Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160227 : compa

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160227

i'm shayna seymour in for antoinette. doug: and i'm doug meehan. a big round of applause for shayna joining us right now. here's the thing. you didn't oversleep. it's not monday at 7:30. this is not "chronicle." shayna: it is definitely not monday at 7:30. doug: so happy to have you here. danielle: we are very excited to have you here. you know what? the temperatures at this point are kind of cool out there. 22 degree currently in boston. you see it's 16 right now in worcester. 18 up in keene. 20 in plymouth. and it's not just the air temperature this morning, folks. we're talking about these winds. they're out of the west anywhere from about 5-10 to 15 miles an hour. because of that, we've got a little bit of a wind chill to talk about. so it feels more like six degrees in worcester. three degrees right now in pittsfield so if you are headed out, we're in the single digits. i would bundle up. we're not used to this colder weather. at least the last several days have been pretty warm. lots of sunshine. those winds shifting from the west to the south and west. that's a warming wind so warmer air is on the way. temperaturewise, upper 30's, low 40's today with some sunshine. a little bit of lake effect snow showers out in eastern new york. that won't make it to our area. watching another system back to the west. this will bring us our next chance for rain. we'll talk about when coming up. doug. doug: danielle, thank you. outrage this morning over the punishment delivered in the philip chism murder case. 40 years behind bars but with the possibility of parole. shayna: that possibility too much for the ritzer family and their supporters. the eyeopener's frank holland with the decision and what the family calls a betrayal frank: doug and shayna, the family says they are devastated by the sentence. philip chism raped and murdered his math teacher colleen ritzer in 2013. but when his sentence was handed down friday, the family learned colleen's killer could be in their lives for years to come. two months after colleen's judicial court decided juveniles cannot be sentenced to life in prison without chance of parole. >> because of the s.j.c. restrictions, our family will be forced to begin attending parole hearings in 38 years which is simply unimaginable to us. we want to be very clear. at every parole hearing our family's voice, colleen's voice, will be heard. frank: the ritzer family says they will endure a life sentence of grief, but her killer could eventually get his life back. the family calls the sentence unacceptable and is calling for a change in the law. doug: the maynard fire department is taking steps to fire a veteran firefighter charged with raping a child. prosecutors say james macgillivary raped that nine-year-old boy in 1991 and that macgillivary knew the boy. the judge held him on $15,000 cash bail and ordered him to wear a g.p.s. bracelet. macgillivary has been a firefighter since 1986. crash on route-93 south in canton. closing the highway, creating a major backup during last night's rush-hour. one person was taken by helicopter from the scene. part of the guard rail actually went through the car. the cause of the crash is under investigation. doug: commitment 2016. a key vote today for democrats as voters in south carolina head to the polls. hillary clinton making a final pitch to voters in columbia where she was joined by her husband who has also been campaigning for her in south carolina. clinton is leading by at least 20 points in the polls. bernie sanders also in south carolina last night, but his focus is split looking ahead to sanders is widely expected to lose south carolina. he only had a small turnout at his latest rally in the palmetto sanders is heading to texas and minnesota today. shayna: just hours after a surprise endorsement, donald trump and chris christie are on the attack. they're taking aim at one of and they are now a united force. their target: marco rubio. here's newscenter 5's john atwater. christie: donald trump represents strength, and marco rubio represents washington d.c. john: a big endorsement for donald trump, and another swipe relentlessly attacked on the campaign trail. trump: he becomes a senator. he never shows up to vote. he's never around. john: trump and christie have joined forces now in trying to take down the florida senator who himself shot back with what he claims to have seen during a break at thursday's debate. rubio: then he asked for a full-length mirror. i don't know why. because the podium goes up to here, but he wanted a full-length mirror. maybe to make sure his pants weren't wet. i don't know. trump: i saw him back stage with make-up where he's taking it with a trowel and putting it on. john: the nonstop assaults just days before critical votes on super tuesday. trump is hoping his first endorsement from a sitting governor can give him a powerful boost. governor baker: i'm not disappointed but i'm surprised. john: for charlie baker, who christie, the move is one he does not support. baker: the next president of the united states needs to be somebody with a proven track record of working well with others and being able to collaborate and cooperate. as i said before, i don't think donald trump fits that mold. john: christie says he and trump have not discussed any potential cabinet appointments. he says he plans to go into private