Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160806 : compa

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160806

on changing this cup throughout the newscast. >> kind of a war morning out there. -- warm morning out there. there is not much going on yet. a few scattered showers trying to make their way into the northern berkshires but not seeing much out of that. there's a cold front out here. showers and thunderstorms are already firing up. humidity going on today we are looking at the potential for strong thunderstorms through the afternoon. the next 12 hours in boston, you can see what happens. nothing this morning -- plenty of sunshine. a thunderstorm starts to be introduced to the forecast and look at the temperatures. close to 90 degrees today. we will give you an hour-by-hour break dump it by 2:00, showers and's thunderstorms starting to erupt. towards 3:00, pushing into the boston area, the storms can get and what lie behind them coming up. antoinette: state police are investigating a deadly crash in sutton. troopers from the card are rude 146 in flames. the name of the driver has not been released. right now three popular beaches are closed after sharks sightings. at least six great white sharks spotted feasting on a wahale doug: the warning from officials this morning. reporter: lurking in the water some very hungry great white sharks. >> anytime a dead whale turns up and they do die, white sharks are targeting those whales. they enjoy scavenging the blubber off their bodies. reporter: as many as six white sharks were spotted devouring it prompted warnings to be alerting cape cod bay and the closure of beach point, cold storage and news landing beaches. >> given that the sharks were on the whale. the whale did wash ashore. it makes sense that folks would take a precautionary scans for at least a day or so. reporter: marine biologist said that researchers swimmers to constantly be vigilant. >> it is becoming a common thing where white sharks appear. if you go to swimming beaches, pay attention to where you are going and whether there are seals in the area. you do not want to place yourself in any risk by being next to those seasls. reporter: because of these great white sharks, these three beaches are expected to be close through tomorrow. antoinette: new this morning, the animals found in deplorable conditions on a westport farm in nearly 1000 animals are expected to stay at the new site as the criminal investigation moves forward. two inspectors have been fired following the investigation. the town inspectors are accused of failing to address years of unsanitary conditions. last month, thousands of animals were found in poor health. doug: battleship cove in fall river will be back open after a scare at the maritime museum. someone noticed a suspicious package that appear to be an explicit device. the bomb squad checked out the package. turned out it was a forgotten prop. antoinette: a new hampshire couple facing jogged and child neglect charges after the death of their baby. crews responded to this camper and found the unconscious baby. the child's parents bradford facing any charges in connection with their son's death, but they are accused of possessing and intending to sell methamphetamine inside the camper. during yesterday's hearing, kayla austin's mother pleaded for her release. >> just two months old, suddenly passed away on monday. we are still working out funeral arrangements. kayla is a kind and loving person. antoinette: police say there are no obvious signs of fouay results to show how the baby died. doug: a total outdoor water ban in situate. the reservoir is only 28% full. jorge with the new rules and how people are coping. jorge: brown lawns are the least of the problems in situate. you can see the bottom of the reservoir shows the real crisi. where rained every day. i had not seen it in two weeks. you could walk across it. jorge: some parts of the reservoir look like a moonscape. during a normal year, i would be standing in water up to my chest. the level is at 28% and dropping at half an inch a day. officials initiating a total water ban. >> it's tough. i mean, everything around here is all brown. allowed. effective immediately, only watering cans are allowed to water the flour or vegetable beds, avoiding the heat of the day before 9:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. >> trying not to use outside water. my wife's got a vegetable garden and you need water for the plants. we are trying to do thing off hours. is it time to shower together? >> i do not know if anyone in my family would be up for that. jorge: water police are issuing a $50 fine for a first offense, $100 for a second. around here they are praying for a reigning summer weekend. -- a rainy summer weekend. antoinette: critics are targeting the states new regulations for ridesharing. taxi owners are now planning to file a lawsuit against the state. legislation yesterday. the bill requires background checks for all uber and lyft drivers. they do not need to be fingerprinted. it