Then 12yearold clate. Does it make you feel bad, thu yostabbed one of your bestfriends . I thought about it, but decided that remorse would get me nowhere. Morgan geyser dinot appear emotionalduring her nearly xsihour interrogation. Even singing to herself hen the tective left the room briefly. Oth geyser ananissa weier fac atanmpted icide ce in adult court. 3 evce oflast park neigorhood is being wn. The b gas statn destr by a e. No move forward. Itrieto newvelopnts today om the inident t ked thviolence. Thean sht by mlast saturday. Saturd. The miluk county medil examiner tell that smith waoncs shot right arm. There had int rumorsmith was shot in the led to violent demonstrations thughout the sherman park neighborhood over last weekend eight buiness fires we started. Along wh cars and how police handled things. F that doesnt mean that we are noring the undeying allenges we face as it pertains to povertand homelessness and education and public safety. But i think we do, ke this i hopthat turn it into soething really positive for our city. City. Mayor bartt also says the actions of a few do not reflect the sherman park neighborhood. Or the city. Hundreds of residents who th showed up sunday morning to clean up that show milwaukees true colors. 3 these three men are now charged with breaking into and burglarizing a store during the unrest. Police say durrel devon love broke into the liquorstore near 47th and love told investigators th says he was looking for a friend. Lidesaid he ju wantedto see what wa oing suveilll deo from side the clarbeer and liquore store saturday night shows at one point time at least . 40 . People nsidi. And shattering liquor bottles. Cbs 58s April Dovorany is live outside thstore after speaking with one of the ners. Bill, marshannathe owner tells me between lost merchandize and damage to his storethis will cost about 125 thousand dollars. But the store is back up and running thru the cleanup and he saysit will stay that way. Look at this surveillenace videoyou see dozens of people breakinginto clarks beer and liquor saturday nightspending an hour smashing bottlesthrowing bricks and stealing liquor. Paul rubitsky has coowned this store for yearshe saysup untl th rubitskyays many more are some as customers. But unlike other businessaul is already working on rebuilding because he saysthis neighborho is full of goodd it wnt Community Members who started the trouble. Community because is isto e their store. Must have been 50 peoplecome in the store and apologize. Were sorrythis happened to or staff some t rking here and re fro e wee across the whytheyre losingjobs but the people doing ts dont care tonigh5t store is employeese havanswers on ats ne for the lir cbs ive in lwaukee ad the darent of justice isasking help to be understand e moments before the officernvolved shooting that sparkedthe unrest in sherman park. Park. The do set up an asking peoplebmi to sufacts not speculation or hersay. Eu website at 8 dot com. 3 as the city tries to moves forwardwhat impact could thunest have on tourism and vis . Visitors . We reached ou to the o of the milwaukee cer district. He says ere art any planned events in the area this weekend. T hehas reached touizations scheduleto be here in the coming months. And says everyone is comfortable. Meantim th mmac s ustheyre ing with local businesses any way thy can. 3 a couoou membrs were mpacteby the fand damage. Antrei think for the most art they wa nt to rebuild,wa ey to stay conn ted, they want tbe a part the neighborhood. The out ithe fety of thocerned employs, th wanted fe to come back to worin that locat and i think thats ppening, and thinit just tolp. Ac prent tim shhysays theyre a wo to wa lp the commuty rebound as a whole. Vernor s walkerat the th capitol toda talk t the unrest. Est. Governors office prdent hanti hamilton, Alderman Bob Donovan and waeepolice . [asson io prest michcrivello werll at ndence. They discussed law enent an milwaukee anditted tog 3 3cmunitymbers e invited to atend a listening seion ight n wake of ast wekends unrest. It will pl frosix to nine at pklawn assembly of god near sherman boulevard and osevelt drive. Milwaukee tom barrett gave cred to the mu h heg keep e calms week said members up and a big ferenc 3 stay with cbs 58 for he test vlopmentsn the sh park neighborhood both on and online, at cb light of the troubles the city of milwaukee faces. A progm that h spent yes trying to make positi cotions the commity. Cbsanc r chele the fellowship open. Chele . 