Transcripts For WDJT Sunday Morning 20161120 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WDJT Sunday Morning 20161120

entrepreneurs come in. >> house calls from your grocer. >> hello. >> everything you want including dinner. >> it's wild alaskan salmon. >> ordered online, delivered to your door. >> we think we're making cooking at home more affordable, more efficient, higher quality and be f is better than going to the grocery store. >> pauley: is your next meal coming out of the box? later on "sunday morning." if if the a meal at home from a box how about a delicious bite at the museum. our history that's not just on the gallery walls. >> now on display at san francisco's museum of modern art, delicious works by some of >> later on "sunday morning" a bite at the museum. >> bellissima is italian for beautiful. it's also the name of a sparkling wine from italy that has christie brinkley as its number one fan. >> i was watching an old movie -- >> nobody has to teach christie brinkley how to sell >> you can't say bellissima without bellissima! >> without wanting a drink. >> she has good reason to be enthusiastic about the prosecco wine she liked it so much she bought the, part of it. being bubbly about bubbly later on "sunday morning." >> the spice of life is enlivening meals all over our land but first it has to come which is where you find lee cowan. >> that's yellow turmeric and mostly what i grow. >> hawaii is a land of many mysteries but one growing in the ground has people clamoring for a taste. >> i don't know if it's a miracle crop but they're doing a lot of research with it so we'll lethose folks decide. >> the tropical super food that's super popular ahead on "sunday morning." >> pauleha so say champions of the trio of foods under a cloud for quite some time. serena clears up the controversy. >> after years to high cholesterol the egg is finally coming out of its shell again. is the egg experiencing a renaissance? >> it is and we're taking it on with a great deal of joy. great foods are having a revival too. butter, potato and -- eggs. sounds like breakfast later on "sunday morning." >> pauley: and more. first, here are the headlines for sunday morning the 20th of november 2016. president-elect donald trump is spending the weekend at his golf club in new jersey. yesterday trump welcomed former critic mitt romney. he's been mentioned as a possible secretary of state. new jersey governor chris christie will be among the visitors. he tweeted this morning again about the broadway show "hamilton" calling it highly overrated and demanding cast members apologize for their terrible behavior after making a show. mr. pence is the guest on "face the nation." in india a passenger train rolled off the tracks. no word on what caused the derailment. thousands of mourningers -- mourners turned out yesterday for the funeral of gwen ifill. she died of uterine cancer and was 61 year old. now today's weather. a cold front from the midwest sent temperatures plummeting and snow across the east and there's stormy weather from seattle south to san francisco. watch for are the same trouble spots in the week ahead. travel safe if you're trotting >> pauley: next, food at your >> pauley: we deliver is the a thing of the past? our story is covered by anna werner. >> why go to the super market when it can come to you? >> hello. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you. >> seattle mom christine holm gets groceries from amazon. >> thank you. >> on this day from the company's new prime now >> my husband and i both stay up late to watch tv once the baby's in bed. >> those items come to her in just one hour. >> it's about saving time. there's lots of people who don't want to be in online. though is not what your pantry looks like i promised this is organized chaos. >> stephanie landry heads up prime now. >> you get your electronics, sorts of things. >> she walked us through this amazon facility where workers take those online orders and fill up brown paper bags for delivery. how many items can keep in a smaller warehouse like this one? >> between 20,000 and 40,000 items. >> for larger items they have amazon fresh a bigger grocery store and it's not just amazon. safeway and whole foods even google are among 50 major outlets offering online delivery. sales are up 15% from 2015 and could top $12 billion this year. >> feel free to dig in. there's a lot of food you get. >> the new shopping options aren limited to plain groceries. >> we have garlic chives, celery. >> meet the meal kit. antibiotic-free chicken. >> complete with recipes. >> and a bottle of white wine vinegar. >> and precisely measured ingredients from the country's largest seller blue apron. the co-founder matt salzburg said subscribers order 8 million meals every month. >> it's not bad to cook at home and we think we're mg more affordable, more efficient, higher quality and better for the environment than how people cook today going to the grocery store. >> want to cook like martha stewart? she sells kits too and plated and new york time. lucy blatter gets hers from a company called hello fresh. >> for me it's most about not having the time to go through kids that's really stressful. taking them shopping is super stressful. they ask for everything. it makes it super convenient. >> she gets three meals a week for $60. we should point out you have a grocery store right across the street. i can see it from here. >> i do. >> with all the new services profits can't be far behind, right? >> i call it the sheep effect. not so fast s analyst. >> they're doing it, they're doing it. just stop and think. is that right for you. >> so grocery stores are not dead? >> no, not at all. >> he says online shopping accounts for just 1.5% of the $800 billion grocery market. a key reason is that right now he says buying groceries online is work. versus in the store why's it so difficult to figure out what can of baked beans on the shelf i want? >> you don't have a frame of preference. you see it all at once and i'm usually familiar with the layout and go on to the next category. >> and online shopping may send you time but not money. prices can be up to 25% higher and jetta said data shows 90% of consumers still prefer the traditional grocery store. >> i like personal being able to see the sales. i love going up and down the aisles and seeing the ones i didn't get to see. it makes me feel good to see the products. >> by trying to move the process online are they trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist? >> i would say they are and trying to invest in something successful and people are generally happy with. >> but don't tell that to amazon's stephanie landry. >> i see real solutions to people's problems and lives which are very busy and hustle and bustle and providing a solution to make peoples lives better. >> so maybe on a thanksgiving to come your cooking will be out of the box. definitely good enough to eat. >> that looks in >> but in the long run will the recipe last? new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. n with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. [burke] hot dog. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or t because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? >> pauley: we'll take a bite at the museum. >> at san francisco's museum of modern art record crowds have been feasting their eyes on ellsworth kelly and warhol and then feasting on the works of and dominique ansel. >> it seems obvious. >> chef cory lee re-imagined the museum as another museum gallery. >> people stumble in and sit down and say what is this? >> it offers signature dishes of the world's most celebrated chefs. >> it likes like a museum program and see dishes from around the world i think it's disorienting. >> something they didn't et >> and continues the experience of discovery but with food. >> lee is a celebrated chef himself. his restaurant is blocks away but the 37-year-old does not serve any of his own creations at insitu. >> i think of him as our curator of food. >> he asked him to design a >> he had curiosity and i explained if we wnted to do an exhibition our curator would identify the artt and bring limb to our museum. >> i wanted to do the same food so you can try a dish from belgium or hong kong. it can have a fun and new experience with food. >> chefs from all over the u.s., europe and insitu teaching the kitchen staff to reproduce their dishes perfectly. when the executive chef brandon rogers prares fresh steamed crab claw it lookss it did when it was served in 1970. >> we got the same bowl and the same proportion and try to imitate that exactly. roasted du breast from california's wine country. >>he dishes from 1995 so within the first year of them opening. >> some of the classic dishes served here are no longer on the appeared and sometimes the chefs who created them are among the diners here. alice waters stoppedn to try the ago. >> there's pressure when someone tries a dish they entrusted you with is a weird feeling but that's the fun of trying something new. that has turmeric, ginger, lemon. >> coming up, going for the gold. >> this portion of sunday morning is sponsored by bounty, more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper than the leading ordinary brand. what a lovely home you h is this your family? yea, that's my daughter, my son, and that's my... usband. oh yeah!!! [ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least you got your homeowners insurance through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance you saved a ton! yeah. do you want to see the rest of the house? >> good these golden stems be the true spice of life? lee cowan traveled all the way to hawaii to find t. >> not far from the surfers paradise on the north shore grows a spice as golden as the hawaiian sunrise that might just of healthy glow. it's turmeric. a member of the ginger family that before washed looks like an ugly carrot. 