life after his second term as new jersey's governor. in the news room, john atwater, wcvb, newscenter 5. doug: and another governor is throwing his support to trump. maine governor paul lepage, who had previously endorsed new jersey governor chris christie, is giving the billionaire business man the nod. lepage made the announcement on the "howie carr show." today community activists pushing for a federal investigation into racial tension at boston latin will meet with boston mayor marty headmaster lynne mooney teta says she'll stay on the job and work to improve the environment at boston latin. there have been calls for her resignation after students said she ignored their claims of a number of racist incidents at shayna: mashpee's superintendent is stepping down one a week after being cleared of barging into a student's home. brian hyde and the school committee call it an amicable agreement. hyde was accused breaking into just returned from several to re-enroll. the judge ruled hyde was not evidence he was barred from the house. the ability to reach out for help right from your smartphone when you're anxious and overwhelmed. doug: ahead this morning the app now offering therapy to people who might not have asked for it before. should have let them do it here frank: watertown residents in favor of shooting the gun battle with the marathon bombers, but town leaders saying no. what the former police chief danielle: waking up to chilly themes this morning buts are on the way. how warm it will get and the next chance for showers. shayna: plus a family escaping just in time. what sparked this fiery blast in their right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep to block the virus and you could heal your cold sore, fast, when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. >> the police department did a wonderful thing here, brought the neighborhood together and stopped evil from going any further. doug: a movie version of the manhunt for the marathon bombers splits watertown. filming in the neighborhood rejected by town leaders. shayna: but many residents disagree. the eyeopener's frank holland with watertown's former police chief's thoughts on the controversy. frank: many people are disappointedded with the town's decision. that's where the notorious watertown shootout between police and the tsarnaev brothers happened. the filmmakers surveyed neighbors and found 88% supported the project, but in a statement town leaders said, "upon further reflection, filming the re-creation of the watertown shootout is not in the best interest of watertown; therefore, cbs films will proceed with identifying another loction to film the shootout outside of town." former watertown police chief ed deveau says neighbors formed a strong bond with officers after that night. felt that it was important to show the heroics of the back street of laurel street and to do that they wanted it exactly where it happened. frank: producers of the mark wahlberg project also want to film at umass dartmouth. location scouts for patriots day have asked the university for permission, but school officials want to talk to students and other stakeholders before deciding. convicted bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev was a sophomore at the university when he and his brother set off the explosions. >> now your storm team 5 forecast with meteorologist danielle vollmar. doug: we'd like to welcome center. shayna: this is my first time in the weather center. now. doug: the red. shayna: do not cross this line. danielle: you're bring inning the warmer weather for us this weekend. shayna: it felt chilly this danielle: it is cold out there this morning but this weekend will be a mild one and a sunny we have great weekend weather ahead in fact, today we're running below average at 39 degrees. but it won't be too bad outside. once we get towards tomorrow, we're going to warm up into the 50's. we're going stay there on monday and also be in the upper 40's on tuesday. so a warming trend is on the way. that means when our next precipitation chance comes, it's in the form of rain. should be around 41 degrees this time of year. 60 right now in worcester. it's also 19 in lawrence. good morning to you folks in concord at 16. and in the mid 20's on nantucket this morning. we do have a bit of a wind out there. you're going to feel it today. it's out of the west right now, anywhere from 10 to about 12 miles an hour on nantucket. and that is creating a bit of a wind chill so if you're in worcester you're in the single digits as well as in pittsfield and concord and even portsmouth. so just grab a jacket. bundle up. layer up if you're going outside for a run this morning. in fact, as we go through the see those winds pick up and shift to the south and west. they'll blow anywhere from 10-15 miles an hour. and notice we're going to see a lot of sunshine. so upper 30's and low 40's look to be the high temperature today. then as we head towards tomorrow with a southwest wind, things are really going to warm up nicely. tonight we drop back into the 30's. 20's not as cold as this morning for tomorrow morning. and then look at this weather. low 50's worcester. mid 50's in boston. and nice gusty wind out of the south and west at 10-20 miles an hour. so high pressure dominates our weather not only for today but for tomorrow. we're going to watch this system work its way in for sunday. notice it is dry on sunday. it's a bit mild. and those winds are out of the south