Transcripts For WDJT CBS 58 News At 10pm 20160822 : comparem

Transcripts For WDJT CBS 58 News At 10pm 20160822

them the opportunity to have a woo-sah moment and relax a little bit and go back o school with a positive mentaility."these families showed up to hear from people who've been affected by violence here in milwaukee. "my heart, is to help the city heal" elaine mccarty's son died in 20-10...after he was shot 18 travels across the city to encourage people to put the guns down. "with my s leaving, i decided never to be afraid. but it startedwith complete with music and games.. to keep the energy going. kids were also reminded on the importance of education.. and they got a little help for the upcoming school year.. by getting free bookbags and haircuts. organizers just hope children see that violence is not the answer. ."leave the summer and what happened in the past in the past, and let's go forward." organizers have a simliar live in milwaukee. ad cbs 58 news. 3 thanks amanda...and just a reminder...the curfew for sherman park is ?still in effect until further notice for all of applies to anyone 17 or younger. 3 for more information about how y can get involved..or updates on community events about violence. head to our website cbs 58 dot com. 3 also new -- a woman is dead after a car crash wells. it happened this evening just after six. the milwaukee fire department says one car t-boned the other. 2 people in one car were injured. the woman who died was in the other car. 3 a sheboygan apartment building is a total loss tonight after a deadly explosion.the dozens of residents inside rattled awake by the blast -- or the rush to get them to safety. "there's a pounding on my door. and it's a police officer saying i have to get out there's a fire." one person died in the fire at the embers apartment complex. nearly 50 more are in a tempred orary cross shelter just down the road.some of them told us they don'have family in the area... others say they have nothing left. "do you know what you're going to do next?"pray pray pray.""i can't believe yesterday i had a place to live and today i don't have a plae to live. you can't put that into words. there's no that feeling." feeling."the state fire marshal is investigating. there's no official word yet on what happened.the red cross says they are accepting "financial" donations to help those displaced by the fire. a former guitarist for the band "three doors down" died before a performance in wisconsin this weekend. weekend.matt roberts died at the hampton inn in west bend, according the guitarist's father.west bend police say they found roberts dead in the for heroes" benefit concert...which raises money for the honor flight program. robert's father spoke about his son's death last night. "the support that i've been given all during the day. i want them to understand that matt was a private person, but he came here to do this because, to raise money because he's such an avid supporter of our military." military."roberts left the band in 20-12 for health's not clear what happened last night. a much cooler day will continue into the fact...this will be the coldest night we've had sinec early july. july.but a warm up is ahead... meteorologist justin thompson- gee here to get ready for the work week. tonight: mostly clear. becoming chilly with lows in the lower and middle 50s. wind: w 5-10 mph.monday: lots of sunshine with temperatures a little warmer in the upper 70s. a little breezy. wind: sw 10-20 mph.week ahead: another mostly sunny day on tuesday with the lower 80s and some humidity returning. right around 80 with humidity sticks around for wednesday and thursday as our next rain chance arrives. scattered storms looking likely for most of wednesday lingering into thursday morning. drying out and becoming cooler with 70s returning to end the an update tonight on that officer -involved shooting in new london... london...authorities -- now saying the man killed had a "realistic-looking" toy gun... police say 31-year old ?kole knight? used the gun to bait officers into shooting him.the man's fiance told local reporters knight was suicidal and that he knew what could happen if he ad said the toy gun belonged to her 14 year old case remains under investigation by the department of justice.the officer involved in on administrative leave. 3 kenosha police need your help learning more about a shooting this morning.officers found a man shot once inside a home near 67th street and 24th avenue just before 8-30.he was taken to the hospital... and is expected to recover. 262-605-5260. 