Transcripts For WESH WESH 2 News At 5pm 20160209 : compareme

Transcripts For WESH WESH 2 News At 5pm 20160209

bob: the president was not home at the time, but was later arrested by detectives for possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. fisher is the stepson of an orange county deputy. a spokesperson says it is a sad day for the department. i just got off the phone with the coach of the bulldogs, and he has posted a picture of the child on the team facebook age. the team mom said this little boy was one of the most respectable young men she had ever met. jim: a wild weekend crime spree. a dodge charger was spotted at the two men in the charger robbed a family at gunpoint in the parking lot. 30 minutes later the same men in the same car pistol whipped and robbed and uber driver. police spotted the charger and pursued it before it crashed into a pole. both men got out of the car and tried to run, but they did not get far. they are thought to be involved in at least four previous robberies. angela: late breaking from orange county. the sheriff' s office says a 17-year-old student was arrested on the campus of wekiva high school today. deputies say he had a gun on him. a tip led investigators to the student. the building was put on lockdown. no one was hurt. chopper 2 was over the scene in brevard county for the scene of volusia county named endo being credited with bringing that suspect down. endo had just been given several this happened. >> right, the sir money was this morning, and by the afternoon, he and his handler -- the ceremony was this morning, and by this afternoon, he and his family were called down to volusia county. and endo did his thing. investigators say a driver and passenger bailed out of a the of glaud took off on foot, but they did not get far. the k-9 took the driver down just hours after he was awarded a medal of honor. endo was shot in november while tracking a man who shot his endo back on the job, responding to a police pursuit through 2 counties. a motorist was seen driving recklessly. there were several calls to 911. >> there is a volkswagen at 100 miles forever. he almost caused a head-on collision and swerved over at the last minute. reporter: deputies spotted the suspect. he raced away from them into brevard county at better than 100 miles per hour . the k-9 and his handler were on standby for the call and responded to the scene where he tracked down the suspects. for now, only the driver is being charged. and that suspect driver is being he is being charged with the fleeing and eluding and drug charges in volusia county. unclear if he is facing charges in brevard. wesh 2 news. jim: the latest cold snap continues, blustery conditions with some of the chili is temperatures we have seen -- the chili is temperatures we have seen. angela: temperatures are struggling to make it to the 60' s. if that is not enough, wait until tonight. forecast. tony: the big story tonight, and let our the winds. they will not completely die we do have freeze warnings in effect. i think there is too much wind for a freeze , but we will have to watch marion county. we did not hit 60 in orlando, but we did hit 60 in order and. 40 in town, 37 daytona beach. those wind chills, under a wind chill advisory. more of those freeze watches, and how much longer we have to deal with these chilly temperatures -- the story straight ahead. jim: it is a site you only have to see once every four years. voters are turning out to take part in the first of the nation primary. if polls are to be believed, republican donald trump and democrat bernie sanders are poised to win. angela: that has not stopped the candidates. our correspondent joins us from manchester with more on the big night. reporter: those candidates stopped at nothing to get their messages out tonight. they were in diners and coffee votes, but for voters i talked to, it comes down to the issues. if you really want to see how seriously the granite state takes its first in the nation primary, look no further than the traffic jams and churches and schools packed at the polls. >> when you vote you really make a mark. people don' t think that, but it is important. reporter: and the fact that younger folks are excited are important. >> the chances they will be able to retire not very good. >> he wants to make decisions. >> i think he would be eight or mentis advocate for the republicans in the years to come. reporter: they made up their minds tuesday morning. who would you vote for? >> you can say? >> i don' reporter: they have specific issues. >> for education, drug and our call funding in the state of new hampshire, we have a huge problem with heroin -- like many communities do right now -- that is huge for us. reporter: this rubio supporter feels that the senator can unite the nation. >> i like his consistent stance on life in the family. reporter: for him, the next generation' s most important. >> we' ve got to keep our educational system going. i believe if the other side gets then, we might lose a lot that we have now. reporter: with a couple hours before the polls close, last-minute