Transcripts For WCVB NewsCenter 5 At Noon 20161101 : compare

Transcripts For WCVB NewsCenter 5 At Noon 20161101

a request to release former massachusetts house speaker sal dimasi from prison immediately as he battles cancer three his wife and children in that courtroom this morning. doug meehan is live in boston where that hearing just wrapped up. doug: sal dimasi not in court but his wife debbie and two adult children were. they were there to show he has support. information to assess the actual medical condition of the former speaker of the house before he comes up to any decision. sal dimasi is approaching five years of his eight year prison sentence for a corruption conviction. federal prosecutors on behalf of the bureau of prisons asked that dimasi be released due to his reported failing health. the 71-year-old is suffering eating or drinking even with pureed food. the decision before the court is domain easy -- to maisie -- judge wolf said no decision will be made today. tdimasi remains in a federal prison. emily: six people are dead after a chain reaction crash in maryland. schoolbus ultimately collided with the transit police say there were no children on the school bus at the time. that driver rear-ended a car coming hit the entrance to a cemetery and veered into a commuter bus. officials say the damage was catastrophic. >> it looked like a bomb exploded. it's catastrophic damage. it was very hard to look at. >> seen people removed -- just a mangled mess. at least 10 others were taken to hospitals with injuries. the cost of the crash is under investigation. erika: the driver accused of hitting a four-year-old trick-or-treat or has been cited by police. officers say the woman initially stopped but then drove away. sera congi is live at the scene with new details. sera: here's a copy of that police report. lowell police citing carla royal -- avenue, saw the child in the street and then took off. the halloween candy should drew in on the ground after a young trick-or-treat or was hit by a car in lowell. the four-year-old boy was with his family and many others going door-to-door on busy marshall avenue. >> the car in front of me i don't think saw the kid run in front in the car went right over the kid. because my headlights were shining forward i could see the . i saw the car go over the kid laying on the ground. >> serious laceration above his right eye on his head. sera: the woman behind the wheel with her twin toddlers in the backseat initially stopped but then took off. >> she drove a short distance, got out of the car and had conversation with people at the scene, saw the child in the street, got back in her car and left. sera: marci: a witness marci: fumbled the driver and reported the plate number to police who quickly tck cited for leaving the scene. >> a license to operate -- you know it your responsibilities are if you have a crash and she knew that the right thing to do was to stay there. sera: fortunately the little boy is doing ok. police tell us he is in stable condition. there were two trick-or-treaters who were hit by cars in lowell last night. the other is a seven-year-old suffering minor injuries but in that incident the driver stayed a live look over a sunny, clear boston skyline. temperatures on the cooler side. cindy is joining us. it's going to get warmer. cindy: we have a trade-off to talk about because where we have the warmth you see we have some clouds and showers associated. it's 70 right now in chicago, 72 in cincinnati. the warmth that's pushing in but it will come increase in cloud cover. temperatures below average today. we should not get out of low 50's. both tomorrow and again on thursday will be well above average into the 60's so we will warm things up. 44 in worcester. boston has not touched 50 yet. we have lower 50's along the south coast and the cape. the skies are going to stay mainly clear under high pressure the rest of the afternoon. we gain a couple of degrees into the lower 50's and once the sun tonight. not as chilly as the overnight hours as warmer air pushes and. a full-time line ahead. erika: demolition of the mass pike toll continuing right now on this second weekday of open tolling. it is still ahead of schedule. 85 of the 155 tollbooths have been demolished. mass. said travel on the pike was down 6%. today picked up 3% to 6% but some travel times are going down. into the city of boston from route nine to weston at 8:00 a.m. this morning that was a 27 minute trip. last tuesday before we started this process that same trip on that same stretch of road at the same time was 36.5 minutes. erika: the demolition work is scheduled to be complete by november 22. emily: election day now just one week away and hillary clinton in a new national tracking poll out this morning. this washington post poll shows trump rarely edging clinton 46 to 45%. erika: as the fbi reviews new e-mails blowing to one of clinton's close states the democrats try to make up lost ground while the republicans look to jump on this new momentum. maggie rulli has the latest. maggie: both hillary clinton and donald tru here. >> thank you huma. thank you to anthony weiner. maggie: the e-mails on weiner's computer could be related to the ongoing investigation into clans private e-mail server