Office a big automaker is in big trouble again with Uncle Sam The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged Volkswagen and its former c.e.o. With defrauding investors during the emission scandal says the automaker issued more than 13000000000 dollars in bonds but it knew that half a 1000000 cars exceeded legal emissions limits. Just piling on after the $1000000000.00 settlements with the individual states consumers the latest electric vehicle comes from Tesla. Company's headquarters in California c.e.o. Elon Musk says the model why is functional but rides like a sports car he says it's the safest mid-sized in the world Edmunds dot com analyst called this is really important to Tesla and its future really I mean when you look at landscape of vehicles and consumers it's no surprise they gravitate toward small S.U.V.s. This is c.b.s. News. With you every step of the way to provide an experience. Traffic whether together. High 95. County. One they're all. Very well. Northbound 14150 to the Kennett pike. Around the. Closure will continue right through the weekend. That started last year. Around the closure. Accu Weather forecast mostly cloudy today. Around even a thunderstorm. 67. Clear. Overnight the low 41 tomorrow blustery much cooler with sunshine. It's of clouds and a high of 51 Sunday mostly sunny brisk and chilly in Ohio 46 degrees right now partly cloudy skies and 62 degrees and want to 17 f.m. 11 50 am w d e l. This is Dallas away news in issues for the 1st state here's Avenue down and of course you get up in the morning you hear about terrorism in the world you expect probably Europe the Middle East even North America but New Zealand Yeah down under terrorism against Muslims in a rather most unlikely country but again this was apparently a white nationalist against Muslims in New Zealand at least 49 dad and live to New Zealand to Sally Brown with Radio New Zealand New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation any late developments Sally. I can tell you at the moment what with the middle of the night just up to 2 am the country is on high alert after what's being described as the way back to terrorism in New Zealand history 49 people are dead after attack. And the city of Christchurch in the south today they say the death toll could rise to some of the 48 people with gunshot wounds that have been treated at a hospital in Christchurch a critically injured and operation but going on through the night now they will tighten the area around the tomorrow and told around the country. To have. Special Tactics. Have on the country have there previously been other indications of extreme white nationalism or supremacy in New Zealand. You have to say this is out of the ordinary New Zealand by the South from being a multiethnic country very tolerant and. They have welcomed many. From around the world including most people people of the Muslim faith Ethiopian Syrian and this is definitely a one out of out of the box here when you think on it very much in shock about that and of course inevitably the stories of someone who was just grazed on the head with the bullets of someone who played dead after being hit in the leg stories like that so often come in these mass shootings. So I didn't quite catch it yeah I was saying that you know we've seen some of these miraculous stories again as we've seen sometimes in other mass shootings of someone who is just grazed with a bullet on the head or someone who was hit in the leg and then play dead inside the mosque if you avoid further fire yeah they have been stories of people. Who Have Been there are there are many people critically injured so obviously some of them were where in the mosque and just lying bad people did escape people were climbing out over the wall and trying to run off but now. There are many people in hospital tonight and a lot of people fearing for their loved one all right Sally around with Radio New Zealand life thank you good luck and to London on the story c.b.s. News u.k. Reporter Larry Miller and Larry of course you get up in the morning you hear about terrorism somewhere in the world and you assume it's in Europe maybe the Middle East maybe North America but New Zealand kind of shocking but it shows you know where in the world is completely safe course this was in a way reverse terrorism white supremacists against a mosque. All right well we lost Larry cell news time now 9007. But you know it's a natural process it's natural to process news events such as the New Zealand terrorist attacks is something that happened on the other side of the world which is true enough but it takes time it does strike someone closer to home as it did for w d l breaking news reporter Mike Phillips who's college age daughter Danielle would you believe is currently studying abroad at New Zealand's University of taco and rescore I spoke with Mike this morning how did you hear about the news well we were faced timing with Danielle last night our time afternoon her time I don't look at the timeline of events in Christchurch we might very well have been faced I mean with her while those events were starting to unfold we got a message after we go into bed from a friend of ours somewhere else and United States who sent a breaking news notice but that it was in Christ Church our daughters into need and then at some point during the afternoon early evening hours our daughter posted on Facebook I know people know I'm here in New Zealand want to know where I am I'm safe comment on the event and whatnot so we knew soar early less like that the events were unfolding and that they were near where our daughter was but it doesn't make it any less easy to deal with Well absolutely and I want to ask you about that but 1st for the audience where he's to need in proximity to Christ here so a New Zealand is a split island nation there's a North Island in the South Island I believe Christ Church is the northern tip of the South Island our daughter's in didn't need which is at the southern tip of the South 5 and so she's I believe at least 3 hours away from Christ Church. And that you know that region of the country now I did read where the New Zealand authorities were in Guinea checking what they were hurrying to as a place of interest so I don't know whether you know during the course of their investigation information about the