Transcripts For WESH WESH 2 News At 400pm 20160209

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The candidates are looking for as many people possible to come out. We ve been all over in nashua and derry and londonderry and right here in manchester, seeing what voters think of their role in helping to decide who might be their parties candidate come november. And the candidates doing all they can to meet as many people as possible face to face. New hampshire isn t really known for any particular food, but that s what draws people together. Whether it s side by side eating, or serving coffee and breakfast. Where s table two . Adrian or just photoops inside diners. The candidates used the most important meal to talk about the importance of the Granite State s primary. I m feeling great. You know, obviously i hope to do as well as i can. You look beautiful. Adrian Bernie Sanders leads in the polls against Hillary Clinton and in the returns from the three midnight votes, others did well early, too. I mean there s nowhere to go but up from there, and it was a great win. You know, it was really great. You know i saw trump, by the way. I said, i crushed you. Adrian but voters have all day, and the candidates can t stop we re going to leave here with more delegates than when we got here. In their homes town halls and all over the state and hopefully i ll be remembered as someone who did real well here. Adrian trump still has a commanding lead in the polls, but everything can change. And ted cruz would like to make it two in a row. Some are already thinking ahead. We re on every ballot. Wednesday morning, i start up again in hilton head, south carolina. But getting a boost from here would be great. Adrian we will start seeing results in just a few hours and who will be the candidate Going Forward from New Hampshire. Coming up, i will tell you why Granite Staters are glad this day is finally here. Summer thank you. A quick reminder. You have one week left to register to vote, if you want to cast a ballot in the election next month. You can register at any driver s or post office by february 16. Florida s first ballots for president will be cast march 15. Some absentee ballots were mailed out today. Summer our commitment 2016 coverage continues at 4 30. At 5 00, we will take a look at the issues most important to you, and it will have a live look at the hampshire primary results as they come in. Meredith definitely a chilly tuesday out here today. Summer eric burris is outside right now. It is pretty chilly outside. Eric we have freeze warnings posted later. I have my hands in the jacket because i am initiate and shade in the wind is gusty. 59 in orlando right now. Wind is out of the west and southwest at 20 Miles Per Hour. It is not that cold out though 57, Daytona Beach and ocala. Here are the freeze warnings for Marion County and Flagler County. Temperatures will be approaching freezing tonight and should be around that for a couple hours time. We will clear the clouds out and drop those temperatures by 9 00. We continue to go down from 50 degrees. We will talk about wind chill s tomorrow morning, and they will be cold. We will also talk about the timing for the freezing frost potential. I will see you inside in a couple of minutes. Meredith students and staff at one local school had the day off today, but it wasn t planned. Too many faculty and students at st. Paul Catholic School in lake county have flu like symptoms. Wesh two s gail paschallbrown reports, administrators shut it down so they could disinfect the school. Gail yesterday, parents at st. Paul Catholic School in leesburg, got this letter. Because of the number of faculty and School Students that have flu like symptoms, we will be closing the school on tuesday, february 9. The school will be disinfected and will reopen on wednesday, i think the numbers were in the 50s, a significant number of kids and staff that have acquired this influenza like illness. Gail the diocese of orlando notified the Lake County Health department, adding the well being of our students is a high priority. So scrubbing desks, books, and other items at the prek through 8th grade facility was a top priority today. The virus can last a little while. You can do some transmission. They re going to do a disinfection with antiviral agent to help knock that down as an extra precaution. Gail the Health Deparmtent says you can fight against the flu by gettting a flu vaccine. Its not too late. Washing your hands, that s critical best advice if you re sick, stay home. Don t bring it to work. Don t bring it to school. Gail influenza is an airborne disease. People sneeze and cough it out, and if you re within three to six feet, that puts you at gail also, cover your cough, take tissues with you and sneeze and cough into these, so no one else has to touch them. We checked with lake county public schools, and so far, we have received no alerts from the Health Department. The spokeperson says they ve received no alerts from the Health Department or student services. In lake county, gail paschallbrown, wesh two news. Meredith flu like symptoms include, fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Some people also