allows for the pickup riders from logan airport. the governor says the law keeps riders safe. doug: more trouble for the t. an overhaul of the green line trolley is expected to take longer and cost more than million and is expected to take at least a year longer. the t wants to refurbish the 86 green line trolley, fixing mechanical issues and removing asbestos. the boston union plans an outside contractor. antoinette: the summer olympics got off to a spectacular start in brazil. the games began last night with the elaborate pomp and pageantry you would expect from the world's biggest athletic event. >> let the burst of fireworks, the 2016 summer olympic games are officially underway in rio de janeiro, brazil. they opened as 80,000 watched in a packed maracana stadium. an estimated 3 billion watched around the world. brazil provided the pageantry. the ceremony reflecting the more than 11,000 athletes from 206 countries gathering in rio for this year's games. for the first time in his five olympics, michael phelps carry the american flag, leading u.s.. as the most decorated olympian of all time, he was voted the honor by his teammates. michael phelps has one 22 olympic medals, 18 of them g antoinette: some of today's event include the opener for the u.s. basketball team, women's soccer and swimming events. normally i stay up to watch that. i didn't stay up. mike: doug doug: i love 'em. antoinette: it is fun to watch. doug: so is this show. antoinette: much more coming up including a fire that tore doug: friends at a rap concert in new jersey suddenly taking the plunge. the accident that stops the show. antoinette: tom brady is speaking out. he opens up on accepting his suspension. >> storms today listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? o listerine? users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine? kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. take a look at these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... >>yep, greatness deserves recognition. uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. >>best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. >>well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. doug: getting ready to shut down newberry street in traffic. antoinette: letting shoppers on foot takeover. not everyone is a fan of the idea. diane: michael has been the owner of the shopper 22 years. he has seen a lot of businesses come and go. >> new people, even from the neighborhood. people that come in and i've been open all this time. we do not advertise. diane: why he welcomes the idea of keeping the street open to foot traffic for a day. >> it is a break from the normal -- with a car. it changes the atmosphere. hopefully it is enough to bring sneaker junkies plans on opening its doors early to draw in more people. >> that should bring in a lot of people. diane: but the idea is not sitting well with some. >> as a service business we take appointment so street traffic is not what we rely. diane: lisa hills, she worries that it might keep some of their customers away because she s sundays. hills hopes it is the last event on the street of its kind. >> even the people that work here, where they going to park? diane: the mayor's office says it could become more regular if it is successful. they will review the feedback before they make the decision. >> now your team 5 forecast with meteorologist mike wankum. antoinette: for all the people probably the better of the days. mike: sunday is looking spectacular. there is the map at 3:00 this afternoon. cold front coming through. showers and thunderstorms. antoinette: cold front? mike: relatively speaking. here is the thing. we need some rain. so far this month we have had a few sprinkles. in boston we are running seven inches to the dry side. once the afternoon, this is your best opportunity for rain by tonight, it moves out of here. the thunderstorms are fast and furious and if you are in the right place at the right time you might get a decent rain. right now 71 degrees, dew point that has come up overnight. 64 degrees. right now we are kind of in this uncomfortable range, but i think by this afternoon we feed into those thunderstorms and we head the dew point plunges way down. much more comfortable weather. what is happening this morning? not much. a little bit of sunshine to start your day off. as you look to the west, notice how we see a few scattered showers. this is why put a small chance we cease get it this morning over the northern part of the state. as you looks in the west, look at that cold front coming at us. that is the one that will give us around of showers and thunderstorms. and those could be on the strong side this afternoon. degrees. heat, humidity in play. thunderstorms will end this evening and it will clear out overnight and the humidity will drop as the winds switch to the northwest at 5-10 miles per hour. by noon, there is not much going on. most of the activity is to the west. we get nice and warm this afternoon. then things develop between 2:00 this afternoon pushing into the it does not mean you need to wait until 3:00 or 4:00 to move things around and planning for it. if this guy starts looking threatening, that is the time to head in, whether you are out in the boat, you feel uncomfortable, you need to go inside. 