attackers may have led them down to didn't need him but the actual incident took place about 3 hours north of where she is so what is it like to have a child more than halfway across the world and what is now simply a warzone Yeah. You know when my daughter talked about doing a study abroad program and some of the usual places came up in Europe in England in Italy in France and Spain and whatnot and when she started talking about New Zealand I don't think that was particularly on her mind but certainly in the back of my mind it was now actually a safe place you know you don't hear about anything like this happening in New Zealand it's distressing certainly to find out something like this took place there I mean I'm not I'm not naive enough to think that New Zealand or any other countries immune from this kind of event but I believe the last time something like this happened in New Zealand was decades ago and they changed their gun laws a little bit it's a hunting country so they have very they don't have a lot of gun control laws you have to have a license but there's no registering so but that never you know that sort of thing really doesn't enter your mind for New Zealand it just seems like it's a very peaceful country it's off the coast of Australia it's kind of on to itself it's beautiful and yeah it just kind of you know one of those things that just shakes you on a little bit more and fortunately she's safe you know I think she's she's sad about what happened it is already the weekend there so they are doing a field trip and will continue to do that. They're not being restricted as to where they can go or whatnot but you're sending a child like you said halfway across the world there's enough stress you know just in the fact you won't see them for several months and will they be safe you know this just adds another stress level you know we not to make light of what happened but you know they were given a list of things to be careful about personal safety tips for when they were in New Zealand and it was sort of the same thing it would have been sending your kid anywhere is you know don't go out at night without you know someone with you don't leave your things lying around and then what we found odd was that there were 2 safety tips about animals and that was don't aggressively approach penguins and don't stare at a sea lion in the eyes because apparently in both cases the animal gets rather aggressive in that case and we had a good chuckle about you know wow you know others for safety tips and half of them you know or deal with the animals who only 2 were dealing with humans and so you know you do think that you're sending them off to somewhere that's maybe immune from these kind of world events but unfortunately the world events catch up with you last night in perspective Mike were as a valued colleague here we're pleased that your daughter is safe and we hope that she continues to have a memorable and life changing experience in New Zealand and perhaps we can all take solace in the fact that after such tragedy the white hot light is shining on that part of the world and everyone there will be a little safer thank you and you're right I was very impressed with the prime minister's comments this morning from New Zealand she just looked flat out angry now and firm stance and again a very open society down there as far as as culturally I mean a lot of the New Zealanders I think there are a pretty strong bunch down there and I really don't think as a nation they are going to tolerate anything of this nature so it'll be interesting to see how things play out over the next. All right have you details Mike Phillips was there and risk Roy talking about his college age daughter Danielle in New Zealand of all places currently enrolled at the University of Otago New Zealand not that far away from the scene of this terrorism against Muslims and live to London now c.b.s. Is u.k. Reporter Larry Miller and Larry I don't know about you but you know you get up in the morning and you hear terrorism somewhere in the world and you think Middle East Europe maybe North America but New Zealand a little shocking but it just shows you know where I'm human but of course in this case apparently white supremacy is striking at mosques in this case yes indeed. What are you hearing and terms of anything else about this incident or background on the number of people from Islamic areas who live in New Zealand now well you know you heard from the previous interview. That New Zealand has welcomed immigrants and Muslim immigrants. Refugees that sort of thing let's put this in perspective I don't get a look at Christ Church it's a city of around 400000 people Muslims all through New Zealand it's a country of only 4 and a quarter 1000000 people Muslims make up just one percent of the population that's 60 mosques and others from accent is around the country and what about guns you know we hear about American gun crime mass killings with guns there are around a 1000000 registered firearms New Zealand but gun homicides the whole country every year in the single digits so they don't use the guns to kill people generally speaking. If you move to Europe a little bit they focus has been. Recently in the last number of years on Muslim terrorist attacks attacks carried out by supporters of the Islamic state Al Qaida that sort of thing but we have the u.k. Security authorities warning for a long time that the threat on the or on the on the right wing. Is is is equally dangerous and equally eminent you know and that's kind of a war I mean the war on Islam us but also on the reaction from rightist people on the far right you could say maybe the neo nazi right whatever and. It In addition you the alleged gunmen $73.00 page manifesto which you published a list the white nationalist said hero's appear as he said he would inspire by under brave that you will recall in 2011 he killed more than 70 people mostly came from Oslo Norway also cites in the document u.s. Right wing extremism as an inspiration so this is a philosophy that knows no borders that's interesting today absolutely thanks to Larry Miller in London for your analysis and tonight 16. Delaware thanks for joining us this morning different subject but still related to guns the Connecticut Supreme Court votes to reinstate a lawsuit against gun maker Remington of course