3 meterologist rebeccschuld joins us nowto get you ready fo your ning. Rebecca. 3 dry s now, early this aon. Aditional storms ll wibuil and conthrtie about midnight. Hot anhumid with highs as warm as 900 ut feling a bit warmer. Wind ssw 515 mph. Tonight storms slowly ending. Muggy with lows around 700. Wind 5sw 0 mph. Weekend storms likely on saturday on and off through the day. Strong storms not expected but some steady rain possible. Drier on sunday with lingering clouds especially during the morning. Getting cooler but still aboveaverage say in the 70s for the first time this month. 3 were anxiously awaitg for the arof the pacrs regular season. But therea le preseon too. Too. Thpackers tookme another w against the Oakland Raiders last nigh a ge yomight ha caught the m. What you didnt see. Keyarters like aaron rodgers, jordy nelson suit up. But we did see a lot of who might back theen up whe games really matter. Brett hundley and rookie joe callahaeach got a lot f reps in the 20 to 12 victory. Well have post game reaction coming up at five. 3 you can catch the packers on cbs 58 three more times this season. The first a thursday night game against the rival chicago ars. Be october 20th. With a 725 pm kickoff. Then on november. They take on indianapolis colts. Thats a 30 kickoff. And on decemb 4th its a noon kickoff against jj watt and the houston texans. Today donald trump and his campaign visited the folks in louisiana after last weekends deadly flooding. Offering his support. It also comes after staff. Weijia jiang reports. nats we knew you woule here for us. Donald trump he spent the morning looking at damag sot donald ump president ial nominee yove never had flood before . No. Trump did not bring up the ongoing shakeup of his staff. Campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigned as investigators in ukraine are trying to determine if he accepted illegal Cash Payments lobbyists. Trump released a ted stant calling manafort a true professional. And his son, eric trump said this this i think my father didnt want to be distracted by, you know whatever things that paul was dealing with. Earlier this wetrumhired a wo and non and kellyanne conway. They may be respsible for an apparently softer trump. Who typally does not acknowledge missteps. Steps. I do regret it particular where it mve caused personal pain. standup weijia jiang cbs news the white ho Clinton Campaign dismissed trumps comment as insincere. And riticid his first close to 5Million Dollars advertising in four battleground st. Compared to clintons 75million since Clinton Foundation said it will no longer acpt donations from corporations or foreign countries. Weijia jiang, cbs news, the white house. 3 its own tement to the residentsof louisiana today. Offering her ort. Then relead another statement about naforts resnaon callita disturbing connection twn nald trump and prokremlin elemes in russia and ukraine. 3 sti comeon the cbs 58 news at four an olympian mes clean. What ryan lochte has to say about trashinga gastation bathro. Th 3ying to brazilianlice. And despite efforts to contain it. The zika virus could be spreang to other parts of orida. Schuld will return wih your ryan lochte is apoling eye for the us olympic swim team. He originally said he and hree teammates re robbed at gunpoint. Police say the swimmerndiz a gas station then paid armed guards before leaving. Ben tracy has the latest from rio de neiro. Olyic gold dalist ryan lochte says hes learned some valuable lens from e incent at a ogas station. In a statement on ingram he g i want to apologize fomy behavior last kend fnot ing more described the events ofat early rning. Hs on to say. Its traumatic to be out late with your friends, in a foreign country with a lguage barrier and have a strangeoint gun au and demand money. Several happened early sunday morning. Lochte and histeammates dappear down this walkway leadg to the bathrooms. Theyre seen lingering behi a wall. And pulling down a poster. When they attempted to leave, security guar blocked police say thimmers were drk and belligerent. Vandalized this bathroom. Nd aleft 50 to pay for the damage. sot nancy armour day sporcolumnist no nt, too quicstupid is operative word. Usy sports columnist nancy armour said lochtes subsequent actions only made things worse. Sports columnist 591 05 you pay the damages, yo apologize for being n ugly american, you let the usoc know what you did, erybody moves on. Lochte