6:00, showers and thunderstorms pushing the way through the cape and after 8:00 tonight, once the sun goes down this is out of here. if you are going to be in the right place at the right time you might get some of this heavy in rain in a short time. the other thing is because of the dynamics of the atmosphere, there could be gusty winds. 40-60 miles per hour seems to be the trend. as we talk about the lightning, lots of activity going on. lot of people outside. when you start to hear thunder, you should be inside. as far as hale's concerned, not much of a threat today. tomorrow, a whole different weather pattern. we have temperatures that are not that much colder. monday and tuesday. starts to ramp up on wednesday. the end of the week is looking unsubtle. we could get scattered showers. it is not a very organized area we are talking about but the threat will be out there. look at the temperatures -- backup up around 90 degrees by the end of the week. this afternoon, keep an eye on the sky in case the showers are popping up in your neighborhood. antoinette: some of the other stories happening right up it doug: investigators are looking for answers after a deadly fire and france. 13 people are dead in half a dozen others hurt after a fire swept through a crowded bar in rouen. police say the fire broke out at a birthday party of 50 firefighters were called to help put out the flames. antoinette: 10 people are hurt after a railing collapsed during an outdoor rap concert in new jersey. a partition separating concert goings from the stage fell over, causing people to tumble down to were performing. the concert was forced to end early. the first family is heading to the vineyard for a two-week vacation. they spent their summer vacation on the island nearly every year since they arrived in the white house. daught ersasha already working on the island at a seafood restaurant. no public events are scheduled during that visit. doug: the sox blanked 300. he had 9 strikeouts. -- in a three hitter. this kids on fire. david ortiz not on the lineup but he was on the field as the dodgers honored him in a ceremony. the sox beat the dodgers 9-0. tom brady calling his decision to move on from deflategate personal. brady speaking out about that it one data time, trying to set an example for his teammates as they prepare for a new season. last month, an appeals court rejected his request a review his case. that meant the four-game suspension would stand. after that decision, tom brady decided not to appeal to the u.s. supreme court. >> i try to focus on what i need to do to get better and help our team. i'll be excited to be back when i am back. i'll cheering our he's going to deal with that four-game suspension when pats to win. antoinette: a the help of some adorable dogs. service dogs for heroes worked with trainers to bring certified therapy dogs and veterans together. the director lost part of his leg in iraq. my leg was hurting, when i was having phantom pain, when i was having flashbacks or one that. he provided comfort. antoinette: now he wants to make sure other vets have access. he believes that service dogs cannot only change but save the lives of returning veterans. dogs to have that sense. it seems like when your are doug: they want to make you feel better. they are amazing creatures. antoinette: a milestone birthday celebration for the oldest market basket employee. doug: he turned a spry 96. his secret to a long and prosperous life. some students in wisconsin are fed up with the lack of air conditioning in their school. they are taking matters into their own hands. the clever way they are going to solve the problem. antoinette: we take a live look gorgeous pink sky. doug: matches your outfit. antoinette: 5:22 as we introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. america runs on dunkin'. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ? yeah, in the summertime ? t burn. ? dunkin' iced, oh, yeah, in the summertime ? ? livin' in a dunkin' paradise ? little bit of a reaction. there is a moderate risk of rip currents. otherwise, it would be a good day to be heading to the beach. keep an eye to this guys because we have a chance of other sums this afternoon. if you are stepping up this morning, readings in the low 70's. high temperatures today right up around 90 degrees. with a southwesterly breeze a little bit cooler over the cape in the islands. temperatures in the 70's and 80's but a warm, sticky da you start to see showers to our west. this is the area pushing in as we start to talk about after lunchtime. between 1:00 at 5:00 is your best opportunity for seeing thunderstorms. the biggest threat to thunderstorms will be south of the pike. for the weekend, today, thunderstorms around 88 degrees. for tomorrow, a whole different