3 a day of mourning after a suicide bomber killed 50 people at a wedding party in turkey.weiji jiang has the latest from washington, dc the blast was so powerful it shattered glass and took out chunks of concrete from buildings in a town near the turkish-syrian border. police say the suicide bomber was between 12 and 14 years old. some of the badly injured are around the m kids in hospital) (nats girl speaking in arabic)this little girl was hit in the face with shrapnelshe was one of the guests who gathered for a wedding celebration saturday night. the bridge and groom's injuries are not life threatening...but the groom's sister and uncle are among the dead.a day of joy now marred in tragedy. (nats hospital) turkey's president blames isis for the terror attack.. he walked the halls of a hospital trying to comfort the victims sunday. turkey is still trying to rebound from the failed coup attempt last month. kurdish advances on isis forces in syria. last june, several suicide bombers set off explosions at istanbul's ataturk least 44 people were killed. officials say this latest attack is the deadliest in turkey so far this year.weijia jiang, cbs year.turkey so far this year. weijia jiang, cbs news, washington. 3 so far no one has claimed responsibility for the terror attack. in minnesota -- the search for a missing girl has ended... the 5-year-old's body found 150 miles from home. home.a 26-year-old man now charged with killing her. authorities say zach anderson took alayna ertl from her home yesterday... where he was a guest of the family.they say he then drove toward minneapolis... where officers found him with the girl. we have no known predatory sexual offender info on him or to why this happened at this tie timehappened at this time timeaccording to court records, anderson does not have a criminal record... only traffic citations. 3 a paraglider is dead after crashing through the roof of a church in utah this moning. witnesses told firefighters they saw the glider spinning out of controlght before hitting e building.scuer lawent into the building, gone by the time they reached hian canceled services. 3 a mother and child are alive are a terrifying crash on a bridge in can see the car teetering over the edge of an overpass near orlando.witnesses say the car swerved into a grass median before disappearing.the fire department says they were able topull the two from the car. remarkably, the two were only slightly hurt. a senator from president barack obama's home state -- is slamming t white house's mark kirk called the president quote "drug dealer in chief".. during an interview with an illinois newspaper this weekend.the u-s sent iran 400-million dollars back in january.the administration says it was part of a settlement dating back to 19- 79... but was kept as collateral to make sure iran released four american prisoners. a longtime supporter of donald trump is once again backing m. immigration policies. policies.the american people clearly support the idea that if you can't vet somebody from a dangerous area of the globe, they should not be brought into the united states. states.alabama senator jeff sessions also says he supports trump's push to deport people who have entered the country illegally.he says it's about working out details... and that congress would help push the policies through. 3 hillary clinton is wrapping up but not before hosting a fundraiser with legendary singer "cher"... her only public event of the weekend. she's heading to the west coast tomorrow.meantime -- clinton's campaign manager attacked trump's alleged ties to russia. "the hand of the kremlin has been at work in this campaign for some time. it's clear they are supporting donald trump. but we now need donald trump to explain to us how much the hand of the kremlin is at the core of his campaign." campaign." resigned as donald trump's campaign manager this week after it was reported he had business dealings with russian interests in the past. third party candidates gary johnson and jill stein were also active this weekend. johnson campaigned in new mexico...and stein hit the talk show circuit. circuit."politicians do not have a new form of entitlement. they are not entitled to our vote. they have to earn our votes. and hillary clinton and donald trump have not earned our vote. elected, does anybody believe that the polarity is going to get better?! it's not, it's gonna be worse than ever." ever."johnson, who is the libertarian nominee, and green party nominee stein are polling in the single digits according to real clear politics dot com. 3 a first of its kind event right here in on the cbs 58 news at ten -- a joy ride for veterans with vision problems. 3 and children are disgusted... parents are concerned... stinky crime that keeps happening at a playground. 3 3 3 there's never been a motorcycle ride like this... this...veterans who are blind or visually impaired are matched volunteers who take them out of the roads. 58's jacob kittilstad joins us live from afternoon... jacob? > this event - first annual, might i add - is being called 'the viper ride'...> leaving here...> heading out to east troy...> and coming back.> 110 miles.