and west pumping. here we go. it is a cold front so by monday morning, could have a couple of showers in here, say, in northern new england. and then maybe a few across the interior through the afternoon. and then we are going turn cooler as we head towards but we aren't expecting much in terms of precipitation. best chances really north and west on monday. and really only picking up a tenth of an inch of rain. so very light showers. it's actually a pretty good looking forecast for the next couple of days. it's once we get towards wednesday that's our next substantial weather event. it is an area of low pressure and a cold front that is going to work its way through. as it does, it will bring down cooler air. right now it does have a westerly track to it which would mean it's a warmer track bringing in all rain. if that were to shift just a touch to the east we may be talking about mixed precipitation. behind it though we are going to next weekend. doug and shayna. doug: danielle, thank you. 5:15 is your time. some of the other top stories we're following right now. including the accused gunman after a standoff in washington state. sheriff's deputies say the shot four members of his family friday. after a standoff with the swat team that lasted hours, the suspect then shot and killed a 12-year-old girl, who is related to the victims, survived. doug: a west bridgewater driver may be facing criminal charges tonight after crashing his s.u.v. into a house. it happened at 208 matfield street. the chevy tahoe went airborne, flying thirty feet in the air, slamming into the front of this house, causing the driver to be thrown out his side window. police are investigating the crash but say speed was a factor. shayna: a scary sight as another hoverboard explodes inside a home near chicago. you can see it caught on this surveillance video in a kitchen. the hoverboard explodes. and there was a little girl nearby. you can see her walk out of the kitchen just moments before this happened. >> now sportscenter 5 with bob halloran. bob: good morning, everyone. the bruins are the best road team in the nhl. they proved it again last night in carolina. 17 bruins dads, granddads and the bruins will get on the board first. patrice bergeron playing in it's. he is tied for 11th best in bruins' history. an extreme pride is grandfathered in. that's his grandfather. in the first period a great self pass along the boards by this player. he races to the puck and fires from the sharp angle. his 12th of the year. the bruins up 2-0. the relatives are relatively ecstatic. third period boston college fans will remember this. the former eagle shoots from the blue line, misses. kevin millar makes a boo-boo and knocks it in. he does get credit for his third goal of the year. this one is is snapped off. the bruins win 4-1. the bruins are in tampa tomorrow and the celtics are in miami this afternoon. that's sports. have a great day. shayna: feeling depressed? anxious? just can't cope? like with most things, you can get help. doug: one of the first apps to offer mental health services is called "talk-space." and as heather unruh reports, a local therapist is one of many helping a new generation of clients. bisson: really wasn't sure that texting for therapy was the way to go. heather: but these days licensed therapist steve bisson is the one sitting on his couch in massachusetts counseling clients across the country via text and an app. bisson: i've seen so many people really benefit from this type of format that it really has become another tool in my tool belt to just help out. "talk space" with her husband in 2012 offering unlimited accessed a week. roni frank: "unlimited" means that there is no limit to how many messages users can send to their therapist. heather: for replies, therapists create their own schedule usually setting aside a couple hours two or three times each day. roni frank: basically the they're communicating with other people in their lives. it just makes sense to them. heather: the conversations are private, secure, and anonymous. advertisement: so the next time you need to talk to someone, text us. heather: frank says most clients are battling depression, anxiety, or relationship issues. for many, it's the first time they've ever tried counseling. roni frank: they feel more safe. in fact, messaging creates a healthy level of distance. that helps users to get over the shame to open up. heather: for clients requiring more care or even medication, "talk-space" provides referrals to a psychiatrist. advertisement: because your therapist is always with you. heather: for bisson, he continues to see patients at his private practice in holliston. he believes traditional face-to-face methods are still important. bisson: i think creating a relationship when you're looking at someone in the eye and going like this versus like nothing is really essential. benefit to something like "talk-space." bisson: if this is what is going to attract 20% of people who have not reached out otherwise, then i'm all for it. i'm very much for it. shayna: that was heather unruh reporting. bisson's caseload on "talk-space" is growing. he now has about 40 clients around the u.s. doug: the app also offers audio and video access to therapists, right from your smartphone. we first introduced you to them when they survived a car fire on the way to their wedding. shayna: ahead this morning the local couple that has something else to be thankful for. doug: plus dancing your way to better health. the eyeopener's erika tarantal shows us the class making fitness fun. a live shot outside right now. downtown boss tofnlt it's still dark. shayna will tell you it's cold out there. 