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Cindy fitzgibbon. He was nervous dark out there this morning. We have a while to go before the sun is up. The sun is not up until 6 56, by the end of the month, 7 17, and we fall back as the daylight savings time and november little preview of whats to come. We have got the whipped out there this morning making a difference, the same winds, 10 to 15 Miles Per Hour. 40s not so bad, the winds is making it feel colder. 41 in worcester. Still lower 50s on the cape. Skies are clear. We have got loads of sunshine, a bright, Beautiful Day with a deep blue sky. However, this northerly wind is pulling air down out of canada, so the temperatures are going to 54 degrees, and well top out in the upper 50s to near 60, thats it this afternoon 50s on the cape today, we have lots of sunshine, lets talk about the weekend coming up. Right now, out to the roads we go on a friday morning. A couple of trouble spots out there. Just a few, and delays building. You can see them here, 93 southbound, starting to build the volume, lets go you travel into town. We have got this crash on 128 southbound at the braintree split, if you are head that go way, delays back to 24, the expressway now 15 to 20, braintree to boston. The pike is still quiet. 128 as well and then crash 495 south. 93 stop and go out of methuen. The delays state there into andover and more volume down to the refer connector. There is no words for what these guys do every day. A captain realizes how close he came to losing two of his officers. A tremendous show of support. Thats where we find sera this morning. They are on the minds of so many the two are in Critical Condition. The h cordoned off as a crime scene. The d. A. Describing this as complex as any in recent memory. The mayor and commissioner joined dozens of people in east boston last night to pray for officers Richard Cintolo and Matthew Morris. They were saved on wednesday after a dramatic shootout with Kirk Figueroa, who was killed. Captain Kelly Mccormick got emotional when he talked about we did everything within our capabilities. When you shoot at the officers you are shooting at the community, whether its one of my officers or the people that live here, its the same thing, hurting us. Officer morris lost massive amounts of blood when a bullet severed an artery. Both officers needed a blood transfusion. Tonight there will be a vigil on gladstone street at 6 00, those who attend, they are asked to ar support for police. Live in east boston, sera congi, Wcvb Newscenter 5. All right, thank you. We now know why the officers were called to that home in east boston. A man saying that he called 911. He said his roommate threatened him with a knife over a fight about the thermostat, sources say when richardson cintolo arrived he was shot as many as four times, but they missed his vital organs. Officer matt morris was not as and a tourniquet, and doctors say that probably saved his life. Morris is grateful. He clearly said to me i want to thank this particular officer. He saved my life. So he knows how close that he was to death. The officer who applied that tourniquet had just been trained in how to use it days before. Five minutes after 6 00, two people charged in the murder of an elderly man in orange are just hours away from facing a judge in a Antoinette Antonio is in orange this morning. She sets the stage. They are expected to be arraigned later on this morning. Investigates describe this as a random attack. Brittany smith and joshua hart were returned to massachusetts on wednesday. They were arrested last week states away in virginia. The pair is charged in the murder. His home. His 77yearold wife was injured, and at last check was still in the hospital. The day before the murders. Smith and hart were arrested for stealing her grandmothers car, and they were released on bail. Of course there are a lot of questions surrounding the case, including a motive for the murder and the home invasion. Well be in the courtroom and let you know what happens. Live in orange, Antoinette Antonio, Wcvb Newscenter 5. Antoinette thank you. Commitment 2016, newbe could be an uphill battle for donald trump, even as he lashes out at Sexual Assault allegations. Erika tarantal is here with the new information. Erika . Erika were focusing on the battleground states. Those states that could go for either candidate and will swing in this election. A new poll of New Hampshire voters gives Hillary Clinton a sixpoint lead over donald trump. It was done both before and after that access hollywood video, and the second debate. A Public Policy polling survey gives clinton an 11point lead in the granite state. We should point out that poll was done for a democrat leaning group. Last night trump told a crowd in ohio the debates were unfair. Including giving the questions and answers to Hillary Clinton before the debate. I dont get them. I am angry at the republicans they dont get me the answers and the questions. Trump numbers of allegations an attack between the media