may suffer vomiting and diarrhea. Summer after a nightmare cruise is called short, passengers are still making their way back to new jersey this afternonon. Wesh 2 s jim payne joins us now with why one frustrated lawmaker is now calling for an investigation. Jim those Cruise Ship Passengers who were tossed around by a huge swirling storm off the North Carolina coast, home. The Royal Caribbean ship sustained minor damage, but gave passengers quite a scare when it was hit by 115mile perhour winds sunday night. Forecasts warned of bad weather, much worse than expected. That news doesn t sit sell with florida senator bill nelson. He s calling for action. The thing about this storm was, it was forecast for days. So, why in the world would a cruise ship, with thousands of passengers, go sailing right into it . When a storm s brewing, why are there mistakes made, just like el faro before it left the port of jacksonville . They knew that a hurricane was coming. Jim 33 people died when the cargo ship el faro sailed into a hurricane off the bahamas last year. The ship was supposed to stop at Port Canaveral on a seven day itinerary, but it turned around instead, and is expected back in port in new jersey tomorrow morning. Meredith. Meredith a call of shots fired sent deputies scrambling to an apartment near ucf. When they arrived at the complex on alafaya club drive, they found no victims. Ground. The gun was traced to an apartment where deputies found three other men, one in possession of marijuana. They were detained. The investigation continues. Summer the audit of the Orange County property appriaser s spending practices has been made public, and it concludes the agency s spending practices were in line with set policies. But as wesh two s amanda ober reports, the property appraiser appears to believe he was unfairly targeted. Amanda ober after releasing to reporters a copy of the audit done of his agency s spending, the Orange County property appraiser implied that he s been the target of unfair scrutiny. In the interest of fairness and equity, everyone should be open to same level of scrutiny, not selective persecution. Amanda property appraiser rick singh says a just completed audit gave his agency s purchasing practices a clean bill of health. Questions had been raised about cards. S audit concluded, we found the Orange County property appraiser s office pcard purchases were materially in compliance with the office s policies and procedures,. After suggesting he had been a target of selective persecution, singh called for other county leaders to be audited treating all elected officials fairly will assure the public that these audits are professional, rather than being political. Amanda Orange County commissioner scott boyd, who at one time planned to run against singh, was the most vocal in calling for the audit. Both boyd and mayor Teresa Jacobs were taken aback by singh s implication he was unfairly targeted. Audits are good public practice. I mean, it s good private practice. Any organization invites audits and. Practices for how we use pcards it s one thing. It s how we re spending our money and our tax dollars is another. Amanda the comptroller s audit did suggest some action steps for singh, including clairfying some of the Agency Spending policies for meals and travel. In Orange County, amanda ober, wesh 2. Summer this was initiated by the county comptroller. The agency says these are routine. Meredith a Florida Appeals Court heard arguments today in a case challenging the state law requiring that a woman seeking an abortion must wait 24 hours after visiting a clinic to get care. A state court barred enforcement of the law june 30, a day before it was set to go into effect. Today s hearing was the state s appeal. Opponents say women can make informed decisions without the wait, and that it is particularly burdensome for low income women who would have to miss school or work to access abortion care. Summer president barack obama s 4. 1 trillion spending plan has made it to capitol hill. For the 2017 fiscal year, billion in the battle against isis, and 19 billion to enhance the nation s cyber security. The federal deficit would decrease in the next fiscal year going from 616 billion to 503 billion. The republicancontrolled house declined to take up the spending plan today. The new spending plan is for the budget year beginning october 1 , just three and a half months before obama leaves office. Meredith one of our local congressmen stopped in orlando pushing to save the lake baldwin v. A. The project could get on the fast track, thanks to a bill expected to pass the house, transferring the facility over to the state of florida. The nursing home portion of the facility has been empty or serving as temporary space during the transition to the new lake nona v. A. The lake nona campus in southeast Orange County opened last year and continues to open more services as construction is completed. It turned out to be quite a day for whale watching in the lagoon. Banks to watch the whale and her baby for a second day. Meredith the beach side it news you may not want to hear about. Summer meredith an incredbile story, two right whales make it to safety