or they could be irrelevant. on the trail with the democratic campaigning in the battleground state of florida as this race tightens. the latest abc news washington post national tracking poll shows trump with a one-point lead over clinton the first time that has happened is made. >> they don't want four more years of clinton investigations. maggie: trump's deputy campaign manager -- clinton's campaign manager calls fbi director james comey's double standard. >> director comey said what he's doing with hillary clinton. he won't say what he's doing with donald trump. what were hearing is they are investigating donald trump's x campaign manager over his connections to the russians. maggie: he continues to call it a break in protocol but has been triggered -- has been criticized. i'm your .7 percentage of a point separates the two hampshire today campaigning for hillary clinton and maggie hassan in plymouth right now. he has another event in hanover later this afternoon. erika: iraqi special forces are battling their way through isis held territory and making progress. for the first time in over two years they are finally within the city limits of mosul. forces say they have taken the state television building amid heavy fighting. the effort is a coordinated air. the operation is expected to last several more weeks. erika: police have identified the woman shot and killed saturday afternoon in dorchester . police were called to the area of 152 washington where they found janine timothy suffering a gunshot wound. she was taken to a local hospital where she died. a second victim, a male in his teens was treated for a non-life-threatening injury. boston police are asking anyone weekend's lease involved shooting. boston police were called to the south end home of terence coleman a dozen times over the past decade. coleman who suffers from schizophrenia and paranoia shot and killed by police overnight sunday. they say he pulled a knife on emergency crews who were responding to a call from his mother. globe reports of those 12 calls four were related to: and some included reports that he threatened to harm himself with a knife. coleman's mother tells the globe he was not armed. armed robbers who held up the rehobeth gas station last night. two masked men entered just before 11:00 p.m. in dishing and threatening to stab the store clerk. the clerk was ordered and -- he could not open the safe but one of the robbers took off with an undisclosed amount of cash from the register. erika: ray allen announced his retirement from the nba today. he most recently played with the in his career he made more three-pointers than any player in league history. championship with boston and miami. in a post allen says he is completely at peace with himself. up next, a fire destroys thousands of toys donated for military families. how you can help these families in need. emily: tragedy at a local house party. a 15-year-old dies after an alleged attack. his mother's that come along with the warm-up and timing our next round of rain. erika: caught on camera, a woman rescued from a burning car. how she accidentally caused the flames. >> the 10:00 news on metv boston with maria stephanos and ben simmoneau, on comcast channel , it takes money away from the regular public schools from students like mine. massachusetts schools already lose 400 million a year to charters and question two means we'll lose even more. we've got to stop taking from the 96 percent of kids who don't attend a charter school. if you believe every child deserves a great public kate: my mom and i love shooting hoops. ings from me - just like i've learned a lot from her. mom helps with homework... she helped dad start his business... and she even fought to put bad guys in jail. now, mom helps make laws that help people - especially when they need it most. i'm really proud of her. and she's taught me that with hard work - i can do... anything. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte, kate: and i'm kate. kelly & kate: and we approved erika: dramatic video as police rescue a woman from a burning car in new mexico. santa fe police say the 87-year-old flat tire when it caught fire yesterday. she did not realize until a police officer yelled for her to get out of the car. eventually pulled her to safety. the woman was checked out and is doing ok. emily: we are learning a mother and her young daughters were killed in that deadly collision between a hayride and a vehicle in mississippi. the 33-year-old was arriving on the flat bed trailer while celebrate halloween. several others were hurt. erika: a driver is suffering serious injuries after he was struck -- a group was riding dirt bikes causing a hazard to kids who were trick-or-treating. the operators were arrested outside a former movie theater on kings highway. during the arrest sergeant candide ochoa dead was -- candido trinidad was run over. emily: a mother's heart breakaf 15-year-old son. prosecutors say 18-year-old joseph zagarella bragged about beating the teen in -- at a party -- friends drove him to the hospital. he died monday morning. day. try to get them to be careful. emily: the suspect family believes others were involved in the assault, not just zagarella. he's held on $10,000 bail pleading not