> now, to an avid biker that might not seem like that big of a deal...> but to this group...> it's not as much about ?the views? as it is about ?the feeling?. (nat. revving throttle)>> >> the sound of a revving engine...>> >> (nat. exhaust) >> >> the smell of exhaust... >> and the feel of a helmet on your head...87-year-old herb kent'head in he's from manitowoc...>> he's a korean war vet...>> and he also happens to have macular degeneration.>> >> (kent)>> 18;15;53>> "the center of my eye is gone. i've got side vision.">> ;16;48>> "probably 20 years since i drove a motorcycle.">> >> (nat. 2...3...viper ride)>> >> and he's among company at east troy's village hall...>> where 47 other veterans with vision issues also work with their quote-unquote "pilots".>> donald giesen frm fennimore works with herb.>> told me about his marine corps service. and he used to run bikes himself so it's a great way to t him back on the road.">> >> but even through ?every? riders can't see the giant flag above their welcome...>> organizers say going 'all out' is a part of their mission: connecting visually impaired veterans... >> people forced to be vulnerable.>> >> (oman)>> 18;27;35>> "so at one point of time in their life they were almost like >> supermen, right? whethey are stricten with this visual impairment >> it's not only a physical affliction but it's an emotional affliction they tend to kind of shy away.] >> >> but it's hard to be shy on a bike...>> and herb says he appreciates the effort to include everyone... (giesen) >> 18;06;25>> "i do ride two-up a lot but not very often with people i don't know. but herb's been a great rider. he leans when you're supposed to. he's fantastic."> ad liband one thing about their > name: viper...> well it's not just a cool mascot. > experiencing the road'.> they're already anning their second annual ride for next summer.> live in milwaukee...> jacob kittilstad...> cbs 58 news. 3 in your health watch -- the continued efforts in florida to slow the spread of the zika virus.workers in miami beach began lathering mosquito spray around the city after learning this week the virus has e especially troubling to pregnant women in the area. "so you've got lets see 1-2-3-4 bottles of bug spray." "and one in each bag i carry i'm prepared at all times." 3 the concerns about zika are especially big for karla maguire... who's expecting expectingbut also has to worry about dozens of other woman... as an ob-gyn in the miami beach maguire says she barely leaves the house made even harder by the fact she has a two-year-old son. "it is tough beuse one of the things i like doing with him since he's so energetic is playing outside. so being inde and kind of entertaininmyself is sad bu i'll get through it." it." thre are at least 36 confirmed cases of the zika virus transmitted in florida. zika can cause dangerous, even deadly, side effects in newborns. we are getting a better idea on the situation in louisiana nd the new info is grim.more . than 60-thousand homes have some kind of damage... more than double what the state's governor said last week.and that number could grow because some areas are still underwater. 3 this disaster has inspired thousands of people around the country to donate money, time decided to celebrate his birthday by holding a ?pizza? party for victims and volunteers. "we're going to give them lunch so they don't have to stop what they're doing. we're just going to deliver pizzas to neighborhoods that have flooded. "for a 9 year old to even think to help people. it's amazing." amazing."in all, carson, his family and friends delivered more than 300 pizzas this weekend. 3 tonight: mostly clear. beming chilly with lows in of sunshine with temperatures a little warmer in the upper 70s. a little breezy. wind: sw 10-20 mph.week ahead: another mostly sunny day on tuesday with the lower 80s and some humidity returning. right around 80 with humidity sticks around for wednesday and thursday as our next rain chance arrives. scattered storms looking likely for most of wednesday lingering into thursday morning. drying out and becoming cooler with 70s returning to end the week. tonight: mostly clear. becoming chilly with lows in the lower and middle 50s. wind: w 5-10 mph.monday: lots of sunshine with temperatures a little warmer in the upper 70s. a little breezy. wind: sw 10-20 mph.week ahead: another mostly sunny day on tuesday with the lower 80s and some humidity returning. right around 80w around for wednesday and thursday as our next rain chance arrives. scatred storms looking likely for most of wednesday lingering into thursday morning. drying out and becoming cler with 70s 3 can you believe -- it's just a few more weeks until the kids are back in in milwaukee -- a bit of fun before they hit the books again. again.dozens of kids school field day" at the m-l-k elementary on the city's north side.they got to run around... but also learned how to communicate, instead of lash out. "so it's great to learn how to use your words because first you have to learn how to speak with each other before we can learn to work together and build together." together."the field day is put on by the "use your words" organization -- which urges kids to "be kind. be honest. be brave." 