's not a root. it's stem is where all the good stuff is found. native to indians it's been only recently caught on inhe west. now people can't >> this year do you know how many thousand of pounds of turmeric you'll ship out? >> tonnag majoronnage. >> phil greene and his wife bought the farm a decade ago? >> it's a beautiful day. >> they planned a semi-quiet retirement untilmeric became a talked about super food. >> barely. to me itas powdered spice in a jar that stayed on your slf until you made a curry recipe. >> curry is the most common use but turmeric's taste isnly part of its allure. scattered to the wind it's a sacred part of hindu ceremony and has beensed as a dye for fabric and gives mustard its hello hew but the compound makes it a powerful weapon against disease. >> parkinson's, arthritis, diabetes. >> it has aneffect? >> it's such a wnderful compound it works in every stance. dallas. he said thousands of studies have shown it's not only proven to be a powerf antioxident but can take on something as serious as cancer. >> it has mechanisms. >> you know it works but not >> he says more research needs be done but the word is out at restaurants like cafe gratitude in los angeles. here turmeric is mixed with steamedal mon steamed mond mil lemon.t has turmeric, gingerer, >> it can kno out diseases. it's become a phenomenon it's the buzz word in the health wod. >> google's trend rept called turmeric the rising star of 2016. and as healthy good for ?hype fo people love it a come back do i know what it's providing to people, no? >> the greens aren't sure either cashrop so be it. >> farmers gr what people want, whateople dend. we kept increasing because it kept selling. >> we a heard the advice eat the colors of the rainbow. here in hawaii it may be the pot >> pauley: food lovers welcome any word that things once thought to be bad for your health may be good and throughout the morning we have news of exactly that. >> hello, laidy. >> ter golson is a good egg. ask herhkens. happy to be home all 13 of the living in backyard outside boston. >> this is florence and arl. this chicken is veronica. >> do you look at them as the daughters you didn't have? t quite that far. i do recognize tha they're chickens. >> and from chickens ce eggs. what do you use your eggs for? >> i have two eggs every >> golson a professional ck -- that's orange. dedicated a cookbook to this single subject. in one basket.ting all your eggs what came firs the chicken or the egg? >> i lik eggs. before had my chickens but ly after i got the chickens an staed eating eggs that were so good they realized eggs could stand ne >> b for decades eggs were a no-no because they were linked to high cholesterol. well, guess what? are ok again so get them while they're hot. >> the entire egg is so luscious and wonderful. >> americans agree. we spent $6.7 billion o eggs er the past year alone. affair with eggs? >> i definitely have a love affair with eggs. i do. >> now that's something to cluck about. >> pauley: something's tasty in >> wild blue lobster. >> he's alive. >> pauley: next. it'll get tter. i'm at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. thanks for doing ts, dad. to talk about a financial strategy. (laughing) you mean pay him back? knowing your future is about more than just you. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. soet's start talking about your long-term goals... it's a big deal. perfect nickname forhe chef ofhe the restaurant many criti proclaimed the finest in the world. we take a peek in the kitchen. >> flour and no exactlyt you might expect to find on your plate unless ofourse you're here. this restaurant in copenhagen not only has two stars but was then againn 2011 and 201 and 2014. >> never did i expect or dream up that it becamehat it is today. never 38-year-old chef opened 2003 limiting hlf strictly to region.ents in the nordic back then it was considered a tall order >> if you were not french or italian it was lik forget about it. everyt else s stupid. >> sonoma off the danish word for food looked for culinary explanation from the land itself.fora rs like michl larsson collect ingredients every day rain or shine. >> you can use ito make jam. there's so many things you can >> what's wrong with grabbina bunch and sticking them in the freezer. fine dining and normal dining. we need the best every day and it needs to be fresh. back in the kitchen they get to work. >> it's sliced arugula. >> that's beautiful. >> coked >> everything is fresh. >> here's a blue lobster. >> he's alive. >> he's alive. >> how much do itost to e at noma with drinks averaging $400 a person and if y envision everybody had a pay to enable them to have a nicehome a car, any meal would be very expensive or more expensive. >> but the elegance of prestige >>here's no refrigerators.ia. you pick somethi from the ground or kl an animal. if you wt a chicken you have to grab a chicken and -- >> he came when he was year old and dropped out of school at 15 and began working as a restaurant apprentice a year later during a different culinar culinary scene. >>ood was like microwave food like ready-madmeals most the time. >> noma turned copenhagen into a food destination and him into food royalty >> it was a game changer for noma and for the city a tnd nordic region. >> but the story doesn't end there. in a fewont m t restaurant will move to a new part of town. be able to pick your parsley a minute before you need it. >> until the he'll also open a pop-up mexico and again filling plates is exactly what this man does best. >> i understand it's just food but food is so much more than that as well. meal it's like a real transcendent moment and f others it's just a vessel to enjoy the conversation better and i'm perfectly fine with everything as lonas they in joy their time with us. >> pauley: ahead -- >> this is a young cheese made only four days ago. >> one taste of this cheese and you may be tested to say holy we find out why. and the singing of the songs. this i their way of communing with the lord so is the work they do in this community in the connecticut town of wait for it, although she might deny it the big cheese among the 38 sister is mother noella traditnal cheekg. a 2002 pbs documentary dubbed dir the cheese nun. you eat lot of cheese >> no.g up? we didn't. she enter in 1973. >> i w college ropout and wento st. lawrence because it was the most rdical school in the country. i didn't even know cows before i many thingsou would have nevery done and i happen toall in love with a cow named shi and learned make cheese. >> t dairy that began with shiba's arrival helps them be self-sustaining. one sister serv the cow their breakfast and vice >> every morning i take m of coffee to the cow and squirt milk right into the coffee. >> you can do that? >> yes, and it makes it foamy -- >> like a cappuccino. >> acow-paccino. chee but her eay effortsw milk didn't quite slice it. >> i was praying for a old french woman to teach me but a young one came and her grandmother taught her how to make this cheese >> so in a sense your prays were answered. >> definitely answered. >> what made here is called bethlehecheese. wheels of i age in the tiny cheese cellar. >>his right now is a young cheese made on four days ago so you wouldn't want to eat this now. it would be rubbery. >> it's the cheese making that excites another noela who earned her ph.d in micro biology from the universityf connecticut. >> wha grew is the white powder and i did my dctorate onat. >> she went to france and explored the cheese caves d became an expert how different flavorf cheese. >> touch it see how smooth that >> it's lky. >> y should see it under a mioscope. >> we're looking at flavor on a microscopic level. i love your fungi. >> tha you. >> today younger nuns an intern arn how to separatehe curds joke aside moth noella sees different things. >> i see god in the microorganisms and for me it cn for us or work is also a prayer. knowing where u stan it's never been easier. expt when it comes to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts th getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for youplan... to keep you on track. black friday deals are here all month long at lowe's. get up to 40% off appliance special values $396 or more, li this whirlpool refrigerator for only $898. and this whirlpool washer and dryer pair for only $579 each. make your home happy with great savingat lowe's. >> >> paule it's en settin th table for it's nesake steak for nearly two ntury. the first inmerica we're told to call itself a restaurant. de monaco's is and a list of spots to shake up state of. here's jim axelrod. >>t's noon in the kitchen of >> it's challenging. the dishes invented here how do we keep people and grandchildren and people interested in those dishes. that's my biggest challenge here. the history -- >> and bring it forwa first formal restaurant. this kitchens the bth place billn into a $780 it's influence on our nation's menus is unmistakable. eg benedict, baked alaska. >> it's the start an finish. >> and the del monaco steak all that this guy. >> aged, neless. >> the del monaco steak and this is it. >> with istory that dates back to 37. >> we're going to del monaco's for super. >> lunch at del monaco's. >> jn us on sunday at del monaco's. >> their fingerprints are on more than our >> most presidents, abraham lincoln ate here and teddy roosevelt. >> in the book there's ten restaurants that changed america. del naco's may ben the cover. 