Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter Five At Five-Thirty 20160819

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter Five At Five-Thirty 20160819

a fight, he says. >> we pride ourselves on being a family oriented business. we are not a barroom. we are a place where families come, kids come. reporter: the 31-year-old man who was stabbed was taken to the hospital. the hospital says -- they do not know what happened or how many people were involved, but some type of our location happened at the time that they close their a midnight. >> it was in incident that we have no idea what could've provoked this discussion outside that turned into a stabbing. reporter: now the search is on for a suspect we are told took off on a bike. police are hoping surveillance cameras caught enough clues to help track him down. the restaurant has released these surveillance video over to police. they are not releasing it to us at this time. in wilburn, antoinette antonio, wcvb newscenter 5. manchester, new hampshire where a car crashed into a house on beacon street this afternoon. fire officials say the driver was backing out of the driveway across the street when she accelerated into the porch. no one was hurt. firefighters worked to make sure the roof of that porch was stable. also new, a police cruiser in nashua, new hampshire hit by a pick-up truck today. an officer was investigating an earlier crash when he was struck. the cruiser and the truck were both damaged, if you can see, but the officer and the are both ok. the truck driver is believed to have fallen asleep causing the crash. ben: an ayer man is under arrest in littleton accused of driving drunk and crashing head-on into a police cruiser there. police say they spotted timothy walsh on the side of ayer road facing the wrong way after getting reports of an erratic driver. when he tried to re-enter the road, he allegedly hit the cruiser. both walsh and the officer were taken to the hospital for evaluation and released. all right, right now, police are looking for this man wanted in him. the alleged attack happened around 12:30 monday at the intersection of cambridge street and brighton avenue. we were told by the mbta that the driver refused medical treatment. heather: lovely, sunny day today. more for the weekend, but mike, your tracking the potential for rain? mike: most people say, oh, that is awful, but after what we have been through, it is welcome news. sunday night into monday morning strong thunderstorms. you see very powerful storms. they are moving through the middle of the night. we could see nice downpours out of this as we talk about sunday night into monday morning. the only thing is the humid air is going to get pushed up by dry air. before that, temperatures will drop into the 60's. another nice, comfortable night the tropics. there is tropical storm fiona. that's not the only thing out there. there is a disturbance we are keeping an eye on. i will have the updated track on both of those a few minutes. heather: new tonight, two lawrence men have been sentenced to prison after pleading guilty to distributing fentanyl. israel garcia and maximo brito-tejada are accused of dealing drugs in massachusetts and southern new hampshire and later selling drugs to undercover officers. more than half of drug overdose deaths last year in both states were linked to fentanyl. ben: new at 5:30: police in providence are looking for several men wantedan at least one of them was reportedly dressed as a police officer. the attackers busted into a home overnight, armed with guns. it's not clear if anything was taken. police are now looking for a dark-colored suv the suspects may have taken off in. all right also new, salem, new , hampshire police looking for this man, accused of robbing a citizens bank inside a shaw's supermarket. the suspect handed the teller a note demanding money then reached toward his waist area after becoming agitated with the teller. some cash. friday night. look at that. southeast expressway not moving bad at all in both directions. let's head to the map. 93 -- usually about half hour, and it is. 31 minutes, mass avenue to route 3. the pike looks nice. easy drive. further out on the pike, weston tolls to 5, 29 minutes. stopping go a little bit on 128 south and then on 495, traffic there southbound, but northbound, just seven minutes. heather: not too bad. ben: no, not too bad on a friday. they left early, i think. all right, the maker of crocs being sued. next, the claims by parents of a little boy injured during a family vacation. rejects a settlement by uber meant for hundreds of thousands of drivers. ben: 5 investigates tonight revealing thnien someone's hacked all our technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. >> you are watching newscenter 5 at 5:30. ben: tonight, popular shoemaker crocs is being sued by a texas couple. heather: newscenter 5's emily riemer tells us they