originally claimed they were returning from a night of partying when they were robbed at gunpoint. sot lochte no font, text on tape he cocked it, put it to my forehead and said and i was like, i put my hands up. I was like, whatever. Police said the gas stations security guards were armed. But called their ons appropriate. nats olympics swimming lochte, a six time olympic gold medalist, apparently returnedto noth carolina before rio police could requestion him. On thursday, after speaking with police for a second day, gunner bentz and jack conger flew back to the us. standup cl bcbs tracynews, Rio De Janeiro 1 371 5as for jimmy feigen, histhe only mmer stillre in rio. His lawyer ss he ll lowaiteto comment on the incit in ountthe lets ndled and he wasure his teammates would be arriving 3 me safely from the latest wildfire es tearing through california. Tis wts lefof parts of san bernardino. Thousands of homes have been evacuated due to the fire. But ficials say still occupied dete destroyed more than fire has 37thousand acres. Its only about 25 percent contained. 3 louisiana is still reeling from historic and deadly flding thousands still ving in ift makeshshelters until morhelp arrives. Just west of baton rouge dozens of houses were washed away in the storms. Residents returning to whats left of their homes described how like 56 ft. Within 20 minutes. Minutes. This is the worst ive ever seen in like 10 years. They have houses thats never even had water in their yards, and now they have water in their houses. Houses. Thereis some hope though. The tide loads of offering to do laundry for budweisehave shipped olks at thousands cawat of to the ar 3 ll readycast with terologist Rebecca Schuld is next. Stay 3 today partly cloudy with scattered storms ending through the morning with a few dry hours now, early this afternoon. Additional storms will be building this evening ancontinue through midnight. Hot and humid with highs as warm as 90buelife a bi ssw 515 mph. Tonight storms slowly ending. Sta warm and muggy with lows around 700. Storms likely on saturday on and off through the day. Some steady rain possible. Drier on sunday with lingering clouds especially during the morning. Getting cooler but still abaverage saturday around 800, but sunday stays in the 70s for the first time this month. Today partly cloudy with scattered storms ending through the morning with a few dry hours now, early this afternoon. Additional storms will be building this evening and continue through abut midnight. Hot and humid with slowly endg. Stays warm and muggy th lo around 700. And ofthrough the day. Nd storm strong storms not ex bupected some steady rain possible. Drier on sunday with lingering clouds esally during the morning. Getting cooler but still aboveaverage saturday around 800, but sunday stays in the 70s for the first time a special chance for some milwaukeeans to learn more about African Americans roles in our countrys history. History. Cbs 58 anchor Michele Mccormack is live from the fellowship open with the details. Michele . A special dignitary from the invitation of the fellowship open to remind the community of soon to be opened smithsonian museuoffran americ history and culture. American History Museum of african smithsonian to be opened Smithsonian Museum of African American histord 3 its 400 thosuand square feet its at the base of the Washington Monument around the corner fr the smithsonian. Smithsonian. Director of parnership and International ProgramsJohn Franklin tells me he is very excited about the opportunities to organize trips from milwaukee to washington dc so tht peo of all ages and all ethnicities will this powerful collection. Artifacts that acafcan u cina sla cabin to m a a segregated rail car that was in use until1960. Dollars paid for half of t so s free for everyone to come. Its the African American museum of history of culture its a museum of history and culture. How america has been deeply influenced through music od oration crafts the way we tells stories its a Museum Everyone can appreciate and learn from. ad lib 3 coming up next on the cbs 58 news at 430. More on the breaking news out of Waukesha County. One of the girls accused of stabbing her classmate . Changes . Her plea. Weve got much more news and weer headlines. Coming up on the s 58 news at four 3we continue to follow breaking news frtender man stabbing case out of waukesha. Waukesha. Today one of the two young women charged in the plea. Cbs 58s david ade joins live outside the Waukesha County courthouse with more. David . Morgan geysers Attorney Says he will plead not ltby ea nity. That development played out today in a courtroom in Waukesha County. 