Transcripts For WDJT CBS 58 News At 4pm 20161104 : compareme

Transcripts For WDJT CBS 58 News At 4pm 20161104

nearby mall were told not to leave during the incident... and even though no bomb was ever found... it made for a tense day. "i was shocked. it was like, just a bank robbery, yes. and banks get robbed all the time in kenosha. this one's been robbed before. but this has never happened. not with a bomb." 3 the suspect has not been charged at the time, so police are not releasing any more details about him. live in kenosha, ad cbs 58 news. a me officer accused of sexual assault and soliciting prostituion pleaded not guilty . today.dominique heaggan-brown was fired from the department earlier this week because of those charges he faces. heaggan-brown is also under investigation for the shooting of armed drug suspect sylville smith in sherman park.there has been no decision on charges in that case. heaggan-brown will be back in court..on the asssault case.. next month. a milwaukee woman arrested days after being named one of sentenced today for killing alonna thomas. cbs 58's ky aevermann reports on the emotional day in court. the judge gave tequila cole a sentence of 40 years.nats of ous outburstsas the judge read his decision there were outbursts from both the family of tequila cole and alonna thomas. polie say cole shot thomas during a fight over a man. cole was on the run for more than a year... before she turned herself into police.the mothers of both cole and thomas spoke before the court. thomas' mother asking for the maximum sentence, while thomas was asking the judge to be lieniant. cole also spoke in court saying she was sorry for her actions, and took responsibility, and hopes both families will heal. was uncalled for, it was an act or ignorance,. it was against everything i stand everything i was taught as a child. and i just hold this helps, and i'm sorry it took so long. long.cole will spend 30 years behind bars and then 10 years supervised released. with credit for time already served. in milwaukee. kyle aevermann. cbs 58 news. 3 news.aevermann. cbs 58 milwaukee. kyle aevermann. cbs 58 news. chief meterologist drew burgyone joins us now to get you ready for your evening...drew. tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph.weekend: beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last color. slowly cooling to start next week but still above-average. tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph.weekend: beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last color. slowly cooling to start next week but still above-average. 3 weekend of campaigning for the 20-16 election. vice president joe biden is making his last pitch to wisconsin voters for hillary 58's david ade is in madison where biden made a late morning stop. the hillay clinton campaign is hoping to seal the deal in wisconsin by leaning on it's high profile surrogates. vice president joe biden urged supporters in madison to help drive turnout at the polls. saying america is on the verge of resurgence and clinton wants to move the country forward while donald trump will also said trump is unqualified to be president and ripped the republican presidential candidate saying he is already damaging relations with other c. countries.thoroughly thoroughly unprepared3 unpreparedthoroughly unprepared unpreparedsenate candidate russ feingold introduced biden at today's rally.biden also in his race against senator ron madison david ade cbs 58 news. 3 republicans are also hitting the badger state hard with just days to go before the election. we learned this afternoon governor mike pence will be in mukwonago with senator ron jonson and house speaker paul ryan saturday. donald trump will speak at state fair park on sunday afternoon. 3 both candidates are focusing their final days on the campaign trail on getting people to turn out to the polls. cbs' craig boswell reports from the whe hillary clinton and donald trump are making their final pitch for votes in the states that will likley decide the outcome of the presidential pennsylvania, clinton argued trump's temperment disqualifies him for the job. he has a long history of insulting people and it didn't just start with the campaign both candidates are also relying on their strongest attacks.trump brought up the fbi's investigation into clinton's emails during a get-out-the vote rally in new hampshire. even manage her emails. trump needs a strong republican turnout in rural areas to counteract democratic strongholds in urban communities. donald trump wants to turnout what he's been calling his silent majority.// hillary clinton needs to turnout her base and that base is african americans. president obama fired up voters in north carolina. polls show clinton has a narrow lead/what i'm asking you to do is just make sure everybody that you know is going out to vote. both candidates are hoping for a stretch... but there are signs of voter fatigue.82-percent say they feel disgusted by the presidential campaign. craig boswell, cbs news, the white house. 3 cbs 58 will have live team coverage on election night of important local races and the results of the presidential election. we hope you'll join us on tuesday night. and with four days to go before the election...a possible terror threat has been uncovered. alerted to possible al qeada at.'s unclear how credible the threat is. u-s intelligence agenices found that attacks may be planned in new york, texas and virginia on monday...just a day before the election.although there are no specifics about ? how? those attacks would be carried out. officials say it's not uncommon for a threat to come before a significant event like an election. 