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Center. Phil lipof is here with where phil. Phil they are piecing this thing together. Together methodically, tonight, police are searching for those clues, anything to answer the question why. It took four hours but agenting on a tip, the police found the the scene. Two people inside. Aive exchange 6 gun fir. Both suspects kill. One is a male. One is a female. They were dropped in assaultstyle clothing, i think, the best way to say it. They were both armed with assault rifles. They were both armed with handguns. I would say probably 100 to 200 rounds, and that got me in the house quick. Phil hearing there was third suspect, the whole neighborhood was locked down. Police going doortodoor. There was third person that was seen running away. We do not know if they are we have that person detained. Phil both suspects dead. Still armored vehicles, officers behind protective shields. There is also sensitive stuff around the vehicle they are not sure. They are talking a cautious approach to dealing with the vehicle in case there is moreover explosives there. Phil swat teams did fine explosive device at the scene of the original shooting. A long, chaotic afternoon. The investigation is only beginning. We are going to try identify there is a third person or more people involved in the planning. Phil police eventually gave the all clear at the suv. They are concerned, right now, about the house they are searching. There could possibly be explosives there. The focus is to find as much information as they can about these shooters. Ed . First look at video from inside happened. Wcvb newscenter 5s john atwater continues our breaking coverage. John . John a bloody war path inside both who survived locked themselves in offices trying to he is scape the gunfire. Scared. She kept saying i am so scared now. John terrified workers cake taking cover. Cell phone video shows officers running in. John. These workers thinking with its a drill. Just boom, boom, boom. John investigators say the killers were on a mission. Storming a banquet room where the Health Department was hosting a holiday luncheon. One of my coworkers done the hall started yelling and screaming oh, my god, there is a shooting. John police scoured the building and found suspicious devices which made safely clearing it even more dangerous. One of those device is believed to be explosive device so taking a cautious, slow approach to processing that building and repperring that safe. Reporter the gunmen were in and it was planned. They came heavily armed with assault weapon and handgun. I know one of the big questions, this is terrorism . I am still not willing to say that we know that for sure. Were definitely making some movements that it is a possibility. John investigators say someone left the holiday luncheon after some sort of dispute. Not clear if that is one of the people who later opened fire. Heather . Heather Boston Police are on heightened alert. They are keeping a close eye on some big events over the next few days. Ed Wcvb Newscenter 5s mary saladna is live in boston with steps being taken. Mar . Mary where i, ed, heather, people will notice extra patrols tomorrow night at the Tree Lighting at boston commons. There is a lot going behind the scenes as well. So far, fear does not keep them home. They ushered in the Holiday Season to a packed sim fon think hall. Celebrate tradition despite the continued violence. We cannot let them win, that is the key. Them win. You have to live your life. You cannot stop living. Mary not surprised to see so many. These are the timeswe need celebration more than ever. These are the times when we needed to show there is hope. Mary across town, fans flocking to the gral. They are encouraging people to event. But be vigilant, be assured, that the city and the state police are working with the joint Terrorism Task force. Our Intelligence Unit goes every single incident and situation we have in the city of boston. Every event we have in the city of boston. We are ahead of the game and watching and seeing who is on the radar and monitoring people if there was anyone we are watch ang putting extra patrols out there. Mary as of now, there are no but emphasizing again, anyone out, you see anything suspicious, do not hesitate to call 911. Live tonight, mary saladna, Wcvb Newscenter 5. Heather Governor Charlie Baker tweeting tonight. As the situation remains active, Mass State Police and Public Safety officials will remain in Constant Contact with federal partners. Heather officers swarming a neighborhood hunting for killers. The similarities are haunting for people in watertown, who lived on the front lines of the marathon bombing manhunt. Wcvb newscenter 5s Jorge Quiroga is there live. Jorge, this is bringing back memories for them . Jorge that is right. For residents here in watertown, watching