Transcripts For WESH WESH 2 News At 11pm 20160310 : comparem

Transcripts For WESH WESH 2 News At 11pm 20160310

as the flames spread. first 10 acres, then 25, finally reaching 45 acres in the cogan and san filippo drive areas before 7:00. the conditions were perfect for this fire to get out of control. >> the conditions, i mean with a high winds, low humidity levels, s prime , for a wildfire. it could have really blown out. chris: were you scared that you were going to lose your house? karen roan: yeah. once i did come home and see everything, yeah. chris: even into the night, there are still hotspots in the woods there. crews are working to put those hot spots out. but take a look at this. this is how close the fire came actually came to one of the homes here. literally just several feet. besides the melted siding, karen roan' s home was spared. wesh 2 was allowed to ride along with crews as they worked into the night. smoke still filled the air. the fire is now 100% contained. but a word of caution for many who are already on guard. cliff frazier: that doesn' t mean it' s dead out. karen roan: i' m glad that they' re here, doing the best they can. chris: florida power and light was also out here tonight. at one point, we know that 10 homes were affected by outages. we just checked within the 45 minutes, power is expected to be restored sometime around midnight tonight. fire crews know how it spread but are still trying to determine how it all started. jim: in volusia county, crews were battling a brush fire in samsula that spread to a nearby landfill. this was along state road 415. metal scraps and tires began burning once it spread, sending large clouds of acrid smoke into the air. our team coverage of the brush fire battle continues now with chief meteorologist tony mainolfi. tony, the biggest concern fighting these brush fires is the wind. tony: yes, and it will be with us for a couple more days area we have 10 active brushfires in central florida with high pressure to the east and the wind will be a little stronger as we get into the afternoon tomorrow. when his likened off, which is typical at nighttime. ed the afternoon, -- in the afternoon, wind gusts picked up. fire danger is high, especially in seminole county. we are going to watch orange county, sumter come tilt, lake. or let you know how much rain is on the way. meredith: thank you. tonight hillary clinton and bernie sanders take the debate stage in miami, with a far different vibe than their last meeting. sanders is riding high after his surprising victory in michigan. and clinton' s campaign is saying she' s still on track to win the nomination. wesh 2 political reporter greg fox watched the debate tonight and has the highlights. greg: a new debate, a sharper tone. bernie sanders furious at hillary clinton' s condemnation of his vote gainst bailing out the auto industry. hillary clinton if everyone had : voted the way he did we would industry. bernie sanders: that was a bailout of the recklessness and irresponsibility and illegality of wall street. it was the wall street bail out. greg: but much of this debate focused on immigration reform. clinton is for continuing the executive orders of barack obama that have prevented the deportation of u.s.-born children of illegal immigrants. sanders goes farther, wanting citizenship for all who have been here 5 years. bernie sanders: i will use executive powers of that office to do what is best for them, and do what president obama did antics and on it. hillary clinton i am committed : to introducing comprehensive immigration reform and creating a pathway to citizenship in my first 100 days as president. greg: and both were asked to comment on recent headlines about republican donald trump' answers to questions about former kkk leader david duke. bernie sanders the people of : america will never elect a person who insults mexicans, who insults muslims, who insults women. >> is donald trump a racist? hillary clinton i called him out : when he was calling mexicans rapists. but i will tell you this you , don' t make america great by getting rid of the people who made america great. [applause] greg: in other issues, appealing to hispanic voters, hillary clinton supports the upcoming trip to the communist island of cuba, and bernie sanders want to list the embargo. both clinton and sanders are in favor of congress restructuring the debt to avoid what would amount to a great recession in the u.s. territory. meredith: he may not be running for president anymore but jeb on the gop presidential race. this week, the former florida governor will meet with all of the republican presidential hopefuls except donald trump. the meetings, as bush tries to figure out who he will endorse before florida' s primary on tuesday. florida is an intense political battleground, and the candidates are wasting no time pushing for votes ahead of next week' s primary. all the candidates but one are making stops in our area. bernie sanders will be in kissimmee tomorrow, while hillary