guilty to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. firefighters investigating this house fire in middleton. the family who owns the home was in a trailer next door wheth they tell investigators there was an electrical problem than they saw the house was on fire. no one was hurt. erika: thousands of donated holiday toys meant for military families on joint ace cape cod destroyed in this fire inborn. nine mobile trailers went up in flames friday. the foundation gives out toys and supplies to military families including a big party december 11. organizers need to come up with gifts for about 800 kids. you can help. researchers say you should keep digital devices out of your child's room. a new worldwide study finding phones and tablets, laptops, keeping kids awake to this report shows the light from these devices made delayed the release of melatonin, making it harder for kids to fall asleep. the national sleep foundation recommends 30 minutes of gadget free time before bed. emily: started cindy: even in boston it was down. there was a frost emily:. i saw people with scrapers in the parking lot today. erika: it is november now. cindy: things change quite a bit in the month of november. here's a preview of what we can expect. by the end of the month are average high is down to 47. by the end of the month the sun will be setting by 4:13. we do typically a averaged just over an inch of snow. you can see back in 2014 we had just over 2.5 inches of snow so it can snow in the month of november. starting out the month really nice. blue skies. a few puffy cumulus clouds. it is on the chilly side. 49 degrees. the winds are continues to be dry. just come up to around 50 lawrence. upper 40's and the north shore. worcester county -- just 44. lots of lower 50's and the cape. we may sneak another degree or two down this direction. temperatures topping out below the average. you can see how clear the skies are. a few patches of clouds. high pressure sitting right on showers. running into the colder air. the pink and blue showing wintry precipitation across canada. we're watching this warm front bring in warmer air. a huge difference in temperatures. cincinnati and chicago and st. louis all in the 70's. this is the air mass that going to work in our direction during the day. i don't think we're heading into the 70's but we are going to be warmer than today and push those readings into the rest of the afternoon, lots of sunshine, light wind but after the sun goes down notice how the wind shifts around to the south and the southerly wind is going to start increase the clouds. as that so the wind picks up notice how cold moisture off the ocean. tomorrow morning at sunrise there will be clouds around and those clouds will blanket us tonight. notice how temperatures go into the 40's for overnight lows. not nearly as chilly as this should manage the mid 60's in boston. a milder pattern. i think the clouds in the morning thin out so partly sunny day coming up on wednesday the we are still drive. we wait for this court front to get closer to us on wednesday. area of low pressure riding along it will slow it down. i think the rain holds off for a good worship of the day on thursday. we will allow temperatures to warm up into the through noon and will be dry. we watch the rain approach toward the evening commute from the west and probably getting into the worcester area until closer to 8:00 in the evening and it will be to evening into the overnight hours around boston. does a rumble of thunder with this as it comes through. a sharp drop in temperatures behind the front. blustery cooler on friday only in 50. it looks like a lot of sunshine into the weekend. saturday night is when we turn those clocks back one hour. you can see the sun rises a sunset happening at 4:30 in the afternoon. the changes in both temperature and as we turn our clocks back this weekend. emily: for some this was really a halloween to remember. this little boy has local high school students to thank for that. tyler was born with epilepsy and through the years he's had nearly 30 surgeries, 26 of them on his head. but this halloween they needed help and they got it from juniors at nashoba valley technical high school. they converted a power wheels escalate into a remote control tank. >> giggling and laughing. as we were about to call it done for the night he goes, had fun. that just melts your heart to hear that. he does not have a lot of words. that project took three months to complete. i have a feeling he's going to keep it like that. who wants a power wheels escalate when you have a tank you can drive around great job by the students. some people are calling him data of the year. -- dad of the year. even though they were high in the sky on halloween. ? at blue cross blue shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. with plans starting as low as $0, you'll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love. so call now to learn more about our plans that offer everything from annual wellness visits we have new dental coverage options too. and we even offer plans with no medical deductible and no referrals. plus, all our plans come with the peace of mind that you get when you have a health plan with over 50 years of medicare