Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160830 : compare

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160830

and the chance of somewhat weather, we take a look in a few minutes. ed: right now, police and plymouth are searching for a suspect in several overnight break-ins. jc: victims say they will come to find the man half naked inside their homes along white horse beach. newscenter 5's shaun chaiyabhat is live in plymouth tonight with the details, shaun? reporter: plymouth police say this man broke into two homes. victims and witnesses both tell me the man was naked from the waist down. >> it's scary. that kind of thing really doesn't happen around here. reporter: neighbors in this tranquilreporter: beach community woken by police early monday, after a series of disturbing break-ins. >> he had no pants, no boxers on. he was running around half naked. reporter: she watched a half naked man getting shoved out of a home then run down the beach, and try to get into another cottage. plymouth police say, overnight sunday the man broke into two homes. one victim told me she woke up, to find the naked stranger in her home tapping her on the he went through her home even into her children's room. >> and went up the stairs, into one of their sons bedrooms, and her mother's bedroom, and then came down the stairs. they had dozed off watching tv and she said they had tapped her on the shoulder, and she just jumped up and said who are you ? and got them out of the house and then they called the police. reporter: policereporter: canvassed the beach, but no suspect inside. now, people doors locked tight. >> it is very scary. we have never been afraid of open doors. reporter: police are not releasing a description of that intruder. they are only asking people here to be more cautious. in plymouth, shaun chaiyabhat, wcvb newscenter 5. jc: new at 5:00. osha is now looking into this dangerous scene in rhode island yesterday. the agency will investigate how this truck tipped, leaving two bridge inspectors dangling in a bucket over the sakonnet river. they were later rescued by new england bridge contractors of norton, massachusetts owns the truck. the engineers work for a providence-based company. ed: leaders in the city of everett are demanding new action after another uber driver is arrested. sera congi with the company's response tonight. >> these are alarming situations that cannot be repeated. reporter: the arrest of this man, paul griffin, prompting the city of everett to demand action from there. >> he was>> opening doors and fondling himself in front of girls. reporter: he is accused of exposing and fondling himself into separate incidents in everett. he also has a similar case in boston for a similar crime. last month, everett police arrested darnell booth for allegedly raping a teenage girl while driving for uber. >> they need to step up and we need to take a closer look at these situations. they cannot continue to happen. -- the mayor of everitt sent a letter to uber demanding more scrutiny for drivers. he writes, the current driver screening system is not working. >> we will move as aggressively as we can. reporter: governor baker just signed a new state law regulating ridesharing companies to require twice yearly background checks on drivers. >> if anybody under the breaks it, we will find out about it and we will be in a position to notify the transportation company. reporter: that new law does not go into effect until november. that is why the mayor of everett sent uber this letter, hoping the company will step up the requirements, and get them in place right now. in everett, sera congi, wcvb newscenter 5. jc: today is the one-year anniversary of an unsolved new hampshire murder, that feeling of denise robert. the 62-year-old advertising saleswoman was taking her regular sunday evening walk when she was shot by someone firing from a passing car. police have investigated the case for hundreds of hours, but still have not identified or robert's brother thinks the murder was related to the heroin epidemic. a memorial to denise robert will be held tonight. right now, police in sharon are searching for this man. investigators say he broke into and robbed a sharon jewelry store sunday morning. the suspect got away with thousands of dollars worth of stuff. anyone with information is asked to contact sharon police. ed: patriots nation listening closely, as tom brady speaks one final time before serving his suspension. jc: promising to stay sharp during his time-out. sportscenter 5's josh brogadir is live at gillette stadium tonight, josh? reporter: brady admitting it is not going to be easy to sit back during the suspension, and saying he does want to play this thursday night against the giants. he was back on the practice field this afternoon, alongside the other quarterbacks. those are jimmy garoppolo and jacoby percent. -- jacoby percent. week one in arizona and with brady's suspension looming, the last time he played in a week for preseason game was also against the giants in 2011. this preseason, anything but following the script from past years. as for his league imposed time off, he plans to make the most of it. he took the