Transcripts For WCPO Good Morning Tri-State Sunday 20160221

Transcripts For WCPO Good Morning Tri-State Sunday 20160221's a stark contrast from yesterday's sun and warm temeratures.that torrential dowpour over night and cold moving into our area. area.9 on your sides kristen swilley is down at smale riverfront park where thing look lot different than that rain still actively coming down...and if you're getting on the road early this morning you're going to want to watch out for standing water and slow down to keep from hydroplaning... giving the cars around you more space, and turning on your headlights...something that wasn't a concern at all for the people i'm about to show you. take a look at these warm, dry happy people from smale riverfront park just a few hours ago....with their pets and their short sleeves.... but no more! and likely not for the rest of the day.... because while the rain should stop later this morning.... there's been some flooding. that rain expected to move out before 6 this morning, but of course those roads are still worth keeping an eye on. reporting live...kristen a big shakeup in the wake of last night's south carolina's primary. as trump nabs a big win....once heavily favored...jeb bush bows out... he has confirmed he is suspending his campaign. the people of iowa and new hampshire and south carolina have spoken and i really respect their decision. so tonight i am suspending my campaign. oh.. yeah yeah! meantime it is on to nevada for ohio governor john kasich and the republican caucus there, tuesday.kasich saying last night he will stay in the race.he didn't expect to do well in south's megan hughes in south carolina looking at what this all means for the once very crowded republican field. hillary clinton and donald trump--now each boast two wins in the race for the white hillary) clinton sounding confident-and taking swings-- sot clinton we need, we need more than a plan for the big banks. the middle class needs a raise! and we need more jobs! [cheers] south carolina voters cementing--donald trump as the outsider- now firmly on the "inside" track. sot trump: "there's nothing easy about running for president. i can tell you. it's tough, it's nasty, it's mean, it's vicious. it's beautiful. when you win it's beautiful." long lines to vote in both states reflecting a heavy turnout? ted cruz and marco rubio-both with strong performances. after another poor showing, an emotional jeb bush called it quits. . sot jeb bush: "tonight, i am suspending my campaign, yeah, yeah. (chokes up, applause)" in nevada--bernie sanders big gap with clinton. sot sanders you know, five weeks ago we were 25 points behind in the polls. megan hughes reporting..we're getting close to casting our votes too. the ohio primary is march 15th. the man hunt is over.police say they have the man who shot and killed six people.the motive behind the attacks and a look at his trail of terror. a little girl continues to fight for her life this morning.burns to more than 90 percent of her body.what doctors are saying this morning about her chances of are watching good breaking overnight in the live alert center...michigan police say they have a "strong suspect" in custody in connection with the random shooting deaths of seven people.officials say a man opened fire at three different locations yesterday..all within a 24 hour period. (undersheriff paul matyas/kalamazoo county sheriff's office) "we've had several shootings here in the county and the city of be related. we have multiple people dead. in summary, what it looks like is we have somebody driving finding people and shooting them dead in their tracks." tracks."authorities say at least four were killed at a cracker barrel resaurant.three people were shot and killed at a dealership. this morning we are waiting to learn the identity of a body pulled from the little miami river yesterday.9 on yor side's jay warren was the first to tell you about this. an eight year old girl from buffalo continues to fight for her life herein cincinnati this morning. morning.burns cover more than 90 percent of "treasure brighton's' body.those injuries from a house fire that claimied the lives of two others who lived in her home. her mother's fiance, out of the fire before going back inside for his three year old son.that boy survived.but johnson and a neighbor both died before they could escape. treasure was flown to shriners hospital in corryville for treatment.and thanks to the organization, wings flights of hope, her mother and grandmother are by her side. joe demarco/wings flights of hope"they were saying on the way out they didn't know whether it was day or night i just feel so bad for them what's going through their mind neither of them have ever flown in a plane before we're dealing with people who have all these emotions." emotions."treasure is currently sedated and faces a host of surgeries.a doctor in buffalo has said she will survive but will have a long recovery. just one day after the strongest storm to ever hit fiji the clean up has begun. well take a look at the damage and tell you what officials you're watching good morning tri-state weekend at 6 on 9 on your side in fiji this morning workers are clearing roads, and trying restore power after the strongest recorded