Transcripts For WEWS America This Morning 20160811 : compare

Transcripts For WEWS America This Morning 20160811

started with breaking news from suburban washington, d.c., that massive fire and reported explosion levels an apartment building. >> this is the scene in silver spring, maryland. dozens injured including two firefighters after part of the building collapsed. trapping residents. the apparent explosion sent debris flying to nearby streets. fire officials say natural gas from broken pipes helped feed that fast-moving fire. we're told the firefighters' injuries are not life-threatening but crews are still on the scene and bring you donald trump is making a new round of allegations in the race for the white house blaming president obama this time and hillary clinton for starting isis. >> all of this comes as trump tries to fend off criticism over a veiled threat to hillary clinton and clinton faces new corruption over a batch of new e-mails. maggie rulli has the latest. >> reporter: good morning. trump and clinton are both dealing with their own problems chance to fire back hitting each other where they know it's going to hurt the most. caught up in a war of words the candidates are firing pointed jabs. >> words matter, my friends. >> reporter: clinton questioning trump's temperament. >> we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from donald trump that crossed the line. >> reporter: accusing the gop nominee of inciting violence with his controversial comments. >> although the second amendment people, maybe there is, i don't >> reporter: trump insists he was referring to the unity of second amendment supporters. he's trying to move past the controversy turning his attention to clinton's latest e-mail release questioning her ethics after the state department released a new batch of e-mails and accuses her of exchanging donations for favors from the state department. >> you're not allowed to do it. it's illegal. campaign says hillary clinton never took action as secretary of state because of donations to the foundation and trump turning up the heat on the current occupant of the oval office. >> isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. >> reporter: just last week trump made the same accusation against hillary clinton. the white house has declined to comment on his latest accusation. kendis and diane. >> seems like a new controversy ev maggie rulli, thank you. trump is criticizing the clinton campaign after the father of the orlando nightclub shooter attended her rally. >> now trump faces controversy over who showed up. mark foley was sitting behind him last night as he told the crowd in florida that those guests need to know the campaign in order to get those seats behind him. now, foley resigned ten years teenage boys working as congressional pages. >> as donald trump campaigned in florida a man scaled trump tower in manhattan using suction cups. the man identified only as steve climbed the outside of the 68-story trump tower for more than two hours. >> emergency crews eventually cut holes and vents and broke windows trying to intercept him and finally reached down and grabbed him outside the 1st floor. >> i reached out, i took hold of his hand and i said, sir, brought him inside with the help of my partner and we placed him in custody and handed him over. >> the climber posted a video titled message to mr. trump. why i climbed your tower. in that video he described himself as an independent researcher and a trump supporter asking for a private meeting with the presidential candidate to discuss an important matter. tonight he's been hospitalized this morning for evaluation and overnight from southern canada where police foiled a suicide bomb plot not far from the u.s. border, they say. investigators say a known isis sympathizer was planning to blow himself up in an ontario down but was killed in a police takedown. back in this country a sheriff's deputy killed and another officer injured while responding to a duisturbance cal in arkansas. when officers army and surrendered. bill cooper seen there was expected to retire soon. the suspect wanted to cause, quote, a ruckus before a court hearing. the florida police officer who killed a civilian during a gun safety demonstration. officer lee c ochlt lcole used to take down a cyclist and reportedly resigned from a on leave as tuesday's shooting is investigated. witnesses are recalling the moment that mary knowlton was shot during a mock shooting. >> when the gunshots went off i don't think any of us realized what we witnessed. it was only when i looked over at the police chief that i realized this was not a game anymore. >> the key question now how the live rounds ended up in his gun. knowlton's husband witnessed the shooting and one of his sons says he's already forgiven the officer because mother raised him. >> being hit from severe weather from javier as well as monsoon rains here. it slammed the region with dust, flooding, mudslides and dangerous lightning. downpours caused car accidents and forced road closures in the phoenix area. quite a scene there. the severe storms have also knocked down trees and caused scattered power outages and on the east coast, look at this. a day's long parade of rain still hitting parts of florida. and the risk is spreading into southeastern louisiana could see 8 inches of rain before all of this is over. and turing now to the olympics. to the difference makers. katie ledecky pretty much winning it for the u.s. relay team. the americans were running second in the 4x200 freestyle relay until she dove in. >> and anchored the u.s. team which went on to beat australia by nearly two seconds. no other swimmer got close to her. this is her third gold medal in rio. >> she is dominating. carmelo anthony has scored more points for usa basketball than any other player in history and added 31 in the win against australia putting him above lebron james and david robinson. >> it was close and a nail bite ir. looking at the medal count the u.s. has 11 golds with 32 overall. china a distant second with 10 golds and 23 overall. still ahead for the first time delta's ceo reveals the that stranded thousands of passengers. also, wikileaks is offering a hefty reward for information about the murder of a democratic national committee staffer. why the offer is fueling