and the clinton campaign. Clinton responded for the first time last night in california. The best way to rebuke the kind of campaign that the other side has run is by defeating my opponent and what he stands for. Clinton will appear on the Ellen Degeneres show right here before heading to New Hampshire tomorrow. Emily clinton has submitted written answers to questions. She was ordered to answer questions from the conservative legal firm, judicial watch, which filed a freedom of information request, but clinton responded 20 times that she could not recall information. She also claimed no one told her that keeping a private server was questionable. The candidates gearing up for their debate before the Prime Minister election on wednesday in las vegas, and i will be coverage for you right here on newscenter 5. Randy a warning to those enrolled in the Massachusetts Health connector, the Board Members there are expecting confusion during next months open enrollment, and they say due to premium hikes and changes in eligibility. They are warning over 230,000 members to check their status and do a shoparound of better premium options. The board says it places appropriately checking their status. Wasting money at the grocery store. The tricks that have you paying more, and these dogs are safe after being trapped 60 feet underground. What went wrong and how rescuers freed them. What do you see in this video . The theory carving a scare in michigan. And two Police Officers are in Critical Condition after being shot on wednesday Matthew Morris were responding to a call in east boston when it happened. And a lot of sunshine in store today but gusty winds out there this morning. A chilly start to your weekend, and a warmup on the way. The frost and freeze advisories, as well, first, the temperatures out the door right now are running mostly in the 40s, but that wind, making it feel cooler, grab a jacket, wind chills in the 30s in many the outside corporate interests ceive you. Heres the truth every time a new Charter School opens, it drains money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 million just last year according to the states own data. Which means real cuts to our kids in arts, technology, ap classes, preschool, bus service and more. Thats why question twos opposed by the massachusetts pta and School Committees all across the state. Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Good morning, eyeopener randy now that is a wakeup call. Yeah. They have a h night at 11 35 if you missed it on sports o. T. We would love to see your spirit so shoot your wakeup call and upload it using our wcvb app. Cindy it will be chilly this morning. Wait until tomorrow morning. You will be up early tomorrow morning. Brace your plants for it. A big shock to the system. Yesterday we snuck up to 72 degrees, it was the warmest day this month. It will be cooler, below average in fact, today and tomorrow, and look what happens. Were sneaking up again. Sunday and monday, and making a push towards 70 degrees, so up and down the temperatures in the next few days. Cooler air now coming out of canada, flowing around a big area of High Pressure. This high going to give us sunshine today and tomorrow and on into sunday, so what a stretch coming. It looks great. Winds are gusty this morning behind this frontal boundar the wind is sustained at 10 to 15 Miles Per Hour. Higher gusts so it does feel chillier outside than it is. Most are running in the 40s. You can factor in the wind, it feels like its in the 40s. The winds settle down close to noontime, and much less wind this afternoon. Lots of sunshine. Look at the temperatures. By 5 00 p. M. , 58 degrees, and were talking highs today in the 50s to near 60, thats it. So a much cooler day than what yesterday was all about, and tonight were falling back down into the 20s and 30s. Many spots near or below freezing, we have already seen the growing season come to an end in Worcester County on westward but from 495 close to the coastline, freeze warnings are up for tonight, and frost advisory at the coast, this does not include you on cape cod. Cover up the plants them inside. There could be a killing frost or a freeze. The High Pressure, gives us the delightful weather on saturday, by sunday, it is dropping south, and milder southwesterly wind, so thats why we warm it up, and heres this front, so its going to drop in on sunday and monday. And with a couple of showers the first half of the day, and thats the next chance for rain. We have a glorious weekend coming up here on saturday. It is the cooler day, after highs in the 50s to near 60, and on sunday, with the wind, look at that. Making a run towards 70, it early next week, we have the temperatures warm, mid 70s here through wednesday. Get you out to the roads right now, and busy to start out on a friday. A couple of problem spots and delays, heres the expressway by the gas tank, and you can see the brake lights lighting up. Lets go to the plans and see your ride, also some volume in place on 24 out of avon, 95 from