Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160831 : compare

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160831

that means that the winds may weaken. it should reemerge over water but it may not be a purely tropical system and that would be during the second half of the labor day weekend but it could be close enough to throw some rain into our area and possibly some gusty winds especially around the south coast and the cape. >> the early part of the holiday weekend will feature the best weather. i'll have much more to say about this in the next couple of minutes. >> breaking news in abington, where a child has been >> we've learned that the shooting was accident. a let's get to rhondella richardson. she's live with the breaking details. rhondella: the d.a. is expected to arrive within the hour. investigators are still on the scene, it's still a very active scene. a group of children got hold of a gun inside an abington home. a child was hot and rushed away after suffering a nonlife-threatening injury. some of the video is a little disturbing. homes here on linwood street visibly distraught. cars started sfwlig the driveway of the green house here. people were hugging and screaming no, no, no. a young boy was rushed to south shore hospital with gunshot wound. he was -- to be taken to the hospital. neighbors upset and eager for more inforon asked where was the weapon? he said at this time he can't answer that question. >> rhondella richardson, newscenter 5. >> fatal crash in east boston found investigation. >> two people were held when a hotel shut they were riding in was struck bay car. it happened near logan airport. reporter: as you mentioned you team died. four others injured. they are looking to see if they were wearing seat belts. >> a tragic crash on route 1-a just outside the tunnel. state police say this subaru here ended this hampton inn airport shuttle. two people from el paso, texas, were thrown from the shuttle and died. the 53-year-old shuttle driver, a 57-year-old woman, from el paso, and a 45-year-old man from tampa, florida, were also injured. state police spent the afternoon examining the shuttle investigators do not know if 59-year-old joseph rodriguez and 47-year-old sandra were wearing seat belts. >> we had just taken the shuttle to the hampton and we were pretty -- the shuttle was full. none of us were wearing seat belts. >> hampton inn guests had just taken the shuttle hours before. they say it's far too common for or even stand. >> you never know what can happen and i think these shuttle buses should make sure people are sitting down. >> investigators say the 27-year-old man driving the subaru was also injured and remains hospitalized. >> at this hour state police have not yet decided if anyone will be charged. live in revere, wcvb, newscenter 5. >> break news, on the presidential race. a bold move by today. he visited mexico at the invitation of that country's president. the meeting comes before trump's immigration policy speech which happens tonight. here are the details to that meeting. >> it was about an hour face-to-face meeting in mexico city. it was planned at the last minch trump said that the issue of the law was discussed, but not how to pay for it. trump put the emphasis on the human toll of the border crisis. disaster. the dangers, the abuse by gangs and cartels, a and the extreme physical dangers and it must be solved. it must be solved quickly. certainly not fair to the people of mexico or the people of the united states. number two -- >> so mexico's president, you saw him standing right there next to donald trump, agreed that the situation on the border has to be dealt with and says trp' important to each other. trump now on his way to arizona where he'll deliver what some are calling a revised immigration policy speech. >> let's take a look, embattled governor paul le page says he'll not resign, instead seek spiritual guidance. because of a voicemai voicemail. >> it hurt my family. >> today, lepage met with the man to apologize and spoke for what could be the last time in a long time. >> i'm not an alcoholic. and i'm not a drug addict. and i don't have mental issues. what i have is a backbone and i want to move maine office. i would like to see a different governor. >> lepage floated the idea of possibly resigning yesterday. as for not speaking to the media the governor says he'll put everything in writing so he won't be caught in what he calls those gotcha moments. change of plea for a massachusetts mother previously convicted of withholding cancer drugs from her son. the conviction was overturned and reed was inside the right now. >> ed with this plea agreement so ends a year long legal battle. the mother already convicted to attempted murder today admitting to her wrongdoing. >> what do you say to this indictment, guilty or not guilty? >> guilty. >> in a soft voice she admitted that she deliberately withheld giving her cancer plagued son the medication he needed. >> this case was always about on that was jeremy. justice has been served today. >> the 44-year-old salem mother served five years in brings after she was convicted in 2011 for causing her some's death when he was nine but earlier this year the statest highest court overturned several of those questionses. she was released from prison an