pattern. temperatures a little bit cooler and a little bit more basket's oldest employee just turned 96 years old. doug: he's been a bagger for 26 years. he works two days a week. he takes care of his two dogs and he cherishes his job and says he never was to retire. >> keeps me busy and that is what keeps me going. if i waited for death,i probably would not be able to walk. walks in, hey, whippersnapper. he still drives. he says the secret to living a long life is keep working and take a vitamin every day. antoinette: he's in perfect health. doug: inspiration for us all. changing his tune. antoinette: donald trump having a change of heart. the key endorsements he made last night ever several big share of -- sheriff's van. 5 investigates what happened on the night of this young man's death. antoinette: a live look over the city. you are want to keep an eye to the sky. mike wankum says we could have some severe storms later on today. he's hello! first week here at td bank, he's a robot from one of those other banks. we're training him to bank human. i am banking assistance & registration technology. wait, wait, wait. but you can call me, banking assistance & registration technology. hi amy. thank you. thank you. that is not protocol manager jenna. things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. don't just bank. mike: severe weather is a possibility. i will show you when it moves through and the impact on the rest of the weekend. antoinette: major about-face from donald trump. a string of surprising endorsements. the big names he is suddenly supporting. >> the new safety measures put in place after we revealed what happened in the back of a sheriff's van on the night a young man died. 5 investigates. >> you are watching wcvb, is leader. good morning. this is newschannel 5's eyeopener. ? we ain't got no air ? ? antoinette: a parity -- a group of wisconsin students suffering from the lack of air conditioning use a clever way to raise the funds. the big celebrity hoping they are hoping to attract with those the original version, you know who i am talking about. thanks for joining us on this saturday. doug: we have got possible for the july and august 6? mike: watch the skies. they're going to be some thunderstorms. it is a saturday and an afternoon. you want to make sure she make some plans to move inside of things get threatening. nothing going on right now but a lot of people are saying, what thunderstorm? as soon as you walk out, you start to feel the heat and humidity. there is a little bit of activity going on. a few scattered showers, a few spring goes as it cuts across the southern part of the granite state clipping parts of northern mass. otherwise we have to wait until everything to the west starts to push its way in. you see right now a broken line ahead of this cold front. with the heat building throughout the day, it will allow something to fire up as we had later on today. climbing close to 90 degrees. nothing going on till after we get late this morning into the early afternoon. here is the map at 2:00. showers and thunderstorms starting to erupt. these could put down some very serious amounts of rain. also, some gusty winds and watch out for the lightning. at 3:00, encompassing a lot of the area. i think the strongest storms will be south of the city as we head into late afternoon. we will talk about the timeline and what you can expect after the thunderstorms roll through in a few moments. antoinette: state police are investigating a deadly crash. the car was in flames when police arrived. this crash happened just after 9:00 last night on an overpass along route 146. investigators have not release the name of the victim. doug: three beaches are closed for the weekend after several great white sharks feasted on a new and letting, beach point and cold storage beaches are closed as a precaution. let the games begin. the summer olympics are underway in rio de janeiro. opening ceremonies were held last night to today's events include women soccer, and some medal events and swimming. -- in swimming. mr. trump: fully support and endorse senator kelly ayotte of new hampshire. antoinette: donald trump heading to new england after delivering an unexpected endorsement. the presidential nominee reversing course after several big snubs this week. trump's trip to wisconsin. mr. trump: a state i truly love, parmelee because it was my and will continue to represent the great people of new hampshire. reporter: trying to end a disastrous week, from endorsing kelly ayotte, john mccain, and house speaker paul ryan days after starting a gop feud by saying he might not. mr. trump: i support and endorse our speaker of the house paul the highest esteem, senator john mccain. reporter: trump has been trying to get back on message, focusing his attacks on hillary clinton. a new poll has her up 16 points. on friday, trumps temperament questioned by former obama cia head, writing in a new york trump. reporter: hillary clinton trying to correct the record did she claimed she never sent or received classified e-mails