3 coming up tonight on the cbs 58 news at ten...the waukesha police department is pushing the boundary on new crime technology. "it measures everything exactly, down to approximately two millmeters accurate." accurate." tonight...waukesha police gives us an exclusive look at a new device that's helping them catch criminals and can transport a jury into crime scenes. "3-d crime scene" is coming up tonight on the cbs 58 news at ten 3 ahead on the news at four -- what kind of effect has this volatile election had on the economy. the lastest jobs numbers next. 3 plus...a simple test can now help pregnant women give birth tell you all about it in your health watch. 3 plus --- chief meterologist drew burgyone will return with your full readycast...stay tuned. russ: as i've traveled to all 72 counties, i've heard from a lot of people. including seniors, concerned that ron johnson is going to turn medicare into a voucher program. senior: don't let it happen russ. russ: i've heard from families in need of good paying jobs. blue collar guy: ron johnson's trade deals help other countries, not us. russ: the bottom line - people want an economy that delivers for them. man: we just need a fair shake, in today's money watch -- the latest jobs report shows the economy's growth has managed to stay on track going into the presidential election. election.the labor department's says 161-thousand jobs were added in october. that's a solid gain...marking the 73rd consecutive month of job gains. as a result, unemployment dipped to 4-point-9-percent.that's down by half since 2009, when unemployment peaked at 10- percent. wages also grew 2-point-8 percent in october compared to a year ago. here in milwaukee though...some bad news on the job front. the "milwaukee center for independence" announced more than one-thousand workers could be layed off. they says it's because of a contract change for in-home care and case management services. 3 most americans will turn back the clocks this weekend...and that could be bad news for retailers. a new study from "j-p morgan chase" found that people spend less money when through friday. accroding to the study, grocery stores and retail stores see the biggest drops. 3 that poisitive jobs report had things looking up on wall street for a while today...but things took a turn this afternoon and the markets closed for a ninth day in a row in the red. the dow lost 42, the nasdaq fell 12 and the s and p dropped about three. 3 in today's health watch --- a simple test may help pregnant women have a positive influence on their baby's birth i the simple steps that could make a big difference. elizabeth donnelly is about to become a mother for the first time. now 8 months along, she's starting to think more about her son's arrival - including how much he'll weigh. we have talked about it kind of generally with our doctor, what is normal, what we can expect new research at imperial college london may take away some of the uncertain. study was to look for metabolites in the urine of pregnant women and to see if these could predict birthweight. in the largest study of its kind - researchers looked at urine samples and the lifestyles of 8-hundred pregnant women.the samples revealed several birth weight indicators that women can control including their vitamin d levels, exercise, and diet. researchers say eating protein packed in vital nutrients - called branched-chain amino acids - in the third trimester when babies grow the most. the study found a 50 percent increase in those bcaa's could mean a weight gain of as much as 2 and a half percent. if we can find ways to intervene and modify the level of these metabolites then we would be able to ensure that healthy birth weight. low and abnormal birth weights have been linked to chronic diseases like obesity and type- 2 diabetes.(mums with prams)doctors hope this test could be another tool for new healthy start. rylee carlson for cbs news, london. 3 the maker of nutella says it's a spread not a dessert and it wants the u-s government to declare it so. so."ferrero brands" is trying to get the serving size lowered on the's needs the f-d-as approval to do that.the company said the listed size was based on it being a dessert..and that can be misleading for the majority of people who use it on bread or toast in a much lower serving size. 3 new research shows you can actually be "scared sick." concern about developing a serious illness could raise your risk of heart disease. that's according to norwegian researchers who say those with health anxiety are 70 percent more likely to develop heart disease than those with no worries. 3 your full readycast with chief meterologist drew burgyone is 3 3 tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph.weekend: beautiful weather both completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall color. slowly cooling to start next week but still above-average. 3 tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph.weekend: beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall color. slowly cooling to start next week but still 3 3 3 3 tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-mp beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall color. slowly cooling to start next week but still above-average. 