Transcripts For WDBJ CBS This Morning 20160217 : comparemela

Transcripts For WDBJ CBS This Morning 20160217

at senate republicans who say they won't even consider his nominee. >> the constitution is pretty clear about what is supposed to happen. >> severe thunderstorms swept across south florida. tornadoes touched down. crushed cars, damaged buildings, and toppled trees. >> like a freight train coming through. >> people trying to get a little too close to pope france during his trip to mexico. >> the pope lost his temper and his balance. >> a person dangling from a chair-lift. >> the super bowl of the dog show. >> paul mccartney was denied from tiga's post-party. >> let's talk about what experts are calling your potty-mouth. >> i do that and i do that sometimes nonpolitically. every time you say a bad word, put a. dollars in it. >> "cbs this morning.." >> can you help me? i'm lost! >> i'm very bad at directions. >> look at me. i am crazy >> high five. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! welcome to "cbs this morning." apple vows to fight a federal judge's order to help the fbi unlock an iphone used by one of the san bernardino killers. investigators believe syed farook's phone may contain crucial information. he and his wife killed 14 people in the december attacks. the fbi has been unable to break into the phone. letter overnight saying the company is challenging the finn's demands with deepest respect for american democracy and love for our country. we feel it will undermine the very freedoms and liberty our country is to protect. >> reporter: the tech giant isn't backing down and raising the stakes by accusing the government of asking apple to actually hap hack into its own users and undermine decades of security vantsadvancements. apple says this is a debate over privacy versus security. two months after saeed'syed farook and his wife killed 14 people in a deadly terror attack, the fbi says it is still missing a key piece of evidence. >> you know, san bernardino, very important investigation to us. we still have one of those killer's phones that we have not been able to open. >> reporter: the phone is locked when with a pass code and they is turned on meaning all information on the device would be deleted after several incorrect password attempts. tuesday's ruling requires apple to disable the auto-erase function on farook's phone and enable the fbi to submit passcodes to unlock the phone. the tech company is fighting back. in an online letter, ceo tim cook writes -- the u.s. government has asked us for something we simply do not have. and something we consider too dangerous to create. they have asked us to build a back door to the iphone. in the wrong hands, the software, which does not exist today, would have the potential to unlok any iphone in someone's physical possession. cook previously defended apple's encryption techniques with charlie rose. >> when we design a new service, we try not to collect data so we are not reading your e mail, we if the government laid a subpoena on us to get your imessages we can't provided it. it's encrypted and under key. >> reporter: the access to the iphone could create key information where they were before and after the shooting and who they were correspondenting with. it's encryption and how information is obtained. jim comey has been asking the tech industry with help with encryption issues and say it isn't just affecting national security investigations, but local police are running into encryption roblocks when it comes to solving murder cases as well. charlie? >> thanks, jeff. cbs news legal expert rikki klieman is here and she is married to new york police commissioner bill bratton. happens here? can apple prevent the government >> apple has two choices here. it either complies, which it has clearly said it will not, or it appeals. what you have a magistrate who has issued this order. they can appeal to the district court. they appeal to the ninth circuit and eventually get to the united states supreme court. both sides may want this decided by the supreme court. >> but' says, including tim cook, that this asks for the company to create something they simply do not have and it would be too dangerous to create. they say it didn't exist. >> well, what the simple thought was is we know that if you enter a password more than ten times, your phone can be messages, everything in it can be deleted. so what tim cook is saying is we are not just simply selling us to disable that that we have a switch, you are asking us to create a software program and by asking us to do an affirmative act, create a software program, you are asking us to hurt our customers' privacy. >> i think they are going this is a watershed moment and what tim cook is saying the government's demands are chilling, if the government can make it easier to unlock your iphone it has has the power to reach into any one's device to capture their data. overstatement by them or true? >> it depends, it depends. this is a very narrow case. if you've got a narrow case like this, you have two dead people who were engaged in a terrorist were walking and where they were during the time where we don't know, to look into their records, to look and see if isis was directing them, that is narrow. it's about two people who were terrorists. it's not about all of us in the world. >> you can set up procedures where you allow this? >> you can. but the problem is tim cook, as he has said to you, is saying what do we know if we create this software program? it is going to be misused by the government or by hackers or someone who wants to do something bad to you? a new poll just out this morning shows that donald trump is expanding his lead nationwide. he is up 2-1 among republican voters with 39% support. marco rubio and ted cruz are statistically tied for second at 19 and 18%. john kasich and jeb bush and ben carson are all in the single digits. now despite donald trump's expanding lead, president obama predicted on tuesday that trump will not be president. major garrett is in mt. pleasant, south carolina, with trump's counterstrike at president obama. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. republicans don't take a lot of advice or cues from president obama. that is especially true when it comes to picking a presidential nominee. each show the president weighed in saying donald trump would not win the white house in the middle of the south carolina primary and a comment that could boost support for trump among supporters who are eager to prove the president wrong and possibly even defy him. >> i don't think you're going to card list this year. >> i don't mind. >> let me read you what president obama said. >> actually, a great compliment. >> reporter: donald trump wore the president's prediction like a badge of honor. >> i continue to believe mr. trump will not be president. >> reporter: wrapping up a summit with asian leaders in california, president obama said voter fatigue will eventually halt trump's white house bid. >> it's not hosting a talk show or a reality show. >> reporter: mr. obama did not predict gop primary voters would necessarily sour on trump. in fact, he seemed to taunt them. creating a general election where trump is the gop standard bearer. >> people vent and they express themselves and it seems like entertainment and oftentimes it's record justported just like entertainment, but as you get closer, reality has a way of intruding. >> he has done such a lousy job as president. >> reporter: trump was equally dismissive. last time when romney ran, because you would have been a one-term president. >> reporter: republicans chasing trump tried to reverse his momentum here. >> i don't think mr. trump has a plan, other than it will be huge. >> when radical islamic terrorists waged