say their toddler was injured when his foot got caught in an escalator while wearing a pair of crocs. emily: from airports to subways escalator fails lead to more , than twelve thousand e.r. hard way when her two-year-old son became entangled in one during a family trip to hawaii. >> his left foot was pretty much tucked into the left side of the escalator. and by the time the escalator stopped, you could really only see his ankle // the rest was -- his ankle. and the rest was completely gone. emily: the little boy was wearing crocs, the popular pliable shoe, when his foot go an hour. now flora and david kang are suing crocs because they say the shoes are quote negligently and improperly designed. the texas couple also suing hilton hawaiian village for failure to operate and maintain the hotel's escalator. crocs didn't respond to a request for comment, and the hotel saying they do not comment on pending litigation. issues with crocs and escalators have been going on for the past decade. chloe jonson was wearing crocs when she had an accident back in 2006. >> chloe said, oh, my toe, my toe. me that this was something that could have happened. was surprise david and i was this was not the first incident. one child is more than enough. emily: emily riemer, wcvb newscenter 5. heather: jewelry from former first lady nancy reagan's personal collection is up for auction. that includes this patriot ring and necklace. the reagan's furniture and light fixtures will also be up for bid. the bidding will start september 19 f the the auction is expected to 21st. generate more than 2 million dollars with proceeds going to the ronald reagan presidential foundation and institute. ben: expensive jewelry. heather: beautiful though -- if you like red, white, and blue. a group of neighbors credited with helping catch a suspected drunk driver. ben: how they stopped him after he plowed into two homes injuring two children. heather: firefighters in california finally making progress in the battle against mike: for destroying nearly 100 homes. mike:hopefully -- mike: your daughter wants to stay organic. yo from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like stop & shop's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and has all the answers.arty you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, and i approved this message. heather: turning now to your economy. eddie bauer says registers at its retail stores have been been hit by hackers. the systems were infected with malware earlier this year, possibly exposing customers' payment card information. the clothing retailer will offer free identity protection services for a year to all bauer stores between january 2 and july 17. a federal judge has rejected a multi million dollar settlement involving uber. nearly 400,000 drivers sued uber saying the ride-hailing service treats them as individual contractors, not employees -- meaning they are not entitled to expenses. a judge called then 100 million dollar settlement unfair for drivers. uber is considering negotiating a revised settlement. ben: a major crackdown on robocalls. some of the biggest tech, cable , google, apple and comcast joining forces to give customers more control over incoming calls. last month, the head of the fcc sent letters to industry executives urging them to come up with solutions to the robocall epidemic which is the number one complaint from consumers. they hope the new robocall strike force will come up with new ways to combat the problem. twitter unveiled two new settings today. one modifies its notification settings to let users see only notifications of those they follow. the other is a quality filter that twitter says can improve by filtering out duplicate tweets or content that is automated. heather: a group of neighbors in indiana is credited with helping capture a drunk driver. the 31-year-old is accused of hitting a porch then driving through the side of another home. two children in that home were hurt and taken to the e.r. with head injuries. the driver tried to run from the scene but neighbors chased and tackled him. >> he was very drunk. i could smell the alcohol. heather: the driver claims he had sped away from someone who threatened to rob him. police later found more than 1,000 dollars cash and marijuana in his car. ben: firefighters in california finally gaining ground against that powerful wildfire. evacuations have now been lifted after flames scorched more than 31,000 acres. but there's still lots of work left to be done. crews making progress on a still being kept from their homes. vehicles destroyed, burned out debris in communities they fled. the ski town of wrightwood evacuated but only half of the area's residents heeded the warning. >> my husband wouldn't go. he is the basic kind that says i want to protect the house, i want to stay here. ben: 37,000 acres have been charred since the blue cut fire ignited tuesday, more than 50 square