in the open ocean, among the rarest creatures of any kind in the whole world. The whales escaped a potential deathtrap in Brevard County today. Summer wesh 2 s dan billow is at sebastian inlet. How did the whales make it out . Dan summer, they had wandered into the inlet and in the direction where there is no food for them. To survive, they had to make it out back the other way under the bridge and back into the ocean. It was touch and go for some time. After almost two days in waters where no food is available, the mother and baby right whale approach their escape route, but turn back. Close to going underneath the catwalk, they would all start cheering, and it would sorta frighten the whales back. Dan hundreds of people had come to see them, crowding the jetties and lining the bridge over sebastian inlet. This is just fabulous. It s hard to describe. This is exciting. This is one of the most exciting adventures of my wildlife photography and my life. Dan the majestic right whales can grow to 50feet. If you stood one on its tail, it would be as tall as a fivestory building. Only about 500 north atlantic right whales are known to exist. They re one of the rarest creatures on the planet. Imagine how precious, how rare is each whale calf. This is for my years of experience, this is the first time i ve seen a whale inside of an inlet. It s very exciting. Spectators moved and quieted, mother and baby drifted peacefully back up the channel, where perhaps no other right whale has gone before. To survive, they must migrate northward to their feeding grounds off the canadian coast. Happy to see them get out safely. That s the main thing. Dan they are out there safely where they belong. Right whales migrate to the coast of brevard and volusia counties every year to bear their young. People glimpse them off the coast now and then, but no one we talked to has ever seen them this close before, and may never do so again. Meredith certainly a beautiful site. Mosquito control workers from across the country, mapping out plans to keep the zika virus out of the u. S. Those plans include telling automotive retailers in the Florida Panhandle to get rid of old tires. Also, lining up laboratories for the zika virus in new portland s. New orleans. The species that spread the virus are tough to fight because they stay close to people s homes where they re hard to reach with spraying. Coming up tomorrow, we will have a medical expert to answer your feet zika virus questions. A doctor will be here answering your questions through the mobile app, keeping you and your family safe. That is tomorrow getting at 4 00 on wesh 2 news. Summer i hope you have your jacket and scarf handy today. Eric it is pretty cold out there. I still need to do this with my hands. One more time here. Hour. There are a few clouds and you can see these skycam rep bouncing around. It has been a gusty day. We will talk about how per hour and gusting higher than that elsewhere. 57, villages. 57, ocala. The comparison right now to this time yesterday is about five degrees cooler. You will notice the change and then there is also the wind, making it feel that much cooler. Freeze warnings for Marion County and Flagler County. Temperatures will be getting down to near freezing in that area and hovering in that area for about two hours. The rest of us with wind running five to 10 miles an hour tonight. The rest of us will be in the lower 30 s. As the clouds clear, we are allowing the cool, dry air to dive on in. 57 degrees with a gusty wind at 7 00. The wind begins to call and 53 degrees by 8 00. 11 00 and that is when we clear the skies out and when we are able to drop those temperatures. This is what we have for you. Ocala, 40 degrees. That will be the temperature. 45, st. Cloud. 45, winter park. The wind goes mild and the temperatures could drop a little bit. Tony will have the latest later tonight. 43, Daytona Beach. 48, cocoa beach. Wind chills, that will be the big factor tomorrow morning. 20 s and 30 s throughout the town. By lunchtime tomorrow, still feeling like it is in the 40 s area wide. Once we get the sun to warm our temperatures, it will be breezy. 60 degrees in winter haven. The clouds exit out, and this get closer on wednesday. Still, gusty wind. The closer this gets, the milder the wind is. Thursday the wind will be lowering. On friday, we will be looking at a much quieter scenario. Tonight, 40 in the orlando area, but look at what happens s. In our northern suburbs. Thursday, sunny skies and finally getting back into the 70 s by friday. The next cold front moves on. We will talk about the gusty wind this next half hour. Meredith what you need to know about the virus with a very distinctive sounding cough and how to protect your little one. Train crash in germany streeeeeam stream, stream, streeam streeeeeam stream, stream, stream when i want you in my arms when i want you and all your charms whenever i want you all i have to do is summer an alarming figure we don t want to hear as we head into spring break season. Meredith more people were attacked by sharks last year than ever before, and most were right here in florida. According to the new report from the Florida Museum of natural