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Firefighters in newport are on the scene of a large fire that has left a family of four homeless this afternoon. And as timyka artist reports the flames were moving so quickly one of the victims had to take Desperate Measures to make it out alive. Firefighters are still here on 9th street. High winds have made this challenging for them 9 on your side arrived to find multiple units on of the people who lived there was hysterical trying to locate her cat. That womans 16 year old sister covered in soot after jumping from a second story window. A friend tells 9oys the girls mother and older sister were at work brother and pitbull named tryten all managed to escape when that blaze suddenly erupted in the back part of the house 09 4048 they woke up to the smoke paige jumped out the window she hurt her ankle her brother was in the house he was in the room where the fire was they made it out safely than the family just moved in about 34 months ago. And now they have lost everything. Red cross is assisting with food clothing and shelter the cause still unknownin newport timyka artist 9oys heres a first check of your right now police are looking into what caused a 5 car crash that tied up both sides of interstate 71 during the morning rush. The crash left one person trapped in their vehicle. 9 on your side reporter Jordan Burgess has a look at how firefighters made a quick rescue. Right now a much different story out here on interstate 71 at pfeiffer road. Traffic is back to normal. But it was only after firefighters managed to pull a driver from their rolled over suv. We want to show you the video we got from chopper 9. The only local helicopter getting you see firefighters around that rolled over suv. Working to get the driver inside to safety. They were able to free them. That suv was only part of the 5 vehicle wreck here just north of the pfeiffer road exit on interstate 71. The suv and the smashed up car there got the worst of what police call a Chain Reaction crash. Amazingly only two people involved in the crash had to be taken to the hospital and police say both escaped major injuries. The crash happened right before seven am. It closed all but one lane of 71 north and slowed traffic going southbound too. That whole area was a mess for about an hour. But cleared up soon after all the lanes of 71 northbound reopened around 815. Investigators will spend the day looking into whos to blame for the crash. Its something to keep in mind as you head out today just to be careful. Reporting live. Jordan burgess. 9 on your side. Right now visitors are paying Court Justice Antonin Scalia. In line with tradition. His body is lying in repose in the great hall of the Supreme Court. This is a live look at the great hall. The court held a private ceremony this morning. And the public was allowed in about an hour and a half ago. His funeral will take place tomorrow at the basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in dc. Coming up on 9 on your side at noon. We take a look back at the life of justice scalia, on and off the bench. A report out is tracking the most troubled bridges in the country. And found ohio drivers may not be on solid ground. Ground. Ohio ranks among the worst in the country for bridges in need of updating. Twelve percent of our 27 thousand bridges are ranked structurally deficient. Among them is the Western Hills viaduct. Which would cost millions to replace. The brent spence bridge was not ranked among the bridges most desperately in need of replacement in the state. But it in the danger zone. Speaking of the brent spence. Kentucky governor matt bevin says he will sign a brent spence bridge replacement. The bill doesnt mention the proejct by name. But instead would allow private money to pay for public projects. The bill states that no tolls can be part of any agreement or project connecting kentucky with ohio without General Assembly approval. Bevin is making his first appearance in Northern Kentucky since his inauguration this afternoon. The popes comments about donald trump creating talk before the next primary. And see which candidates are backing up the gop frontrunner. Affluenza adult. The man accused of fleeing the country to avoid being arrested. Is entering a new court. See how much time he could spend behind bars. Fighting for life. A child severely injured in a house fire states away. Receiving critical treatment in the tristate. How shes doing and the investigation into this fire. Youre watching 9 on your side the us military is taking the battle against isis to libya. An official said this morning american warplanes hit multiple targets there overnight. Hitting what they believe is an isis training camp. And killing a senior leader. Last week the president directed his National Security team to boost counterterrorism efforts in libya. Intelligence officials have said the presence of isis is growing there. Even as airstrikes eliminate the militants in syria and iraq. Things are getting heated on the campaign trail. With just one day until the next voting contests. Candidates are taking shots at each other, and the gop frontrunner is taking shots at the pope abcs megan hughes is in South Carolina with the latest. Donald trumpon good morning americasticking to his stance sot donald trump r president ial candidatewe have to have the wall and we have to stop the drugs from so many of us read her classic novel. And today the country