miles. helicopters have been working round the clock to halt the claims, and make sure they stay put out. on the ground, responders have made significant progress cutting back the bone dry brush. >> we don't like losing homes and it is challenging when we're up against a fire that's burning so aggressively. ben: firefighters say the blaze tore through like a tornado. some residents on the east side of the fire's path have been heather and mike. heather: mike was telling me, sometimes it takes something tropical to break it. mike: you almost wait for those. there are two systems we're watching. one of a little more promise. let's talk about what is going on with fiona. fiona is the smaller area we are talking about. it is drifting to the west at 10 miles per hour. out of this. the national hurricane center believes in the next .4 hours it will drop below tropical storm status. then you see this very disorganized area here. at there is a 50/50 chance over the next five days this could become a tropical system. it's not bury organized. it's really a cluster of thunderstorms. that one would had more toward the puerto rico area. half hour. right now, look at those temperatures. cool at the shoreline. inland, basically in the 80's. look at that sky. if you fair weather clouds. 75 degrees. there is that breeze off the ocean. that kept it cool in boston. that reading taken out a logan airport. the dew point, not bad. we were in the 70's not so many days ago. perhaps even a few upper 50's. another nice, comfortable night out there. what about the high temperatures tomorrow? 75 degrees. even boston should be 79. inland, temperatures in the mid-80's with a little bit of elevation, even cooler at worcester airport. i think around town, it will be closer to 80 degrees. south shore, there is your sea breeze setting up there with close to 78 degrees. attleboro, -- in the distance towards scituate, you will see a good five degree difference. as we talk about tomorrow's forecast and we look down the day, we will see another beautiful day on sunday. if you pick this weekend to head to the temperatures 70, sony five degrees in the morning. the festivities are going on. brakes on sunday. great news there. let's talk about this weekend your it get the humid air. we are watching this cold front to the west. this is sunday evening we are talking about. most of this will not happen sunday into monday. perhaps a rumble of thunder early mock -- early monday morning. then dry air will come sweeping in here. tomorrow, beautiful. more muggy on sunday. then a chance of showers as we look at sunday night late into monday morning. tuesday though, we start to clear things off and beautiful sunshine -- tuesday, wednesday, thursday. actually pretty dry. out there. after that, low humidity, sunshine. all of this weather. does not look a whole lot worse than that. we need that shower activity and possibly we will see some of that thursday night. heather: mice favorite time -- my favorite time. ben: very nice. heather: still ahead -- >> there is plenty of gas. ben: 5 investigates thousands of are the gas companies doing enough to protect you? ed: and coming up new at 6:00, we'll go live to the scene of that small plane crash in littleton. a teen pilot miraculously walking away from the wreck. new information on what happened. also ahead, an emotional final salute to a korean war p.o.w. how decades after his death, he was laid to rest at home. and the piano man and the piano kid. the special moment at last night's billy joel concert at fenway. narrator: let's put this political promise to the test. ayotte: i've been an independent, strong voice for new hampshire. narrator: then why does kelly ayotte still support donald trump for president? independent minded republicans across america put principle ahead of party and said no to trump. ys she still supports trump. ayotte: an independent, strong voice... narrator: if she's so independent, why is she still supporting trump? disclaimer: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of ben: 5 investigates tonight, tens of thousands of gas leaks across the state, some potentially explosive, pouring natural gas into the atmosphere. heather: investigative reporter kathy curran digs into the problem of these dangerous leaks and how the costs are being passed on to you. kathy at the busy intersection : of north washington and -- sits a narrow pipe shooting more than 20 feet into the air. its job for the past 9 months has been to release & disperse natural gas leaking from this old cracked pipe below. you can see the fumes pouring into the sky. >> i can smell some gas. natural gas. kathy: the massive pipe dating back to 1907 is a major supplier of gas to the city of boston, and when a leak was noticed, to vent it like this. joe kirolyi is president of the gasworkers union. >> you could have an accident. there is plenty of gas out of that pipe. kathy: the leak is just