Transcripts For WCVB Nightline 20161111 :

Transcripts For WCVB Nightline 20161111

first lady in the white house. her journey to 1600 pennsylvania avenue. how her homeland is celebrating her fairy tale ending, but, first, the nightline 5. >> simulation initiated. joining us. tonight, the peaceful transfer of power now underway. after months of hostility towards one another, donald trump and president obama met face-to-face at the white house today, and the encounter was awkward, yet surprisingly polite. >> reporter: a historic handshake, former adversaries, now members of the world's most exclusive club. together today in the oval office america's future. >> my number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate a transition that ensures our president-elect is successful. >> i very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future including counsel. explaining some of the difficulties, some of the high flying assets, and some of the really great things that have >> reporter: change has already come to washington. >> i think president obama has been the most ignorant president in our history. >> donald trump is uniquely unqualified to be our chief executive. >> reporter: john carl who was in the room, this was not a typical meet and greet. >> reporter: the day nobody, most people, ever thought would come. donald trump sitting down with barack oma outgoing president. >> reporter: for years, trump doubted obama was born in the country. >> why not show the birth certificate. >> donald trump is here tonight. >> reporter: obama acting like the very idea of a trump presidency was a joke. >> say what you will about mr. trump. he certainly would bring some change to the white house. >> president-elect of the united states of america, donald trump. >> reporter: his agenda for the first hundred days includes undoing much of what obama accomplished. >> donald trump wants to repeal and replace obamacare starting on day one. his supporters expect it, but it is quite difficult to do. they need a plan to replace it, and they need to also figure out what they would do with all the people they need h >> reporter: easier said than down. today was melania trump's first ever trip to the white house. first time meeting michelle obama too. first lady whose inspiring convention speech in 2008 -- >> because we want our children and our children in this nation to know -- >> because we want our children in this nation to know -- >> reporter: clearly inspired the next first lady's speech in 2016. >> that the only limit to the height of your achievement is willingness to work hard for them. >> that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. >> reporter: out on the campaign trail, michelle obama did not color punches about donald trump. >> i can't believe i'm saying that a candidate for president of the united states has brag about sexually assaulting women. >> reporter: so it must have be we're told they had a tour, sat for tea, talked about what it's like to raise children in the white house, but this is not any ordinary meeting. >> reporter: maybe not, but trump was happy tweeting a fantastic day, really good meeting. great chemistry. melania liked mrs. o a lot. it was a good day starting with the presidential send off including a water cannon salute washington. he had lunch with paul ryan and mike pence at the capitol hill club followed by a meeting in the speaker's capitol hill office. ryan pointed out the spot where president-elect trump will take the oath of office in two month's time. one of the first orders of business? forming a cabinet. trump transition team already launched a website, help wanted. >> we need donald trump as president of the united states. >> reporter: some of the jobs circle like rudy, newt gingrich, chris christie, and sarah palin. today rudy left open the possibility trump will make good on his campaign vow to seek criminal charges against hillary clinton. cnn, he did not chapter "lock her up," but didn't rule it out either. >> it's a tough one to be begin a lot of thought, not an off the cuff answer. the equal administration of important principles. >> reporter: as trump gets to know washington, we're getting to know a bit more about the voters who sent him there. among them, many of the folks at chica chick's diner in scranton, pennsylvania. working class voters. >> did you vote for or against? >> four. i have four granddaughters, i want them to be in a good world. >> reporter: this blue collar crowd came through for bill clinton all those years ago. she ran against barack obama, but now they turned on her for a variety of reasons. >> i think one big reason was the fact she was a woman, and i think the office of the presidency should be in a man. >> reporter: really? >> the woman shouldn't be president. >> i'm not sure about that either. even though i am a woman. >> reporter: what? in 2016, you feel that way? >> i feel that way. >> reporter: even though hillary grandfather worked at the old lace factory, one the biggest employer, a plant abruptly shuddered in 2002. most of the textile jobs shipped overseas. trump courted these voters, including a huge rally the night before the election. >> they say we're tied in pennsylvania. i don't think so. >> reporter: last time hillary clinton was in scranton was mid-august, more than two months ago. >> she comes every four years, when she's she's running for that's the only time she comes here. you know, her father's buried over in that cemetery, there's not a flower on the grave. >> reporter: it's not just white voters. especially white men who clenched it for