tv before. >> all: no. >> when it comes to politics these fourth grade students have some big voices and they deserve to be heard. tell me who that is, do you know? >> all: hillary clinton. >> okay. hillary clinton. you got it right. how would you describe hillary clinton? >> she's >> what kind of president do you think she would be? >> she would help the poor and fight terrorist attacks. >> okay. who is that? >> all: donald trump. >> how would you describe him. >> he's a businessman. >> he's rich. >> he likes the second amendment. >> okay, so what kind of president do you think he'd be. >> i don't think he would be the best president. >> why? >> because he's more of a businessman. just like i don't think hillary would be the best businesswoman. because it is the first time you have a female candidate. what does that mean to you? >> it means that there's actually somebody standing up for i guess you could say women's rights now and if she becomes president then, yeah, we made history. >> look at the smile on your face, yeah, we made history? what about you? >> she's not waiting for someone else to do something. she's deciding she's going to make the change. >> i think it would be cool because we've never had a female president before so i want to see what happens. >> do you ever differences between boys and girls? >> yeah. a boy is usually maybe more rough or a woman can be more quiet and sense tiff. >> you guys agree with that? >> sensitive. >> i don't actually agree with that. i'm very sensitive sometimes. >> how do you these these two have been treating each other. >> i watched some of the debates and when i'm watching i see that they're not really explaining how they're going to run the country. they're kind of attacking each >> he'll say not true. not true. >> you shouldn't be yelling at each other but respect other people's opinions. >> he didn't even shake hands at a debate. >> what did that say to you? >> it said that they're treating each other very bad. >> kind of acting like kids. >> if you don't shake hands. >> they're both american citizens and i think that we should be nice to each other. >> well said. you're going to make me cry, man. that was like awes shana, don't you go oh god because i might cry. see, i'm sensitive like he is sensitive. we are both sensitive guys. so if there's one person on the planet you could be pick to be president who would it be. >> a nice friendly -- somebody who would like listens and takes everybody's ideas into account. >> well, noah just explained she basically wanted you to be president. >> that's what you think about me? >> same with me. i want you to be president. >> yeah. >> i'd vote for you. >> you better. you're running my campaign. >> i asked these bright young mights to write a letter to our next president sharing the issues they feel are important. >> dear future president. >> if ef higher border security we will not have as many threats entering our country but all immigrations should have a chance to come to the united states. >> an issue important to me is interesting access to affordable health care in i would like for there to be stricter rules for owning a gun. >> better public education and affordable college education. wage should rise to $15. >> treat all sex, races and religions equally. >> when the usa does this it would be a couple closer steps to achieving prosperity. >> i was expecting shorter school, free lunch and candy all day. you guys are blowing me away. thank you guys for being a part of this. i appreciate it. >> no, thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> impressive kids. >> so impressive. >> should we address you as president strahan. >> no, those kids were trying to butter me up. i don't want to be president. it was great to see how engaged they were in the fourth grade if a lot filtering down to them. >> a lot of that of course in the piece, all the issues they were talking about are real issues. >> absolutely. such a profound moment when they said here coming from children themselves that the politicians themselves were acting like children. it's a really shayna over to our house, quiet women? >> i looked straight at lara. like quiet women. we don't know about that but they were great. thank you, kids, for helping me with that piece. everybody, don't go anywhere. when we come back the incredible michael buble is here and the also incredible lady gaga, they're both here live and we've even got our own superheroes i hope your morning is going great. it is 8:27 right now. ohio is a battleground state as you well know. you can expect to see the presidential candidates criss- crossing the state as we downturn down to election day. well, today hillary clinton will be speaking at the tri-c rec center. the doors open there at 2:30 this afternoon. she is expected to take the public. and donald trump will be in cleveland tomorrow. his running mate governor mike pence will be with him, as well. it is at the ix center and it starts at 7:00. you can get tickets online. earlier this week we told you the new lebron james banner would be put up today but all the rain has pushed that back a bit. the new banner will go up saturday instead and will have a patch with the championship >> i am so sorry the banner is not going up today but we are tracking widespread rain. it will die down for your evening plans tonight and even high school football. looks like by halftime we should be a-okay. things will dry out here. but camp conditions throughout the afternoon. the winds are blustery out there. northeast breezes at 15 to 20 miles per hour and/or temperatures have fallen another ten degrees. so the fall-like weather pattern is in place. tomorrow we will see a lo sunshine, even for akron- canton. but we are still on the cooler side. upper 40s to lower 50s. sunday is the day, folks. get out there to the metro park and be outside with the lower 60s. kristin? good morning out there. backed up on 77 from at least 480 to 490. 