one of the 75,000 reported in massachusetts as of the end of last year. most are concentrated in the boston area. one federal report says ratepayers across the country paid at least $20 billion during an 11-year period for all of the leaking gas. kirolyi gave 5 investigates a tour of a few of the local leaks. >> i can actually smell the gas. kathy: including this one, right outside the boston fire headquarters. >> the temporary repair when they put it on is not holding -- not holding. kathy: an explosion back in 2014 rocked this dorchester neighborhood erupting into a 3 alarm blaze injuring a dozen people. victims are suing national grid claiming repeated calls , reporting an odor of gas were ignored. gas leaks are graded from levels 1 to 3 with 1 being the most dangerous in need of immediate repair. but companies aren't required to repair leaks like this one which is a level even though three, environmentalists say they still pose a major threat. >> you can smell the gas, right? all of these plants, all of kathy: the sierra club's david zeek says the level 3 leak here in sullivan square is what's known as a super emitter. it isn't explosive but it's leaking a large amount of gas, threatening health and the environment. >> natural gas is 95% methane, methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that is 84 times more powerful in carbon dioxide, goes out of atmosphere in about 70 years. >> is going to take some time. we are doing it very, very aggressively. leaks. kathy tom kiley heads up the : trade association representing gas companies like national grid. do you think the companies could do better? >> if you take national grid for instance, they have spent about $875 million replacing pipes in the system. kathy: environmentalists support the law requiring utilities to fix the most dangerous leaks first. >> we could rapidly mitigate the effect on those greenhouse gases and we could rapidly reduce the waste. >> do what you are supposed to do. make sure the product is contained. kathy: a new law was passed in the midst of our investigation, national grid expects to have repair plans they file with the state. kathy curran, 5 investigates . ben: you can find out where the gas leaks are in your community. just had your website. heather: newscenter 5 at 6:00 starts right now. ed: a small plane makes a crash landing. the moments before impact. heather: a toddler dead, his twin sister hurt. the investigation at what happened at a babysitter for home. mike: chance for rain. i have a timeline. call him the pno kid. the local boy jamming with billy joel. >> from boston's news leader, this is wcvb newscenter 5 at 6:00. heather: breaking news at 6:00, a teen pilot involved in a small plane crash in littleton. walking away from the wreckage. very lucky young man. good evening. i'm heather unruh. ed: i'm ed harding. our john atwater is live in littleton with breaking information. john. john: well, ed, police are investigating, but that 18-year-old student pilot is getting a lot of praise. he lost all power while flying and a mouth managed to bring that plane down safely. this is video of that student pilot as he was taken away from the area where the crash happened, his parents rushed to the scene feet in the air when he ran into trouble in the single engines is no 150. the plane is heavily damaged. it crashed into the woods. the pilot escaped on his own. he was a few miles away from the airport when the plane went down. a man who lives nearby saw the plane crash to the ground. >> i was working in the house. it i level. i called 911. >> he says that his engine cut out and he was looking for a safe place to land and this was the best option. john: the student pilot the only one in the small plane. amazingly, he walked away with only minor injuries. john atwater, wcvb newscenter 5. ed: the investigation continues into a deadly and heartbreaking mystery. a little boy dead, his sister ho our juli mcdonald is live in woburn. juli, what have you learned? juli: they're still have been no charges filed. newscenter 5 has learned within the last few minutes the department of children and families had no history, no prior cases with the child to died. dcf has taken custody of three children in connection with this

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United States , Scituate , Massachusetts , Puerto Rico , Worcester , New Hampshire , Texas , Washington , Attleboro , Boston , Indiana , California , Littleton , South Shore , Hawaii , America , Juli Mcdonald , Heather Unruh , Antoinette Antonio , Ronald Reagan , Israel Garcia , Chloe Jonson , David Kang , Kathy Tom Kiley , Sullivan Square , Timothy Walsh , Kathy Curran , Wcvb Newscenter , Ted Harding , Billy Joel , John Atwater , Nancy Reagan , Emily Riemer , Kelly Ayotte ,

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Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter Five At Five-Thirty 20160819 :