history, 98 people were attacked across the globe in 2015, 30 of state. The previous record was 88 attacks in 2000. Experts say expect more as populations grow. Summer at least nine people are dead after two passenger trains collide in germany. Authorities say all the survivors have been pulled from the wreckage. Investigators now think the drivers didn t see each other when going around a curve as neither one had time to brake. There was a Safety System designed to automatically stop trains to prevent such a crash, and it s not clear why it didn t function. The black boxes from the trains have been recovered and are being analyzed. Meredith an eightyearold girl was pulled from the rubble after being trapped 60 hours. Now she s recovering in the hospital. The girl was trapped in a toppled building in southern taiwan after a magnitude 6. 4 earthquake rattled the area. She and her aunt were pulled out alive. More than 500 people are still missing. The death toll stands at 41. Today rescue workers used heavy machinery to get to about 100 people trapped in a high rise apartment building. Charges after police say he threw an alligator through a drivethrough window. Summer police recently arrested 24yearold joshua james for what took place in october at a wendy s in royal palm beach. The server gave him his drink and turned around. The suspect s parents say it was s been blown out of proportion. He s not a bad kid. He s a stupid kid. He did a stupid prank. He had no problem turning himself in. Reporter and you re saying he is not a violent person . Absolutely not. It was a total prank. Meredith Officials Say james admitted he picked up the gator on the side of the road. The alligator was later released in a nearby canal. Meredith not that funny though. Summer bread, milk and slot machines. Meredith the boss that took in what may have else going on. Summer we are live in New Hampshire as the Granite State we have the we had real people make their own pizzas. They chose the ingredients they wanted. I like the fresh dough. Whats bha . Pim gonna go with the one thatpdoesnt have the acronyms. Pget that one without fillers. What are fillers . You guys just made your pizza the way i make my pizza. Hey no ingredients that you cant pronounce and no artificial flavors. And were proud to announce pour new quality guarantee plove your pizza, or get anotherpone, absolutely free. Pget any large pizza up to pfor just 9. 99. Online only. Local. Live. Latebreaking. This is wesh 2 news first at 4 00 in high definition. Summer breaking news in Orange County where a 17yearold is arrested for bringing a gun to school. Jim the high school went on lock down when officials received a tip that the man had a gun in his backpack. They took the 17yearold into custody. They are praising the student who alerted them of the weapon. We are working with the Sheriff S Office to learn more about what actually happened. Meredith local agents raided a local grocery store, after receiving complaints that illegal gambling was going on. Summer slot machines and sports betting. Two men were arrested. Wesh 2 S Dave Mcdaniel is live near the intersection of holden avenue and south obt with the details. Dave the investigation of latinos food and grocery started course of a year and a half, the agents claim they ve been able to prove that Illegal Betting was going on here. We had information that they had slot machines inside the store that were paying out money. Dave the director of the mbi says they got a complaint concerning possible illegal gambling, so they checked it out. Go in there, purchase tokens, play the slot machine then you would cash out at the Cash Register for whatever you had won or lost. Dave and these receipts in the documents filed with the clerk of court claim to show, if the you were a friend of the store you could bet on the nfl. You could go in there and ask for the line on a certain game of the week. They would provide you that line, and you could put a bet on that game, and if you won, you d get paid out. Dave franklyn Trinidad Rodriguez and Victor Batista abreu were both arrested during the serving of the search warrant at the store. They re accused of running a gambling house, bookmaking and racketeering. The mbi says they still are working to figure out the groceries and alleged gambling. We re going to go through the records and computers and try to figure out of the money at that store, how much of it was through legitimate grocery business, and how much of it was through illegal gambling. Dave they are still looking for two other suspects. The store is back open and we went and today, but no one wanted to speak of the allegations being levied and this particular case. They say illegal gambling is hurtful to the people playing and the community where they live. Live in Orange County, dave mcdaniel, wesh 2 news. Meredith our commitment 2016 coverage continues live from New Hampshire. Summer wesh 2 s Adrian Whitsett is there live. Adrian, how s voter turnout . Adria it has been pretty good. Everyone we saw this morning , just a lot of folks inside the the turnout is expected to be more than 550,000 people. Candidate wants. The sun is shining now, in the polls