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But Hillary Clinton is declaring victory. As i stand here tonight breathing a big sigh of relief. Thank you, iowa. Bernie sanders not conceding defeat. I think that sont shows the American People this is a campaign that can win. Its on to New Hampshire. Candidates already on the ground there. This morning, whos in, whos out, and who are the big winners in the first stop on the road to the white house. And good morning, america. All eyes on the heartland last night, those Iowa Caucuses setting new records for turnout full of surprises, as well starting out with that big one for ted cruz, surging past donald trump in the final days, strong close for marco rubio too. A virtual dead heat on the democratic side, the race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders still too close and take a look at this. So close at some of those caucus sites the night came down you saw it to a coin toss. At least three different times they had to toss the coin. Luck in politics it takes and hillary and the Iowa Democratic Party Declared her the winner last night but we know that Bernie Sanders isnt conceding that loss right now at all. And hes got a big lead in New Hampshire right now. This could be a long fight on both sides. Big questions right now, can donald trump bounce back from a loss . Who can prevail in whats been a pretty bitter feud between ted cruz and marco rubio and why cant Hillary Clinton put Bernie Sanders away. Thats right. Well talk to marco rubio live in a moment. The latest, Team Coverage as you can imagine of all the nights major developments and were going to get right to abcs jon karl in iowa for us. Good morning, jon. Reporter good morning, robin. Ted cruz became the first republican to get into a brawl quite a brawl and to beat him. Our next president. Reporter stunning finish for ted cruz in iowa. That is the most votes ever winner. Reporter we were there just after cruz heard the news that he had won. Tremendous evening. I am very, very encouraged, very, very happy. What a victory for the breathtaking. Reporter the senator from texas defied the odds handing donald trump his first loss with ads like these. How stupid are the people of iowa . Donald trump, new york values, not ours. Reporter people that voted for you said you shared their values so the new york values attack worked. Everyone know what is new york values are, i mean its the values of the elite liberal politicians. Reporter cruzs victory was fueled by his appeal to evangelical christians. Creator. [ cheers and applause ] reporter donald trump called the republican frontrunner for more than six months now has a new title, loser. Loss gracefully. We finished second and i want honored. Im really honored and i want to congratulate ted. Reporter the iowa loss is a big blow to trump but this was always his weakest state. He leads everywhere else. We will go on to get the republican nomination and we will go on to easily beat hillary or bernie or whoever the hell they throw up there. Iowa, we love you. We thank you. Youre special. We will be back many, many times, in fact, i think i might come here and buy a farm. I love it, okay. Reporter but perhaps the biggest republican surprise of the night, florida senator marco rubio, who finished a stronger than expected third nearly they told me that we have no chance because my hair wasnt gray enough and my boots were too high. Reporter there had been much speculation about how donald trump would ham defeat. Would he go and not lash out or behave badly. He handled it with remarkable restraint as you heard, he thanked the voters of iowa. He congratulated ted cruz and perhaps most surprisingly, no angry tweets overnight. In fact, from donald trump overnight total twitter silence. Yeah, he was pretty graceful in defeat last night but, jon, it did seem like the voters in iowa who made up their minds at the last minute had a real gut check about donald trump. Reporter they sure did. It was remarkable. If you looked at those that decided in the last three days, they overwhelmingly broke first for marco rubio actually most and then ted cruz. Very few broke for donald trump. And i think a big factor there, george, was i know with a lot of iowans i talked to they were yeah, they might have wanted him to be there. Thanks very much. We turn to the democrats and put that board back up again. It is hard to be any closer than this. Look at that. 49. 9 to 49. 5 right there but Iowa Democratic party has declared clinton the winner, the clinton camp, as well but sanders did fight her to a virtual draw and has a big lead in New Hampshire. Cecilia vega has the latest. Good morning, cecilia. Reporter george, good morning to you. There were cheers on the clinton plane when it touched down here in New Hampshire not that long ago when staffers found out that the Iowa Democratic party had declared her the winner. The big question right now, though, if Hillary Clinton is the winner in iowa just how big of a win is it really . A democratic socialist from vermont putting a serious dent in the clinton armor. It had all the hallmarks of a victory speech. Wow. What a night. An unbelievable night. Missing the word victory. As i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa. Reporter while the democratic winners still too close to call Hillary Clinton took to the stage in iowa, her family by her side but overnight her Campaign Going all the way declaring an outright win saying in a statement, after thorough reporting and analysis of results, there is no uncertainty and secretary clinton has clearly won the most national and state delegates. But that race so tight in some precincts a coin toss broke the tie. Clinton winning at least three, her supporters cheering. Yes. [ cheers and applause ] reporter this morning, senator Bernie Sanders not giving up. Tonight while the results are still not known, it looks like we are in a virtual tie. [ cheers and applause ] claiming victory too touting how far hes come since launching his bid. What iowa has begun tonight is a political revolution. [ cheers and applause ] reporter on his flight overnight into New Hampshire where polls show the vermont senator has a strong lead, sanders sounding confident as he heads into this next battle in his own backyard. I think tonight shows the American People that this is a campaign that can win. Reporter and sanders is still not conceding. He says iowa shows he can compete at any state in this country. There was, however, one concession overnight, the third person in this race, former Maryland Governor martin omalley, robin, has dropped out. All right, cecilia, thank you. Were going to turn now to the republican candidate who had a big night last night, marco rubio from joins us now from manchester, New Hampshire. Already made your way to new you very much for joining us again this morning. Thank you, robin. We just showed a graphic a short time ago that showed that a big number of late undecided voters went your way. What do you think your message was that helped them make up their mind toward you . Well, i think people realize on the republican side that we cannot afford this country cannot afford to lose this election and i give the party the best chance not just to unify the conservative movement but to grow it, to take our message to people that dont vote republican now, grow our party and movement and defeat Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders and so i feel that we felt that momentum in the last few days and got more votes than mitt romney or Rick Santorum when they won the caucuses four years ago so we feel great about what iowa did and thanked them and were ready to go in New Hampshire and excited about the momentum were carrying in. There were a Record Number of gop caucusgoers in iowa and many thought a large turnout would what do you think that says . Well, look, theres a lot of interest in this election, more than ever because republicans and americans understand that this election is the most important election in the generation. Its literally a referendum on our identity as a nation. Were either going to be greater than weve ever been or were going to become a great nation in decline. Thats expressed in the turnout you saw yesterday and particularly in our campaign the last seven to ten days, the surge of people including those not registered republican who rally around our campaign in a state where ted cruz, i congratulate him on his victory, this is the place the campaign was built in and he put all that infrastructure in there and worked it really hard and earned this victory but we