sharon, and a slow ride on 128 back to route 24, approaching a crash at the braintree split. Once you get past that, 25 minutes on the expressway, and then along the pike, still 15 eastbound, 495 to 128. And another accident on the ramp here from 495 south to route 3 north, 93 southbound looks ok. And volume picks up near concord street, and it will be a stop and go ride down to the spot pond, so far, most of the trains and buses are on schedule, 304 is canceled so use 302 instead. Randy what we do for our cats and our dogs, well this, turned out to be a tricky rescue in trapped more than 60 feet underground. This morning we are hearing how the dog it started at 10 00 yesterday morning after winston and rosey, some how got sucked down a pipe. The pipe is 150 feet long, and only 12 inches in diameter. The rescue required a back hoe. Police and fire, and two different public works crews. And at six hours. Finally the dogs were freed, and as you can see, they are happy to be out. Pretty excited about getting out of there, i am sure that they were thirsty, as well. The dogs were fine, well taken care of, very lucky, and i am glad its over. And both dogs are just fine. The owner says that the first thing on todays todo list is clean up that backyard. Your economy this friday morning, asian shares were higher, including thai stocks which surged following an ease in uncertainty after the death of that countrys king. Stock futures right now are higher, and investors well be on retail sales today. New this morning, unraveling tricks that Grocery Stores use to get you to spend more money. First shake off your produce. Not only does that mist sprayed on them entice shoppers to buy but adds weight causing you to pay more at the checkout counter. And next go for frozen. Buying meat, breads, and fruits and veggies in the frozen food section will keep more money in your wallet. And dont be fooled by onestop shopping. It might be convenient but consumer experts say that p increased by 75 at the grocery store. Randy the shark gets into a divers cage with the diver still inside the cage. Emily its incredible how that diver escaped with his life. Its in eyepoppers. Erika the kindness of these runners in the middle of a race, and a wellknown tourist attraction, the emergency at the and jumps onto a defendant. Why he says that he felt he had to do it. Connecting with my friends. Love it. Connecting with some sketchy guy from a blocked number who just called saying hes with a tech company that needs Remote Access to my computer to block a virus he detected . really . Hey we hear you. Thats why aarp created the fraud watch network. To help you protect your family with information on the latest scams, so you can spot fraud from a mile away. If you dont think this is right for me when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Good morning, we are the local firefighters, we took on this rehabilitation project, and to fix our flag up at the high school, and we did it in honor of a plan who served his country and his community honorably. We did it for those who continue to serve this country and this a joy to do. And with that we would all like to say good morning eyeopener randy beautiful effort, awesome job, guys, a wonderful honor indeed. Emily and good morning to all of you. Cindy, a little on the breezy side today . That wind is making a difference this morning. Sun, well, you can see, going to pop up over the horizon, 47 degrees, that wind is busy out of the northwest at 15, gusting higher so wind chills are feeling like they are in the 30s climbing into the 50s despite the sunshine. Winds settling down. A cold night tonight, a frosty start tomorrow but moderating temperatures with sunshine near 70 on sunday, and great weekend to take in the foliage, which is peaking far to the north, lots of colors in central new england and an increasing color around here. Great weekend ahead. Thank you. 6 23, it is time for eyeopener with olessa this morning. And just in time for halloween, were talking about a superior, it has many thinking they are looking at a ghost ship. Take a look. The ship was captured by a michigan videographer, he says the ship was in the waters for 30 minutes, and experts say that it is likely a lighthouse off the coast. But its nice to pretend it is a ghost ship. Its like that story. Right. And terrifying video in from mexico, a shark bursting out of a divers cage with a diver inside. A great white was biting chunks of bate when the diver got outside when the shark entered and swam to the coast uninjured. They said that they are lucky this was not a tragic adventure. Do you want to do that for fun . No, i do not ever. Were off that. How about this, a gorilla, escaping its enclosure in london, where the visitors had to hide until that animal was found. And were learning more about boston. His ties to law enforcement. And the abrupt final call that he had with his mom. And were in worcester right now, a live camera here showing the sun coming up this morning, friday morning, the weekend is here