jihad on the united states of america, the answer is not to tweet insults at them. >> reporter: marco rubio told reporters yesterday that building hotels overseas doesn't give somebody foreign policy experience. he got a laugh too. but the fact is republican campaigns acknowledge that trump's lead here is daunting and, come saturday, charlie, trump could have the last laugh. >> thanks, major. south carolina democrats will vote a week from saturday. the latest south carolina poll shows clinton leading by 37 points among african-americans. but white democrats prefer sanders by a 14-point margin. nancy cordes is in washington watching the democratic race. good morning, nancy. >> reporter: good morning. competing openly for the african-americans who make up more than half of south carolina's democratic electorate. they are promising to battle discrimination in schools, in law enforcement, and in the workplace. >> do you guys feel the burn? >> reporter: in atlanta, tuesday, senator sanders teamed up with grammy award winning rapper killer mike. after a lineup, he joined hands with black ministers. >> we pray for bernie sanders. >> reporter: but in harlem, clinton argued sanders was a newcomer to the fight for racial equality. >> you can't just show up at election time and say the right things and think that is enough. we can't start building relationships a few weeks before a vote. >> reporter: some of her congressional supporters have even questioned sanders' claims that he was part of the civil rights movement. but this video from 1963 appears to show a young sanders resisting arrest in chicago. african-american neighborhood that day over the city's plan to construct a school entirely out of mobile homes. is it him? a sanders' aide told cbs news he thinks so but isn't 100% sure. we are looking into it. >> we have to end racism. >> reporter: at morehouse, a historically black college in atlanta last night, sanders said he would reform the criminal justice system. >> after my first term as president, we will not have more people in jail than any other country. >> reporter: sanders and clinton have already discussed race more frequently than then senator obama during his 2008 presidential run. >> these inequities are wrong but they are also immoral and it will be the mission of my presidency to bring them to an end. >> reporter: a new poll out this morning shows clinton and nationally, 44% to 42%. back in december, that same poll showed her leading by about 30 points. another new poll, norah, shows the two tied in nevada which holds its caucus this saturday. >> very interesting. nancy, thank you very much. president obama is telling senators to do their job and keep an open mind on his next supreme court nominee. senate republicans vow to reject whomever the president recommends to succeed justice antonin scalia who died on saturday. scalia's courtroom chair is draped in black this morning and his funeral is scheduled for saturday in washington. jan crawford is outside the supreme court looking at the battle over filling that seat. >> reporter: good morning. in that news conference, the president really laid out his arguments over why his nominee should get a hearing. although no word yet, of course, on who that nominee will be. >> i expect them to hold hearings and i expect there to be a vote. >> reporter: president obama started a campaign of sorts calling for his eventual supreme hearing. >> the constitution is pretty clear about what is supposed to happen now. >> reporter: the constitutional only says for a nominee to be confirmed, the president must get the advice and consent of the senate. republicans, with the supreme court in the balance, say they can't imagine a nominee they would consent to. during the press conference, the president took aim at what he called an obstructionist senate but a reporter pointed out that senator obama voted for a filibuster of president bush's nominee of dr. samuel alee toitoalito. >> he makes sure a well qualified candidate is able to join the bench, even if you don't particularly agree with him. >> reporter: supreme court noom nomination nominations are all but guaranteed to be hard fought. in 1987, democrats refused to confirm robert bork and later of clarence thomas. this time it's republicans now who are united. >> we are one rib-- >> reporter: for shadowing how brult the fight ahead may be, hillary clinton suggested the president's race had something to do with the republican opposition. >> some are even saying he doesn't have the right to nominate anyone, as if somehow he is not the real president. >> reporter: now clinton accused many republicans of using what she said was, quote, quoted racial language. and in their arguments against the president, i mean, that just shows, here we are, four days after scalia's death and the gloves are already off and a fight over his successor. >> thank you, jan. the chinese military appears to be ratcheting up pensions in the south china sea with new military deployment. cbs news confirmed that missiles of the chain and the news after president obama finished his meeting with southeast asian leaders and the island is claimed by taiwan and vietnam. satellite imagery shows tension with neighbors and the u.s. defense secretary ash carter is raising new concerns about china. we spoke yesterday at the pentagon. chinese military capabilities and whether the united states could be drawn into a conflict. >> the u.s. -- chinese behavior is having an effect on the united states and we will continue to be, as we have been for years, the pivotal military power there but also having the effect of turning everyone who might otherwise be perfectly willing to work with china in principle. it is turning them against china. >> reporter: can our allies be confident take we would come to their side if, in fact, china >> if they are treaty allies that they absolutely have that written in to our treaties and we have treaties with a number of countries over there and we have affirmed our commitments there. >> i make a note that i asked him about that before the news about the missiles and the islands had come out, so this was a question generally about chinese behavior which affected the islands and their own sort of buildup of their military. >> i know you have much more on isis and syria. >> and russia, yes. >> there were lots to discuss yesterday. crews in cleaning up after tornado in miramar. 70,000 people lost power. the storm damaged homes and forced the evacuation of an apartment building and no serious injuries were reported. >> interstate 70 in colorado the driver of a semi truck narrowly escaped injuries. they are looking for more loose rocks today. they are using splos toexplosives to break up the large boulders. the propose wraps up his visit to mexico today after an expression of anger. he lost his cool yesterday after an eager admirer dropgrabbed his robe so hard that he almost fell down. twice he told the person not to be selfish. he will focus on the plight of immigrants today. >> i've never seen the pope like that before. >> it must be hard getting chastised by the pope! he was clearly irritated! >> heading to confession! >> i'm so happy about this. i like to see a pope be angry, if it's required. >> that's right. an appropriate reaction. the next revolution in >> it's driving itself? >> to the right of the line? >> yes. >> does it see that guy over there? >> not yet. >> ahead, peter greenberg explores how driverless cars may announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by opportunity is everywhere. donald trump shares doubts about justice antonin scalia's cause of death. >> ahead, the misunderstanding that may be fueling questions about what really happened. the news is back this morning right here on "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by voya financial. changing the way you think of voya. orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. over time, your money could multiply. hello, all of you. get organized at that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an 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near old fincastle road. also in that county, lee highway is closed at bryant road because of a downed tree. flooding has a half dozen secondary roads closed now in pittsylvania and bedford counties. this is a live look at i-81 in christiansburg from a virginia department of transportation camera. expect isolated slippery patches on the highways. and an accident on route 24 in bedford county that we told you about on wdbj7 mornin' is now cleared. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. ive wondering what it would look like if we graphically removed the owners from the dog show. the owners would be prancing around with nothing on their leash. here it is. dogs. it's weird, right? >> that is so good! so creative. we are so used to looking at the owners. very well done, jimmy kimmel. morning." this half hour, we will look at the questions surrounding how justice antonin scalia died and how his decision to keep his health records private may have added to all of the confusion. plus, a driverless car dilemma. how can machines understand consequences? peter greenberg visits the pioneer in autonomous details to look at the ethical detours that is ahead. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" reports on isis probably going broke. the coalition air strikes and other measures since last fall have depleted its finances to meet expenses, isis is slashing salaries and releasing detain knees for as little as $500. billboard is reporting on eagles of death metal who returned yesterday to perform for survivors of the attacks by islamic militants. gunmen stormed their show last november and killed 89 people. one survivor said the concert eases the fears he has felt since the attacks. "usa today" reports that u.s. airlines are eager to add cuba flights. a deal signed yesterday restores commercial air traffic to the island for the first time in five decades. among the carriers to bid for deals expected to be signed this fall. adderall abuse continues to rise among young adults. emergency room visits related to the drug went up 156%. the "los angeles times" is looking at conspiracy theories about the circumstances of justice antonin scalia's death. some of them have been fueled by comments from donald trump. jan crawford is at the supreme court showing how confusion and lingering doubts got trump's attention. jan, good morning. >> reporter: well, yeah. these theories, charlie, really started shortly after scalia's death. despite clarifications from the owner of the ranch and the judge that declared scalia dead, they are still getting traction. >> they say they found a pillow on his face, which is a pretty unusual place to find a pillow. this week, donald trump expressed conceptism how justice scalia died. the suggestion that scalia may have been a victim of foul play took whole in part because a state judge declared scalia dead over the phone, something that is allowed by texas law. scalia's family said it did not want an autopsy for the 79-year-old justice who had a history of chronic health problems. >> it's time to stop being so naive, folks. >> reporter: but the conspiracy theories kicked into high gear after the owner of the ranch where scalia died told a texas newspaper that scalia had a pillow over his head. the ranch owner.dexer tried to clarify his comments saying scalia had a pillow over his head, not over his face as some have been saying. the pillow was against the headboard. investigators said no signs of and said the death was due to national consequences. ritchie said an autopsy would put all of these questions to rest. >> if you're called to the scene to investigate a death, you will assume that that death is a homicide until your investigation proves otherwise. if the death scene was handled in an appropriate manner, we wouldn't be having this discussion. >> reporter: adding to the confusion, unlike fellow supreme court justices ruth bader ginsburg and, scalia kept his health issues private. >> by the time you're 79, some people will have heart disease. he might have had more heart disease than was thought before. >> reporter: justices are not required under law to disclose their medical conditions but if scalia had made his health issues public, these questions scalia's family had no further comment. >> jan, thank you. mma fighter ronda rousey has opened up in a rare and emotional interview about her shocking ufc lost. she told ellen degeneres she briefly thought about taking her life after her loss last year to holly holm. >> i was in the corner and in the medical room, i'm like, what am i any more if i'm not this? i was literally sitting there and thinking killing myself and last second, i'm nothing. what do i do any more? and no one gives a [ bleep ] about me any more without this. to be honest, i looked up and i saw my man, travis was standing there and i looked up at him and i was just like, i need to have his babies. i need to stay alive! >> rousey's boyfriend is also a ufc fighter. she had been undefeated before losing to holm in november and now rousey is looking forward to a rematch. >> interesting to see how much time later. i think it's great she is talking about it, though, to come out of nowhere during the conversation. ronda, a lot of people still cheering for you! cross a solid yellow line and break the law or drive into people? you would immediately know what to do behind the wheel, right? critics worry a driverless car may hesitate just a bit. that is next. if you're heading out the door, watch us live through the cbs all-access app on your digital device. you don't want to miss the top dog at the prestigious westminster dog show. they have chosen a winner. we will be right back.merica, people are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza . for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza . he said victoza works differently than pills. victoza is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza . it's covered by most health plans. don't let a cracked windshield ruin your plans. trust safelite. with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" you'll know exactly when we'll be there. giving you more time for what matters most. 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(announcer)you can quit. some drama on one of the ski lifts in british columbia. a young person did not get seated properly and about to fall out. others in the chair were able to hold on him for a while and a quick thinking operator stopped the lift. a safety net was opened up and >> i bet he thought that was fun but his mom may be freaking out but he thought this is cool. all is okay. trusting the driver is a must whenever you get into a car. but could you trust the quick and sometimes difficult ethical choices that autonomous vehicles may soon have to make? chief among them? programming common sense and morality to insure the absolute safety of every passenger. now every automaker including toyota has joined the race to get you out of the driver's seat. travel editor peter greenberg went along for the ride to see how far the in this has come. >> reporter: professor this looks like a regular car. to see where driverless cars are heading. >> my hands are off. >> reporter: we went for a ride with professor raj rajkimar, where the technology was created over 30 years ago at the university where he works. driving in a driverless car tomorrow, you say? >> ah, just wait. the magic all happens in here. >> reporter: that's right. keep waiting. because