should be going on for hours. What could be a record turnout. This was the gorgeous snow spectacle blanketing New Hampshire monday. It was unclear whether slick roads and sidewalks would keep people from getting out to vote. But in the crisp Early Morning light, the snow was cleared and folks came out in droves to make their vote count. From derry to manchester and nashua, all over if there s one thing many can agree on, they re glad the primary is finally here. They are putting out what we want to shear and they are doing it with a pretty good clip. Its good to see democracy at work. Calls and all the mailboxes being stuffed, but thatll go on for another day or two. Adrian nearly everyone i spoke to says, as painful as it was to receive all of those phone calls and mail, they were glad to see all of the candidates here when they were able to reach out to them directly. They were glad to make their vote and voices heard today. He will hear much more about these voters and the issues that are important to them at 5 00. I am live in New Hampshire. Meredith we will have coverage all night. Lester holt will be broadcasting nbc nightly news live from New Hampshire with the latest on the candidates as the polls close. We are certainly not as cold as the people in New Hampshire, but it is cold for us floridians. Eric, nothing to complain about in comparison to what we just saw. Eric it is not snowing, for number one, but if you are not for New Hampshire standards. Tonight, we think the wind will settle to allow temperatures to rest at about freezing. There is a freeze warning for Marion County and also Flagler County. It is the gusty wind at 20 Miles Per Hour that makes it feel lower than 59 degrees. I guarantee when it tony is on later, you will be seen the wind chills. In melbourne, we are at 59 degrees. With that said, satellite imagery is showing the mix of clouds overnight overhead, allowing for a cooler night. We get to be 40 s by 11 00 and continue to go down from there. My next forecast, county by meredith a homeowner says ocoee police shot up the wrong house. Police say they responded to a disturbance call around 1 00 am saturday. The man who lives there, says he asked who was at his door. When no one answered, he grabbed his gun and that s when police fired. He says his wife and child were asleep inside. In a statement, the homeowner s lawyer says, after loud banging at the front door, his client asked officers to identify themselves four times. Attorney todd miner tells wesh 2 an ocoee Police Officer at the scene later told his client, that these officers admitted they had the wrong house. Ocoee police declined to comment on that, citing an ongoing investigation. The officers involved are all on leave now. Summer two teenagers has been charged with the stabbing of a third teenager in Daytona Beach. Based at the 17yearold victim last night on sheridan road in what is being called a fight over gang turf. The suspect stabbed him three times. The victim is expected to recover. Being pulled from a Marion County home. Fire rescue crews say flames were shooting out of the roof of the house near ocala last night. The woman was taken to a hospital where she died. An investigation is underway into what caused the blaze. The victim s name hasn t been released. Summer fire investigators in Brevard County believe this home fire started in the home and spread quickly in palm bay. The people of the home got out quickly and no one was hurt. Batteries at the time of the fire. Damages are estimated at 100,000. When you get gas for your car, you might not think about devices that can steal your credit card information. Are warning that the technology crooks are using is getting more advanced. Alex villarreal has more on this growing crime trend. Every time a credit card goes in, it records the credit card number, and then all the suspect has to do is drive up to the s pumping gas s downloading your information. In a pump at the west vine street 711 in kissimmee last week. Detectives say it s more sophisticated than others, with bluetooth, allowing the crook to get your credit card info wirelessly. Whoever installed it also had their own security seal to replace the one they tampered with. They had some type of key to get in. They snapped the chip in, put the new board back, and you would never know. Alex today, kissimmee detectives and the department of agriculture and Consumer Services set out to check every single pump in the city. It don t take long to do it. It takes them about 30 seconds to put a skimmer in. Alex and the problem Officials Say is growing. So it s becoming more prevalent because it s easy and it s unfortunately easy money for the suspects. Alex so how do you keep yourself protected . Waiting for a middle pump, something that s closest to the front door where you can actually see maybe a video s not really where the criminal wants to be when he s installing the device and trying not to be seen. Alex detectives say use an inside pump and you should also pull on the card reader. If it s loose or looks different from the rest of the system, use another pump. At the 711, where the bluetooth skimmer was found, police say all the locks have already