granted a new trial on the attempted murder charge. >> it's time to move on. she's taken responsibility. she's not the same person she was when all of this happened. hide the fact she was not giving her son, who was profoundly autistic, his chemotherapy. his cancer returned and he died in 2009. >> the only possible reason the defendant had for failing to give jeremy his life saving treatment was a desire that he die. >> she received a college degree while in prison, said nothing outside of court. her attorney contends she's a different person. >> i think she can have closure. will this ever not leave her mind? i think she lived with it for five years and she'll live with it for the rest of her life. >> and again, she's been sentenced to time served so she went home but she'll be on five-year probation on charge of reckless endangerment to a child. >> right now police are investigating after a female jogger says she was approached by a suspicious man. t van approached her. police are asking anyone who sees any suspicious activity to report it. this incident comes just three weeks after a female jogger was killed running in princeton. [chanting] >> members of black lives matter chained them to the front door of cambridge city hall protesting the lack of affordable housing. the "boston globe" reports officersem so they could move the protestors away from the entryway. >> over 100 years after opening doors for the first time rockingham bark is closing its doors for good. horse racing began at the salem, new hampshire, track back in 1906. the property went on the market earlier is year and is under agreement with a new owner. they are organizing a public auction to sell memorabilia from inside the clubhouse. the auction takes place on be moving although it's a little slow in the foreground and that's the traffic that's moving south so let's check your drive times and find out. if you're driving into that one area it will take you about a half an hour to get from mass ab to route 3. the first part of the pike to the toll, at 128 will be about a 17-minute ride. weston toll to 495 should take you 22 minutes, and 495 seems to be a little sluggish right around the mass pike. that's what traffic looks like right now --- -- 5 10. >> this chech just released trying -- >> tense moments. the injuries on-board forcing the flight to make an emergency kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. i'm kelly ayotte.: and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... ...and help families pay for college... i approved this message because no matter what they're throwing at me... >> we have an in queens. new york police just releasing the sketch of a man. they want to talk to the person who resembles this. the 30-year-old was killed while out for a run earlier this month. the police are not calling the man in the sketch a suspect but they say he was seen on the pathway by utility worker. dna has found no match. a $35,000 award is being offered for any tips leading to an ferry. 10 people were hurt if all. new york city police pulled several from the water. the pilot of the ferry was taking the usual route. he saw the kayakers out of the corner of his eye and he couldn't stop in time. no charges have been filed so far. >> a dozen people are recovering after an emergency landing in ireland. the london-bound plane was on its way from texas when it took the unexpected turn. >> a sigh of relief from t on this united airlines flight after making an unplanned but safe landing in ireland. >> at this time, no control problems whatsoever. >> the flight originated in houston. boeing 767, it was supposed a flight to london, but several hundred miles out, it hit turbulence. forcing the pilot to head to landing. >> all of a sudden we had a straight drop. while you're dropping, everything is flying up. and so, anybody that wasn't buckled flew up. it was really surreal. >> one passenger says the turbulence was unexamed and when the plane started descending, that's when they feared the worst. >> you had long enough to process it in the fall. you had a couple of seconds. this is it. we're going down. >> frightening but fortunately we min minor. 10 passengers were taken to the hospital, but they were put on another flight to their destination. >> this happened at a connecticut gas station. a car goes in reverse slamming straight into the gas pump a woman narrowly escaping the falling pump, as the car burst into flames. the woman and her son, in the front seat, jump into action out of the burning back seat. >> totally running on adrenaline because he was in the front seat of the car. he had to grab the two kids out of the back seat and get them out to safety. >> it increased rapidly. the flames began to swell. thick, flack smoke filled the air. the attendant stopped the flow of the gas which kept the fire from spreading and everyone involved is okay. >> we're tracking the tropics. important as we head into the holiday weekend. as much as i love hurricane is not great and i'm not too thrilled about it. harv: i think it may be tougher for some other than us. if you're along the florida panhandle, even though this is before labor day weekend, they will take a direct hit from probably a tropical storm, it could be a minimal hurricane. it goes inland to about the maryland coast and then offshore