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter Five At Five-Thirty 20160819

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a fight, he says. >> we pride ourselves on being a family oriented business. we are not a barroom. we are a place where families come, kids come. reporter: the 31-year-old man who was stabbed was taken to the hospital. the hospital says -- they do not know what happened or how many people were involved, but some type of our location happened at the time that they close their a midnight. >> it was in incident that we have no idea what could've provoked this discussion outside that turned into a stabbing. reporter: now the search is on for a suspect we are told took off on a bike. police are hoping surveillance cameras caught enough clues to help track him down. the restaurant has released these surveillance video over to police. they are not releasing it to us at this time. in wilburn, antoinette antonio, wcvb newscenter 5. manchester, new hampshire where a car crashed into a house on beacon street this afternoon. fire officials say the driver was backing out of the driveway across the street when she accelerated into the porch. no one was hurt. firefighters worked to make sure the roof of that porch was stable. also new, a police cruiser in nashua, new hampshire hit by a pick-up truck today. an officer was investigating an earlier crash when he was struck. the cruiser and the truck were both damaged, if you can see, but the officer and the are both ok. the truck driver is believed to have fallen asleep causing the crash. ben: an ayer man is under arrest in littleton accused of driving drunk and crashing head-on into a police cruiser there. police say they spotted timothy walsh on the side of ayer road facing the wrong way after getting reports of an erratic driver. when he tried to re-enter the road, he allegedly hit the cruiser. both walsh and the officer were taken to the hospital for evaluation and released. all right, right now, police are looking for this man wanted in him. the alleged attack happened around 12:30 monday at the intersection of cambridge street and brighton avenue. we were told by the mbta that the driver refused medical treatment. heather: lovely, sunny day today. more for the weekend, but mike, your tracking the potential for rain? mike: most people say, oh, that is awful, but after what we have been through, it is welcome news. sunday night into monday morning strong thunderstorms. you see very powerful storms. they are moving through the middle of the night. we could see nice downpours out of this as we talk about sunday night into monday morning. the only thing is the humid air is going to get pushed up by dry air. before that, temperatures will drop into the 60's. another nice, comfortable night the tropics. there is tropical storm fiona. that's not the only thing out there. there is a disturbance we are keeping an eye on. i will have the updated track on both of those a few minutes. heather: new tonight, two lawrence men have been sentenced to prison after pleading guilty to distributing fentanyl. israel garcia and maximo brito-tejada are accused of dealing drugs in massachusetts and southern new hampshire and later selling drugs to undercover officers. more than half of drug overdose deaths last year in both states were linked to fentanyl. ben: new at 5:30: police in providence are looking for several men wantedan at least one of them was reportedly dressed as a police officer. the attackers busted into a home overnight, armed with guns. it's not clear if anything was taken. police are now looking for a dark-colored suv the suspects may have taken off in. all right also new, salem, new , hampshire police looking for this man, accused of robbing a citizens bank inside a shaw's supermarket. the suspect handed the teller a note demanding money then reached toward his waist area after becoming agitated with the teller. some cash. friday night. look at that. southeast expressway not moving bad at all in both directions. let's head to the map. 93 -- usually about half hour, and it is. 31 minutes, mass avenue to route 3. the pike looks nice. easy drive. further out on the pike, weston tolls to 5, 29 minutes. stopping go a little bit on 128 south and then on 495, traffic there southbound, but northbound, just seven minutes. heather: not too bad. ben: no, not too bad on a friday. they left early, i think. all right, the maker of crocs being sued. next, the claims by parents of a little boy injured during a family vacation. rejects a settlement by uber meant for hundreds of thousands of drivers. ben: 5 investigates tonight revealing thnien someone's hacked all our technology. technology... say, have you seen all the amazing technology in geico's mobile app? mobile app? look. electronic id cards, i can even submit a claim. wow... yep, geico's mobile app works like a charm. geico. >> you are watching newscenter 5 at 5:30. ben: tonight, popular shoemaker crocs is being sued by a texas couple. heather: newscenter 5's emily riemer tells us they say their toddler was injured when his foot got caught in an escalator while wearing a pair of crocs. emily: from airports to subways escalator fails lead to more , than twelve thousand e.r. hard way when her two-year-old son became entangled in one during a family trip to hawaii. >> his left foot was pretty much tucked into the left side of the escalator. and by the time the escalator stopped, you could really only see his ankle // the rest was -- his ankle. and the rest was completely gone. emily: the little boy was wearing crocs, the popular pliable shoe, when his foot go an hour. now flora and david kang are suing crocs because they say the shoes are quote negligently and improperly designed. the texas couple also suing hilton hawaiian village for failure to operate and maintain the hotel's escalator. crocs didn't respond to a request for comment, and the hotel saying they do not comment on pending litigation. issues with crocs and escalators have been going on for the past decade. chloe jonson was wearing crocs when she had an accident back in 2006. >> chloe said, oh, my toe, my toe. me that this was something that could have happened. was surprise david and i was this was not the first incident. one child is more than enough. emily: emily riemer, wcvb newscenter 5. heather: jewelry from former first lady nancy reagan's personal collection is up for auction. that includes this patriot ring and necklace. the reagan's furniture and light fixtures will also be up for bid. the bidding will start september 19 f the the auction is expected to 21st. generate more than 2 million dollars with proceeds going to the ronald reagan presidential foundation and institute. ben: expensive jewelry. heather: beautiful though -- if you like red, white, and blue. a group of neighbors credited with helping catch a suspected drunk driver. ben: how they stopped him after he plowed into two homes injuring two children. heather: firefighters in california finally making progress in the battle against mike: for destroying nearly 100 homes. mike:hopefully -- mike: your daughter wants to stay organic. yo from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like stop & shop's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and has all the answers.arty you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, and i approved this message. heather: turning now to your economy. eddie bauer says registers at its retail stores have been been hit by hackers. the systems were infected with malware earlier this year, possibly exposing customers' payment card information. the clothing retailer will offer free identity protection services for a year to all bauer stores between january 2 and july 17. a federal judge has rejected a multi million dollar settlement involving uber. nearly 400,000 drivers sued uber saying the ride-hailing service treats them as individual contractors, not employees -- meaning they are not entitled to expenses. a judge called then 100 million dollar settlement unfair for drivers. uber is considering negotiating a revised settlement. ben: a major crackdown on robocalls. some of the biggest tech, cable , google, apple and comcast joining forces to give customers more control over incoming calls. last month, the head of the fcc sent letters to industry executives urging them to come up with solutions to the robocall epidemic which is the number one complaint from consumers. they hope the new robocall strike force will come up with new ways to combat the problem. twitter unveiled two new settings today. one modifies its notification settings to let users see only notifications of those they follow. the other is a quality filter that twitter says can improve by filtering out duplicate tweets or content that is automated. heather: a group of neighbors in indiana is credited with helping capture a drunk driver. the 31-year-old is accused of hitting a porch then driving through the side of another home. two children in that home were hurt and taken to the e.r. with head injuries. the driver tried to run from the scene but neighbors chased and tackled him. >> he was very drunk. i could smell the alcohol. heather: the driver claims he had sped away from someone who threatened to rob him. police later found more than 1,000 dollars cash and marijuana in his car. ben: firefighters in california finally gaining ground against that powerful wildfire. evacuations have now been lifted after flames scorched more than 31,000 acres. but there's still lots of work left to be done. crews making progress on a still being kept from their homes. vehicles destroyed, burned out debris in communities they fled. the ski town of wrightwood evacuated but only half of the area's residents heeded the warning. >> my husband wouldn't go. he is the basic kind that says i want to protect the house, i