experience. the next chapter of your life should be all about you. that's why we're here. to learn more, contact us for our free medicare guide with no obligations. you can call us at 1-888-800-8813 it us at ? what's kelly ayotte costing you? you're paying more for prescription medicines. kelly ayotte blocked lower cost generic drugs. you're paying high interest rates on college loans. ayotte voted against letting you refinance at lower rates. and you're paying higher bank fees while ayotte voted for special breaks to wall street executives. kelly ayotte. that's costing you. she's not working for new hampshire. massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. but some kids aren't so lucky. where they live, they don't go to a great school, and they have no choice. imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. public charter schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. if you like your school, for thousands of kids who need your help. please join me and vote yes on question 2. erika: halloween on a plane. emily: one father going the extra mile to make it extra special for his little girl. that father on a flight from boston to san francisco approached passengers during a flight and handed them treats with a little note attached. he said he did not want his daughter to miss out on the holiday so he asked the and give out the candy she came by and he took molly down the i'll every time a new charter opens, it takes money away from the regular public schools from students like mine. massachusetts schools already lose 400 million a year to charters and question two means we'll lose even more. we've got to stop taking from the 96 percent of kids who don't attend a charter school. if you believe every child deserves a great public >> hey, everybody. welcome to hometown heroes week. this week is our chance to recognize all those selfless people out there who set a great example for the rest of us. and i can't think of a better way to say "thank you" than to give them a chance to win $1 million. so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ? ? are you guys ready for more hometown heroes week here on "millionaire"? [cheers and applause] me too. our returning contestants are among the most deserving people to ever play our game. the three of them took down a terrorist on a train in france, saving countless lives. so please welcome back alek skarlatos, spencer stone, and anthony sadler. [cheers and applause] welcome back, alek. >> hello. >> spence. >> hey, chris. >> anthony.

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Transcripts For WCVB NewsCenter 5 At Noon 20161101 :

Transcripts For WCVB NewsCenter 5 At Noon 20161101

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a request to release former massachusetts house speaker sal dimasi from prison immediately as he battles cancer three his wife and children in that courtroom this morning. doug meehan is live in boston where that hearing just wrapped up. doug: sal dimasi not in court but his wife debbie and two adult children were. they were there to show he has support. information to assess the actual medical condition of the former speaker of the house before he comes up to any decision. sal dimasi is approaching five years of his eight year prison sentence for a corruption conviction. federal prosecutors on behalf of the bureau of prisons asked that dimasi be released due to his reported failing health. the 71-year-old is suffering eating or drinking even with pureed food. the decision before the court is domain easy -- to maisie -- judge wolf said no decision will be made today. tdimasi remains in a federal prison. emily: six people are dead after a chain reaction crash in maryland. schoolbus ultimately collided with the transit police say there were no children on the school bus at the time. that driver rear-ended a car coming hit the entrance to a cemetery and veered into a commuter bus. officials say the damage was catastrophic. >> it looked like a bomb exploded. it's catastrophic damage. it was very hard to look at. >> seen people removed -- just a mangled mess. at least 10 others were taken to hospitals with injuries. the cost of the crash is under investigation. erika: the driver accused of hitting a four-year-old trick-or-treat or has been cited by police. officers say the woman initially stopped but then drove away. sera congi is live at the scene with new details. sera: here's a copy of that police report. lowell police citing carla royal -- avenue, saw the child in the street and then took off. the halloween candy should drew in on the ground after a young trick-or-treat or was hit by a car in lowell. the four-year-old boy was with his family and many others going door-to-door on busy marshall avenue. >> the car in front of me i don't think saw the kid run in front in the car went right over the kid. because my headlights were shining forward i could see the . i saw the car go over the kid laying on the ground. >> serious laceration above his right eye on his head. sera: the woman behind the wheel with her twin toddlers in the backseat initially stopped but then took off. >> she drove a short distance, got out of the car and had conversation with people at the scene, saw the child in the street, got back