feel so good about the growth weve had and what that will translate to in New Hampshire and after that South Carolina and were just incredibly grateful and excited about all this. The road continues, it began there in iowa and when it comes to those who consider themselves overwhelmingly i think it was 41 , let me get this right, 44 supported the voters last night, they said he was very conservative. That was almost three times as much as you with 15 and you said recent in an interview you talked about ted cruz and you said the lie his whole campaign is built on is that hes the only conservative. Its absurd. Thats what you said. You care to elaborate on that . Sure, i mean, teds whole campaign is built on this notion that hes the only one thats a pure conservative and everyone else is a rhino or sellout. Its not accurate. His accurate is one of calculation. You see it on the issues whether on immigration where he favored legalizing people here illegally. Now he claims he never did. Whether its on National Defense where he talks tough on isis but ted cruz voted for a budget, the only budget hes ever voted for is a budget that brags about cutting defense spending. So its on issue after issue. You know, he goes, he criticizes new york values but has raised millions of dollars from new york city. That voters will start learning about and as they do i think a lot of these numbers will begin to continue to change. Rubio, are commenting about your speech last night. How strong it was, how optimistic it was and how reminiscent it was of what barack obama said in iowa, in fact, his speech writer tweeted to that effect. What were you trying to convey in that speech last night . Well, i mean we just began by reminding everybody that wasnt supposed to happen last night. They told us at the beginning of this race i shouldnt even run, that it wasnt my turn, i needed to wait in line. There were other people who had been around longer that we needed to wait in line behind and i think what you saw last night in the results, not just with us but with donald and, of course, with ted is the Republican Party is being very clear, the grassroots, this is no time for waiting or patience, this is a time for urgency. Thats how i began last night, grateful to the people of iowa but i want people to be realistic about our challenges if we do what needs to be done, the greatest days in American History are within our reach. If we do not then were going to have to explain to our children why they did not inherit the great country that was left for us. Senator marco rubio, again, congratulations last night. Well see you there in New Hampshire. Thank you for joining us, senator. Thanks, robin. Thank you. George. Thank you, robin. Lets talk about it now with matt dowd and Donna Brazile and talk about the republicans first, matthew dowd. Coming into the first votes in iowa, donald trump dominating all the headlines, all the dialogue for so many months, gets beat by ted cruz and the big question is, he even said it himself if he doesnt win its completely meaningless, once he loses can he recover . Well, i think the great thing about this president ial process is weve known through the years is youre tested in it and can you meet the test or dont you meet the test . Now is an opportunity but all a concern for donald trump. He has to meet the test. Donald trump right now has to perform over the next week, he has to win New Hampshire or the doesnt win New Hampshire. If he wins New Hampshire and conducts himself during the course of this especially at the debate saturday winning in New Hampshire will put him back up as the frontrunner but he what is to win New Hampshire. No question about that. Meanwhile, if you look, Donna Brazile, at this Republican Party, donald trump, a businessman, you have two firstterm latino senators. This is a brandnew Republican Party. The democrats will be facing it. Absolutely right. Look, donald trump made the sale but he couldnt close the deal. And i think going forward, donald trump is donald trump will be forced to run a more Traditional Campaign try to do more retail. Not all these big rallies flying in and flying out. Voters clearly would like to get to know donald trump a little better but when you look at what happened yesterday in iowa, it was really an exciting moment for firsttime caucusgoers and came in the republican process endecided they wanted to stick with somebody who had more traditional values, ted cruz. The democratic race was a race of passion, the passion that campaign trail versus practicality, electability. It was a close race, i still believe at the end of the day i know nobody cares about delegates but those of us who are insiders but Hillary Clinton will probably get the most delegates, but Bernie Sanders has i think all three republicans right now have a problemic path ahead. Donald trump has to win. Hes now suffered his first loss. Ted cruz has to show he can win outside of a small caucus state where evangelicals dominated the scene and marco rubio has to find his first victory. A series of thirds and seconds wont do it until you find your first win, so i think right now theres a troubled path for all three. All the other republicans out now . No, i think theres still an opportunity for somebody, probably john kasich in New Hampshire to sort of supersede and move up, up ahead of marco rubio. There is a shot and he made a smart move. He didnt stay in iowa. He spent the whole weekend in New Hampshire so theres ang outside shot john kasich. Real quickly, youre right clinton has a lead in the superdelegates but will face the question why cant she put away Bernie Sanders, 74yearold socialist . 68 of caucusgoers described themselves as liberal and Bernie Sanders had an edge with those who are very, very liberal. Going forward, she has to reset her campaign to be more like a movement, not a Traditional Campaign for something that galvanizes young people and those who are still interested in change. Okay, donna, matt, thanks very much. Your voice, your vote including that big Republican Debate this saturday night at 8 00, 7 00 right here at abc. Now lets go to amy with todays other top stories with the latest on the zika virus. Reporter the World Health Organization has now declared the zika virus a Global Health emergency and that will allow more money and research to focus on the outbreak which is linked now to thousands of brain damaged newborns. The cdc has added four countries to this map of areas where they include coast ka ryka, samoa. The pentagon is offering to relocate pregnant family members of Service Personnel in those affected areas. Back at home bill cosby is due in court in pennsylvania today as his lawyers fight to get Sexual Assault charges against him dismissed. They say there was an agreement more than a decade ago with the District Attorney not to prosecute but the current d. A. Says that deal stemming from a civil case is not binding. Well, hundreds of people near akron, ohio, had to evacuate their homes after a fire. Officials say a butane tanker may have sparked that fire and the threat of an explosion for local school. Well, a milestone on wall street. Googles Parent Company opens trading today as the worlds most valuable company. It has surpassed apple thanks to sales. Finally a new way to protect the skies from all those pesky police in europe are training eagles to view drones as prey. Take a look what happens. The eagles will catch them and then carry them to a safe place. Training will continue for a few months about of a final decision is made on whether or not to implement the idea. A lowtech solution to a hightech problem. You should see all of our ex expression expressions. Some are worried about the propellers. Thats what i thought too. You saw those talons. They say that they think the talons can handle it. Really . Yep. Amy, thank you very much. We just came back from iowa where politics the big story but also there were concerns about this big storm, as well, rob. 12 hours later i think there would have been problems in iowa. Colorado spring, yesterday they had trouble getting off the slopes. A foot of snow there. Three feet in the southern rockies and still winter storm warnings but blizzard warnings from kansas all the way to southern minnesota and were seeing blizzard conditions right should see north of chicago but five to ten inches in places like minneapolis, maybe 12 to 18 in sioux city. Tuesday trivia brought to you by coming up on gma, two College Students behind bars linked to the murder of a young girl. Now one of their former principals speaking out. And the race for the super bowl is on. But the broncos caught in a scary bus crash. More on gma. Theres no one id rather. 