Transcripts For WCVB Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20

Transcripts For WCVB Good Morning America Weekend Edition 20151212

the giant metal beam that came crashing through the windshield. >> sometimes people just get lucky. this guy was very lucky. sthoet fireball and on fire. the incredible streak still alive. the warriors nail-biting win. a double-overtime victory. >> throw it in. >> big hoop dreams with their setting their sights on that legendary record. >> austin takes a 20-second time-out. we're on, rob. we're on. rob is asking, are we on? he's been in television for decades. doesn't know, when the red light is on, we're on. >> we're va fieing. >> trust but verify. a fascinating new dynamic say least a lively republican race for president. >> political theater at its finest. >> we haven't seen much of this. in iowa, fielding questions from the vote. it was there that he spent much of his time taking on the man who has now emerged as his numero uno opponent in the key state. ted cruz. the attacks not as over the top as we have seen in the past. out to mary bruce this morning. hi, mary. >> reporter: hi, paula. good morning. it was a night of firsts here for donald trump. his first ever town hall in des moines. for the first time, took direct aim at ted cruz. >> what a nice job. thank you. >> reporter: this morning, donald trump is soaring in the polls. and drawing new battle lines in the republican race. >> it's not a contest between the two of us just so we understand. everything i say, he agrees with me. noer what i say. cuba. oil pays him a lot of money. right? of money. but i'm with you. i'm with everybody. >> reporter: the texas senator is gaining on trump in iowa, where corn is king. >> if ted cruz is against ethanol, how does he win in iowa? because that's very anti-iowa. i don't know how he wins in iowa. i don't know. >> reporter: this farmer tells us, cruz won't cut it here 37. >> if anybody else gets e elected, it will be a disaster. i don't think anybody else can do it but him. >> reporter: you think it's trump or bust? >> that's what i think. >> reporter: trump says he'll take care of his chief rival. >> will you name him your vice president, or -- or -- >> he's a good guy. he is a good guy. i would say we would certainly have things in mind for ted. >> reporter: earlier, at a lunch heat for his call to ban muslims from coming into the u.s. >> reporter: a clear majority of americans oppose the requested. likely primary republican voters are split. >> right now, i have no problem with that. i like the idea. >> i wish he would focus more on problems with tim grags system in general. >> reporter: now, with 51 days to the iowa caucuses, trump promised he'll spend a lot more time here. joking everyone will be sick of him by then. in typical trump fashion, he says if he doesn't win here, this whole thing will have been a big waste of his time. >> that sounds like a trumpism. let's get more from matt dowd who is joining us from austin, texas, this morning. matt, good morning. >> good morning, dan. >> given the vigor are which trump has attacked his other rifles in the past, it seems to me like he's handling ted cruz with kid gloves. what gives here? >> i think it's a couple of first, i don't underestimate donald trump's ability to slow ramp up to a high burn. so get prepared. it may get hotter later on. two, there's a big overlap between trump voters and ted cruz voters. think donald trump who is very smart about politics, is aware of that. the third thing is ted cruz, though he's said a few things, has gone out of his way to bear-hug donald trump. contrast. >> republican party leaders appear to be very worried right now about the convention this summer. coronations coronations. there's talk of a brokered or contested convention. >> i think it's bettor call it a contested convention. the time of brokers are gone. what that means is no person the con vens is held to have a majority. the number is 1236 delegates. nobody gets enough because of how the system works before mid march. i think there is some fear, and some expectation by some, that that may be the case. i think it's a small chance. but it's an increased chance that we're going to see this. and at point is, dan, nobody knows what would happen in the midst of that if nobody goes into the convention with majority of the delegates. >> it would be history and a full employment act for guys like matt dowd sflp we would love it. we would love it. >> it would be an interesting week. a reminder, on the other side of the race right now, one week from tonight, watch the new hampshire democratic debate, "your voice, your vote" right here on abc. if we're not talking about poll nix this country. we're talking about the weather. a lot of extreems. a lot of rarities. coats because of record-high temps. if you're in the center of the country, a new storm is about to blast you. rob is tracking it from central