's like kleex or xerox became shorthand for restaurant. >> that's right. >>ut all ten make up a delicious slice of our cultural is to understand how we live and >> d how we think.and whare. >> how we look at the world, what sorts of things we desire and how we distinguish yourselves as americans. restaurants li mama lioni's and the mandarin in san francisco which elevated it beyond chopped suey. silvia's and regiona regional cuise. and the high-brow shaped restaurants an the middle-brow. howard johnson's? for no only the fast food industry like chile'sr denny' denny's. >> americans now spend more money on eating out th on buying food to ok at home and even if you never step ft in the place that stitarted you will don't ever forget your favorite neighborhood int has more in comm with iconic restaurants like del monaco. you open up the menu and see del monaco steak and youh tk that's my place. >> the las time that happened to me i wasith my mom and she told the waiter he wor where they invented that. >> when it comes to chicken some people like it hot as jan crawford discovered. >> in nashville the line goes down the block for what once was chicken. >> it's an addictive combinaon of pleure and pain. fried chicken doused in cayenne and enough spices to make you that father and so owner. nick bishop and nick junior. the chicken five ways including hot, damn hot and shut the uck up. why do people want to eat things that cause them pain? >> legend has it it started 80 years ago with the fily of this woman. >> of course it started with a woman. my great uncle sergeant prince being as ty say a womanizer. >> a wmanizer who was cheating on his girlfriend so she decided revenge was a dish best served fried chicken. >> but he liked it. >> hdid. >> and that was the beginning. >> we'll see that was the beginning but it's so sad we don't know who she was. >> but her legacy lived on. great uncle thornton started a restaurant using the girlfriend's recip prince's hot chicken shack still packs them in. these days there's competition even from some of the big boys. >> kfc crispy chicken tenders. >> and for those with a stomach of steel there's the death row chicken at shakes. cooks have to actually wear gas death row challenge have to sign a waer. >> you can start now. >> it's no gimmick even a few bites burn. but on the night we were there comedian chad wright except asking for more chewing his way to victory. there was a guy with three bites and had to run out. >> amateur. it's sad. why even come? >> if he's an amateur what does that make yo >> an idiot. >> and maybehat's why when it comes to taking the heat andre has aconfession. >> you have different levels so which one do you like? >> mild. >> you like the mild? >> i can't tolerate anything >> at least a potato i day? >> i do, yeah. >> he has potatoes in his roots. >> it's a staple on our dining table ever night growing up. how are you? >> so when he opened up the restaurant in 2011 guess wha >> everytem is potato based. >> you can't have cilantro and jalapeno. >> the humble potato i't so humble any more. it's a star. dicker serves about 1,000 customers a day at his four east coast locations of potatopia. unlimite unlimited veggies. >> the potato becomes the blank canvas for your imagination. >> exactly. >> white potatoes are now the single mostaten vegetable in the u.s. but when carb-free diets were all the rage potatoes were force to go underground. >> the problem is not the cot the technique and how you it and wha y a >> seeming to back him up the most recent usda dietary guidelines recommends eating starchy vegetables including potatoes. having it plain is best for your health but flavor-wise -- >> there's so many techniques you can put the potato in. it's mind blowing. it is. >> take french fries for example, back in the 1800s legend had it thomas jefferson white house dinner. now ale dicker is poise to lodge something equally revolutionary. what is this? >> a dugh with creamyashed potato filling. >> do you feel like it's ready for a comeback? >> absolutely. >> bet you can't top >> pley: ahead, christie >> pauley: eat, drink and be merry. a special edition of "sunday morning." here again is jane pauley. uptown girl was a huge hit for billy jole when he was about to these days she's an advocate for bellissima a sparkling wine. upbeat and as mark phillips discovered very hands on. >> i'm involved here. it's my new workout. >> no one will ever accuse christie brinkley with a lack of enthusiasm. now she's even more motivated. >> you can't say bellissima without >> without wanting a drink. bellissima is her very own wine label. a new range of prosecco. the italian fizz that's the hottest thing in the liquor business right now. u.s. sales are up a third each year lately. >> you are tasting nature not chemicals -- >> and christie brinkley and her partners think they found a way to breakthrough the market clutter, her. of them. >> believe me i'm involved in every aspect of this. >> more an four decades into a modelling career, christie brinkley never met a camera lens she didn't like or liked her back. point one at her and this sort of thing happens. >> cheers. >> prosecco. long the pre-dinner tickle in italy is bei u.s. as a kind of champagne without the price tag. more bubbles for the buck. were you a prosecco involved before you got involved in the business? >> yeah, i've had my fair share. >> in the region of italy about an hour north of venice where anything that calls itself prosecco has to come from they can't make enough of the stuff. everybody wants prosecco. >> if you're going into the wine business this is the place and where christie has come. how can you tell these grapes. >> our grapes are gorgeous. >> she's n only found a wine she likes christie brinkley seems to have found the founin of youth. she's 62 years i'll say that again, she's 62 years old going on 22 by the look of her. >> i've been around a long time. has been 37 yearsce she became the nation's pin-up girl appearing on three consecutive sports illustrated swimsuit issue covers from 1979 to 1981. the only time anyone's ever done that. and her life has been like a generation if a little more glamorous. not everybody has the pop-star husband and music video you can more or les play yourself. >> i have a theme song wherever i go. ? uptown girl ? >> billy joel was one of four husbands and two divorces. two good and two there were three children along the way. it's been a life of mostly highs and some significant lows from her family's beginnings in michigan to surfer girl california to an art student's life in paris in a post office the legend goes. >> i never wanted to be a model. it was never a dream of minend i was a little embarrassed and i my friends were like how can you do this and i s like, well, i can affo to take us to gree. and they were like ok. we like that. >> whenever she's been tapped out she's always seem to bounce back never with a higher or more unlikely rebound than when she was asked to play roxy hart in the musical "chicago." the reviews were mixed. >> i never felt retired. i always get insulted when i i read former model like former? what do they think i'm doing? i'm still here. i'm not doing anything. >> christie has used her name and product promotion before. gym equipment. >> total gym. >>nd in keeping with the always look your best theme fans should know prosecco is organic and includes a sugar-free option. >> it's zero sugar, zero carbs. safe for people with diabetes or on a diet. >> what the world needs diet prosecco. down the hatch. and if anybody think christie brinkley's new line is a way of toasting the end of her career, toast again. >> it's like people are hoping to get a bottle of my prosecco like a cork and say yay, she's retired. that's not going to happen right retired. that's not going to happen right away. ...and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. (my hero zero by lemonheads) zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. ? wesked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ? now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours d zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed >> nourishing the soul as well as the body is the goal behind a restaurant tracy smith now takes us to. >> on a busy corner in atlanta's old fourth ward is arguably one of the hottest restaurants in the city. here at staple house the open kitchen is a hive of perfection sell-out crowds and above their heads are quotes from famous figh like muhammad ali. if you're dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough which perfectly describes this dream. a dream as big as the heart itself. >> chocolate mousse. >> jen and ryan were famous for throwing five-star their home and in 2012 they wanted to open a real place of their own. that the idea open a small neighborhood restaurant. >> simple. >> simple. >> and they we in the middle of making it happen when ryan went to his doctor for a stomach ailment. that's when their lives caved in. >> he said i'm 99.4% sure it's have six to 12 months. >> how did you hear he was