clinton has a stop in tampa. marco rubio will appear in new smyrna beach tomorrow and osceola county friday. ted cruz will make his way to central florida friday visiting orlando. donald trump of course was at ucf this past weekend. count on wesh 2 news for continuing coverage of commitment 2016. you can also get the latest updates and poll numbers on the wesh 2 mobile app. jim: late tonight, an amber alert in georgia and in central florida. they were searching for seven-year-old, a six-year-old, they were reported missing from albini, georgia. the children and the woman were missing. this was ended in ocala. we will have more on sunrise. state health officials have confirmed the first sexually transmitted case of the zika virus in florida, and it' s in our area. tonight, we' re talking to a local doctor about what you can do to protect yourself. wesh 2' s summer knowles shows us what you need to know. >> the geographical spread of the disease is wider. the group' s broader, and the mode transition includes sexual intercourse. summer: according to the world health organization, the zika virus is transmitted by mosquitoes but can also be present in blood, saliva, and semen. florida is already seeing its first case of the virus transmitted sexually that case , now confirmed in polk county. transmitted an ally i can' t go , oh my gosh, outside. i am scared of mosquitoes, i can' t have sex now. what do i do? summer: local obgyns like dr. la krystal warren say the the news has been unsettling for local parents to be and those trying to get pregnant, especially because there is no vaccine or medicine to treat zika. dr. warren says there' s still a lot about the virus medical professionals just don' t know at this point, like how long the virus can remain in someone' s bodily fluids or how likely is it a baby will have birth defects if infected. but the best advice? >> if they have a partner that travels to those areas, we advise them to either not have sex during the pregnancy if they think their partner has been exposed, or to always consistently and correctly use condoms. i don' t think it is a bigger deal than the current stds we already have, so i think people should continue to practice safe sex. summer: now for people who are not pregnant and not trying, the virus is less of a threat, but can still cause unwelcome symptoms to be on the lookout for. >> you might have a low grade fever. you might feel kind of tired. pain. but it will typically be self-limited and you may or may not even know. summer: summer knowles, wesh 2 news. meredith: an orange county man has been arrested after sending pictures to a 12-year-old girl. this is 27-year-old miguel rodriguez. deputies say met the child on a social media app and sent her naked photos of himself, and asked to meet her. once the girl' s mother found out, she called police and rodriguez was arrested. right now he' s in jail, and once released, he' s been ordered not to use the internet. jim: the substitute teacher is out on bond after deputies say she was caught teaching a second grade class wild drunk. stewart: 52-year-old holly joel had little to say as she left the seminole county jail on wednesday. wednesday. we were there after she was released. amanda: holly, were you using drugs or drinking alcohol in the classroom? do you deny the charges against you? affidavit, the principal at bentley elementary school in sanford was informed by staff on tuesday that joel may be under the influence. when the principal confronted joel and asked her to step outside the classroom, joel reportedly fell and hit a nearby window. incident say they' re upset. >> i hope they do whatever they got it due to fire her, and i hope they screen these teachers in the future. help. >> that is definitely scary with the kids in the classroom. stewart: joel is charged with child neglect. the school district says despite a misdemeanor dui in 2012 joel did pass a background check when she was hired in 2014. jim? jim: thanks. police arrested a man that left another in critical condition. he fired shots into a home he shared with his girlfriend and roommates. they say rojas was suicidal and left moments before another he allegedly opened fire, hitting the detective in the head, body, and hand. he was shot by two officers when he refused to drop his weapon. is now stable. and now, for lawmakers on benefits for all in -- fallen officers. this was found by the buddy of of scott pine, who was killed two years ago. as would pay her and others like her 100% of the houses hillary. -- spouses salary. it would also allow them to opt in after the death. still ahead, something you might do it every day that could landed behind bars without even knowing it. meredith: a disabled veteran is upset after he was kicked out of a store after his service dog. >> stay right here. what you can do -- jim: a mother busted for dui , and she is not happy when police tried to arrest her. meredith: south florida becomes the wild, wild west. put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. jim: a disabled veteran in edgewater is outraged that his service dog was ordered out of a local store. 