despite all of this technology and decades of research, the driverless car still has a long way to go. >> the biggest nightmare that people like me who work on autonomous cars have is that somebody deploys this technology prematurely and it costs us an accident. god forbid, hits a stroller and some child dies. >> reporter: as disturbing as it is unlikely, it's a scenario in the minds of researchers. and it's slowing the momentum of autonomous vehicles. >> for some reason, we, as human beings, are much less tolerant of an error that a machine makes than an error that a human being makes. >> reporter: gill pratt heads the toyota research institute, a billion dollar global initiative from the manufacturer to fast-track the driverless car. how do you program in human decision making, moral and ethical choices, the ones we when we drive into this driverless car? >> what you're really talking about artificial intelligence is planning. >> reporter: planning for a number of ethical scenarios like this. kay your car is approaching a head-on collision. to avoid the oncoming vehicle your car can only move right because crossing the line on the left is illegal. what if there is a person or a group of people to your right? >> these machines will have the ability to understand what is happening in the world much better than the human being can. >> reporter: every time? dannya rus? >> self-driving is used today and can be used at low speeds perhaps we don't have to worry very much there is a catastrophic collision. we have been driving ourselves, driving cars on the campus at the national university of singapore and also in various public spaces. >> that's what people do. >> reporter: back on the road add carnegie melon. professor raj takes the wheel. not easy to reboot when you're driving 60. evidence that the autonomous vehicle still has miles to go. >> you have to understand, we need to be there with tremendous reliability and even the millions of miles that have been tested so far are not nearly enough. we are talking about a trillion miles, and so we still have a ways to go to ensure that it wors almost all the time. >> for cbs news, peter greenberg. >> peter says the key word there is almost. true driverless cars are not ready yet. we will see some incremental changes in the next two years. rear and sideview mirrors replaced by dashboard. researchers say we are ten years cars and that is exciting or disappointing depending on your point of view on that topic. i still like to get in the car and drive. >> i do took. >> you do, too, charlie? >> a lot. paul mccartney may have a ticket to ride but apparently not one to enter. ahead the awkward moment when the announcer: this portion of "cbs petsmart. i take pictures of sunrises. it's my job and it's also my passion. but with my back pain i couldn't sleep... so i couldn't get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is theonly one to combine a safe sleep aidplus the 12-hour pain relievingstrength of aleve. and now... i'm back. i recommend nature made fish oil. because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a product verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended fish oil brand. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease which you can help reverse by using listerine added to your brushing routine listerine kills up to 99.9% of germs and helps reverse early gum disease in just two weeks. listerine power to your mouth also try listerine floss. it's advanced technology removes more plaque. a difficult sell when you're talking to record companies or pr people and things like that? >> no. in fact -- >> was that even insulting like people, yes! >> you're beautiful! shining like a diamond shining like a diamond you're beautiful >> james corden with carpool karaoke and singing about diamonds which was written for beyonce. hairdo? you can do it other colors! >> what color do you think looks oo >> blond. >> what do you think, charlie? >> i like the way it is. paul mccartney found out being a legend isn't enough to open up every door. get? >> he had a good sense of humor about it. video obtained by tmz appears to show the beatle legend turned away from tiga's grammy after-party on monday night. others were left out. the club says mccartney was not denied entry and tmz says mccartney messed up the location of the party he was wanting to attend. i think when paul mccartney shows up at a party, you say, right this way, mr. mccartney. he took it in good stride. >> what is the matter? >> i agree with you. exactly right. let's have a party and invite paul! that's what we will do. >> they are trying to clean it up and saying he was not denied. he is welcome here. we love you, paul. >> exactly. why don't you come here? 3,000 dogs and only one can be best in show. we will show you what goes into the decision to pick the champ. that is next. where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control and keep it under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. raise your expectations. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. and i'd like to... cut. so i'm gonna take this opportunity to direct. thank you, we'll call you. evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere... bob... you're a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. milk it. e trade is all about seizing opportunity. you get a cold. you can't breathe through your nose. suddenly, you're a mouthbreather. a mouthbreather! how can anyone sleep like that? well, just put on a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. if you're running a business, legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. this winter, you have the power to heal. because your purchase of vaseline intensive care lotion, supports the vaseline healing project. join us to help millions in crisis was a welcome change yesterday, as the deep freeze of the last few days began to thaw. while we saw more pavement and better driving conditions, many residents of central and western virginia were still dealing with power outages. the storm moved on, and made way for blue skies, bright sun and a beautiful winter landscape. melt, the power outages lingered. applachian power crews were on the job, assessing the damage and attacking the problems they found but the layer of ice brought down many tree limbs and power lines in neighborhoods throughout the area, including roanoke's raleigh court. aleta delaplane: actually at 3:45 we woke up to a transformer exploding. it was big green arc light in the back. it was amazing. it was kind of cool. and then the power went out. and then it came back on. and then it went out again, so i think we've been without power since 6:45 this morning. appalachian power crews have been out trying to fix all the problems they know about. a spokesperson with the company says repairs will continue today, and asks that people be as patient as possible. we are waiting on information about a house fire in bedford this morning. these are pictures a viewer on facebook sent us. according to that viewer, people were inside, but were able to get out ok. more information skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly 47. we'll see 60s by good morning. it is wednesday, february 17th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, battles against the u.s. government. defense secretary ash carter tells charlie how defense companies with increase security without compromising integrity. first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> the tech giant isn't backing down. apple insists this is a debate over privacy versus security. apple has two choices here. it either complies, which it has clearly said it will not, or it appeals. the president has wade in saying dump dump would not win the white house in the middle of the south carolina primary. >> these candidates are competing openly for the african-americans who make up more than half of south carolina's democratic electorate. >> the president really laid out his argument over why his nominee should get a hearing. no word yet on who that nominee will be. allies be confident that we will come to their side, if, in fact, isis threatens them? >> they have that absolutely written in to our treaties and we have to for a number of countries. >> rare public expression of anger. cool yesterday. >> wow. i've never seen the pope like that before. >> it must be hard getting chastised by the pope. he was clearly irritated! >> george w. bush joined his brother jeb in south carolina. >> i want to remind you what our good dad told me one time -- labels are for soup cans! >> what was happening when your dad said labels are for soup cans? were you tormenting jeb with a label maker? announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by nationwide insurance. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. apple is on a collision course this morning with the fbi in the controversy over privacy versus security. a federal judge, tuesday, ordered apple to help the fbi unlock the office iphone used by san bernardino gunman syed the government believes it may be communication that he community with his wife before the attack and may have information where the couple traveled before and after the shooting. a federal court ruling asked apple to provide software to disable the auto erase function. that is protecting the locked phone. then the fbi could run unlimited number of combinations to unlock the passcode. in a letter to customers, apple's ceo tim cook vowed to resist. he calls the government's demands an unprecedented step which threatens the security of our customers. cook explains his thinking when he spoke to charlie last december for "60 minutes." >> if there is a way to get in, then somebody will find a way in. you know, there have been people that suggested we should have a back door. but the reality is if you put a back door in, that back door is for everybody, for good guys and bad guys. >> the pentagon is also trying to tap silicon valley's speaker tes. in our interview with defense secretary ash carter, we he described the military's growing outreach to technology companies. the conversation took place before apple's response. so if apple says it's encrypted, we can't help you, what do you say? >> i'm not talking about to apple now. within our own intelligence system, other ways of getting that same intelligence. with respect to companies, we have to -- we -- there is a situation, charlie, you and i have talked about this before, where i am trying to build bridges between us and tech companies. now, i don't expect them to do things to help us that compromise their business position or their international competitive position. but i do want to have enough of a bridge to the tech sector we can work, where pop, toward common solutions, to -- problems. can get together on this. so much at stake. >> it comes down to security versus privacy. >> what did you get the sense he was saying there? >> that we need to work on this together because there are national security issues but we also appreciate their argument about privacy and their argument what it would mean if people had access to the back door. >> it sounds like the talking hasn't worked. >> it's been going on. not yesterday's problem. it's been around. >> if you ask people if they have a choice between privacy and security, people automatically -- >> how much you want want to know the information from the san bernardino couple. you understand their point. >> absolutely. donald trump is widening his lead in the republican campaign but president obama is still a doubter and questioned the front-runner's support and the gop rhetoric. >> i continue to believe mr. trump will not be president. and the reason is because i have a lot of faith in the american people. and i think they recognize that job. it's not hosting a talk show or a reality show. it's not promotion. it's not marketing. it's hard. and a lot of people count on us getting it right. and it requires being able to work with leaders around the world in a way that reflects the importance of the office. and it gives people confidence that you know the facts and you know their names, and you know where they are on a map. and you know something about their history. and you're not just going to play to the crowd back home, because they have their own crowds back home. and you're trying to solve problems. >> i'm sure he would say it's being president, all of these problems come in every day. >> yes. >> it's not just one. it's ten. >> yeah. he said it's a tough job. very tough job. >> there is no perfect training for it either. >> that is true. the president's remarks brought a quick answer from trump who was campaigning in south carolina. >> for him to say that, actually, is a great compliment. you're lucky i didn't run last time when romney ran, because you would have been a one-term president. >> another trump critic jeb bush is making headlines with a twitter message. the republican candidate tweeted this photo of a gun with his name on it. his caption read simply america. twitter reaction was quick and it was mixed on messages brought up the number of gun-related deaths in america and other users posted their representation of america and some used it to highlight bush's campaign struggles. we asked the former florida governor on tuesday what he needs to do to convince south carolina voters before saturday's primary. >> work really hard. that i have detailed plans to lift them out of the funk that we are in and to keep us safe and secure. and i'm all in for the next five days. >> you finished sixth in iowa. you finished fourth in new hampshire. and you're now running fifth in south carolina. what do you have to start winning? >> well, i think we will do better than fifth here. i'm really excited about the progress we are making. and look. i'm in it no the long haul. this is a long process. >> jeb bush is now fourth in south carolina. that is according to an average of recent polls in the state. donald trump has a 2-1 lead over his closest rifleval ted cruz. did the fan favorite become the best in show?% ahead, we will show you which dog fetched the top prize at the famed westminster kennel club dog show. your local weather announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by nationwide is our side nearly a third of americans have more ketdebt than their savings. jill schlesinger looks at getting your finances on track and kate hudson is there too! kate! >> louis is showing how to circle the room. >> louis does our social media and he got in there very quick. >> hi! >> when it's time to call in the pros, that's is what jill schlesinger is talking about. we will talk about your finances after the break on "cbs this morning." i can see no reason you're living on my couch when someone starts to come [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena . if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, if other treatments haven't worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohn's. entyvio works by focusing right in the gi-tract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. while not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flu-like symptoms, or sores. liver problems can occur with entyvio. if your uc or crohn's medication isn't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. companies. >> we have even taken out loans to help make payments. >> you're not the only ones. did you know millions of cannot control? that's why i developed this unique new program for managing your debt. it's called, don't buy stuff you cannot