but notice that tropical storm sign changes to a low pressure area. >> i was just going to say that could be good news. if it does jog a little west and over water. >> it will also interact with a few fronts so it may not act as a tropical system. the question is will the rain or any wind get far enough north in our area for the second half of the weekend? that's the tricky part of the forecast. >> always. >> but there is the storm. it's in the gulf of mexico. now 45 mile per hour tropical storm. the name is hermine. the track is definitely, as models, it's clustered to take it inland across the southeast to the carolinas. it's pretty much, you can see here, if you go all the way left or right, the average point certainly seems pretty fixed. after that kind of diverges because it's probably going to run into a blocking pattern and it's probably going to get so far north, and then trouble not get any further north than that. this could be far enough north to give some effect meaning some rain, which, of course, we could dearly use especially in and maybe some gusty winds especially on the south coast and cape. the idea is in this position it's probably going to be what was a tropical storm and partly kind of an ordinary storm, or extratropical cal, and probably the winds wouldn't be super great at that time, but again, this is still many days away and we kind of have to see how this formulates as we go along. here's the actual track, taking it inland, converting has a lot of rain with it, especially in this area, and some wind and taking it off the coast and meandering around here for the second half of the holiday weekend in. terms of rain, i think we have a front coming through late tonight and tomorrow, so a medium chance of getting a few showers. just the slightest chance of a spritz on friday. dry on saturday. and a medium chance sunday and monday. not like guaranteed that we're going to get rain. we're in a drought. prevent rain it has. on the other hand, sometimes it's tropical systems that tend to break a drought in. terms -- actually, this is not what i wanted to show, didn't prepare that that's wrong so forget that. the winds i'm talking about so far, doesn't look like it would be a real serious situation. just gusty winds on the south coast and cape. i also want to let you know we're many days away. that could change to some extent. 81 in boston now. it's become more humid around the region. the temperatures are in the 70s and low 80 s. restricted somewhat by the cloud cover. higher humidity extends to about the great lakes. there is a front on the way. that's how we have chance to get a few showers or thunderstorms, while we have the muggy air through tomorrow. less humid air comes in on friday and it's with us on saturday as well. only dropping to 70 in boston. 70s to around 80 w. some cloud cover and the risk of a few storms. beach and boating, you've seen the story. keep an eye to the sky, though, tomorrow, because there could be around. doesn't look like the risks tomorrow will be that high. showers off to the west-northwest. a gap in between. as the front presses closer overnight tonight, there is a chance for a couple of showers or thunderstorms wandering through and if we don't get any overnight tonight there is a chance we'll get a couple tomorrow. tomorrow is a better chance. and then the drier air flows in on friday. stays with us on saturday. i did want to point out that saturday starts out with sun but filtered sun as his clouds come up from the south and that's ahead of what will be left of tropical storm hermine at that time. so saturday is your best of the three weekend days the way it appears now. with both sunday and monday probably featuring clouds, pablt of some rain possibly of some gusty winds for the south coast and cape depending on how close it comes to us. if it stops at a certain point, doesn't get any closer, then maybe most of the rain and gusty winds will stay south. along. >> harvey, thanks. >> police officer coming to the rescue of a curious cat. take a look. the officer came to the rescue. after a few tugs the officer is able to remove the cat's head, runs off, just a little hungry, that's all. cute. >> and free, everything is good. >> saving money on school lunches. the changes that add you will. >> new 59:30, the story behind this wonderful gesture, the mover made by a college football player. >> best practices for packing lunch for back to school, easy wa you buy and the packaging you put it in. for example, we compared buying bags of chips to popping your own popcorn. not only do you save calories, 110 calories in a bag of chips versus 70 in two things of popcorn, choices add up. more savings in this guide to packing lunch. a piece of fruit three times a week instead of individual fruit of pre-packed, twice a week, saves you $95 a year, and packing in a reusable container instead of two sandwich baggies a day saves $11. >> the initial cost is a little bit but as long as the it can brings them home it is a very low cost thing that's not contributing to landfill waste. >> have kids bring their own water saveings more than a hundred dollars per year. >> more back-to-school coverage begins tomorrow morning on the eye opener. a whole new way of learning that's really catching on. >> the school superintendent in west bridgewater giving her staff quite the welcome back. check this out. ? >> michalek by jt. lyrics by the school superintendent, pattie oakley. she wanted to come up with a new week to welcome everyone back and fire up the teachers. >> shopping cart. i love the shopping cart. >> i would say it worked. >> she even managed to fire up a couple of news anchors. way to go. >> coverage of the opioid crisis continues tonight. >> the world is marking international overdose awareness da -- at 5:30, sharing stories. >> thursday morning on the eyeopener, getting kids a head start outside of the classroom. >> outdoor kindergarten, year-round, we will check out the pros and cons. >> and i am tracking a few showers for the morning commute. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. . >> a boy shot. a group of kids got a headlined of a gun inside a home on linwood street the boy was rushed to south shore hospital with serious injuries. >> donald trump is wrapping up a trip to mexico and time spent with that country's president. he says the two did discuss trump's plan to build a wall along the board but they did not talk about who would pay for it. the viv comes just hours before trump lays out his immigration plans in a speech later tonight. harv: a fringe effect seems a likely scenario for part of the week, that's the best estimate i have at this particular time. it's way down to the gulf of mexico. it's just become a tropical storm. the highest winds 459 miles per hour. the greater impact is likely to be felt around the upper florida coast. that's because you're going to get a storm surge down there. heavy rain and the gusty winds. it will probably be a strong tropical storm or a minimal hurricane when it makes landfall. then it's over land for a while so it ob but it will still have a tremendous amount of moisture. it will make a somewhat closer path to us later on in the holiday weekend but notice it may get to about this position and may struggle to get any further north. so will it be close enough to give some appreciable rain and some gusty if not strong winds to part of the area? >> the rain chances probably pick up on sunday and continue into monday, at left a medium chance. as for a gusty or strong winds, a medium chance sunday and monday, south coast and the cape

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New York , United States , East Boston , Massachusetts , El Paso , Texas , Tampa , Florida , New Hampshire , South Shore Hospital , Boston , Mexico City , Distrito Federal , Mexico , Cambridge City Hall , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Carolinas , Chihuahua , Arizona , Maine , Maryland , Houston , Ireland , Queens , Pattie Oakley , Joseph Rodriguez , Kelly Ayotte ,

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Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160831 :

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160831

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that means that the winds may weaken. it should reemerge over water but it may not be a purely tropical system and that would be during the second half of the labor day weekend but it could be close enough to throw some rain into our area and possibly some gusty winds especially around the south coast and the cape. >> the early part of the holiday weekend will feature the best weather. i'll have much more to say about this in the next couple of minutes. >> breaking news in abington, where a child has been >> we've learned that the shooting was accident. a let's get to rhondella richardson. she's live with the breaking details. rhondella: the d.a. is expected to arrive within the hour. investigators are still on the scene, it's still a very active scene. a group of children got hold of a gun inside an abington home. a child was hot and rushed away after suffering a nonlife-threatening injury. some of the video is a little disturbing. homes here on linwood street visibly distraught. cars started sfwlig the driveway of the green house here. people were hugging and screaming no, no, no. a young boy was rushed to south shore hospital with gunshot wound. he was -- to be taken to the hospital. neighbors upset and eager for more inforon asked where was the weapon? he said at this time he can't answer that question. >> rhondella richardson, newscenter 5. >> fatal crash in east boston found investigation. >> two people were held when a hotel shut they were riding in was struck bay car. it happened near logan airport. reporter: as you mentioned you team died. four others injured. they are looking to see if they were wearing seat belts. >> a tragic crash on route 1-a just outside the tunnel. state police say this subaru here ended this hampton inn airport shuttle. two people from el paso, texas, were thrown from the shuttle and died. the 53-year-old shuttle driver, a 57-year-old woman, from el paso, and a 45-year-old man from tampa, florida, were also injured. state police spent the afternoon examining the shuttle investigators do not know if 59-year-old joseph rodriguez and 47-year-old sandra were wearing seat belts. >> we had just taken the shuttle to the hampton and we were pretty -- the shuttle was full. none of us were wearing seat belts. >> hampton inn guests had just taken the shuttle hours before. they say it's far too common for or even