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We have rain and fog and things are starting to look up. It is certainly wmer it is, yeah. How about that, we seeing the temperature right now near 50 degesthats above the this time of year. Rature for were kicking off the month of december. A great morning to head out. We aatching the patchy fog. Thats going to be a concern through the bus stop forecast, as well, the rain wi be moving off theoast that were g out to school theythe kids ard should not need the umbrellas, especially for the you ase head into the rideome, bree but dry. Temperaturesn the 50s, going feel wonderful. Thenly downside will be the up for this morning. Ing to pick ght now, 51 degrees in Downtown Boston, and as you can see with this live look, light fog still in place with the winds sitting about 13 miles per hour. Thatainfall, combining itsel as we move from the ms pike south, so thats going north and east, right through the south shore of the cape and through rhode iand. North and eastward. Have a nice lull in the activity as we move to the west, and ats wts going to head our way rnwides we head into the afternoon. Temperatures are hanging outn i just about 50 for th morning. Were topping out in the mid to upper 50s for the height of the afternoon. Theunshine will bereing out, and things are looking up. Heres a lookt whats going on with the roadws. Olessa. Olessathank you. The volume is not too bad, at least not here alonghe t thats eastbound heang to the top of the screen but lets go south ofown we are watchingride. One issue here, an accident on 128 northbound, right bys area. Give yourself a couple extra minus. 95 in cant and 24, northbound out of avon, your ride on the expressway, 20, braintree into boston. And still watchg that problem in boston. Yesterdays water mainreak, westbound side neland street. The eastbound side has twoway and then making your way north, 93 slow out of methuene again, down to the spot pond, trains and buses a doing ok. All right, thank you. And right now a teenagers charged in the stabbing death of his mother. Crime happened inside their home. All unfold. Randmother seeing it the oregos nicolestaphan is liveith the new information. Good morning. At teeger was facea judge this morning on a charge of murder. Th crime absolutely more risk. 18yearold frantz pice is accused of stabbing his mother, 44yearold mania meneide at the familys he on meritvenue. Police were called there just before 1 0 yesterday afternoon. The Plymouth County d. A. Says the mother was suffering from multiple stab wounds. The suspects grandmother w in the house. She ran for help. The violence only stopped when a neighbor stepped in. He came lunging to the there. You intervened. I did. I did. T knowing what i was walking into. A knife was rovered at t scene. Polynice was taken in for questioning. The big question is why. Something were hoping to get more infmation to this morning in court. Estaphan, newscenter 5. Nicole a Police Officer killed in tacoma washington. The officer was killed within seconds of arrivg at the house. The gunman has barricaded himself inside of a home. Authorities are working right now to make an arrest. New thi morning, the fourth prison inmate who escaped from a california prison haseen captured. He was found in the attic of a friends housen san jose. He was takennto custody after a seven hov standoff. The friend also is arrested. Avez and three other inmates morning. President elect donald trump and his running mate are set to celebrate their election in a big way. The eyeopeners Erika Tarantal is here with the details on todays victory tour kickoff. Erika . Yes, president elect donald trump will officiay launch the tour tonig in cincinnati, ohio, a crucial battleground state at helped him to win the white house. Before that event he and Vice President elect mike pence will travel to indiana to celebrate a more recent win. The pair will jobs at a carrier aircondioner plant in indianapolis. Trump made the situation a theme. For pence wraps up his tenure as indianas governor. No new cabinet posts announced but former Vice President ial cold front has been a possibl pick for veterans affairs. She said s would be interested in the job antoinette. Erika a condition is s t transmit gas through a coversialipelineoday. The action happening despite pushback from ridents and boon city leaders. For two years there have been tied to that pipeli. Ts this isideo of a demonstration in may. Theity officials, including sioner evans are concerned r safety. According to the globe, mayor walsh nt a lter to Spectra Energy of failing to share safety plans with the city police and fire