Transcripts For WDJT CBS 58 News At 10pm 20161005 : comparem

Transcripts For WDJT CBS 58 News At 10pm 20161005

one position after the next... and in all six cases he has refused to defend his running mate.... and yet he is asking everybody to vote for somebody he cannot defend." defend."pence fired back... saying many of the examples kaine used were things trump never said.he also worked to contrast policies between trump and clinton.and worked to defend donald trump's tax controversy which has snowballed this week. "i mean hillary clinton and senator kaine... and god bless you for it... are career public servants. donald trump is a business man and he actually built things. governor scott walker tweeting out his praise for his mike pence.. outstanding job.. hash tag vp d. debate. next up, is the second clinton and donald trump will square off in a town-hall style format.. with questions coming from the audience and social beings at eight right here on cbs the studio, david ade, cbs 58 news. 3 the presidential nominees supporting their v-p's tonight.. donald trump tweeting out.. mike pence won big. we should all be proud of ! mike!while hillary clinton wrote -- couldn't be prouder of tim kaine. 3 the campaign trail picks up in wisconsin starting tomor donald trump's son--donald junior campaigns in brookfield and wausau in the morning. while on the democratic side-- bernie sanders will be in madison and green bay to stump for hillary clinton.senator elizabeth warren and former senator russ feingold campaign in milwaukee on friday.the republican nominee himself... back in the badger state on saturday...chelsea clinton returning to wisconsin next monday. vandals are targeting campaign signs in walworth coun. county.we found signs along baker street in lake geneva with rips, tears, and holes. party, who put up the signs of candidate christine welcher.. says this kind of vandalsim is distrubing. 1:21-1:37"i imagine a lot of people have those thoughts when they see another sign for another party but they don't go rip it down. they respect their opinion also. so i just think whoever did this just doesn't have any respect for an" anybody." lake geneva police say there's no surveillance video of what happened. 3 happening now -- hurricane tonight.this image showing the moment it went over the western tip of cuba.. near guantamo bay. tonight wisconsin national guard members are there.marshanna hester is in the studio with that.. 3 the 32nd military police company deployed earlier this spring..tonight, the guard tells us there are preparing for the hurricane under the guidance and direction of the bases's command plan. power is the guard says families back here in wisconsin may have some difficulty getting in touch with their soldiers.they tell us they are tracking the storm and that quote -- --our soldier's safety and welfare is of utmost concern to us and our leadership. matthew is forcasted to go north and skirt the east coast of florida, georgia and south carolina.mandatory evacuations have been put into place for many towns in central florida- already been canceled for dozens of districts.bill? a franklin teacher accused of having sex with one of her students makes a guilty plea in court today. today.elizabeth dillett admitted to having a relationship with a 16-year-old boy on two different occasions.dillett had been the athletic director and a coach at saint peter immanuel before the investigation began.she will be sentenced in december. a waukesha county judge appoints another psychiatrist in the slender man case...delaying court proceedings for another month. about the reports of one of the doctors evaluating morgan geyser.geyers and anisa weier are being tried as adults in the 2014 stabbing of their classmate. the judge expressed concern that the case needs to keep moving.but now all doctor reports won't be due until november. 3 the milwaukee county medical examiner's office is calling the death of an infant suspicious. police say a 30 year old milwaukee woman was on drugs when she slouched over on top of the child while 54th and autopsy is scheduled for tomorrow brown deer police say its one of the worst dog attacks they've seen and they provided the video to prove it. we are not showing the video because of its graphic nature and at the request of one of the victim's family.police opened shot and killed on adult pit bull that was biting two 14 year old girls in the yard of a house.a second dog was shot when it came after responding officers. for almost 30 years and i've never seen an incident this horrific, by two dogs. the officer realized the girls were in immediate peril, and took action to stop the attack." the officer shot at the dogs six times... killing one.the other dog was later euthanized.police say since from inside of the the attack started police say since the attack started from inside of the home the owner did not break any leash laws. a snapshot could help police solve a hit and run. 3 collied near muskego and mitchell on milwaukee's south side last night.police say the biker who was badly hurt apparently ignored the red light.still, the s-u-v still shouldn't have left the scene. it could be a 2001 or newer 'mitsubishi montero' four-door suv. if you have any information call milwaukee police. half a million dollars bond for the elderly man charged with fatally stabbing his sister with a knitting needle. 73 year old james bonczkowski, killing his sister in her home in eau claire county. prosecutors say the woman was stabbed at least six times.the defense says the accused suffers from dementia. 