conspiracy theories. plus, the world's luckiest man, many are calling him at least, a survivor of a recent plane crash is now a million delta says a small fire is to blame for a massive computer failure. the airline's ceo said it broke out at the data center but perhaps the bigger problem the backups didn't work and thousands of flights were canceled stranding thousands of since the outage on monday. the ceo is promising to fix those problems. >> we own it. i own it. i'm personally responsible for this happening and i'll personally make sure it doesn't happen again. >> operations are now almost back to normal. new study released reveals a growing risk on american roadways. aaa says tens of thousands of crashes each year are being caused by stuff like that. debris on the roads. more than 500 deaths have been blamed on items that fell off cars or pieces of tire blow-outs. the auto club is urging drivers to do a better job securing loads to their vehicles that they're carrying and to stop tailgating. the girl scouts celebrated national s'mores day, a real holiday, by introducing new cookies. as a nod to the different ways people s'more if you can use it as a verb, one featured a graham cooker double dipped and the other, a crunchy graham sandwich filling. i'm upset i didn't know about s'mores day. >> you can't have it till next year. >> i think i'll have to celebrate today anyway. ordinary citizens can now communicate directly with president obama using a chatbot on facebook messenger. the white house facebook page will guide users through the process of sending a message. the new feature the first of its kind for any government. >> interesting. when we come back a very determined thief goes above and beyond cutting down a tree to steal a bicycle. an attempt to catch a foul ball. the fan ending up with a face full of nachos. i'm terrible at golf. he is. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. new patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. for the strength and energy to do what you love. new ensure enlive. always be you. ? it's a tangle of multiple symptoms. ? ? trintellix (vortioxetine) is a prescription medicine for depression. trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. for me, trintellix made a difference. tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, or you have unusual changes in mood, antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. trintellix has not been studied in children. do not take with maois. tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially life-threatening condition. increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. may cause low sodium levels. trintellix did not have significant impact on weight. ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. you know, it's amazing the lengthening some thieves will go to steal a bicycle. unable to get rid of the chain holding a bicycle to a tree in china, this guy instead got rid of the tree. problem solved. so he c and then threw the bike onto the back of his vehicle and took off. >> you have to applaud his problem solving skills. >> yes. must have been some sort of bike. now for a look at this morning's driving conditions, expect rain and thunderstorms in the midwest. the south and southwest today. so with that said understandably possible flight delays are new orleans, phoenix and minneapolis. the e-mail hack that believed. >> sources tell "the new york times" the russian cyberattack that forced debbie wasserman schultz to resign as dnc chair may have breached the private e-mail accounts of 100 party officials. the democratic governor's association may be among the groups and fbi is widening its investigation as democrats brace for the possibility of more damaging leaks. and there's speculation this morning about the source of that initial e-mail leak that showed party officials favoring hillary clinton over bryan barnett some people believe the whistle-blower may have been a young dnc staffer shot and killed two weeks before the democratic convention in philadelphia. now wikileaks is weighing in with a reward. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: a new interview with wikileaks founder julian assange is reigniting conspiracy theories about the death of democratic national committee staffer seth rich. >> 27-year-old, works for the dnc who was shot in the back murdered. >> reporter: although assange organization is offering a $20,000 reward. it was an unprompted discussion of him who was killed in a botched robbery on july 10th near his washington, d.c. home. while d.c. police tell abc news there is no indication that seth rich's death is connected to his employment at the dnc they say he may be collected to the tranche of e-mails leaked before th convention. >> quite a murder mystery. the mayor of miami says aerial spraying has knocked out the population of zika carrying mosquitoes by 97% and completed three rounds of spraying. a travel warning still in effect but the mayor hopes to lift that within the next 45 days. health officials say the count of locally infected cases is now up to 22 people. here's a cautionary tale about popular home security webcam inside the bedroom of two little girls and streamed everything live online. the mother in houston called it her worst nightmare after she was alerted of them through facebook and likely found the ip address by accessing her daughter's ipad through a video game they were playing. a car salesman in dubai is being called the luckiest man alive. he survived the fire on board that plane skidded on the runway at the dubai airport and described the escape as that actually was just the start. hours later he found out he won a million dollars in the lottery and you can see the result, that smile on his face. he's now planning to retire and return to his native india to help others in his town. maybe do a little gambling. >> i think he's already had a lot of success. now, besides the olympics there's still a full schedule of baseball being played. >> let's get the details from our friends at espn. >> hey, folk, welcome to "sportscenter." starting east coast baseball. >> red sox and yankees, a couple of story lines. first alex rodriguez hasn't played since august 2nd. the yankees will release him friday. will play thursday and friday. came up as a pinch hitter