is remembering an Award Winning author. We look back on the career of harper lee. A hawaii tourist injured in a Helicopter Crash caught on camera. The latest on the investigation. And our own dan carroll digs into what youre watching 9 on your side at noon short forecast tease. Ill have the complete check of your nine first warning forecast in a young victim of an overnight house fire in buffalo, new york is now fighting for her life in Shriners Hospital here in cincinnati. Our scripps sister station wkbw reports that two people were killed and two children injured in that fire that broke out early this morning. Firefighters found smoke pouring out of the home when they got there around 4. Not even an hour later they had to pull out of the house as flames shot through the roof. A man who lived downstairs with his three children managed to rescue his family. But went back inside to try and rescue another person from upstairs. Both were killed in the fire. The mans 8 year old daughter suffered burns to 90 percent of her body. She was flown to cincinnati and is undergoing treatment at shriners. Two firefighters were burned while trying to stop the fire. We are following this developing story and will bring you more details as we learn them. New at noon the Pulitzer Prize winning author of to kill a mockingbird has died. Age of 89 in her home town of monroeville, alabama. Lees critically acclaimed novel was published in 1960. And made into an oscarwinning film starring gregory peck three years later. Lee lived her live privately in her hometown. She suffered a stroke in 2007. Her second novel go set a watchman was published last summer. Ethan couch. Better known as the affluenza teen. Will be tried in an adult court, after a judges ruling this morning. Us marshalls went on an International Manhunt for couch last december when he and his mother fled to mexico. Couch was 16 when he was sentenced to probation for the 2013 crash that kiled four people. His lawyer successfully argued that couchs wealthy parents had coddled him and raised him without a sense of responsibility. Todays ruling means he could face 120 days in jail. Then finish his 10 years of probation. If he violates his probation in that time. He could spend up to the investigation into this Helicopter Crash entering new hands today. What happened all across america families are coming back to Time Warner Cable for a whole new experience. So fast even the kids are impressed. Oh shes impressed. Shows on demand them. Twcs home wifi is so strong the same time. Come back today. Youll get 30 meg internet, tv, phone and more for 89. 99 a month. And ask how you could get a 300 reward card. Call now. A group of texas teens watched helplessly as a train passed by inches from the back of their school bus. Most of them with smartphones in hand they shared the video of their brush with disaster across social media. Where it caught the attention of school administrators. The bus driver has been fired. The school says she claimed the students were too loud for her to safely drive the bus. Student sound she stopped in the middle of the Railroad Track as the train was coming and she pulled ahead a little bit more student sound it was kind of scary scarythe school says their investigation showed the driver didnt follow procedure. And crossed the tracks in front of an oncoming train. Theres a familar sound heard across the tristate this time of year. Year. frying fish sounds sounds the delicious sizzle of cod being fried up for the famous frischs fish sandwich. The director of research and development thats the fancy name for the guy who creates frischs recipes showed us how its done. Chef Greg Grisanti director of Research Development frischs has always been famous for our fish. One of the reasons is, weve never cheapened the product. And that goes so far with our customer. We see families coming in, now that they get to the age theyre having kids, they bring them in for traditions. Traditions. The tartar sauce equally as famous as the fish itself. The secret to their recipe no sugar. In the next six weeks frischs will sell of fish. Nine on your side is staying on top of breaking news. A body found in a west chester park. The latest on the investigation. A crash on the interstate leaves a driver trapped. And questions unanswered. The investigation into this wreck traffic. Not ghosts but goats in a tristate cemetery see why right now 9 on your side at noon is following breaking news out of west chester. Where police are investigating a body found in keehner park. Park. Were told that body was actually discovered last night. But police are back out there now with dogs and search crews. They are mapping the scene with a metal detector and laser scope. They are not releasing any information about the bodys gender or age. Or possible cause of death. Reporter jay warren is following this story and will right now two people are recovering after being injured in a 5 car wreck on interstate 71 that left one driver trapped. Trapped. Chopper 9. The only local helicopter getting you breaking news first. Was there as firefighters worked to free that driver. Police are looking into what caused the Chain Reaction crash that closed all but one lane of interstate 71 north at the pfeiffer road exit just before seven this morning. The wreck tied up traffic on the southside of the interstate as well. Everything was reopened around 815. Police say the two people hurt are expected to be okay. A family of four is homeless now. After their house in newport catches fire. Fire. Crews were on scene trying to get the two alarm fire at the ninth street home under control. A teenager was covered in soot. She had jumped from a second story window to escape the fire. A friend tells 9 on your side the girls mother and older sister were at work when the fire started but the girl, her brotehr, and a pitbull all managed to get out when the fire started. 