on her personal server and that the fbi director said she told the truth. but actually, he said she did send classified info. mrs. clinton: director, he said my answers were truthful. that is the bottom line. reporter: hillary clinton did not th taking questions. she has not had a full-blown press conference since last december. antoinette: donald trump will be in massachusetts and new hampshire today attending the high-priced fundraiser at the home of william koch. then another fundraiser on to nantucket. tonight he heads out to window, new hampshire, for a rally at as he vacations on the vineyard. he is expected to attend a fundraiser for presidential nominee hillary clinton on the island later this month. guests will be expected to contribute up to $33,000 for the campaign. clinton will attend a separate fundraiser in provincetown. doug: police investigating the drowning death of a child in danvers. the two-year-old was pulled from its families pool thursday night on druryan before he was taken to children's hospital. the case is being called a tragic accident. a motorcycle is is dead after a crash and beverly on route 128 last night. a 30-year-old man crashed into a guardrail. his passenger, a woman, was seriously hurt. antoinette: sentencing day for to lying during the whitey bulger trial. ryan fitzpatrick was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to pay a $12,000 fine. prosecutors say he made numerous false claims while under both as a defense witness. the government says fitzpatrick's motives for lying was to promote his book about bulger. the boston teachers union says new federal mandates to better serve homeless students will be tough to achieve due to budget constraints. the changes include removing and roman barriers, more development for teachers and shouldering the cost of transporting the kids to and from school. last year it cost the city three point $8 million to take the 3900 homeless students to and from school. doug: new security measures in place after 5 investigates exposed what happened the night he young man died in the back of a sheriff's van. sheriffs department transport van will provide an additional layer of security to keep passengers of the officers transporting them safe. the state-of-the-art vans were bought by the department in the wake of tragedy. do you think this could have made a difference? >> it might've made a difference. i think the real, to me the real question is, what was going on inside f or four hours. reporter: the move comes months after sam dunn was found unresponsive in a van while it sat park for four hours outside the massachusetts alcohol or abuse center in bridgewater which was in lockdown. surveillance video showed corrections officers only according to his death certificate sam died of an overdose after ingesting opiates the day before. at the time none of the departments vans had surveillance cameras. essex county also changed his policy by adding checks on passengers every 15 minutes if there is any type of delay. >> you look at technology coming look at ways to improve. you try to make sure that it does not happen again. reporter: 5 investigates frequent checks and limited wait times after the dunn case. two other departments were considering adding cameras. three have no cameras at all. right now nine of the 14 sheriffs departments across the state either have cameras in their vehicles or are in the process of adding them. in norfolk county, all 16 transport vans have cameras. one in each compartment. custody of the inmates, supervise the inmates. make sure there is no drug or for diabate past. we have had altercations in the back of the vans. you can see with the aggressor is. it does have a lot of advantages. reporter: norfolk county his has had cameras for eight years. >> i think about him every night. reporter: tony dunn is trouble they took his son's death to prompt changes but hopes of allies will be saved. -- saved. >> he did not die for nothing. his life was important and there were steps that could be taken to change the outcome. reporter: the head of the sheriffs association tells us they will take a deeper look at the transport policies and hoping to come up with some kind of alternative plan with the department of corrections for one of facility is in lockdown. doug: shots fired caught on over a deadly takedown and why a critical moment was not recorded. antoinette: a popular deli shut down after 90 years. but there may be some hope for disappointed customers in brookline. the new effort to keep the tradition alive. doug: heat and humidity triggering a round of shaws and star market has everything you need, every day! shaws and star market prices. and now save even more during our huge anniversary sale. get lays family size chips or smartfood popcorn $1.99 each, limit 4. 