high road when talking about jimmy. >> i love being with jimmy. i have enjoyed every day we spent with him. i wish him the very best, personally. when you see people that it means a lot to, you always want them to succeed as well. it would be tough to watch, but i will be excited to watch and excited to learn, and hopefully when i come back in october, i will be a better player then and today. reporter: brady started -- the patriots started with 81 players on the roster. they have to get down to 75 by light at gillette, josh broke a, wcvb sportscenter 5. ed: manage my 16. democratic vp nominee tim kaine is attacking donald trump in the -- commitment 2016. democratic vp nominee tim kaine is attacking donald trump in the swing state of pennsylvania. while primary voters in florida and arizona head to the polls in a test case for two republicans that have sparred with the man at the top of their ticket. here's maria stephanos. reporter: democratic vp nominee tim kaine has words for donald trump. tim he released his tax returns, there is not one reason for one voter in the country to trust donald trump. reporter: on the trail in pennsylvania, hitting trump on taxes and the debt owed to banks and foreign government. >> let's be honest. it would be pretty hard as president to train people in, when you open big-time. reporter: meanwhile, voters in florida and arizona casting ballots today in two tough cases of the down ballot effect of donald trump. >> we are very confident about election in november. reporter: trump be grudgingly endorsing the arizona senator after previously criticizing mccain's war record. on wednesday, he travels to arizona to deliver a major speech there on immigration. in florida, marco rubio is facing off against a republican real estate developer, who has been called florida's little trump. on the democratic side, debbie wasserman schultz is facing off against a endorsed by bernie sanders. meanwhile, the head of the fbi says they are working to protect the electoral system against hackers. >> we take very seriously any efforts by any after, including -- actor, including nationstates, to influence the conduct of affairs in our the fbi will also be releasing reports relating to its investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. they expect about 30 new e-mails to come from the fbi soon. jc: thank you. the agricultural department has close offices in five states, after receiving anonymous threats. the closed offices are in colorado, connecticut, maryland, north carolina and west virginia. the department is working with the fbi and federal and local law enforcement to determine whether the threats are credible. ed: from provincetown to west stockbridge, massachusetts is about to get a lot more blue. a group called massachusetts state police wives has started tying blue ribbons in all 351 the goal is to show support for law enforcement officers and their families during what they say has been a difficult year. today, they were at the police department in auburn where officer ronald tarentino was shot and killed in may during a traffic stop. >> it is very time-consuming, because when we go into a town, we just don't come into the ed: so far, the group has been to more than two dozen towns and says only a few have said no. just 10 past 5:00 in the evening. you're looking live at the zakim bridge. cleared up a little bit. the traffic getting into town is a little slow. let's get the latest information. you can see the red in normal places. down south it was better there, still that. mass after 33 a half hour. first leg of the pike, about 15 minutes. 128 south is slow into wellesley. 490 five south is slope here the pike two 290 is a seven minute ride. jc: video that is truly shocking. ed: truly. it shows a man tossing a child off the side of the bridge. the little guy is ok. her. jc: caught on camera. a pregnant woman, rescued from her burning car. the hero that was on the job when he made the big save. new at 5:30. >> they work great together. i'm extremely proud of them. ed: saved by his own team. the middleton fire chief saving -- sharing his own story of survival. >> wednesday morning on the eyeopener, saving money on back to school. >> to cut money and callers when you are packing lunches. >> the chances for storms and the bus stop forecast, announcer: you're watching newscenter 5 at 5:00. jc: new video of a dramatic rescue during a 10-car pile up in binghamton, new york. the dash-cam video shows the chilling first moments of the crash last week on route 17. the flames quickly spread before someone uses a fire extinguisher to put them out. a group then pulls the driver out likely saving her life. the city's mayor posted this video online, thanking everyone involved in that rescue. the number of people dying in car accidents is up. more than 35,000 people died in traffic crashes in 2015. that is a 7.2% increase, running counter to the five decade trend of declining deaths. the u.s. department of transportation says distracted they say lower gas prices and job growth increased the number of miles driven last year. ed: here's the story we were just talking about a minute ago. a young boy is thrown off a bridge, into