here. With two president ial debates now in the books, in less than a Month Remaining until election day, its time to take stock of what america has seen and heard. Or more to the point, not heard. There are no points awarded for sheer originality as this race chartered new destructive territory. Mudslinging seems like such a quaint and an ackistic term for the negative campaigning in 2016. Sadly such originality makes many voters want to take a shower rather than becoming enlightened and inspired by the continued slide to unimagined depths is another blow to the ideal of participatory democracy. The next president will face daunting, unsolved issues that cannot be ignored, but at the last debate they were ignored. The topics never mentioned, climate change, education, gun violence, infrastructure, on the list liar, email breaching and sex tapes. While we obviously support the institution of nationally televised presidel how to best serve their most important audience, voters. Moderators no matter how well intentioned often seem powerless to steer discussions to substance of issues and away from personal attacks that most viewers find more repellant than informative. No question. This Current Campaign and these debates when constitute a new low. But if we can tweak and reform some parts of the process to bolster the turnout we can do the same with the debates where [ roars ] [ up tempo music ] dinner and for the First Time Ever stream live tv, watch on demand, there is no words. A Community Comes together. Their powerful message for two Police Officers shot in the line of duty. Plus new information about the man accused of opening fire new details expected today in a chilling crime. What we could learn when this pair faces a judge. And an inspiring show of sportsmanship. Two runners prove its about much more than when you cross the finish line on the eye. You are watching Wcvb Newscenter 5. 6 30 on this friday morning. A live look. 128 headed towards great plain ue will have a seat ahead and im emily riemer. Randy and im randy price. Croirg bunching is not but we have a beautiful stretch. Clear skies and sunshine all weekend. We are starting to see the light getting later. By the end of the month, 7 17, and daylight savings time comes to an end as we fall back on november 6, the sun will be up at 6 24, so got a ways to go. 40s out the door right now. 41 in worcester. Over 50s on the cape but heres the difference. The wind is busy and that wind is gusting over 20 at the coastline making it feel colder so the kids will want a jacket, winds settle back and getting off the bus and sunshine, but a bit cool, in the 50s today with the High Pressure nosing in canada so cooler than yesterday. By noontime, less wind, and in the 50s by 5 00, a few of us make a run toward 60, nashua, closed, upper 50s, may touch that 60degree mark. And sunshine in the 50s today, and more on the weekend forecast coming up. Out to the roads and back to the bunching. Olessa yes. This is near 109, they just the bunching. We have the delays as they go towards needham so give yourself extra travel times. Check your ride, south of there, we have got delays into the braintree split, and thats because of a crash thats clearing, so if you are heading that way its a slow ride and more delays on the expressway. 30 minutes from braintree to boston. The pike, 15 to 20, 495 out to 128, and if you are heading north watching this crash thats on the ranch from 495 south to route 3, and then more volume on 93 to the lever line, thats train 304, use 302 instead, that train is running 15 to 20 minutes behind schedule. Randy were getting new details about the man accused of starting a firefight inside of an east boston home, and that gun battle nearly killed two veteran Police Officers. Emily sera congi is live in east boston with what we have learned. Sera the mother of kirk moments before the gunfire began here at a home on gladstone street. Yvonne tells the Boston Herald that he rushed off the phone with a very abrupt, got to go. She says shes praying for the injured officers. 5 investigates found that Kirk Figueroa had multiple aliases and started three company this is florida and other states that focused on security and protection. Figueroa also wrote about his rebirth into the nation of islam after visiting ethiopia at a he was also a sworn constable in boston. We talked with kevin leery, who held the constable job for 37 years. He tells us that figueroas biography could have raised red flags. Where this gentleman seems to have had a lot of various jobs, in a quazilaw enforcement manner, that may be he should have been looked at deeper. Include a check in the fbi database so police did not know about figueroas runins with the law in georgia and in arizona. The motive for this shooting at this point remains unclear. The two officers are at mass general in Critical Condition. Live this morning in east boston, sera congi, Wcvb Newscenter 5. Emily thank you. Now to some of the other stories we are following right now. Randy and eric caw