sick? >> she is ryan's younger sister. >> i'm sorry. >> it's ok. >> it's an emotional story. it's our story and it's joyful and amazing but it's also hard and a bit sad at time. >> when the news got out frien and neighbors wrapped their collective arms around ryan and threw a fundraiser. >> it was raise to help him out. >> $275,000. >> was that enough? >> more than enough. >> and they used the leftovers to sta the giving kitchen a fund to help local restaurant personal catastrophes. abby mcdonald's son was born premature and the baby has an expensive machine to help keep him alive and the parents have help with the bills. >> what does the giving kitchen do in >> pay rent for four months. >> they d personally but do anything to help you out. it's refreshing. >> the giving kitchen has helped more than 600 workers with grants adding up to more than $1 million but there was nothing money could do for ryan. he passed away in january 2014 at age 36. still his family kept his dream alive and opened staple house his wife jen runs the place. his old pal ryan smith does the cooking and his sister cara is in charge of service. >> i'd eat here with a day off. >> the editors of bon appetit felt the same way naming it the best new restaurant in america. best restaurant 2016. >> yes. >> the charity gets a >> 100% of our net profit after tas and pay everyone we dote those back to the giving kitchen. >> 100%. >> anything leftover. >> you have to believe somewhere ryan must be smiling. you guys had a conversation on what the menu might be in heaven. >> yeah. chicken wings. >> staple house could be as close to heaven as a restaurant can get. a reminder a dream like a meal itself is best when it's shared with the ones you love. >> pauley: for generations countless great talent have been denied their place at the table. now michelle muller tells us one woman is working to give them the recognition they deserve. >> smiling, happy aunt jamima known for her pancakes. >> her smiling face has been selling pancake mix since 1889. aunt jamima up with of the most recognizable, enduring and of commercial cookery. a happy plantation nanny who had little to do with the reality of slavery. >> the idea of a mammy was a constructed image and it was a myth on top of a myth. so i'm going to make cornbread distressing we have every year for thanksgiving. >> tony martin, journalist and cook set out to uncover t african-american cooking in the jamima code. >> the book was conceived of as a beautiful coffee table book that would contradict the negative degraded image of this enslaved woman in a box. >> so this book is from 1827. >> in her own collection of more than 300 rare and historic research. >> cookbooks was a way for women in particular to find their identity. the recipe as they choose and stories they tell about themselves is unique to each writer. >> she published her cookbook in 1866. >> smhe credits the white women in her community to help her bring the book to print and it's a lovely expression of community that exi b >> chef rashard had her own tv cooking show in new orleans well before juliahild took to the airwaves. >> what we learned about her is how she thought of herself. she portrays herself as a lady. >> her own cookbook was self-publishedn 1939. >> the great james beard helped publish the book so in 1940 the calls new orleans cobook but now guess what -- >> her image. >> is not there. they've removed it. >> i don't think you cooked enough. >> no, i didn't. >> she hopes the cookbooks with their stories and recipes will provide a richer, truer picture of african-american contributions to the american table. >> there's much more to our cooking and who wean culinarily speaking and the artistic aspect are evident in the books. >> and isn't that what thanksgiving is all about, sharing food and stories and celebrating our commonality and >> pauley: here's something worth spreading, butter is back. >> this one is from vermont. she's a bona fide butter lover. >> i would like to point out 50% of what's going on in your refrigerator is butter. how long have humans been eating butter? >> thousands and year. it's a rich history. ju talking about butter gets her all melty. >> you can cream it, you can whip it, layer it and still it comes to the table naked by itself and it's delicious there too. >> last year the average american ate more than 22 sticks of butter. holy cow. imperial margin. >> for years margarine stole the show then came news of unhealthy transfats in some margarines. >> eating margarine over butter may not be as heart smart as we thought. >> and we were suddenly back to the basics of butter. >> it's so elemental and just tastes so good. >> still at 800 calories a stick, being a heavy could make you a heavy butter user. right now the usda guidelines discourage against eating too much saturated fats including butter. >> you don't sit down to a stick or half a stick of butter. you have a tablespoon here or there. >> and even in moderation one thing is certain -- butter makes everything -- >> better. butter. >> somewhere julia child is smiling. >> pauley: ahead -- >> i don't know i state i haven't shipped at least one >> i don't know i state i haven't shipped at least one cake too. >> pauley: the island tradition that takes the cake. multiply. hello, all of you. ? 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>> no more than ten. >> no more than ten? >> i like to keep it at six or seven because i don't know who is going to order them. >> mary wishell ships to customers on the mainland but has no website. how do they find o about you? >> a neighbor tells a neighbor and the son tells or daughter or whatever. i have no idea. >> it is process. eight to ten thin layers. each baked in its own pan and then carefully iced. >> i put a dab of frosting. >> he island roots go back countless generations and like most women here she learned to bake smith island cake as a child but no one really knows how it all began. who can get the most little layers. >> does it taste as good as it looks? it does. and when she started to take them up to the legislature shay voted the cake the official maryland dessert in 2008. >> we were howling like we won the super bowl. >> but it's also suffered setback. coastline lost to rising sea waters. a once thriving seafood industry now struggling and a population that's dwindled toround 200. cakes are on the rise every since a business school grad happen to taste one. when did you go from going this is really good cake to see if there's a business? >> miami immediately. smith island baking company in 2009. he started by visiting the island and talking to mary aida marshall. >> she said i love the idea i'll pray for you. >> murphy first opened the bakery right on the island with an all-local staff but after seven years he moved across the water to maryland vexed island's idiosyncrasies. the bakery still employsy an original smith islanders who want to stay on. how do you no if it tastes good or not? >> when there's none left. >> but though she wish the bakery well, mrs. marshall wonders whether it's still a baked on smith island. >> it's just our dessert plain and simple. more "doing chores for mom" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. unty, the quicker picker upper if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers may feel overwhelming. so start your search with our teams of specialists the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at >> pauley: and now to john dickerson for more on what's ahead for face the nation. >> we'll speak to mike pence. >> pauley: wll next week here on "sunday morning." >> once i cross the property line i'm not free any more. once i go out to the world i line i'm not free any more. once i go out to the world i belong in a way to everyone else. >> pauley: lady gaga. with asthma not well controlled breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at ? ?you don't own me? ?don't try to change me in any way? 's a?that i ask of you? the new 2017 corolla with toyota safety sense standard. ?you don't own me? >> pauley: we leave you this sunday morning before thanksgiving among the wild turkeys at the aleghenny national forest near foster brooks, pennsylvania. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh >> pauley: i'm jane pauley, we wish all of you a happy thanksgiving and hope you'll join us when our trumpet sounds captioning sponsored by cbs >> dickerson: today on "face the nation," auditions for key roles in the tru administration and democrats look few wor a n forward. president-elect trump and vice president-elect pence hunkered down this weekend to intervi cab dates for top positions in their new administration. >> we're seeing tremendous talent, people tha a we will make america great again. >> dickerson: but willhey? not everyone is so sure. friday night mr. pence received an unexpected message while attending a performance of the music hamilton. >> we, sir, we are a diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. >> dickerson: we'll talk to vice president-elect pence about that and get an update on mr. trump's cabinet pick. kentucky senator rand paul is

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Transcripts For WDJT Sunday Morning 20161120 :

Transcripts For WDJT Sunday Morning 20161120