the water. it's all caught on cell phone video. it is hard to watch. the board is four years old. -- boy is 54 years old. he was tossed off a washington state bridge by an unidentified man. he falls into the river below where witnesses say his mother is waiting. the boy survived the fall but misdemeanor reckless endangerment charges, and the man who threw the boy off the page also facing reckless endangerment and criminal trespassing charges. witnesses say more needs to be done. >> i feel like she needs to go to jail for it or get charged because you can't just do that to a kid and let it happen. ed: it is unclear tonight who the man is that actually through the boy off the bridge. clearly, you can see a man did do that. dramatic rescue caught o news photographer gets in the middle of his work to help rescue a pregnant woman from a burning car on a louisiana highway. the woman was driving on highway 63 when she lost control, ran off the road and crashed into trees. the photographer managed to pull the woman from the passenger's side of the car flames burning within arms reach. the woman and her unborn baby are expected to be ok. jc: a pair of sinkholes opening up on a major highway in the sinkholes popped up just a few feet from each other. a broken water line that undermined the ground beneath the southbound lanes caused the holes. no one was hurt. right here, you see a microburst caught on camera. watch this time lapse video. this is happening in ohio. you can see that microburst unfold. we are familiar with them, we have had them here. a downdraft with thunderstorms, they can be as damaging as a small tornado. ed: that is really a classic. harvey: we have been starting to talk more and more about the tropics. they are getting more and more active. the other question is, will any of them have any tangible effect on us? when we are keeping a most careful eye on is emerging in the eastern gulf of mexico. this is the projected track off the carolina coast him a few hundred miles southeast of us. rough surf. heather: important with everyone making labor day plans. harvey: of course, it is the last big weekend of the summer. it becomes more and more important. this is only tuesday. this is just an early estimate. let's talk a little more about this. this is the newest piece of information. it does appear the track will at least be somewhat closer to potentially have some influence on a part of southern new england. it is tropical depression nine, but likely will be gng there's already concern across the florida panhandle. there are some tropical storm watch is going into effect. i'm showing you all the different computer models, and if you take a consensus. most of them take it northeast off the carolina coast, but notice there is a tendency on some of them to curb it a little more north, even though it is still offshore of our area. it could bring it close enough in other words, it is no longer a case where the entire labor day weekend is likely to all be sunny and beautiful. we have always known with these tropical systems, there is a chance of rough surf. that becomes a bigger threat now. even some gusty winds and perhaps even rain for start -- part of the south coast of the cape or the east coast of massachusetts cannot be ruled out, sometime in the latter half of the labor day weekend. that's about all i can say. how much it develops and intensifies, that has play out. in the meantime, it is 75 degrees in boston. we have a wind off the water. it is somewhat warmer across other areas. plymouth is 81. 84 in springfield. it has been another good outdoor summertime day. it is still relatively comfortable over most of the area, getting a little sticky where the sea breeze is coming in off the coast. it will be more humid for tomorrow into thursday, and tomorrow night and thursday is the opportunity for some will we get widespread rain? that has been no all summer long. but some areas should get some rain. notice how we will start to turn somewhat less human on friday. saturday, should be very dry and bright, maybe even the feel of fall will be in the air. as we watched the top of the system move off the carolina coast at the same time. in the meantime tonight, warmer than the last unites. tomorrow will be a warm an some of us could get a thunderstorm. right now, some storms kind of approaching northern new york state, out of southern canada. that is the lead batch of a southern frontal system. looking at the overnight, another ok night. patchy clouds by the morning. breakthrough son tomorrow, but definitely more clouds than today. late tomorrow evening, spotty shower or thunderstorm could be around. there could be a few more into on thursday, and may be very sluggish to move. it may allow moisture to pull around most of the area especially southeastern mass or the cape. friday, partial clearing, but some instability. it will start to turn less humid and turn cooler. friday night through saturday, looks like it will be pretty cool around here. it is what happens after that that will become somewhat more interesting, as the chances of rough surf increases. day, depending on the track of the system in the gulf of mexico. a bright and cool