20 degrees. i'm meteorologist danielle vollmar. in case you've been living under warm one. we take into account december, january, and february. and so far we're number two in terms of the warmest winter on record. we only have a couple more days. today may fall below average, but the next couple after that will be well above average. one of the reasons why is we've had a lot of 50-degree days this winter. nine in boston. last year in worcester 26. last year only three unfortunately. and here is what the month of february looks like. it is is warm. we may have a blue or a red day depending on how warm we get this afternoon. but definitely a red day tomorrow as temperatures start to bump up into the 50's on sunday. i do want to talk about sunday here because the other thing is we're going to have a pretty persisten southwest wind as we go through the afternoon. notice these are the wind speeds. they're up to about 20 to 25 miles an hour. so it is warm. then as we head towards monday, we're going to watch a disturbance come in. as it does come in, it is going to kick out the mild air but out ahead of it, it is so mild that it will be in the form of some rain. only a couple of really hit-or-miss spot showers. the best chances the interior and north and west we're seeing any of those showers. not looking for much in the way of precipitation. maybe a tenth of an inch in total. we are going to cool down though as we head towards the end of the week. doug: danielle, thank you very shayna: we were the first to bring you the story of these whose "i do's" were almost into flames on the way to church! doug:it really was one of the newscenter 5's nicole estaphan shows us how their close call turned into an incredible wedding gift. nicole: a moment of generosity never forget. darrel: it's beautiful. it's beautiful. nicole: overcome with gratitude, the last time we met the strothers they had just exchanged wedding vows moments after escaping a car fire on their way to the church. darrel: the flames were coming inside of the car from under the fire wall. annie: i didn't think we was going to make it. you know, it's a very scary situation. nicole: boston firefighters saved the rings from the burning car, and police escorted them to the church in time to say i do. now an anonymous lynn businessman providing this act it's beautiful. darrel: i don't have the words to express to say, you know, how thankful we are. nicole: the donor saw the couple's story on newscenter 5 and called lynnway auto sales. richard aswad: we're just the facilitators of this good deed for this fine gentleman. nicole: the couple, who have been faced with health issues, now have one less worry and one more reason to be thankful. darrel: the least to say a pretty good day. that's the least you can say. a phenomenal day. nicole: nicole estaphan, wcvb, newscenter 5. doug: how awesome is that? just great. ahead this morning, a popular car seat is recalled. the important information parents need to know. the feds raid one of best-known seafood wholesalers in the northeast. the charges against the new bedford business owner. shayna: plus prepping for hollywood's biggest night. all the glitz and glam as the stars get ready for the oscars. doug: it ain't hollywood but it is worcester, shayna. there you go. on the road on this saturday morning. it is 5:26. good morning, everyone. stay with (baseball on tv in background) with heart failure, danger is always on the rise. symptoms worsen because your heart isn't pumping well. about 50 percent of people diex(dog whimpering) within 5 years of getting diagnosed. but there's something you can do. talk to your doctor about heart failure treatment options. because the more you know, the more likely you are...v (dog whimpering) to keep it pumping. hmm hmm hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm counting the cars on the new jersey turnpike t they've all come to look for america [ cheers and applause ] v all come to look for america v all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders, >> now on newscenter 5's "eyeopener." danielle: cool today but it's not going to last. how warm it's going to get by the end of the weekend. shayna: showdown in south carolina. the democrats vying for key votes. the stakes in today's crucial primary. doug: prosecutors turn over clues in the bella bond case. up in the courtroom. >> you're watching wcvb, boston's news leader. good morning! this is newscenter 5's "eyeopener." doug: good morning, everybody. happy saturday morning. i'm doug meehan. shayna: and i'm shayna seymour. happy to be here. doug: yes, indeed. danielle: and the warm-up is coming this weekend. it's starting right now. doug: like what we had at the end of last week. shayna: we'll take it. danielle: this has been a mild winter. we're on par to maybe be the warmest winter on record if we keep this up. i just want to talk about how cold it is this morning because there's a bit of a chill out there. 