Transcripts For WCVB Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For WCVB Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20160820

power to make this city safe. >> pregnant women and their partners told to stay away. golden moment. a do-over for team usa pays off but it is heartbreak on the track for the men's team. why their bronze medal was taken away. and for usain bolt, three more golds, why he's running away with history this morning. . everybody. paula is off this weekend. very, very, very happy -- >> three develops. >> you asked me to add a very. >> very happy to have cecilia vega in this weekend. a lot of new developments in rio. usain bolt making even more olympic his tri overnight. his win in the 4x100 relay gives him an historic triple-triple takele the same three gold medals in three straight olympic games. medals. >> good math. i didn't need a calculator. >> had an abacus. redemption for the women's 4x100 relay team granted a do-over in thursday's preliminary heat but they went on to take the gold overnight. an amazing accomplishment. >> lots of good stuff but we'll start with a decidedly less uplifting olympic story, the new apology from swimming star ryan lochte after that raucous night in rio. >> some was c they said they were robbed at gunpoint at this gas station but authorities and witnesses now say they were not actually victims, but vandals. matt gutman is covering it all. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. those four swimmers are now out of rio and for the first week of this they all stuck together in silence but now one is speaking out for the first time. the youngest one, gunnar bentz ryan lochte saying that it was he who pulled down that poster at that gas station and then mouthed off to those armed security guards. >> anything you'd like to say. >> reporter: this morning jimmy feigen the last of the four olympic swimmers caught on camera allegedly vandalizing a rio gas station has left brazil. that as the swimmers who brazil accused of providing false statements to police now break their silence. overnight gunnar bentz the youngest of the swimmers saying it was only second most decorated male olympian ever who vandalized the station after they had been partying. in this video you can see a man tear down a poster, then you see armed security guards detain them. at this point bentz says ryan stood up and began to yell at the guards. after jack and i both tugged him in an attempt to get him to sit back down. eventually a good samaritan translated and the swimmers gave friday's apology from lochte writing i should have been much more responsible in how i handled myself and for that i am sorry to my teammate, pie fan, my fellow competitors, my sponsors and the hosts of this great event. initially he denied anything happen then told nbc. >> these guys came out with i badge, a police badge, no light, no nothing. just a police badge, they pulled us over. >> reporter: lochte's lawyer insisting his nt admission of guilt. the other three were briefly detained before being allowed to return home. more than the other swimmers there is big moneyen 0 the line for lochte who has deals with speedo and ralph lauren worth a reported million dollars. where does this leave the swimmers? jimmy feigen had to pay $11,000 to a charity just to get his passbordt back and may be more fallout even if they don't get into legal trouble. apologizing to rio and brazil for what happened and saying that it will thoroughly review the incident. dan, cecilia. >> matt. thank you for your reporting. julie foudy is also in rio. good morning. i wonder how damaging is this going to be for the careers and the endorsement deals of ryan lochte and these other swimmers? >> dan, when you know and you see sally jenkins saying ryan lochte is ever rang, you know it's going to be damaging and really when you think about it, it's going to be damaging to the brand but in the pool the suspension, whatever usa swimming does is largely going to be irrelevant. they're not goioing to suspend d has to maybe skip worlds but the damage is with the united states olympic committee, trying to convince the world we're not that's what we're going to see is how will this play out with the ioc and the usoc for 204. >> you also wonder if there's damage being done to all these other olympians who were coming home, they should be celebrating and being celebrated. is this overshadowing everything they achieved there? >> absolutely and that is really the saddest part of all because thursday night, for example, ashton eaton wins the decathlon, back-to-back olympic gold medals for the this incredibly historic moment and what is everyone talking about, ryan lochte. and the swimmers or even if you go to usa swimming they won 33 medals at this game and they can't change that narrative now. they can't get back in the pool so i think that is the saddest part of this whole story. these great role models and olympians not getting the coverage they should be getting. >> it is sad, julie. thank you. we do want to move on to that extreme weather in kansas overnight. heavy rains causing widespread louisiana that catastrophic flooding is now being called the worst natural disaster since hurricane sandy. rob is back from covering it all. hey, rob, good morning. >> good morning, cecilia. we'll