in her car and left. sera: marci: a witness marci: fumbled the driver and reported the plate number to police who quickly tck cited for leaving the scene. >> a license to operate -- you know it your responsibilities are if you have a crash and she knew that the right thing to do was to stay there. sera: fortunately the little boy is doing ok. police tell us he is in stable condition. there were two trick-or-treaters who were hit by cars in lowell last night. the other is a seven-year-old suffering minor injuries but in that incident the driver stayed a live look over a sunny, clear boston skyline. temperatures on the cooler side. cindy is joining us. it's going to get warmer. cindy: we have a trade-off to talk about because where we have the warmth you see we have some clouds and showers associated. it's 70 right now in chicago, 72 in cincinnati. the warmth that's pushing in but it will come increase in cloud cover. temperatures below average today. we should not get out of low 50's. both tomorrow and again on thursday will be well above average into the 60's so we will warm things up. 44 in worcester. boston has not touched 50 yet. we have lower 50's along the south coast and the cape. the skies are going to stay mainly clear under high pressure the rest of the afternoon. we gain a couple of degrees into the lower 50's and once the sun tonight. not as chilly as the overnight hours as warmer air pushes and. a full-time line ahead. erika: demolition of the mass pike toll continuing right now on this second weekday of open tolling. it is still ahead of schedule. 85 of the 155 tollbooths have been demolished. mass. said travel on the pike was down 6%. today picked up 3% to 6% but some travel times are going down. into the city of boston from route nine to weston at 8:00 a.m. this morning that was a 27 minute trip. last tuesday before we started this process that same trip on that same stretch of road at the same time was 36.5 minutes. erika: the demolition work is scheduled to be complete by november 22. emily: election day now just one week away and hillary clinton in a new national tracking poll out this morning. this washington post poll shows trump rarely edging clinton 46 to 45%. erika: as the fbi reviews new e-mails blowing to one of clinton's close states the democrats try to make up lost ground while the republicans look to jump on this new momentum. maggie rulli has the latest. maggie: both hillary clinton and donald tru here. >> thank you huma. thank you to anthony weiner. maggie: the e-mails on weiner's computer could be related to the ongoing investigation into clans private e-mail server or they could be irrelevant. on the trail with the democratic campaigning in the battleground state of florida as this race tightens. the latest abc news washington post national tracking poll shows trump with a one-point lead over clinton the first time that has happened is made. >> they don't want four more years of clinton investigations. maggie: trump's deputy campaign manager -- clinton's campaign manager calls fbi director james comey's double standard. >> director comey said what he's doing with hillary clinton. he won't say what he's doing with donald trump. what were hearing is they are investigating donald trump's x campaign manager over his connections to the russians. maggie: he continues to call it a break in protocol but has been triggered -- has been criticized. i'm your .7 percentage of a point separates the two hampshire today campaigning for hillary clinton and maggie hassan in plymouth right now. he has another event in hanover later this afternoon. erika: iraqi special forces are battling their way through isis held territory and making progress. for the first time in over two years they are finally within the city limits of mosul. forces say they have taken the state television building amid heavy fighting. the effort is a coordinated air. the operation is expected to last several more weeks. erika: police have identified the woman shot and killed saturday afternoon in dorchester . police were called to the area of 152 washington where they found janine timothy suffering a gunshot wound. she was taken to a local hospital where she died. a second victim, a male in his teens was treated for a non-life-threatening injury. boston police are asking anyone weekend's lease involved shooting. boston police were called to the south end home of terence coleman a dozen times over the past decade. coleman who suffers from schizophrenia and paranoia shot and killed by police overnight sunday. they say he pulled a knife on emergency crews who were responding to a call from his mother. globe reports of those 12 calls four were related to: and some included reports that he threatened to harm himself with a knife. coleman's mother tells the globe he was not armed. armed robbers who held up the rehobeth gas station last night. two masked men entered just before 11:00 p.m. in dishing and threatening to stab the store clerk. the clerk was ordered and -- he could not open the safe but one of the robbers took off with an undisclosed amount of cash from the register. erika: ray allen announced his retirement from the nba today. he most recently played with the in his career he made more three-pointers than any player