storm to ever hit the pacific nation. tropical cyclone winston hit with winds topping 180 miles and hour yesterday.that's the equivalent of a catagory five person was killed there is heavy flooding, downed trees and power lines, and some forecasters worry about possible landslides.a nationwide curfew is in effect it's time to check weather with meterologist jason adams. adams. monday, expect partly cloudy skies with highs in the mid-40s. tuesday, we'll warm back up to around 50 with increasing clouds later in the day. overnight into wednesday, rain returns with another storm system. this one could bring a heavy rain to the tri-state wednesday along with gusty winds. thursday, snow showers are possible as the system moves away and colder air wraps in on the departing you might need to turn your heat back on in the next few days.duke energy wants to allow you control to your furnace and a/c from your smartphone....anywhere in the country!it sounds great....but 9 on your side's john materese wanted to know: what's the catch? casey rushman shows me her home's new thermostat.... thermostat...."this is the app schedule....":it's her phone! phone!"you can change that up or down, degrees or time."the anderson township mom was among the first to let duke energy install its new "home manager" program , which lets her adjust the temperature from anywhere. anywhere."so on the way to vacation we can look at the thermostat and change it for that week and bring it down." it's similar to the "nest" remote control thermostat, but instead of costing a hundred dollars, its free.duke's sally thelen says they will take care of everything. everything."we'll come out and we'll install it." it.""as part of the new program, you get this new high tech programmable thermostat free of charge. but if you have the app on your phone you may never need to use it."but nothing in life is really what's the catch? there is one, and it could be a deal breaker for some people. by accepting the program you give duke the right to take control of your a/c on hot summer days.... just like with its 10 year old power manager program. program. your air compressor so that in the very hot summer months....we would have the ability to do that up to 10 times during the summer month period."so duke can shut off your a/c for 15 minutes at a time to save electricity.duke, though, is betting most people wont mind that....for the convenience they will get, at no extra charge. more than one million walmart workers will have a little more spending cash on their next pay checks the retails giant boosted its minimum wage from nine to $10 an hour.the change applies to virtually all of walmart's hourly workers, even some supervisors.the changes do not come cheap.with 1 point 4 million employees.. the payraises will cost the company an additional 1 point 5 billion this year. former subway pitchman jared fogle has asked an indianapolis judge for a lighter prison sentence. may remember -- fogle is serving 15 years in prison after pleading guilty distributing child pornography. that is more than what federal prosecutors asked for during his sentencing last november. fogle's lawyer says his client never had sex with small children and shouldnt be punished for his fantisies. with what at times seemed like a torrential downpour overnight, it's a good thing construction on a special project in williamsurg is almost complete.a look at the ark encounter and when you'll rain...the ark in kentucky is nearly finished. on the outside of the "ark encounter" in williamsburg, is just about complete.the focus now turns to the exhibits inside. despite some controversy in the beginning -- people with the ark say they *have* the 100 million dollars needed to build the ark -- and they expect to be approved for tax incentives.. based on how many visitors walk through the doors. ken ham, ark encounterthings do take a long time and although a lot of accusations about funding and so on its actually gone quite smoothly 51.56. 51.56.the ark is on track to open on july are already for sale. make sure you drive carefully today, law enforcement in both ohio and kentucky have been out this weekend..taking part in a project to keep drivers safe along the busy highway. their goal is to cut down the number of people killed on ohio roads because of drunk driving.the hope is to bring it was a big night a couple presidential candidates.not so much for one that decided to suspend thier campaign.we'll have all the highlights from a yesterday's caucuses in south , michigan police think they have their people were killed yesterday whe someone opened fire randomly at different locations.police say the man basically drove around trying to find people..and then shot them not released that mans name. we'll be keeping an eye on this for you through out good morning tri-state. good morning...i'm timyka artistand i'm jason adams adams expect showers and storms to end by 9 a.m. with temperatures in the upper 40s to low 50s. this afternoon, expect partly cloudy skies with temperatures in the low to mid-50s. tonight, colder air returns as lows fall into well...this morning is a stark contrast from yesterday's sun and warm temeratures.a torrential dowpour over night and things expected to continue this morning. morning.9 