start of the holiday weekend, somewhat questionable finish to it. we want to make sure you stay abreast of all the forecast as we go forward, as there could be changes as we know more about the system. jc: thank you. chipotle, offering more freebies tonight. ed: the perks as they hope more customers will bite on. then this. packing lunch. the two-for-one plan getting it done as the school season begins. ed: new at the 911 calls from 5:30. the night of the mass shooting at pulse nightclub. the chilling reports just released today. jc: and at 6:00 corny tribute. , a can you see big papi in this big corn maze? ed: i can see it. jc: stay with us. your daughter wants to stay organic. yo from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like stop & shop's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. so capital one reimagined banking... ? with a place that feels nothing like a bank. and helpful people that talk to you...not sell to you. with free checking accounts that are actually free... no minimums. no fees. and a top-rated app, let's you bank right here. jc: chipotle, trying to rebuild customer confidence after a series of food safety scares, is targeting kids with a special give-away. the company is offering free kid's meals on sundays next month. in june, chipotle launched a 3-month loyalty program that lets customers earn free meals based on how often they visit a restaurant. then yesterday, the chain announced that high school and college students can get free soda or ice tea if they buy a ed: apple has been ordered to pay more than $14 billion in back taxes to ireland's government. that's the biggest single bill for corporate tax avoidance in eu history. ireland's government is actually accused of what is called reverse engineering the tax system to help apple minimize its bill for years. in exchange, it says, apple agreed to base its european headquarters in ireland, generating some 5,500 jobs. jc: sears is putting some stock once again start selling paint and accessories in some of its stores. sears is hoping an increase in home remodeling projects will mean more home-improvement sales. two brands will be on sale in stores weatherbeater and easy , living, along with a newly added line under the craftsman label designed for use on metal, porches and garage floors. ed: tonight, we continue our push to make a back-to-school easier. and making that meal doesn't have to mean starting from shows us how reformulating can be enticing the next day. >> they will happily eat cold pizza, cold meatballs, cold meatloaf. even cold spaghetti and sauce. reporter: all of that sounds better than a sandwich to me, and tufts professor of nutrition says it will to your kids as well. >> this is left over chicken from the chicken i had last night. it's it. lots of vegetable and color in it lots of crunch,. reporter: she made us an example of a leftover-based lunch. >> foods you feed your kid are equally good for you. reporter: for the appellant the family, consider a more mature presentation. >> i might throw in some lettuce and make it more of a salad. reporter: but for kids, getting them to eat it takes three steps. make it easy to eat. >> bite-size pieces. reporter: at a side to make vegetables more appealing. and reporter: don't just early everything in altogether. >> children tend to like things distinct one from the other. reporter: compartmentalized containers come in handy. when bringing leftovers, you may want a cold pack. dr. goldberg says is the food is well chilled before school, it should be fine by lunch. tomorrow of the near -- tomorrow morning on the eye-opener, easy ways to save money on lunch. jc: you do? i don't think i know a man who doesn't. ed: it's even better the second day. maine's embattled governor back in the spotlight tonight. jc: next, local reaction to his controversial comments about drug dealers and massachusetts, and the talk he may resign. ed: ryan lochte speaking about the scandal at the rio games. what he's saying about the very jc: breaking news, a teenager has been rushed to the hospital after this crash in newton. we are told he was hit by an elderly driver. ed: right now at 5:30, los brown has finally come out of the house, ending an hours-long standoff that began with a woman calling for help. brown posted to social media saying he's innocent and officers won't find anything. jc: plymouth police are looking for the man who broke into two home, naked from the waist down. he broke into two homes along white horse beach. one victim says intruder went all throughout the house even walked into childrens' rooms upstairs. nobody was hurt. ed: osha is now investigating how the truck tipped on a rhode island dangling in a bucket, 100 feet above the sakonnet river. they were later rescued by another truck. jc: harvey is watching the tropics, and they could come the holiday weekend. harvey: this is a tropical depression emerging into the gulf of mexico. but i want to show you the latest thinking. it may intensify as a gets into the warm waters of the gulf and

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Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160830 :

Transcripts For WCVB Newscenter 5 At Five 20160830

