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Are, where the spots that he did get to around the houses. They are saying this fire is about 95 contained. Multiple agencies have worked this fire, including palm bay fire and rescue, and other surrounding towns have sent equipment to help. A lot of power crews and cable crews try to get the power shut off to get not have spot overs or elliptical strikes and start new fires. They are saying about 95 of the fire is contained. Whorehouses has sustained some damage from the fire four houses has sustained some damage from the fire. We will let you know if that changes. Back to you. Jim this fire contained in about 45 acres. You can see a lot of smoke, not as much flames. We will continue to monitor this rush fire battle in palm bay. We you can also look out for updates online and on the wesh 2 mobile app. Right now at 5 00, searching for a gunman. Police say a man in his was shot 20 s twice last night on west pine street in downtown orlando, just outside of a bar. He s expected to be ok, but police haven t been able to find the person who pulled the trigger. This type of crime is becoming more and more common. Meredith that s according to a new report from police that shows Violent Crime is up. Last year there were 34 murders in orlando, an increase of 113 from the previous year. Tonight wesh 2 s matt grant is live in orlando with reaction to the stunning numbers. Matt this is that report that Orlando Police released three it can see burglaries and robberies are down, in some cases to 8 . Violent 28 . Violent crime is up. We are killing each other literally. Matt orlando pastor Stovelleo Stovall says he used to lead a life of drugs and crime until he found god. Now he away from a deadly road. Stovelleo stovall every night , you know it s a different , young man that lost his life. It s so much hatred, these young people all really think this is the only way they can live. Matt according to new crime stats, released by the Police Police department, orlando s murder rate shot up 113 last year. Sex offenses also went up 13 , and aggravated assaults rose more than 17 . Pastor stovall is trying to push back against those numbers Stovelleo Stovall that s not how god meant for them to die. Matt leading antiviolence marches into communities plagued by crime every fifth sunday. Stovelleo stovall we ve got to march into these areas and pass out flyers, hug them, and let them know that they are loved. Matt as for police, they declined to talk with us on camera, but chief john mina did tell me overall crime is down 21 in the last eight years. And as for the murder rate, mina says it s only marginally higher than recent years, calling 2014 extraordinarily low. In a statement he said, reducing Violent Crime in all of its forms and ensuring that our city is safe for its residents is a top priority for this department. We are always working vigilantly to combat Violent Crime. Stovelleo stovall i m just crying out to let people know that we ve all got to come together. We ve all got to fight for our kids. Matt the murder rate last year is still down from a decade ago when there were 50 murders reported 10 years ago. This year so far, reporting nine homicides, including a double murder. For that full statement and the report, you can go to wesh. Com. Meredith florida s first case of the zika virus that is transmitted through sexual contact is now confirmed in polk county. Today state Health Leaders announced the two new cases of zika had been confirmed in polk. We re told one of those cases was travelrelated and the other was sexually transmitted. Been to outbreak areas to abstain from unprotected sex. Florida has 52 confirmed cases of zika. Jim take a look at holly joel. She s a substitute teacher, and Sanford Police just arrested her on suspicion of teaching while drunk. Police tell wesh 2 when she was caught, joel was working in an elementary school. Now, she s facing multiple charges including, child neglect. Wesh 2 s amanda ober joins us live from sanford. Amanda, you were there when joel left the jail. Amanda i was, and she seemed surprised to see news cameras here. She has little to say about the accusations against her. According to the arrest affidavit, when the principal of Bentley Elementary School in sanford went to jolt class and try to get jewel to step outside, joel stood up, only to fall over. 52yearold holly joel left the jail alone wednesday after paying an 8500 bond. She intoxication and child neglect. Deputies say she was caught teaching a class of second graders while drunk. Holly, were you using drugs or classroom . No. Amanda do you deny the charges against you . According to the School District it was a foster grandparent who s class who alerted school staff. The arrest affidavit says the principal of bentley elementary, martha garcia, went to the classroom and observed joel s head swaying and her eyes closing. She asked joel to step outside and when joel stood up, she fell , over, hitting the window. The School Resource officer reported finding prescription s purse. He also said joel was drinking from a water bottle that smelled like alcohol. Parents learning the news wednesday were upset. I hope they do whatever they gotta do to fire her, and i hope in the future. Amanda School Officials say joel was hired in 2014 