3 an 83-year-old man is safe tonight-- after he disappeared from a senior living center. center.83-year-old edward wruck was pulled over by police around 6 this evening-- along south i-43 near north avenue-- 15 miles from where he went 58's kristen barbaresi joins us in live in the studio with more. around 11 this edward wruck, who has dementia-- got in to an employees car at park hills west-- and took off.. launching a silver alert.but tonight, he's safe. police pulled over ed wruck here along south i 43 near north avenue-- about seven hours after the 83-year-old took an employees car from park hills west senior living ed has no concept that he stole a car. in his mind, it's going to 76th and rawson where he used to live. wruck suffers from severe dementia- but staff at park hills west say he's quick on his feet, nicknamed speedy ed, and managed to get out tuesday morng morning all of the doors have an alarm on them. the front door has a keypad so a visitor can press a 4-number code and leave the building without setting off an alarm.lukas believes wruck followed a visitor out the door and says they noticed he was gone within minutes,bu already taken off in a a gmc terrain, owned by an employee who left the keys inside. 00;02;10 people should not leave their keys in the car and we will be now not giving out the code for visitors. anyone now who comes in the building or wants to leave the building will have to have a staff to press the code i spoke to elaine lukas after ed was found.she told me he's in good condition but went to the hosptial to get checked out.she says his family has been notified and everyone is a statement of thanks tonight from the family of the waukesha boy found in a corn field near his house.saying rescue of 10-year-old andrew ounkham has become an example of the community coming together to help a family dealing with the autism spectrum. "the ounkham family and the waukesha police and fire department expressed gratituted to the hundreds of volunteers and public safety professionals that helped search for and locate andrew." 3 a 19 year old mother -- who ex-boyfriend-- will be buried on friday. a local organization is hoping you can her family scrambling to cover the cost of the 58's amanda porterfield is live in the newsroom to explain..amanda.. sojourner family peace center is asking for donations to help nya hammond's family. they've already raised about two thousand dollars. but say they need seven thousand. killed in the final blow of domestic violence. nya hammond's hammond was found shot to death in a parking lot in glendale where she worked. the 19 year old has a 3 year old son. sojourner family peace center here in milwaukee says they've been working with the family..and hope to get donations for hammond's burial. they say the fund usually designated for this has been depleted. and need the community to come forward. 3 it's really important are in heartbreak and are broken. this is just the little bit that sojourner can do to say to this family, you're not alone, this should not have happened. i wish there was a door we could have opened sooner for nya to learn how to make a gift to the sojourner emergency fund visit our website cbs 58 dot com. 3 the green bay packers taking a stand against domestic collecting old cell phones, batteries, and accessories from fans before the packers- bears game on october 20.the phones will then be given to 'hope line', an organization that will refurbish the phones and give them to domestic violence shelters.the team along with verizon also donating 50 thousand dollars to a domestic violence coalition. milwaukee city leaders were at city hall today talking about their push to "ban the box" box" "ban the box" refers to application forms that require people to check a box if they have a leaders say many employers will not even consider a job applicant if they have a criminal record... with no explanation of the date or circumstances of the conviction. "once someone has paid their debt to society and atoned for theire indiscretions, their past should not dictate their future endeavors." endeavors." the city already has a 'policy' not to ask about 'policy' a 'law.'lewis says ex- offenders should at least have a chance to get in the door and demonstrate their qualifications for city employment. 3 robo calls on your cell phones...find out why even if you're not the "do not call list" you may still be a target 3 living with coyotes.... they're starting to become more popular in urban areas. shouldn't knee and ankle supports comfortably fit your knees and ankles? dr. scholl's new custom fit wellness center measures your leg in 3d... ...and recommends our custom-fit support that's right for you. kiosk at do you find that the "do not call" list... just does not wor? work?if so... you are not alone. we asked an expert why the "do not call list" isn't working... what you can do about it... and why help is on not call list went into effect... it was targeted towards telemarketers telemarketersit helped reduce, if not eliminate those pesky callsthe good old days.but the game has changednew callers... with new technologycan dial thousands of phone numbers in a minutefrank frassetto with the wisconsin department of agriculture trade and consumer protection says while the do not call list still exists... the people who are calling do not careif a thief is trying to steal some money.. .they're not going to care if you are on that list or notnot a shock that people are mad about it it's not workingi just don't want the calls, i don't want to be bothered with ityou can fight these calls first... get on the do not call list if you aren't already.second... if you get a call you don't recognize... don't answer.third... if you fourth... if you do answer... and think it's a scam on the line... report itit's 1-800-422-7128 again... 