16 degrees is the favorite number it seems especially out in central mass. 16 in worcester, orange, and springfield. even up to concord you're at 16. but in the 20's already on the south shore, the cape and the islands. and there is a bit of a wind out there. so in some locations, it feels like the single digits. in others it feels like the teens. but as we go through the next 12 hours, say, in the merrimack temperatures warm up. look, we'll be in the upper 30's by 2:00 p.m. and then upper 30's still by 5:00. looking at a lot of sunshine, i think, for you folks there. down along the south coast, the cape and the islands you're going to get up into the mid 30's for highs today. we will be running a degree or two below average depending on how much sunshine we see as we warm up into the upper 30's to low 40's. we should be around 41 degrees this time of year. it is quiet right now out there. it really is a clear night. it's going to be a clear start to your day but we're watching a system out to the west. i know it looks far away but there are rain chances in that search-day forecast. we'll talk about when coming up. shayna. all right. shayna: we are following breaking news overnight. a deadly crash on the lynneway. the s.u.v. hits a dunkin' donuts and spins out into the street killing a man and a woman in that vehicle. right now state police say the area near blossom street in lynne is shut down. to figure out what triggered the crash. doug: the big stories we're following right now. a judge sentences teen killer philip chism to life in prison, but he will be eligible for parole in 40 years. that decision bringing outrage from the family of colleen ritzer. chism was convicted of raping and murdering ritzer at danvers high school in 2013. shayna: watertown has rejected plans for a hollywood movie crew to re-create the shootout with the marathon bombing suspects in the neighborhood where it happened. a statement from the town says re-creating the shootout is not in the best interest of the community. doug: new jersey governor chris christie is endorsing former rival donald trump. he is already joining the g.o.p. candidate at campaign stops and is launching attacks against florida senator marco rubio. it is decision day for democrats in south carolina. shayna: the eye's frank holland is back with a breakdown and the impact on the race between hillary clinton and bernie sanders. frank: the primary is the final contest before super tuesday, and polls in the palmetto state for clinton. palmetto primary where democratic demographics present a key test. marc sandalow/political analyst: being able to win the minority vote in big numbers is critical for democrats. frank: analysts say african americans are anticipated to make up over half of south carolina's democratic primary voters. it's a voter base that could be critical for hillary clinton after losing the state to president obama in 2008. josh kraushaar/national journal: barack obama cleaned up with african americans. won a huge majority-- obama did in that election. now, african americans like hillary clinton. rep. jim clyburn: we need a real fighter. frank: clinton has already secured the backing of prominent south carolina congressman jim clyburn and courted communities of color with appearances by mothers who lost sons to gun violence. but bernie sanders has rolled out his own big endorsements from actor danny glover to director spike lee who cut this radio ad. >> when bernie gets to the white thing! frank: hoping to chip away at clinton's support. marc sandalow/political analyst: if for some reason bernie sanders soars in south carolina, it's a real headache for hillary clinton. frank: most polls show sanders trailing clinton by double digits in south carolina, but the vermont senator insists he's not writing off the state. clinton has won iowa and nevada while sanders scored a big win in new hampshire. doug: frank, thank you. the i.r.s. firing back at donald trump. the republican candidate called out by former g.o.p. nominee mitt romney for failing to release his tax returns. trump claims he's not releasing the financial information because he's being audited by the i.r.s. and he speculates he's facing increased scrutiny because he is a, quote, strong christian. the i.r.s. says they have no problem with trump releasing his returns during an audit, and they stress politics and religion are not factors in the audit process. shayna: federal agents raid one of the best-known fishing companies in new england bookkeeper with conspiracy and falsifying records. carlos rafael, owner of carlos seafood in new bedford, faced the charges in court yesterday. during the investigation, agents posed as crime figures who wanted to buy the company. rafael allegedly told the undercover agents he operates off the books selling fish for cash. he was known as the doug: months after a new hampshire prep school graduate and using a computer to lure a teen for sex, a new forum is being planned. owen labrie was 18 at the time of the incident. he was sentenced to a year in jail but remains free pending appeal. st. paul's school is now planning a symposium for june on adolescent development, empathy, sexuality, technology, and social media. school leaders and experts will take part. shayna: new this morning. prosecutors turn over evidence to the defense in the bella nd case. rachelle bond is accused of helping her boyfriend michael mccarthy dump her daughter's boston. "the herald" reports prosecutors have given bond's attorney the results of forensic tests, underwater pictures, and text messages from mccarthy's cellphone. mcarthy is charged with first degree murder in the case. doug: prosecutors in the aaron hernandez double murder trial want to see the ex-football player's cell phone. hernandez gave his phone to the