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And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Nseek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. P eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. P tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. R i accept i dont play. Quite like i used to. But im still bringing my best. And going for eliquis. V reduced risk of stroke v plus less major bleeding. Ask your doctor. If switching. To eliquis is right for you. Good morning. Its seven24. Right now. Police are looking for a man who tried ripping a place off one too many times. These pictures of the suspect cameras at cabelas in west chester. Hes said to be in his 20s. Wearing a hat and distinctive white coat that likely helped him get the guns out of the store. Police say on three straight days. He walked in and walked out with a gun. He was seen leaving in a maroon pickup truck filled with tires. Lets get a check outside. After a chilly start, temperatures will warm quickly today, topping out at 610 around the evening drive. Spotty showers are also possible this evening but a stronger push of storms comes in after 8 p. M. With heavy showers, gusty winds and the dont touch it. Yes. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back to gma. Thats how close it was in iowa last night. They actually needed coin tosses to determine some delegates on the democratic side. Happened about three times. Iowa Democratic Party says Hillary Clinton won by the tiniest of margins, look at it right there but Bernie Sanders is not conceding yet and well have the latest. They didnt decide to go with rock, paper, scissors, come on. They went high tech. Also right now the zika outbreak declared a Global Health emergency by the World Health Organization. Pregnant women to stay away from the rio olympics. Its groundhog day. Punxsutawney phil, the most watched rodent in the country reveals if were looking at an early spring or six more weeks of winter. Phil did not see his shadow. All right spring is here. Spring is on the way. Breaking news. This little girl may not be so happy. Look at this baby snowboarders right there, lara. Absolutely. Shes 14 months old named sloan and she is better than i am. She just learned to walk and then look at her go. Were going to have her parents on live to talk about how she shreds. That low center of gravity. It. When youre that age. First in this half hour well get the latest on the race for the white house, ted cruz coming away as you know the big winner last night, not everyone stuck around for the results in iowa. Republican candidates chris hampshire where everyone is getting ready for a big showdown abcs tom llamas is already there, as well. Good morning, tom. Reporter robin, good morning to you. Cruz, trump and rubio come to New Hampshire a much different state and a much different race because as you mentioned, the pool of candidates betting on this state is much bigger. You have bush, christie and governor john castic who all were actually here as the iowa caucus was still under way over there in that state. They think the socially moderate republicans and independents could help boost their campaigns. As for jeb bush he said that his campaign is hitting the reset button, some critics are saying that this onetime frontrunner has hit the reset button more than once already and another smaller headline to come out of iowa that we have yet to mention. Mike huckabee dropping out of the race. His campaign could not catch fire like he did the first time he ran for president eight years ago and even though hes out of the race he may win first place for the best speech to end a campaign. Lets take a listen. Its time to officially suspend the campaign but not because of illness. Obviously the voters are sick of me and i need to acknowledge that. Reporter ending with a little bit of humor. So, ending with a little bit of humor right there. Dr. Ben carson is taking a day off the campaign trail and some people are criticizing him but hes taking a day off the campaign trail to get fresh clothes in florida, to me that sounds like a great idea. I could use some fresh clothes right now. Sure you could. Maybe a little sun too. Okay. Thank you, tom. We turn to that horrific murder of a 13yearold girl in virginia. Two Virginia Tech students are behind bars as new details emerge about how the victim may have known the person charged with the murder. Abcs eva pilgrim has the latest from blacksburg, virginia. Eva. Reporter two standout students facing charges in the death of a 13yearold girl reported missing almost a week ago while police have found her body, the search for answers is this morning two Virginia Tech students behind bars held without bond in connection to the death of a 13yearold girl from blacksburg, virginia. She was a typical little girl, talkative, friendly, looked out for a lot of the younger kids that came in on the bus and just sweet. Reporter 18yearold David Eisenhauer charged with kidnapping and premeditated murder. Police say he knew the victim. Eisenhauer used this relationship to his advantage to abduct and then kill her. Reporter Nicole Lovells mom telling the Washington Post that the 13yearold met eisenhauer online. Authorities believe lovell active on kick, a messaging app that allows them anonymity and ability to send photos. Eisenhauer, a track star, his principal reevacuate remembering him as goal driven and focused. I dont want to speculate because s at this point. Just very concerned. Reporter the second student, natalie keepers an engineering nasa accused of helping eisenhauer get rid of the girls body. I was really shocked to see her face as one of the suspects for the murder because i didnt know she was like she didnt seem like that type of person. Reporter her parents say lovell pushed a dresser up against her door before climbing out her window. Thousands joining the search but police discovered her body 80 miles away in north carolina. Neither student was charged with using a gun and neither entered a plea but eisenhauer making this statement, quote, i i believe the truth will set me free. George. More on this from dan abrams right here. Such a sad and sick case and the evidence could lead in a lot of different direction sflz thats right. You have two arrested on different crime, him for murder, her for accessory after the fact. Whats interesting to me is that they arrested him before they found the body. Right, so that tells you that it scene that led them to him, it was almost certainly evidence from social media. It was almost certainly evidence that they found online that led him that led them to him which is why they also are now saying they believed that he knew her beforehand. Whats going to be really interesting when you talk about this from the social media investigate because there were allegations that this girl was bullied online separately. Investigated even though they had nothing to do with this young girls death, are people now going to say, you know, this is another one of those cases where we need to end bullying and need to send a strong message. I bet they will. Dan abrams, thanks very much. All right, george. Now to a stunning twist in that alleged terror case in north carolina. A then 18yearold charged last year with plotting attacks in support of isis. Now the fbi uncovering new evidence that may link him to an unsolved murder. Pierre thomas has the story. Isis sympathizer whose own father turned him in. I dont know if its isis or what. This is your son . Yes. Reporter the fbi swooping down on Justin Sullivan last year accusing him of trying to have his parents killed and plotting mass murder. Now in a stunning twist the fbi claims sullivan wasnt just planning murder he already committed one, allegedly killing an elderly neighbor. In this newly released indictment, the fbi says sullivan fatally shot john clark, 74, and stole 689 to finance his alleged killing spree. The fbi began tracking sullivan whos pled not guilty after his father frantically dialed 911 last april concerned his son was becoming a terrorist. I come home and hes destroying and burning stuff in the house. Reporter sullivan then only 18 can be heard in the background. Why are you trying to youre going to throw me in jail my whole life and kill me. Reporter they sent in an undercover agent posing as an plot to kill as many as 1,000 people first using an Assault Rifle at a bar or concert and graduating to a truck bomb. When his parents became suspicious, he tried to pay the undercover agent to kill them. His father devastated came to court soon after the charges. Did you know any of this was going on . No. Reporter now evidence that his troubled son stole his rifle, killed his neighbor and buried the victim in his backyard. For Good Morning America, pierre thomas, abc news, washington. So hard to hear. Coming up were counting down to the super bowl. Weve got the latest on the bronco team bus caught in a crash. Plus what Peyton Manning is saying about those words he whispered. Will this game be his last rodeo . Check out this toddler on a snowboard. How does she do it . Amys got a theory. Well hear from her and her family in just a minute. Nice job, sloan. Ds. Like a bunch of space cadets. Whats my line . 