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and the chance of somewhat weather, we take a look in a few minutes. ed: right now, police and plymouth are searching for a suspect in several overnight break-ins. jc: victims say they will come to find the man half naked inside their homes along white horse beach. newscenter 5's shaun chaiyabhat is live in plymouth tonight with the details, shaun? reporter: plymouth police say this man broke into two homes. victims and witnesses both tell me the man was naked from the waist down. >> it's scary. that kind of thing really doesn't happen around here. reporter: neighbors in this tranquilreporter: beach community woken by police early monday, after a series of disturbing break-ins. >> he had no pants, no boxers on. he was running around half naked. reporter: she watched a half naked man getting shoved out of a home then run down the beach, and try to get into another cottage. plymouth police say, overnight sunday the man broke into two homes. one victim told me she woke up, to find the naked stranger in her home tapping her on the he went through her home even into her children's room. >> and went up the stairs, into one of their sons bedrooms, and her mother's bedroom, and then came down the stairs. they had dozed off watching tv and she said they had tapped her on the shoulder, and she just jumped up and said who are you ? and got them out of the house and then they called the police. reporter: policereporter: canvassed the beach, but no suspect inside. now, people doors locked tight. >> it is very scary. we have never been afraid of open doors. reporter: police are not releasing a description of that intruder. they are only asking people here to be more cautious. in plymouth, shaun chaiyabhat, wcvb newscenter 5. jc: new at 5:00. osha is now looking into this dangerous scene in rhode island yesterday. the agency will investigate how this truck tipped, leaving two bridge inspectors dangling in a bucket over the sakonnet river. they were later rescued by new england bridge contractors of norton, massachusetts owns the truck. the engineers work for a providence-based company. ed: leaders in the city of everett are demanding new action after another uber driver is arrested. sera congi with the company's response tonight. >> these are alarming situations that cannot be repeated. reporter: the arrest of this man, paul griffin, prompting the city of everett to demand action from there. >> he was>> opening doors and fondling himself in front of girls. reporter: he is accused of exposing and fondling himself into separate incidents in everett. he also has a similar case in boston for a similar crime. last month, everett police arrested darnell booth for allegedly raping a teenage girl while driving for uber. >> they need to step up and we need to take a closer look at these situations. they cannot continue to happen. -- the mayor of everitt sent a letter to uber demanding more scrutiny for drivers. he writes, the current driver screening system is not working. >> we will move as aggressively as we can. reporter: governor baker just signed a new state law regulating ridesharing companies to require twice yearly background checks on drivers. >> if anybody under the breaks it, we will find out about it and we will be in a position to notify the transportation company. reporter: that new law does not go into effect until november. that is why the mayor of everett sent uber this letter, hoping the company will step up the requirements, and get them in place right now. in everett, sera congi, wcvb newscenter 5. jc: today is the one-year anniversary of an unsolved new hampshire murder, that feeling of denise robert. the 62-year-old advertising saleswoman was taking her regular sunday evening walk when she was shot by someone firing from a passing car. police have investigated the case for hundreds of hours, but still have not identified or robert's brother thinks the murder was related to the heroin epidemic. a memorial to denise robert will be held tonight. right now, police in sharon are searching for this man. investigators say he broke into and robbed a sharon jewelry store sunday morning. the suspect got away with thousands of dollars worth of stuff. anyone with information is asked to contact sharon police. ed: patriots nation listening closely, as tom brady speaks one final time before serving his suspension. jc: promising to stay sharp during his time-out. sportscenter 5's josh brogadir is live at gillette stadium tonight, josh? reporter: brady admitting it is not going to be easy to sit back during the suspension, and saying he does want to play this thursday night against the giants. he was back on the practice field this afternoon, alongside the other quarterbacks. those are jimmy garoppolo and jacoby percent. -- jacoby percent. week one in arizona and with brady's suspension looming, the last time he played in a week for preseason game was also against the giants in 2011. this preseason, anything but following the script from past years. as for his league imposed time off, he plans to make the most of it. he took the high road when talking about jimmy. >> i love being with jimmy. i