park. hi, rob. no coat i see. >> as you said, no coat, paula. you can hear the birds chirping. it feels like spring out here. unbelievable amounts of warmth for the east coast and the eastern two-thirds of the country. look at the numbers today. records will fall. as we pump up the heat. unseasonably warm temperatures. mid 70s. 70 as far north as d.c. tomorrow, we're looking for the numbers to kind of nudge a lit bit farther to the east. you see the front, that will be the trigger for some severe weather here beginning early this afternoon. from usa on the dallas up through hopewell, mississippi. we'll get another round tomorrow. let's time it out. we're getting moisture from the strong jet stream energy. snow behind this across the inner mountain west. the two bouts of convention take place earlier today. then pushing off to the east tomorrow from shreveport up through paducah and maybe chicago. no jackets required here. i'm breaking a sweat, dan and paula. hopefully, i can come back in the studio where the air conditioning is on. unreal. >> sara speaks bird. what the birds are say, what is heck is going on marciano? >> lots of profound stuff going on in the bird speak. >> they are confused. no doubt about it. >> bet back in here. we'll see you in a couple of minutes. new developments in the california terror attack. investigators are searching for the killer's missing hard drive. divers pulled objects from a lake that's been at the center of the serge. this is all about trying to understand more about the motives of these husband and wife killers. and who, if anyone, may have been helping them. kayna whitworth is on the story. two days of searching, fbi investigators are focusing on hard drive missing from syed farook's home computer, which may contain a trove of evidence about how the san bernardino terror attack was planned and carried out. >> we're searching for any evidence that has to do with this crime. >> reporter: that hard dive, one of the items divers are serging e search for at the bottom of the lake. >> whether they're able the to get all the information from these devices, that's a question of what damage the water has done. >> reporter: overnight, the fbi confirming to abc news, they pulled items from the lake. but cannot verify if they're related to the terror investigation. the fbi still holding enrique marquez in custody. syed's friend and neighbor. whose assault rifles syed farook kill 14 people. >> enrique was a smart kid. >> reporter: the owner of morgan's tavern, where marquez worked part time for three years remembers him as quiet and polite. >> he checked i.d.s. he had a congenial personality that people felt comfortable around. >> reporter: one of the bar's regular patrons said marquez made allusions about terrorism. >> he would say there's so many sleeper cells and when it happens, it would be big. >> reporter: they say he bragged ability marrying farook's sister-in-law. >> he said he married her for the visa. >> reporter: marquez worked at morgan's taf for three years. in 2012, authorities say perhaps marquez and farook were planning something but got cold feet. >> thank you, kayna. now to gun rights groups planning to stage a mock mass today. their goal is to wipe out firearm-free zones on campuses at a time when this hot button issue is on everyone's minds. kendis gibson has the details. >> where's the shooter? >> reporter: frightening footage but just a drill. driving a nationwide waive of shocking simulations. at this school in connecticut, officers storming through the doors. freeg hostages before taking down the gunman. today, plans for a mock shooting at the university of texas, austin. >> the goal is to help educate the public to raise public awareness. and to really start this national conversation. that gun-free zones kill us. >> reporter: the event, originally planned to be on campus in the midst of time u.t.'s property. after backlash and safety concerns. >> i'm scared. i'm very unhappy. >> reporter: this process fessor says it is meant to intimidate students. organizers say they'll be using cardboard guns. the deadly san bernardino massacre reignite ing the gun control debate nationwide. and north eastern university making the decision to arm officers with semi-automatic rifles. >> knowing that they're around makes me already feel safer. >> reporter: now schools and businesses around the country conducting near weekly active shooter drills. the timing and location of today's event couldn't be any worse. midday as the students take finals. near campus that was the scene of one of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history pack >> scenes like that the new normal. >> over to ron for a look at the other stories. you're leading with the story about the mosque fire. in california, a fire at a mosque. 