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Buy now, and save up to 300 on our most popular tempurpedic mattress set. And sleep happy with zero percent apr for five years. How can a bed do that . Visit mattress firm, americas 1 tempurpedic retailer today, and sleep happy tonight. We are just days away from super bowl sunday and lets hope this isnt a sign for the broncos. Their team bus in a crash after practice at stanford stadium. A close call, no one thankfully was hurt. Both teams also participated in the nfls first ever Opening Night and now both quarterbacks are speaking out about each other. Abcs ryan smith has it all. The Carolina Panthers are nfc champions. Reporter let the games begin. Denver wins it. Heading to super bowl 50. Reporter super bowl 50, just days away and star quarterbacks Peyton Manning of the broncos and cam newton of the panthers ready to roll. Well, we got a great football team. I want to win just one, just this one. Reporter at the super bowls annual pregame circus, known as Opening Night, both players heaping praise on each other. You dont go 171 as a starting quarterback without being awesome. Peyton manning will always be reporter the 39yearold manning one of the best quarterbacks of all time, a fivetime mvp and San Bernardino champion playing in a game that according to this exchange caught by showtimes inside the nfl at the championships could be his last. Listen, this may be my last rodeo so sure has been a this could be it. Im aware this could be it. Reporter taking on newton, a 26yearold dabbing, dancing dual threat passing with accuracy. Running with ease. Making big plays and big fashion trends like those vibrant versace pants going for around 850 bucks but hes also known for his big heart. Remember michael oher from the blind side. Team is your family. Reporter he found himself without a team and newton texted him saying he needed him to protect his blind side on the field. He wanted me here and you know that meant a lot. Reporter the success of the broncos and panthers hinging on their bigtime quarterbacks in the biggest game of all. Smith, abc news, new york. It is, its going to be great. All right. Coming up on Good Morning America, she is the toddler wowing the internet, so how does she do it . The family behind this little skiing phenom is joining us next live on gma. Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it soil is the foundation. For healthy plants. Just like gums are the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair toothpaste. It helps remineralize enamel and fight plaque germs for healthier teeth and gums. Strengthen the foundation for healthy teeth. New Colgate Total daily repair. When your cold makes you wish. You could stay. In bed all day. You need the power of. Rnew theraflu expressmax. New theraflu expressmax. Announcement this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. With total accumulation of up to three feet. Roads will be shut down indefinitely. And schools are closed. Campbells soups go great with a cold and a nice red. Made for real, real life. Thousands of people came out today to run the race for retirement. So we asked them. Are you completely prepared for retirement . Okay, mostly prepared . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges theres only one egg that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Better taste. All right, we are back now with the baby boarder amazingle internet. Sloan henderson hitting the slopes like a pro. Her parents zach and katie couldnt be prouder joining us via skype from north salt lake, utah. Good morning, everybody. Good morning, how are you . Were doing great. So, katie, i understand sloan had just learned to walk. Who had the idea to then put her on a snowboard . You practiced on the carpet there in your house at first, correct . Yeah, we got her a snowboard for christmas and its called a burt and riglet and has a rig and you can pull them around on the carpet so pulled her around inside for awhile and she got good at it. You decided to put her on the slopes. Shes so little shes only 14 helmet that fits her because her head is so small still. Yes, unfortunately, we bought her the smallest helmet we could find and still is so big it covers her eyes. Because she has no hair. Yes. Hair proposes a problem. What was the reaction on the slopes when they saw little sloan there . I mean really holding her own there on the snow. Yeah, so when we actually took her up to the resort when we were walking up there, a lot of people, you know, stopped us and told us how cute she was and also said, you know, shes really going to be snowboarding . But when we actually went down the slopes people were really impressed at how good she was. She wants to snowboard. Shes like give me my snowboard, daddy. Shes not in the action. Shes not happy. Well, she is adorable. Zach, katie and sloan, thank you for joining us. What, a decade . A couple at the olympics ahead. Thanks, guys. Bye. Ahh. Yeah ahh. Ahh. Ah. You probably say it a million times a day. Ahh. Ahh ahh. Ahh but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. Say ahh. Ahh. Cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your innetwork annual checkup. So america, lets go. And take control of your health. Cigna. Together, all the way. Hmmm. Apple pie with only fruits nuts and spices. This makes the rest of my life feel very complicated. La rabar. Food made from food. Plus up to 300 to spend at sea. Come seek the royal caribbean. Alright. Big smile hey, honey how d it go . Thanks, dad mcdonald s happy meal. With fresh, delicious cuties. Are you ready . Are you ready . Youve got to be ready. I mean, really ready. Are you ready to open . Ready to welcome . The floors, mats, spotless. The uniforms clean and crisp. Do your people have the right safety gear . Are they protected . Im ready you think your customers cant tell the difference between whos ready and whos not . Of course they do. Everybody wants a piece of ready. Welcome back to gma. Fog issues down south. Quarter mile visibility out of the Atlanta Airport so may have travel issues there, mixing out with warming temperatures, into the 50s for the northeast Good Morning America is brought to you by cintas, good morning. Its 7 56the track is complete, test runs are going on. But how will cincinnati pay for the streetcar. The major transportation Regional Operation Committee meets at one this afternoon. Where advertising efforts so far will be presented. Council member chistopher smitherman says while the streetcar may be operational in mid september. It could be running at a deficit. Council member amy murray says no money is coming out of the general fund to support the streetcar. 