lawyers who defended him in the 2013 murder of odin lloyd. hernandez is serving a life sentence for that murder. the judge is expected to announce his decision on the cell phone next week. shayna: right now investigators are looking for a thief who emptied 200 lobsters from traps set in maine. the maine marine patrol says the traps were dropped near jeffreys ledge about 30 miles off new hampshire's coast. a non-profit group is offering an $11,000 reward in an effort to catch the thief. upton police are are asking people to keep an eye out for this missing service dog. benny was last seen near grove and leash were found on mendon. his owner, who is recovering from a serious injury, says she's heard that her eight-month-old yellow lab is possibly injured. doug: a good-looking pup. a setback for patients and staffers trying to save a popular garden at children's hospital. state attorney general maura healey says the hospital is not legally bound to keep prouty garden. the land was donated to the hospital, but "the globe" reports healy found nothing in the bequest that says the hospital can't use the land for something else. group trying to save the garden tells "the globe" they want for the $1 billion building another american town dealing with dangerous water right now. shayna: the parents outraged as schools take special precautions. doug: hitting the dance floor instead of the gym. the dance class that's a real workout. shayna: a looming deadline for stop & shop employees. why some may be walking off the ahead in your economy. frank: we're following breaking news overnight. a deadly crash on the lynneway. an s.u.v. it's a dunkin' donuts street. a man and a woman were killed who were in that vehicle. right now state police are in the area right near blossom street. that area inland is shut down. investigators are still trying to figure out who triggered this crash. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. better around here? 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(vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying shayna: to your economy now. a loss for weight watchers and savings for shoppers. doug: the eyeopener's frank holland is back with those stories and a look at what's next. week on a flat note as lower oil encouraging economic news. at 16,639. the nasdaq rose eight points. the s&p 500 lost more than three it appears oprah's effort to help turn around weight watchers is struggling. the company had been slipping financially for three years when oprah became its public face in october. she also made a $43 million investment and joined the board. but reports show since then, company's quarterly revenue jc penney, trying to live up to its name. for just one cent. the struggling retailer closed about 40 stores last year and is hoping the deep discounts will draw customers into its stores. stop & shop workers could authorize a strike this weekend. the united food and commercial workers union says their contract with the supermarket chain expires saturday at midnight, and the two sides are still very far apart on some key issues. the unions are expected to vote on new contracts this weekend, with strikes possible as early as tomorrow if they are rejected. as the countdown to tax day continues, some concerning news from the i.r.s. the number of taxpayers who had their information stolen by computer hackers may exceed 700,000. that's more the double a previous estimate by the i.r.s. the sensitive information can be used for identity theft and to claim fraudulent tax returns. the breech was first discovered in may 2015. in the week ahead, the jobs report for february. analysts are predicting a surge of about 200,000 new jobs. unemployment is expected to the same as last month. doug: frank, thank you. want to get away? the aerial tramway at cannon mountain in new hampshire is expected to be up and running again today, two weeks after dozens of people were stranded on it. a repaired motor was delivered to cannon on wednesday. crews ran the tram for for hours yesterday to make sure all system were up to speed. >> it all looks to be operating very well and within all of the proper specifications. and the inspectors are very pleased with how things are going. doug: on a busy saturday, the tram will take 1,500 skiers to the top. shayna: a first sign of spring. forget the daffodils. sullivan's on castle island opening today. this is video of sullivan's last year when there was snow all over the ground. sullivan's, which is a staple on castle island, has been serving hot dogs, burgers, and ice cream there's also the sullivan shuffle. you've got to do this. while you're in line. i've done it. doug: i look forward to that. danielle: you might need to do that shuffle tomorrow as temperatures warm into the 50's. it could be a mild weekend. today is a little cold though. i will say that. at the start of it, it's chilly. if you want to talk about the chance for some rain in the forecast, i do say rain though moderating. that will come on monday. notice i leave a low chance though. it is really just a few hit-or-miss showers from a system that is really far out to the west right now. you can see it here. it's actually in the pacific northwest bringing rain to parts of oregon as well as washington. we have another disturbance up to our north. this will stay that way but could bring a couple of snow showers to ski country later on this afternoon which i'm sure all the ski lovers will like that. as you look at satellite and radar right now not much going on. just a couple of clouds. it is going to be a sunny day overalthough. 