75 miles from the site of the san bernardino terror attacks has been ruled arson. an unidentified suspect is in custody. friday's fire is said to have been sbeng intentionally set. overseas to a possible landmark climate deal to fight global warming. after two weeks of intense negotiations in paris, a final draft text for a global agreement to reduce green house gas emissions has been attained. organizers are hoping to reach a final accord later today. back to california. a health scare there for hundreds of new borns who must now be tested for tuberculosis after possibly being exposed to it at a hospital. clara valley medical center disclosed she tested positive for t. bch. babies born between mid august and mid november will be treated with ain't biotics. a terrifyingly close call california. more california news. a massive metal beam smashing through the windshield. firefighters say when they got by what they saw. lot worse. sometimes people just get lucky. today this guy was very lucky. >> the answer to your question, paula. driver escaped with a scratch on his right elbow. official believe the beam possibly fell off a truck carrying material before landing on that bmw. >> lucky to be alive. soap stars from general hospital collected several boxes of toys while filming a christmas episode of the show, those toys will not be on-screen props. they'll be donated to the toys for tots foundation. all part of the share campaign by disney. and finally, from what i call our florida file of the strange and there really is such a file. florida file of the strange. it's a very large file, by the way. a tale of a sudden change of luck. check this out. giovanni sanchez was all smiles when he won half a million bucks in a florida scratch rauf. 48 hours later, his mug shot taken friday after police arrested him on an outstanding warrant for allegedly stealing jewelry from his ex-girlfriend. police tracked him down when he claimed his lottery winnings. really? you can't headache it up. we're getting into your file right now. there's a w-2 in here. that's also strange. >> ron's bills from the 1970s. it exists. ron you have been out for the last couple of weekends. we missed you. >> i feel like i've come home to my family. but another week away from my family wouldn't have been bad. [ laughter ] >> it speaks to the dysfunction of any family. >> remember, ron, the red light son, you're on television. >> we're still going right now. >> we love you. >> welcome back, uncle ron. advice for people panicking about holiday presents. shipping companies are struggling to keep up. becky wor sli here with tips to time. what you got for us, becky? >> reporter: good morning, dan. america. it's crunch time for online shopping. those deadlines may will inching up on you. delivery services are overwhemed with gifts bought online. two days left of hanukkah and two weeks until christmas, time is running out. information company, ship matrix, expected package delivery yous might spell trouble. >> i was expecting the gifts to get here. nothing will be under the tree. >> reporter: the reason, u.p.s. and fedex just can't keep up. the number of people ordering online skyrocketing this year. making on time deliveries a challenge. how can you make sure you don't get left out in the cold. first, get high-tech. apps like slice can help you monitor all of your online orders and show you exactly when your package is set to arrive. side. it lets you order on your phone from many retailers then schedule a pickup. i pull in and fire up the app. they bring everything i ordered right to the car. i don't have to get out. >> welcome to target curb side. may i have your i.d.? got your items right here. thank you so much. is there that was convenient. if your must-have gift is only online, order in time. you have three more days to ship with the post office. fedex setting the cutoff for december 16th. u.p.s. gives you two extra days before you have to shell out the extra cash to make sure your gift arrives on time. don't forget that ordering online and picking up in store is a great option. stores like best buy, macy's, apple let you shop online and if local stores have inventory, you can go grab quur goodies all the way until christmas eve. >> we get ourselves in this situation every year. we're never going to learn. moving to a game full of heart-stopping moments. a listening-fought win for the golden state war yores over the celtics. moving closer to breaking a big record. >> one on one. >> and he lays it in. >> reporter: an undefeated season on the line. the golden state warriors got it done. but not without drama on the >> what a game for draymond green. >> reporter: they came to face the boston celtics and to keep the streak alive. it took awhile for warriors star and reigning mvp stephen curry to get started. the celtics with a chance to win it. the shot flopped. game went into the first overtime. and then in double o.t., the turning point. with under 1:00 remaining, the warriors extend their lead and never look back winning 124-119. >> exhausting