todays coldblooded massacre unfold in california brings back haunting memories very close to home. All the police and the cars. Jorge in. Rivetted by the new, some laurel street ut may as well be at the front door. It brought back everything when i saw the police running around, the fbi, the swat teams. Jorge. Residents say the scene is chillingly familiar to the moments their neighborhood came under siege as the searched for the Boston Marathon bombers. Thing into they would rather forget. You know. It happen aid gain some police else, you know . Jorge triggering a Massive Police response. Formerrertown police chief remembers the challenge firsthand. You can see all the vehicles. The armored vehicles. The swat teams coming in. And law enforcement. Dealing with that. Bringing resources in because they dont know what is next. Jorge the manhunt leading to suspect. One suspect dead. The search for the marathon killers call my nateing 20 feet from their home. It makes me very sad. Still have haunting memories are i still, a lot of things i dont do. I think at this time is there forever. Jorge as we all know, here it was homegrown terrorism. The motive, an attack on america. It remains to be seen if that is where the similarity ends to the carnage in california. Live hin watertown, Jorge Quiroga, Wcvb Newscenter 5. Ed the tact call training is constantly updated and adjusted as police in california responded with teams of different branches. Massachusetts police closely coordinate their actions. At this time is critical to make sure that they have Accurate Information on what is happening. Certainly come machine and control, communications, establishing what your threat is, is it one individual . Is it a number of individuals . Is it a group . Is it coordinated . Ed in San Bernardino, local, state, federal teams continue to work all aspects of thes have. Ed were watching that fbi raid happening right now. It is at a home connected to one california, which is about ten miles from San Bernardino. Two suspects, a man and woman, are dead after a shootout with police. A third person is being questioned. The fbi is not ruling out terrorism in the attack at a social services center. 14 people are dead. 17 hurt. Heather also breaking tonight, britain Just Announced it has carried out an airstrike in syria. This coming hours after parliament voted overwhelmingly to take part in the syria action following impassioned plea from Prime Minister david cameron, who said isis intended to kill people in britain. Until then, they conducted airstrikes only in iraq. Ed right now, a scene accuse of stabbing a high school player. The 19yearold faces several charms including assault with attempt to murder. According to police, he stabbed marvin in the back and hand following a party after a victory in High School Football against st. Johns prep last prosecutors say he was stabbed as he came to tee fence of a prend. He is recovering tonight. Ed Worcester Police are looking for the person who murdered a woman early wednesday morning. Cherise hill was stabbed to a nearby Security Camera caught the murder on video. Police say it shows hill walking with two people, one of whom suddenly attacked the victim. The people in the video then away, leaving hill dying in the street. Heather the jury enter the building. They saw the bathroom where will the teacher was rape and murder. The woods where her body was found. The jury heard testimony from a child psychiatrist. One was depressive state shall, that is described as major depressive state. And another one, transient see you ki outic episodes. Heather the doctor admitted the psychotic episodes he was chism admits to the killing with you claims he was insane. Heather the father of bella bond, the little girl found murdered on deer island this summer, is free on bail, after being charged with shoplifting. Joseph amoroso is also under orders to stay away from the home depot at the south bay shopping plaza. Prosecutors say he tried to leave the store yesterday with 600 worth of products. Bellas mother and her mothers boyfriend are charged in her death. Ed commitment 2016. Hillary clinton brings it back tomorrow. The democratic frontrunner will have plans them clinton has plans and will hold a town hall in dover at night. There is a new poll just released that shows donald trump continues to hold a solid lead at the quinn pi ache University Poll that fines trum with 27. A 10point lead over the contender. Florida senator, marco rubio, in second place with 17 followed each. Announcer next on Wcvb Newscenter 5 heather no more free ride. The plan that could put more tolls on local highways. Ed a supermarket feast, for the birds. The Health Questions at a local store. Brace yourself for wind. Then get ready for another warmup. Heather we are on top of the breaking news in california. Fbi raid going down