department. There is a big cleanup underw in chinatown. And the city is trying to g everything back to normal after that hugeater main break yesterday. The weather in the ornight hours certainly hasnt, has not been helping. The eyeopeners sera con is there now with the conditions right now. What a job this is, randy. Were talking about cleanup from the water main break but als have been here arod the cck trying t deal with the damage done during his manhole fire. Take a look at the video workers weresing heavy equipme to vacuum out and suck out the bris from the manholes after underground fires after a water main rupture, a that sent a stream of water everywhere down washington reet. Three ft of water was pumped out from some basemnts and several businesses. Crews are the humidiers to help in t you cant put a number on the amount of losses people will endure. Theater short circuited the sparked a manhole fireelting wires and cutting per to parts of this chinatown neighborhood. Now were back live here on neland street. All of this was shut down to traffic but this morning were seeing the improveme one side of neland street is lane each way. So kee that in mind if you are heading in this area, and also keep in mi work crews are still here, so there are a lot of people walking in the streets. The crewsetting the job don live in chinatown, sera congi, newscenter 5. This rning the massive wildfires burning in tennessee has claimed seven lives. Searchrews found threeore bodies yesterday. Investigates say the fire was caused by humans but they dont know yet if the fire was set gatlinburgs mayor, whose home was among those destroyed, says once the fires wreckage is cleared he hopes tourists will keepisiting the area. If you really want to do something for gatlinburg, were going to be back on our feet in a short time. Come and virt us. Come back and vacationere. Primetime linup has spoken to the governor and offeredederal recovery help. And new this morning, dolly 1,000 a month to all filies who lost homes in the fire. The dol wark is in tennessee which aso sustained dama from the wildfire. Randy were hearing of complaints of squatters weeks before a house caught fire, a woman was killed in a fire. Neighbors reaed out complainin of squatting, drug us, and fires in septembe according to the documents earlier this month fire killed a wan and injred her boyfriend. So far, no word on what caused the fire. Dightons fire chief is off the job a mid a criminal investigation. Antone tony rerick is accused of spending 240 of town money to buyomens clothg. Ste police say they claimed it was for himself and that the clothes fi better after he lost weight but his girlfrien says vestigation will find much moreulen spending. Hes lost my tst. This boards trust. I feel betrayed. He was arraigned on charges incling misusing his clothing allowance, and he altered some receipts. Pice are searching for a suspect after a drugstore holdup in hudson, New Hampshire, a walgreens employee called 911 after ts man flashed a knife and demanded hooded sweaterot away with the money. No one was hurt and police are happenedhere. Gating what you this this morni, thinking ahead for a heahier lunch, the tricks to kee you focused and on budget. And a smoking ban inside of homes, when the new rule goes into effect for Public Housing. And lost and found, a special stroller stolen in fall river. Th strange who brought it bac to its rightful owner. And were staying on top of breakingews out of washington man police say shot a killed a Police Officer. This happeneas that officer was responding to aomesticviole. Neither the officer nor the suspect w ideified. Well keep you posted. The heaviest rain is on its way out. I am tracking fog and mist that follow plus a cldown on the way. First, herea look at what to expect as you are heading out the door. Things are looking very warm. Boston, 51 degrees with some fog. And elsewhere we 50s, even 61 degrees in . Have yourself a neri little ristmas . Im timmy brown from north massachusetts, i am excited to announce that tonight i will be singing at the 75thnn you canome and hg out with us tonight at the boston commons starng at 7 p. M. Tune in tonight and wll see you there and happy holidays. Randy ll right, timmy, than you very much. Timm brown, every, and we cant waito hea him tonight perform. And like he said yo can watch the holiday lights at 7 ght here on chael 5. Or if that music was just a ttleea, gout to the common and watch them. Right. Wait, wait. Beautiful voice, too. I do. Yeah. No, not quite. We have a lot to be thankful for. Beautiful sgers, and its going to be a g nht because its going t dry o. Ok. Yeah. Weather