afford! >> that's a good one! >> so simple! >> terrific. could be as simple as that "saturday night live" skit. more than a third of americans do not have a financial plan and 58% believe they need to improve their planning in this morning's "eye on money." cbs news business analyst jell schlesinger is here to take control. good morning. >> good morning. >> i was interested to learn that 40% of americans have financial planners. when do you know you need to hire one? >> i think usually around the life events. it's birth, death, divorce, marriage. but really important here. there are these basic things that you can complete on your own before hiring an adviser and may be creating a budget, living within your means, paying down your debt, establishing that emergency reserve fund, and putting money into retirement. once that is completed, and you've got your insurance needs covered, that may be the point when you start to consider a >> do you think you have to have a certain amount of money to fire a financial adviser and what exactly do they do for you? >> they do different things for you. because you may have a very issue. you may not have a ton of money yet but maybe your parents do that. you talk about financial advisers, they do lots of different things. some comprehensive financial plans and some sfpecialize in taxes and some specialize in stock. >> who are these advisers and planner? >> that is a fantastic question, because there are a lot of different people who say i'm an adviser, i'm a consultant. there is one big question to ask a potential adviser and it is -- are you a fiduciary? that means that person has to put your needs before their needs, or their company's needs. there is another form of adviser that is subject to something called suitability. i give you advice that is suitable for you but may not be in your best interests. a certified financial planner. a cpa with a personal specialist designation and all advisers have to put your needs first. i think that is pretty important. >> i would agree. what about fee-based advisers versus commission-based planners? >> really interesting, because fee-based seems to be a more straightforward methodology and can be based on the amount of money they are managing for you. it could be an hourly -- >> like 1%? >> 1% or half of a percent. the commission is just that -- a transaction-based relationship. doesn't mean the person is bad if you get paid a commission. >> what do you think? >> i like fee-based because i think a cleaner model and my feeling. commission-based people aren't bad people but it's easier to understand the model for a consumer. >> when all else fails, go back to "saturday night live." do not buy things you cannot afford! i think that is really good advice. >> exactly. very good advice. >> thank you, jill. only one dog can strut into history. we will show you the drama surrounding the country's most prestigious dog show and how the judge went face-to-face with the competitors. that is next. you're watching "cbs this morning." announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by voya financial. changing the way you think of retirement. who are you? i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. vern from voya? yep, vern from voya. why are you orange? that's a little weird. really? that's the weird part in this scenario? look, orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. save a little here and there, and over time, your money could multiply. see? ah, ok. so, why are you orange? funny. see how voya can help you get organized at this is not a job for me, this is, this is my life. this is my family. being a part of helping people in need is who i am. i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and make somebody happy, when i go to sleep, i did my job. a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. pain from your day can haunt you at night, don't let it. advil pm gives you the healing sleep you need, helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. quick on his feet. the chinese poodle set a new world record for a dog climbing stairs on his hind legs. that doesn't look real! wow. he mastered this on a chinese variety show and climbing 20 steps in less than 7 1/2 seconds. >> once again, china outpacing us. we need to get on the ball here. what did they give him at the end of 20 steps? >> he is dressed so nice too. america has a new canine champion. a 3-year-old german shorthaired pointer named cj earned best in show last night at the westminster kennel club dog show. his win was an upset. a german shepherd named rumor prize. dogs from 50 states from around the world it came down to seven final contestants at this year's 140th westminster dog show and all stunning examples of their respective groups, but only one could be crowned best in show. around. the german shepherd rumor. >> reporter: as all purebreds strutted one last time, the judge richard men made his decision. cj had traveled from california with handler and co-owner valerie nunes atkinson. >> he is a great shareholderorthair and go down in history and definitely now. there were seven fabulous dogs out there. you couldn't go wrong any which way. >> reporter: the rough competition wasn't short on drama. >> the winner of the herding group, german shepherd dog at number 8. spotlight had been on the crowd favorite to win. a 4-year-old german shepherd named rumor. before the finale the handler was trying to keep the top-ranked show dog from losing her cool. >> i never dreamed we would have one to win best in show and go the way this one has. she has turned out behind our wildest imagination. >> well done. >> reporter: only one judge presides over best in show and this year's king maker was dr. richard men,en, a psychiatrist from chicago. >> the expression on the breed is really important, as far as i'm concerned. each breed is unique and has to have that expression. >> reporter: but cj's co-owner at home says he is one of the pups. >> in the ring it is serious business and at home he is silly. he is a normal dog. he gets dirty and has fun and always has to have something in his mouth. always. >> reporter: cj's victory is the physician for the german shorthaired pointer. >> i heard cj stands for california journey. >> when he took the ring, he owned it. >> do you have a dog? >> i do. a border collie. >> i love that cj's owner said she knew since he was a baby pup and said he is something special and said he is my heart. >> all of the owners say that. the difference in the ring dogs love to perform and be center stage. >> a lot of winners in that arena. golden globe winner kate hudson is in our green room. her new book explains how you don't have to for a henry county family after a tree fell on their mobile home. wanda morgan says her grandson was sleeping on the couch where the tree fell, just moments before it happened. she says her family heard what sounded like a frieght train and then a big boom. her son and friends remove as much debris as they can. wanda morgan/homeowner: "someone could bad or killed in there. that tree should have fell all the way down." trees brought down blew over an old gas station overhang. leaders say it could be days before some people in henry county get their power back. officials want to make sure you're safe and comfortable in places without power until it comes back on. experts say the best thing to do is wear layers of clothing. also, use battery powered candles instead of real ones. if you use real candles, you should keep it at least 12 inches away from anything that could you never put kerosine heater and never use a generator indoors. that puts you at risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. experts also say to never burn charcoal indoors or use your oven as a source of tiffany