today at the home of one of the suspects heather fbi is swarming a home right now in connection with a deadly massacre. Phil at the breaking news desk phil . Phil heather shall ed, we got new video in free the scene of the raid in redland, california, next to San Bernardino. Come to the front door. It is the fbi. Phil as the raids continue that one of the two suspects shot and kill boy police. Remember, a man and a woman shot dead. The man has been identified as plem whyed the San Bernardino Health Department as specialists. Was that Health Departments gathering in a Conference Room where will the mass shooting happened, but his father did interview with the new york lail dy news. He did not shed any light on why his son would have opened fire killing 14 people in a jurring 17 others. Ed . Ed nba player has been suspend buy the team. Take a look at the video. A confrontation involving okafor. The 19yearold is seen exchanging punches with a group of men. This video shows a similar fight involving okafor, the same night outside of a different club. Boston police are investigating. They have not filed any charges as of now. The mass pike. Will replace the tollbooth on that stretch of the pipe. A system that is used on the bridge, but tonight, the Senate Transportation share is also viving the idea of adding similar tolls to i93 and interstate 95 to raise more revenues so stay tuned with that. With winter around the corner, the mbta is ready. Unveiling new snowremoving mbs. Heather with winter around the corner, the mbta says it is ready. The t has unveiled new snowremoving machines that will battle the elements over the next few months. The new gear includes giant snow melters and deicers for the third rail, critical for keeping the trains running during heavy snowstorms. There will be more t staffing than last winner and a snow desk hotline. Ed some massachusetts walmart shoppers have a beef with the store. Heres why you can see a bunch meat. A customer took the video inside the chicago walmart earlier this week. Walmart says it threw away the meat as soon as the store learned what happened. 17 birds were removed from the store. Ed i worked at appreciate ry store. They do come in. He open up the back door. Meteorologist a good choice. Fillets on all of them. The birds are flying inside because outside today, it with as foggy, pri, rainy out there. Most of the rain seems to be north of the mass pike. All of that moisture in the air, temperatures have not ruled off much 6789 the dry air not moved in. We had a band of fog which formed through here. More visibility to drop down below a quarter mile. Be cautious about that. You see the drier air trying to work the way in. It will be gone by the time the morning commute come around. Overnight tonight, there is fog out there. Here. Look at this. It extend interests the stretching down to 49 and look closer. We got at downpour going on with it. We put a tracker on this one. It is moving to the northeast now at 40 Miles Per Hour. Now i put in andover. Four minute. New bury at 27 minutes. So this is moving fast. Offcoast by say the halfhour, 45 minute or so. Then we are done with the ran. Le there may be hit or miss showers left. The bulk of the heavier downpours will be gone. If you have not been outside this evening. Are missing out on the warmest temperatures of the day. Most of it today, we saw reading in the lower 40s now to the it upper 40s. 50s are showing up. Boston at 50 plymouth is at 60 then in new bedford. 58 degrees. Warm ir is trying to surge sup in here. That is why tonight, not going to get that cold out here. Overnight tonight, we are will see them drop off. It is 50 degrees. Dewpoint matches it. That means the air is holding every possible bit of moisture again. There is not a wind out there. The wind will be stirring things kind of gusts tomorrow night. The temperatures overnight tonight, they drop maybe to the upper 40s but a very, very mild start to the day tomorrow. It wont warm up that much tomorrow. Thing if and showersth. Mild and temperatures 46 to 0 for the overnight low then tomorrow, well see clearing but it is going to be windy. Temperatures will hold steady or slowly fall. From 0s to the mid 40s as we heading that the afternoon. That westerly wind going to be busy at 15 to 36 Miles Per Hour. Here is what happened today. Few scattered showers left around at 1 00 a. M. A little band to come through here around sunrise or so. Then it out of here. We start to lar the skies away. He is a slow process. Tomorrow, is more of a partly cloudy day than anything else. The other thing watch the winds ramp up. This is tomorrow at noon. By 2 00, 24 Miles Per Hour. I think some places will gusts well over 36 Miles Per Hour tomorrow afternoon. Look for the wind to be issued. Tomorrow, and windy. Temperatures in the mid 40s. That is still before normal this time