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entrepreneurs come in. >> house calls from your grocer. >> hello. >> everything you want including dinner. >> it's wild alaskan salmon. >> ordered online, delivered to your door. >> we think we're making cooking at home more affordable, more efficient, higher quality and be f is better than going to the grocery store. >> pauley: is your next meal coming out of the box? later on "sunday morning." if if the a meal at home from a box how about a delicious bite at the museum. our history that's not just on the gallery walls. >> now on display at san francisco's museum of modern art, delicious works by some of >> later on "sunday morning" a bite at the museum. >> bellissima is italian for beautiful. it's also the name of a sparkling wine from italy that has christie brinkley as its number one fan. >> i was watching an old movie -- >> nobody has to teach christie brinkley how to sell >> you can't say bellissima without bellissima! >> without wanting a drink. >> she has good reason to be enthusiastic about the prosecco wine she liked it so much she bought the, part of it. being bubbly about bubbly later on "sunday morning." >> the spice of life is enlivening meals all over our land but first it has to come which is where you find lee cowan. >> that's yellow turmeric and mostly what i grow. >> hawaii is a land of many mysteries but one growing in the ground has people clamoring for a taste. >> i don't know if it's a miracle crop but they're doing a lot of research with it so we'll lethose folks decide. >> the tropical super food that's super popular ahead on "sunday morning." >> pauleha so say champions of the trio of foods under a cloud for quite some time. serena clears up the controversy. >> after years to high cholesterol the egg is finally coming out of its shell again. is the egg experiencing a renaissance? >> it is and we're taking it on with a great deal of joy. great foods are having a revival too. butter, potato and -- eggs. sounds like breakfast later on "sunday morning." >> pauley: and more. first, here are the headlines for sunday morning the 20th of november 2016. president-elect donald trump is spending the weekend at his golf club in new jersey. yesterday trump welcomed former critic mitt romney. he's been mentioned as a possible secretary of state. new jersey governor chris christie will be among the visitors. he tweeted this morning again about the broadway show "hamilton" calling it highly overrated and demanding cast members apologize for their terrible behavior after making a show. mr. pence is the guest on "face the nation." in india a passenger train rolled off the tracks. no word on what caused the derailment. thousands of mourningers -- mourners turned out yesterday for the funeral of gwen ifill. she died of uterine cancer and was 61 year old. now today's weather. a cold front from the midwest sent temperatures plummeting and snow across the east and there's stormy weather from seattle south to san francisco. watch for are the same trouble spots in the week ahead. travel safe if you're trotting >> pauley: next, food at your >> pauley: we deliver is the a thing of the past? our story is covered by anna werner. >> why go to the super market when it can come to you? >> hello. how are you? >> i'm good. thank you. >> seattle mom christine holm gets groceries from amazon. >> thank you. >> on this day from the company's new prime now >> my husband and i both stay up late to watch tv once the baby's in bed. >> those items come to her in just one hour. >> it's about saving time. there's lots of people who don't want to be in online. though is not what your pantry looks like i promised this is organized chaos. >> stephanie landry heads up prime now. >> you get your electronics, sorts of things. >> she walked us through this amazon facility where workers take those online orders and fill up brown paper bags for delivery. how many items can keep in a smaller warehouse like this one? >> between 20,000 and 40,000 items. >> for larger items they have amazon fresh a bigger grocery store and it's not just amazon. safeway and whole foods even google are among 50 major outlets offering online delivery. sales are up 15% from 2015 and could top $12 billion this year. >> feel free to dig in. there's a lot of food you get. >> the new shopping options aren limited to plain groceries. >> we have garlic chives, celery. >> meet the meal kit. antibiotic-free chicken. >> complete with recipes. >> and a bottle of white wine vinegar. >> and precisely measured ingredients from the country's largest seller blue apron. the co-founder matt salzburg said subscribers order 8 million meals every month. >> it's not bad to cook at home and we think we're mg more affordable, more efficient, higher quality and better for the environment than how people cook today going to the grocery store. >> want to cook like martha stewart? she sells kits too and plated and new york time. lucy blatter gets hers from a company called hello fresh. >> for me it's most about not having the time to go through kids that's really stressful. taking them shopping is super stressful. they ask for everything. it makes it super convenient. >> she gets three meals a week for $60. we should point out you have a grocery store right across the street. i can see it from here. >> i do. >> with all the new services profits can't be far behind, right? >> i call it the sheep effect. not so fast s analyst. >> they're doing it, they're doing it. just stop and think. is that right for you. >> so grocery stores are not dead? >> no, not at all. >> he says online shopping accounts for just 1.5% of the $800 billion grocery market. a key reason is that right now he says buying groceries online is work. versus in the store why's it so difficult to figure out what can of baked beans on the shelf i want? >> you don't have a frame of preference. you see it all at once and i'm usually familiar with the layout and go on to the next category. >> and online shopping may send you time but not money. prices can be up to 25% higher and jetta said data shows 90% of consumers still prefer the traditional grocery store. >> i like personal being able to see the sales. i love going up and down the aisles and seeing the ones i didn't get to see. it makes me feel good to see the products. >> by trying to move the process online are they trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist? >> i would say they are and trying to invest in something successful and people are generally happy with. >> but don't tell that to amazon's stephanie landry. >> i see real solutions to people's problems and lives which are very busy and hustle and bustle and providing a solution to make peoples lives better. >> so maybe on a thanksgiving to come your cooking will be out of the box. definitely good enough to eat. >> that looks in >> but in the long run will the recipe last? new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. n with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. [burke] hot dog. seen it. covered it. we know a thing or t because we've seen a thing or two. ? we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ? >> pauley: we'll take a bite at the museum. >> at san francisco's museum of modern art record crowds have been feasting their eyes on ellsworth kelly and warhol and then feasting on the works of and dominique ansel. >> it seems obvious. >> chef cory lee re-imagined the museum as another museum gallery. >> people stumble in and sit down and say what is this? >> it offers signature dishes of the world's most celebrated chefs. >> it likes like a museum program and see dishes from around the world i think it's disorienting. >> something they didn't et >> and continues the experience of discovery but with food. >> lee is a celebrated chef himself. his restaurant is blocks away but the 37-year-old does not serve any of his own creations at insitu. >> i think of him as our curator of food. >> he asked him to design a >> he had curiosity and i explained if we wnted to do an exhibition our curator would identify the artt and bring limb to our museum. >> i wanted to do the same food so you can try a dish from belgium or hong kong. it can have a fun and new experience with food. >> chefs from all over the u.s., europe and insitu teaching the kitchen staff to reproduce their dishes perfectly. when the executive chef brandon rogers prares fresh steamed crab claw it lookss it did when it was served in 1970. >> we got the same bowl and the same proportion and try to imitate that exactly. roasted du breast from california's wine country. >>he dishes from 1995 so within the first year of them opening. >> some of the classic dishes served here are no longer on the appeared and sometimes the chefs who created them are among the diners here. alice waters stoppedn to try the ago. >> there's pressure when someone tries a dish they entrusted you with is a weird feeling but that's the fun of trying something new. that has turmeric, ginger, lemon. >> coming up, going for the gold. >> this portion of sunday morning is sponsored by bounty, more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper than the leading ordinary brand. what a lovely home you h is this your family? yea, that's my daughter, my son, and that's my... usband. oh yeah!!! [ crashing ] [ electricity crackles ] hey at least you got your homeowners insurance through progressive. by bundling it with your car insurance you saved a ton! yeah. do you want to see the rest of the house? >> good these golden stems be the true spice of life? lee cowan traveled all the way to hawaii to find t. >> not far from the surfers paradise on the north shore grows a spice as golden as the hawaiian sunrise that might just of healthy glow. it's turmeric. a member of the ginger family that before washed looks like an ugly carrot. 