but fun. the win. >> reporter: up next, they complete a seven-game road trip bucks. >> that's what we came on the road trip to do. try to go 7-0 and keep our streak in tact. we're one game away from accomplishing at the goal. >> they've won 28 straight. whose record are they trying to >> i think it's the lakers, from '71, yeah? >> how many did they win? >> they won 33 games if '71. >> oh, really? >> paula told me before the piece ended. don't miss the big day of basketball on christmas day. including a big double herd right here on abc. >> boy, i remember that '71 season. it was a doozy. >> first of all, you were 5. >> i was born that year. >> chris nas day, the triple header of basketball. not much news. happy about that. it's a gift for us. check out the waves on the oregon coast. just pounding the northwest coastline. huge waves all the way down to ventura, california. a series of storms taking its toll. 30, 40-hoot footers offshore. flood watches out. winter storm warnings. rain and snow coming in. starts arnold noon from seattle to port lapd. some into northern california. that's where it will be the heaviest as far as rainfall. heavy rain the weekend with a front pushing through the midsection of the country. could see two, three, four inches or more of danielle: good morning. s. we are experienced some fog. 50' s in boston. for today, we are warming up into the upper 50' s, low 60' s. in the excel sun and clouds. kohler air will work its way and -- cooler air will work its way in tomorrow. tomorrow, we warm up to the 50' s. a good chance of rain coming up on "gma," not your stereo typical jewel thief. a professor, a guy with man bun, on camera accused of stealing precious gems. plus, the abc news fixer to the rescue of restaurant owning sisters. they didn't read the satellite tv contract. zblmpl and the dos and don'ts of the holiday party at the office. tips. you'll thank us later. yoda, the force is strong with you. [baby screams] steven... i... here. you look amazing. mom hey honey, you want to watch star wars with me? i'm busy dad. dee? i sure had a lot on my mind when i got out of the hospital after a dvt blood clot. what about my family? my li'l buddy? pi was given warfarin in the hospital pbut i wondered if this was the right treatment for me. then my doctor told me eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots, but eliquis also had major bleeding than the standardx knowing eliquis had both... my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. bleeding risk if you takep certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dentalr procedures. eliquis treats dvt & pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. pboth made switching to eliquis right for me. pask your doctor if it's right for you. eucerin intensive repair doesn't just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. r with a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. p leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair, from eucerin. rheumatoid arthritis like me... rand you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic,xthis is humira. this is humirat helping to relieve my p pain and protect my joints from further damage. r this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit praised as one of america's best mayors who governed as a pragmatist. bernie sanders passed more amendments in a republican congress than any other member. cracked the gridlock with john mccain to strengthen veterans' healthcare. bernie sanders. a consistent, principled, and effective leader. building a future to believe in. sanders: i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message. >> now, your storm team five danielle vollmar. danielle: good morning. we have a beautiful sunrise over boston. it is 51 degrees, currently. winds out of the west. sunrise because we have visibility down to one mile. there is some fog to contend with, especially in southern new that is why your temperatures up there are in the 30' morning. mid 40' s in worcester. low 50' s in boston. s and nantucket. an indication that it will be a upper 50' s. not necessarily breaking records, but we will get close. we watch a backdoor cold front come through later today. it will bring in more clouds, shift the wind to the northeast tomorrow, and pull temperatures back into the 50' s. and we welcome you back to "gma" on this saturday morning. trump taking on ted cruz. launching his first attack against the texas senator who is now gaining momentum in iowa. trump is referencing his cuban heritage saying, quote, not a lot of evangelicals come out of cuba. >> a lot of people think that is an anti-catholic remark. right now, holiday package thieves are targeting delivery trucks and their drivers. stolen. in florida, a helicopter caught alleged package thieves driving from doorstep to doorstep over several miles swiping packages. also happening right now, revealing how he's spending his paternity