3 here's a look at the traffic conditions now... 3 the milwaukee running festival was such a success in its first's coming back..the race director is live in our studio with us russ: as i've traveled to all 72 counties, people. including seniors, concerned that ron johnson is going to turn medicare into a voucher program. senior: don't let it happen russ. russ: i've heard from families in need of good paying jobs. blue collar guy: ron johnson's trade deals help other countries, not us. russ: the bottom line - people want an economy that delivers for them. man: we just need a fair shake, and, russ, i think you need a bigger van. russ: i'm russ feingold afternoon to the second annual "milwaukee running festival" i'm joined in studio this afternoon by the race director, chris ponteri. welcome. it's a race for everyone at any ability level they find themselves...some four expectedwhy do was so popular?new this year a dozen party routes for spectators to really is no better way to see milwaukee so how can somebody we've got all the details about the race all the different races and how you can website cbs 58 dot com. chris, thank you for joining us. 3 coming up on the news at four...a live report from chicago where cubs fans are celebrating in the streets. more on the victory parade ahead. 3 and...the accused getaway driver in the laylah petersen shooting learned his sentence today. 3 plus...two young women from milwaukee are killed in by a suspected drunk driver this 3 we've got much more news and weather headlines...coming up as the cbs 58 news at four 3 its hard to get how someone just ceases to be. i know it little too numb by it all all family members are still trying to make sense of what happened...days after ther loved ones were were killed in a wrong way crash near madison. four co-workers from the milwaukee area were headed home when a suspected drunk driver crashed into them. the driver from whitefish bay was critically injured and his three young passengers from milwaukee were all killed killedone of them was 28 year old accountant kimberly radtke. cbs 58's april dovorany spoke with her family. newsroom..april. today kelly radtke told me-it was a quick work trip for her sister, kim. recruiting students at uw-lacrosse-the group could have stayed there overnight-but chose to come home to their families. for kim, that meant coming home to her boyfriend nick...and their new puppy. her sister tells us-kim's hard work was just starting to pay off. she had a career she father's footsteps--by working as an accountant. she and nick had just bought a home together-and were spending time loving on their new dog. kelly says-not only was kim full of love for others-she also was responsible...often going out and picking up friends who had had too much to drink. which is why-the news that kim was likely killed by a drunk driver-is even mroe devastating for this family. 859 its awful that someone who made that wrong decision took her life. if she ran into that guy at the bar, she probably would have made sure he got home ok, you know..?....but she didnt. 3 3 the 4th person killed in this incident-23 year old patrick wasielewski was from illinois. reporting in the newsroom ad cbs 58 news. one of the men accused in the death of young laylah petersen was sentenced to five years in prison today with an additional five years of extended supervision. supervision.paul farr was the getaway driver for two men who shot into the wrong house...killing laylah as she sat on her grandfathter's lap. the two other men in this month. two men forever silenced by a speeding driver. today their families finally spoke for them and to the woman responsib. responsible.the judge gave jasmine ray 15 years behind bars..after she agreed to plead guilty in connection with the december crash. witnesses say she sped through a red light crashing into another car, killing the two men inside-- 59-year-old darrell thompson and 57-year-old terry jackson. their loved ones not holding back during victim impact statements. 3 "no i apology from you or your family and i cannot forgive you and i will never forget"// //"this city is running wild and reckless with unrly people like her since terri's death there have been countless deaths under the same circumstances, high speed running red lights and attempting to fell the scene we need make an example of the circumstance and show the city and the citizens that this behavior will not be tolerated." tolerated." finally agreed to a plea deal on reduced charges of homicide by intoxicated use of a vehicle. she was originally charged with reckless homicide. chief meterologist drew burgyonejoins us now to get you ready for your evening...drew. 3 tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5mp saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph.weekend: beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall color. slowly cooling to start a milwaukee brewer speaking out about his "run-in" with police last night for tresspassing in tampa florida. florida.police say keon bar, he was extremely intoxicated...and as you can see from his mugshot taken last night...had injuries to his face. face.broxton released a statement this afternoon apologizing to the team, fans and law enforcement. he says he'll learn from the incident and focus on moving forward. 