start with the larger system encompassing the entire u.s. down to mexico. these storms had a lot of moisture with a lot of flood potential in them and certainly saw that last night in wichita. overnight, dangerous flash flooding in kansas. streets becoming rivers as deep water overcome by 5 to 7 inches in a few hours reaching the doorsteps of homes and swallowing cars. these kansas floods coming in the wake of the devastation in east baton rouge that killed at least 13 people. new drone video capturing the catastrophic damage left behind. authorities now saying 58% of the parish was flooded and that nearly 4,000 remain home also and in shelters. to know about longer term housing options, as well. and we're in the process of working diligently and around the clock to assess those options. >> reporter: over 110,000 homes valued at over $20 billion are in the flood affected zones including jim jones job's house. he's been through 11 floods but this time he says there's to way to rebuild. >> my house was as nice as it's ever been. i'm losing it and i'm sorry. i >> your heart goes out to those people. a long, painful recovery ahead. today shouldn't have a tremendous amount of rain in louisiana. this front will stay mostly north. texas, you'll see a lot of rain, austin, 3 or 5 or more. flash flood watches out for that part of texas through sunday. also severe weather potentially across parts of northern michigan, chicago, i think you'll see some showers. this has very fall-like air behind it so it'll start to feel country. >> thank you. so much pain on the ground in louisiana and donald trump is now leaping into the fray touching down in the disaster zone and taking aim at president obama. this as the candidate deals with another campaign shake-up. chairman paul manafort is out and abc's mary bruce is on the story from our l.a. bureau. mary, good morning to you. >> good morning, well, dan, trump's never fit the mold of a traditional campaign but he's left without a single top adviser who has e latest makeover. this morning trump's campaign chairman is out. paul manafort resigning amid a massive campaign shake-up tanking polls and controversy about his ties to russia. >> i think my father didn't want to be distracted by whatever things that paul was dealing with. >> reporter: that distraction coming as trump makes a major campaign reset including that rare mea culpa. >> sometimes you say the wrong thing. and believe it or not, i regret it. >> reporter: but he's still not calling it an apology. when pressed by abc's tom llamas. >> was that an apology? >> well they have to take it as they see it. >> reporter: making a presidential-like visit to flood-ravaged louisiana handing out provisions showcasing his compassionate side. >> you're going to rebuild. >> i just got back from a tour of the devastation in louisiana. perhaps you can tell by the way i'm >> reporter: and slamming the president for not visiting too. >> obama ought to get off the golf course and get down there. >> reporter: speaking to a mostly white crowd in michigan trump urged african-american voters to give him a chance. >> you're living in poverty. your schools are no good. you have no jobs. what the hell do you have to lose? >> reporter: clinton responding tweeting this is so ignorant, it's staggering. now, the white house has but obama has been blasted for not going sooner. especially given the amount of devastation. but the white house says he didn't want his presence to distract from the ongoing recovery efforts. clinton has given a similar reason for not visiting. >> obama perhaps not helped by those images of him on the golf course. let's bring in matthew dowd who is in austin, texas. let's talk about the trump campaign. two-part question here. will the exit of paul manafort right the ship and i g metaphors who is actually captaining the ship right now? >> well, it's never a good sign within the last six months you have two reorganizations 80 days out and obviously they want to have an organization that's efficient but who is in charge? to me it deminds me of "iron man" when he hires pepper potts to be the ceo we know who is in charge, tony stark. donald trump is in charge of >> with apologies to pepper potts. >> we can always count on you. >> gwyneth paltrow, we have to give something to gwyneth paltrow. >> let's look at this. trump on teleprompter conciliatory donald trump. is this the right strategy that he needs to take to reverse these poll numbers? we are just 11 weeks out from voting. >> well, i think he needs to be authentic who he is but disciplined which he hasn't been in the course of this. it reminds me a little bit of ago, you checked your guns at the city limits so when you walked in the saloon you didn't shoot yourself. donald trump has to figure out a way not to shoot himself. that's what i think it's about. keep in mind, cecilia, that if -- whoever this campaign is about is losing. donald trump wants to make it about hillary. hillary wants to make it about donald trump so donald trump needs to be disciplined enough that this campaign becomes about hillary clinton. >> matthew dowd with the texas talk this morning. thank you. now to an alarming avoid traveling to miami beach, a major tourist destination. abc's eva pilgrim has the latest. >> reporter: this morning, zika virus hits the south