have enjoyed every day we spent with him. i wish him the very best, personally. when you see people that it means a lot to, you always want them to succeed as well. it would be tough to watch, but i will be excited to watch and excited to learn, and hopefully when i come back in october, i will be a better player then and today. reporter: brady started -- the patriots started with 81 players on the roster. they have to get down to 75 by light at gillette, josh broke a, wcvb sportscenter 5. ed: manage my 16. democratic vp nominee tim kaine is attacking donald trump in the -- commitment 2016. democratic vp nominee tim kaine is attacking donald trump in the swing state of pennsylvania. while primary voters in florida and arizona head to the polls in a test case for two republicans that have sparred with the man at the top of their ticket. here's maria stephanos. reporter: democratic vp nominee tim kaine has words for donald trump. tim he released his tax returns, there is not one reason for one voter in the country to trust donald trump. reporter: on the trail in pennsylvania, hitting trump on taxes and the debt owed to banks and foreign government. >> let's be honest. it would be pretty hard as president to train people in, when you open big-time. reporter: meanwhile, voters in florida and arizona casting ballots today in two tough cases of the down ballot effect of donald trump. >> we are very confident about election in november. reporter: trump be grudgingly endorsing the arizona senator after previously criticizing mccain's war record. on wednesday, he travels to arizona to deliver a major speech there on immigration. in florida, marco rubio is facing off against a republican real estate developer, who has been called florida's little trump. on the democratic side, debbie wasserman schultz is facing off against a endorsed by bernie sanders. meanwhile, the head of the fbi says they are working to protect the electoral system against hackers. >> we take very seriously any efforts by any after, including -- actor, including nationstates, to influence the conduct of affairs in our the fbi will also be releasing reports relating to its investigation of hillary clinton's private e-mail server. they expect about 30 new e-mails to come from the fbi soon. jc: thank you. the agricultural department has close offices in five states, after receiving anonymous threats. the closed offices are in colorado, connecticut, maryland, north carolina and west virginia. the department is working with the fbi and federal and local law enforcement to determine whether the threats are credible. ed: from provincetown to west stockbridge, massachusetts is about to get a lot more blue. a group called massachusetts state police wives has started tying blue ribbons in all 351 the goal is to show support for law enforcement officers and their families during what they say has been a difficult year. today, they were at the police department in auburn where officer ronald tarentino was shot and killed in may during a traffic stop. >> it is very time-consuming, because when we go into a town, we just don't come into the ed: so far, the group has been to more than two dozen towns and says only a few have said no. just 10 past 5:00 in the evening. you're looking live at the zakim bridge. cleared up a little bit. the traffic getting into town is a little slow. let's get the latest information. you can see the red in normal places. down south it was better there, still that. mass after 33 a half hour. first leg of the pike, about 15 minutes. 128 south is slow into wellesley. 490 five south is slope here the pike two 290 is a seven minute ride. jc: video that is truly shocking. ed: truly. it shows a man tossing a child off the side of the bridge. the little guy is ok. her. jc: caught on camera. a pregnant woman, rescued from her burning car. the hero that was on the job when he made the big save. new at 5:30. >> they work great together. i'm extremely proud of them. ed: saved by his own team. the middleton fire chief saving -- sharing his own story of survival. >> wednesday morning on the eyeopener, saving money on back to school. >> to cut money and callers when you are packing lunches. >> the chances for storms and the bus stop forecast, announcer: you're watching newscenter 5 at 5:00. jc: new video of a dramatic rescue during a 10-car pile up in binghamton, new york. the dash-cam video shows the chilling first moments of the crash last week on route 17. the flames quickly spread before someone uses a fire extinguisher to put them out. a group then pulls the driver out likely saving her life. the city's mayor posted this video online, thanking everyone involved in that rescue. the number of people dying in car accidents is up. more than 35,000 people died in traffic crashes in 2015. that is a 7.2% increase, running counter to the five decade trend of declining deaths. the u.s. department of transportation says distracted they say lower gas prices and job growth increased the number of miles driven last year. ed: here's the story we were just talking about a minute ago. a young boy is thrown off a bridge, into the water. it's all caught on cell phone video. it is hard to