35-year-old clayton davis did two tours of duty in iraq and suffers with ptsd. his service dog nashaoba helps him cope with the unseen scars , but yesterday the owner of this convenience store on india palm drive told him dogs were not allowed inside. nashaoba was wearing her service vest, and davis tried to explain without success. >> a lot of us carry emotional mental scars, and these dogs do great work to help, and that' s what i want people to understand. jim: the owner apologized via the internet and told wesh 2 news today, he is new to the country and just didn' t know the laws. he says davis and his dog are welcome back. meredith: tomorrow will be day two of a gun safety class being held for parents and their kids in sanford. it' s in response to last weeks death of a six-year-old girl. gun under a couch and shot herself. her death was one of two cases in just a week. and that' s why sanford' s police chief says a gun safety course is needed. >> that shows that there is an interest in ensuring that guns are put away safely and people are taking the initiative to do what is right area. meredith: this is all taking place at the sanford police department. jim: if you' re living with your girlfriend or boyfriend, did you know it' s illegal if you' re not married? but don' t worry, change is coming. a 19th century law that bans unmarried men and women from living together is about to be eliminated. lawmakers gave their final approval today to get rid of it. the law was actually passed back in 1868. some lawmakers say it is an invasion of privacy. the new legislation is now heading to governor rick scott for final approval. as it currently stands, a man and woman living together could be fined $500 and locked up in jail for 60 days. data, there are nearly 438,000 unmarried male and female couples in florida. meredith: now to a florida mom busted for driving drunk, and then putting up a fight once being arrested. >> stand right here. ok. what you can i do -- but them on your back. >> no, i didn' t do anything. >> stop resisting, ma' am. meredith: this happened along i-95 in broward county. it appears to be a typical dui stop with 43-year-old colleen loughman. but what the dash camera doesn' t show is her 2-year-old son inside the car. a trooper noticed her pulled over on the side of the road and said she appeared under the influence. the child wasn' t hurt and was released to his father. jim: everything anybody waived for dash cam? some horses take in a quick breath of freedom along the florida turnpike. this is video from miramar in south florida, where the miniature horses roamed around this morning. troopers stood nearby, so the animals wouldn' t get on the owner says they slipped free through a gap in a fence. they are miniature. they eventually mosied back home. meredith: cute. i like the little ponies. time and the is here now. we are talking prussian fires now, and really drive. -- brushfires. tony: it is even windier tomorrow. a lot going on. we will get back to the story in a moment. safety six in downtown orlando. wind out of the east-southeast at 10 to five miles per hour. there is a reason why it is stronger tomorrow. -high pressure has not moved at all, and when low pressure gets close to high pressure, you increase wind. we had gusts this afternoon anywhere from 25 to 35. the other thing we are watching mara with the onshore flow on the backside of high pressure is the dangerous rip current on the eastern side of the peninsula. look at cocoa beach, here we are at 11:00. we have a southeast wind at 11 miles per hour. much lighter away from the water. the point we want to make about the wind, it is driving atlantic ocean air to the coastline. what goes in must go out. a lot of visitors in town. do not fight that channel of water, the rip current that is coming back and then back out. you will lose the battle. swim out of the channel, parallel to the coast, and then swim back in. you will know when you are out of the channel. you will not be sucked out, you will be able to get back on your own. it is a lost cause to fight that very strong current. waters are still cool, 66 in -- 69 in cocoa, 66 in daytona beach, which is the current air temperature. 