florida vacation destination, the very popular city of miami beach. >> we're going to do everything in our power to make this city safe. >> reporter: the state announcing a new zika hot zone, five new patients sickened after a mosquito bite. two live in the county. the other three tourists. florida's govern around this 1 1/2-square-mile area where mosquitoes are spreading the virus. >> we've authorized over 26 million in state funds. >> reporter: the virus threatening the county's $24 billion a year tourism industry. all inside this newly marked hot zone. vanessa garcia is five months pregnant and baby-sits a miami beach hotel. >> any mosquito bite especially here in florida is so easy to catch this virus. >> reporter: the new area less than seven miles from wynwood where two dozen cases have been transmitted starting mid-july and cdc issuing a new warning, avoid travel not just to the two hot zones but anywhere in miami-dade county. there are 20,000 pregnant women living in miami-dade county right now, doctors urging them to take all precaution, wear bug spray, long sleeves any time they go outside. really important especially when you consider the county has seven other active investigations that are going on outside of these two marked areas. >> a lot going on there. it's stressful enough to be pregnant not that i'm speaking from personal experience but to be worrying about zika at the same time. it's a lot. eva, thank you. a lot of other news and for that as always we turn to dr. ron claiborne. good morning, sir. >> dan, good morning to you, cecilia. with the so-called blue cut wildfire that has now destroyed almost 100 homes and more than 200 buildings. firefighters in san bernardino working around the clock now trying to contain the blaze. it started back on tuesday. thousands evacuated from their homes as heat and high wins fuel that fire which already charred more than 37,000 acres. what could have been a very dangerous situation at sea a navy nuclear submarine colliding with another navy vessel off the coast of washington state. "uss louisiana" did not sustain any major damage and nobody was injured in that incident. the submarine and the boat are both returned to shore. the navy is investigating. a new video from incite a deadly bus crash in new jersey showing emergency crews moving through the wreckage right after that crash, two new jersey transit buses colliding at an intersection in newark friday morning leaving one of the drivers and another passenger dead and six other people on investigators now looking into whether one of the buses ran through a red light. we now know where the nba all-star game will be played next year. the league awarding it to the crescent city, that's new orleans, which will now host the star-studded event next febrianti. the nba took the game away from charlotte, north carolina, because of that state's new law about gender use of bathrooms. the third time it's been held in new orleans. last time, 2008. just after hurricane katrina devastated that region. firefighters in columbus, ohio, broke out in a warehouse friday evening. residents were evacuated from nearby homes overnight because of concerns that the structure may have large amounts of ammonia in it which could cause an explosion. and finally, talk about playing with your food, some boaters in the galapagos islands go the a rare glimpse of a killer whale going out for dinner. take a look at this. an orca tossing a sea turtle. through the air. >> oh. >> experts say the okay skah probably wasn't very hungry, >> kind of cute. >> i don't think both of them are enjoying -- >> i don't think it ends happily. >> amazing to see. >> it is. >> kind of feel bad for the turleyle. let's check the weather. >> someday you're the whale. some days you're the turtle. >> the cycle of life. >> most days he's the turtle. >> maybe that's why my heart is going out. where is my shell? rob, save me, my friend. >> breaking news while i was reporting on the fires we actually almost hit a turtle on the road but managed to save it so one more turtle. let's take a look. fire just north and east of bakersfield. watch this blow up in the afternoon. give you an idea how these things behave, all quiet in the morning then the winds and heat kick up and things start to ex-mode and that's when firefighters have a hard time with this one 12,000 acres only 5% contained. from medford, oregon up through seattle. i think we'll see another triple-digit day today in portland with temperatures getting up and over 100 degrees but finally cooling off sunday and monday. you have that to look forward to. mike: i'm meteorologist mike wankum. the storm system will give us a chance of rain late sunday into we'll warm up to 80 to 85 degrees unless you're at the shore line. high temperatures will be around the upper 70s. there's the chance of rain moving in tomorrow night. it may linger a little bit into early monday morning. it clears away. >> next half hour we'll take you back to the highly populated turtle tropics. >> i think we've got our meme for the show this morning. >> there's no segue for this olympics, the u.s. adding on to its medal count staying at the top of the leaderboard with 38 gold and 105 total medals. china is in distant second with 65 total medals. and we're going to go back to matt gutman in rio for