watch. the board is four years old. -- boy is 54 years old. he was tossed off a washington state bridge by an unidentified man. he falls into the river below where witnesses say his mother is waiting. the boy survived the fall but misdemeanor reckless endangerment charges, and the man who threw the boy off the page also facing reckless endangerment and criminal trespassing charges. witnesses say more needs to be done. >> i feel like she needs to go to jail for it or get charged because you can't just do that to a kid and let it happen. ed: it is unclear tonight who the man is that actually through the boy off the bridge. clearly, you can see a man did do that. dramatic rescue caught o news photographer gets in the middle of his work to help rescue a pregnant woman from a burning car on a louisiana highway. the woman was driving on highway 63 when she lost control, ran off the road and crashed into trees. the photographer managed to pull the woman from the passenger's side of the car flames burning within arms reach. the woman and her unborn baby are expected to be ok. jc: a pair of sinkholes opening up on a major highway in the sinkholes popped up just a few feet from each other. a broken water line that undermined the ground beneath the southbound lanes caused the holes. no one was hurt. right here, you see a microburst caught on camera. watch this time lapse video. this is happening in ohio. you can see that microburst unfold. we are familiar with them, we have had them here. a downdraft with thunderstorms, they can be as damaging as a small tornado. ed: that is really a classic. harvey: we have been starting to talk more and more about the tropics. they are getting more and more active. the other question is, will any of them have any tangible effect on us? when we are keeping a most careful eye on is emerging in the eastern gulf of mexico. this is the projected track off the carolina coast him a few hundred miles southeast of us. rough surf. heather: important with everyone making labor day plans. harvey: of course, it is the last big weekend of the summer. it becomes more and more important. this is only tuesday. this is just an early estimate. let's talk a little more about this. this is the newest piece of information. it does appear the track will at least be somewhat closer to potentially have some influence on a part of southern new england. it is tropical depression nine, but likely will be gng there's already concern across the florida panhandle. there are some tropical storm watch is going into effect. i'm showing you all the different computer models, and if you take a consensus. most of them take it northeast off the carolina coast, but notice there is a tendency on some of them to curb it a little more north, even though it is still offshore of our area. it could bring it close enough in other words, it is no longer a case where the entire labor day weekend is likely to all be sunny and beautiful. we have always known with these tropical systems, there is a chance of rough surf. that becomes a bigger threat now. even some gusty winds and perhaps even rain for start -- part of the south coast of the cape or the east coast of massachusetts cannot be ruled out, sometime in the latter half of the labor day weekend. that's about all i can say. how much it develops and intensifies, that has play out. in the meantime, it is 75 degrees in boston. we have a wind off the water. it is somewhat warmer across other areas. plymouth is 81. 84 in springfield. it has been another good outdoor summertime day. it is still relatively comfortable over most of the area, getting a little sticky where the sea breeze is coming in off the coast. it will be more humid for tomorrow into thursday, and tomorrow night and thursday is the opportunity for some will we get widespread rain? that has been no all summer long. but some areas should get some rain. notice how we will start to turn somewhat less human on friday. saturday, should be very dry and bright, maybe even the feel of fall will be in the air. as we watched the top of the system move off the carolina coast at the same time. in the meantime tonight, warmer than the last unites. tomorrow will be a warm an some of us could get a thunderstorm. right now, some storms kind of approaching northern new york state, out of southern canada. that is the lead batch of a southern frontal system. looking at the overnight, another ok night. patchy clouds by the morning. breakthrough son tomorrow, but definitely more clouds than today. late tomorrow evening, spotty shower or thunderstorm could be around. there could be a few more into on thursday, and may be very sluggish to move. it may allow moisture to pull around most of the area especially southeastern mass or the cape. friday, partial clearing, but some instability. it will start to turn less humid and turn cooler. friday night through saturday, looks like it will be pretty cool around here. it is what happens after that that will become somewhat more interesting, as the chances of rough surf increases. day, depending on the track of the system in the gulf of mexico. a bright and cool start of the holiday weekend, somewhat questionable finish to it. we want