3 both geyser. And the anissa weyer were in that courtroom. Geyser and weyer plotted for months before luring the victim into some woods and repeatedly stabbing her. The girls hoped kiing her woul please slender man, a weier face an attempted homicide charge in adult court. Fter toayhearing, geysers attorney spoke with the media, heres some of what he had to say. Sot 16anthony cottonattorney so depenng on what the codefendants. What anissas lawyers do, their case we go iecon ei er to trial or plea, and our case would be tri separately. And weve got difrent ssues as you saw today,we entered what is called the insanity plea, so we have that dimension of our trial too. Lawyers for both girls are working request. And have 10 days to file that. If nothing cha. Bo are expected back in court on october 13. Soc 3 3 were also learning more about the policshooting that led to unrest in milwaukee last weekend. The Milwaukee County medical examiner tells us that slle smitwas shot twice one in the chest. And ce inthe right arm. There had been rus i was shot in the back. The me says demonstrations throughout the nearly a weeago. Eight business fires were started. Along with cars and ther property. Gruesome scene on milwaukees north side this morning. Body wasled pulom the Milwaukee River in lincoln park. Now invtigatoare working to identify the body. Cbs 58s julie parise has the details. Were standing on hampton ave, next to the Milwaukee River and next to the hampton ave bridge. Hind are sheris milwaukee medical examiner. He medical Examiners Office says they are investigating looking a body found in the river. River. Take a look at this video. We know the dive team responded here a little less than two hours o. So far weve not been given any rmatioabout the identity of the body found, though the medical examiner did say initial examination shows it is a mal3body. Body. Stay cbs 58 for the latest on air and online at cbs58 dot com as this story weknow the name of the man whow was shot outside a Police Station on milwaukees south side. Side. Police say reed carlsen was outside of the district x station ound 6 30 lt night when he got into an argument with two men. Mpd tellus one of those men had a gun and shot the 42yearold. That mand hisfriend then turned themselves in and handed the weapon over to police. Carlsen was rushed to the hospit where he later died. Pa do milwaukee sht down for hours this morning. After a shooting right outside the wisconsin cer. Police say a man was shot near olworld d and wells just before three am. He was able to get into his car and drive to 4th and kilbourn. Where he flagged down an officer. Hes in the al with what Police Describe as nonlife atening injuries. No word yet on any suspec. Meterologist becca schuld joins us now to geyou ady 3 today partly cloudy with scattered storms ending through the morning with a few dry hours now, early this afternoon. Additional storms will be building this evening and continue through midnight. Hot and humid with highs as warm as 900 but feeling a bit warmer. Wind ssw 515 mph. Tonight storms slowly ending. Stays warm and muggy with lows around 700. Wind sw 510 mph. Weekend storms likely on saturday on and off through the day. Strong storms not expected but drier on sunday with lingering clouds especially during the morning. Getting cooler but still aboveaverage saturday around 800, but sy stays in the 70s for the first time this month. About 15hundred milwaukee students are getting a jump start to the schooyear with free supplies, immunizations, Health Screenings and haircuts. Haircuts. The annual back to this event is put on by the city health department, united way and a number of Health Care Agencies and hospitals. 3 good, great for parents who cant get School Supplies for their kids. Takes pressure off. Yes it does. does. prepares them for school year. United community. Keep lrn and become productive citiz citizens. anotr hefairnext friday from 10o divigh onhihool. 3 3big news fople fa. . Unofficial . K peek shows uswha big chges instore. E 3and scroertson was an courvn th. But his work in the community this day. Now hes getting there mightnow be a secondarea transmission in florida one. Zone. There are 35 conrmed . Locally . Tranitted cases of