more. hi, matt. >> reporter: i got one word for you. usain bolt, what an amazing way for him to close out his -- you like that. to close out his olympic career. nine golds and today is his birthday and he finished last saying it was never in doubt. overnight jamaica's superstar adding a ninth gold to his treasure chest. the fastest man in the world usain bolt anchoring the jamaicaen 4x100 relay for the fourth straight time raising the baton in victory as he crossed the finish line. >> the triple-triple. >> reporter: the usa's 4x100 team suffering a different fate after a review of the race led receiving the baton from teammate mike rogers well before hitting the exchange zone. that violation costing them the bronze. team usa's filed an appeal and expects a decision later today. it was quite the opposite outcome for team usa's women. allyson felix and her teammates basking in redemption and gold medal win. >> it's going to be the u.s. >> reporter: a trip to the podium that almost never was. >> disasteor handoff by felix in thursday's preliminary heat. >> allyson is bumped. >> reporter: with a second chance in the judges rerunning it on an empty track easily qualifying. that first place finish by a mile in sprinting terms making allyson felix the first woman to win five gold medals in track and field. now, after that men's relay justin gatlin described it as the twilight zone. and over again for the past year but they have one chance to overturn that disqualification. we should hear more about that today and another shot at redemption for the u.s. women's basketball. they can win gold tonight so we're all looking forward to seeing that. cecilia, dan. >> matt, we're friends. i want to see more usain bolt and i want to know how many push-ups you did before you did that move on the air this morning. >> what about my superman. i can also do the heisman. i have a whole -- i almost fell over doing that. >> we don't want you to pull a hamstring, so careful. let me just say it is so cool to be able to pick up on what julie foudy said. cool to celebrate the athletes instead of talking about the scandal. great story from matt. much more to come. including on a bit of a more serious note, the new developments in the so-called slender man murder trial. who young girls accused of trying to murder a classmate. a new defense motion that could change the course of this case. to try to get this dog adopted by living inside her cage. 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right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america y ayotte, and i approved this message. mike: good morning. things will warm up nicely this afternoon. in boston, we'll top off in the upper 70s with cloud cover. inland, we'll see 80 to 85 degrees for the lie. much warmer away from the coast. also away from the coast, clouds develop. anything organized. i wouldn't cancel outdoor plans. as we head towards late afternoon or evening, the threat of shower activity goes away. we look for the next chance of rain, coming in with a cold front to the west. this is a map at 10:00 sunday night. not much is happening. partly cloudy day for sunday. then the chance of rain comes in as we talk about sunday night into monday morning. breaking it down hour by hour, most shower activity will be well after midnight as it behind it, skies clear away. we go back to drier conditions massachusetts public charter schools are among the best in the country. our charter schools are public, and we have longer school days with more personal attention. in underperforming areas succeed. announcer: question 2 will expand charter school access and result in more funding for public education. every parent should be able to choose the public school that's best for their child. announcer: vote yes on question 2. welcome back to "gma" on a saturday morning. happening right now new developments in the swimming scandal. the last of the four olympic swimmers caught on camera allegedly vandalizing a rio gas station left brazil. this as ryan lochte sent out an polling on the internet while one of his teammates is pointing the finger at him is the only one to blame here. >> also right now, a bear mauling in alaska. two wilderness guides rescued by the coast guard after being attacked by a bear. the guides were leading a group of cruise ship passengers on a hike when they came across that bear and her cub. the guide's employer says this morning their injuries are thankfully not life-threatening. also closed for repairs the washington monument shut down for the next ten days. crews will be there fixing the summer. last week three employees got stuck when the elevator stopped working. >> my nightmare getting stuck in elevators. not good. >> let alone the monument. can you imagine? >> not good for people claustrophobic. the worker at an animal shelter who decided to keep this dog company. this dog who nobody wanted to adopt in dog so the worker got in there, she was eating and sleeping into the chem until the dog was finally adopted. the result of this sit-in coming up from sara haines in just a little bit but so-called slender man case. >> the two young girls accused of trying to kill a classmate to please that fick fictional character as one of the girls enters an insanity plea her attorney is now speaking out. marci gonzalez joins us