3 cubs fans came out in the thousands today to celebrate the cubs first world series win in more than a nt parade from wrigley field. the mass of blue made its way to grant park where fans spent the afternoon enjoying their moment in history. 3 cbs 58 and telemundo wisconsin reporter christine flores is in chicago today...soaking it all in with fans from wisconsin who made their way to chicago to enjoy the party. 3 chicago was definitely painted red and blue and fans from wisconsin and even farther away came out to welcome home a : it's very emotional, but a very great day for me. and for the more than the estimated five million other fans who also took part in thishis ric day. day.108 years. that's all you have to say is 108 years. although milwaukee resident nick comella may only be 21-years-old he says a day like today is an example of tradition-as ns have been sticking and believin in the team for more than 100 ye off. yesterday i did say there is crying in baseball, but today it's all about happiness. we're not crying anymore. we're all smiles. nick is an illinois native who moved north and he says he couldn't miss such a historic day. day.: a lot of people don't realize how important this is to every cubs fanfor ck, baseball is a culture being raised in a family of cubs fans. his father is overseas but he's glad his mom could plans along with him. : it's not just a game of baseball for us. it's more than that and it means a lot to each one of us. us.the ball that won the world series was given to the cubs owner tom rickets? by the team. reporting from from chicago, christine flores cbs 58 news. 3 and coming up --- thousands of seasonal jobs are opening up around the state...a live guest in studio next with advice on how to make sure you're not getting a bad deal. 3 and we'll i milwaukee county zoo's newest memeber. plus... "why do you like jj so much? because he's my boyfriend.he's your boyfriend." boyfriend." a fan of pewaukee native football star, j-j watt is learning some tough lessons about love...that story and more coming up as the news at four continues. 3 the holiday hiring season is here. and if you're looking to pickup some extra'll want to double check the business first. for advice on that...jim temmer, the president and c-e-o of the 3 3 com. thank you for joining us. thank you for joining us. 3 it's that familiar sound that let's us know the holidays are near and the salvation army's red kettle campaign is underway. underway. bell ringing ringg the goal this year is to raise four million dollars. that will help bring toys to children this holiday season. as well as coats to the homeless, food to the hungry and countless social service programs for the community. "we have individuals sleping in salvation army beds every night of the year, were helping family's, we're giving away toys, we're giving away food, all the types of assistance. again the money's collected are important for this season and for the coming " year." milwaukee public museum. you can go there to donate..or at your local grocery store. 3 there's a new "eastern black rhino" at the milwaukee county zoo. "janine", who's been nicknamed, "josie" came from the pittsburgh zoo last friday. she'll spend thirty days in quarantine, per he zoo's protocol. josie will join mimi, the zoo's southern black rhino. in the wild, the black rhino, is endangered because of poaching..for it's valuable horn. "it is worth more than the price of gold so poachers high incentive to poach rhinos for their horn right now and there's on 5,000 black rhinos left in the world" world" josie is four and hopes are she will mate and welcome a new rhino in the next year or two. news broke recently that pewaukee native, and n-f-l star j-j watt has a new girlfriend. and that left one of j-j's biggest fans...feeling a little hurt. hurt.when you heard the news wasn't good. good. that's 5-year-old fallon russell from houston. she's pretty much convinced she's the one for j-j. though she's a little hurt by j-j's new lady, a professional soccer player named kealia ohai. but fallon says...she's not giving up. "she has her standards so high with jj, she'll right man.//when i grow up, i'll marry him." him." jersey and carries around her j-j lls. and promises she'll steal him back...somehow. a first of its kind in wisconsin.flavored tonic brewed from scratch in the brew city. noah swanson "so we basically of just boiling herbs and spices // so that is our ginger beer. beer. coming up this weekend on cbs 58 sunday morning - the local company getting national recognition just in time for the the husband and wife team behind "top note tonics" and find out why this couple is betting on some big changes to the beverage industry. mary pellittieri our ultimate goal is to make this tonic into a ready-to-drink 4-pack. we plan to come out with that next year and just grow that as a national brand." br you can watch the entire story plus much more on cbs 58 sunday morning with mike strehlow... that's at 7-am just ahead of cbs sunday morning from new york...we hope you'll join us 3 your full readycast with chief meterologist drew burgyone is 3 tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph. beauful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall color. slowly cooling to start next week but still saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. wind: sw 5-15 mph.wkend: beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall next week but still above-average. 3 the cbs 58 news at the cbs 58 news at four will be back in just a moment...stay tuned. 