71, you are seeing delays from dennison avenue north all the way to the innerbelt bridge bridge area. let's look at our odot view. right now you are looking at 71 and snow. highways are wet. we will be right back soon with ? [ applause ] welcome back to "gma." we have a great audience here this friday morning. i don't know if you can see the audience. somehow they pushed out all the men. >> nothing wrong with that, george. nothing wrong with that. >> girl power on "gma." what do you have over there. front page there's this guy who is amazing. great article. and he's here right now. everybody, please welcome grammy award winning singer michael buble. [ cheers and applause ] >> don't get up. don't get up. how are you? okay. >> mwah. >> man crush. >> you already kissed the picture. >> you know how many types i kissed it too? oh, my gosh. i'm so -- [ applause ] >> we're going to get to music in a minute. >> sure. >> but we're going to have topics you can chime in on. >> we know you're shy. >> so efficient right now. >> george, what you got? >> everybody remembers that time in life when maybe out of high school just getting into college, didn't know what you were going to do with your life and well, two young women have figured out a great way to help people think about it. alison and megan from ireland and they created a video let's take a look. >> every now and then you're going to need to put yourself first and do your own thing and that's okay. >> i hope you don't take yourself too seriously and i hope you continue to laugh about the things that go wrong in your life. >> i hope you live by. an arrow can only be shot by pulling it backwards. it means it will launch you to something great. keep focusing and everything splendidly. beyonce would be so proud of you. >> fantastic encouragement. right there. michael, this plays in perfectly to your new album. check this out. he's speaking to his younger self. >> isn't that fabulous? >> there he is. >> yep. >> i was wondering -- >> how old were you? >> i was 8 years old and the first one in 40 years old in the second one. >> you have two boys. >> i do. 3 and 10 months. >> little. >> yes. >> they're just getting to that wrestling stage, right? >> yes. >> spider-man. i love that you just said ah instead of boo. no one boos children. yes. >> your kids are like your future self so what wow say to your kids? >> you know, i think one of the things that i always want to say to young people is that the only difference truly between being young and old who are older is watching this morning, that it gets better. i know your life experience doesn't tell you that. you think that the life is like this forever but it does get better. high school, you think it's forever. it isn't real. the social scene will change for you. >> it's a flash. >> know that it gets better. it really does. there's so many kids being bullied and people dealing with heavy things at that age and need people to be able to talk to or people to talk to them. >> the one thing they can't have is perspective. >> it's hard. i would say try not -- try to live in the moment. stop rushing to the neck thing and appreciate the here and the now. >> that is a good point. >> i feel like we're always looking either back and questioning or regretting or looking forward for the next thing. how about just being right here and appreciating it. >> you know -- >> and get off your phone. >> get off your phone. up and appreciating it. i'm with you. be in the moment. appreciate what you have and i would love to tell my kids get a job in the future so daddy can stop -- [ laughter ] >> just saying. and i have a question for everybody. how much would you pay for a pair of shoes? what's the most -- how much would you pay. >> are we talking shes. >> $100. >> sneakers or for shoes. >> for any shoe. >> what's the most you would pay. >> you can't ask that. >> no. >> yeah, that's probably a bad thing. for a pair of shoes? >> we all say -- >> definitely no. >> definitely no. >> i think we actually have the $100,000 shoes in house. >> these are -- >> real shoes. they exist right here. >> wow. >> virgin american airlines created them. the only pair. don't touch them. you'll have to pay for them, okay. they're called the first class shoe. they want to give people the experience of being in first a little belt right here. there's a usb phone charger. can you try to charge my phone, michael? see if it actually works. all for a good cause raising money for charity. >> oh, wow. >> soles for soles and you can bid on it on ebay right now and all the money will go towards this charity that provides shoes and clothing for underprivileged kids. >> but if you wear them on the play and say fasten your seat belts do you have to fasten your shoes too. >> it has a screen o >> they don't think anybody will really wear them. >> it has mood lighting on the side. >> people have bid it up to -- >> over $99,000. >> that's a great cause and for a very unattractive shoe. >> exactly. >> are you kidding? >> the only one in the world. you will be the only person with these shoes. >> yes, yes. and it's great, great cause so bid away, ladies. >> somebody is bidding on this right now. >> my grandpa has a pair just like that. they look a lot like them and look very