want to stay here. ben: 37,000 acres have been charred since the blue cut fire ignited tuesday, more than 50 square miles. helicopters have been working round the clock to halt the claims, and make sure they stay put out. on the ground, responders have made significant progress cutting back the bone dry brush. >> we don't like losing homes and it is challenging when we're up against a fire that's burning so aggressively. ben: firefighters say the blaze tore through like a tornado. some residents on the east side of the fire's path have been heather and mike. heather: mike was telling me, sometimes it takes something tropical to break it. mike: you almost wait for those. there are two systems we're watching. one of a little more promise. let's talk about what is going on with fiona. fiona is the smaller area we are talking about. it is drifting to the west at 10 miles per hour. out of this. the national hurricane center believes in the next .4 hours it will drop below tropical storm status. then you see this very disorganized area here. at there is a 50/50 chance over the next five days this could become a tropical system. it's not bury organized. it's really a cluster of thunderstorms. that one would had more toward the puerto rico area. half hour. right now, look at those temperatures. cool at the shoreline. inland, basically in the 80's. look at that sky. if you fair weather clouds. 75 degrees. there is that breeze off the ocean. that kept it cool in boston. that reading taken out a logan airport. the dew point, not bad. we were in the 70's not so many days ago. perhaps even a few upper 50's. another nice, comfortable night out there. what about the high temperatures tomorrow? 75 degrees. even boston should be 79. inland, temperatures in the mid-80's with a little bit of elevation, even cooler at worcester airport. i think around town, it will be closer to 80 degrees. south shore, there is your sea breeze setting up there with close to 78 degrees. attleboro, -- in the distance towards scituate, you will see a good five degree difference. as we talk about tomorrow's forecast and we look down the day, we will see another beautiful day on sunday. if you pick this weekend to head to the temperatures 70, sony five degrees in the morning. the festivities are going on. brakes on sunday. great news there. let's talk about this weekend your it get the humid air. we are watching this cold front to the west. this is sunday evening we are talking about. most of this will not happen sunday into monday. perhaps a rumble of thunder early mock -- early monday morning. then dry air will come sweeping in here. tomorrow, beautiful. more muggy on sunday. then a chance of showers as we look at sunday night late into monday morning. tuesday though, we start to clear things off and beautiful sunshine -- tuesday, wednesday, thursday. actually pretty dry. out there. after that, low humidity, sunshine. all of this weather. does not look a whole lot worse than that. we need that shower activity and possibly we will see some of that thursday night. heather: mice favorite time -- my favorite time. ben: very nice. heather: still ahead -- >> there is plenty of gas. ben: 5 investigates thousands of are the gas companies doing enough to protect you? ed: and coming up new at 6:00, we'll go live to the scene of that small plane crash in littleton. a teen pilot miraculously walking away from the wreck. new information on what happened. also ahead, an emotional final salute to a korean war p.o.w. how decades after his death, he was laid to rest at home. and the piano man and the piano kid. the special moment at last night's billy joel concert at fenway. narrator: let's put this political promise to the test. ayotte: i've been an independent, strong voice for new hampshire. narrator: then why does kelly ayotte still support donald trump for president? independent minded republicans across america put principle ahead of party and said no to trump. ys she still supports trump. ayotte: an independent, strong voice... narrator: if she's so independent, why is she still supporting trump? disclaimer: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of ben: 5 investigates tonight, tens of thousands of gas leaks across the state, some potentially explosive, pouring natural gas into the atmosphere. heather: investigative reporter kathy curran digs into the problem of these dangerous leaks and how the costs are being passed on to you. kathy at the busy intersection : of north washington and -- sits a narrow pipe shooting more than 20 feet into the air. its job for the past 9 months has been to release & disperse natural gas leaking from this old cracked pipe below. you can see the fumes pouring into the sky. >> i can smell some gas. natural gas. kathy: the massive pipe dating back to 1907 is a major supplier of gas to the city of boston, and when a leak was noticed, to vent it like this. joe kirolyi is president of