32-ounce gatorades 79 cents each. and 2lb california strawberries or 18 oz blueberries $3.33 each. shaws and star market's anniversary sale. doug: frustration is going after the social security administration adds extra security to online accounts. users have to enter an extra coe in addition to their username and password. the codes expire 10 minutes after issue. not all users have cell phones. they have no way to access their. social security admitting this is an issue but it currently does not have any solution to the problem. the problem will not interfere with the distribution of benefits. american airlines had reached a deal with unions to raise wages for 30,000 employees. the hikes are effective immediately and range from $115% saying that the increases makes the hourly wages the highest in the industry. antoinette: a budgeting program at playing ridge park casino bringing in 3000 users. the play my way program started in june. so far 32 people have enrolled -- 3200 people of enrolled. it requires they set a budget before they gamble. the slot machine will notify you as soon as you reach those preset limits. but it will not stop you from playing. the says the program provides a necessary resources for responsible gambling. doug: the state of new hampshire happening -- asking for federal help to deal with dried conditions. the request is for rocking him and strafford corner. farmers say the lack of rain has affected the corn crops. the supply is cut in half. they cannot irrigate. farmers impacted by dry >> it will help us preserve the land, pay our taxes, pay for our equipment as the crops fail. and help maintain the open space and the character that new hampshire has strived for over the past 50 years. doug: the governor says more than 30% of the crops have been lost in those three counties. antoinette: seeing stories like that, i'm going to stop complaining about my brown lawn. mike: there is nothing is nothing you could do. we need some rain. let me show you what we have got going on right now. antoinette: that is nice. mike: sunrise on schedule. you get a little bit of roller action to the ocean. if you're going to the beach, there is a moderate risk of recurrence. keep that in mind. look at that picture. -- there is moderate risk of rip currents. that is setting us up for a chance of thunderstorms as we head to the afternoon. nothing much going on. a few sprinkles to the north and west. it is when this cold front comes through that runs into all of that that runs into all of that heat when we get those thunderstorms. because the timing is just about perfect in the middle of the afternoon that is what we are looking for the potential for strong to severe thunderstorms. humid conditions after today. 86-90. do it this morning. this afternoon, things could get interesting. thunderstorm threat is in the evening hours. once the winds go to the northwest after midnight, the humidity starts to go down. much more comfortable later as you are waking up tomorrow morning. so, let's check on what is going to happen. here is the way it looks at noon today. we are iup in the mid-80's. between new and 2:00, -- noon the area that is the most unstable is in this area. once we get to 3:00, thunderstorms start to get a little stronger. the line marches his way down towards the cape. 6:00 -- you know the cape. i am giving you an hour-by-hour breakdown. give yourself some pad time, because sometimes the computer models are not going to be exactly on time. once you get past lunchtime to 7:00, the threat of thunderstorms will be out there. as we head towards overnight in getting comfortable. the biggest threat to the storms, heavy rains. it is not out of the question that an isolated thunderstorm could put down a quick one-to three inches in one spot. this is not a widespread rain. because of the dynamics of the atmosphere, gusty winds. we are talking about a wind gust of 40-60 miles an hour. it is isolated. it could happen in one neighborhood and not in the risk. but lightning -- this time of year a lot of people are outside. you do not want to move in because you want to stay out there -- you need to move inside because the thunderstorm threat with lightning. lightning is one of the underrated killers from storms. it is really dangerous out there. here are the beach temperatures. water temperatures are really nice. we have got a moderate risk of rip currents along the north and south shore where we are seeing the surf running 2-4 feet. high tide at 2:34. as soon as the high tide comes in as when you're going to be moving off the beach as well. over the next seven days -- today i indicated a high impact whether day because of the threat of thunderstorms that heavy wind as well. tomorrow, the sunshine is back. the humidity is down. and even though it is for degrees cooler it will feel a lot nicer. monday and tuesday look spectacular great as we head towards wednesday, humidity start to come back. early as wednesday but the time we get to thursday, friday there will be a chance of seeing a few scattered afternoon thunderstorms. look at that view. isn't that spectacular? i love it when we move the studio out. antoinette: can you get out of the shot? we want to enjoy it. time now 5:50. some of the other stories we are following right up. doug: outrage after