's not a root. it's stem is where all the good stuff is found. native to indians it's been only recently caught on inhe west. now people can't >> this year do you know how many thousand of pounds of turmeric you'll ship out? >> tonnag majoronnage. >> phil greene and his wife bought the farm a decade ago? >> it's a beautiful day. >> they planned a semi-quiet retirement untilmeric became a talked about super food. >> barely. to me itas powdered spice in a jar that stayed on your slf until you made a curry recipe. >> curry is the most common use but turmeric's taste isnly part of its allure. scattered to the wind it's a sacred part of hindu ceremony and has beensed as a dye for fabric and gives mustard its hello hew but the compound makes it a powerful weapon against disease. >> parkinson's, arthritis, diabetes. >> it has aneffect? >> it's such a wnderful compound it works in every stance. dallas. he said thousands of studies have shown it's not only proven to be a powerf antioxident but can take on something as serious as cancer. >> it has mechanisms. >> you know it works but not >> he says more research needs be done but the word is out at restaurants like cafe gratitude in los angeles. here turmeric is mixed with steamedal mon steamed mond mil lemon.t has turmeric, gingerer, >> it can kno out diseases. it's become a phenomenon it's the buzz word in the health wod. >> google's trend rept called turmeric the rising star of 2016. and as healthy good for ?hype fo people love it a come back do i know what it's providing to people, no? >> the greens aren't sure either cashrop so be it. >> farmers gr what people want, whateople dend. we kept increasing because it kept selling. >> we a heard the advice eat the colors of the rainbow. here in hawaii it may be the pot >> pauley: food lovers welcome any word that things once thought to be bad for your health may be good and throughout the morning we have news of exactly that. >> hello, laidy. >> ter golson is a good egg. ask herhkens. happy to be home all 13 of the living in backyard outside boston. >> this is florence and arl. this chicken is veronica. >> do you look at them as the daughters you didn't have? t quite that far. i do recognize tha they're chickens. >> and from chickens ce eggs. what do you use your eggs for? >> i have two eggs every >> golson a professional ck -- that's orange. dedicated a cookbook to this single subject. in one basket.ting all your eggs what came firs the chicken or the egg? >> i lik eggs. before had my chickens but ly after i got the chickens an staed eating eggs that were so good they realized eggs could stand ne >> b for decades eggs were a no-no because they were linked to high cholesterol. well, guess what? are ok again so get them while they're hot. >> the entire egg is so luscious and wonderful. >> americans agree. we spent $6.7 billion o eggs er the past year alone. affair with eggs? >> i definitely have a love affair with eggs. i do. >> now that's something to cluck about. >> pauley: something's tasty in >> wild blue lobster. >> he's alive. >> pauley: next. it'll get tter. i'm at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. thanks for doing ts, dad. to talk about a financial strategy. (laughing) you mean pay him back? knowing your future is about more than just you. multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. soet's start talking about your long-term goals... it's a big deal. perfect nickname forhe chef ofhe the restaurant many criti proclaimed the finest in the world. we take a peek in the kitchen. >> flour and no exactlyt you might expect to find on your plate unless ofourse you're here. this restaurant in copenhagen not only has two stars but was then againn 2011 and 201 and 2014. >> never did i expect or dream up that it becamehat it is today. never 38-year-old chef opened 2003 limiting hlf strictly to region.ents in the nordic back then it was considered a tall order >> if you were not french or italian it was lik forget about it. everyt else s stupid. >> sonoma off the danish word for food looked for culinary explanation from the land itself.fora rs like michl larsson collect ingredients every day rain or shine. >> you can use ito make jam. there's so many things you can >> what's wrong with grabbina bunch and sticking them in the freezer. fine dining and normal dining. we need the best every day and it needs to be fresh. back in the kitchen they get to work. >> it's sliced arugula. >> that's beautiful. >> coked >> everything is fresh. >> here's a blue lobster. >> he's alive. >> he's alive. >> how much do itost to e at noma with drinks averaging $400 a person and if y envision everybody had a pay to enable them to have a nicehome a car, any meal would be very expensive or more expensive. >> but the elegance of prestige >>here's no refrigerators.ia. you pick somethi from the ground or kl an animal. if you wt a chicken you have to grab a chicken and -- >> he came when he was year old and dropped out of school at 15 and began working as a restaurant apprentice a year later during a different culinar culinary scene. >>ood was like microwave food like ready-madmeals most the time. >> noma turned copenhagen into a food destination and him into food royalty >> it was a game changer for noma and for the city a tnd nordic region. >> but the story doesn't end there. in a fewont m t restaurant will move to a new part of town. be able to pick your parsley a minute before you need it. >> until the he'll also open a pop-up mexico and again filling plates is exactly what this man does best. >> i understand it's just food but food is so much more than that as well. meal it's like a real transcendent moment and f others it's just a vessel to enjoy the conversation better and i'm perfectly fine with everything as lonas they in joy their time with us. >> pauley: ahead -- >> this is a young cheese made only four days ago. >> one taste of this cheese and you may be tested to say holy we find out why. and the singing of the songs. this i their way of communing with the lord so is the work they do in this community in the connecticut town of wait for it, although she might deny it the big cheese among the 38 sister is mother noella traditnal cheekg. a 2002 pbs documentary dubbed dir the cheese nun. you eat lot of cheese >> no.g up? we didn't. she enter in 1973. >> i w college ropout and wento st. lawrence because it was the most rdical school in the country. i didn't even know cows before i many thingsou would have nevery done and i happen toall in love with a cow named shi and learned make cheese. >> t dairy that began with shiba's arrival helps them be self-sustaining. one sister serv the cow their breakfast and vice >> every morning i take m of coffee to the cow and squirt milk right into the coffee. >> you can do that? >> yes, and it makes it foamy -- >> like a cappuccino. >> acow-paccino. chee but her eay effortsw milk didn't quite slice it. >> i was praying for a old french woman to teach me but a young one came and her grandmother taught her how to make this cheese >> so in a sense your prays were answered. >> definitely answered. >> what made here is called bethlehecheese. wheels of i age in the tiny cheese cellar. >>his right now is a young cheese made on four days ago so you wouldn't want to eat this now. it would be rubbery. >> it's the cheese making that excites another noela who earned her ph.d in micro biology from the universityf connecticut. >> wha grew is the white powder and i did my dctorate onat. >> she went to france and explored the cheese caves d became an expert how different flavorf cheese. >> touch it see how smooth that >> it's lky. >> y should see it under a mioscope. >> we're looking at flavor on a microscopic level. i love your fungi. >> tha you. >> today younger nuns an intern arn how to separatehe curds joke aside moth noella sees different things. >> i see god in the microorganisms and for me it cn for us or work is also a prayer. knowing where u stan it's never been easier. expt when it comes to your retirement plan. but at fidelity, we're making retirement planning clearer. and it all starts th getting your fidelity retirement score. in 60 seconds, you'll know where you stand. and together, we'll help you make decisions for youplan... to keep you on track. black friday deals are here all month long at lowe's. get up to 40% off appliance special values $396 or more, li this whirlpool refrigerator for only $898. and this whirlpool washer and dryer pair for only $579 each. make your home happy with great savingat lowe's. >> >> paule it's en settin th table for it's nesake steak for nearly two ntury. the first inmerica we're told to call itself a restaurant. de monaco's is and a list of spots to shake up state of. here's jim axelrod. >>t's noon in the kitchen of >> it's challenging. the dishes invented here how do we keep people and grandchildren and people interested in those dishes. that's my biggest challenge here. the history -- >> and bring it forwa first formal restaurant. this kitchens the bth place billn into a $780 it's influence on our nation's menus is unmistakable. eg benedict, baked alaska. >> it's the start an finish. >> and the del monaco steak all that this guy. >> aged, neless. >> the del monaco steak and this is it. >> with istory that dates back to 37. >> we're going to del monaco's for super. >> lunch at del monaco's. >> jn us on sunday at del monaco's. >> their fingerprints are on more than our >> most presidents, abraham lincoln ate here and teddy roosevelt. >> in the book there's ten restaurants that changed america. del naco's may ben the cover. 