wednesday night in the seventh. flies out there. mookie betts handles it. red sox down nine, david ortiz fouls it off his leg. he got hit there a couple of week x-rays are negative. ortiz's final season and when he first got hurt you would think maybe it's his final game. doesn't look that way. yankees win it, 9-4. big news in seattle. graham and rawls are back. doing okay in baseball against the tigers up here, uh-oh, tied. jd martinez and tied at one. eighth inning 1-1 until nelson and out of here. mariners go up 2-1 and had another. make it 3-1 and they win. >> that's going to do it. >> olympic coverage again, "sportscenter" on thursday. and this morning, we're mourning the loss of our espn colleague john saunders after learning of his death yesterday. >> he covered college football, basketball, the nhl in addition to anchoring "sportscenter." he was also host of the sports reporters. his family says john h few days but the exact cause of death has not been revealed. saunders was just 61. every day my challenge is to be in sync with my body, with myself, with my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics every day. because when my routine is in sync, so take the activia probiotic challenge! visit to learn more. take the activia probiotic challenge now. it works or it's free! thank you. my advice for looking younger, longer? pam. this, this is pam's. try not to take things personally. all right. thank you pam. don't let the little things get to you. get your beauty sleep. and use aveeno? absolutely ageless? night cream. with active naturals? blackberry complex. you'll wake up to younger looking skin younger looking skin can start today. absolutely ageless?. aveeno?. naturally beautiful results? if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies. try clarispray. new, from the makers of claritin. and nothing is more effective 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goes with helena bonham carter. >> cate blanchett has already signed often and filming begins in october. extreme baseball fans will go to just about any lengths to catch a home run for foul ball. check out this pirates fan when he saw a ball coming his way, he jumped to catch it, but ended up just wearing his nachos and the ketchup and dropping his $11 beer. >> not to love the slo-mo. >> he didn't even get the ball. not own will that, it wasn't even close to him. however, he didn't walk away empty-handed. the pirates gave him a t-shirt and replaced his nachos. >> i love that he at least had a smile this. >> the pirates also gave him a tweet and they called him a dude and said, good effort. >> yeah. >> so a pat on the back, a new t-shirt and some nachos. >> own hopefully a replacement iron city lite beer. more news after this. ...what we're building together... ...and could this happen again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? i 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doctor if it's right for you. a leading consumer testing publication recently tested dry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? they're breathable underwear from fruit of the loom. wait, fruit of the loom makes breathable underwear? yeah, they have tiny holes to let the air through but... yessss. i love them. stay cool with breathable underwear checking our top stories this morning, dozens of people have been injured in a massive fire and explosion at this apartment complex in silver spring, maryland. near washington. two firefighters are among those injured. residents were being rescued while part of the building collapsed. donald trump is now calling president obama the founder of isis and declaring hillary clinton the co-founder. trump claims isis honors the president and during a rally last night he used the hussein obama. parts of the southwest bracing for more flooding. storms slammed the region with dust, flooding, mudslides and dangerous lightning. looking at today's weather scorching heat in the northeast with scattered thunderstorms. showers and thunderstorms in the midwest and more heavy rain in the south and gulf coast. out west, expect monsoon rains shifting from arizona into new mexico. so most of the athletes competing in the olympics represent a country. longer have one. >> for the first time there's a team at the olympics for refugees. abc's alley rogen has the story. >> reporter: for this syrian swimmer the road to rio started in a war zone. he had been a star athlete in his hometown of aleppo. a shoo-in for the 2012 olympics but the war started. [ speaking a foreign language ] >> reporter: he made the harrowing trip across the mediterranean to europe where he had the b competing. he ended up in belgium where he met his current coach. >> before he came to belgium he hadn't been training for six months. he came to me in february and he just -- when i asked him to swim for 100 meters he was already dead. >> reporter: the international olympics committee announced in march it would create the first ever refugee team. for the elite athletes among the worldwide. he applied and a few months later he got the call. >> so i said, okay, if you really have aspirations to go, you have to train as if you are going and i cannot do anything about that. if it hurts it hurts. you just have to do it. >> reporter: he is one of two refugees from sierra. the others are from south sudan, ethiopia and the democratic republic of the congo. >> for rami it's his child's dream to be here and what makes it special was supposed to be here. when there was no war he was supposed to be here and now that he is here, even when not everything is up to mode he here. >> reporter: his number one hope by the next summer olympics, the option for a refugee team will be obsolete. [ speaking a foreign language ] >> our thanks to ali for that. >> his personal best he set power problems this morning. thousands are waking up in the dark following a wave of storms . we will let you know when the power will also, an eye-opening report released overnight. the shocking crashes and death caused by debris on the road? and it got a little out of hand and a school board meeting. it was so bad police officers were called in. find out what has the parents upset. and another mini makeover for firstenergy stadium. and come look at this

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