bradbury: "it's important never think fire is going to happen to us. we always think we're going to go along a normal day and nothing's going want people to be armed with this knowledge so they can keep themselves and their families safe, because we don't want to come out to a house fire, especially in temperatures like this." we have more heat safety tips on wdbj7 dot-com. memorial hospital of martinsville and henry county wants to hear from the you on how to improve treatment. hospital leaders have started the patient family community advisory council. it's a group made up of people from all walks of life who have been treated at the hospital. the members are supposed to be another set of eyes and ears for the hospital staff to find issues or concerns from patients. liz harris, marketing director, memorial hospital of martinsville and henry county: " we wanted to give patients a voice and that i think it something that can get lost day to day. that patient experience is so, so important." the group is working to create better communication for everything from marketing for the hospital to how well patients understand skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly high around welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, now author kate hudson? stued studio 57. see how her mom and a doughnut led to a turning point. i love a good doughnut, kate hudson! that is ahead. morning's headlines from around the globe. reports on the obama administration's frustration over russia's role in syria. defense secretary ash carter had tough words for russia in our pentagon. carter discussed taking on isis and also known as isil and the fallout for countries that do not help. >> i've said this very bluntly to our overseas partners. there can't be any free riders here because we are going to be on the winning side. we will remember who contributed and who didn't. and we aren't out to do people favors here and we are not asking for anybody to do us favors either, but people need to act in their own long-term interests. >> you're saying to whom what? sidelines who need to get in the game, you need to get in the game. that's what i was doing in brussels and overwhelmingly people came on behind that. and to the russians and the iranians who are not contributing and are actually causing more problems in the region, that's going to come back and get them. >> reporter: mr. secretary, everybody looks to russia as if they have -- they have -- this has been a win/win for them in syria. they are a player. they have supported assad. assad is in a much better position. people look at what putin has done and said he has been a master strategist in the way he has played a weak hand. >> well, where does that strategy lead? it's leading to the prolongation of the civil war in syria which is not in russia's interests. >> it is. in fact, he makes assad stronger so they can negotiate something from a better position. >> the russians have been way beginning. they have not done what they said they were going to do and they are not doing what is in their interests to do in terms of fighting isil. >> carter says he plans to spend the next year focused on defeating isis. he says that their goal is to go there and win in both regions. >> glad there is a plan. isis was a topic between contrary and hollywood studio chiefs. they brainstormed on ideas to gain propaganda from the terrorists group. the meeting includes executives from dream works and sony was there as well. big apple style rip-off. a man received this letter after losing his wallet, his credit enclosed but not cash. he said the following. the letter was signed off toodles! anonymous! >> i know the guy got his wallet back at the he says he thinks it's a thank you but screw you at the same time. i'm keeping your cash but you can have your credit card. >> golden globe winning actress, kate hudson, earned her first credited role as a 16-year-old in a '90s classic "party of five." but wasn't until we saw her hanging out on the tour bus that her career really took off. >> we are not groupies! >> reporter: it's been 16 years since kate hudson landed a career making role of penny lane. >> we are here because of music. we are band-aid. >> reporter: she was a group niie in "almost famous." ." i have to go home. material said one critic. >> you are home. >> reporter: and golden globe announced her arrival. 20 years in, the 36-year-old mom of two has hollywood hits. >> love. nobody likes a mr. sniffles! >> reporter: a marquee name. >> you're, obviously, still so in love with me and famously cool parents, goldie hawn and kurt russell. her high energy and sparkly >> reporter: make her a natural performer. >> reporter: a standout on the red carpet. >> life is a journey. >> reporter: and since 2013, a successful businesswoman. hudson is the cofounder and face of fableticas who broad in 150 million dollars in revenue last year. now kate hudson is adding author to her resume, thank you very called "pretty happy." healthy ways to love your body. they joins us at the table. >> hi! >> i love the title because, at first, i thought it meant i'm pretty and happy but not. in my life i'm pretty happy. you said pretty happy is not a place but a constant journey and state of mind and don't wait for journey to happen. >> i think contentment is a discipline. and being happy is actually also, you know, kind of a discipline. you know? and i think that a lot of people like to sell happiness. let's be happy! you know? and it's just unrealistic. i think pretty happy is pretty good. >> you say perfection is for amateurs? >> we all know that, you know? it doesn't mean we don't feel the sort of pressure that, you know, society. especially for women. >> yep. >> kind of like growing these images, these gorgeous images of these, you know, women out there and you're going, like, i wish i looked like that and i want to look like that. but, you know, we chase it and the end of the day, like, you perfect. >> but, at the same time, you say you and your mother have not? >> why not? and i realized -- >> me too! that. we were a little drunk. >> a little drunk? >> let's just be honest, okay? and we came up with it and then i realize now i'm saying it all the time. i'm always going, why not? it really is. our mantra. >> what did you find from saying why not? you said yes to things you want to say no to previously? >> i think not thinking about stuff like worrying about what the outcome is going to be. you know? i think i've spent a lot of time in my life being sort of political and careful about things i've said or things i'm doing and worrying about what people are going to think, you know? if i write this book, maybe people will not think i'm an actress. at the end of the day, i just of -- why not? >> why not create a fabric company? that can be worth $150 million in revenue and think about building a thousand stores! why not? >> yes, why not? >> some people say things as they are and ask why and others say why not? >> you tell a story in your book when you were younger. you said i was a little chunky and you went through an adolescent phase. >> i love a doughnut. at school, at snack, they had doughnuts. i would eat at least two doughnuts at snack. >> and a baeglegel? >> with cream cheese. my mom said why don't you try having one doughnut instead of two doughnuts? >> why not? >> i think it was more about health. put in your body is, you know, obviously the fuel of what your activity and how your energy is. but also mindfulness is a big one. that is a healthy mind, healthy body. >> what i love about your parents they keep on going. kurt is brilliant in that film. >> he is amazing. >> he is. >> i just worked with my dad on a movie too which we finally got to do called "deep water horizon" and i think that comes out in the fall. we