the gasworkers union. >> you could have an accident. there is plenty of gas out of that pipe. kathy: the leak is just one of the 75,000 reported in massachusetts as of the end of last year. most are concentrated in the boston area. one federal report says ratepayers across the country paid at least $20 billion during an 11-year period for all of the leaking gas. kirolyi gave 5 investigates a tour of a few of the local leaks. >> i can actually smell the gas. kathy: including this one, right outside the boston fire headquarters. >> the temporary repair when they put it on is not holding -- not holding. kathy: an explosion back in 2014 rocked this dorchester neighborhood erupting into a 3 alarm blaze injuring a dozen people. victims are suing national grid claiming repeated calls , reporting an odor of gas were ignored. gas leaks are graded from levels 1 to 3 with 1 being the most dangerous in need of immediate repair. but companies aren't required to repair leaks like this one which is a level even though three, environmentalists say they still pose a major threat. >> you can smell the gas, right? all of these plants, all of kathy: the sierra club's david zeek says the level 3 leak here in sullivan square is what's known as a super emitter. it isn't explosive but it's leaking a large amount of gas, threatening health and the environment. >> natural gas is 95% methane, methane is a powerful greenhouse gas that is 84 times more powerful in carbon dioxide, goes out of atmosphere in about 70 years. >> is going to take some time. we are doing it very, very aggressively. leaks. kathy tom kiley heads up the : trade association representing gas companies like national grid. do you think the companies could do better? >> if you take national grid for instance, they have spent about $875 million replacing pipes in the system. kathy: environmentalists support the law requiring utilities to fix the most dangerous leaks first. >> we could rapidly mitigate the effect on those greenhouse gases and we could rapidly reduce the waste. >> do what you are supposed to do. make sure the product is contained. kathy: a new law was passed in the midst of our investigation, national grid expects to have repair plans they file with the state. kathy curran, 5 investigates . ben: you can find out where the gas leaks are in your community. just had your website. heather: newscenter 5 at 6:00 starts right now. ed: a small plane makes a crash landing. the moments before impact. heather: a toddler dead, his twin sister hurt. the investigation at what happened at a babysitter for home. mike: chance for rain. i have a timeline. call him the pno kid. the local boy jamming with billy joel. >> from boston's news leader, this is wcvb newscenter 5 at 6:00. heather: breaking news at 6:00, a teen pilot involved in a small plane crash in littleton. walking away from the wreckage. very lucky young man. good evening. i'm heather unruh. ed: i'm ed harding. our john atwater is live in littleton with breaking information. john. john: well, ed, police are investigating, but that 18-year-old student pilot is getting a lot of praise. he lost all power while flying and a mouth managed to bring that plane down safely. this is video of that student pilot as he was taken away from the area where the crash happened, his parents rushed to the scene feet in the air when he ran into trouble in the single engines is no 150. the plane is heavily damaged. it crashed into the woods. the pilot escaped on his own. he was a few miles away from the airport when the plane went down. a man who lives nearby saw the plane crash to the ground. >> i was working in the house. it i level. i called 911. >> he says that his engine cut out and he was looking for a safe place to land and this was the best option. john: the student pilot the only one in the small plane. amazingly, he walked away with only minor injuries. john atwater, wcvb newscenter 5. ed: the investigation continues into a deadly and heartbreaking mystery. a little boy dead, his sister ho our juli mcdonald is live in woburn. juli, what have you learned? juli: they're still have been no charges filed. newscenter 5 has learned within the last few minutes the department of children and families had no history, no prior cases with the child to died. dcf has taken custody of three children in connection with this

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United States , Scituate , Massachusetts , Puerto Rico , Worcester , New Hampshire , Texas , Washington , Attleboro , Boston , Indiana , California , Littleton , South Shore , Hawaii , America , Juli Mcdonald , Heather Unruh , Antoinette Antonio , Ronald Reagan , Israel Garcia , Chloe Jonson , David Kang , Kathy Tom Kiley , Sullivan Square , Timothy Walsh , Kathy Curran , Wcvb Newscenter , Ted Harding , Billy Joel , John Atwater , Nancy Reagan , Emily Riemer , Kelly Ayotte ,

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