leave. he has nearly 1.5 million likes since posting this snapshot on his facebook page last night. seems like he's up for the task. he wrote one more down, >> oh. >> and speaking from one year's worth of experience. thousands is like right about the right number. >> and you've changed one of those? >> like four or five. >> not a thousand. >> thank you, paula faris, for ruining the next 48 hours. a restaurant that almost lost their business. until the abc news fixer stepped in. advice you need to hear before you sign on the dotted line. the college pr fesser who is moonlighting as a crook. >> police say he's the man stealing expensive jewels from the cleveland museum of natural history. mara schiavocampo is here with more. caper. police calling it a smash and grab all caught on camera. the alleged culprit is not the usual suspect. this morning, cleveland police are questioning an ohio physics teacher accused of being behind an $80,000 jewel heist. >> as long as i have been here, this is the first time it's happened at the museum. that any of them got hit like this. >> reporter: police say the man seen here supporting man bun and full beard is hans rag. the professor casually strolling into the ewe zeem. 30 minutes later, allegedly slipping out of a service door with $80,000 in sapphires. this police report suggesting there was no "ocean's 12" style laser maze acrobat ix. instead, at closing time, security guards noticed seven were missing. in their place, smashed glass. according to cops, a single strand of hair. >> they don't want a lot of information to get out. we don't want to tip off anybody involved. >> reporter: john carroll jufrt has placed wrage on temporary administrative leave. >> extremely surprised. quiet. kind of down to earth. >> i ner thought hans was capable of something like this. it's a big surprise to me what he would be doing with $80,000 worth of jewels. >> reporter: wrage is expected to face charges of grand theft and vandalism. is the worst part of the crime the man bun? >> yeah, he's hiding them in the man bun. that's where the gems are. >> i don't mind the man bun. the if you're a professor, wear a mask. a disguise. >> lessons in crime from paula faris on a saturday morning. the weather is probably wreaking havoc on those in the east coast that had skiing plans, right rob? >> it's been a tough go here in the northeast as fars a geing the slopes covered with snow. hunter, i want to tell you, is open. four trails. one lift. there's the sign. it looks a whole lot like spring up there. you like spring skiing. just need two or three trails to get down. there you go. the next couple of weeks. the climate prediction center showing that the eastern half of the country, this strepd is going to continue. xxiii the nofrt for the northeast. that will continue. where it's slightly below normal. where the trough is. through. and big time snow. you want to ski, go west. maces like mt. hood meadows opening up. tahoe doing nice work. more in the way of moisture in danielle: hi there. i meteorologist danielle vollmar. we' re talking about temperatures warming up today to near 60 degrees and spots with a mix of sun and clouds. a backdoor >> this weather report brought to you by target, where you can pick up nice spring attire for this lovely december weather. >> and everything else. target is amazing. >> more holiday presents, hello. more everything else that you don't need and fill up the basket when you need four things. >> it happens at target. coming up on "gma," why it pays to read the fine print. how the abc news fixer helped out. what's popping on periscope? >> we had a sibling moment between faris and harris. child-like antics. a nanny demanded on set for two you two. see it on periscope. much more coming up. keep it here. you there... stormtroopers! halt! turn here. go go! follow them! bb-8! beep, beep! this way! where'd they go? they went that way! that way, they went that way! i can't believe that worked! of course it worked! beep, beep, beep! mastering irresistibly smooth. the lindor truffle r...from the lindt master chocolatiers. p a hard outer shell with a smooth center. p welcome to the best time of your day. unwrap. unwind. experience... the melt. only the lindor truffle. p for the holidays, experience our meltingly-smooth r lindor white chocolate peppermint truffles. r from the lindt master love you too. one minute. hi. hi dad. you be good.x alright. letting go... don't say a word. it's a little easier when you've saved for college, with state farm. ...the person will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge to protect your family. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. cc1 test message test text1 underline test text1 ita welcome back, everyone. >> welcome back. that kind of -- i'm -- ron is surprised with the red light on that we're on television. >> it's been one of those days. two sisters worked hard to start their own restaurant. but almost saw their childhood dream go up in smoke. >> at the is before the abc news fixer stepped in. it's all about the fine print. these two restauranteurs in el paso paso, texas, are more han just sisters. they're business partners. their childhood dream came true last year when they opened papa pita. >> we're cooking. serving. in and out of the kitchen. >> reporter: a salesman from directv came in, they signed right up. a year later, a disturbing call from the law firm representing directv. have she was telling us we're being sued by directv. she said $15,000. >> reporter: the sisters were told that the tv was on a residential plan, not a commercial plan. they were violating federal law. vanessa and jessica got the penalty knocked down to $5,000 and paid some of it to avoid collections. but they couldn't afford the rest. >> our server sifny was watching "good morning america." saw your segment. lady. >> reporter: they showed pictures that salesmen had to know this was a business. directv said the company would accept their word and didn't know. the company afreed to stop all legal action and erase theory maining $380 in fines. >> all: it's fixed. thanks, abc news, fixer. >> when the sisters got in giant $15,000 tv bill, the company pointed to the fine print in the any sales transaction is to trade contract. take your time and read every word. if what a sales person promised you is not written in the contract, it doesn'tessa and jessica got lots and lots of sales calls. the advice is to resist pressure. compare office. telephone salespeople and door-to-door salespeople are counting on you to make a decision on the spot. you don't have to. >> thank you, stephanie. i imagine she'll get free pitas for the rest of her life. if you have a consumer problem for the abc news fixer, find her at coming up, timely advice. how not the make a fool of paert party. your etiquette guide with rob mom knows it needst a big solution: t an antiviral. the flu, call your doctor within the first 48r hours of symptoms and ask aboutr prescription tamiflu. its source with tamiflu, that helps stop in the body. tamiflu in liquid form is fda approved weeks of age and older whose flu symptoms startedp within the last two days. before taking tamiflut tell your doctor if you're pregnant,v nursing, have seriousv health conditions, or take otherv if you develop ant allergic reaction, a severe rash, unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call yourv doctor immediately. adolescents at an increased risk confusion, behavior. the most common sidev effects are mild to moderate nauseav and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral eucerin intensive repair doesn't just moisturize dry skin, it intensively repairs it. r with a unique triple action formula that exfoliates hydrates and fortifies skin. p leaving it looking healthy and radiant. with intensive repair, today, 1 out of every 4 american kids my name is 208 ridge road. and i've... seen things. like the sock rampage of 2010. the sleep eating of 2012. r and the babysitter makeout of 2014. gross. r but now with nest cam, these guys can check in 24/7. r so they can see the crazy things i see. hey ya little thief! did he have thumbs? okay, now i've seen it all. nest. welcome to we are full swing into the holiday season. for a lot of us, that means there's a work party or two coming up. here to help us avoid missteps that could make the office an awkward place is tory johnson. how much is too much hen it comes to alcohol? >> are you somebody who should avoid it because you're going to overdo it? and sometimes the answer is yes. don't test your moderation gene. if you're unsure about what moderation means for you and whether or not you're going to be able to stick is to something that is not going to embarrass you, avoid t at the office party. the thing you should do is participate. inner sara haines. if there is karaoke, charades. the fun things that happen at office parties, participate. it shows you're a team layer. you're willing to have fun in the right environment. so go for it. >> sara haines can play some charades. you don't want to be a wall flower. >> you don't. >> here's something else that can be awkward. giving gifts? >> it can be challenging. you don't want to be the suckup or the scrooge. the best thing is to figure out the standard protocol within your department and company. some companies have very specific rules. other times, colleagues have gathered to determine the protocol. follow their lead. most importantly, say thank you. if there's any kind of festivities going on. any kind of function that the pane has planned. or someone in the company, say thank you. >> and a hand-written note is not a bad idea. >> can't hurt. >> great stuff as always. back to you guys. the one and only rob marciano. thank you for that. coming up, when ginger bread turns into an extreme sport. "pop news" is turning competitive. who will walk away champion? >> rob and i. i guarantee it. you're going down! that can be serious, even fatal to infants. and people can spread it without knowing it. understand the danger your new grandchild faces. talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a whooping cough risk that you're comfortable with, i'd steer clear. straight talk. advisors it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. just head around the corner to when you're searching for that perfect little something. walgreens has great gifts like toys, beauty gift sets and photo gifts, and it's all just a hop, skip and a bark away. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. this week, save 40 percent on p people are working harder than ever, but the everyday cost of perscriptions, child care, or even just buying groceries can p be a stretch for too many families. hillary's plan: raise the minimum wage, get equal pay for women, cut taxes for the middle class, to share profits with employees instead of just rewarding ceos. those at the top are doing just fine. it's your family that needs a raise. i'm hillary clinton, and i approve this message. cc1 test message test text1 under all right. it's time for "pop news" this morning, a ginger bread house competition. that's coming up. news" items. >> i've finally given dan something to do in "pop news" because it kills him to sit here and listen to me. >> i sit here and read the paper. day. 23rd annual national gingerbread house competition. more than 160 entrants are putting their skills on display in asheville, north carolina. the olympics of gingerbread. contest. dan. >> go ahead go ahead. >> they have until the end of "pop news" to decorate their houses. i gave them a head start. we'll keep going while they play with their food. pioneering toy company goldiblox is going viral. they're paying tribute to the most accomplished women of 2015. with a gaggle of mini mes dressed up for the female superstars of our time. if missy copeland to ruth bader begins berg. they know how to rock it, girl-power style. >> we're not paying attention. >> keep working. there's art happening. celebrity chef alton brown knows a thing or two about the best tools to use in the kich. what about the other weird, wonderful, and ridiculous products out there. alton has strong words and opinions. he doesn't agree with the reviews on amazon. especially this one. >> very sturdy. but i'm just not sure what i bought these for. a fork will do the same job. a fork sni think deep down you do. you can't do this with a fork. ya! >> i'm sure i can assure hymn they're not using handing claus on their masterpieces. it's time to see the results. >> no! >> no (. >> keep going. oh, my gosh, ron, what did you to i'm seeing art take place on the faris-harris house. >> your house looks like it's been hit by the ghost busters. >> you're not doing anything. >> i know my place. i did what she told me. >> ron, who the? charge of squirting whatever that is. that house looks like it's melting. was that rob? >> it's snowing. snowing in 60-tree september heat. >> dan's been eating since they brought out the props. paula has had a vision. ron and rob are doing something. >> whoa, whoa. >> let's look -- tell us what you're doing? >> i wanted to go with red and white. classic. isn't that pretty. >> dude, we need candy canes. we have to have a candy cane on the gingerbread house. >> i feel like there's a clear winner. ron, tell us what you're doing with the melten gingerbread. >> it's not melting. house. >> for security and mother our way. the candy canes. >> i think we know who won. >> i don't know if dan deserves this because he's eaten most of the props. i'm giving this to paula. >> live from wcvb channel. this is a newscenter 5 update. antoinette: a good saturday morning to you. thank you for being with u frank: coming up on the eye-opener at 8:00, raking developments in the california shooting rampage. antoinette: a rocket mistreat in new hampshire. the person who dropped the item off at a gunshot. a tense situation. frank: honoring a local hero. antoinette: all of those stories just ahead, but let' s first check in with danielle. it is a gorgeous start to the day. danielle: that' s right. you see a lot of sunshine over boston right now. 51 degrees. winds out of the west at about 12 miles per hour. full sunshine. there is some fog. s. we are at 30 in concord. 50' s for parts of the south shore, cape. will warm up through the afternoon. we will be in the upper 50' s and low 60' s fries today. enjoy this because cooler air is moving in associated with the backdoor cold front and will bring cooler air for tomorrow. tomorrow, temperatures will only warm up into the upper 40' s and low 50' s for highs. we will also have cloudy skies and the wind coming off the water. we could even have some patchy drizzle by the close some big changes coming.

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