comfy. >> on a silver tray. >> you know what, we'll get to something that is the most important thing here at the table right now. you mr. michael buble. >> oh, no, no. please. let's stop talking about me or my album that drops today. i'm not here for that. >> yes, you are. >> honestly i want to just talk about other things. than my album that drops today. nobody but me. >> you'll sing for us. >> yes, a many. >> so excited about that. you got original music on it but also reinvent some classics. love that combination. >> thank you. >> what's your favorite on the album? >> there's so many favorites. i mean they're all -- >> what's it called again "nobody but me." >> dropping today. amazon, itunes or best buy -- you know, for me i really think that i love the fact that i get to continue the legacy of my songbook which is the greatest gift america ever gave to the arts and my job is to make it more authentic than it's ever been before so like "god only knows," a reimaged cover of one of the greatest songs ever written by brian wilson. i dug deep. you know, and for me that was the process was doing -- for that song, for instance, i went into the studio, shut off awe the lights, put my piano next to my mike and shut the lights completely off and put i picture of my t song to them. when you hear the record, you get a sense of that intimacy and that sense that i was like as you said in the moment. >> how does it work? how do you decide. >> with great difficulty. i must love what i do because i've got to sing this stuff for the rest of my life. so this is also the first record i ever produced and that's very much like an actor who decides he's going to, you know, make his own movie or direct his own movie so everyone in my life throwing it away that i was making the decision that is the worst decision you can make and it was so fulfilling to be with my best friends and create something that meant a lot to me and you leave your comfort zone, you grow. >> good advice for your future self. >> what do your boys think about the album? >> it's called "nobody but me." [ laughter ] and so flat that your voice is okay. >> thank you. >> you sound like me. >> yes. >> but, no, voice is great. we'll hear it later. beautiful boys that we got to see pictures of earlier and the album, again, what was it called? he's going to perform just ahead. michael buble, everybody. do not go anywhere and lady gaga is also with us so don't go i'm here thousand with the one and only lady gaga. her new album with "perfect illusion" debuting on itunes in 60 countries and she's just getting started. good morning. >> good morning, michael. nice to see you. >> great to see you. >> good morning, america. >> i like that. good morning, america. and you know your title track "joanne" can a very personal song. >> well, actually my father is here today and my family, jo p anne was my father's sister. she died in 1974 and the tragedy really stayed with our family. our whole lives and i wanted to makes a record about family and friendship and togetherness and learning from the past and so that's why we're here today. >> a lot of people described this as raw and very personal and you just released your third single. tell us about that. >> well, it is a great song. i love this record so much. i did it with mark ronson country writer from nashville and this song, you know, i really want people to hear it and be reminded that, you know, we might sometimes not feel so great, but we are still and i want them to remember how awesome america is and how awesome we are as a country and the record says a-yo, we're smoking them all, we're still number one. >> you named some people you collaborated with but did quite a few collaborations on this record. stuff with tony bennett has always been fantastic. >> i loved working with tony. >> one thing i love about this album, it is on amazon, it's 3.99 on amazon which is something special i think for your fans. >> it's so wonderful and generous of them and wonderful music experience of the fans. it was a wonderful surprise this morning. >> and also you said johnny cash and garth brooks was influential so did country music play any influence on this album? >> it did. you know, my mother is to country music with her and i've dated my fair share of cowboy, as well. so that had an influence but the album isn't just country, it's folk, it's dance, it's pop, it's funk. you know, some of my vocal jazz influence also flies this there too, some rock 'n' roll influence from growing up listening to rock 'n' roll with my father, but essentially it is a pop record. it's just, you know, my brand of pop and what i like to make and push the envelope. it's a special day. >> your brand is working. i'll tell you that. incredible musician and also you performed the national anthem at the super bowl last year. this year you're doing a halftime show. i now i talked to you before. you can't tell me exactly what you're going to do but tell me how excited you are. >> i am absolutely elated beyond and honored to be doing the halftime show. we've been already planning it and thinking of all the different ways we can make this a special experience for the football fans and, you know, i was thinking yesterday about how wonderful it's going to be to be also playing maybe a few new songs from the new record at the super bowl with my grandmother who is joanne's mother. she's blind but she'll be able to hear i think from the stands and i think it will be a proud moment for our family and that means more to me than anything. >> two things that come across every time i talk to you is family because your family