in league history. championship with boston and miami. in a post allen says he is completely at peace with himself. up next, a fire destroys thousands of toys donated for military families. how you can help these families in need. emily: tragedy at a local house party. a 15-year-old dies after an alleged attack. his mother's that come along with the warm-up and timing our next round of rain. erika: caught on camera, a woman rescued from a burning car. how she accidentally caused the flames. >> the 10:00 news on metv boston with maria stephanos and ben simmoneau, on comcast channel , it takes money away from the regular public schools from students like mine. massachusetts schools already lose 400 million a year to charters and question two means we'll lose even more. we've got to stop taking from the 96 percent of kids who don't attend a charter school. if you believe every child deserves a great public kate: my mom and i love shooting hoops. ings from me - just like i've learned a lot from her. mom helps with homework... she helped dad start his business... and she even fought to put bad guys in jail. now, mom helps make laws that help people - especially when they need it most. i'm really proud of her. and she's taught me that with hard work - i can do... anything. kelly: i'm kelly ayotte, kate: and i'm kate. kelly & kate: and we approved erika: dramatic video as police rescue a woman from a burning car in new mexico. santa fe police say the 87-year-old flat tire when it caught fire yesterday. she did not realize until a police officer yelled for her to get out of the car. eventually pulled her to safety. the woman was checked out and is doing ok. emily: we are learning a mother and her young daughters were killed in that deadly collision between a hayride and a vehicle in mississippi. the 33-year-old was arriving on the flat bed trailer while celebrate halloween. several others were hurt. erika: a driver is suffering serious injuries after he was struck -- a group was riding dirt bikes causing a hazard to kids who were trick-or-treating. the operators were arrested outside a former movie theater on kings highway. during the arrest sergeant candide ochoa dead was -- candido trinidad was run over. emily: a mother's heart breakaf 15-year-old son. prosecutors say 18-year-old joseph zagarella bragged about beating the teen in -- at a party -- friends drove him to the hospital. he died monday morning. day. try to get them to be careful. emily: the suspect family believes others were involved in the assault, not just zagarella. he's held on $10,000 bail pleading not guilty to assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. firefighters investigating this house fire in middleton. the family who owns the home was in a trailer next door wheth they tell investigators there was an electrical problem than they saw the house was on fire. no one was hurt. erika: thousands of donated holiday toys meant for military families on joint ace cape cod destroyed in this fire inborn. nine mobile trailers went up in flames friday. the foundation gives out toys and supplies to military families including a big party december 11. organizers need to come up with gifts for about 800 kids. you can help. researchers say you should keep digital devices out of your child's room. a new worldwide study finding phones and tablets, laptops, keeping kids awake to this report shows the light from these devices made delayed the release of melatonin, making it harder for kids to fall asleep. the national sleep foundation recommends 30 minutes of gadget free time before bed. emily: started cindy: even in boston it was down. there was a frost emily:. i saw people with scrapers in the parking lot today. erika: it is november now. cindy: things change quite a bit in the month of november. here's a preview of what we can expect. by the end of the month are average high is down to 47. by the end of the month the sun will be setting by 4:13. we do typically a averaged just over an inch of snow. you can see back in 2014 we had just over 2.5 inches of snow so it can snow in the month of november. starting out the month really nice. blue skies. a few puffy cumulus clouds. it is on the chilly side. 49 degrees. the winds are continues to be dry. just come up to around 50 lawrence. upper 40's and the north shore. worcester county -- just 44. lots of lower 50's and the cape. we may sneak another degree or two down this direction. temperatures topping out below the average. you can see how clear the skies are. a few patches of clouds. high pressure sitting right on showers. running into the colder air. the pink and blue showing wintry precipitation across canada. we're watching this warm front bring in warmer air. a huge difference in temperatures. cincinnati and chicago and st. louis all in the 70's. this is the air mass that going to work in our direction during the day. i don't think we're heading into the 70's but we are going to be warmer than today and push those readings into the rest of the afternoon, lots of sunshine, light wind but after the sun goes down notice how the wind shifts around to the south and the southerly wind is going to start increase the clouds. as that so the wind picks up notice how cold moisture off the ocean. tomorrow