is working wh us. Ase do see a god amount of rainll now, moving off the aviest of the rain. He that really brought us that nic rainfallcculn near a inch for much of theoastline, andn into western massachusetts where it was closer to two inches, so impresve, right now were seeing th showers that are mainly moving through, as we move just south of the mass pike. Thats going to bring the light rainfall. And outside of that, there is patchy drizzle, so lets take a look at what we are seeing, plymouth getting in on the light rainfall, moving through providencend areas of of showers this morng, and that will lger for the next hour or two. One thing thats really impress i have this morning is the temperature, were seeing the tempatures above the average high for this time of year. Of course, the 1st of december, we should be in the0s for the temperatures, and this rning are seeing temperatures crossing into the for a you say and 60s. 51 in boston, plymouth at 61 dew mid to upper 50s. 40s as we move these are the locations that will stay cooler, as wl, and its really along the coastline, and that will feel that warmth for today, and as the highs go to 58 degrees. 59 a we travel down to hyannis, as well. Overall thing are looking quiet for today as the showers move off t coastline. Sunshine breaking through for today, its a mix of sun and clouds headi into the afternn. And just in time for the holiday lights tonit. We have those clouds overhead, northbound side near the mall headingowards the btom the screen. D we are watching an accident that just cleared over on that expressway north. Lets go over tohe maps and check out your ride. If y a traveling into boston were still watching that problem s wh that break from yesterday. I will have that in a moment but still watching this crash as we on 128 north. A disabled car by union street, a 20minute ride on the expressway, the accident gone by the south day mall and then here street, they are doing repairs there so on the eastbound side you have got twow traic. Eastbound on the pike, almt. 495 to 128, and 93, slow out of methuen and andover and more delays out of wilmington. So far trains and buses ok. Randy thank yo this morng stolen specialized stroller is back where it bong was returned to the fall river family where it belgs. The sevenyrold caitlin mack was very much the stroller. Her ride was stolen yesterday from outside of her house. Her mom determined to get the 5,000 stroller back. She filed a political reporter. She posted notices all around the neighborhood, and on social media. And Jeffrey Hopkins knew where to return the stroller . He spotted it on a sidewalk just a fewlocks away. I knew it was not a baby stroll, andas it was, they we expensive. I thank him very much. Randy the family says the stroller is in great shape. And they are happy to have it ck. I am so glad that they got it. To yourconomysian markets are up, wall street futures are mixed, and investors are waiting for a snapshot of theloyment situation. That november jobs report is due tomorrow morning. Nearly a million android phones are infected after hackers compromised phones through some illlegitimate appearance ans. Any app phone at risk. Malware found on infected assistance tracks users, experts say that those apps allow hackers access toour photos, as welas your emails. Google says itas blocked 150,000 versions of this cyber attack. Its warning consumers to sta away fm those uncertified apps. Foxboros board of selectmen says it is onboard with a pilot boston and gillette stadium, only on game days. Under the new program trains would run regularly between the two locations. If approved the program would run for 11 months starting in 2018. And the t still has to sign off on this new one. We will have to slow down in the city of boston. The speed limit is being lowered from 30 to 25 miles per hour. The city council has approved that change. It goes into effect on monday, januy 9. Every city road, except those specifically posted otherwise. The mayor says that a lower speed limit is part of the trfic deaths to zero by 2030. New this morng, feds are cracking down on smoking, the department of housing and urban development is banning smoking in Public Housing across the country. The policy will take effect next year, the Public Housing agencies will have a ye 1 2 to put the smokefree policies in place. Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and hookahs but i will allow the use of electroc cigarettes. Andew this morning,ecrets to lunch to save you money, too. D try a new take on leftovers for example, tortillaings, to turnast nights casserole into if you find food prep overwhelming, try packing your lunch the night before while making dinner, a share with a coworker, you bring two seingsne day, the so, i mean. Oh, for me . Sandwich, cheetos. Thank goodness you brought today. It looks good. Maybe not the healthy part of that story. Not at all. Speakg of that, staying healthy at any age. She heen eating those, an instructor teaching her moves to theounger generat thats ahead in eyepoppershis morning. And n on eye, lawmakers are struggling with how to pay for regulating it. The idea to tap an emergency fund, also a chilling note, the threat thatas mosques demanding protection. And toys r u pay it go forward in New Hampshire. The act of kindness that set off a chain reaction. Capital one bees t the other way around. So capitalne reimagined banking. . With a place that feels nothing like a bank. Anhelpful people that talk to yonot sell to you. With free checking accounts that are actually free. No minimums. No fees. And a toprated app, lets you bank right here. Thats banking reimagined. Good morning, eyeopener. Randy all right, hopedale boys, Cross Country tea, and by the way, conatulatio on their title. Good job, guys. Mike lynch explains how the team is holding its own inonhts high o five. We always look forward to that, and checking in with kelly ann, a little rain still out there . Yeah, rain is still the big sty. Were also seeing some fog out there, but the heaviest the showers, we saw last night, and now its starting to make its way out of the area, and as for boston right now, we have is a few light showers lingering down to our south. Heres the next sen days, the for this afternoon, and check out the highs. Upper 50s expected, as we head into tomorrow, breezy, that sunshine breaks out but were staying dry, this weekend, its sunny, but cool, werepping closer to where we should be this time of year as we fall down into the 40s. Rand 6 26, and lets get io oppers, olessa, what do you have for us . How about a little Gingerbread House or a big one its a creation that took a month to display at a resorted in phoenix, arizona, its a 900 square foot under the sea gingerbread village, the chef and the team, they used 500 pounds of gingerbad, 3,000 pounds of sugar, and another 1,000 pous of chocolate, and sounds lik heaven to me. It is, a lile too pretty but that would not stop me, and a little inspiration for you from michigan this morning. Meet ltle hansen. Yoga class. Most of her students are their 70s and 80s, and she refuses to let age define her. Can we see that yo move again . She does it so much the waior pose. Rig. The warrior ii. Right. There is also the tree, right. Yes. She has mastered this, goo for her. They are doing downward dog right n. Rig. A college in wisconsin reaching teens on new level. The big announcement they are holidays areut joy again. Wherdays are filled with magic instead of madness. At t. J. Maxx, marshalls and homegoods, wevemagined hothe ys this w for decades. Its why we never have crazy sales. Never make you clip coupons. And always have amazing prices on popular brands and thoughtful gifts. Its time to bring back the holidays randy breaking overght, a Police Officer killed in washington state. What were learning about the situation still unfolding a brockton teenager caused in the brutal killing of his own mother. The new information that we are hoping to lrn about the the flooding and fire cleup continues in chinatown. The work thats being done in the overnight hours to get evyt regulating Recreational Marijuana in massachusetts. Tracking dow the weather, when we dry out. Good mng. 6 30, were looking at storm team 5 radar, and som heavy rain is on its way out. Irandy price toying and im antoinette antonio. Cindy is off today. A lot of people want to know if the rain is moving out in time for the commute, and for holiday lights, very important. And you know what, its going to move out. Ok. And thats all we need to know. Right. And right now not so much the case. We saw the rain and the fog, so its not a perfect commute as you areeading out this morning, especially as you are moving south of the pike, thats where theht lingering, moving onto the cape, there is rain and also some dense fog, so thats t main concern for this morning, as we go towards the morng hours that rain will shift, and fog will linger but things are looking to clear out, well have the windy conditions this afternoon, but travel impacts are looking to be minimal. And right now, the rain mainly confined assess we go from boston south, so thats where were seeing the light and apachehowers, we also have some concerns with the fog, vity, ally ayou are moving along the coastline, were seek the visibility o