> pelley: one of the most powerful hurricanes in nearly a decade is on its way to the southeas"> > pelley: one of the most powerful hurricanes in nearly a decade is on its way to the southeas" property="og:description"> > pelley: one of the most powerful hurricanes in nearly a decade is on its way to the southeas">

Transcripts For WDJT CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 2016

Transcripts For WDJT CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20161005

this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: one of the most powerful hurricanes in nearly a decade is on its way to the southeast. watches and warnings are up from the southern tip of florida up the atlantic coast to south carolina. 500,000 people are being urged to move inland. airlines are canceling hundreds of flights, and amtrak is shutting down service in the hurricane matthew, a category three storm with winds as high as 120mph, is blamed for as many as 25 deaths in haiti and the dominican republic. we have a team of correspondents on this story, and first we will go to omar villafranca in the bahamas. >> reporter: the outer bands of hurricane matthew are starting to pound the island of exuma here in the bahamas, but across the caribbean sea, people to clean up after taking a beating from the powerful storm. in this town, 145mph winds left path of destruction. the hurricane destroyed hundreds of homes and flooded the streets. the storm toppled trees and knocked out power and communications to large parts of the island nation. a major bridge was destroyed by floodwaters, cutting off access and aid to residents on the western ti t thousands of people are now without shelter. in the eastern tip of cuba, the storm slashed through and flattened homes in the city of baracoa. here in the bahamas, residents are boarding up and bracing for matthew as the storm now takes aim at the island. nassau resident andy gill stocked up on food and other supplies. he plans to ride out the hurricane at home. >> my stomach tells me that this hope, and we trust that everything works out best for us. >> we haven't seen the full force yet. >> reporter: on the smile island of exuma, radio d.j. gigi percentie was still broadcasting, warning island dwellers about the hurricane. gigi plans to leave the radiowood for shelter before the storm hits. >> reporter: i'm manuel bojorquez in florida. the state's first mandatory evacuation happened along the coast east of orlando, where storm surge is expected to r governor rick scott said an unprecedented number of evacuees could follow. >> protecting life is the number-one priority right now. if matthew directly impacts florida, there will be massive destruction that we haven't seen in years. >> reporter: the last category three or higher hurricane to hit florida was wilma in 2005. so there is concern that sol vulnerable communities have grown complacent. throughout south florida today, it appeared people were heeding for gas and propane. inside store shelves quickly ran bare. the dania beach grill already closed. kathleen lecourt is the manager. is there anything in particular about this storm that made you decide to close up now? >> it keeps jogging east and west, and it just doesn't seem like it knows which direction it's going, so we decided to keep everyone safe we would close. >> reporter: nearby we noticed lifeguard michael huck helping dig up one of the tours. will be way up. it will be a lot of force against these towers. >> reporter: and the only way to get them to higher ground was by crane. crews also set up these barriers to help contain the storm surge. already 500 national guard troops are on stand-by for search and rescue. scott, officials are urging people here to evacuate as soon as possible to avoid endangering themselves and those first responders. >> pelley: manuel bojorquez on meterologist at cbs station wbz in boston. eric, where is this headed? >> reporter: well, scott, the last time a storm category three or stronger hit the united states, twitter did not exist, iphones did not exist, 4,000 days ago. that's record streak. sadly, it look like that may end. matthew is strengthening again tonight, moving off toward the west, we have hurricane warnings extending across a large portion of the florida coast and tropical storm warnings further inland. they extend down toward the keys. here's a look at some of the potentwi through next couple days. as we head into thursday evening, stronger winds starting to approach the coastline. already very destructive winds across the bahamas. as we head into the overnight, look at the winds now gusting over 100mph at the coast, and they'll work their way up the coastline. big thing here is where exactly will that center go? if it's inland, it brings all this most destructive wind inland. if it stays just off shore, 20 miles could make a big difference here, scott. and it moves toward the carolinas by the weekend. eric fisher, thank you very much. well, today nielsen reported about 37 million people watched the vice presidential debate last night moderated by our elaine quijano. that's roughly half as many as the clinton-trump debate last week and about half as many as the 2008 biden-palin face-off, which set the record for vice