decisions will really be that sally. it will be what we look for once the votes -- was the votes are counted tonight. that' s especially true for marco rubio who needed to overcome a we will talk more about that coming up at 5:30. for now, i' m adrian whitsett, wesh 2 news. angela: the cold does not seem to be stopping anyone. he will be covering the primary all night. and stick around after wesh 2 news at 6' 4" nbc nightly news. lester holt will be broadcasting from the granite state. a fight broke out last night around 5:30 on a field near sheridan road. the victim tried to break it up. he went to the hospital and is expected to be ok. the 15-year-old and the 16-year-old were busted. one of them told the police that the fight was over gang turf. jim: a gun is fired inside an off-campus apartment near ucf deputies tell wesh 2 that when they arrived on scene, they saw 2 men running, and a gun left behind. 3-men were detained and deputies say marijuana was found. it' s important to note that no one was hurt. the investigation into why the shots were fired, continues tonight. the flu has proven to be especially tough for one central florida school. the saint paul school was closed so the building could be disinfected. a high number of students and faculty came down with students -- came down with flulike symptoms. angela: an investigation launched after complaints of improper spending. jim: the audit has been completed, and all spending was considered in line with current policies. wesh 2' s amanda ober reports, now the property appraiser is implying the audit may have been politically motivated. reporters a copy of the audit done of his agency for all spending, the orange county property appraiser implied he has been the target of unfair scrutiny. the property appraiser announced tuesday his agency' s purchasing practices have been given a clean bill of health. questions have been raised about misuse of county credit cards, but the just released audit concludes -- we found the orange county property appraiser' s office were materially in compliance with the office policy. the appraiser is calling for other county leaders to undergo the same audit. >> in the interest of fairness and equity, i think everyone should be open to the same level of scrutiny. there should not be selective prosecution. amanda: commissioner scott boyd was the most vocal in aback by implications he was targeted. >> it is good practice. any organization invites audience. >> if he is following the practices of how we use our pcards is one thing. spending tax dollars is another. amanda: the audit included clarifying spending policies. amanda ober, wesh 2 news. angela: it is not uncommon for the comptroller to examine issues raised by local leaders are the news media. groceries and gambling. jim: slots and salami, all under one roof. the orlando grocery store that looked more like a vegas casino. and how lady luck was not on the owners' side. angela: plus, a local veteran' s affairs facility is hoping to expand with the help of a congressman, and according to some local vets, not a moment stay with us. jim: right now a plan to open up veterans is finding support. michelle meredith reports. michelle: dorothy nelson is a veteran who served in the navy. she hopes she never needs a nursing home, but if she does, going to one operated by the v.a. works. >> there are other people she could associate with. michelle: there is a beautiful 120-bed nursing home at the new v.a. has it all at lake nona. but it is full. what is not full is the former v.a. nursing home . >> this area has an aging veterans population. this facility is vacant or close to vacant. we wanted open. michelle: what is the plan? time and mike go once the government to give the old -- john mica wants the government to give the old nursing home to mica says the state can get this quicker than the federal government and can run it more efficiently in his opinion. >> it is a big bureaucracy. it' s hard to reopen a nursing home in the current the a mica says a bill to do that passed the house today. which is good -- the 82-year-old helped develop the plan to put man on the moon. >> i don' t know, it just means to work. michelle: they hope to see their final days out proudly. in orange county, michelle meredith, wesh 2 news. angela: mica is confident that it will pass the senate and the final step is the president jim: when it is cold and windy, you really feel it. tony: your house is breathing today? jim: a little inhale, exhale. tony: it is gold. angela: it is cold. jim: sunset at 6: 08 in the evening. the wind may be a good thing. may prevent many of us from having a freeze in our northern locales. it is just bouncing around. freeze warnings are up for marion and flagler county. the big story is going to be the wind chills. we' re talking 37 232 marion, sumter. the youngsters are definitely going to need a couple layers tomorrow morning as we get that england. windy conditions on the southwest side. skies clear out this evening from the northwest to the southeast and that will allow those temperatures to fall. but the wind can counteract the temperature fall and that' s one of the things we will be babysitting for you. 58, hunters creek, 58 over toward brett looked. the southern side of the peninsula -- lower 60' s, but everyone had the wind. wind gusts to anywhere from 20 to 35 miles per hour. the peak wind gusts, the 32 45 mile an hour range. the temperatures will be falling into the upper 40' s, at least in orlando by the 11:00 hour. if a freeze is going it will be a one-hour duration. when you factor in the wind here, look at these wind chill values. 