to make sure you stay abreast of all the forecast as we go forward, as there could be changes as we know more about the system. jc: thank you. chipotle, offering more freebies tonight. ed: the perks as they hope more customers will bite on. then this. packing lunch. the two-for-one plan getting it done as the school season begins. ed: new at the 911 calls from 5:30. the night of the mass shooting at pulse nightclub. the chilling reports just released today. jc: and at 6:00 corny tribute. , a can you see big papi in this big corn maze? ed: i can see it. jc: stay with us. your daughter wants to stay organic. yo from artificial ingredients. you want to stay free from artificial preservatives. and your debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with small victories like stop & shop's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 items. capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. so capital one reimagined banking... ? with a place that feels nothing like a bank. and helpful people that talk to you...not sell to you. with free checking accounts that are actually free... no minimums. no fees. and a top-rated app, let's you bank right here. jc: chipotle, trying to rebuild customer confidence after a series of food safety scares, is targeting kids with a special give-away. the company is offering free kid's meals on sundays next month. in june, chipotle launched a 3-month loyalty program that lets customers earn free meals based on how often they visit a restaurant. then yesterday, the chain announced that high school and college students can get free soda or ice tea if they buy a ed: apple has been ordered to pay more than $14 billion in back taxes to ireland's government. that's the biggest single bill for corporate tax avoidance in eu history. ireland's government is actually accused of what is called reverse engineering the tax system to help apple minimize its bill for years. in exchange, it says, apple agreed to base its european headquarters in ireland, generating some 5,500 jobs. jc: sears is putting some stock once again start selling paint and accessories in some of its stores. sears is hoping an increase in home remodeling projects will mean more home-improvement sales. two brands will be on sale in stores weatherbeater and easy , living, along with a newly added line under the craftsman label designed for use on metal, porches and garage floors. ed: tonight, we continue our push to make a back-to-school easier. and making that meal doesn't have to mean starting from shows us how reformulating can be enticing the next day. >> they will happily eat cold pizza, cold meatballs, cold meatloaf. even cold spaghetti and sauce. reporter: all of that sounds better than a sandwich to me, and tufts professor of nutrition says it will to your kids as well. >> this is left over chicken from the chicken i had last night. it's it. lots of vegetable and color in it lots of crunch,. reporter: she made us an example of a leftover-based lunch. >> foods you feed your kid are equally good for you. reporter: for the appellant the family, consider a more mature presentation. >> i might throw in some lettuce and make it more of a salad. reporter: but for kids, getting them to eat it takes three steps. make it easy to eat. >> bite-size pieces. reporter: at a side to make vegetables more appealing. and reporter: don't just early everything in altogether. >> children tend to like things distinct one from the other. reporter: compartmentalized containers come in handy. when bringing leftovers, you may want a cold pack. dr. goldberg says is the food is well chilled before school, it should be fine by lunch. tomorrow of the near -- tomorrow morning on the eye-opener, easy ways to save money on lunch. jc: you do? i don't think i know a man who doesn't. ed: it's even better the second day. maine's embattled governor back in the spotlight tonight. jc: next, local reaction to his controversial comments about drug dealers and massachusetts, and the talk he may resign. ed: ryan lochte speaking about the scandal at the rio games. what he's saying about the very jc: breaking news, a teenager has been rushed to the hospital after this crash in newton. we are told he was hit by an elderly driver. ed: right now at 5:30, los brown has finally come out of the house, ending an hours-long standoff that began with a woman calling for help. brown posted to social media saying he's innocent and officers won't find anything. jc: plymouth police are looking for the man who broke into two home, naked from the waist down. he broke into two homes along white horse beach. one victim says intruder went all throughout the house even walked into childrens' rooms upstairs. nobody was hurt. ed: osha is now investigating how the truck tipped on a rhode island dangling in a bucket, 100 feet above the sakonnet river. they were later rescued by another truck. jc: harvey is watching the tropics, and they could come the holiday weekend. harvey: this is a tropical depression emerging into the gulf of mexico. but i want to show you the latest thinking. it may intensify as a gets into the warm waters of the gulf and

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