Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160224 : compa

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 Eyeopener 20160224

advisory. until noon. not for snow, but rain that is freezing on t contact. we have the back edge of moisture lifting north and we are starting to dry out across connecticut. inside, it is warm enough for plain rain, but otherwise back toward northern worcester county it is associated with light, freezing rain with temperatures near or below freezing. 40 or higher down around plymouth, additional waves of later rain moving through this morning, but where we are staying below freezing there could be lingering patches of freezing drizzle. through noon, heavier rain starts to move in, and that will take us through the evening commute. it' later in the day. let' s get you out to the roads, and see what we are dealing with. reporter: wet roads is what we have right now, a live look at the pike. you can see the moisture on the road, so give yourself a little extra travel time. a little construction heading into boston, south just cleared the disabled truck, no issues on the pike. so far, in good shape north of town. buses and trains on schedule. anchor: breaking overnight, a decisive win for donald trump, making it three in a row. anchor: but the second-place spot is getting just as much attention. erika following breaking news. reporter: donald trump moving onto super tuesday with another caucuses. overnight, he made it clear he >> we weren' too much and now we are winning, winning, winning. cruz and marco are still battling it out for second-place, rubio jumping over crews by two points overnight. in the final hours, he was focused on trump. of the matter is no one knows what he would do. reporter: one more note on this trump victory -- entrance poll shows 6 in 10 caucus-goers are angry with the way government was working, and trump got most of those votes. a dozen states including massachusetts will cast their votes in less than a week. anchor: t democraths are spread out today, bernie sanders in oklahoma along with a stop in missouri. hillary clinton is in south carolina. anchor: the search for a missing woman in holbrook. she was last seen yesterday. she left her job as a walgreens pharmacist, called her husband to say she picked up their 10-year-old, but never showed. police say they pinged her phone and located in connecticut, but nothing since. they do not suspect foul play. anchor: boston naacp leaders and civil rights activists are calling on the justice department to investigate the racial climate at boston latin school after the superintendent called the case closed. a review showed the administration didn' t handle all but one recently charged incident appropriately. some community leaders say a federal probe would be more thorough. the headmaster admits a lack of urgency in addressing racial tension. anchor: right now, this driver is facing charges. his face during a field sobriety test. and nicole asked the fun is in weymouth with more of that video and the violent crash that started it all. reporter: that' s right. police say it all started here, when he plowed into a man while drunk and high on drugs. witnesses say he swerved into the breakdown lane on washington street yesterday. that is when he hit a black pickup truck before hitting a man walking on the sidewalk. >> no, it was literally a bomb going off. it was explosive, the noise. all the dog started barking. reporter: he did have to be taken to the hospital after falling on his face during the sobriety test. he' s facing a slew of charges, including negligent operation. the man he' s accused of hitting is being treated for life-threatening injuries. he' ll be arraigned today, anchor: thank you. right now, police in another town are bringing out a warming after dashing morning-after scammers kimmers are discovered. reporter: they' re becoming more and more common, these placing these devices where you use your credit card, designed to steal your information. in this case, it was an atm inside this cumberland farm. police have pictures of men they believe were involved. police want to track them down and try to solve this case. skimming devices captured the magnet strips, which can be used to make unauthorized bank withdrawals. over the weekend, they were found at two other locations. although skimmers are no bigger than a deck of cards, look for anything unusual about the card reader, including a different color or material, or anything if you are confused or concerned, don' t use the atm. in overnight has severe weather pounding the gulf coast of the united states. this heavy rain and whipping wind is in pensacola, florida. three are dead and dozens hospitalized. louisiana. >> a tornado warning in this area. take shelter now. extreme threat. anchor: a massive waterspout formed here, moments later two more formed on the side. the damage from these storms was catastrophic. the occurrence heat together and one mobile home park had 160 vehicles damaged, many unaccounted for. anchor: apples battle with the government goes on -- new details about the fight with the fbi. and a big win for the massachusetts state lottery. anchor: a surprise for military families; their message for a superstar. meteorologist: we are tracking wet and icy weather, but the heavier rain from thunderstorms down toward the south is slated to arrive. competitive global economy, and if we are going to succeed, we need the best-educated we should be making public colleges and universities tuition-free. we're going to pay for it on wall street speculation. the taxpayers of this country r it is time for them t the middle class of this country. i'm bernie sanders anchor: spring training -- a big week. anchor: fans are focusing on team management, and here' s what to expect. reporter: good morning from fort myers. later on today, the red sox principal owner will give his annual state of the boston red sox. on tuesday, it was david ortiz he said he has never been better. he was passionate, candid, and appreciative of his years in the major leaks. >> i think i am ready. that is why i announced it. it is -- we had a long season, hopefully i do not cause a distraction. hopefully this is not a distraction, because i know it can be -- i will try my best to focus on doing what i do. reporter: john henry speaks later this morning and we will be here. anchor: an iowa man is reunited with his lost wallet. anchor: but that is not what makes this story special. >> i thought at first it must have been some sort of a joke. anchor: it was not a joke. why the 85-year-old can' t r introducing longhorn' s big, bold, steaks. p the only way to make em' bigger. 