29 in palm coast. 35. thursday morning, upper 20' s, low 30' s up north. again, a couple more mornings of very cold weather here. high pressure in the gulf, gusty northwest winds throughout the afternoon, west to west northwest. afternoon highs will only peak at 60' s. normally they are 70. anywhere from 55 to 60 degrees tomorrow. a good 10 to 25 degrees below normal. and we are not done. frosted now. waking up wednesday morning. we have to watch that. we are even in the mid 30' s here seven-day forecast, let you know if we will see a rebound and the temperatures. it does come. but by friday we are back in the 60' s. lots of racing in daytona. they have the lucas oil forecast and a couple other events. guys? angela: that 5 -- jim: it jumps right out at you. angela: a death investigation in india unlike any other. jim: a man may have been killed by a meter accurate and a nasty morning ted! scott! ready to hit some balls? ooh! s up? this is what it can be like to have shingles. oh, man. a painful, blistering rash. if you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. after almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. you know, i' or pharmacist today about a vaccine that can angela: at least nine people are dead from a head on train collision this morning. this happened in bavaria just west of munich, where the two trains collided into each other. officials say the accident is so bad, it' s like the trains have been fused together. they say the trains were traveling around 60 miles per hour when they crashed. 50 other people are seriously hurt. a roll of her bus crash left dozens injured. the bus was on a i-95 in madison, connecticut yesterday afternoon. 70 people were on board when it up the bus on their own, but some are still in critical condition. snow and ice also delayed ambulances taking injured people to the hospital. jim: fbi employees of had their information published by hackers. this comes after homeland security employees had their information leaked. in the tweet they use #freepal estine. it does not include private information mike social security numbers. the justice department is investigating. investigators are trying to determine if a man died from a meteorite strike. they found a' s mall blue object -- a small blue object that fell from the sky. police say a bus driver standing nearby was hit by the debris and the object left a five-foot-wide crater at the college. scientists are trying to see if came from an airplane or satellite. angela: what are the chances of something like that happening? jim: i guess when it is your time, it is your time. angela: wesh 2 news at 5:30 is next. with a look what' s coming up in our next half hour. stewart: police say there was an operation gambling in a grocery store. and a wave of negative attacks. -- >> you are watching wesh 2. stewart: right now at 5:30, 2-men are behind bars in orange county, charged with running an illegal gambling operation. good evening, i' m stewart moore. angela: i' m angela taylor. investigators say it was complete with slot machines and a vegas style sports book. wesh 2' s dave mcdaniel joins us live and dave, police say these men ran this operation out of an dave: that is exactly what the agents are telling us. they are saying you could play the slot machines at this food and grocery and if you were friends with the store you could lay down a on football. a citizen complaint started it all in the summer of 2014. >> we had information there were slot machines paying out money. dave: the sign said "for amusement only," but agents said this was happening. >> you would cash out for whatever you one. dave: they claimed that if you were familiar with the store, the rather options. >> there would be a game of the week. they could place a bet on that game. dave: two men were arrested. gambling house, bookmaking and racketeering. >> i go over there must of the time with my family. i have never seen nothing like that, so -- dave: the fbi is trying to work out how much money changed hands through betting. >> we will try to determine how much of the store was legitimate to the grocery business and how much was illegal gambling. dave: there are two other suspected in a five and looking for at this time. the store is back open. we went in to see if anyone would comment, but no one wanted to discuss the ganley allegations. wesh 2 news. angela: an interesting place to do that. dave, thank you. orange county deputies are looking for a group of men who robbed a food market and shot a clerk. a neighborhood market into. three employees were there at the