and did pass a background check despite being convicted of dui in 2012. It was a misdemeanor charge and not grounds to deny employment. Since her hiring, joel has accepted substitute teaching assignments less than a dozen times, the majority of them were at bentley elementary. Yeah that s scary,that s definitely scary for the kids in the classroom. Amanda the School District tells me joel will no longer be eligible to work for Seminole County schools. The parents of the kids in the class she was teaching got a letter last night from the principal, informing them that it no time where the students ever in danger. Live in Seminole County, amanda ober, wesh 2 news. Meredith right now Marion County investigators say they ve identified the body that was found in the Ocala National forest. They say he s thomas lombardo. He was reported missing back in january. Police say fingerprints taken from the body found in the forest match with lombardo s. So far there s no word how he jim the latest on the breaking news out of brevard county, for multiple firefighter intercedes on the scene of this brush fire death agencies on the scene of this brush fire. The forest system has joined with other agencies. The fire is about 45 acres and 95 contained right now. Firefighters are using aircraft to drop water on the fire. Meredith always a concern when it has been dry in Central Florida and the wind. Jim you can tell women get tight shots it with things up. Tony mainolfi is monitoring the conditions outside. Tony we have highpressure to the east, a big storm system to the west. We are earned about dry conditions. We really will to spot the brush fire on the south side of palm bay. The wind, east southeast 10 to 25. Even the we have a handle on this, we will have to watch this. It is high to 35 Miles Per Hour. The wind for the next book of days will stay elevated. Temperatures outside still warm, low 80 s. Hourbyhour, falling to the upper 60 s, and coming up in a couple of minutes, talking about the warmest temperatures of the year headed our way. Donald trump of the four, they are pretty much all done. Pretty much. They didn t do so well tonight folks, ok . I m not going to say anybody didn t do well. They didn t do well. There s only one person who did well tonight. Donald trump, i will tell you. Jim another night of primary elections, and more victories for donald trump. The businessman speaking out last night right here in florida, after securing wins in several states. The Vermont Democrat managed to squeak out a victory over Hillary Clinton in michigan. He won by just a few thousand votes, but lost big time to clinton in mississippi. The two will split the delegates in michigan, but a victory there gives sanders more momentum moving forward. Trump won both michigan and mississippi, as well as hawaii. Ted cruz managed a win in idaho. Clinton spoke out after the results were announced last night. She complimented sanders on his campaign, saying their respect for one another shows the difference between the parties. Hillary clinton i ll tell you what, those differences pale in comparison to what s happening on the republican side. [applause] every time you think it can t get any uglier, they find a way. Jim all candidates are now gearing up for next week contests in florida and ohio. Meredith for all the talk of marco rubio needing to storm his way to a florida win next tuesday, the numbers show he might get blown away. Donald trump leads by more than released wednesday. 45 to 22 for rubio. Cruz comes in third with 18 . On the democrat side, hillary also has a 21 lead on Bernie Sanders, 62 to 32 . But these are just polls, results won t come until tuesday night. Eddie fernandez we see so many people walking into polling places undecided, and that s why a lot of the statistics we re hearing, and a lot of the polls we re hearing, they may not means as much as we think they mean. Meredith that proved true for poll data in the iowa caucus for republicans and just last night where Bernie Sanders was expected to lose michigan. Jim coming up, a payout for the family of a local teen who was murdered in 2012. Meredith we ll tell you who is paying up for the family of Alex Zaldivar, and why. Plus, state lawmakers pass new regulations on abortions on planned parenthood, but will Governor Scott sign them into law . Jim and a missouri manhunt is over. Where police finally caught up with the man suspected of meredith we can us to follow breaking news in palm bay. This is san felipe and hogan west of i95. We have firefighters working hard. It is about 95 contained. For homes have burned four medley served with sirloin steak. The sizzling sound of fresh florida vegetables mingling together; saut\ zucchini, squash, bell peppers, and tomatoes in golden olive oil. Garnish with fresh parsley and serve with juicy sirloin steak. Thats how easily pan roasted florida vegetables complete a delicious meal. Visit freshfromflorida. Com for more great recipes. And remember, delicious is always announcer you re watching wesh 2. Jim to the state capitol, where a 19th century law that bans unmarried men and women from living together is about to be eliminated. Lawmakers are giving their final approval today to get rid of it. The law was passed back in 1868. The legislation now heading to governor rick scott for final