22 degrees. the winds out of the west-northwest at about nine making it feel more like 12 degrees in boston. just be aware of that and bundle up if you're headed outside. we're in the teens through the interior, through southern new hampshire as well. 20's down along the south shore as well as on the islands. we're at 26 on nantucket. do have a little bit of a wind out of the west today. you're going to feel it. it's anywhere from 10-12 miles an hour right now. that is creating a wind chill so it foals more like three degrees. you folks in pittsfield are the cold he have. six in worcester. it feels more like 12 in plymouth. 14 on the cape. through the day today, these winds pick up out of the south and west. they do shift through the afternoon. it is actually a warming wind so temperatures will start to moderate. we are looking for highs in the upper 30's, low 40's. and if we do hit a high of 41 in boston, we'll be right at average which is where we should be this time of year. then tonight, we'll see a couple 30's and 20's for overnight lows so not as cold as this morning tomorrow morning. and then tomorrow, we warm up. we're in the low 50's in worcester. low to mid 50's through 2 merrimack valley. mid 50's in boston, the south shore. you may stay in the upper 40's on the cape as well as the islands. we'll see a mix of sun and clouds. that is the trend though. notice by monday, actually the warmest day in the mid 50's. upper 40's for tuesday. we should be running around 41 degrees this time of year. and there is going to be a chance for some showers coming in to the forecast on monday as i talk about it. let's show everything for you in detail. that timeline. it looks like best bet is really northern new england and the interior of seeing a shower or two. mainly through, i think, the afternoon hours. but it is still mild, breezy day. and then behind it, we are going to turn slightly cooler. how much rain are we talking about from this first system on monday? not all that much. worcester, orange, pittsfield about a tenth of an inch. light rain showers. however, we get towards wednesday. you see all this rain. how much rain are we talking about on wednesday from this system? anywhere from an inch to an inch-and-a-half. right now it does look like though these temperatures will be so mild and it has a westerly track, it will be in the form of rain. however, a little shift to the east. we could be talking about wintery precipitation, maybe some freezing rain even. so we're going to have to watch that one very, very carefully. otherwise, we're just turning windy and cool as we head towards thursday and friday. so winter isn't quite over yet. doug and shayna. doug: shut your mouth. (laughing) danielle, thank you very much. 5:57 is is your time right now. top stories we're following right now. shayna: the gunman suspected of opening fire at a kansas factory had a criminal past. investigators say cedric ford had a history of domestic violence, theft, and weapons charges. police believe ford opened fire on the factory after he was he did not target specific victims in the shooting that left three people dead and 14 others hurt. doug: school officials in ithaca, new york, have shut off the drinking water at all of its schools. found unsafe levels of lead in the water. but some parents are outraged after learning tests in august also found unsafe levels of lead. the school district says it's now providing bottled water to students and staff. shayna: the c.d.c. is investigating 10 more reports of pregnant women with the zika virus. the virus has already been confirmed in nine pregnant women, one of whom did give birth to a baby with microcephaly. the c.d.c. says all the women got the virus while visiting or living in places with zika outbreaks. new guidelines issued about travel to brazil for the olympics continue to advise pregnant women to consider not going. up. because of a potential hazard. combination booster seats. they were made from december 2014 through january 2016. evenflo says curious children can loosen the internal harness, increasing the risk of injury in a crash. the company says the problem only affects the seats when they're used as forward-facing harnessed boosters. evenflo is notifying owners and will send a kit with a new seat pad and front adjuster assembly. shayna: not much rivals the joy of a bollywood dance number. but it may also bring some energy and fun into your fitness routine. the eyeopener's erica tarantal with how you can learn some moves and get fit at the same time. erika: if you've ever seen a bollywood movie, you know a requirement is a scene like this-- well, minus one uncoordinated news reporter. i'm so bad. the shame. luckily this is a "no judgment" zone. inhibited. i just started coming out having more fun with it, and with bolly-x that's the whole aspect erika: yes, the whole point is that it's so much fun, you don't realize this is an exercise class. >> i love that dance has brought people who would never go to the gym into the gym. they don't even realize they're burning all these calories. erika: long-time bolly-xers report results. >> now i feel i can go through the class very easily. the steps are very simple. it's high intensity. erika: offering classes in and around boston, slots that used to draw five people now draw up to 40. that's a legitimate dance party. >> towards the end everyone is singing and shouting the songs. it literally just clears your mind. it's amazing. erika: that class was at the classes are also offered in a host of other spots including somerville, boston, braintree, i'm erika tarantal, wcvb, newscenter 5. doug: and there's a fun way to remember how to do it. you know the key? screw in the light bulk, pet the dog. screw in the light bulb, pet the dog. shayna: okay. counting down to oscar sunday. check this out. a time lapse outside the theater in hollywood was preparations ramp up for tomorrow's big show. we'll have a preview and get you caught up on all of the nominees next. snug let's check out the roof cam. we have sunrise on the way. it's down a degree. 