1-800-422-7128. consumer affairs for the state. there is more help on the way... the federal government convened a robocall strike force this fall to tackle this problem. cell phone companies... and cell phone makers... 30 different companies are involved in this. weou first report later this month. he may sound like a broken record but a local d-j is determined to find the guys who stole his car and all his equipment. it happened in an alley way in milwaukee's third ward sunday afternoon.surveillance video posted by the victim is getting a lot of views on social can see there were several suspects involved. police tell us they've had to step up patrols in the third ward because of an increase in break in reports. 3 a kenosha county detention center worker is on deputies found him passed out in his car along a bike trail near 30th avenue and county highway 'e' last night. jeremy shot was treated at a local hospital and is suspected to have been under the influence of opiates. the fight over what to do with the estabrook dam rages on. milwaukee mayor tom barrett, the common council, and county executive chris abele plan to ?rezone? the area, and sell it to the milwaukee metropolitan sewerage district for 1 dollar. they say m-m-s-d will remove the dam for a quarter of the cost it wo abele and barrett want the county board to vote on what to do with the dam. 3 39-43"that hasn't really happened regarding a transparent vote on this." 46-1:02 "we have a decades worth of public meetings and public votes and they want to say it wasn't transparent. i think that is the biggest insult insult the county board has documents showing it's had opportunity to hear other options.the plan to sell the dam can't happen until the milwaukee common council approves its rezoning. 3 winter is back! at least in parts of colorado.a sudden snowstorm created poor driving conditions in georgetown, a city west of denver.snow plow drivers were out trying to clear the roads.a few accidents even closed parts of i-70 for more than an hour this morning. 3 tonight: times of cs. tonight: times of clouds. lows around 60s.wednesday: mixed clouds. chance for an isolated shower during the afternoon. highs in the low to middle 70s. return thursday as rain and storm chances return, especially thursday night. showers coudl linger into friday. cooler weather returns next weekend with highs only in the upper 50s to around 60. 3 tonight: times of clouds. lows around 60s.wednesday: mixed clouds. chance for an isolated shower during the afternoon. highs in the low to middle 70s. week ahead: low 70s for highs return thursday as rain and especially thursday night. showers coudl linger into friday. cooler weather returns next weekend with highs only in the upper 50s to around 60. 3 around 60.upper 50s to highs only in the upper 50s to 3 around 60.upper 50s to around 60. an inspector general report says madison's v-a hospital wasted more than 400-thousand dollars on ill-advised purchases... including two robots. the report says the robots ..intended to deliver equipment.. ended up blocking halls and doorways.the report also red-flagged the leasing of equipment that was never used for more than pacemaker procedures. 3 bracing for a tuition increase in the uw- systemregents meet friday to consider raising in-state tuition "after" next year. the increase would be no more than the consumer price index which was 1.1 percent over the past year.given that, uw students could see annual tuition go up from ten thousand 488 dollars annually to 10 thousand 603 dollars. coytoes are highly adaptable that, they've been found in urban areas across the u-s. the milwaukee county parks department says it doesn't have the exact number of coytoes living in the area.but there are some hurdles in the coyote-human interactions, including coytoes losing their natural fear of people. 8:37-48one of the main things we try to do is promote proactive management with coyotes that would facilitate coexistence is looking at your back yard and determining what type of potential attractants are here that we can remove remove parks department employees away coyotoes if they don't run away when they see you. there's another meeting about coyotes next tuesday night at the greenfield park pavilion starting at 6. more than 50 people die each year in residential fires across the state.and the red cross wants to reduce fire fatalities by 25 percent. do that, the agency is supplying fire departments across the state with smoke be installed in neighborhoods that are the most in's called the education coaltion or wis-safe. 23:25:40-46not only is this a public safety initiative, it's also safer for firefighters. when we have early activation on the 911 system23:25:49-52 ... we arrive sooner, posing less risk to firefighters firefighters wis-safe hopes to install 10- thousand smoke alarms across wisconsin and reminds all of us to check the batteries in our smoke detectors and alarms and keep checking every month. homecoming is back at marquette university.the university is holding events all week, students and alumni stuff cause.they were hoping to collect 12-hundred pounds of food for the hunger task force. marquette stopped having homecoming when the school dropped football... but there's still plenty of sporting events this week, including volleyball and soccer.other events during the week include a talent show, a 5-k, and a concert. 