3 putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. when i come home and dinner's not ready i go through the roof. grab 'em by the p****". more accusers coming forward to say they were sexually assaulted by donald trump. i'll go backstage before a show... yes.. and everyone's getting dressed. donald trump walked into the dressing room while contestants, some as young as 15 were changing. standing there with no clothes. you see these incredible looking women. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat-chested is very hard to be a 10. uh... i can't say that either. alright, good. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. russ: as i've traveled to all 72 counties, i've heard from a lot of people. including seniors, concerned that ron johnson is going to turn medicare into a voucher program. senior: don't let it happen russ. russ: i've heard from families in need of good paying jobs. blue collar guy: ron johnson's trade deals people want an economy that delivers for them. man: we just need a fair shake, and, russ, i think you need a bigger van. russ: i'm russ feingold and i approve this message. it's that time of year again -- daylight saving time ends sunday at two a-m. so don't forget to set your clocks back an hour to prepare for the winter months. your days will get darker a little earlier... we all know the walking out of work and it's pitch black. you'll have to wait all the way until march for daylight saving time to return. 3 but before all that...there's a packer game to watch sunday. and you can see it right here on cbs 58! aaron rodgers and a healing packers team will take on the indianapolis colts. kick off is 3-25. tonight: mostly clear. lows in the 40s. wind: sw 5 mph. saturday: plenty of sun and mild temps. highs around 65. beautiful weather both saturday and sunday. mostly to completely sunny both days with high temperatures in the middle 60s. might be the last great weekend to see good fall color. slowly cooling to start next week but still above-average. 3 thanks for joining us at 4....the cbs 58 news at five 751 all the hard work to get to where your lifeis ....820 i wish she got to live that life. a grieving sister shares her sorrow and offers a message about drk driving, after a tragic crash in dane county. 3 it's a follow-up to story we brought here yesterday.....a wrong-way driver slammed into two cars on this stretch of i-94 east of madison... madison...four young co- workers from the milwaukee area were in one of those cars.....and three of them were killed. 3 3 those victims have been identified as clenton hall, katey pasqualini and kim radtke, all employees of ritzholman cpas....a company in milwaukee. a fourth employee, brian falk survived, speaks for a grieving family....she spoke with cbs 58's april dovorany, who joins us in the studio...april? her sister tells us-kim radtke was a thoughtful, loving person-who spent her days giving back to others. and with a life that was just starting to take off-the family is having a tough time...letting go. 3 146 three days ago-if someone said whats the chance my sister would die id say none like why--its completely uneventful recruiting trip lacrosse--the plan for kim was to come home to her boyfriend nick. together, just got a puppy togetherbut instead-kim's life was cut short by a drunk driver-146 i lost my sister.....and theres absolutely no rhyme or reason. they were doing all the right stuff. kim herself--an adament opponent of drinking and driving859 if she ran into that guy at the bar, she probably would have made sure he got home ok, you know..?....but she didnt. but even in the last moments she shared with her sister-kim 5353 actaully the last texts i got from her was asking what my son would like for christmas. (sadness....) yeah she was just very thouhtful with a special love for travel...her nephew...and her friends--her family devastated/ . her life was jsut starting...its ke all the hard work to get to where your lifeis she did it and she was there and now its just gone...820 i wish she got to live that life. and hopes her death sends a message to those who drink and drive--and those who see it happen--and do nothing. 920 maybe its ok to step in. eve y the person to say hey lets have a conversation...please dont drive. kim is just one of three people from ritzholman who died. we reached out to the firm-they say-they will have grief counselors standing by for their employees for as long as theyre needed. also new at five, a man charged with killing a woman and stuffing her body in a storage bin entered a not guilty plea today. today. 22-year old justin

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Norway , New York , United States , Dane County , Wisconsin , Sherman Park , New Hampshire , Milwaukee , North Carolina , Texas , Pewaukee , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Florida , Waukesha , Virginia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Milwaukee County , Kenosha , Houston , Pennsylvania , Mukwonago , Milwaukee Center , Jersey , Glenwood , Chicago , Americans , America , Norwegian , Paul Farr , Amanda Devoe , Darrell Thompson , Rylee Carlson , Kelly Radtke , Joe Biden , Fallon Russell , Craig Boswell , Noah Swanson , Aaron Rodgers , Ron Johnson , Kim Radtke , Russ Feingold , Jasmine Ray , Terry Jackson , Kimberly Radtke , Madison David , Ron Jonson , Christine Flores , Elizabeth Donnelly , Brian Falk , Hillary Clinton ,

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