with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. both were in court friday. their attorneys asking to have their trial moved to a different county in wisconsin and one submitting that new plea. the works for one of the girls who kitried to kill a classmateo please a fictional character. >> and we would enter the plea. >> reporter: being filed for morgan geyser, this after she and amanda weir lured their friend payton leutner woods and stabbed her. >> her clothing has got blood on it. >> reporter: she survived and the suspects now 14 charged as adults with attempted first degree murder. later sharing their bizarre explanation centered on the horror themed online myth. >> i was really scared knowing that slender could easily kill my whole family in three seconds. >> reporter: once in custody geyser what diagnosed with early the judge ordering both be evaluated by two additional doctors. >> she's certainly receiving medication now and that does change a person's functioning. they're not getting the same picture of morgan they would have gotten shortly after the event. >> reporter: meanwhile, the victim's family writing in a statement friday, we fully support the efforts of the district attorney's office in the prosecution of these attempted murderers and reiterating what they told our david muir soon after the attack. >> for me that she can move on with the rest of her life. >> reporte . >> weir's attorney says they might file an insanity plea. both face 65 years in prison in convicted. >> such a tough story. thank you, marci. let's check the weather with rob marciano. hey there. >> summertime heat going across parts of the east coast hitting the beach. your forecast, water 70s, lower 80s and warmer down south, afternoon thunderstorms. for sara haines we have multiple beach balls, complaints to the department yesterday. all right, we mentioned that hot water across the gulf of mexico. 90 plus and the tropics, the atlantic are heating up, fiona will probably fizzle as it heads towards bermuda. just rain but this tropical wave towards the caribbean, we'll watch it for further development. meanwhile, as we get into hurricane season getting closer to temperatures in the 60s across parts of the northern plains, 72 degrees after the front goes through later today in chicago. might see some storms there. so a bit of a fall preview. not just for folks across the plains but eventually that cooler air gets in the northeast and look at these morningtime temperatures. even new jersey and pennsylvania, you'll be able to crack open the windows and it will feel good. temperatures in san diego, 77 with a few clouds inland this afternoon. 80 to 85. at the shore line, temperatures in the 70s. tomorrow, clouds and sunshine, but a good chance for rain this weather report is brought to you by activia. we were supposed to have even like real beach balls to have a game of volleyball. >> i was >> well, you've got -- >> so -- >> okay. coming up on "good morning america," sara will talk about something more wholesome. the doggie sit-in. what happened when a worker at an animal shelter decided to keep this dog company in its kennel until it was adopted. very cute. a fork, no, it's a chopstick. i can't believe this, it's a chork. >> i love we take cecilia from the campaign trail and we bring her here and make her talk about with my body, with myself, with my life. it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia two week probiotic challenge by enjoying activia yogurt with billions of probiotics every day. because when my routine is in sync, i can face any challenge. so take the activia probiotic challenge! visit to learn more. take the activia probiotic challenge now. oh wow, what kind of underwear are those? 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disclaimer: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. cc1 as promised now to one woman's devotion to a dog that has spent -- this dog has spent so cute. >> saar are is here on the lengths of what this worker did. >> so cute. we're talking about puppy love. this worker was so concerned she moved in keeping her company until she found a new home. this phoenix woman is giving dog lover a whole new meaning. >> good job. can i have it? >> reporter: whitney steele crafting a clever plot to get resident. >> reporter: lana's lengthy stay without any prospects puzzling to the employees and prompting one giant plan, si sit-in garnering thousands of views on social media. >> our director of volunteers is locking herself in the kennel. >> so i started the sit-in on noon thursday and i actually wasn't done with my meetings for the day so i conducted my meetings in the kennel with of course, snapchat. whitney only getting out of the kennel when lana does. >> she gets taken out for a potty break when i can get out of the kennel and stretch my legs. >> reporter: after 26 hours of snuggling in solidarity. steele's incredible act of devotion finally pays off. >> hi. >> may i come in? >> hi. >> who is this, lana. >> hi. ah. >> reporter: after learning about the barb went straight to the shelter. >> the minute i saw lana i knew i was taking her. there was no doubt. i wanted her to be a part of my family. >> and i think one thing that's important to note i have not spent a lot of time in the cage of an animal but i spent a lot of time in the shelters which i know you have, as well. there are so many dogs just like lana that need homes. >> a great point. i suspect there's going to be a debate about whether -- what tiny bit weird. i vote for heroic. >> you guys, we work in news. it's all about headlines. if she gets our attention people attend to the cause and that's exactly what happened so it was brilliant and heroic and i love her. >> let's celebrate it. >> amen. you're right about the cause. it's hugely important. >> by the way it's pronounced dawg here. >> sara will do "pop news" from the inside of a cage after this break. >> where dan's been trying to put me for year. >> please. >> i have a few allies.