three miles in boston right now. Not quite as bad asterd. And likely that willontinu to diipate as we nto the later morning to afternoon. So your bus stop forecast includes patchy fog you a heading out, temperatures are in the 40s to lower 50s, and a we ad into the ride home, breezy but the dry conditions are expected. Heres a look at wts going on with the roadways rht now. Thank you so far the roads are busy. Were watching the d northbound side, you can see th heavy vume byhe gas tank, and heading north to the top of the screen because of an earlier crash. The accident is gone but the dela are there. South of town, heavy, 95 from sharon, route 3 from way mouth, and a crash that cleared by route 24. Northbound side of the expressway, alst a halfhour, braintree to boston, and were stil watching that problem from yeday, neland street, westbound side, they are doing repairs from yesterdays water side, you got twoway traffic this morning. We of town, the pik about a halfhour, as you travel from 495 for 128, a heading north, 93, slow down to the lever connector, and were also watching red line delays, they are minor because of a signal problem. Olessa breaking news on the eyeopener. Erika here with the developments. Breaking news coming from shington state, aolice officer in tacoma was killed just seconds after responding to a domestic dtu w, and we just learned that the officer was a 17year veteran of the Tacoma Police department. A brockton motsr i stabbed to death. Investigatsay the killer is her own son. The 18yearo will face a jue this morning. Hes accused of stabbing h mother multiple times. Word on aotive there. And psidentelect donald trump, and mike pence kick off their white house victory tour in cinnnati, ohio tonight. Before that, they will be in indianapolis to aounce their keep 1,000 jobs that were slated to go to mexico here in the u. S. For pence the trip is a homecoming as he wraps up his tenure a the governor. Its 6 34. New ideas being waved to regulate the Recreational Use of marijuana in t commonwealth, and theyes todd kaczynss at the state house with the proposal on tap for the rainy dayund. Randy, good morning. In just two weeks from today it ll be legal for anyon and older in massachusetts to oke marijuana recreationall and ever since question 4 passed, there have been a lot of estions, including where the money will come from to pay for the regulation. We get the regulion going. Now were learning that lawmakers mayake to the states emergency savin account. The gle is reporting that Senate President Stan Rosenburg is considering borrowing the money and paying it back later with revenue fromaxes on pot shops. Governor baker and state treasurer deb goldberg are opposed to the idea. No comment from House Speaker bob de leo. The house would need to take the startup costs for potal. Regulation could be up to 30 million. You may recall that it was 20 milln thatas borrowed operational costs for the state gaming commission. That money was then paid back with casino licenseees. Li from the stateouse, todd kazakiewich, wcvb newenter 5. Warren is cating some heat for failing to support a key health bill. Warrenlaims that rublicans changed te bill which she helped to write to benefit pharmaceutical companies, but adction treatment advocates sa much needed funding for eir program is tied up in that legislation. A warren a tells the globe that even if the 2century act passes, mon for adction treatment still needs legislative action. Country, including here in new england. A letter filled withate speech was sent to the Islamic Center on saturday, address to thechdrd president elect donald trump, the massachusetts chapter of the council on american and islamic relations is calling for stepped up Police Protection of the mosque as well as the federal and state investigato. You see that the wave of hate really some threatening letters have been sent to a mosque in california, indna, and georgia. Calls to prepare for rg sea levels in New Hampshire are derway. A new report finds that while the Significant Impact wont be sell the for decades, coaal communities need to get ready now. A state commission on coastal risk and hazards suggests that the communities adjust regulations to meet th challenges of rising sea levels. They are on track to rise by t year 2050. A store in New Hampshire, getting into the holiday spirit. The big w that it i pay it go forward, and ahead in news to go, close calls on the runway, becoming more common. The startling new numrs. Plus a trial continues for a former Police Officer charged energy costs go up and down. At eversource, we dont like it any more than you do. It doesnt mean more money for