9 on your side will be at this afternoons meeting. The tristate mother charged in the death of her two year old daughter is now a mother again. The Butler County Sheriffs Office says Rebekah Kinner delivered her second child, a boy, yesterday afternoon. Police say kinner did not intervene while her boyfriend, bradley young, beat last year. Young is also charged in the case. Lets get a check outside. After a chilly start, temperatures will warm quickly today, topping out at 610 around the evening drive. Spotty showers are also possible this evening but a stronger push of storms comes in after 8 p. M. With heavy showers, gusty winds and the good morning, america. Its 8 00 a. M. The votes are in. Cruz with an upset win over trump. Rubio in a close third. We feel so good about the growth weve had. Sanders and clinton in a dead heat as it heads to New Hampshire. Also this morning the surprising lawsuit against val. Why hes been sued for millions over a meme he posted. Could anyone be at risk for what they repost . Never been in love before get ready for 10 dates in 10 states launching this morning. Puts every method to the test and has just ten days to do it. What really works when it comes to finding the one you want. Its a girl power kind of morning from the wrestling ring with the most powerful woman in the wwe. Im showing my daughters that a woman can do anything. To our kid correspondent tackling cam newton with the big question overnight. Shut up and dance with me all that and John Travolta and courtney b. Vance here live as we say good morning, america. Dont you love that little laugh from courtney b. Vance along with John Travolta. They are starring in a new miniseries about the o. J. Simpson trial. It premieres tonight. They sent us some advance screeners, ive watched about half. Wow. Ive heard is whoa. Uncanny performances. Celebrate this morning. Turns out that more than 5 million of you have liked us on our gma Facebook Page. They like us, george. They really like us. The number keeps on going up and we want to say thank you to everyone who joined us around the clock on facebook. So many videos and posts widely shared. This one has over 30 million views. It is our most popular so far, comes from the lowell, michigan, Police Department paying it forward. A cop giving out hard to get presents while faking traffic stops. Really great. Take a look. Something your little boy might like. This just turned my bad day into a good one. Really great. Great moment. Dont forget please like us on facebook so you can get updates on we sound desperate. Well stop begging. It sounds so mean. Thank you. Right to that big story. Race for president , your voice, your vote. And weve got that dead heat in big surprises on the republican side. Right to abcs jon karl in des moines. Good morning, jon. Reporter good morning, george. Quite a night. Bernie sanders gave Hillary Clinton a real jolt and on the republican side, ted cruz did what no other republican has been able to do yet, he got in a big fight with donald trump and he beat him. God bless the great state of iowa. In the end high turnout and high drama as the first votes were cast in the 2016 president ial race. Iowa has sent notice that the republican nominee and the next president of the United States will be chosen by we the people, the American People. Reporter ted cruz trumping trump who had led polls in iowa, the brash billionaire was gracious in defeat. I want to congratulate ted. I think i might come here and buy a farm. Reporter trump who insists he always wins now handed his first loss. Thank you very much. Reporter but he still leads polls in every other state. We will go on to easily beat hillary or bernie or whoever the hell they throw up there. Reporter the iowa surprise, marco rubio, finishing in a strong third place and telling robin this morning i give the party the best chance not just to unify the conservative movement but to grow it. Reporter and on the democratic side, a nail biter. So as i stand here tonight, breathing a big sigh of relief, thank you, iowa. Reporter Hillary Clinton declared victory but Bernie Sanders is certainly not conceding defeat. It looks like we are in a virtual tie. Reporter nine months ago clinton held a 40point lead over sanders in iowa. Sanders is not even officially a member of the Democratic Party. The democratic race was so tight that in some precincts, tiebreakers had to be conducted by a coin flip. Yes [ cheers and applause ] reporter and we have our coming out of the results. Martin omalley who barely registered on the democratic side has suspended his campaign and on the republican side, Mike Huckabee who was the big winner here eight years ago has suspended his campaign. George, robin. What a difference a few years makes. Mike huckabee won in 2008, hes out. Rick santorum came in last place, not out yet but in last place. Amy with the morning rundown. We begin with a travel nightmare. Flights canceled and highways closed from colorado to minnesota because of possible blizzard conditions. Up to two feet expected in some areas and south of that storm possible tornadoes, rob has much more on that forecast coming up. Five suspects are in custody in france this morning accused of planning a potential attack on nightclubs and bars. Police say the four men and one woman in custody near lyon trying to obtain weapons and had already bought bus tickets to join fighters traveling to syria. The cdc has added more affected by the mosquitoborne zika virus. The World Health Organization declared its global emergency because of its link to birth defects. The latest include costa rica and nicaragua and now brazil is warning pregnant women not to travel to the olympics because of this risk. You can logon to our website for the complete list of all countries affected. In Northern California a hoverboard is blamed for sparking a house fire leaving a family homeless. Investigators say it was charging in a room downstairs when the fire started. At least 50 fires in 20 states hoverboards. And record profits made by the airlines may finally be trickling down to passengers. American is the latest airline to announce the return of free snacks in coach. Pretzels and cookies should be available by april. Yay says the crowd. The Airline Posted a record 6 billion profit last year. Briefly mention a big honor for robin. This may she will be honored at the annual gala that raises upon for the v foundation for cancer research. It is named after College Basketball coach jill valvano. Robin is on the board and they have helped raise for than 150 million for cancer research. Go, robin. Wow, 150 million. And dick vitale, longtime friend and he personally raised with his gala 15 million fox for pediatric cancer so bill ryan and urban meyerer are the other honorees and cant wait to be there in may with you. Congratulations. Great news. To lara with the morning menu. Congratulations, robin. Heres whats coming up. Dancing with the stars pro val sharing a major lawsuit with something he shared online. Dream on, what do steven tyler and skittles have in common . Theyre in a big new super bowl well show you coming up and then ten days, ten state, ten dates, this young woman putting the latest research to the test of the her name is erica and well find her love in america. Square. Dont go anywhere. Are you ready . Yeah. Lets do it. Gmas morning menu is brought to you by advil. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Very open heart. Is a story. A story about finishing the race. No matter what the obstacles. About rebuilding the bond between a mother and a daughter. Or about helping build homes for others. Because you remember what it felt like. Not to have one. When you keep an open heart, Amazing Things happen. Thats what the open hearts collection at kay jewelers right now, on select open hearts jewelry at kay. Keep your heart open. And love will always find its way in. Never. Psssssh. Guaranteed. You picked a beautiful ring. Thank you. Breathe. I love it here. The suburbs. We are never getting one of those minivan . We are never having another kid. Im pregnant. I am never letting go. For all the nevers in life, state farm is there. Alright. Big smile hey, honey how d it go . Thanks, dad mcdonald s happy meal. With hey this is lloyd. To prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. Hes agreed to ok, but i have to cover by well be with him goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. I want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. We welcome you back to gma on this Tuesday Morning and now to that social media lawsuit thats reminding us to think before we post. Dancing with the stars pro val chmerkovskiy is being sued for 6 million over a meme he shared nightlines juju chang is here with all that. Good morning, juju. Good morning, robin. Theres a reason why everybodys mother always says its not what you say, its how you say it. Val is known for tough lovepartners but hes being sued for defamation and emotional injury reminding us a quick meme can have lasting impact. Can you come out tonight reporter hes known for his saucy moves and once winning the mirror ball with rumer willis on dancing with the stars but this morning, val chmerkovskiy is in legal hot water for sharing this meme with his 300,000 plus fans on facebook. The text reading, letting your kid become obese should be considered child abuse. The girls family now suing chmerkovskiy for 6 million saying he humiliated a girl with down syndrome whos at much higher rick for obesity. And since then over close this credit have apparently viewed this same image. Reporter according to the lawsuit, the girl was 8 years old when the photo was taken unbeknownst to her at a baseball game. The photographer also being sued by the family posting it to flickr with the caption, everything thats wrong