time. investigators are looking for 4 people. stewart: orlando police are investigating the shooting of two people found dead on tuesday. only one of the victims has been identified. he was due to stand trial for importing and trafficking cocaine. it is a big day in new hampshire. voting is underway and in a few hours the winners will be named. angela: since his strong, 3rd place finish in the iowa caucus last week, florida senator marco rubio has been pushing hard for another victory. he' s also been the subject of attacks from opponents, hoping to steal some of his limelight. stewart: those attacks, coupled with a weak debate performance on saturday night, are putting rubio on the defensive. wesh 2' s adrian whitsett joins us live from new hampshire. adrian, senator rubio is trying hard to deflect these attacks. adrian: yeah, he surely is. we don' voters will ultimately does. those numbers will not come in until later tonight, but if the polls are any indication, rubio should take at least second place . he had a tremendous amount of momentum after that third-place finish in the iowa caucus. with any of that week debate performance and he has been on the defensive. he has had to backtrack. we have seen his communications director trying to spin the message about what he was saying about president obama was ok and correct. it inspired some people to dress up as rubio robots. chris christie says he is not ready to leave, but rubio says he is the only one who can. at >> he' s a nice guy. he may have a great future. >> people will say whatever they have to say. in the senate i have had real achievement. adrian: and rubio told our sister station wmur that his repeated comment about president obama destroying the country is something he believes in and the issue is a media issue and not something voters care about. we will have a wrapup of today' s events ahead at six a lot. live in manchester, new hampshire with commitment 2016, adrian whitsett, wesh 2 news. stewart: thank you very much. a very cold new hampshire, no gloves, no hat. maybe grab a hat, adrian. and stick around after wesh 2 news at 6:00 for nbc nightly news. lester holt will be broadcasting live from new hampshire. angela: we are not seeing the central florida, they are pretty cold out there. stewart: meteorologist tony mainolfi is out there. how cold are the temperatures going to be tonight? tony: the wind will make it feel like it is in the upper 20' s and low 30' s. i just think there' s going to be too much wind for flagler county to have a freeze, even in the inland areas. we will continue to watch that. mid-50' s up north. still near 60 in town. we did not get quite to 60 hour-by-hour. ocala, freezing. the bigger story is going to be the wind overnight. we have the wind chills, not just tomorrow morning, but thursday morning. and we have more freeze watches up. plenty of folks are tired of the cold. back to you. angela: i am one of them. after 24 hours swimming in the sebastian inlet, a mother right whale and her calf are back out at sea. chopper 2 spotted the animals around noon, as they took a final lap before heading out into open water. it wasn' t only chopper 2 that made the trip to see the whales. a large crowd gathered in hopes of spotting them from the shore and bridge. stewart: officials say it was the gathering crowd that kept the whales in the inlet. they say the animals may have been too scared to swim under the bridge, because of the noise. wesh 2' s dan billow explains. dan: there was no food available for these right whales when they went down this narrow channel and ended up in the indian river lagoon. to get back out, it was no small accomplishment to get out to that bridge and into the atlantic. >> i think it is fantastic. almost to the detriment of the whales. >> what do you think? dan: the whales had to find their way out to survive. at length, they ventured under the sebastian inlet bridge, despite being seemingly spooked by the other people. >> the whales are in excellent condition. the mama and the calf are doing really good. dan: cameras snapped some of the best pictures ever seen. with only 400 north atlantic right whales known to exist, these are among mother nature' s most endangered creatures. >> this was exciting, one of the most exciting adventures of my wildlife photography and my life. dan: they were once almost hunted out of existence by whaling fleets. in the past few years, their numbers have held steady and perhaps crept up a little as they were to the brevard county every whale cow is an incalculable treasure, and so is the chance to see one this close. >> is a one -- it is a once in a lifetime event. dan: dan billow, wesh 2 news. stewart: although one lane had to be shut down. so far, no word what caused to be accident or how severe the woman' s injuries were. she was taken to rnc. angela: right now two people are recovering after being hurt in a 5-car crash involving an orange s deputy patrol it happened last night on orange skyview drive near orange blossom trail. the department says the deputy had stopped along the side of the road to help a driver