been changed. In kissimmee, alex villarreal, wesh 2 news. Summer experts say the only guaranteed way to make sure you don t fall victim to a credit card skimmer at a gas station, is to use cash when you fill your tank. Meredith a viral infection is making the rounds. We have more. Reporter this has a distinctive barking cough noise. Wrote up a respiratory reporter besides the coughing and runny nose, the child most likely has a fever. One person may get more symptoms and the next one may have a cold. Reporter most cases are from a virus. It is usually influence, very rarely bacteria. Reporter it is important to keep your child calm. A humidifier can help open the breathing passages. In some cases steroids are prescribed. The main problem is the inflammatory process in the vocal cords. Inflammatory medications decreases the swelling and your child can be a little hyper but more comfortable otherwise. Reporter preventing this is good handwashing and hygiene. If your child show symptoms for it is worse at night and last a couple of days. Summer meredith the decorated canine before he heads back on the beat. Summer a scary amber alert the reunion between the mother meredith a Volusia County sheriff s k9, shot and wounded last year in the line of duty, was awarded a purple heart and a medal of valor today. Officer endo has recovered after being shot in the neck, protecting his handler and other deputies. Summer as wesh 2 s claire metz reports now, he s being heralded a hero. Handler, deputy brett whitson, were among others responding to a domestic disturbance in deltona in november. A man shot and wounded his live in girlfriend, then took aim at deputies, hitting endo. I just knew that i was holding his collar and i had blood on my hands. Amanda Claire Police dog handlers would never send their canine partners in after someone they but Deputy Whitson didn t know a man had already shot his live in girlfriend twice. As she sat in the car in front suspect was holed up in some woods and he ordered endo in. He caught the guy and did physically apprehend the guy and that s when he was shot. Claire endo took a bullet to the neck and it was touch and go for awhile, but the folks at the deland animal hospital, also recognized at the ceremony, brought him through and Deputy Whitson will be forever grateful because he and endo have an he m with my dog more than i m s there, and when i at work, he s there. Claire the man who shot endo but the girlfriend survived and no other deputies were injured even though the suspect was firing wildly at them. If it wasn t for this dog, its very likely we could have lost deputies and it s really amazing we didn t lose the dog. Claire endo is back on the job, standing strong, no lingering effects of his brush with violence. And recognized for the kind of qualities sought after in law enforcement. We ve since learned that k9 officer endo is the most decorated police dog in the Volusia County sheriffs history, a hero for them all. Near Daytona Beach, Volusia County, claire metz, wesh 2 news. Summer endo s handler, senior Deputy Whitson, was also honored as the sheriff s departments deputy of the quarter but he was happy to cede the spotlight to his dog. Meredith two people are hurt after a fivecar crash involving an Orange County sheriff s deputy. Wesh 2 was there last night, as investigators blocked off orange skyview drive near Orange Blossom trail. The Sheriff S Office says the deputy had pulled over to help a driver before his cruiser was struck. We re told the other injuries are minor. Summer a missing baby that triggered an amber alert has been found safe in fort lauderdale. This is the video of the reunion between the 10monthold and her mother. The baby s mother says the baby was inside the car when it was stolen from a laundromat. Police are still searching for the thief. Meredith more snow is expected today and tomorrow in massachusetts. Many in the area were spared with totals less than forecast falling. The storm did hit southern new england hardest. And further south, alabama is being hit with snow showers. Some roads have been deemed dangerous and troopers have been busy working several accidents there. Weather across the country is stranding some passengers at oia today. Most of the flights affected are the ones that are headed north. So far we know eight flights have been canceled. If you are scheduled to fly, check the status of your flight before heading to the airport. Summer another check out our forecast. It is chilly, but not that chilly. Meredith eric burris is joining eric remember, it is all in perspective. We will experience our own version of chilly. Beautiful, this is what this looks like in Daytona Beach, just a couple clouds and the camera is down seen all around. You can see the American Flag looking beautiful, old glory flapping in the wind. Wind is gusty, 24 Miles Per Hour. That is the last reading. Once this progresses, the wind will calm down. 59 in orlando right now, the highest we have been today. 37, ocala. Six want, winter haven. 