with america back in 2008. Skylars older sister was surfing on her social media Facebook Page and happened upon a site by Valentin Chmerkovskiy where he had used this image of her little sister and she was shocked and surprised. Reporter the backlash on social media against chmerkovskiy was swift. One person writing, not cool. I agree with the fact that parents need to encourage healthing eating but you dont have to put down this child to do it. Reporter while others are standing by the dance pro using isupportval. He was not aware the girl had Downs Syndrome and took it down he never meant to offend anyone. He was trying to start a conversation about whats healthy and not. Reporter val taking to twitter to plead his case. One day youll hear my side of the story, if anyone will still be listening. The family is not only suing the photographer but cbsnews. Com for reposting it. Now val who is known for visiting sick kids in the hospital has a lot of supporters online. He later posted i have no decide to discriminate or shame. He says he just wanted to spark a conversation about Childhood Obesity and that is something he very much did. Guys. He just sparked another conversation. All right, juju, thank you. Going to bring back dan abrams. So heard about the lawsuit. Does the family have a case. Its not easy. First of all this picture was taken allegedly at a game, right, so she doesnt have an expectation of privacy at the game. Its a public place. You can take pictures of people in a public place without them having an expectation of privacy. Hes also allowed to express his opinion about things even if it isnt nice. Matter in my view, deaf famation doesnt work, i dont think. I dont think hell have any real shot with regard to invasion of privacy. They will but the question is, intentional infliction of Emotional Distress is one of the allegations here. How do you prove damages to the amount of 6 million. First of all the conduct to win on that kind of claim has to be so outrageous, because its not you could always claim something is intentional infliction of Emotional Distress because its mean and because i didnt like it and it made me unhappy. It has to go to another level to be able to be that tort. Damages are really interesting questions because when youre talking about a child you are youre so vain vains not talking about someone who has lost wages or opportunities for jobs, et cetera, its really just the mew millation factor. Even if they were to win what is a difficult lawsuit damages would also be a tough thing for them to prove. As i said val is sparking a be sued for reposting something . Are there any instances where that could get you into a lot of trouble. Yes, you got to remember that on social media youre effective effectively a publisher now. You are now publishing the same way anyone else is publishing information out there. So if you Say Something that is liable louse or slapdzerrous your defense cant be, well, its my Facebook Page, i can say whatever i want. You can say whatever you want and someone can sue you for what you said on there. Same thing goes with regard to sharing something. If you are sending it out, you are publishing it, you can be held responsible for what is in that even if youre reposting it. Even if youre reposting, youre still the publisher. All right. Just pause before you hit that send button. You got to think about it. This is serious stuff although i dont think theyll have a particularly strong lawsuit here. Thank you, lara. Thank you. Now to the game on everybodys minds, super bowl 50. Exclusive sneak peeks at the ads that will make as many headlines as the game maybe. We showed you Ryan Reynolds. Getting almost half a million views and now a first look at the eagerly anticipated ad that will have you tasting the rainbow with the one and only steven tyler. Take a look. All right, lets do this. I got minds to twist and values to warp. Mr. Tyler, your skittles portrait. That is e to the z or twiddly dee disgusting. You havent heard me sing yet. Dream on higher. Dream on i think a little higher. Dream on dream on rock the rainbow. Taste the rainbow. So, george . I liked it. Giggling. Robin. Between that and Ryan Reynolds . I dont know if you saw it. You were in iowa. Ryan, that was good tv too. In a different way. I want to wait until the super bowl to see these ads. I dont want to see them now. Dont give them all away. Theres lots to see, believe me. Lots of people buying ads. Were all excited about them but, of course, we also are excited about the actual game, the nfl kid correspondent who went behindthescenes for gma at Opening Night and asked all the tough questions even going oneonone with who . Peyton manning and cam newton. Take a look. Its Opening Night for super bowl 50, the kickoff to a week of excitement. All leading up to the big game sunday between the Denver Broncos and the Carolina Panthers. And to help us cover this huge event, we have a very special correspondent. Hi, hi, hi, im marlo mostly and this is awesome. Reporter 11yearold marlo mostly was chosen by the nfl fans to have a whirlwind week leading up to the big game. Lets go talk to soum of the players. Reporter it is the assignment of a lifetime for this super fan, marlo rubbing elbows with some of footballs biggest stars. What do you mean by your last rodeo. I dont really know what that means. What do you think that meant . That youre probably going to retire. You totally missed the point. I am going to go participate in rodeos. Reporter even the panthers offensive lineman michael oher portrayed in the behindside. Do you like being a movie star better or Football Player. Definitely football. Reporter picking their brains and getting some brilliant tips to raise her own game. How do you train to be a Great Quarterback . Just like you train to be great in anything else. You have to put your mind to it. Catch as many footballs as you can, run a lot and eat good. When i grow older i want to be a head coach just like you in the nfl. So i was wondering what advice you would give me. Nothing says a young lady cannot grow up to be a head reporter but it wasnt all business for this young correspondent. What do you think . Great. When im in the end zone i do the dab just like you. No, you dont. Yeah, i do. What. For Good Morning America, im Marlo Moseley here in san jose, back to you. Marlo. Shes got it. Our jobs are in jeopardy. Asking really great questions. Thoughtful. 11 years old and a rock star. Right now out to another star, rob, with a check on the weather. Lara, these guys have been out here since 4 a. M. Where are you from . Houston, texas. A little chilly here. Houston, texas. Naples, florida. Somebody from florida. They almost bailed on me getting cold out here. Lara, back to you inside. Thank you, rob. We begin with pope news. Oh. Yeah. There you go. Just months after the pontiff released his first music record, pope francis is now going hollywood. Preparing to play himself in the upcoming film beyond the sun filming takes place in italy. The story line focusing on children from different cultures learning about jesus teachings, this is not surprisingly the first time in the history of the church which by the way was founded in the First Century that any pope has become a movie star. Proceeds will go to two argentinean charity that is help at risk children and wondering what his rider might look like. Only white candles. Maybe bottled water that could of course turn to wine. Wow. Thought that out as well. Truly pope news. Now we switch gears back to pop news. Selena gomezs fans know the heart wants what its wants and the world wants 7yearold audrey to keep singing her heart out. I want you to know baby i love you like a love song baby i love you like a love song baby robin we could learn a thing or two from audrey. She has moves. Shes got like better than jazz hands. Its audrey hands. Go, audrey. Roll back so i can tell everybody about little thank you, prompter. Audreys word perfect rendition of love you like a love song has 14 million views. Its on facebook. Audrey has diamond black fan anemia. A rare bone marrow disorder. It is a tough disease, you guys, but as you can see she has the right attitude and the spirit to fight it. Selena even felt her energy writing audrey, you are an amazing performer. Call me if you ever need a duet partner. Yes, maam. I love her spirit. I love you like a love song baby somehow not so cute when a audrey, we love you. Also in pop news this morning, more than 50,000 are petitioning for snoop dogg to narrate a full season of the Animal Planet Network Series planet earth. The rapper has proven he