on your sides kristen swilley is down at thing look lot different than yesterday.good morning kristen. its a good thing its a sunday and not a monday morning because these roads are slick.... and can be dangerous if you dont slow down. if you are driving this morning, watch out for standing water and reduce your speed to keep from hydroplaning... giving the cars around you more space, and turn on your headlights...something that wasn't a concern at all for the people i'm about to show you. take a look at those who took advantage of yesterdays warm weather. heading out in short sleeves. this is smale riverfront park just a few hours ago.... but as we just showed you this is just a fond memory for now. and its likely to stay that way for a few more hours. because while the rain should stop later this morning.... there's been some flooding. that rain expected to move out course those roads are still worth keeping an eye on. reporting live...kristen swilley...9 on your side. donald trump took home a big win in south carolina last night.winning by more than 10 point over marco rubio. the score was much closer for rubio who was only point-two percentage points ahead of ted cruz.but the real news after trumps win: is the fact that now the republican side of the race has narrowed to just 4 candidates. trumps big win was followed by a big shake up.after a less than stellar showing, coming in well behind donald trump, ted cruz and marco rubio, the once heavily-favored jeb bush has officially dropped our of the race . let's go now to nevada .there were cheers inside hillary clinton's headquarters in in. but sanders did do some damage.a huge victory with young voters.. and those looking for a candidate who is honest and trustworthy.. sanders taking that category.. 82 to 12 percent!. but it wasn't enough. abc's mary bruce explains. chant: hillary, hillary sot hrc locked in a tight race for nevada? the candidates are taking no votes for granted. man: next president of the united states! hillary clinton spent the day getting out the vote with every handshake? hug? and selfie... at her headquarters, volunteers leaving nothing to chance volunteer, holding phone list: this is what it comes down to. bruce - working on phones knocking on doors until the very end. volunteer: she's gotta win. sanders today not missing a single opportunity to make his case to voters. nat in his polling place sanders practically bumping into clinton at this casino, as they crisscrossed from one caucus site to another. on- camera bridge: here's something you'll only see in nevada, hundreds lining up to caucus?in a casino ballroom the key support of union workers and latinos. this union members telling us he's backing bernie sot: 408 because he's a person who gonna change. he's a person going to stand up for the middle class, for students, health care affordable. but this hillary supporter has something else in mind? bruce: what about bernie? woman: he'll make a great vice president. as results come in? one precinct already having to use a classic sin city tiebreaker - a deck of cards. hillary clinton winning this one? drawing the highest card. clinton's win comes on the same day the democratic party kicked off clinton's campaign here in cincinnati.. with the opening of her campaign headquarters and phone bank on kovach (??) drive. speaking yesterday..some familiar democrats including former mayor mark mallory and state senator cecil thomas. michele mueller, clinton supporter she not only has good ideas and good plans she's actually implemented those and she can break down those walls in washington and that's the excitement that i have her i believe that she done.michele mueller says the next four weeks until the the primary.. will be fast and furious trying to deliver ohio. supporters of bernie sanders also rallied can see them here at cincinnati city hall. that's where their march started and ended. a lot of young people were there...pushing what they call a "grassroots effort"one participant called it "reinvigorating" mike moroski, sanders supporter my thing is i feel like hillary clinton is probably the most qualified candidate for the system we currently have, but quite frankly i think bernie sanders is the best candidate for the system we should have. have.the group "socialist alternative" organized the event. thousands gathered in the nation's capitol to pay respect to supreme court justice antonin scalia. scalia.a funeral mass was held at the "basilica of the national shrine of the immaculate conception" week after scalia was found dead in his hotel of his nine children, the reverend paul friend justice clarence thomas presented the first reading. (justice clarence thomas) "hope does not disappoint because the love of god has been poured out into our hearts through the holy spirit that has been given to us." us."scalia's family immediately left for the burial site. president obama did not attend the ceremonies. instead -- he and the first lady paid tribute on friday.. when scalia's body laid in repose. not even 24 hours after she died -- pulitzer prize winning novelist harper lee was buried yesterday in a private ceremony. ceremony.a few dozen people gathered in her hometown of monroeville, alabama.. to pay tribute to the mind behind