>> want to banish the beef, we've got quick tips on getting protein into your diet while going green. taking a page from the bieb, beyonce, frank ocean surprises fans with a special delivery. ? 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[ school bell ringing] we were learning about how talented the ancient greeks were, and suddenly i traveled back in time! i thought, ?i could have been a writer.? or an athlete! i could have even been an architect! then i realized, i don't have to go back in time to do amazing things. i can start today. cc1 test message cc1 test message okay, when you think protein you often think the staple, turkey, steak, chicken, eggs but dave zinczenko, our abc news nutrition and wellness correspondent, author of course of the new best-selling "zero belly smoothies" book is here to share it. you kind of don't think meatless protein but it's true, you're saying. you don't always need the meat. >> you're right. it is time to respect the plant going to live longer in part because you're taking in less cholesterol and saturated fat and we see all kinds of olympians from long jumpers, sprinters, other, serena and venus williams committed to this way of eating. >> let's break it down meal by meal. what are we looking at here? you got a smoothie. some protein powder. >> a great way to start with a smoothie. i say it's fast, easy, effective, delicious, 90-second nutrition. what's great about protein calories and 20 grams of protein. right off the bat. >> the way to start your day and move up the food chain. spinach which you can put in your smoothie which i do a lot. >> that's a portobello mushroom burger and fantastic because the cap is five grams of protein to start. the spinach is another five. if you add in some quinoa or pumpkin seeds talking about nine grams per ounce. >> snacks, the phrase of the day hit the bar. what's great about these it's a great way to get 15 grams of protein with this simply protein bar or kind bar with five or six and chickpea pasta, double the protein and four times the fiber. >> seems completely counterintuitive, carbs are okay. low carbs. >> 25% fewer. >> i'm hungry now. thank you very much. so we go from this to slurpees shouldn't eat. don't answer that, dave. a food lover's dream coming up, "pop news." wild mustangs... in the middle of all this. they're supposed to be one of the most gentle creatures in nature. really...? i read that once. state farm knows that for every one of those moments, there's one of these... wild mustangs?!? i can't believe we live in the middle of all this! they're supposed to be one of the most gentle creatures in nature. really? i don' know, i read that once... eir home and auto with state farm. here to help life go right, state farm. it's all about tees... this thursday to sunday at kohl's. awesome deals on graphic tees, character tees, striped tees and more! plus, friends and family... yup, that's you. get an extra 20 percent off and everyone gets kohl's cash too. now that's the good stuff. kohl's. ...clear for take off. see ya! when you're living with diabetes. steady is exciting. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. a leading consumer testing publication recently tested the top laundry detergents. the winner - persil 2 in 1, didn't only beat tide... it beat every single detergent tested. boom. switch to persil proclean 2 in 1. #1 rated. an unprecedented natural outburst sover the country.n we'll bring you more as soon as new updates come in. run. hi , i'm stuck in an elevator with a cow. a what ? we have a situation. everything alright in there ? witnesses say this is where it all started, okay guys. we're comimg in now. copy that. all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon , natural is back. my girl cindy bought this fridge from lowe's 30-day satisfaction guarantee on appliances. now get up to 20% off appliances $396 or more, at lowe's. mr. brady, we've been expecting you. will you be needing anything else? no. not a thing. beautyrest black. mom: i'm a mom, not a millionaire. permission... i can give hugs... but i can't give millions of dollars to a campaign. like the koch brothers have spent millions helping ayotte's campaign and she voted with them 90% of the time - supporting tax breaks that help millionaires and oil companies. mom: in washington, kelly ayotte listens to too many millionaires and not enough moms. vo: afscme people is responsible "good morning america" is brought to you by the beauty of rest hybrid lines. get your beautyrest. >> time for "pop news." and who is doing it this morning? >> sara. >> the one, the only and i didn't bring food today