's like kleex or xerox became shorthand for restaurant. >> that's right. >>ut all ten make up a delicious slice of our cultural is to understand how we live and >> d how we think.and whare. >> how we look at the world, what sorts of things we desire and how we distinguish yourselves as americans. restaurants li mama lioni's and the mandarin in san francisco which elevated it beyond chopped suey. silvia's and regiona regional cuise. and the high-brow shaped restaurants an the middle-brow. howard johnson's? for no only the fast food industry like chile'sr denny' denny's. >> americans now spend more money on eating out th on buying food to ok at home and even if you never step ft in the place that stitarted you will don't ever forget your favorite neighborhood int has more in comm with iconic restaurants like del monaco. you open up the menu and see del monaco steak and youh tk that's my place. >> the las time that happened to me i wasith my mom and she told the waiter he wor where they invented that. >> when it comes to chicken some people like it hot as jan crawford discovered. >> in nashville the line goes down the block for what once was chicken. >> it's an addictive combinaon of pleure and pain. fried chicken doused in cayenne and enough spices to make you that father and so owner. nick bishop and nick junior. the chicken five ways including hot, damn hot and shut the uck up. why do people want to eat things that cause them pain? >> legend has it it started 80 years ago with the fily of this woman. >> of course it started with a woman. my great uncle sergeant prince being as ty say a womanizer. >> a wmanizer who was cheating on his girlfriend so she decided revenge was a dish best served fried chicken. >> but he liked it. >> hdid. >> and that was the beginning. >> we'll see that was the beginning but it's so sad we don't know who she was. >> but her legacy lived on. great uncle thornton started a restaurant using the girlfriend's recip prince's hot chicken shack still packs them in. these days there's competition even from some of the big boys. >> kfc crispy chicken tenders. >> and for those with a stomach of steel there's the death row chicken at shakes. cooks have to actually wear gas death row challenge have to sign a waer. >> you can start now. >> it's no gimmick even a few bites burn. but on the night we were there comedian chad wright except asking for more chewing his way to victory. there was a guy with three bites and had to run out. >> amateur. it's sad. why even come? >> if he's an amateur what does that make yo >> an idiot. >> and maybehat's why when it comes to taking the heat andre has aconfession. >> you have different levels so which one do you like? >> mild. >> you like the mild? >> i can't tolerate anything >> at least a potato i day? >> i do, yeah. >> he has potatoes in his roots. >> it's a staple on our dining table ever night growing up. how are you? >> so when he opened up the restaurant in 2011 guess wha >> everytem is potato based. >> you can't have cilantro and jalapeno. >> the humble potato i't so humble any more. it's a star. dicker serves about 1,000 customers a day at his four east coast locations of potatopia. unlimite unlimited veggies. >> the potato becomes the blank canvas for your imagination. >> exactly. >> white potatoes are now the single mostaten vegetable in the u.s. but when carb-free diets were all the rage potatoes were force to go underground. >> the problem is not the cot the technique and how you it and wha y a >> seeming to back him up the most recent usda dietary guidelines recommends eating starchy vegetables including potatoes. having it plain is best for your health but flavor-wise -- >> there's so many techniques you can put the potato in. it's mind blowing. it is. >> take french fries for example, back in the 1800s legend had it thomas jefferson white house dinner. now ale dicker is poise to lodge something equally revolutionary. what is this? >> a dugh with creamyashed potato filling. >> do you feel like it's ready for a comeback? >> absolutely. >> bet you can't top >> pley: ahead, christie >> pauley: eat, drink and be merry. a special edition of "sunday morning." here again is jane pauley. uptown girl was a huge hit for billy jole when he was about to these days she's an advocate for bellissima a sparkling wine. upbeat and as mark phillips discovered very hands on. >> i'm involved here. it's my new workout. >> no one will ever accuse christie brinkley with a lack of enthusiasm. now she's even more motivated. >> you can't say bellissima without >> without wanting a drink. bellissima is her very own wine label. a new range of prosecco. the italian fizz that's the hottest thing in the liquor business right now. u.s. sales are up a third each year lately. >> you are tasting nature not chemicals -- >> and christie brinkley and her partners think they found a way to breakthrough the market clutter, her. of them. >> believe me i'm involved in every aspect of this. >> more an four decades into a modelling career, christie brinkley never met a camera lens she didn't like or liked her back. point one at her and this sort of thing happens. >> cheers. >> prosecco. long the pre-dinner tickle in italy is bei u.s. as a kind of champagne without the price tag. more bubbles for the buck. were you a prosecco involved before you got involved in the business? >> yeah, i've had my fair share. >> in the region of italy about an hour north of venice where anything that calls itself prosecco has to come from they can't make enough of the stuff. everybody wants prosecco. >> if you're going into the wine business this is the place and where christie has come. how can you tell these grapes. >> our grapes are gorgeous. >> she's n only found a wine she likes christie brinkley seems to have found the founin of youth. she's 62 years i'll say that again, she's 62 years old going on 22 by the look of her. >> i've been around a long time. has been 37 yearsce she became the nation's pin-up girl appearing on three consecutive sports illustrated swimsuit issue covers from 1979 to 1981. the only time anyone's ever done that. and her life has been like a generation if a little more glamorous. not everybody has the pop-star husband and music video you can more or les play yourself. >> i have a theme song wherever i go. ? uptown girl ? >> billy joel was one of four husbands and two divorces. two good and two there were three children along the way. it's been a life of mostly highs and some significant lows from her family's beginnings in michigan to surfer girl california to an art student's life in paris in a post office the legend goes. >> i never wanted to be a model. it was never a dream of minend i was a little embarrassed and i my friends were like how can you do this and i s like, well, i can affo to take us to gree. and they were like ok. we like that. >> whenever she's been tapped out she's always seem to bounce back never with a higher or more unlikely rebound than when she was asked to play roxy hart in the musical "chicago." the reviews were mixed. >> i never felt retired. i always get insulted when i i read former model like former? what do they think i'm doing? i'm still here. i'm not doing anything. >> christie has used her name and product promotion before. gym equipment. >> total gym. >>nd in keeping with the always look your best theme fans should know prosecco is organic and includes a sugar-free option. >> it's zero sugar, zero carbs. safe for people with diabetes or on a diet. >> what the world needs diet prosecco. down the hatch. and if anybody think christie brinkley's new line is a way of toasting the end of her career, toast again. >> it's like people are hoping to get a bottle of my prosecco like a cork and say yay, she's retired. that's not going to happen right retired. that's not going to happen right away. ...and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. (my hero zero by lemonheads) zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. this black friday at the volkswagen sign then drive event. ? wesked people to write down the things they love to do most on these balloons. travel with my daughter. roller derby. ? now give up half of 'em. do i have to? this is a tough financial choice we could face when we retire. but, if we start saving even just 1% more of our annual income... we could keep doing all the things we love. i had frequent heartburn, doctor recommended prilosec otc 7 years ago, 5 years ago, last week. just 1 pill each morning. 