works such as "to kill a mockingbird and "go set a watchman.after the ceremony, lee was buried in the cemetery adjacent to the "first united methodist" church.that is where her parents and sister are also buried.lee passed away on friday at the age of 89. vying for differnet spots in this year's march madness tournament.but their are wins that *first* have to be secured.ken broo is next with all of the highlights from as college basketball is gears up for march madness, every game counts...with tri-state teams vying for a spot in this years tournament.nine on your side sports reporter ken boo has all of the highlights in part one of your sunday sports it's time to check weather with meterologist jason adams monday, expect partly cloudy mid-40s. tuesday, we'll warm back up to around 50 with increasing clouds later in the day. overnight into wednesday, rain returns with another storm system. this one could bring a heavy rain to the tri-state wednesday along with gusty winds. thursday, snow showers are possible as the system moves away and colder a stolen handgun leads police to the man they think also stole a 12 thousand dollar guitar from a home in north bend. bend.court records say *scott arnold broke into a home on triple-crown drive while someone was inside.he then took off with several handguns and a gibson guitar. investigators say arnold had his girlfriend pawn the guitar at a store in kentucky.but when police recovered one of the stolen handguns..that led them straight to arnold.he's now charged with burglary and receiving stolen was set at 60 thousand dollars. the long arm of the law catches up with two men wanted for robbing a u-d-f store on freeman and derius powell have been in trouble before.they are now charged with the robbery as well as having weapons, in addition to those prior convictions. investigators say the men were armed when they held up the udf, on february ninth.police say they tracked down them down because they used freeman's vehicle to getaway. with the rain moving in and the tempertures dropping it seem like the perfect time to take in the cincinnati auto show. show.for one more day you can get a look at all the new models.400 cars from just about every auto maker are on display.and you don't just have to look.they have two different ride and drives too! organizers tell 9 on your side: it's all about appealing to american's long standing love for cars. 10.57.40 we know one third come every year and i think its because americans love cars and they want to see the latest and newest that are available 57.48 57.48the auto expo will be five pm the highlights continue as college basket ball teams fight for a right to take part in march madness!!and there's nascar and golf too.part two of your weekend sports reort is next. here's a look at what you'll this morning is a stark contrast from yesterday's sun torrential dowpour over night and things are expected to cool off this morning. morning. 9 on your sides kristen swilley is down at smale riverfront park where thing look lot different than yesterday.good morning kristen. the rain has come and gone here at smale riverfront park. but the roads can still be dangerous so slow down and keep an eye on the car ahead of you youtake a look at those who took advantage of yesterdays warm weather. heading out in short sleeves. this is smale riverfront park but as we just showed you this is just a fond memory for now. and its likely to stay that way for a few more hours. because while the rain has basically stopped this morning.... there's been some flooding. the rain's gone but of course those roads are still worth keeping an eye on. reporting you've got the chance to treat your eardrums to some beautiful music 4 p-m the "cincinnati symphony" youth orchestra will team up with the "may festival youth chorus" to perform a rare combined concert.both are considered top-tier music ensembles for youth in greater cincinnati.the concert is free and open to's going on at the "mother of god church" in covington. good morning america is next. we're always on with breaking news and weather updates on wcpo-dot-com. good morning, america. breaking overnight, huge wins! donald trump's decisive victory. >> i want to begin by thanking the people of south carolina, >> his big sweep in back-to-back primaries. gaining momentum, is he unstoppable? even the mysterious melania weighing in. >> he will be the best president. >> and the tight fight for second place -- marco rubio's razor-thin win over ted cruz. as it's lights out for jeb bush. >> so tonight, i am suspending

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Alabama , United States , Cincinnati City Hall , Ohio , Nevada , New Hampshire , Monroeville , Kentucky , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , Cincinnati , Fiji , United Methodist Church , South Carolina , Iowa , Shriners Hospital , God Church , Williamsburg , Americans , America , American , Harper Lee , Marco Rubio , Jason Adams , Mary Bruce , Joe Demarco , John Kasich , Jeb Bush , Jared Fogle , Duke Sally Thelen , Clarence Thomas , Scott Arnold , Cecil Thomas , Jay Warren , Michele Mueller , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Megan Hughes , Bernie Sanders ,

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