stand. >> you never know what can happen and i think these shuttle buses should make sure people are sitting down. >> investigators say the 27-year-old man driving the subaru was also injured and remains hospitalized. >> at this hour state police have not yet decided if anyone will be charged. live in revere, wcvb, newscenter 5. >> break news, on the presidential race. a bold move by today. he visited mexico at the invitation of that country's president. the meeting comes before trump's immigration policy speech which happens tonight. here are the details to that meeting. >> it was about an hour face-to-face meeting in mexico city. it was planned at the last minch trump said that the issue of the law was discussed, but not how to pay for it. trump put the emphasis on the human toll of the border crisis. disaster. the dangers, the abuse by gangs and cartels, a and the extreme physical dangers and it must be solved. it must be solved quickly. certainly not fair to the people of mexico or the people of the united states. number two -- >> so mexico's president, you saw him standing right there next to donald trump, agreed that the situation on the border has to be dealt with and says trp' important to each other. trump now on his way to arizona where he'll deliver what some are calling a revised immigration policy speech. >> let's take a look, embattled governor paul le page says he'll not resign, instead seek spiritual guidance. because of a voicemai voicemail. >> it hurt my family. >> today, lepage met with the man to apologize and spoke for what could be the last time in a long time. >> i'm not an alcoholic. and i'm not a drug addict. and i don't have mental issues. what i have is a backbone and i want to move maine office. i would like to see a different governor. >> lepage floated the idea of possibly resigning yesterday. as for not speaking to the media the governor says he'll put everything in writing so he won't be caught in what he calls those gotcha moments. change of plea for a massachusetts mother previously convicted of withholding cancer drugs from her son. the conviction was overturned and reed was inside the right now. >> ed with this plea agreement so ends a year long legal battle. the mother already convicted to attempted murder today admitting to her wrongdoing. >> what do you say to this indictment, guilty or not guilty? >> guilty. >> in a soft voice she admitted that she deliberately withheld giving her cancer plagued son the medication he needed. >> this case was always about on that was jeremy. justice has been served today. >> the 44-year-old salem mother served five years in brings after she was convicted in 2011 for causing her some's death when he was nine but earlier this year the statest highest court overturned several of those questionses. she was released from prison an granted a new trial on the attempted murder charge. >> it's time to move on. she's taken responsibility. she's not the same person she was when all of this happened. hide the fact she was not giving her son, who was profoundly autistic, his chemotherapy. his cancer returned and he died in 2009. >> the only possible reason the defendant had for failing to give jeremy his life saving treatment was a desire that he die. >> she received a college degree while in prison, said nothing outside of court. her attorney contends she's a different person. >> i think she can have closure. will this ever not leave her mind? i think she lived with it for five years and she'll live with it for the rest of her life. >> and again, she's been sentenced to time served so she went home but she'll be on five-year probation on charge of reckless endangerment to a child. >> right now police are investigating after a female jogger says she was approached by a suspicious man. t van approached her. police are asking anyone who sees any suspicious activity to report it. this incident comes just three weeks after a female jogger was killed running in princeton. [chanting] >> members of black lives matter chained them to the front door of cambridge city hall protesting the lack of affordable housing. the "boston globe" reports officersem so they could move the protestors away from the entryway. >> over 100 years after opening doors for the first time rockingham bark is closing its doors for good. horse racing began at the salem, new hampshire, track back in 1906. the property went on the market earlier is year and is under agreement with a new owner. they are organizing a public auction to sell memorabilia from inside the clubhouse. the auction takes place on be moving although it's a little slow in the foreground and that's the traffic that's moving south so let's check your drive times and find out. if you're driving into that one area it will take you about a half an hour to get from mass ab to route 3. the first part of the pike to the toll, at 128 will be about a 17-minute ride. weston toll to 495 should take you 22 minutes, and 495 seems to be a little sluggish right around the mass pike. that's what traffic looks like right now --- -- 5 10. >> this chech just released trying -- >> tense moments. the injuries on-board forcing the flight to make an emergency kelly ayotte: thanks, buddy. i'm kelly ayotte.: and when i take the plate for new hampshire... i'm up against a political machine that plays dirty -- because new hampshire deserves better. that's why i'm batting for good-paying jobs, to protect social security and medicare... ...and help families pay for college... i approved this message because no matter what they're throwing at me... >> we have an in queens. new york police just releasing the sketch of a man. they want to talk to the person who resembles this. the 30-year-old was killed while out for a run earlier this month. the police are not calling the man in the sketch a suspect but they say he was seen on the pathway by utility worker. dna has found no match. a $35,000 award is being offered for any tips leading to an ferry. 