has new information. Ik ready to face a judge. Brittany smith and joshia hart are accused of killing harty and injuring his wife. Police have called the crime random. Also the level 3 sex offender charged with breaking into a south end home and sexually assaulting two women is due back in court today. Ronald brown hid his face. Today a judge will decide if hes too dangerous to be allowed bail. A busy day on the campaign trail, donald trump will campaign in North Carolina, a hampshire. Hillary clinton appears on the ellen show today at 3 00 p. M. On channel 5. Randy right now an elderly man is fighting for his life after falling on the cliff walk. Its not clear how that happened. It happened around 12 30 yesterday afternoon. Crews were forced to strap the man to a stretcher and slowly haul him up the cliff. He was airlifted to Rhode Island Hospital with serious injuries. He was alert and talking during the after dozens of people who ate the rachellefish got shellfish, just ahead of the oyster festival. There were reports of about 75 people with suspected norovirus in the past two days, mostly in the outer cape. Local businesses are recalling any affected shellfish harvested after the 26th. That policy, according to the union leader, falls in line with the recent directives from the Obama Administration including allowing students to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity. Randy trees along the Memorial Drive in cambridge have an unusual feature. Emily and olessa knows why. Shell have the answer ahead. And high school runners, showing some things are more important than winning. Their extreme sportsmanship. Randy a judge jumpi courtroom. The tense situation leading to olessa good morning, welcome back, bill wanted to know, why there are often Memorial Drive with two by fours strapped onto them, just like this. The wood planks are there to protect the trees from construction in the area. Always a good plan, and if you have a question i will get answers for you, askolessa hearst. Com, reach out on facebook or email me at askolessa hearst. Com. A live look outside at our roads this morning, a check of the expressway by the gas tanks, and slow ride heading northbound, almost 35 minutes now from braintree to boston, and luckily, no major accidents or issues to report. Sun getting ready to pop up. Clear skies, and 47 degrees, but a busy wind. It will settle down as we get into the afternoon, but a cooler day than yesterday. Only in the 50s today. Sunshine all weekend. Waking up to frost tomorrow morning in many areas, and then a moderating trend near 70 in the 70s early next week. Emily. All right, thank you. And a show of true sportsmanship on the Cross Country course, two runners helping an injured third runner to finish this holyoke fell and sprained his ankle with a mile and a half to go so jimmy and alex saw what happened and picked up richard and carried him to the finish line. It was a little tough but we worked together. It was not easy. And we had to mix it up like how we were carrying them. Its not about how like when you finish but about how you finish the race. And their kindness was for their efforts. Randy we have an update on two boston Police Officers. A captain has an emotional moment. And a gorilla escaped its enclosure at a zoo. The fast move taken to get visitors out of harms way, and an embarrassing moment for one customer, the moment that could customer, the moment that could really cost great price on this boneless chicken yeahno bones about it. Es. This price is so low. Me eat my greens . No, just trying to save you some green. Whaaat . thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. Randy good morning. Were in east boston, in orange and erika has new polls numbers in the race for the white house. But first hurricane nicole leaving a path of destruction in bermuda. The storm pummeling the small island with winds up to 115 Miles Per Hour yesterday. Peeling off roofs and ripping up trees, and the storm has since spun into the ocean but we could feel some effects here. You can see where it i swells kind of emanating off of that. This is moving away into the north atlantic now, but bermuda took a beating. Strongest storm there since back in 2003 so they are going to be cleaning up for a while. Around here we have got really nice stretch on the way. Take a look outside. How beautiful is that . Pink sky over boston. Temperatures, though, much cooler today than that 72 that we had yesterday. Its only in the 50s today, and near 60 tomorrow, and half of the weekend, and trending above average as we head towards sunday and next week. And cool air, flowing out of canada, thats where the weather is coming from around this area of High Pressure, and the winds, they are picking up. So we have got clear skies, and were going to have a lot of sunshine but breezy this morning. The his winds settle back this afternoon. 41 in worcester. 