approval. Meredith the governor will soon decide if new restrictions on abortion and planned parenthood will go into effect. The state Senate Passed the bill today. The legislation redefines dates of pregnancy trimesters, and requires doctors who perform the abortions that they must have hospital admitting privileges. It also prohibits state money go to any organization that right now, families of three victims in a 2012 home murder will receive compensation. Jim among those is the family of Alex Zaldivar. He was killed execution style. Wesh 2 s Michelle Meredith explains. Rafael zaldivar this is Orange County. Michelle for rafael zaldivar, a lot has changed in the four years since his son alex was brutally shot and killed in september of 2012. Ca 1495. Michelle in the criminal trial, the alleged mastermind behind the deadly home invasion, okafor, was found guilty and sentenced to death. Rafael zaldivar i am looking forward to it. The last face he s going to see is mine. It s not going to be his mama s. Michelle and with the help of attorney jose baez, rafael filed a civil law suit against Orange County, alleging the jail s electronic Monitoring System failed his son as well as his two roommates who were shot but survived. He had a r. F. Monitor on his ankle, but he wasn t being Michelle Court records showed time and time again, okafor, who was out on bond wearing an ankle bracelet, violated his curfew should have been home the day , 19yearold Alex Zaldivar was murdered. Rafael zaldivar all they had to do was violate him and our son would be alive. Michelle in 2012, the county settled the case, agreeing to pay 300,000 to the zaldivar family 200,000 to brienna , campos and 200,000 to her brother remington. The county has paid out some of the money, but paying the rest required state approval. County officials tell us that bill passed today. Rafael says it s about justice and more. Rafael zaldivar they shoot us, they kill us, then we end up with the tab. How about that. Do you think my son s funeral was free . Michelle as a result of the okafor case, the jail suspended its electronic Monitoring System. In Orange County, michelle jim county leaders are telling us the settlement will be paid to both families in two to three months. Meredith Tony Mainolfi is joining us now. We are talking about a brush fire that is 95 contained in palm county. Tony you have the wind, it is pretty gusty. Temperatures are going up. It wins the next couple of days as we get more live pictures. For homes have been damaged the smart, thus far, but we remember these fires sometimes small can be ignited, they work their hardest to mr. That does not have been. There. Let us show you why we have got gusty winds. We have a big storm ike to the east we of low pressure in the central and eastern texas. Makers. With High Pressured tomorrow nearby and lowpressure to the east, wind will be Even Stronger areas we have got to watch this carefully, not only for the brush fire concerns with a rip current concerns. We of all of the spring breakers from all over the country. A time ago we were able to pick up a plume of smoke. Very difficult to see that now on the south side of palm bay. Wind speed, these are not gusts is a sustained winds. Anywhere from 15 to 70 Miles Per Hour. That is lower than when eric was on the air, but areawide, we have wind speed in the 15 to 25 mileperhour range today. High surf advisory. As we look at the beach forecast , the marine forecast, four to six foot seas, two to three breakers nearshore. Water temperature is 69, rip water will be choppy on the intracoastal waterways. Low 80 s right now inland. At the Central Florida fair, you are in great shape. 8 00, comfortable. 10 00 68. Upper 50 s in ocala out the morning. We should be around 55, so we are it average for sure. Even warmer tomorrow, gusty winds, we ll be watching the surf and brushfires that do pop up. Thursday afternoon highs in the mid 80 s, a longer fetch of air on the peninsula that helps increase temperatures for bike week. 61 to 81 by early afternoon, and 79 by 5 00 in the afternoon. Spring training at first pitch around 80 degrees. There is friday, and it is not until sunday that this area of disturbed weather will move overhead and give us the opportunity for muchneeded rain. Take a look at the sevenday forecast. Middle to upper 80 s through friday, rain on sunday and monday, then temperatures in the lower 80 s. Jim thank you. Coming up, the fbi is back in its fight with apple. Meredith plus, under attack. An american tourist is killed in a random crime in israel. And Tragedy Strikes seattle. Nine fighters hurt in an meredith nine seattle firefighters were hurt after an explosion leveled three buildings today. Firefighters were responding to a call about a natural gas leak when this happened. Officials say as the firefighters were investigating the building, it exploded. The blast sent debris all over the place. People from two blocks away say they felt the shock waves from it. The firefighters are now in two to be ok. No one else was hurt. A man who was wanted after the killing of five people in missouri and kansas has been arrested. This is 40yearold pablo vitorino. He was arrested after a massive manhunt found him hiding in a river gorge by a road. Police say vitorino is suspected in shooting and killing four people