year. Check out what happens to the weekend. We actually start to change the weather pattern around. We go from the cool pattern to a mild pattern and that means our temperature on saturday boosts to degrees and on sunday, up to 50 degrees. But because the sun guess down thoroughly, it is evening gaming. That is still not bad. 46 degrees for kickoff temperature for a Football Game especially compared to we had last week. Next chance for showers dup show up until wednesday. By that point, storm system, south of us, it is also too warm. It is a rain event. We are in december and talking about snow. Were not talking about snow here. We are talking about a pretty warm week. Cool temperatures on i day. Otherwise, it looks dry. Sunny. Above incomal this time of year. Ed, heather . Ed well, despite that, ed Christmas Decorations are going up. Heather and that could mean your wifi is slowing down the link homeowners are being the white house is ready for the holidays and the first lady give a special tour today to military families. 68,000 people are expected to visit the white house to see decorations. They include a penguin family welcoming guests at the east wind entrance. 56 snowmen and women to there is also an 18 and a half foot tree, dedicated to military families. Plus, a nearly 500pound gingerbread white house, covered in dark chocolate. Zi was beautiful. J all the home day deck ration could be giving you unexpected consequence. Heather the first time i heard this. It could be draining the wifi. Researchers say the lights can cause interference of the same frequency that the wifi uses and, as you mow, more device in your home will add to the slowdown. Oh, joy. Ed thing you learn here at 11 00. Reporter now i dont have to hang any lights. Look at the guy ritchie spent the might w. This is the rocket. Roger clemens. He is on this billion lot for this years hall of fame. We chattedded about what he i am totally blind. P and sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24. Learn more by calling the patriots hard at work preparing for the eagles, but there are still some leftover pieces from sunday night regarding refs, rules, and Rob Gronkowskis injury. Bob halloran picks up those pieces from gillette. Two days after being waived by the patriots, chris harper is back, signed today as a member of the practice squad. Harper fumbled a punt in the Fourth Quarter sunday with the touchdown. Skieded if a call had cost the game as some suggested that happened. I dont think any game comes down to one play. I mean it can come to down to one play. There is a lot of plays. Belichick had no problem with my questions but seemed to have a problem with one about why the team would issue statement with gronk about his injury. You tried to do everything we can to help you out. What were you . Sorry if you are offended by this. Just trying to be cooperative and help you out. If that is a problem, just let me know. No problem, coach. Bob halloran, Wcvb Newscenter 5. I got not problem be with that. A little problem with chris harp are the other night. Two days after being waived by the patriots, chris harper is back, signed today as a member of the practice squad. Harper fumbled a punt in the Fourth Quarter sunday with the broncos eventually turned into a touchdown. Enjoyable evening down at the garden at the 4th annual six new England Sports icons were honored, includes the rocket, roger clemens. Ok. I guess we will not hearle from the rocket, roger. We talked about the chance of going in, the hall of fame. He said he would be absolutley comfortable with that. All right. Lets go. Run it again . Any thoughts again . Any more apprehension . Any more optimism . Yeah. I mean, great. When the guys vote for you, it is great. You know, i am so far passed it, you know . I have no control over it. Like i said, the guys that looked at the pack and we went through it. It was, it was tough times for us. But you know, we held our highheads high. We it did right. I play the game right. So i am thankful the guy to do worth waiting for. All right. The are you wins in the third period in edmonton. A long way away. They are tied oneone. Tonight, sad to report that one of the most popular celtic pliers from the early dynasty days. Jim loscutoff pass pass aid way at the age of 80. Part of not one, two, three, four five, six, but seven celtic nba World Championship teams. Wow. He was wonderful gentlemen. A great coach boston state before they moverred into umass boston. He will be truly missed. Alwaysed a smile. Hes with a wonderful guy. His name is there. Right. So 18 up from. 16. A great legacy. You bet. When it came to the point of having number reready to, we wanted the number to be available to someone else. 5089 how many players do that. A right. I know. Not many. Announcer the following is a

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