47 in boston, and 52 down in the cape, but you can see how active the winds are. They are gusting higher, winds settle back by lunchtime, and you can see the sunshine all day, and upper 50s to near 60, thats it for the high temperatures today, so much cooler over all, and tonight were down below freezing in many spots over the interior, and near 40 in boston but we do have a frost advisory up. A freeze warning farther inland. You want to go ahead and protect your plants because this could be a killing frost and freeze. The High Pressure, sinks to the south and we get in milder temperatures for the second half of the weekend so near 60 tomorrow, and near 70 on sunday and lots of sunshine, it looks great at gillette. Roads, some trouble out there this morning, olessa. Olessa a couple of problem spots. Heres a look at route 1 in saugus in the southbound side. Slow. You can see if there, lets go to the maps and see your trip, as you go south, clearing the accident at the braintree split on 128 south. You have got delays back through 24, and on the expressway, its a halfhour, braintree into boston. Traveling the pike, eastbound side, 20 minutes, 495 to 128, and 93 south, stop and go out of methuen, and accident cleared on the ramp from 495 to street down to the lever connector. A train 304 is canceled, use 302 instead but it is running 15 to 20 minutes late. A show of support for two officers. Randy sera congi is near the scene with that and what were learning about the recovery of those two officers. Sera they are in Critical Condition but showing signs of emotional when talking about the efforts being taken to save the two. We did everything within our capabilities to bring these guys home safe. Last night the mayor and Police Commissioner joined the east Boston Community in prayer for the officers Richard Cintolo and Matthew Morris. They were shot during a gun fight at the home of the suspect Kirk Figueroa, who was killed. The house where the shooting took place is cordoned off and residents in the area are planning a vigil for tonight at 6 00 asking everyone to wear blue in support of police. Live in east boston, sera congi, Wcvb Newscenter 5. We are expecting to learn more about the hope invasion and murder of an elderly man here in orange as the two suspects face a judge. Brittany smith and joshua hart were brought back on wednesday after they were arrested last harty inside his home. His 77yearold wife was seriously injured in the attack. At last check she was in the hospital. The day before the murder, smith and hart were arrested for stealing her grandmothers car, they were released on bail. We will be at the arraignment and will let you know what happens. Live in orange this morning, Antoinette Antonio, Wcvb Newscenter 5. As donald trump fights back against a slew of claims accusers horrible people Hillary Clinton appears to be pulling ahead in a number of swing states. In New Hampshire a new umass poll gives clinton a sixpoint lead. Trump vowing more attacks on his rival who says that she is not taking any leaves for granted. They will lie, lie, lie. The clinton are criminals. Got to work really hard for the next 3. 5 weeks because who channel 5 at 3 00 today. Trump will be in North Carolina today, and then New Hampshire tomorrow. Emily. Emily the candidates are gearing up for their final debate before the president ial election on wednesday in las vegas. I will be there with live reports following the debate on newscenter 5. A New Hampshire town on alert this morning as Police Search for the gunman in a shooting earlier this week. Police say Jason Cuocolo shot a woman in the head on tuesday. She was taken to the Critical Condition. Police say cuocolo is armed and dangerous. They have received several reported sightings but none have panned out. They say it was not random. The suspect in an alleged mission hill Sexual Assault in boston is due in court today. Jose cepeda of roxbury is accused of throwing a woman to the ground and assaulting her last weekend. Since then dozens of tips have he will be arraigned on assault and other charges. The Worcester Regional Airport is set to receive millions in aide for taxiway construction and also to grow the facility. The funds will follow two other multimilliondollar grants from the f. A. A. The latest grant was awarded by the u. S. Department of transportation. Sal dimasi could be released from prison early. The bureau of prisons recommending a compassionate release. The 71yearold is battling cancer. He was convicted in 2011 of corruption. He served almost five years of his eightyear sentence, a judge does still have to approve that request. The government will collect data on the use of force by Police Officers all across the country. The fbi and the Justice Department say that the, they are compiling this information on a national level, is essential to building the community trust. Last for years, and there was a series of deaths of black men by Police Officers. A Pilot Program will begin next year involving the Largest Police departments and the federal agencies. After a massive data breach advisory signals it may try to renegotiate the 4. 