30 and 35 Miles Per Hour even in palm and Daytona Beach around 40 Miles Per Hour. It was a two hands on the wheel kind of day. Watching those clouds streaming through, though they are making are looking at these dry air patterns, allowing for a chilly night. We see the clouds exit into the evening, and as that happens, down goes the temperatures. As we get to lady lake and leesburg and the villages, we start to get a little bit closer to the middle and upper 30 s. 38, leesburg. 30, celebration. 39, orlando. As soon as you get into the more rural area, 35. Into Brevard County, notice we are hovering around 39 and 40 degrees. There is a freeze warning in effect for Marion County and Flagler County as temperatures will hover around freezing for a couple of hours. Tomorrow, nearly a repeat performance of today. It will be a chilly start it 50 is all we will do in the city. It is a little cooler along the space coast, upper 50 s there. 59, that is it for ocala. The wind continues on thursday. This area of High Pressure comes from the gulf of mexico and the wind becomes mild but we stay with the chilly regime. Thursday morning, 30 degrees in ocala. 32, palm coast. 35 in orlando. We could be talking about freezing conditions. This ll be the night we will have to watch for frost as well. Freeze watch is already in effect for our northern areas. Once we are done with that very chilly thursday morning, we return to the 70 s friday afternoon and then hover in the upper 60 s all the way through next week. Tony will have much more on tonight history made in florida. February is huge for us. All our handcrafted classic footlongs are just 6 each. The media is going a little crazy. Submageddon with an incredible amount of accumulation inside. That now seems. Enjoy all our classic footlongs for just 6 each. We had real people make their own pizzas. They chose the ingredients they wanted. I like the fresh dough. Whats bha . Pget that one without fillers. What are fillers . You guys just made your pizza the way i make my pizza. Hey no ingredients that you cant pronounce and no artificial flavors. And were proud to announce pour new quality guarantee plove your pizza, or get anotherpone, absolutely free. Pget any large pizza up to 5toppings pfor just 9. 99. Online only. All our handcrafted classic footlongs are just 6 each. A little crazy. Submageddon with an incredible amount of accumulation inside. That now seems. Enjoy all our classic footlongs meredith the good times are rolling in new orleans. Summer it s fat tuesday, meaning one last party before lent begins tomorrow. Thousands are lining the streets of new orleans, drinking, eating and catching the traditional beads. The parades and parties go long into the night. Even in the wesh 2 news room, Michelle Meredith helped us get into the spirit. Take a listen. Summer i missed this this morning. Michelle showed off some of her other talents celebrating mardi gras. She handed out beads and moon pies. You can see her playing the trumpet there. You can see the entire performance on the wesh 2 facebook page. Meredith history has been made in south florida. Summer a Miami High School hired the state s first female head football coach. Brunson will now lead the team at Miami Jackson senior high school. She does have football allfemale team in miami. After the head coach stepped down, i kind of like took a look and why can t i do it . And today, it s true. Summer it is true. She got the position. If she looks a little familiar, there s a reason. She s also known as bernice on the reality t. V. Show south beach tow. Wesh 2 news at 5 00 is straight ahead. Meredith jim payne joins us now with what s coming up in the next hour. Jim we are following some late breaking news. A 17yearold local High School Student has been arrested on campus in possession of a gun. Plus, what we re learning about a new investigation launched in Orange County after a 13yearold wounded in by accidental gunfire over the weekend died today. And just hours after he was awarded a medal of valor from the Sheriff S Office he works for, a k9 officer once again proves his abilities by taking out a suspect who led police on a high speed crosscounty chase. Wesh 2 news at 5 00 is next. [captioning performed by the which is responsible fpo local, live, late breaking. This is wesh 2 news angela right now at 5 00, a tragic update to bring you tonight from Orange County. The 13yearold who was accidentally shot over the weekend inside a conway acres home has died. This is footage taken of the scene moments after police arrived. Good evening, i m angela taylor. Jim i m jim payne. The boy was with family members when the gun accidentally fired. The man who owned the weapon, walter morame, was arrested. Police say he s a convicted felon, who was not allowed to be in possession of a gun. Angela wesh 2 s bob kealing joins us live from sheriff s headquarters with the latest on a new investigation. Bob . Bob yes, and we can tell you that we have learned this 13yearold who was known by his friends as lj, was also the stepson of an Orange County deputy. Needless to say people who know him are devastated. It s just devastating. Bob she speaks for an entire neighborhood, many of whom are just finding out what happened to be 13yearold who has now died of an accidental gunshot

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