morning at sunrise there will be clouds around and those clouds will blanket us tonight. notice how temperatures go into the 40's for overnight lows. not nearly as chilly as this should manage the mid 60's in boston. a milder pattern. i think the clouds in the morning thin out so partly sunny day coming up on wednesday the we are still drive. we wait for this court front to get closer to us on wednesday. area of low pressure riding along it will slow it down. i think the rain holds off for a good worship of the day on thursday. we will allow temperatures to warm up into the through noon and will be dry. we watch the rain approach toward the evening commute from the west and probably getting into the worcester area until closer to 8:00 in the evening and it will be to evening into the overnight hours around boston. does a rumble of thunder with this as it comes through. a sharp drop in temperatures behind the front. blustery cooler on friday only in 50. it looks like a lot of sunshine into the weekend. saturday night is when we turn those clocks back one hour. you can see the sun rises a sunset happening at 4:30 in the afternoon. the changes in both temperature and as we turn our clocks back this weekend. emily: for some this was really a halloween to remember. this little boy has local high school students to thank for that. tyler was born with epilepsy and through the years he's had nearly 30 surgeries, 26 of them on his head. but this halloween they needed help and they got it from juniors at nashoba valley technical high school. they converted a power wheels escalate into a remote control tank. >> giggling and laughing. as we were about to call it done for the night he goes, had fun. that just melts your heart to hear that. he does not have a lot of words. that project took three months to complete. i have a feeling he's going to keep it like that. who wants a power wheels escalate when you have a tank you can drive around great job by the students. some people are calling him data of the year. -- dad of the year. even though they were high in the sky on halloween. ? at blue cross blue shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. with plans starting as low as $0, you'll have zero things stopping you from really doing what you love. so call now to learn more about our plans that offer everything from annual wellness visits we have new dental coverage options too. and we even offer plans with no medical deductible and no referrals. plus, all our plans come with the peace of mind that you get when you have a health plan with over 50 years of medicare experience. the next chapter of your life should be all about you. that's why we're here. to learn more, contact us for our free medicare guide with no obligations. you can call us at 1-888-800-8813 it us at ? what's kelly ayotte costing you? you're paying more for prescription medicines. kelly ayotte blocked lower cost generic drugs. you're paying high interest rates on college loans. ayotte voted against letting you refinance at lower rates. and you're paying higher bank fees while ayotte voted for special breaks to wall street executives. kelly ayotte. that's costing you. she's not working for new hampshire. massachusetts has many great public schools, and we took it for granted that our kids would go to great public schools. but some kids aren't so lucky. where they live, they don't go to a great school, and they have no choice. imagine if your kids were trapped in a failing school. public charter schools give parents a choice and are a pathway to success for these kids. if you like your school, for thousands of kids who need your help. please join me and vote yes on question 2. erika: halloween on a plane. emily: one father going the extra mile to make it extra special for his little girl. that father on a flight from boston to san francisco approached passengers during a flight and handed them treats with a little note attached. he said he did not want his daughter to miss out on the holiday so he asked the and give out the candy she came by and he took molly down the i'll every time a new charter opens, it takes money away from the regular public schools from students like mine. massachusetts schools already lose 400 million a year to charters and question two means we'll lose even more. we've got to stop taking from the 96 percent of kids who don't attend a charter school. if you believe every child deserves a great public >> hey, everybody. welcome to hometown heroes week. this week is our chance to recognize all those selfless people out there who set a great example for the rest of us. and i can't think of a better way to say "thank you" than to give them a chance to win $1 million. so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic music] ? ? are you guys ready for more hometown heroes week here on "millionaire"? [cheers and applause] me too. our returning contestants are among the most deserving people to ever play our game. the three of them took down a terrorist on a train in france, saving countless lives. so please welcome back alek skarlatos, spencer stone, and anthony sadler. [cheers and applause] welcome back, alek. >> hello. >> spence. >> hey, chris. >> anthony.

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