has his own style of commentary styles on Jimmy Kimmel Live in a recurring segment called planet earth. Take a look. Mongooses . Oh. Wow. Its about 12 of them. They backed the gator up. Never saw a gator get punked by a mongoose. Snoop has tweeted his support for the idea. We say Animal Planet, give it a shot. If the shows ratings are not through the roof you can always drop it like its hot. Oh. Thank you. Why did you did you say for shizzle. Is that four decades old . So out of touch. Old school. Wow. A quickie, its tuesday. Who doesnt like tuesdays here. I knew that was robins day. Neither does this guy. I mean i tell you this guy look at that face. He is mad. Hes a mad monkey. He aint going to take it anymore. Hes done, robin with your Monkey Business . Hes like grumpy monkey. Thank you. I ran out of clever lines so that was grumpy monkey on this grumpy tuesday. Who are you calling a grumpy monkey. We all are a little bit. Thats pop news. John travolta and courtney b. Vance are here. Also Blythe Danner. Counting down to valentines day with the ultimate adventure. Ten dates, ten states. A lot of kissing. Tt0w tw i 4 tt0w tw i ed [ tt0w tw i 8x d4 tt0w tw i kzxb h these pictures of the suspect were snapped by surveillance cameras at cabelas in west chester. Hes said to be in his 20s. Wearing a hat and distinctive white coat that likely helped him get the guns out of the store. Police say on three straight days. He walked in and walked out with a gun. He was seen leaving in a maroon pickup truck filled with tires. Why . Why what . Seriously. Dont tell me you just got in over your head. I want to know why, bernie. Why . A scene from the upcoming madoff miniseries with Richard Dreyfuss and Blythe Danner premiering tomorrow night on abc. Playing ruth madoff. Blithe is joining us to tell us all about it in just a minute. First we are counting down to valentines day and about to launch our big ten dates, ten states experiment. A third of all adults in the u. S. Are single and looking for love. Many are fining love today online. A 2 billion industry and then we have secrets to help you score that second date. Ive used tinder. Badoo. Onethird of couples getting married meet online. One of the hottest apps, hinge. Hinge introduces you to friends of friends on facebook and the types of people youd meet at a house party or wedding or dinner but we happen to meet them together. Reporter 23yearold abc news producer erica scott is undertaking ten dates in ten states in just ten days. Dr. Helen fisher, author of anatomy of love conducted a survey of 5,000 singles from match and told her patience pays. 59 of them think that they might begin to fall in love on the second date and thats smart. Reporter but bizarrely the most likely predictor sushi boosting your chances by 170 . The simple reason its try something different, new, interesting and maybe even try you too. Reporter ericas crash course in the modern state of the first date stars today. Ice skating in new york with date number one, josh. Flirting with jet lag date number two is tomorrow in honolulu, from there she dates her way back to times square skiing in colorado, twostepping in texas and cooking in chicago all in time for valentines day. All right. And our very brave abc producer erica scott joins us now. Bags are packed. Bags are all packed. Why did you agree to take on this very grueling and interesting assignment . Yeah, its definitely going to be an adventure for sure. You know, im kind of new to the dating scene and i thought, it sounded like a little bit of fun and im excited to just see what will happen. I mean im going to hawaii today. You cant fight that. Any concerns though . Mostly like missing a flight. The whole thing will unravel if we get off schedule. Its that tight . Yes. Is there a strategy for maximizing your time in each state. Having everything planned out, all the dates are set and ready to go. Hopefully i dont get stood up. In fact, speak of that you actually have your first date just around the corner from here. Like ten minutes from now im going over to bryant park. Can we follow you. Yeah, please, come along with. Theres josh. There he is. Waiting for you right now, erica. I havent met him yet. I shouldnt look. His name is josh. Yes, his name is josh. And he knows the cameras will be following him. I dont know why anybody would agree to it. Look at him. Hes 23 in finance, likes hiphop music and cooking, long walks on the beach and rainbows. Perfect. Do you have any expectations heading into this, erica . Expectation, just have a lot of fun. Oh, my gosh, it sounds like a really good time but, no, just see where everything goes. We are looking forward to you you probably ought to leave now because hes waiting for you. Dont want to stand him up. Well check back in with you in a bit. You can follow her journey and get a behindthescenes look at goodmorningamerica. Com on yahoo so dont miss any planes, erica. Ill do my best. Over here with Blythe Danner, she has a juicy new role in madoff and plays ruth madoff, the wife of bernie, one of the most Epic Financial con men in all time. Take a look. I told her its because you know the future. You always have. Thats how your business does well even in bad times. And thats why you and i are going to be okay. Tell me again. What . Do you love me . Welcome back to Blythe Danner. Poor ruth. Thank. You is it a love story . Whole thing, i dont know that its a love story. Theres certainly i think we understand how this woman was duped by a sociopath, you know, that this man who she loved from the time she met him when she was 16 just completely allowed him to take over her life. He duped everyone. His sons, his wife. Yeah. Down. A lot think maybe she was an accomplice. I dont believe she was. I think, you know, and as i say when youre with someone for that many years and he really, he really did rule the roost. I mean there was no question about it. Everyone that i talked to that knew them both said that she behaved quite differently when she was with her friends and having some wine and a good time and the minute bernie appeared she was much more formal and really cared, watched him, cared for him, made sure he ate, you know, the properly i mean, it was a very motherly i think hard to wrap your arms around 65 billion at stake in the end, his son commits suicide. She had to endure so much. You did have a chance to talk to her. I did. What was that like . Well, she was fragile. You know, i mean how could you not be . Youve weathered this unbelievable storm. I was impressed, though, that she was able to walk around and, you know, be present because she was she wanted me i think to realize, to see that she was a mother, a grandmother who is her family. Around her side. I felt good about that for her. Its going to be such a revealing series for so many people to see. Before you go, though, i also want to ask your husband Bruce Paltrow died many years ago from throat cancer and that inspired you to work with the oral cancer foundation. Tell us about that. Yeah, my daughter through standup for cancer has raised great funds for oral cancer foundation, oral cancer people to visit because its really become an epidemic. Every day theres someone dies every hour of every day of every year in our country from cancer. Throat cancer and i dont think many people know that. I didnt know is that. No, its becoming, as i say much more prevalent among young people so urge them to get the prepubescent children boys and girls to get the inoculation against hpv. Very important and so a lot to go into so thats why we really urge people to go on to the website and look into it. Oralcancerfoundation. Org and the miniseries madoff airs tomorrow on abc. Thanks very much for coming in, blithe. Outside to rob. All bundled up from iowa. You got the jacket open. This is nothing for you. No, its not, it was like negative 20 a few weeks ago so were good. Her birthday was yesterday. Lets talk about the weather coming into the east coast with the blood watch in effect for parts of pennsylvania, new jersey, the big snow zone there with the rain in that could create some melting and Flooding Issues i think tomorrow. Watching the Severe Weather and the blizzard and showers out in san francisco. This Weather Report is brought to you by rent a center. Your mom and mominlaws birthday if and my sisters birthday. Happy birthday. Back to you inside . Thank you, coming up, John Travolta, courtney b. Vance, theyre here live opening up the o. J. Simpson case captivated the nation. That was more than two decades ago. Now its about to do it again with the new series the people v. O. J. Simpson