us. It means that the market price of the energy we buy for you is changing. The supply of clean, affordable ener across e region and the communities we serve. And as the numberone provider you use. Welcome back. A live look outside at the pike, a check by allstonbrighton, heading towards the bottom of the screen, delays on the roads, we also have pet conditions so not the best visibility out there this morning. And a couple of train delays, rid line and orange line, both have minor delays, and no w some delays on the needham line, and i will have more details coming up. I am going to wait for rarity this morning, rains moving out but check out the temperatures, 40s and 50s out the, 51 degrees in Downtown Boston so its a nice,arm start thats leading us into a warm afteoon. That rain continues to shift out, and well see the sun break through with highs in the upper 50s. Breezy conditions, thats what well have to deal withor this afternoon, and also tomorrow all right, an act of kindness at a New Hampshire toys r us, it started when Chelsea Provencher and her daughter braved the black friday crowds soiolet could buy toys with her gift card, but the pair ran into a little trouble. They were 5 srt, s thats when the chier stepped in, sheila nelso paid the difference. It amazed me that she was ni enough to help out when someone was distressed becae of something so little. It was an instinct, i like do nice things for other Roger Provencher was s moved of the kindnes that he donated 552 to help other customers who are having trouble paying for their purchases. Toys r us takes it a step further,eturning provenchers cash and then making a donation in the same amount in the familys nam there is a holay spirit there. I can do better, b in this case, yo know, thats how we want it. Neighborhood. Cleanup still going on at this hour, and new push to mov halloween. The trickortreat proposal facing [ bell clangs ] celebrate the holidays with delicious dunkin coffee. Stop by duin donuts for two kcup boxes for 1 or 3 pounds of packaged coffee for 19. 99. Be noisy. Be silent. Be near. Be joyful. Be together. Celeate joy with dunkins holidayflavored coffees, espressos, and donuts. America on nkin. Randy good morning,he Eyeopener Team ready with news to go in brockton. Chinatown, and erika is tracking and Hurricane Season is officially or, it was the first season be above norl since 2012. 15 named storms madeheir way through the atlanti but first ts check in with kelly and the forecast. The rain sloyut surely mong out, and it is slowlyving ut but you know what, well have a price t payed on the winds moving in today, so its all looking a bit brighte this forecast. We wl see the winds picking um already for this morning, those iles p hour. That will affec how it is feeling. Right now, lets take a look at that rainfall. Which ov the past month, november, was rather impressive, especially towards the ler portion of the month, but it was not quite where we should be for average. Average, 1. 79, and for the year, asre in the Drought Conditions e are seeing the point. The rain was beneficial and were seeg a light rainfall thats barely lingering as we move south of the mass pike. That is going to bri the temperatures for the next hour or two before we dry out into e late morning. The rain is confined as we go from plymouth moving onto the cape andlso moving just south of boston. We are getting in on the light rainll affecting travel along 128 and95, into thefternoon warm significantly. Seeiwee that right now as were climbing up to 51 degrees in boston. Worcester at 44 degrees. Well see the tperaturesinchinte sunshineking to break out, here a look at the roadways with lease olessa. The rain outside. This stretch of the pike looks lets get to the maps and check from way mouth. Esaynow, a halfhour as you travel from braintree into boston, accident cleared, and we still got that issue on neland street, westbound side is where they are doing the repairs from yesterdays water main break, so eastbound has tway traffic this morning. Eastbound along the pike, a halfhour, 495 for 128, and some more delays on 93 south out of andover, and watching a crash on another by route 1, street and trains and buses with the exceptn of the red and orang line are operating on schedule but again the red line has minor delays, southbound side,he orange line has minor delays and the needham line also has delays. Randy. Randy breaking ernight, a Police Officer in tacoma, washgton has been ot and killed, that officer was responding t a Domestic Violence call last night when he was shot. Allegedly by a man who was barricaded insid of a home. Poli are still surrounding that