24 hours d zero heartburn, it's been the number 1 doctor recommended brand for 10 straight years, and it's still recommended today. use as directed >> nourishing the soul as well as the body is the goal behind a restaurant tracy smith now takes us to. >> on a busy corner in atlanta's old fourth ward is arguably one of the hottest restaurants in the city. here at staple house the open kitchen is a hive of perfection sell-out crowds and above their heads are quotes from famous figh like muhammad ali. if you're dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough which perfectly describes this dream. a dream as big as the heart itself. >> chocolate mousse. >> jen and ryan were famous for throwing five-star their home and in 2012 they wanted to open a real place of their own. that the idea open a small neighborhood restaurant. >> simple. >> simple. >> and they we in the middle of making it happen when ryan went to his doctor for a stomach ailment. that's when their lives caved in. >> he said i'm 99.4% sure it's have six to 12 months. >> how did you hear he was sick? >> she is ryan's younger sister. >> i'm sorry. >> it's ok. >> it's an emotional story. it's our story and it's joyful and amazing but it's also hard and a bit sad at time. >> when the news got out frien and neighbors wrapped their collective arms around ryan and threw a fundraiser. >> it was raise to help him out. >> $275,000. >> was that enough? >> more than enough. >> and they used the leftovers to sta the giving kitchen a fund to help local restaurant personal catastrophes. abby mcdonald's son was born premature and the baby has an expensive machine to help keep him alive and the parents have help with the bills. >> what does the giving kitchen do in >> pay rent for four months. >> they d personally but do anything to help you out. it's refreshing. >> the giving kitchen has helped more than 600 workers with grants adding up to more than $1 million but there was nothing money could do for ryan. he passed away in january 2014 at age 36. still his family kept his dream alive and opened staple house his wife jen runs the place. his old pal ryan smith does the cooking and his sister cara is in charge of service. >> i'd eat here with a day off. >> the editors of bon appetit felt the same way naming it the best new restaurant in america. best restaurant 2016. >> yes. >> the charity gets a >> 100% of our net profit after tas and pay everyone we dote those back to the giving kitchen. >> 100%. >> anything leftover. >> you have to believe somewhere ryan must be smiling. you guys had a conversation on what the menu might be in heaven. >> yeah. chicken wings. >> staple house could be as close to heaven as a restaurant can get. a reminder a dream like a meal itself is best when it's shared with the ones you love. >> pauley: for generations countless great talent have been denied their place at the table. now michelle muller tells us one woman is working to give them the recognition they deserve. >> smiling, happy aunt jamima known for her pancakes. >> her smiling face has been selling pancake mix since 1889. aunt jamima up with of the most recognizable, enduring and of commercial cookery. a happy plantation nanny who had little to do with the reality of slavery. >> the idea of a mammy was a constructed image and it was a myth on top of a myth. so i'm going to make cornbread distressing we have every year for thanksgiving. >> tony martin, journalist and cook set out to uncover t african-american cooking in the jamima code. >> the book was conceived of as a beautiful coffee table book that would contradict the negative degraded image of this enslaved woman in a box. >> so this book is from 1827. >> in her own collection of more than 300 rare and historic research. >> cookbooks was a way for women in particular to find their identity. the recipe as they choose and stories they tell about themselves is unique to each writer. >> she published her cookbook in 1866. >> smhe credits the white women in her community to help her bring the book to print and it's a lovely expression of community that exi b >> chef rashard had her own tv cooking show in new orleans well before juliahild took to the airwaves. >> what we learned about her is how she thought of herself. she portrays herself as a lady. >> her own cookbook was self-publishedn 1939. >> the great james beard helped publish the book so in 1940 the calls new orleans cobook but now guess what -- >> her image. >> is not there. they've removed it. >> i don't think you cooked enough. >> no, i didn't. >> she hopes the cookbooks with their stories and recipes will provide a richer, truer picture of african-american contributions to the american table. >> there's much more to our cooking and who wean culinarily speaking and the artistic aspect are evident in the books. >> and isn't that what thanksgiving is all about, sharing food and stories and celebrating our commonality and >> pauley: here's something worth spreading, butter is back. >> this one is from vermont. she's a bona fide butter lover. >> i would like to point out 50% of what's going on in your refrigerator is butter. how long have humans been eating butter? >> thousands and year. it's a rich history. ju talking about butter gets her all melty. >> you can cream it, you can whip it, layer it and still it comes to the table naked by itself and it's delicious there too. >> last year the average american ate more than 22 sticks of butter. holy cow. imperial margin. >> for years margarine stole the show then came news of unhealthy transfats in some margarines. >> eating margarine over butter may not be as heart smart as we thought. >> and we were suddenly back to the basics of butter. >> it's so elemental and just tastes so good. >> still at 800 calories a stick, being a heavy could make you a heavy butter user. right now the usda guidelines discourage against eating too much saturated fats including butter. >> you don't sit down to a stick or half a stick of butter. you have a tablespoon here or there. >> and even in moderation one thing is certain -- butter makes everything -- >> better. butter. >> somewhere julia child is smiling. >> pauley: ahead -- >> i don't know i state i haven't shipped at least one >> i don't know i state i haven't shipped at least one cake too. >> pauley: the island tradition that takes the cake. multiply. hello, all of you. ? 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>> no more than ten. >> no more than ten? >> i like to keep it at six or seven because i don't know who is going to order them. >> mary wishell ships to customers on the mainland but has no website. how do they find o about you? >> a neighbor tells a neighbor and the son tells or daughter or whatever. i have no idea. >> it is process. eight to ten thin layers. each baked in its own pan and then carefully iced. >> i put a dab of frosting. >> he island roots go back countless generations and like most women here she learned to bake smith island cake as a child but no one really knows how it all began. who can get the most little layers. >> does it taste as good as it looks? it does. and when she started to take them up to the legislature shay voted the cake the official maryland dessert in 2008. >> we were howling like we won the super bowl. >> but it's also suffered setback. coastline lost to rising sea waters. a once thriving seafood industry now struggling and a population that's dwindled toround 200. cakes are on the rise every since a business school grad happen to taste one. when did you go from going this is really good cake to see if there's a business? >> miami immediately. smith island baking company in 2009. he started by visiting the island and talking to mary aida marshall. >> she said i love the idea i'll pray for you. >> murphy first opened the bakery right on the island with an all-local staff but after seven years he moved across the water to maryland vexed island's idiosyncrasies. the bakery still employsy an original smith islanders who want to stay on. how do you no if it tastes good or not? >> when there's none left. >> but though she wish the bakery well, mrs. marshall wonders whether it's still a baked on smith island. >> it's just our dessert plain and simple. more "doing chores for mom" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. unty, the quicker picker upper if you've been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers may feel overwhelming. so start your search with our teams of specialists the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at >> pauley: and now to john dickerson for more on what's ahead for face the nation. >> we'll speak to mike pence. >> pauley: wll next week here on "sunday morning." >> once i cross the property line i'm not free any more. once i go out to the world i line i'm not free any more. once i go out to the world i belong in a way to everyone else. >> pauley: lady gaga. with asthma not well controlled breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at ? ?you don't own me? ?don't try to change me in any way? 's a?that i ask of you? the new 2017 corolla with toyota safety sense standard. ?you don't own me? >> pauley: we leave you this sunday morning before thanksgiving among the wild turkeys at the aleghenny national forest near foster brooks, pennsylvania. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh >> pauley: i'm jane pauley, we wish all of you a happy thanksgiving and hope you'll join us when our trumpet sounds captioning sponsored by cbs >> dickerson: today on "face the nation," auditions for key roles in the tru administration and democrats look few wor a n forward. president-elect trump and vice president-elect pence hunkered down this weekend to intervi cab dates for top positions in their new administration. >> we're seeing tremendous talent, people tha a we will make america great again. >> dickerson: but willhey? not everyone is so sure. friday night mr. pence received an unexpected message while attending a performance of the music hamilton. >> we, sir, we are a diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. >> dickerson: we'll talk to vice president-elect pence about that and get an update on mr. trump's cabinet pick. kentucky senator rand paul is

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