inside a kansas home. He s also wanted for being a death in missouri. Vitorino is a undocumented immigrant but was mistakenly released by immigration officials. Jim Israeli Security is on high security following an stabbing attack in which an american student was killed. Taylor force was a 28yearold student from vanderbilt university. He was killed last night by an palestinian attacker. The attacker also hurt six israelis before being shot an killed by security forces. Force was a west point graduate afghanistan. Vice President Joe Biden came out to criticize the palestinians today for not condemning the attack. The Justice Department wants a Second Opinion in its fight to unlock an iphone. A judge ruled last week that he can t force apple to hack into a drug dealer s phone. Apple argues the hack would make iphones less safe. Yesterday the Justice Department asked a federal judge to revisit the decision. Meredith a public viewing for is happening today and tomorrow. Her funeral is set for this friday. She is going to be buried at the Reagan Library in california. She will be next to her husband, former president ronald reagan. First Lady Michelle obama and Hillary Clinton are scheduled to attend the services. Nancy reagan died sunday of congestive Heart Failure at her home in los angeles. She was 94. Jim sir george martin, the producer for the beatles who supervised most of the band s recordings, has died. Martin s Management Company confirming the news today, saying he had passed away peacefully. He produced all but one of the beatles original records. He s considered one of the greatest producers of all time. Martin earned six Grammy Awards and a place in the rock and roll hall of fame. George martin was 90 years old. Meredith wesh 2 news at 5 30 is next. With a look what our next half hour. Stewart jim, meredith, coming up, months after a child was found left behind, locked in a day care van we , information about the punishment the facility is facing. Plus, rough news from highway , are up. We explain why. Stewart we continue to follow breaking news and palm bay. Meredith we have live pictures over the scene in palm bay. This is west of i95 in the valkaria area. Windsor starting to die down. Firefighters have this about 95 under control. There were about four homes affected from minor to extensive. Stewart as much as 25 acres were burning. You can see several homes obviously affected. There were people evacuated. We will update you throw the evening right here on wesh. Five months after in Orange County day care boy was left inside a van, the day care is now being punished. Meredith gail paschallbrown is live at the Orange County courthouse where the workers gail only one of the former day care workers was in court today. The other two have not yet been served. I am Shannon Johnson. Gail 43yearold Shannon Johnson is charged with, leaving a child unattened unsupervised and culpibable negiligence both misdeameanors. The case goes back to october 9 of last year when Shannon Johnson was an employee with winners preschool on powers drive in orlando. A fiveyearold child strapped into his car seat had been left in the center s van for nearly five hours when it was 86 degrees outside. A passerby noticed the child and contacted the preschool. I was not the driver responsible, and i was not the aide who checked the bus. I signed the document that was my part in it. Gail Shannon Johnson says says the document showed who was supposed to be on the bus. Investigators say the child was hot, sweaty, but fine. Dcf slapped the school with a thousand dollar fine for workers loosing sight of the child. During the inspection, the driver did leave the child unattended on the bus for several hours. Gail winners preschool closed and opened at a new location Colonial Drive in the old target building as winners primary school. Here is a unique thing. Leave now or i ll call the police for trespassing. Gail we couldn t get anyone to talk to us here. What happens with the fine . Do they still have to pay it . The short answer is yes. But they have since closed winners preschool. Gail the state says needs to get more information, do more interviews. As for the other two defendants, including the driver, they need to get a better home address on both of them before they can be served. Meredith the defending champ of the daytona 200 motorcycle race was arrested for allegedly shoving a police officer. Pushing a woman to the ground on monday night. When Police Arrived on scene, they say that eslick assaulted an aofficer. Eslick allegedly ran and punched re getting a look at new video tonight, of a chase in volusia county. Three teens were arrested in Seminole County, after the car police say they stole, was spotted on i4. When troopers tried to pull the car over, it exited at lake mary boulevard. The three suspects eventually ditched the car and took off running. Right now, four people are behind bars, charged in connection with a violent home invasion. This happened back in january in st. Cloud. Police say four people forced their way into a east lake reserve home. They pointed guns at the three people who lived there and tied them up. Here s the crew police arrested. All four have been charged with kidnapping, battery, and carjacking. Right now they re all in Osceola County jail. Meredith right now