10 ounce filet. our perfectly seasonedr 16 ounce t-bone. and our fire grilledr18 ounce outlaw ribeye. big, bold, steaks. only at longhorn steakhouse. r you can' t fake steak. r for lunch, try our steakhouse burger ror any steakhouse lunch anchor: good morning. a bit of a mess today. anchor: rain coming in early. meteorologist: yeah. off and on rain all day long. the real heavy stuff comes in overnight. that is coming from the system spending up from the south. it was over florida this morning. more of that today. a lot to watch, starting with a little bit of snow.a an inch last night, but a lot of it washed away as we had the sno w change over to rain. there' s concern of freezing rain until noon time, we have a winter weather advisory lingering for that reason. the good news -- you can kind of see the back edge of the study rain. it' s lifting out of connecticut now; we' ll see additional showers building behind it. the steady stuff will be lifting out over the next couple hours. that said, steady and light snow around manchester. once you get toward nashua and northern worcester county, a little bit of light, freezing rain happening around the freezing mark in fitchburg, 38 in jeffrey. that' s the problem -- temperatures are stuck at cold but low levels. that' s creating the concern for icing and freezing rain. inside for 95 and closer to the coast, throughout the day, we will slowly inch up through the 40' s. our highs will happen late in temperatures climbing during the overnight hours. a raw day. this is the first area of moisture we are watching. the second is more powerful, and this was responsible for a lot of damaging thunderstorms and severe forms yesterday. that' s a concern today for the carolinas, and as the system moves north, it is not out of the question that we get a rumble of thunder tonight. there' s going to be some warmth surging. let me track the temperatures for you -- by noon, we are the rest of us are in 40' s, and by this evening, we are knocking on the door 50 degrees. during the overnight hours, we will all jump into the 50' s. by midnight, 50' s out the door. temperatures coming up during the overnight. first things first -- the ice lingering through worcester county. once we get into the afternoon, notice those steadier showers. some heavy downpours will be those will come through overnight and there could be a rumble of thunder and some torrential downpours as well. this will linger. the storm is tracking to our west and will bring in the heavy downpours. winds are a concern as well, over 50 miles per hour and a high wind watch. we' ve got the heavier rain in place, and take a look with me at future cast. tomorrow morning, those heavy downpours will be with us, but by 8:00, look where they are going -- offshore. we' re driving off the bulk of the day tomorrow, once we get past the morning. rainfall amounts on the order of 1-2 inches, then it dries out heading into the weekend. anchor: another weekend in the 50' s? meteorologist: yeah. anchor: we like it. thank you. so far, quiet on the roads, but you want to budget in some travel time. let' s get to the maps and check the rest of your trip -- no construction to contend with. if you are heading into boston, you are in good shape. no issues on 24. there was a disabled truck that is now gone. west of town, good on the pike all the way into the tolls. problem free on 93 south. trains and buses are expected to start on schedule. anchor: thank you. no reelection for brian joyce, the embattled state senator. he says he will not see his name on the next ballot. a democrat is the target -- the democrat is the target of an investigation. he' s been under fire for alleged misuse of campaign money and receiving free dry-cleaning. joy says he did nothing wrong. anchor: the surprise of a lifetime for a military family. they had a meet and greet with carrie underwood before her show in boston. s meeting with military families around the country, honoring them for their sacrifice and their service. the seven-time grammy winner is teaming up with another group to raise money for "operation: homefront," a nonprofit dedicated to helping military families. >> it' s about getting back. while i am out there doing what i do, i might as will help out wherever i can. >> this is awesome. this is one of the best experiences of our lives, and especially there' s. anchor: they were surprised last night with a carnival cruise. anchor: your economy headlines now -- asian stocks higher following declines on wall street as crude oil extends losses. the dow lost 1.1% to close at 16,431. stock futures are lower. the slide in oil prices is expected to continue dominating ruled out cutting production in order to increase prices. the oil minister does believe that more nations will join a packed to freeze output. currently oil prices are at their lowest in more than a decade. anchor: the massachusetts lottery has been getting more green thanks to a 133% increase in ticket sales. revenue is up 6% in the first half of the fiscal year. the powerball had that run with historic jack pot' s last month, totaling at $1.5 billion. the debut of a direct flight from boston to cork ireland is now in the air. norwegian air is still waiting on the department of transportation for approval. the airline had planned to launch the nonstop flight in may, but the date has been