3 cbs 58 is hosting "conversations with komen". anyone with questions about breast health and breast cancer is invited to call our five thirty tomorrow. experts with susan g. komen will answer any question or concerns no matter how big or small. the number to call is can also visit our website cbs 58 dot com for more information. a milwaukee woman was honored for her work in the hispanic co. community.griselda aldrete was awarded by the green bay packers with the 'n-f-l hispanic heritage leadership award'.she's the president and c-e-o of 'hispanic professionals of greater milwau. milwaukee'. aldret receiving the award is a symbol of the vital role hispanics play in our community and the country. country. 3 october is here, and that's great news for the packers and their fans. fans.once aaron rodgers and the packers get warmed up, they are one of football's best teams, and october is the are eye-popping. going back to 2-thousand-6, the end of the favre era, the packers are 28-and-9 in october - almost 76 percent of their games in the month are wins... best numbers in the n-f-c. and at home, forget about it... the packers have won 10 straight october games at lambeau - the last home loss in october, back in 20-10 to the dolphins. we are just zipping right through this fall thing. the brewers just finished their season sunday... and now we've got preseason basketball... basketball...and ke season's underway! the milwaukee admirals started a brief training camp today. they've got two preseason games this week, the start of the regular season next week, and they're debut in the panther arena at the end of the month. the pulse is quickening as the skates are being sharpened for another season. 3 3 visentin: we had our first day today, it went great, some new faces in town which is good, meet some new guys, i thought we got off to a good start. evason: we've got a lot of good young prospects mixed in with some real veteran presence, and we think we've putting a team together that has a little bit of everything. the brewers offseason means open season on trade rumors, especially when you're talking about david stearns. the brewers young g-m has shown no fear about pulling the trigger on trades, including rumors of a ryan braun deal that almost happened in august. stearns says he expects to get calls about braun this winter, but simply said "we'll see" when asked if a braun deal might actually get done. beating the bulls as more important focus for the bucks this preseason - giving their guys a chance to develop. develop.there's no better example than thon maker, the young, untested first round pick who wants to get on the court so badly right now, but a sprained wrist is keeping maker on the bench. he was limited in practice today, but there's still hope maker can make his preseason debut saturday in madison when the bucks host the mavericks. jon batiste has mastered new ways to play old classics. with chase atms, he can master new ways to deposit checks too. easy to use chase technology police in north dakota spent their day on a wild moose chase.the moose was spotted at a mall in bismarck this afternoon.police tried to corrall the moose... but it ran word on where the moose went next. 3 it's all things dairy at the the event kicked off today and is celebrating its 50th anniversary.dairy farmers and companies exchange ideas and can see new farming technology over the five-day event.more than 75-thousand visitors are expected this year. 31-43whether you're related by blood or not, it's certainly a family and a great atmosphere here at world dairy expo. personally, i've exhibited cattle here, my family is here again this year with their cattle, so it really is a sense of community." community." the expo has exhibits, cattle shows, seminars and tours.the world dairy expo runs through saturday. 3 tonight: times of clouds. lows around 60s.wednesday: mixed clouds. chance for an isolated shower during the afternoon. highs in the low to for highs return thursday as rain and storm chances return, especially thursday night. showers coudl linger into friday. cooler weather returns next weekend with highs only in the upper 50s to around 60. we'll have a lot more on the cbs 58 morning news from 4:30 to 7 a-m captioning sponsored by cbs >> stephen: john leguizamo, what's going on! thanks for being here, man. thanks for being here for my live vice presidential debate show. it's going to be fun. >> it's going to be so much fun. i'm honored to be here. >> stephen: it's my honor to have you. >> i was thinking a crazy thought, it's a viptial debate, right. so what if i was-- it could be fun-- what if i was your vice host. >> stephen: oh, yeah, but what does a vice host do? >> the same thing as a vice president. i hang around and do nothing. and i can take the reigns of the show, some something terrible happen to you. >> stephen: okay, but it's probably not going to happen.

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Georgia , United States , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , Kenosha County , Florida , Lake Geneva , Waukesha County , Park Hills , South Carolina , Waukesha , Brookfield , Denver , Colorado , Milwaukee County , Bismarck , North Dakota , Green Bay , Wausau , Muskego , Marquette University , Cuba , Susan G Komen , Tim Kaine , Scott Walker , Elaine Lukas , Elizabeth Warren , Chris Abele , David Stearns , Amanda Porterfield , Jon Batiste , Aaron Rodgers , Ryan Braun , Russ Feingold , Hammond , Peter Immanuel , John Leguizamo , Chelsea Clinton , Tom Barrett , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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