seaworld is keeping watch over one of its oldest orca s. Tilikum, who many know because he was profiled in the documentary blackfish, has a lung infection. He s not expected to live long. Tilikum killed a trainer back in 2010. He s 35yearsold and has been with seaworld for about 23 years. Have you seen this man . Green is on the run and should be considered armed and dangerous. They tried to arrest him yesterday, but he managed to run off. Green has previous convictions. He s wanted for armed burglary, battery, and aggravated assault. Bernie sanders i just want to take this opportunity to thank the people of michigan. For knocking on doors and for making the phone calls that created this kind of enormously successful night for us. Meredith Bernie Sanders speaking last night, moments after being declared the winner of the michigan primary. It was a narrow win, but a victory nonetheless. He ll have to spilt the delegates with clinton, but the win gives him momentum. Stewart for her part, clinton scored a landslide victory in mississippi. The pair will meet tonight for another debate at miamidade college. Wesh 2 political reporter greg fox explains, sanders needs to move his campaign into a higher gear heading into the Sunshine State. Greg Bernie Sanders had big appreciation for michigan voters. Polls that had us 20, 25 points down a few days ago. Who repudiated the pundits who a who said Bernie Sanders was not going anywhere. Greg but those polls that nag the vermont senator present a daunting challenge in his fight to make up ground on Hillary Clinton, after she claimed victory in mississippi. Hillary clinton i want to be the president not for those who are already successful. I want to be the president for those were struggling, and the striving for people who have a dream and are looking for a way to achieve that dream. Greg the latest Quinnipiac University poll not only shows clinton with a 30point lead on sanders overall. Among women voters who have shown strong support for sanders in other states, clinton holds a formidable 69 in the survey, to 24 for sanders. The strongest category for sanders remains young voters, those ages 18 to 44, where he s tied with clinton in florida at 49 . Debate performance tonight to outperform the polls on election day. Even a strong second would deliver him a hefty chunk of the 246 florida delegates at stake. And again sanders will need a , strong showing tonight in this, the ninth, democratic primary debate. Just 14 of clinton supporters in the latest quinnipiac poll say they might change their minds. And a university of north florida poll shows clinton with triple the number of hispanic florida voters, favored by 66 . Stewart . Stewart thanks. Some disturbing new information re seeing a big uptick in the number of crashes along the i4 ultimate construction zone. Troopers blame cars traveling too closely to the cars in front of them. As a result, a lot of the crashes are rearend collisions. The average time to clear a wreck is more than 30 minutes, which can often lead to more wrecks. Your just had to bring the speeds down and you know, obey the speed limits, or give speed limit is much slower because of congestion. Stewart two problem areas include the fairbanks curve and the stretch south of state road 50 through downtown. Meredith another look at breaking news in palm bay. Firefighters have been busy throughout the afternoon. You can see this is pretty smoky. It is about 95 contained. 100 homes have been affected, people have been evacuating. Four of those homes have been damaged, anything from minor to severe. As is about 48 acres, so we will continue to watch this as they look for hotspots. Stewart we could use some rainfall in that area today. Maybe less wind. Meredith Tony Mainolfi is joining us now. Tony they are gradually started to come down, but we are going to have to watch this over the next couple of days. Wind will be decently strong. Maybe even 30 Miles Per Hour as the air mass gets a dryer and wii heat things up. We will have to watch this very carefully. Look at these recent wind speeds. These are not gusts. 15 to 20 right there at palm bay and brevard county. Temperatures very comfortable, upper 70 s and low 80 s. Hourbyhour, temperatures only falling into the upper 60 s by 9 00. Overnight lows only in the upper 50 s, and even upper 60 s act towards the coast. In a couple minutes, we will highlight the warmest temperatures of the year on the way. The next 48 hours, the wind, and the dangerous rip current spring breakers in town. Stewart thank you. In volusia county, sam sulla, there is a fire sitting there as well. Meredith what can you tell us claire . Everyone west of New Smyrna Beach and the general area no. This is the samsula landfill. Some brush in the landfill ignited, and it recently spread into an area where debris like metal and tires, that kind of debris is now on fire. This is very difficult to fight. Obviously a lot of firefighters on the scene, but it is being battled with heavy equipment and it will likely take quite a while before they can get a handle on this. Smoke is moving to the north of us and the west of us, so a lot of folks on 415 will notice some kind of ablaze. Folks with the Firefighter Services of sam scylla have notified the state. There is certainly no threat to any homes, but there is