is always with you and talk about your grandmother, father, mother and your fans and something are a doing this dive bar tour. >> we had two shows already, one in nashville and one last night at the bitter end in new york city which was actually the first place i ever performed at in new york when i was 15 years old. so to be there last night was so amazing and such a throwback experience and yet i didn't even realize it until the show was over because i was so focused on doing a great show for the fans. >> i'm sure you did a great show for the fans and you're on the cove o style edition. a lot of style. you and michelle obama, you're doing it all. you got it all down. >> thank you, it was really an honor to be recognized in "teen" package as one of the greats with michelle obama. truly she is i think the greatest woman in our country right now. her rhetoric, the way she speaks to the world, it's just been amazing to watch her candor and her love shine through on the tv every day and all makes us feel >> thank you so much and the kids and of course disney cruise lines, one who are pose, should we do it? >> yes. >> all right. [ cheers and applause ] back now with that guy, michael buble. his brand-new album "nobody but me" is out today. right now he's performing for here's the title track. "nobody but me ? >> let's go. ? baby i get a little bit jealous but how the hell can i help it ? ? when i'm thinking on you and maybe i might get a little reckless ? ? but you gotta expect that what else can a bo ? my momma taught me how to share i'll be selfish i don't care ? ? 'cause i want you i need you all for me ? ? and i don't want anybody loving my baby nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody but me hey ? ? and i don't want anybody thinking just maybe nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody but ? and i know when you got a lovely lady it might drive the boys crazy ? ? when she's looking so fine whoa i know know know that no one would ever blame me ? ? the only thing that could save me is just knowing you're mine ? ? my papa told me once or twice don't be cruel but don't be too nice ? ? 'cause i want you baby i need you all for me ? ? 'cause i don't want anybody loving my baby nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody but me hey ? ? and i don't want anybody thinking just maybe nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody but me ? ? ? hey ? ? nobody nobody ? ? i know i can be a bit jealous but how the heck can i help it i'm so in love with you ? i don't want anybody thinking just maybe nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody but me ? ? i don't want anybody thinking just maybe nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody but me ? ? oh my papa told me once or twice don't be cruel don't be too nice ? ? my baby needs the lines from me oh and i know how to share ? ? but i'll be selfish i don't ? my baby don't need no one but me ? [ cheers and applause ] "gma's" fall concert series presented by carmax. why is tim tebow coming live to "gma" to speak with robin r0b9s. after getting his first hit here after making headlines comforting fellow citizens in robin will surprise and inspire you monday on "gma." >> michael buble, how was your first time on "gma." >> you know what, it was gentle. and it felt really good. >> you're still smiling. >> now we got time to hug each other. >> it's been a very special morning. thank you. thank you, guys. thank you very much. have a great day, hey, nobody. have a great friday. good morning. time now is 8:56. i am terrence lee. well, the indians will be hosting watch parties at progressive field during the world series. this, of course, will be for and 5. we are told any profits from ticket sales will go to charity. as to when you can get tickets. the indians will be releasing more information monday morning. well, there is a vigil for sonny patel, this high school student shot and killed at his family's mr. hero restaurant. they will pay tribute to him before the football game. de'veon perry is charged with his murder. he will be friday. all right. it is a rainy day. it will stay with us all day, too, janessa. >> yes. we just got word of a flash flood watch for carroll county and tuscarawas counties for the next 30 minutes. we are seeing a large amount of moisture making its way across northeast ohio. the day time highs you will notice, break out the sweater once again, 55 degrees. from yesterday afternoon we dropped 10 degrees. also the winds are picking up so, not the ideal weather day, but fall is making an appearance here tonight. crank up the heater in the inland locations because they will be in the mid 30s. if you need a taste of fall conditions here, saturday afternoon is ideal. a little bit of sunshine peeking through. we will bounce back really quickly here by sunday in the lower 60s. kristin? thank you, janessa. yes, you mentioned the wet highways. hyop ponding in some spots. average speeds of 23 miles per hour. if you are taking 71 northbound the drive time from 480 to 90 it will take you 20 minutes. here is a live look at 90 east at fulton. boy, it is a rough commute. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today, television and film star elijah wood. and from the series "blindspot," sullivan stapleton. plus, it is the season to reveal america's biggest pumpkin. also, from 10,000 down to just 1. we will reveal the winner of our "live with kelly and you cohost search." all next on "live!" ? ? [cheering and applauding] and now, here are kelly ripa and richard curtis!

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