8 billion takeover of the company. Experts say that its up to ya hugh to prove the impact of the data leak that affected 500 million accounts, but that it would be reasonable in light hack to change the terms of the deal. Another zika transmission zone is confirmed in greater miami. Floridas governor says that five new cases were transmitted locally in what they called the little river area. The cdc is advising pregnant women not to travel to that neighborhood, which is a one square mile area. A gorilla scare at the london it happened near closing time. Visitors were kept in a cafeteria as zoo workers used a tranquilizer gun to sedate and recapture the big guy. Nobody hurt and his handlers say hes doing just fine. A judge is defending his decision to jump on the defendant here in the courtroom in order to restrain. The judge says he just had ordered the man to jail. The man resisted efforts to handcuff him by the court officer. The incident happened in december, and hes telling a michigan paper that he was concerned for the safety of the man and the court officer. Good morning america is going to have more on the judges bold move coming up right after the eyeopener. The dodgers are heading to the National League championship. It was a nailbiter to the finish. The final out at first base with two men on in the ninth for the nationals. 43 the final. The dodgers head to chicago to take on the cubs tomorrow in a best of seven series, and that the world series. A close start for the bruins in their season opener. Down 20 in the second but thats when they turn on the jets. An incredible night for brad marchunderstood with an incredible night two goals, three assists. 63. This man kneels down to check out the flatscreen tv and he ends up stop stop where you dominoes there. And he then stands in the middle of the mess, shocked at the incident, and the tv is valued at just over 6,000, sir. The man was not forced to pay for the tvs. It happens. It just makes me cringe. I have done that with a paper towel display. It is just as embarrassing, not as expensive. You are lucky there is no video. I have not been back. The roads have been quiet with you can see the delays. Lets go to the maps and check out your ride. We have one crash westbound on the pike. It should not impact your commute too much. And then the expressway, 30 to 35 braintree to boston. The accident cleared on 128 south at route 37, 24 slow out of avon, and the delays on the pike now, up to 20 minutes, 495 to 128. North of town, looking better on 495, accident cleared by route 3, and your trip on 93 south, most of the volume picks up spot pond, slow to the lever connector, and delays on the train, 10 to 20minute delays on the train 302 and for the rockport line, 104, has significant delays. Cindy . A chilly one. Cindy but a beautiful sky, sun ready to pop up over the horizon. A lot of pink, clear skies, going to be with us all weekend long and lots of sunshine in store but chilly this morning. 47 degrees, but look at the wind. Its busy. Its making it feel colder than worcester and lower 50s on cape cod, and the temperatures are going to climb very slowly today. Were not up over 50 until 10 00, 54 at noontime, and upper 50s to near 60 are the highs today, different than yesterday, when we did top 70 in most areas, but we have got clear skies this morning. And the High Pressure nosing in. This controls the weather all weekend. And so as the winds die down, look at the temperatures tonight. 20s and 30s away from the coastline, and where we doff you can see along the coastline there will be patchy frost. The High Pressure drops to the south this weekend, so milder air moves in as we head into sundays, and that front is going to bring the next chance of showers as we head into sunday night and monday, so great weather, saturday is the cooler weekend day, and you can see the temperatures in the 50s to near 60. But look at this on sunday. Upper 60s, near 70, if we dont touch that we will, as we head you can see mid 70s here as we go towards wednesday. A bonus. Right. Thanks. Randy best to call about the paper towel thing. Shes heading over, and she will be there in a she saw the boots and fell for fall all over again. Was she expecting to find the perfect designer boots at such an amazing price . No. But thats the beauty of a store full of surprises. You never know what youre gonna find, good morning, america. Donald trump unleashes a tie ride against the clintons and media. Outright lies. They will attack you. Shell slander you. Denying claims he sexually assaulted women even going after one of her accusers for her looks. You take a look. Look at her. Ok i dont think so. First Lady Michelle obama blasts trump delivering a very personal response to that lewd tape in it has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldnt have predicted. Hurricane nicole battering bermuda. Blasting the island with winds topping 100 miles an hour. 90 of the nation without power. Now its path this morning as a massive new storm heads for the

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