material in there that could be toxic, but no one is saying that is the they have state and county aware of this. Fighting with heavy equipment, but it will likely be quite a while before they have this day out and completely under control. Claire metz, wesh two news. Meredith Mount Dora Police have busted eight people in a drug raid. Large amounts of marijuana, persistent hills and more were taken. This was following a fourmonth long investigation. Stewart there is a recent data breach. Chase says anyone that used its seven properties in Central Florida between september of 2014, and february of this year, could be impacted. A spokesperson tells wesh 2 enhanced security measures are being taken to prevent another hit. Meanwhile hotel rates in central , florida are shooting up. That s according to a new survey, which also found despite this, the area is still the most popular spot for spring breakers. Wesh 2 s jason guy explains. Jason beaches. Attractions. It s no wonder this is the place for spring break. Orlando is our number one booked destination. Jason orbitz. Com ranks orlando on top of its new survey of spring break hot spots followed by cancun, las vegas, phoenix and los angeles. That s despite the cost of hotels in orlando going up more than the other top 5. Room prices here have risen 21 from this time last year costing you on average 216 a night. But orbitz found cheaper plane tickets and gas, along with the stronger u. S. Dollar, make orlando affordable. Other parts of the Sunshine State are big for spring break too. Fort myers is sixth on the list, with tampa and miami rounding out the top 10. Janenne tornatore in fact, florida makes up 40 of the top destinations. And then you have some of the city favorites, including chicago and new york city. Jason the site also looked at places on the rise for spring break. Orbitz puts panama city, the country of panama s capital, as the top emerging destination. I meredith coming up, new hope for Central Florida veterans. Stewart plus, shot off duty. A florida detective facing a serious wound, after a gun announcer local, live, latebreaking. Wesh 2 news at 5 00 continues. Stewart we are staying on top of breaking news where we have brushfires into local counties. In two local counties. Meredith firefighters have this one in palm bay almost 95 contained. 45 acres have been burning through 100 homes. Stewart in samsula, you can see pictures with a fire on top of a landfill. Fire cracked fruit firefighters are on the scene. We will stay on top of both of these breaking news stories throughout the day. We still are digging in to the details of the case. We are not exactly sure at this point what has happened. Meredith a Jacksonville Sheriff s detective is in Critical Condition tonight. He was shot while offduty. Right now details on how or why this happened are sketchy, but we do know the suspected shooter was also shot. It s unclear if they were shot by return fire, or responding deputies. The shooter s identity is not being released. Stewart care for Central Florida s veterans took a step forward today. Meredith the lake baldwin va nursing home will soon be up and running. Local congressman john mica was on hand today to mark the occasion. He spoke with wesh 2 s alex villareal. Congressman mica today s a very special day for veterans in Central Florida. Alex special because of this bill opening the door for the lake baldwin v. A. Nursing home to reopen its doors to patients. President obama, the federal government turns over its ownership of the building to the state. Congressman mica today, because of legislation passed in record time, we re transferring this empty facility to the state of florida. They can open it faster and at much less cost. Mike prendergast i ve never seen legislation passed on the floor of the house of representatives and signed by the president as quickly as this happened. We re talking about a mere 20 days to accomplish this historic event for florida s veterans. Alex the 120bed Nursing Center opened in 1999, but closed over two years ago when the va opened the new Orlando Va Center at lake nona. Since patients were moved to lake nona in december 2013, these rooms have been used as office space, swing space for clinics, and training space, but v. A. Officials say as soon as the process is complete, they will be ready for patients to move back in. It s a process, officials say, that will not finish this year, but the bill is a big step, establishing a way forward. Thing we have to do is we have to brief the governor and the cabinet. And the next Cabinet Meeting is scheduled for march 29. Once we do that, we ll be able to come back to you with a much firmer timeline. Alex in orlando, Alex Villarreal wesh 2 news. Stewart it has been dry, we have nothing a lot of rain, but wind and serve are picking up in volusia county. Tony we talked about this yesterday. We were concerned about the wind and dry conditions. Window be stronger the next 48 hours. We will have to continue to watch this. Let s take some pictures here from a short time ago. Palm bay, you heard meredith talking about this. Four homes damaged, 45 acres. But it is 95 contained. Wind. Some of these hotspots at that can redevelop. Doing their best. Not only dealing with the fire situation but also the gusty onshore flow, so rip currents are also