presidential debates. here's nancy cordes. >> some people think i won. [cheering] >> reporter: mike pence basked did his running mate. >> mike pence did an incredible job, and i'm getting a lot of credit because that's really my first so-called choice. that was my first hire. >> reporter: trump said pence ce. his cool through 90 minutes of incoming fire. >> both donald trump and mike pence want to get rid of birthright citizenships. he's trying to fuzz up what donald trump said. donald trump is avoiding paying taxes. >> reporter: the strength of somewhat by the sheer numbers of them. >> you are donald trump's apprentice. >> did you work on that one a long time? >> reporter: pence and kaine came into the debate with specific goals and stuck to them. pence wanted to serve as a calming counter-weight to his unpredictable running mate. >> her name is alicia machado. >> reporter: and the make some points trump missed in his debate. >> the reality is when she was secretary of state, senator, come on, she had a clinton foundation accepting contributions from foreign governments. >> reporter: kaine wanted to prove that some of trump's positions make even pence uncomfortable. >> when donald trump says mexicans are rapists and immigrants, i can't imagine how you can defend that. >> you whipped out that mexican thing again. >> reporter: first thing this morning, the clinton campaign released a compilation of six times last night that pence tried to rewrite's trump history. >> more nations should get nuclear weapons. don't try to defend that. >> he never said that. >> wouldn't you rather in a certain sense have japan have nuclear weapons. >> reporter: the v.p. debate was a big shot in the arm for republicans, who have watched trump's poll numbers slide all week, but, scott, both sides acknowledge that round two between clinton and trump, just four days from today, will likely have a far more profound impact on this race. >> pelley: nancy cordes, thanks. now let's go to john heilmann, co-managing editor of bloomberg politics. john, pence the perceived winner, but did kaine wanted to do? >> i think the clinton campaign saw the debate as a debate between tim kaine and donald trump. so even though kaine had some problems stylistically, especially in the early going, the clinton campaign was happy with the degree to which he mercilessly savaged donald trump and got a lot of the negative information they want out there in the ecosystem out on that stage last night. i think they were quite happy with how he did. >> pelley: and the next presidential debate is this sunday in prime time. different, a town hall meeting with questions from the audience. how will that play to the strengths and weaknesses of trump and clinton? >> in some ways it's a more complicated debate. real people ask the questions. you also have the situation where both candidates are free the roam out away from their podium that. will create some interesting physical dynamics, potentially some interesting gender dynamics. neither one of these candidates is particularly well suited to this format. donald trump has barely ever done of it. but it will be intriguing to see how they manage the challenges here. hillary clinton certainly preparing for it more assiduously in a more formal, rigorous way than trump, but it's possible that either one of them could turn out to be unexpectedly great in this kind of unusual format. >> pelley: the insights of john heilmann, bloomberg politics. john, great to have you with us again. >> thanks, scott. >> pelley: and a reminder, cbs news live coverage of the next time. today in a case that recalls edward snowden, a contractor for the national security agency has been charged with stealing vital secrets. our homeland security correspondent jeff pegues is following this. >> reporter: law enforcement sources say the first sign of a security breech at the n.s.a. came in mid-august when someone posted highly sensitive secrets about the agency's cyber tools. experts say the postnc computer code intended to hack major cyber targets like foreign governments. at first a cyber attack by another country was suspected, but soon investigators zeroed in on n.s.a. contractor harold martin iii. in late august, police converged on his maryland home. glenn bond lives down the street. >> f.b.i. jackets all over the place, state troopers. >> reporter: according to the criminal complaint unsealed today, the f.b.i. searched the sheds. investigators say they found hard copied documents and digital information stored on various devices with markings indicating that they contained highly classified and top-secret information that if made public could cause exceptionally gave damage to the national security of the united states. martin's wife deb was at the house today. >> i have absolutely no comment on the matter. i am standing by my husband. i love him very much. >> reporter: martin, a navy veteran, was employed by defense contractor booz allen hamilton, the same company that hired edward snowden. in 2013, he leaked classified secrets about u.s. global and domestic surveillance methods. it is considered one of the most damaging security breaches in decades. according to the court papers, martin admitted that he took the document, but, scott, his