who we' re told the deputy was not hurt. the other people who were hurt are expected to be ok. right now, orange county two convenience stores. check out this surveillance footage taken inside the kangaroo express saturday night. you can see the robber crouching down behind the counter, his gun trained on the clerk. and take a look at this. a short time later, the same man hit a circle k store. stewart: right now a south florida man is facing some pretty serious charges, for what he says was a joke. police say he threw an alligator into a drive-through window. wesh 2' s jazmin walker reports. jazmin: joshua james' s parent said that her son' s idol was steve irwin, the crocodile hunt. >> it' s a stupid prank that is turning into this. jazmin: police it just arrested her son joshua for what happened royal palm beach. he picked up a 3.5 foot gator, put it in his truck, and slung it through the drive-through window. >> you definitely believe that this was a prank? >> 100%. he' s a prankster. he finds it funny. jazmin: police did not find it funny. he used a credit card receipt for a drink and they tracked him down. >> he is not a stupid kid. >> you are saying is not a violent person? >> absolutely not. it was a total prank. jazmin: they say that he was trying to prank someone that he knows that works at the wendy' s. i' m jazmin walker, wesh 2 news. angela: is it a good idea to pick up a gator you see by the side of the road? it at someone. angela: some severe weather makes for an unusual sight in oklahoma. stewart: plus, a new report says there were more sharks bites last year, than ever before. wesh 2 is breaking down the numbers that say most of those attacks, happened right here in florida. stay with us. >> i am at a polling place in salem, new hampshire, where undecided voters are making their decision. second place in the republican field up for grabs. senator marco rubio trying to stay on message after the announcer: it's game night! the only question that needs answering is what meal to make that everyone will love? how about an easy to make pasta with a medley of delicious florida vegetables? pick up some fresh florida zucchini, beautiful golden squash, plump tomatoes, mushrooms, and garlic. dice, saut\, combine with the pasta, and serve. everyone's a winner with this flavor packed meal. for more recipes visit look for the fresh from florida label when you shop because, delicious is always >> local, live, latebreaking --wesh 2 news at 5:00 continues. stewart: we are just a few weeks away from spring break season, and we' statistic. angela: according to a new before. even worse, most were right here in florida. stewart: wesh 2' s brett connolly looks into the report, and breaks down those numbers. brett: it is the unofficial name "shark bite capital of the world" that concerns swimmers and surfers. it is a worldwide record we do not want to break in the future, the international shark attack file at the university of florida reports 98 attacks last year, 30 in florida, with eight and brevard and seven in volusia county. >> i knew right away. brett: he was one of the seven in falluja county last year. he was on a surfboard in the jetty, a popular >> i still have a foot. i' m pretty grateful for that. brett: sean told wesh 2 he was paddling in when he felt a fight and picked up six lacerations on the bottom of his foot. >> it was crazy. i have never been this close to a shark. brett: last week, a father and son spotted this great white in volusia county. while it was just a siding, more attacks could rise in the years to come as our population grows and shark populations recover. some experts believe it is only natural to see a higher number of interactions. brett connolly, wesh 2 news. angela: i' m going to stay away for spring break. parts of north carolina' s outer banks are cleaning up. stewart: emergency crews say there was as much is two feet of it allowed the ocean to break right through. crews are working on cleaning up the mess left behind. angela: and check this out. typically you see waves in the ocean and not in a lake. but powerful winds caused these big waves to form in an oklahoma lake yesterday. wind gusts were measured up to 50 miles per hour, just northwest of oklahoma city. high winds are expected again today combined with low humidity, putting the area in a high risk for wildfires. stewart: tony, you said last night we might have some winds that wake us up in the middle of the neck, and i tell you, i heard those winds howling last night. tony: it' s going to be with us all night and that' s why we have a windchill advisory in effect. guys, look at that beautiful view from daytona beach, halifax river. a lot of people getting ready for speed week. we have races coming up. we will highlight one for you in a couple minutes. daytona beach, dew points dropping. at eight to 18. we have freeze warnings for marian and flagler county. but there may be too much wind for a freeze to occur for a good portion of flagler county. it may be on the far western side. we will continue to babysit that. more importantly for those youngsters, we have wind chill values , 30, 35 degrees. this big, low-pressure still up there in nova scotia pulling in the wind and that cold air across the great lakes, the ohio valley and the deep south today. 