10 people were hurt if all. new york city police pulled several from the water. the pilot of the ferry was taking the usual route. he saw the kayakers out of the corner of his eye and he couldn't stop in time. no charges have been filed so far. >> a dozen people are recovering after an emergency landing in ireland. the london-bound plane was on its way from texas when it took the unexpected turn. >> a sigh of relief from t on this united airlines flight after making an unplanned but safe landing in ireland. >> at this time, no control problems whatsoever. >> the flight originated in houston. boeing 767, it was supposed a flight to london, but several hundred miles out, it hit turbulence. forcing the pilot to head to landing. >> all of a sudden we had a straight drop. while you're dropping, everything is flying up. and so, anybody that wasn't buckled flew up. it was really surreal. >> one passenger says the turbulence was unexamed and when the plane started descending, that's when they feared the worst. >> you had long enough to process it in the fall. you had a couple of seconds. this is it. we're going down. >> frightening but fortunately we min minor. 10 passengers were taken to the hospital, but they were put on another flight to their destination. >> this happened at a connecticut gas station. a car goes in reverse slamming straight into the gas pump a woman narrowly escaping the falling pump, as the car burst into flames. the woman and her son, in the front seat, jump into action out of the burning back seat. >> totally running on adrenaline because he was in the front seat of the car. he had to grab the two kids out of the back seat and get them out to safety. >> it increased rapidly. the flames began to swell. thick, flack smoke filled the air. the attendant stopped the flow of the gas which kept the fire from spreading and everyone involved is okay. >> we're tracking the tropics. important as we head into the holiday weekend. as much as i love hurricane is not great and i'm not too thrilled about it. harv: i think it may be tougher for some other than us. if you're along the florida panhandle, even though this is before labor day weekend, they will take a direct hit from probably a tropical storm, it could be a minimal hurricane. it goes inland to about the maryland coast and then offshore but notice that tropical storm sign changes to a low pressure area. >> i was just going to say that could be good news. if it does jog a little west and over water. >> it will also interact with a few fronts so it may not act as a tropical system. the question is will the rain or any wind get far enough north in our area for the second half of the weekend? that's the tricky part of the forecast. >> always. >> but there is the storm. it's in the gulf of mexico. now 45 mile per hour tropical storm. the name is hermine. the track is definitely, as models, it's clustered to take it inland across the southeast to the carolinas. it's pretty much, you can see here, if you go all the way left or right, the average point certainly seems pretty fixed. after that kind of diverges because it's probably going to run into a blocking pattern and it's probably going to get so far north, and then trouble not get any further north than that. this could be far enough north to give some effect meaning some rain, which, of course, we could dearly use especially in and maybe some gusty winds especially on the south coast and cape. the idea is in this position it's probably going to be what was a tropical storm and partly kind of an ordinary storm, or extratropical cal, and probably the winds wouldn't be super great at that time, but again, this is still many days away and we kind of have to see how this formulates as we go along. here's the actual track, taking it inland, converting has a lot of rain with it, especially in this area, and some wind and taking it off the coast and meandering around here for the second half of the holiday weekend in. terms of rain, i think we have a front coming through late tonight and tomorrow, so a medium chance of getting a few showers. just the slightest chance of a spritz on friday. dry on saturday. and a medium chance sunday and monday. not like guaranteed that we're going to get rain. we're in a drought. prevent rain it has. on the other hand, sometimes it's tropical systems that tend to break a drought in. terms -- actually, this is not what i wanted to show, didn't prepare that that's wrong so forget that. the winds i'm talking about so far, doesn't look like it would be a real serious situation. just gusty winds on the south coast and cape. i also want to let you know we're many days away. that could change to some extent. 