didn't get to work together but we were on set together and we were in a movie together. i thought this is crazy! my mom is about to go work with amy schumer. she hasn't worked in almost 14 years. >> really? >> she is taking the why not seriously? >> really! >> she is taking it seriously. >> this is a scene from you with me on my pbs show a few years earlier. here it is. perception, especially in this business, it's so obsessed with celebrity, you know? this world is so obsessed with celebrity. you know, i never wanted to be perceived as somebody who had it, you know, that it just got handed to me. >> and that you didn't deserve it. >> yeah. >> that was ten years ago. >> that was ten years ago. how do i look? >> you still look all right! >> wow! crazy! >> what do those words mean to you ten years later? what do they mean? >> i was truthful. >> that is the thing about you, kate hudson. >> yeah. i just -- yeah. >> we want to do a quick lightning round for you. the producer came up with this and i love this idea. golden globes or oscars? >> that's a hard one! globes are more fun! because you drink at the table. >> taylor or kanye? >> horror or rom con? >> rom con. >> flax seeds or chia seeds? >>, which r chia. >> naked or clothes? >> naked. >> i like that too. >> chains or jealous. >> chains. >> you got me chained! because nick jonas says you all have a beautiful connection. >> yeah. >> what would you like us to see about nick jonas? share what you will. >> he's a great guy. he's a sweetheart. >> i think he is a sweetheart too. >> what would he say about you? >> apparently that we have a really beautiful connection! >> you look like you're having fun, kate. >> i am having a great time. >> whatever you're doing. >> you look happy. >> i'm pretty happy. >> pretty happy. >> and the book is called "pretty happy." it's on sale now. a louisiana priest is taking the pope's message of outreach >> where we go with this, baby, you need this. mobile our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. mexico. this morning francis travels to juarez just across the rio grande from el paso. he spent tuesday meeting with young people in a state that is a hot bed of mexico's drug trade. one of the pope's loudest messages is direct at the more than 400,000 priests nationwide and asking them to be more active in bringing the people back to the church. david begnaud met a priest in louisiana who is offering confessions on the go in cajun country. >> when the father hits the road this is how he rolls. >> such a need to go to our brothers and sisters and bring them the gospel and mercy the church extends. >> what the father calls his spiritual care unit is a converted ambulance. >> where we go with this, baby, you need this. >> reporter: with it he searches for catholics who wandered away a place to confess sins and forgiveness. >> they can kneel here and make confession or sit on the corner and we can visit face-to-face. >> reporter: this holy rolling is for outreach and reconciliation reconciliation. what did people think when you floated this idea? i'm going to go a mobile confessional. >> they probably thought i was crazy. >> reporter: the idea came four years ago when he was serving at a hospital. he thought the same ambulances that transport the injured might also be able to rescue souls. last year he found a used ambulance on ebay and a friend of the church bought if for $4,100. he satellite news centered the siren and spelled confession backwards. that is intentional? >> yes. you see an ambulance when they have the sirens on behind you and you look in the rearview mirror and say who is that idiot behind me? then you can read ambulance in if you're here and look in the rearview mirror you'll see confession spelled appropriately. >> reporter: the father is a native cajun travels what you might call a support team ready to recruit. in three months he has traveled over 2,000 miles and made three dozen stops and listened to more than 700 confessions at churches and youth events and even mardi gras. that is where betty comb found him. >> i realized that this was here and i thought, god called me! i need to go to confession! >> reporter: really? you felt that? >> absolutely. >> reporter: what do you think pope francis would say? >> oh, he would be a thumb's up. it's just that now we need to emphasize this more and more, because we have become too comfortable in a sedden terry type of church atmosphere. >> reporter: when you go to sleep at night, how good do you feel about what you're doing with this? bed tired, dead tired. but a happy tired. happy tired is how i go to bed at night, you know? and it's great. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," david begnaud, lafayette, louisiana. >> a great idea. >> what a terrific story. >> who is calling you, charlie? tell them you're busy! >> i'm busy! >> put that phone down. let me see! >> kate is calling? answer it! >> i'm not answering any quote/unquote. hello, hello. i apologize to all of you hello it's me don't they know you're a in a live broadcast? hello it's me >> i want to know who is calling you. clearly not somebody close to you because they wouldn't call you between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. >> see what cops did when a "cbs this morning." this is about as far from baywatch as you can get. police on a beach in chile chasing a suspect into the water but the officers didn't want to get wet so they called for reinforcement while the suspect had a nice splashy pooh. 45 minutes later the maritime police arrived and ready to jump in. they surrounded the man and took him into custody. >> he is having a lot of -- their home after a house fire in bedford county this morning. it happened in the stewartsville area around 4:15. this is a look at the house after firefighters were able to get the fire under control. the fire started in the garage and spread to the attic. the warmer weather is a welcome change after the latest winter storm. but 10 thousand people in and around the roanoke valley are still dealing with power outages because of ice. applachian power crews are on the job, assessing the storm damage and, attacking the but the layer of ice brought down many lines in neighborhoods including roanoke's raleigh court. aleta delaplane: woke up to a transformer exploding. it was big green arc light in the amazing. it was kind of cool. and then the power went out. and and then it went out again, so i think we've been without morning. an appalachian power spokesperson says repairs will continue today, but it could be tomorrow night or even friday before the power's back on for everyone. she's asking that people be as patient as possible. some major planned parenthood. a representative says it's now referring new and current patients to roanoke for medical services because it won't be provided at the center anymore. the blacksburg location is instead, focusing on and educational programs. read more about the decision on skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly high around the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around 47. we'll see 60s by the weekend. skies turn partly sunny today with a high around skies turn partly >> it's "live! with kelly & michael." today, star of the hit comedy, "black-ish," anthony anderson. and host of the "the wonderful 60," derek hough. future are in our studio right now. all next on "live." [captioning made possible by disney-abc domestic television] >> and now, here are your emmy award-winning co-hosts, kelly ripa and michael strahan. [cheers and applause] kelly: hi! hi. hello. hi. hi. hey, it's wednesday, february 17, 2016. welcome to hump day at "live." what, what! [applause] still kids in the audience. still children, right? yes.

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