attorney says there is no evidence his client intended to devoted his entire career to serving and protecting america. >> pelley: jeff pegues in the washington newsroom. jeff, thank you. well, today an airliner was evacuated when a new samsung phone began smoking in a passenger's pocket. samsung has been recalling its phones because of battery fires, but it appears that this phone is one of the replacements that are supposed to be safe. here's our transportation correspondent kris van cleave. can you send emergency equipment over here? >> reporter: that smoke came pouring from this samsung galaxy note 7 smartphone, forcing southwest flight 994 to be evacuated in baltimore as it sad on the gate headed to louisville. brian greene says he just turned the phone off and put it in his pocket. >> i heard some popping that sounded like a ziploc bag popping open. billowing, just pouring out of my pocket. >> smoke in the cabin on the ramp and the gate terminal ramp southwest 994. there is smoke in the cockpit. >> reporter: passenger ta'neaka lindsay. >> someone yelled out, "the phone is on fire." the first thing that came the mind is the recall on the samsung phone. >> reporter: samsung has recalled nearly two million of the galaxy phones made before september 15th. there have been at least 92 reports in the u.s. of the phone's lithium-ion battery overheating, resulting in 26 burns and 55 cases of property damage, including fires to cars and a garage. airlines have been asking passengers traveling with a note 7 not to charge the phone and to keep it turned off while on board. a check of the serial number on green's phone showed it is not part of the current recall. >> there's something else going on. they need to look a little deeper into it. >> reporter: green says this phone was a replacement for his previous device, which had been recalled. development. scott, samsung says in a statement it's working with authorities and southwest to recover the phone and to determine the cause. >> pelley: marc van kris van cl, thanks. coming up next on the "cbs evening news," a high school football team that is so good, opponents refuse the play them. and later, an extraordinary gift changes the life of a wounded changes the life of a wounded warrior. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. . breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. see if you're eligible for 12 months free at mybreo.com. ? 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[ gears stopping ] try this. but just one aleve has the strength to stop pain for 12 hours. tylenol and advil can quit after 6. so live your whole day, not part... with 12 hour aleve. >> pelley: one of the best high school football teams in the state of washington hasn't suited up much this few teams want the play them. they're just too strong. carter evans is in everett, north of seattle. >> reporter: on the football field, archbishop murphy is a powerhouse, overwhelming their opponents here by a combined score of 170-0. but winning by such margins comes at a cost. the school is having trouble finding other schools willing to play them. granite falls high school is the latest, forfeiting its game scheduled for this friday. athletic director joey johnson. >> we made a decision based on the health and welfare of our kids. that's really what it comes down. to that's our first priority. >> reporter: archbishop murphy isn't just big, some of its players are the size of college and even professional players. there are six weighing at least 250 pounds, including three over 300 pounds. just one granite weighs 250. >> it's a physical game. our kids and parents are concerned about getting hurt. bottom line. >> your friday game has been forfeited to me doesn't really ring true to what we're trying to teach our young adults here. >> reporter: jerry jensen is archbishop murphy's head football coach. >> this is their opportunity the face adversity, power through it, and it will serve them well in their life. >> reporter: players like lineman jackson yost, 6'3", 265 pounds, just want to play. schools do. we just have to focus on what we need to do to prepare for the next upcoming game. >> reporter: that's if there is a next game. one reason the players are so big here may be because archbishop murphy can recruit from around the region. public schools simply cannot, so there is a greg call around the league here for this school to move to a higher division. essentially, scott, they're saying, "go pick on someone your own size." >> pelley: carter evans, thank you very much. fit for a superhero. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls... and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement?, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. tual insurance. many sleep-aids have pain medicine but zzzquil is different because why would you take a pain medicine when all you want is good sleep? zzzquil: a non-habit forming sleep-aid that's not for pain, just for sleep. impressive linda. it seems age isn't slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. anytime as a painful, blistering rash. one in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. will it be you? and that's why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. i'm working to boost 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rickety boats and rubber dinghies. they fled war and poverty at home, making their escape before the cold of winter. in his short life, hall-loved superhero, the good guys. today he was dressed as batman for his funeral in townville, south carolina. a poster showed him as superman. at his family's request, many of the mourners also dressed as superheroes. there were ninja turtles and power rangers. his mom ranae wore a robin costume. jacob was six. he died saturday after being shot at school one week ago. were wounded. a 14-year-old is charged with murdering jacob and murdering his own father. his own father. we'll be right back. yeah, we're strong when it comes to tires. right now during the big tire event, ? feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond. pro-v formula ever. 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not be going for the big one, but i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis. reduced risk of stroke, plus less major bleeding. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. >> pelley: we end tonight with david martin now on the marvel of medicine that has given this veteran a new beginning. >> reporter: six years after he lost all of his limbs to an explosion in afghanistan, john peck appeared in public for the first time with human arms. he began by thanking the family of an unknown young man who in death donated those arms. >> i will tell you this: your loved one's death will not be for nothing. every day that i look down at new articles, i will drive on through the pain, ably never give up. >> reporter: peck, a former marine, is one of only 25 people in the entire world to receive a double arm transplant. >> as you can see, the counter-top is lowered. >> reporter: when we talked to him before the operation, he was counting on it to free him from a life in which everything was difficult. >> i can't make sandwiches. sandwiches is too much work, hands-on stuff, like opening up >> reporter: he had been on the waiting list for nearly two years while dr. simon talbot searched for a donor. >> he's going to be living with these arms hopefully for the rest of his life. we want to make sure that's the best match we can get for him. >> reporter: the operation at brigham and women's hospital in boston took 14 hours, arms from the don'ter who had been declared braindead 36 hours earlier were rushed in to be attached to peck's stumps. you can see the hands turn pink and come back the life. >> here we go.lo pulse. perfect. this may be just the very beginning of it. after surgery he's got months and months and months of physical therapy and rehabilitation. >> bring your arm up straight out in front. >> maximum effort. >> reporter: before peck can use those arm, nerves have to grow down to his new fingertips, a slow and sometimes painful process. for now the arms are in braces to protect them from strain. along the way his body will try to reject his arms. >> any day my body can say, nope, not having it, and go back to brigham and get my arms amputated even higher than i was before. that's the head of the bed. >> reporter: but everyday tasks are now within his reach. >> i'm just grateful that i'm going to have this opportunity to be able to hold somebody's hand again, to possibly be able to fulfill my dreams, my lifelong dreams. >> reporter: his dream is to become a chef, but he already has a fiance?e to hold his hand. david martin, cbs news, boston. >> pelley: and that's the "cbs evening news" for tonight. for all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by this is "jeopardy!" introducing today's contestants -- a consultant and rideshare driver from bethesda, maryland... a kitchen manager from columbus, ohio... ing champion, a phd candidate from chicago, illinois... ...whose 12-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!" -- alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, folks. and thank you, ladies and gentlemen. that with his win yesterday, seth wilson moved past arthur chu into fifth place on our list of all-time game winners on "jeopardy!" [ applause ] matt jackson is one game ahead of you. but margie and eric are going to cause problems for you, perhaps. let's see what happens. here we go. all right. what are the categories today? followed by... "trans" coming up in each correct response. followed by... seth.

Related Keywords

Haiti , Japan , Dania Beach , Florida , United States , Afghanistan , Dominican Republic , Boston , Massachusetts , Illinois , Town Hall , Columbus , Ohio , Caribbean Sea , Belize General , Belize , Washington , Exuma , Bahamas , The , Seattle , Carolinas , Chihuahua , Mexico , South Carolina , Maryland , Cuba , Nassau , New Providence , Orlando , Chicago , Italy , Baltimore , America , Mexicans , Mexican , John Peck , Matt Jackson , Carter Evans , Tim Kaine , Eric Fisher , Seth Wilson , Eliquis , David Martin , Brian Greene , Nancy Cordes , Scott Pelley , Alicia Machado , Andy Gill , Simon Talbot , Elaine Quijano , Edward Snowden , Arthur Chu , Joey Johnson , Michael Huck , Marc Van Kris , Jackson Yost , Jerry Jensen , Rick Scott , Hillary Clinton ,

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