going to be a concern over the next couple of days. For the upcoming weekend, we will have to watch that for beachgoers and spring breakers. Here the current wind speeds. These are actual sustained winds. Merritt island, 14, rockledge 16. Palm bay 12 to 17 Miles Per Hour. They are actually stronger in the interior right now. After sunset we will see wind calm down a little bit overnight , only to get stronger during the afternoon tomorrow. Southeast wind, 10 to 20 tomorrow. The main marine influence four to six foot seas. There is the biggest concern, the rip current will be awfully high. Temperatures outside, lowtomid 70 s on the coast, around 80. If you look at the flower and garden festival at epcot, great weather this evening, temperatures falling back into the upper 60 s. Overnight temperatures in the upper 50 s. North and west lower 60 s. The majority of us and even upper 60 s to around 70 as we get to the Barrier Islands in brevard county. Set up tomorrow, there is similar to today. Lowpressure inching farther east across east texas. That means wind will be quite gusty throughout the afternoon, and temperatures are going to jump up with more of a southsoutheast flow across the peninsula by very late in the day. We ll see temperatures climb into the mid80 s. Normal highs for this time of the year typically run around 77 , so some of is nearly 10 degrees warmer than that. So with the wind and the dry soil, we have got to watch this. 82 ponce inlet, 79 floridana beach. If you look at plant city, beautiful and warm day tomorrow. Highs at 85. Friday through sunday, High Pressure is pulling away. Look at that long flow. Rip current will be with us all weekend long. The rain is set to arrive by time we get to sunday. By we quickly, friday and saturday till drive but comfortable, and a quick look at the Orlando City Soccer match up friday. Good weather, warm, 82 down to 78. Let s look at the updated sevenday forecast, summertime feel and no doubt. We need the rain, and it arrives sunday and monday. Meredith coming up, breaking meredith with the winter season ending, the u. S. Coast guard is having to break the ice on green bay s water. Stewart it looks like sunlight. This coast guard cutter will come to break up the ice. The coast guard says it could take a few days to carve out a path to the port of green bay. Jim s country. They say the relatively mild winter means ice breaking starts earlier than in recent years. Meredith it is pretty. People across indonesia. This happens when the moon moves directly between the earth and the sun. Nasa says the eclipse was seen best in part of indonesia. But people in part of northern australia, singapore, and hawaii also got to see it. The next total Solar Eclipse is set for august of next year. That will be seen across a narrow corridor in the u. S. Stewart the best picture with the people on the plane. Flying over it. On wesh. Com. Meredith jim payne joins us now with what s coming up next half hour. Jim firefighters tried to put out a stubborn bushfire. Homes have been abandoned. We are on the scene gathering new information. I pledge to help local families that have been through a terrible tragedy. What lawmakers pledged today, this is a letter from someone whos here. She has to take a brand name drug. Been taking it since the early 1980s. At that time it cost approximately 180 for 10 shots. The latest refill was 14. 700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called valeant pharmaceuticals. Im going after them. It is stopped. Im Hillary Clinton and i announcer local, live, latebreaking. This is wesh 2 news at 6 00 in high definition. Jim right now at 6 00, we begin with breaking news in palm bay. Firefighters are battling a brush fire that has already damaged several homes and forced some people to evacuate. Good evening, i m meredith mcdonough. That has charred almost 50 jim we also find wesh 2 s dan billow is on the fire lines. Dan, firefighters say this fire is almost contained . Dan things are looking better. The fire area is right behind me. I don t see any smoke. Let a give you a clear view from chopper 2 the neighborhood around cogan and sanfilippo. They got as many resources as they could to keep homes from catching fire, leading some of the areas in between burn that were just a vacant land and concentrating on those homes. Lately about the four that were damaged. Two were seriously damaged, the attic caught fire, burned through the roof, burned attic trusses. They are not unlivable. One of those two houses was abandoned, so that is good. The other two houses were only we talked to the fire chief moments ago. He is optimistic but cautious about declaring victory. With the wind shifts, it is pushing the other direction. What i thought was a backfire was ahead fire moving to the homes. Big concern. Hesitant to say the fire is contained and we are in good shape because we want to make your we actually do have it contains. Dan about 45 acres is the best bet. As the sunsets, firefighters will be out here all night taking sure it does not jump any containment lines. Meredith more breaking news, another fire in volusia county. Claire metz joins us live in samus sula, and this spread into a landfill . Claire it is the side of the landfill, and you can see smoke

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