American Crime story. Here with us now John Travolta and courtney b. Vance who stars as attorneys Johnnie Cochran and robert shapiro. Welcome. Showing you some love. Youre a newbie to gma. Im an oldie. I told you that ive been able to watch the first two. It premieres tonight but they allowed us to see it ahead of time. My goodness. Its one of those that you remember where you were when, especially the white bronco. Do you remember where you were, john. Yeah, i was in caramel, month ray, california. My dad was glued to the television. I was in my celebrating my rebirth of my career with pulp fiction and just won at the Film Festival and i was celebrating my career but experiencing this american tragedy, it was a real dichotomy. I bet it was. How about you . I was in sacramento. We were doing panther and the preempted bronco chase preempted the finals, nba finals. I remember that. And i was what is going on here . I want to see my teams play and then all of a sudden i realized was a huge o. J. Simpson fan. The juice. From the usc days and Buffalo Bills and so i was really in a state of shock that this is happening and because it was so new, we had never seen something where the whole world was captivated since the kennedy assassination. It really took me so thats why i really couldnt i didnt engage in the trial during the middle porras of it, the yearlong trial. My dad was a Football Player and coach and he was compelled every day. I wish i had that. You and im telling you, both of you and the entire cast, you just really captured that recaptured it. Thank you. I want to play a bit. Your character, bob shapiro. Where is your client. Im sorry. Yeah, well, he should be depressed. He killed two people. Hes going to prison so what is your location. Heres one of the doctors now. You had to be i dont want to say talked into this but you were reluctant to take the role initially. Well, initially, you know, i thought, well, why are they doing this and is it a guilty pleasure . Is it going to be sensational and it was anything but and i was even offered, you know, a position as a producer to ensure the quality of the project if i wanted to and then with ryan murphy and Nina Jacobson they only do high end things. I did take a while and surveyed a lot of my top friends in the industry to see what they felt and they felt like tv was really coming around to be, you know, the place where adults go to watch things and more kids for movies and adults for tv and so and it was multilayered. Classism, the legal and judicial system being broken, you know, fame, celebrity. All of it. And when i saw that it was hitting so many subject matters so brilliantly then it was why wouldnt you do this . Checks off a lot of the boxes like that. It does. You were able to meet Johnnie Cochran. Yes. Before he passed. Years ago at a party. What did you you were willing to take on this role. Oh, i was i did a couple of meetings with ryan and brad and all and had no problem. Good wig. Yes. Kind of shocking that i didnt know i looked that much like him until i put that wig on. You said you didnt want to you didnt want to mimic him. You studied him. You know, hes iconic. I said, im not him. If i can suggest and let the audience enter into the story i know i will have done my job so what is your hope when people watch. Do you think people will change i know thats not what you want. All we can hope for from my perspective is people will begin to discuss and talk. I think it was so fresh back then, people were so polarized because they were watching it every day. They couldnt step back enough to be able to say, wow, you feel that way . I feel this way. Well, lets talk about it. We need to talk. We need to talk. You know, each episode surprised the actors. We learned something every new script we were amazed and enlightened and i think at the end of the ten episodes youll understand why the verdict was what it was and you will be enlightened by all the small things that were happening that you never could have had access miserable into court. The furman tapes, the bickering between the lawyers, the fight for fame, you know, the legal system being challenged, i mean, a little bit of bickering. Just a little. Well, and courtney if you dont mind ill ask grease grease live. I didnt get to see it. I was flying to be with you. So i didnt get a chance to see it but ill watch it. It was beautiful. It was beautifully done and it made us think of you and the originals. So cool. I got chis three we go. They couldnt recreate that, john. We love you. Thank you. Love to both your beautiful talented wife, as well. Give them our best. Will do. Hope you come back, both of you. Youve got to see this. The people v. O. J. Simpson premieres tonight on fx. Coming up, the powerhouse behind the wwe goes oneonone with amy were black with the latest installment of girl power and one of the most popular franchises, wwe, in 650 million homes across the globe and nearly half of its viewers were women and running the show from behind the scenes, a woman, Stephanie Mcmahon. Heres her story. Its no secret that when it comes to professional wrestling its a male dominated world. So what may surprise some of you to learn that a woman is behind it all. Stephanie mcmahon. Fighting both inside the ring and out. For over 50 years Stephanie Mcmahon daughter of Vince Mcmahon is at the helm of transforming the network as the companys chief brand officer. In a field that has been dominated by men what do you as a woman bring to the table . I think what women bring to the table is perspective and oftentimes women feel insecure like they dont belong at the table with men and why . Is your opinion any less no. Really come to the best decision is to have that diversity in the room. Wwes Mission Reporter she earned it in the boardroom. I would get the food and the coffee. Reporter working her way up from a receptionist. Is there something you felt you had to fight for that wasnt just given to you if perhaps would if you were a man. Because im the boss daughter there is a perspective that everything has been handed to me so ha makes me have to work and fight that much harder to prove why i belong. Reporter she brings that same vigor and fight into the ring playing a character people love to hate. You are nothing more than a wannabe reality star. How fun is it to play the role you play in front of the cameras while also being, can i say badass, a badass behind the scenes as well. Im mean. Im really hateful but behind the scenes to be able to represent this brand that i care opportunity and im truly privileged. And shes using that opportunity to make change. Its no coincidence that under her leadership over 40 of wwe viewers are now women and as a mom of three daughters, shes proving that women can do it all and then some. How do you balance both worlds . Im showing my daughters that a woman can do anything. Its never going to be perfect. Sacrifices have to happen along the way whether its a sacrifice at work or a sacrifice, you know, at home. But where i think women can be better at home is allowing our husbands to do more. Reporter and it is with her husband, fan favorite triple h shes paving a new way for women in wrestling, fighting against gender stereotypes with the divas revolution. Our fans asked us to do more and feature them as athletes and give them more meaningful characters. Their not just eye candy. We want more and were doing everything we can to super serve that need. I think that girl power is about believing in yourself. Its about confidence, its about standing up for yourself and not taking no for an answer. Even when we arent aware that were having an impact, we are. Little girls who see, you know, women in the ring or see Strong Female characters, thats just the way it is. Theres no reason why they cant be like that. You know, i think that us just having that presence means more than we even realize. And Stephanie Mcmahon, you embody girl power. Good morning america is brought to you by aleve. All day strong, all day long with 12 hours strength. And before we go. Theres erica scott Getting Started on her first date. Not awkward at all that we have our cameras there. Good luck, guys. Well check in tomorrow. Have a good day. Good morning. Its 856 breaking traffic news. A car fire is slowing down traffic on i75 northbound at towne street just north of the norwood lateral. This is video from about 30 minutes ago as the fireball was raging on the side of the interstate nearl elmwood place. Lets go to ally kraemer for the very latest on how this is affecting traffic

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