house. They believe that the suspects and a mother kild and her s charged in this horrif Nicole Estaphan is live in brockton where there are still a lot of unanswered questions, nicole. A lot of unanswered questions. Perhaps the biggest one th morning is why. Someing we might have more answers about a 18yearold Frantz Polynice faces a judge on a charge ofurd. Police say that 44yearold mania meneide seen in this photo was stabbed multiple times by her own avenue home on monday afternoon where they discovered a horric scene. The suspects grandmother was also in the house with the help of a neighbor. She was able to escape unharmed. Is a knife was recovered at the sce, but again what led to that violence, unknown this morning. We do hope to have more answers here in brockton. Live in broton,oleic estaphan, newscenter 5. Cleanup and repairs are underway here in chinatown, they have been here all night ter seral manhole fir along neland street. They hav been using heavy equipment to vm out, suck out the debris from several of those manholes. U ca see the charred power lines that were pulled from underground. Now those fires were sparked by water. Water from a water mn that ruptured flooding washington street. About a dozen businesses are closed right now while they try to clean up and dl with the water damage thats been done to some of those now were back here with some live pictures. You can see the neland street is open to some limited traffic. It was entiry shut down yesterday all day long. Right now they are allowing one lane of traffic in each direction, but just be aware that it is congested if you are coming into the area, and a lot of the crew membe are still working on those repairs. You are going to watch out for them. Live in chinawn, sera congi, newscenter 5. And v. P. Elect mike pence arp ready for their victory lap, a help to win the white house gets underway with a rally in cincinnati, o. Bere that t pair will be in indiana to announce tir dea with heating and airconditioning company carrier. The agreement keeps the plant, slated to move to mexico, in indianapolis. Its not clear what incentives we offered to carrier. And as for the rest of the tour there will likely be stops in ttleground states including pennsylvan florida, north carolina, and michigan, but detailsave yet to be announced marijuana becomes legal in massachusetts, just two weeks from today. And now were learning more about where the stauponey may come from to pay for the regulation of stores and grow operations. The globe is report that go Stan Rosenburg may suggest borrowing the money from the rainy day fund, and payingt back later with revenue from taxes on pot shops. The retailersre a set to open in 2018, startup costsor pot commission was formed. That money was then paid back. Reporting live from the state house, todd kazakiewich, newscenter 5. Randy nine minutes before 7 00. Dolly parton is steing up to help families hurt by a devastating wildfire. The Dollywood Foundation is donating 1,000 a month to all families who lost their homes in tennessee. The donations will continue for up to six months. At least seven people ha died in the and businesses have been destroyed. The fate of a former South Carolina police cer accused of gunning down a black man after a tratop is now in e hands of a jy. The entire incident captured on cell phone video, Michael Slager is charged with murder after shooting 50yearold walter scott, a murder convion carries a sentence of 30 years to life. And the first genal morning, bob bnett, a true bennett passed away on tuesday in newport beach, califora, after a long illness. He built wcvb from the ground up 197 by 1981 theyork times recognized wcvb as probably americas best television stion. Bennetts 50year caree was capped by his eleion to the prestigious broadcasting ha of fame. Rapper kanye west is out of the hospital and ho back this morning. West was taken to the hospital la mth reportedly suffering deprivation. The hospitalizatiol an onstage rant at a concert in sacramento. West has canceled the remaining 21 dates of his st. Pablo tour, that included a december 28 show in boston. The federal Aviation Administration is keepi an eye close calls. Spike and runway the incidents climbed 25 in the first fiveths of this year stances where planesame closer to each other, and then permitted on the tarm the Agency Reports that there hasnt been any major runway collisions between large planes and recent memory. Using snapchat to connect with studts in a unique way. E iversi of wisconsin green bays Admission Team is sending students snaps to let them know that they have been accept. That mea that ey are finding it has been a big hit with the new students. And a lawmaker was to change a long standing tradition. He wants to move halloween from the 31st to the last saturday in october. State representative j cutler argues that it wouldbe safe, saferor trickortreaters who would not have to dodge traffic, and it wou no longer fall on a school night. But the bill already is facing some opposition. Halloween falls on a weekend. The pistonses topped the celtics at the garden. The key for the pistonses. They outrebounded bosto 5233. Aiah thomas pacing the celtics with 27 points. Kelly scored a sson high of 19 despite a cut on his right elbow. 