attention. >> you didn't? are you sure? >> stay clear of the set? we do have -- >> oh. >> beach balls. >> okay. >> my nose. >> r&b singer frank ocean setting the internet on fire. >> cecilia has a traumatic brain injury. >> he just released this new visual album "endless" on apple music. it took the internet by storm with fans and critics going radiohead's johnny green, ocean's hit debut album came out 2012. the four-year absence proving to be worth the wait as "endless" is looking to make a repeat performance. >> as we hit balls -- >> you reported the radiohead. >> it has an article in front of it it makes it more zendaya, the rap is reporting that the 19-year-old is reporting she will play mary jane watson is next summer's "spider-man's homecoming." kirsten dunst played it in the first three. but this is the first word on her character. her first major movie role. >> good for her. >> you've got one more day to 7-eleven has the slurpee bring your own cup day and lot was taking to twitter posting their creative ways to get in the big chill. bring your own cup to stores with and fill it with any flavor for $1.50. some parameters. it has to fit through a 10-inch diameter hole and they sell about 150 million slurpees a year in the u.s. although that's supposed to be a deal doesn't it give you a stomac picture. >> i didn't hear anything you said. i have food in front of me. >> i did bring food. it was a teaser to see if you'd pay attention to me without bribing. >> you did we? >> no. >> i think we failed. >> you started playing with beach balls and beating up on cecilia. >> i'm like jan brady on "world news" with a broken nose. thanks, rob. >> this one is cool. this one is really cool. i brought you food but with a little challenge. we have a "pop news" exclusive. our friends from panda express what is it called. >> the chork. >> it is a dining game changer for the chopstick challenge. >> it's hard. >> not as skilled as ron can finish the last of their fried rice meaning you're skilled. that was a compliment. >> i understand. >> panda express provided us with some of their cuisine so we can try out, cecilia, the chork. we have their brand-new general t tso's chicken. >> like feeding on both ends, the chopsticks are connected and then you can just turn it around. >> i love it. this is terrific. >> thank you. let me -- rather than dan harris, rob? >> i'm not ashamed. i always struggle with chopsticks and they're like training wheels. >> you could pack your own chork for any meal. >> yeah, you could. >> i hate to interrupt this since lating conversation but we are almost out of time. sara, great "pop news." thank you very much. >> time to go to the emergency room. >> cecilia, thank you for being here. we'll be back tomorrow and see you then. >> swelling. antoinette: good morning. thank you so much for joining us. i'm antoinette antonio. doug: i'm doug meehan. we're following breaking news on the eyeopener at 8:00. a man killed in an overnight shooting in roxbury. a woman in credit. >> caller: conditi-- critical condition. antoinette: a pilot forced to made it out alive. doug: a travel warning for pregnant women in the u.s. the area doctors recommend you avoid, coming up next on the eye. antoinette: all of those stories at 8:00. first, let's check in with mike wankum. we've got a nice day on tap. mike: another beauty, lots of sunshine. we're in the midst of a drought. we need the rain, may get it tomorrow night. where you don't have it, it is spectacular. one rain shower south of block island is the only thing on otherwise, toward chicago, there's a line of showers and thunderstorms that will be moving in as we talk about tomorrow night. right now, step outside. boston, off the morning low, 72. beverly at 72. 50s showing up, it got chilly out to the north and west this morning. 70s starting to show up all the way down through the south shore. new bedford right now, 76 degrees. falmouth checking in at 73. same thing as the vine yard. what's happening in boston today? temperature is not going to go up that much. water. that will keep things cool officially in boston. you know where the readings' taken. out of logan airport. from copley square inland, 85 degrees this afternoon. high temperatures, if you're at the shore line, cooler. inland, we'll see a lot of 80s showing up. worcester may only top off in the upper 70s. you have a little fog this morning gradually burning its way off. we'll talk about well as timeline the rain arriving tomorrow night coming up as when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and has all the answers.arty you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... rked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. doug: breaking overnight a deadly shooting at a boston neighborhood. the search under way for the suspect. antoinette: an arrest in a stabbing outside a woburn restaurant. the spus suspect in custody and what we're learning about the investigation. doug: a u.s. olympic swimmer telling his side of the story. the new account of what actually happened in rio on the eye. doug: good saturday morning. a live look in dorchester, where boston police are gearing up for a bike ride, a five mile ride to promote community and wellness. i'm doug meehan. antoinette: i'm antoinette

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