81 in boston now. it's become more humid around the region. the temperatures are in the 70s and low 80 s. restricted somewhat by the cloud cover. higher humidity extends to about the great lakes. there is a front on the way. that's how we have chance to get a few showers or thunderstorms, while we have the muggy air through tomorrow. less humid air comes in on friday and it's with us on saturday as well. only dropping to 70 in boston. 70s to around 80 w. some cloud cover and the risk of a few storms. beach and boating, you've seen the story. keep an eye to the sky, though, tomorrow, because there could be around. doesn't look like the risks tomorrow will be that high. showers off to the west-northwest. a gap in between. as the front presses closer overnight tonight, there is a chance for a couple of showers or thunderstorms wandering through and if we don't get any overnight tonight there is a chance we'll get a couple tomorrow. tomorrow is a better chance. and then the drier air flows in on friday. stays with us on saturday. i did want to point out that saturday starts out with sun but filtered sun as his clouds come up from the south and that's ahead of what will be left of tropical storm hermine at that time. so saturday is your best of the three weekend days the way it appears now. with both sunday and monday probably featuring clouds, pablt of some rain possibly of some gusty winds for the south coast and cape depending on how close it comes to us. if it stops at a certain point, doesn't get any closer, then maybe most of the rain and gusty winds will stay south. along. >> harvey, thanks. >> police officer coming to the rescue of a curious cat. take a look. the officer came to the rescue. after a few tugs the officer is able to remove the cat's head, runs off, just a little hungry, that's all. cute. >> and free, everything is good. >> saving money on school lunches. the changes that add you will. >> new 59:30, the story behind this wonderful gesture, the mover made by a college football player. >> best practices for packing lunch for back to school, easy wa you buy and the packaging you put it in. for example, we compared buying bags of chips to popping your own popcorn. not only do you save calories, 110 calories in a bag of chips versus 70 in two things of popcorn, choices add up. more savings in this guide to packing lunch. a piece of fruit three times a week instead of individual fruit of pre-packed, twice a week, saves you $95 a year, and packing in a reusable container instead of two sandwich baggies a day saves $11. >> the initial cost is a little bit but as long as the it can brings them home it is a very low cost thing that's not contributing to landfill waste. >> have kids bring their own water saveings more than a hundred dollars per year. >> more back-to-school coverage begins tomorrow morning on the eye opener. a whole new way of learning that's really catching on. >> the school superintendent in west bridgewater giving her staff quite the welcome back. check this out. ? >> michalek by jt. lyrics by the school superintendent, pattie oakley. she wanted to come up with a new week to welcome everyone back and fire up the teachers. >> shopping cart. i love the shopping cart. >> i would say it worked. >> she even managed to fire up a couple of news anchors. way to go. >> coverage of the opioid crisis continues tonight. >> the world is marking international overdose awareness da -- at 5:30, sharing stories. >> thursday morning on the eyeopener, getting kids a head start outside of the classroom. >> outdoor kindergarten, year-round, we will check out the pros and cons. >> and i am tracking a few showers for the morning commute. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. . >> a boy shot. a group of kids got a headlined of a gun inside a home on linwood street the boy was rushed to south shore hospital with serious injuries. >> donald trump is wrapping up a trip to mexico and time spent with that country's president. he says the two did discuss trump's plan to build a wall along the board but they did not talk about who would pay for it. the viv comes just hours before trump lays out his immigration plans in a speech later tonight. harv: a fringe effect seems a likely scenario for part of the week, that's the best estimate i have at this particular time. it's way down to the gulf of mexico. it's just become a tropical storm. the highest winds 459 miles per hour. the greater impact is likely to be felt around the upper florida coast. that's because you're going to get a storm surge down there. heavy rain and the gusty winds. it will probably be a strong tropical storm or a minimal hurricane when it makes landfall. then it's over land for a while so it ob but it will still have a tremendous amount of moisture. it will make a somewhat closer path to us later on in the holiday weekend but notice it may get to about this position and may struggle to get any further north. so will it be close enough to give some appreciable rain and some gusty if not strong winds to part of the area? >> the rain chances probably pick up on sunday and continue into monday, at left a medium chance. as for a gusty or strong winds, a medium chance sunday and monday, south coast and the cape

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