121114 the final. The cs hosting sacranto tomorrow before they hit the road for three in a row. That time of yea the snds of the season at symphony how with the bton pops, they opened their 2016 holid pop seasonast nightng with the festiva great toear them all, over thholiday season, the pop perrm concerts. And staying in the holiday spirit, bostons officialree lighting is tonigh lighting on boston comns, our very own anthony everettnd j. C. Monahan hosting holiday lights live tonight. If you cannot mit the you canatcht right here on channel 5. Always a f night. It is. We ha breaking news from the Traffic Department this morning. The needham line impacted because of thisituation right here, a car thats on the roof. This is rig o the tracks there, near the tracks, so right now they have delays expect. Well keep you as far as the roads, volume here as you travel the pike, eastbound towards the bottom of the screen, by allstonbrighton, and lets get over to t map because we have a few additional problems to tell you about. 24 heavy out of avon. Route 3 from way mouth, theres a crash b route 18, and your ride on the expressway, a halfhour, braintree to boston, accident cleared, still watching an issue on neland street by washington street, the water main break, and still doing repairs on the westbound side, so eastbound has twoway and north of town, 93 is slo out of andover down to the lever connector, and we have got a crash here on 128 south in peabody, over by route 1, where one lane is closed. Were alsoat wing other train delays, the green lin has delays at this point, on the b branch, and those are minor, and orange line h southbound delays, and the red line has delays, as well,nce again, needham line, wing the delays because o that overturned car, t weather t rain is still a conce at this point, and its light and mainly sit theass pike. That continues to shift north and eastward as we go through the forecast. As we dry out heading into the afternoon. Temperatures right now, mainly in the 40s 43 degrees in worceste 46 in springfield, and boston, at 48 degrees. And now, temperatures are going to get a bit cooler, were in th 50s, and by tomorrow, were dropping to about 50 degrees, breezy conditions, anby this weekend, yeah, the sunsne is out, but were down into the 40s, which lets be real, that should where we holiday lights, you will need a breezy but at least its dry. Or stay home and watch it on channel 5, thanks for joining us and have a great day. Wellee you tomorrow morning. Ive spent my life planting a sizesix, nonslip shoe into that door. On this side, want i my custers to relax and enjoy themselves. But these days its phones before forks. They want wifi out here. But behind that door, i need a private connection for my bines public wi for your cmeus. Iness. Private wifi for your business. Strong andecure. Good for a door. And a network. Comcast business. Built for security. Dylan anybody can do parkour. Our whe aim with the gym is to get peop moving, and want to have people understand that you own a body. We can do so crazy things with it. Having blue cross blue shield, ive always felt comfortable being able to try something that i might not know if im going to land, because ive always had this security behind me. My name is dylan. I own Hub Parkour Training Center good morning, americ trail of destruction. This twister i florida caught onamera as deadly tornadoes devastate the south. 48 twisters reported this week. Now the death toll is rising. It looks like a war zone up here. Thetorm system moving east and a new threat brewing down south. Breaking ovnight, protest erupt over that Deadly Police shooting in charlotte. Prosecutors deciding n to charge this officer after that shooting in broad daylight caught on camera. Stop. The new evidence and what the victims family is saying now. Donald Trump Victory tour. The president elect celebrates his de t save more than a thousand jobs making good on campaignpromise. Call up the head ofcarrr,

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