3 the head of milwaukee public driver...learned her contract has been extended through the 20-19 school year.driver was named superintendent back in 2014.m-p-s has been in a fight with lawmakers over the "opportunity schools and partnership program".critics say it is a state takeover of the city's struggling schools. imagine going out to the park with your young children... only to find human waste hidden around the playground. playground.that's right... and it hasn't happened that's right... and it s officials say it's an ongoing problem. "you run into something like that and stick your hands in that? oh my god. just ugh." ugh.""nobody would want your kids to have to deal with that on a playground." playground."park staff says they've been called out to the same playground at least four times the last few months... and each time, they have to disinfect everything.police say they still haven't found the person responsible. not sure how to follow that 3... ... 3 3 3 3... ...... ... 3 the brewers were down three going into the ninth inning needing the biggest comeback in four years to come away with a win.....i'll let you if they got it done or short, plus post game ???break??????break??? broxton: "it shows you that we don't give up and we keep fighting until the end." the brewers had every reason to give up tonight....after losing the first six in a seven game road trip they were down 6-3 in the 9th in seattle.....that's when keon broxton and the rest of the team teamgave manager craig counsell the perfect birthday present......broxton started homer of the game......he's been red hot lately more than doubling his batting average in the last two months....but there's still work to do.....with a runner on second chris carter sends one to the's close to the very end before barely snaking over the wall to tie the game at six a piece....and the brewers aren't finished yet....milwaukee has five hits in a row ending with scooter gennett's go ahead single....they come all of the way back to lead 7-6.....tyler thornburg lets the leadoff man on base in the bottom of the 9th but gets out of with a fly out and the brewers finish their biggest 9th inning comeback in four years to end their six game skid.... 3 3 3 counsell: "it was a really good birthday present for earlier in the series. we've been giving ourselves some chances late in these games and it hasn't worked out. today it kindof all came together." broxton: "we just need to keep moving and get better every day that's all we can do. and do our job whenever our name is called. each and every one of these guys is going to go out there and give 110% and that's all the packers defense has been ghts out in the pre-season holding the browns and raiders to a grand total of one iveoffenstouchdown.... touchdown....the packers held both teams to fewer than 200 total yards ..... they acally lead the league in yards allowed this preseason by a pretty wide margin....they've also forced two turnovers in each game.....after finishing 18th in the league in takeaways last season that's a major focus at lambeau... football. that's what we've been harping on since day one pursuing the football. just to see that effort from everybody, it's lights out effort as a team." earlier today here on c-b-s 58 keep his poise despite rain im delays and a push from a few more experienced golfers to snatch his first p-g-a win.....he sinks the long birdie on 18 to finish 21 under, that beat luke donald, hideki matsuyama and the rest of the field by at leasfive out at brown deer park golf course laura gonzalez escallon hit a beautiful approach shot on 18 to win the p-h-c classic.....her bidie paired with erynne lee's bogey flipped the first and second place finishers on the last hole.... and the u-s men's basketball team puts the cherry on top of the 20-16 olympics with a 30 point win in the gold medal game....... carmelo anthony retires as the u-s's all time leading scorer and first player with three gold medals.......overall the most since 1984....they also had twice as many golds as every nation except great britain and nation except golds as every twice as many golds as every nation except great britain and china... coming up monday morning---- we're talking back to school time!most kids in our area go back to school on september 1st. we're almost there!find out homany families are ?done? with shopping... and how many haven't even started where parents are looking for ?deals!?join us news.we're on from 4:30 to 7:00. ???break??????break???

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