59, orlando, 59 melbourne. look at these week wind gusts this afternoon. 30, 30 five up-and-down i-40, hour-by-hour, through 10:00, look at daytona beach -- upper 40' s. with that went tonight at 10:00, upper 40' s may feel more like upper 30' s. you' re falling to 50 by 10:00 and a good bit of wind as well. 32 and freezing in ocala. we are at or just above the freezing mark. look at this snapshot. the wind chill advisories -- 37 in town. 30, daytona beach, 39 palm coast. this is not going to happen for a second consecutive day. wrong answer. still at freezing here, upper 20' s, low 30' s palm coast down towards sanford. at all right, we get you out into the day here tomorrow -- high pressure from the gulf of mexico. we have that strong northwesterly wind. highs struggling again to get into the mid to upper 50' s. and keep in mind the below normal temperatures. i cold start, a nicer finish. not going to feel this bad thursday afternoon. friday probably the warmest day of the week. temperatures back in the low 70' s. now for speedway saturday, the lucas oil 200 is on the way. looking pretty good. temperatures are going to climb back up into the mid-60' s. it have a jacket, you will be in great shape. seven-day forecast, there is your highlight day friday. 73, a little rain monday night into tuesday as temperatures try to approach the 70 degree mark. stewart: welcome back -- two maintenance workers on the roof of a gas station -- take a look. this happened in california yesterday afternoon. the workers were getting off the awning when it collapsed. one worker managed to scramble roof to the ground. there were also people inside the cars under the roof when it came down on them. no one was seriously injured. a new study says light can be used to prevent jet lag. angela: one of the experiments delayed jet lag by two hours. exposing travelers to short flashes of light while they sleep can prevent that awful feeling. it may trick the brain' s biological clock. the big wave competition in hawaii is still a go tomorrow. the waves reached 20 feet by hawaiian standards. from december 1 two february 28, catching a massive wave -- this is the 31st anniversary but only the eighth time the contrast has been run. stewart: let' angela: yeah, let' s do it. stewart: today is fat tuesday in new orleans. it is expected to be the largest since hurricane katrina. more than a million people are expected to be in the streets. what people are partying, businesses will be raking in the cash. all of the money that goes into the local economy usually accept to $840 million. angela: and we encourage people to like our facebook page. we have video of michelle meredith -- she plays the trumpet. did you know that? stewart: wesh 2 news at 6:00 is straight ahead. angela: wesh 2' s meredith mcdonough joins us now with what' s coming up next half hour. a new at 6:00, while one you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ >> you are watching wesh 2. jim: tragic accident -- now a 13-year-old boy is dead. >> it' know? jim: tonight a local neighborhood reacts after learning the teen who was accidentally shot did not make it. >> i got a six-year-old son at the time he was in the back yard playing and i heard shots. my first thing is get inside. meredith: flu emergency -- one local school had to shut its doors today. the ugrent message from the health department. -- the urgent message from the health department. jim: commitment 2016 tonight we' re live in new hampshire for the nation' s first primary in the race for president. what the candidates are up to as voters head to the polls. >> local, live, latebreaking. this is wesh 2 news at 6:00 in high definition. jim: right now on wesh 2 news at 6 new information into the accidental shooting death of a local 13-year-old boy. meredith: this is the first time we' re seeing a picture of lavardo fisher. good evening. i' m meredith mcdonough. jim: i' m jim payne. right now we' ve just learned from the orange county sheriff' s office that the 18-year-old who had the gun told deputies that it went off when he fell off a hoverboard. meredith: wesh 2' s bob kealing case.

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Lake Nona , Florida , United States , New Hampshire , Munich , Bayern , Germany , North Carolina , Volusia County , Ocala , Brevard County , Flagler County , California , Ohio Valley , Marion County , Melbourne , Victoria , Australia , Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , Halifax River , Connecticut , Mexico , Daytona Beach , India , Indian River , Iowa , Saint Paul School , Orlando , Hawaii , Hawaiian , Angela Taylor , Marco Rubio , Meredith Mcdonough , Stewart Moore , Brett Connolly , Amanda Ober , Jazmin Walker , Dave Mcdaniel , Joshua Jame , Lester Holt , Chris Christie , Steve Irwin , Jim Payne , Michelle Meredith , Dorothy Nelson , Scott Boyd , Bernie Sanders ,

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