unscheduled. anchor: trending stories this morning. a violinist bringing her talent anchor: she was recorded playing drake' s "hotling bling," complete with a light show. since then, the video has gotten thousands of years. anchor: a special reunion here in new jersey. an army specialist is surprised -- yesterday, she was deployed to afghanistan for nearly a year. she says she was nervous about doing this, but as you can see, he ran right into her arms. anchor: a lost wallet is returned, 71 years later. a construction company found the wallet while renovating an old movie theater in iowa. that had been buried in the floorboards since 1944. the builder tracked down claire mcintosh, who remembers losing his wallet as a child. anchor: few old girlfriends' numbers? anchor: [laughter] still ahead, a futuristic approach. anchor: what one company' s 4:54. breaking news overnight. the winner in the republican-nevada caucuses. trump thanks supporters last night after his decisive win, it is a two-man race between marco rubio and ted cruz. the democrats have their next primary in south carolina this weekend. anchor: also breaking, the wreckage of a small plane missing in the paul has been found. all 23 people on board were killed. contact with the pilot was lost as the plane was flying through mountainous region. investigators say the plane a pleased to have been flown directly into a mountain. the flight was hopping from one city to another, only scheduled to be in the air for 18 minutes. anchor: a 20-year-old concord manor is accused of dragging a police officer in wayland. the surgeon' s response -- the sergeant' s s recovering. he allegedly started driving and stopped only with the second officer. anchor: new hampshire man prompted a swat response and hudson. he' s accused of breaking into a home whiel armed with a gun. later, swat officers entered the home and took him into custody. he is facing burglary and criminal threatening charges. anchor: a vittorio' s committee -- a notorious criminal is free. he was convicted decades after the 1975 killing of his neighbor. today, prosecutors will ask the state supreme court to reinstate his conviction, putting him back behind bars as he awaits a second trial. anchor: a new search for a missing man; surveillance video shows him falling into a river. they searched the area yesterday. he disappeared after leaving his cousins at a tavern in boston over the weekend. anchor: an elementary school the building was closed, when air-quality tests showed area of concern -- areas of concern. the school' s administration says the tests will come back today. anchor: the justice department is seeking apple' s help in unlocking several iphones. apple is already fighting the government and at least eight of these cases, according to documents released cases. the company says a backdoor into the iphone could jeopardize the security of all iphone users. anchor: keep your eye on the house in the upper left of the screen. a minivan plows into it, causing the front porsche to collapse. it appears the driver was ok, but might have blacked out. police say a medical condition might be to blame. anchor:a company showcasing the latest version of its humanoid robot atlas. boston dynamics designed this new robot to complete tasks both atlases electrically powered and uses sensors and his likes to find balance, its head to avoid obstacles. anchor: wow. anchor: pretty impressive! meteorologist: the temperatures are critical this morning, because notice along the close line -- close to 40 degrees. that as you get deeper into the interior, especially through worcester county, we are very close to the freezing mark. that is important because we still have some precipitation. it started out as a little burst of snow last night and didn' t amount to a whole lot, but now that snow is shifting up and we have transitioned to rain. the problem is it is freezing on contact. it may be a concern, with temperatures holding steady over the next few hours. the other thing i am watching is loaded with moisture. a lot of severe thunderstorms yesterday, multiple tornadoes along the gulf coast. now severe weather is pushing into the florida panhandle and parts of georgia. this storm is lifting northward. over the course of the day, they will get strong to severe thunderstorms through the carolinas. not out of this question, by this time tomorrow there are a few rumbles of thunder across our area. some warmth, and though we are hovering near 40, low spots will be in the 50' s. a lot of changes coming in. tonight and early tomorrow, heavy rain, gusty wind, the chance for a thunderstorm. down along the south coast, there could be minor coastal flooding. there is a potential for winds to gust close to 60 miles per hour. another round of wildw weather. re clearing out, temperatures close to the m-50' s, down into the 30' up for a nice weekend. we' ll take you through it right now as we continue. >> now on newscenter fives eyeopener -- >> we' re winning, winning, winning. anchor: donald trump wins big in nevada. his next move ahead of super tuesday and the battle for second place. anchor: following during a field sobriety -- falling during a field sobriety test. what this man did that is even more jarring. anchor: gas station that does not hurt -- >> you are watching wcvb, boston' s news leader. good morning. this is newscenter 5' s eyeopener. anchor: also on the eye, working out those first-day jitters. erika will show us the boston-based dating app.

Related Keywords

Fort Myers , Florida , United States , Norway , Louisiana , Concord Manor , New Hampshire , Nevada , Missouri , Afghanistan , Boston , Massachusetts , Georgia , Boston Latin School , Reunion , Connecticut , Oklahoma , New Jersey , South Carolina , Iowa , Worcester County , Ireland , Fitchburg , Norwegian , Marco Rubio , Carrie Underwood , Brian Joyce , David Ortiz , John Henry , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders , Claire Mcintosh ,

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