the release of body cam footage from the fatal shooting of an 18-year-old car theft conference yesterday. that body cam video shows the officers firing towards the car and then handcuffing paul o'neill. police say the cameras did not record the fatal shot. now only else family is suing for wrongful death. the department has stripped three officers. antoinette: the autopsy report of the orlando nightclub shooting victims are being the information after several requests. the cause of death of the 49 victims and the shooter are available. family members of the victims were notified this would happen. doug: some good news of fans of rubens. it may not be closing for good after all. a message posted by the owners on facebook said the deli was shutting down after nine decades, but the globe reporting the owners have found an investor who wants to keep it open and continue the tradition. negotiations are still in the works. its first store in rhode island. it will open next friday at garden city center. the maine based retailer takes over a 17,000 square foot base previously occupied by officemax. students at a wisconsin school are frustrated with the lack of air conditioning in their school. antoinette: what did the kids do? they created a parody video to raise money for a new one. ? ? ? antoinette: the re-created will smithy's rap song with some help from their teachers. looking to attract anyone willing to fit the bill for central air. they are hoping one of those people is ellen degeneres. then someone else who has deep pockets. >> it is warm all of the time. they get used to sweating to make it through the day. antoinette: sumsc last week. the kids will be back in two weeks to start their fall session. fresh prince of bel air, tv show, will smith before he was will smith, he was fresh prince. doug: fresh air. antoinette: her mother says she was hand-picked for earth by her brother in heaven. doug: ahead, a local family who endured is so much loss shares a beautiful blessing. antoinette: at 6:00, shark warnings on the cape. white frenzy. doug: let's do some clamming. tid'es out in lynn. a gorgeous start to your saturday morning. but mike says hold onto your hats. we could see some thunder boomers later on today. dear fellow citizen, ow. most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do for retirement. but i like to think of retirement like it's a 30-year vacation. so how are you going to get there? don't worry. it just takes some planning. and i can help. so if you have a question about retirement, ask me. sincerely, bernard tynes fellow vacationer and fellow citizen. ? ? 4 by 4 by land, 4 by 4 by sea ? ? 4 my country and how it all started out ? ? 4 the brave and every boy scout ? ? 4 doin' it yourself cuz you want it done right ? ? 4 by 4 the top down - stars keep ya up at night ? ? 4 by 4 every one of our seventy-five years ? ? 4 by 4 the wave - that's how we say 'cheers' ? ? that's how we live ? ? 4 by 4ever ? takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. mike: this morning the sun rise at 5:52. however we are losing a couple of minutes every day. by the time we get to august 23, the sunrise is 6:00. let's talk about what is going to be happening today. temperatures out there already into the upper 60's. high temperature today approaching the 90 degree mark and keeping an eye start marching their way in this afternoon. keep in i do this guy as we talk about the threat later on today. speaking of today, high temperature 88 degrees. tomorrow, less humid weather and temperatures in the mid 80's with that thunderstorm threat this afternoon. watch out, there could be some downpours and gusty winds. doug: the family of a foxborough boy who died of cancer has welcomed the new edition. antoinette: many remember danny died after a battle with a brain tumor last year but not before receiving thousands of cards. last friday, his mother gave birth. it is the smame day of the week danny passed away. she says her daughter has given her a new reason to be thankful for friday's. she precious gift you have sent us. there is no doubt that little girl will know how loved her big brother was. doug: what a swing of a motion for that family. antoinette: more trouble for the t. doug: upgrades to green line trolleys are on hold. why do people put milk on cereal? oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal? why does your tummy go "grumbily, grumbily, grumbily"? why is it all (mimics a stomach grumble) no more questions for you! ooph, that milk in your cereal was messing with you, wasn't it? yeah, happens to more people than you think... try lactaid, it's real milk, without that annoying lactose. good, right? mmm, yeah. i got your back. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. karen: >> now on newschannel 5s eyeopener. doug: shark warning on the cape. some beaches could be closed all we can. antoinette: new regulations for ride sharing services but there is one group challenging the law. the fight that may end up in court.

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