66 ocala and kissimmee. pretty mild, and as we wake up in ocala, 58 degrees. titusville 64. high pressure eased of savannah. we get a long stretch of air across the peninsula. it will allow for temperatures to really rise three or four today. even at the coast, a majority of us near the 80 degree mark. that is good news for the bikers friday and saturday. no mention of any rain until sunday. breezy, rip currents, watching brush fire concerns. on sunday, here comes that front, plaguing louisiana and arkansas, giving us much-needed rain. that will come in after the orlando city soccer match, so degrees. monday. behind the front, not cooling s tuesday and wednesday. jim: it' s last call for the most interesting man in the world. dos equis is moving on from their gray-haired spokesman. their commercials have featured 77-year-old actor jonathan goldsmith since 2007. but in the latest one, he bids farewell as he takes a one-way trip to mars. the beer maker says they are making the change to attract younger drinkers, and have already found a replacement, but just haven' t revealed who it is. but we at wesh 2 have an idea on who it is. [laughter] tony: it is about time. jim: that is all i have to say. that is excellent. pat: reporting, james. meredith: ucf prepares to host its conference tournament at the amway center. jim: and the florida gators quarterback. pat: thank you very much. and there are some talented young men who would like the job and seem qualified to do it. coming next amid talk of suspensions, spring drills begin in gainesville, with one veteran s first drill. what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. been vaccinated may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist pat: it' s the bad taste in jim mcelwain' s mouth than no amount of listerine has been able quash. three straight losses to end last season, punctuated by that 41-7 loss to michigan in the citrus bowl has had the second year gator coach aching for spring ball. those drills began today, and who knows? in a few months, the coach' s mouth may be minty fresh again. mcelwain showing great praise for the groundskeepers today . practice fields pristine, and with a dozen or so early prep arrivals, a lot of work to do. and yes, the quarterback position will be a great focus. assuming treon harris does thought is he' ll play receiver, leaving a competition between four, including austin appleby, a grad transfer from purdue and the early favorite, luke del rio, in from oregon state and getting praise from his coach following day one. >> you know, around the guys does a great job as a leader. intangibles there. not only is he a good quarterback, but just the qualities you want in a position . you can tell he has spent a lot of time around the game. pat: a lot of nfl free agent moving and shaking today. but on a day when brock osweiler left the broncos for houston and the giants beefed up their defense, doug martin decided to stay home with the bucs. the running back set to sign a five-year deal worth around $35 million. martin finsihed second in the league in rushing last season and also caught 32 passes for the bucs. lot of college hoops in town this weekend. ucf set to host the american tournament at the amway and while coach donnie jones is said to be on the hot seat, the knights have won only 12 games this year, perhaps new a.d. danny white will realize that ucf played the entire year without talented b.j. taylor and tacko fall may just be developing into a big threat. knights get tulane at the amway tomorrow night with a tip at 6:00. the green wave fell to ucf twice winner of this game advances to the quarter party night against houston at 7:00. knights 12-17 overall this season. acc tournament as we speak, second round game for virginia tech and florida state. virginia tech leading 49-42. tournament time in college hoops is emotional. for many over the next few weeks, the final game of their career will unfold. they' ll remember the great teammates they played with, the close games, the lifetime friendships made, so many great memories. and then there' s boston college center dennis clifford. the eagles lost 25 games this season, winless in the acc. following tuesday' s blowout loss to fsu, his playing days now over, the senior was asked what his best boston college memory would be. a thoughtful, teary-eyed clifford paused, then responded. pat: going out to eat. that is his best memory from being at boston college all those years. but it' s his best memory. if he misunderstood the question, we get it, the going out to eat isn' t an answer for any question, is it? (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. meredith: finally tonight, take a look at this. this delicacy is a macaroni and cheese pulled pork parfait with bacon and scallions. it' s being served at the baseball games for the lehigh valley iron pigs in allentown, pennsylvania. they' re the minor league affiliate for the philadelphia phillies. it sells for about $7 at the ballpark, and we imagine it' s probably more calories than you can count. jim: everything that you want. it is like pennsylvania soul food right there. meredith: exactly. tony: let' s look at the wake-up weather forecast. we will be in great shape, nice and mild. no jacket necessary. we' ll be back here to see if any brushfires get going, and hopefully rain will come in over the weekend. jim: that' s our newscast for tonight. you can get wesh 2 news whenever com or the wesh 2 mobile app. meredith: thanks for watching. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart rockefeller of new york city, it's "the of new york city, it's "th tonight show starring

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