here we have the anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre lives in New York Westwood one correspondence the cast involvement there as I understand it's kind of a limited ruling though having to do more with marketing by Remington. Yeah that's right the relatives of 9 of the victims and one survivor have been trying to sue the maker of the Bushmaster rifle that was used in the elementary school shooting for many years but the gun manufacturing industry is protected like no other industry in. Many years ago the protection of a lawful commerce in on Act was passed and protected gun makers against liability of lawsuits so that they couldn't be sued if their products were used in the commission of a crime so the many many people have unsuccessfully tried to sue gun makers out there mass shooting haven't got anywhere because of that act but in this particular case the Connecticut Supreme Court overturned a lower court ruling and said that these people can. And to ramming can the makers of the bush master rifle but in a very narrow way they can sue them over the marketing of the weapon for wrongful or reckless marketing which is something the parents would like to you know carry through on they they want to see what were the talks inside Remington when it came to you how they market it if you know it's a gun that winds up in videos that in group b. That video games often played by young or you can end young men and you know they want to know that there's a concerted effort among then that purposeful campaign within Remington to market Yahoo to a certain type of youth but you know almost sounds like tobacco or of a being or a number of other areas all over again where the companies in the eyes and the attempted marketing under-aged but to many observers that sick precisely what's happening I gather also the Connecticut Supreme Court might have tried to thread the needle in this way to survive any higher court challenge at the federal level. That's right and this is most certainly going to be challenged again. I think. That's already taken many years to get to this point so by no means you know. You know in the short thing for the family members the gun makers will try to fight this and probably. Courts All right very well thanks for joining us Steve Kast involved in New York have a good weekend thank you sir you too my pleasure 19 we're still not done with. Violence I'm afraid of a different kind of more conventional kind Middle East but it's been a while since the air raid sirens sounded in Tel Aviv that coming up in just a moment as we go live to Israel here on Delaware did you know that the i.r.s. Is getting more aggressive these days and they're using private agencies to track you down don't wait if you will more than $10000.00 take advantage of the fresh start initiative a program in place that can help you now you can save thousands and possibly have your taxes forgiven call the mc preferred tax services help line now about the Fresh Start program if you qualify it will stop the i.r.s. 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Many medicines used to treat colds and flu contain acetaminophen a pain reliever and fever reducer found in hundreds of over the counter in prescription medicines but taking too much or more than one medication containing acetaminophen per day can damage your liver so always read the label and don't take acetaminophen if you drink 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day to learn more visit f.d.a. Dot gov slash o.t.c. Pain info a message from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration. Sharks are not man eaters they don't want to eat you they might be a couple of exceptions what they're doing is they're chasing you and they don't like the way you taste so they generally don't eat you the larger the charge the bigger the take we get to the great white shark when the size of you is the equivalent of the deep fry cheese steak so the shark. Is fairly low. Chance in show 3.7 f.m. 11 50 am. This is Del away news and issues for the 1st state here's a good morning here on Delaware and a reminder don't miss the Wilmington home and garden Expo this weekend at the Chase Center on the river front a one stop shop for all of your homeowner needs from kitchen and bath to heating and air doors flooring gutters and more and w g L's Frank Gregory in the center of a hotspot will be broadcasting live so morrow morning 9 until noon plus you can meet this old house host Kevin O'Connor Saturday tomorrow at noon to 3 still got something in the morning got something in the afternoon that will make it home and garden Expo Saturday and Sunday at the Shea center on the riverfront and take w d l with you even without a radio you can download the w d l app to listen anytime on your phone how convenient people other generations could only dream of doing this click the listen tab on w d l dot com to listen on your computer and thanking the sponsor of that program stream mattress warehouse where sleep happens all right well we began the broadcast of course with New Zealand. An unlikely country the seed terrorism in this case I guess you could call it almost reverse terrorism against mosques in New Zealand well here too Rocketeer fired from Gaza into Israel and then sets off air raid sirens in Tel Aviv 1st time that has happened since 2014 where Tel Aviv was targeted from Gaza c.b.s. News Israel correspondent Robert Berger live from Jerusalem what's the latest on this robbers. Well it took everyone by surprise in the military all of a sudden last night. Air raid siren gone off and tell us eat and kill rockets fired by. At Well a big no injury work damage there but of course that that was the red line for the road one of you tell of the. Israeli launched air strikes overnight hitting a 100 or so target. Was the timing just random or connected with some a vent Well now. What do you know Robert robbers' pure I'm sorry there was a little bit of dead air or something but I was asking whether or not plea timing was coincidental or tied to some advance. Well for some reason we appear to have lost Robert Berger I still hear a line but are you there. Ok I will give you a little bit more about that Israel says it has struck about 100 Hamas military targets in Gaza in retaliation for 2 rockets launched a television correspondent Melissa B