trump. he also got support from places you might not expect. >> i cast my ballot where my conscious took me. >> reporter: author and co-founder of the muslim reform movement writing an opt-ed in the washington post about >> he, like so many of us, speaks what he believes, and sometimes it's alarming. sometimes it's very inappropriate. >> reporter: this mom from northern virginia had concerns about affordable health care and isis. >> the issue i care about is islamic extremism was going to be better decided with donald trump's approach. >> reporter: today as that awkward oval office visit wound down -- >> i very much dealing with the president in the future including counsel. >> reporter: the piece of advice? don't feel it's absolutely necessary to indulge the hungry media crowds. >> this is good rule. don't answer the questions. >> it's always the last one. >> reporter: understandable, really. >> come on, guys. let's go. >> very good man. very good man. >> thank you, appreciate it. >> reporter: everyone's more i'm david wright for "nightline" in pennsylvania. up next, donald trump still caught in a tangled web of lawsuits and business deals. abc's brian ross invest gaits. i struggle with bipolar depression, and it's tough. it leaves me feeling sad and empty. it makes it hard to be there for the people i love. so i talked to my doctor and she prescribed latuda. latuda is fda approved to treat bipolar depression which is different from other types of depression. in clinical studies, once-a-day latuda was proven effective for many people with bipolar depression. latuda is not for everyone. call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. elderly dementia patients on latuda have an as these may be signs of a life-threatening reaction, or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements, as these may be permanent. high blood sugar has been seen with latuda and medicines like it, and in extreme cases can lead to coma or death. other risks include decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal, dizziness on standing, seizures, increased cholesterol, weight or prolactin, trouble swallowing and impaired judgment. avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice. use caution before driving or operating machinery. ts. and that means so much to me. ask your doctor if once-daily latuda is right for you. pay as little as a $15 copay. visit ? 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probably, but i have no relationship to russia. >> reporter: the head of a russian-american chamber of congress who says he worked on trump licensed projects told abc news there were extensive connections. >> the level of business in moscow, hundreds of millions of dollars that he received as a result of interaction with russian businessmen. >> hundreds of millions of dollars from russian businesses? >> correct. >> reporter: trump made millions, selling moscow righ with a man the fbi considers a top russian mafia figure invited into the vip section. the developer of a license hotel project in trap toe is a russian billionaire. and russian language promotional videos attracted hundreds of wealthy russians to buy condos in trump licensed projects in florida until u.s. sanctions cut off the flow. sanctions. >> we'll look at that, yeah. go ahead. >> so he likes russia because there's money to be made there? >> he likes russia because he like beautiful russian ladies and talking to them of course, and that e he likes to be able to make lots of money with russia, yes, correct. >> reporter: during the campaign, trump said there was no conflict in dealing with russia because his children would run his business in a blind trust. >> he is still going to know what the businesses are? >> we're not going to trust me. >> reporter: a leading republican ethics lawyer says that does not solve the problem at all. >> well, i don't see how you have a blind trust when you know what's in the blind trust. the appearance is that a foreign government or foreign organization has influence over the president of the united states. >> reporter: for trump now, the return to new york tonight from the visit of the white house, it's a question of priorities, dealing with international investors versus dealing with time running the country. for nightline, brian ross, abc news, new york. when we come back, melania trump revealing what kind of first lady she'll be. abc news "nightline" brougts to you by macy's. it's endless shrimp at red lobster. with another new flavor you never saw coming... rcorn shrimp. just come in before it ends. just press "clean" and let roomba help with your everyday messes. a full suite of sensors automatically guides roomba throughout your home. cleaning under furniture, along edges, and in corners. and roomba's patented 3-stage cleaning system agitates, brushes and suctions dirt from your floors for up to 2 hours, recharging itself when it needs to. you and roomba, from irobot. better. together. during the ford year end event, discover why ford is america's best-selling brand. ?i'm on top of the world, hey!? 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"celebrity >> coming to you from celebrity page studio with entertainment news. james vaughn on the west coast, coming up a sneak peek of the year's hottest films. kicking it off with the big story. >> stars getting out and voting in the u.s. presidential election. from coast to coast, famous faces performing their civic duty. >> happy birthday. >> katy perry giving herself an early birthday present. voting last week.

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