19 right now but danielle says water temperatures are on the way. you' re unpacking already? yeah, help me find some mugs. sure. (beep) hey... rwake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. the best part of wakin' up so, where do you want to start? r i think this is a pretty good place. p is folgers in your cup r introducing longhorn' s big, bold, steaks. p the only way to make em' better was to make em' bigger. our new center cutr 10 ounce filet. our perfectly seasonedr 16 ounce t-bone. big, bold, steaks. only at longhorn steakuse. t fake steak. for lunch, try our steakhouse burger combo starting at $7. danielle: we should be running around 33.4 inches of snow. last year at this point already at 102 inches of snow. not talking about anything like last year. as you look over the next couple of days, we're dry with a chance for some rain on monday. notice i say rain because temperatures are going to be so mild. in fact, tomorrow with a southwest wind we'll be in the 50's. that's going to continue into monday as this cold front approaches from the west. notice a couple showers especially in northern new england early on monday. it's really in the afternoon, especially in the interior. we will turn cooler but not so cold behind this. how much rain are we talking about? well, anywhere from a tenth of an inch to really nothing at all from this one. the best bet for those rain chances really north and west of boston. doug and shayna. snaifn can i tell you a secret. doug: please do. i love secrets. shayna: i love the oscars. the countdown to hollywood's big night is underway. doug: from the "best picture" race to the diversity controversy. abc's brandi hitt breaks down what you need to know before the 88th annual academy awards. reporter: the red carpet is out. and final preparations underway for hollywood's biggest night. the 88th annual academy awards. >> yes, i feel so lucky. reporter: this year eight films are nominated for best picture. 12 oscar nods including dicaprio with his fifth acting nomination. >> i'm just a fan. blanchette is competing against jennifer lawrence. many anticipating what hollywood's leading ladies will be wearing. >> it's a great way for me to express what is happening on the inside. reporter: inside the governor's ball celebrity chef wolf gang puck is preparing dishes for 1600 guest including a new donut recipe. >> a little bit of. reporter: back stage final rehearsals are underway for chris rock. >> i think he'll do a great job. he's done it before. he'll say i imagine he will discuss the diversity controversy. reporter: for a second year in a row all 20 of the acting nominees are white. the spotlight shining bright on who will be and won't be walking the oscar red carpet. >> when it comes to oscar fashion, you can expect some wow moments from some of the presenters including kerry washington, lady gaga and brandy hit, abc news, hollywood. shayna: join us on wcvb on tomorrow night for the 88th academy awards. coverage starts at 7:00 p.m. i will be tuning in. doug: have you filled out all your pools and whatnot. shayna: of course i have. doug: staying away from it. shayna: all right. using your smart phone to get counseling. doug: the new age of talk therapy and the app that is t my computer's dying again. p you'll need to email us so we can issue you a ticket. but you're right here. it's protocol. tor, you can try staples tech services next day guarantee. it's fast and done right. i'll do that instead. t that's not protocol marsha. in by noon, out by 5 the next day. staples. make more happen. what is going on? today we're going to run a slalom course. r not down the mountain, but up it... that's terrifying. one of these. sweet r the chevy silverado offers a combination let's do this. so, if a rearr wheel starts to slip, p the axle automatically locks to provide better traction. feels like a beast. grips great. dude, that was awesome. current qualified competitive lessees can get this silverado all star v8 for around $269 a month. (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about >> now on newscenter 5's shayna: breaking news right now. a live look at a deadly crash in lynne. the street shut down right now and the investigation underway. >> we are devastated and feel betrayed. doug: new pain for a murdered teacher's family. the controversial sentence for a teenage killer sparking outrage and anger. shayna: new jersey governor chris christie teaming up with donald trump, endorsing his former rival. what this alliance could mean for super tuesday. danielle: the weekend starts with a chill, but wait till you see the warm-up on the way. doug: no lights, camera, or action in watertown. the decision foiling hollywood's

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