09 4048 they woke up to the smoke paige jumped out the brother was in the house he was in the room where the fire was they made it out safely than the family just moved into this home about three months ago. The red cross is assisting them with food, clothing, and shelter. In hawaii. A tourist helicopter was caught on camera as it plunged into the waters of pearl harbor. Harbor. The National Transportation safety board will be on scene today to start its investigation. 5 people, including a family of 4, were on board. A teenager is in Critical Condition this morning. Our chopper 9 pilot, dan carroll, was actually flying yesterday when he saw the video on our air for the first time. Heres his reaction. 1 47well the crash in hawaii is important to us because it is exactly the type of ship we fly in chopper nine, a belljet ranger. What we see in the video looks to be a controlled seconds when the pilot experiences power failure. That causes an autorotation into the water. We look to these incidences to see if theres anything we can do better to stay safe in chopper 9. Kentucky governor matt bevin announced the state filed suit against a louisville planned parenthood facility he says, because they were performing abortions without a license. License. Planned parenthood disagrees, saying it was operating under orders of the state cabinet for health and Family Services when it began offering abortions in december. The clinic has stopped offering abortions while this legal fight plays out. Honoring justice Antonin Scalia. Officials and the public are lining up at the Supreme Court to pay their influential and controversial justices to sit on the high court. Abcs Stephanie Ramos is in washington with more. Almost a week after his passing. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is mourned in our nations capital. Nats . Outside Supreme Court. Court Police Serving as pallbearers and former law clerks . Serving as honorary pallbearers. The casket carrying scalias body slowly brought up the Supreme Court steps. To lie in repose in the great hall of the court. On the same pedestal that held the casket of president abraham lincoln. Nats . Camera shutters. Headed inside . One of the great rooms of washington. Somber but filled with light. Inside the justices standing in the order in which they sit on the Supreme Court bench . Natsot . Scalias son speaks. Scalias son who is a priest. Father paul scalia . Offering a prayer. Nats a new york native, a conservative icon, the first court and the longest serving justice. The anchor of the conservative wing of the Supreme Court. And his sudden death marked by republicans and democrats alike. Sot president obamahe influenced a generation of judges, lawyers, and students and profoundly shaped the legal landscape. Sot sen. Ted cruz r president ial candidatejustice scalia was an american hero. he was a lion of the law a ferocious defender of our freedoms. Justice scalias. Family. Including his 9 children and 36 grandchildren. And friends as well president obama and the first lady will pay their respects today . Inside the building where he built a legacy. Stephanie ramos oncam close after the private ceremony this morning the public viewing began. Scalias casket can be viewed by mourners until 8 tonightthe Funeral Service will take place tomorrow in washington, d. C. , at the basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Vice President Joe Biden will attend the funeral. Stephanie ramos abc news the us Supreme Court the queen city wants a leader of lyrics. The mayor first poet laureate laureate the person in this new role will be reponsible for promoting poetry throughout the city. And writing verse for special events. Candidates have to be at least 18. And committed to poetry. The mayor is march first. People in an ohio village that came under scrutiny when high levels of lead were discovered in water samples. May be getting closer to being in the clear. Clear. The state epa says all but four of 54 samples from sebring homeowners tested below the federal lead threshhold. They say theyve tested 951 samples in recent weeks. Finding high levels of led in 44 homes. Back in january environmental officials said the operator of the village water plant waited months to notify people about high levels of lead coming from their pipes. Goats are coming to spring grove cemetery. You heard right, not ghosts, but goats will be delivered to spring grove cemetery. Its part of an experiment to see how well vegatation. Park Officials Say the group of goats will be fenced in part of the woodland preserve. Theyll stay there until theyve consumed an acre of vegatation. Crooks at the car lot. An old trick so many of us think doesnt exist is still ripping off car shoppers the surprising number of vehicles that have been tampered with and what you can do to protect yourself. Not getting enough shut eye . Youre not alone. The surprising number of americans missing valuable rest and the harm its doing to your body. Youre watching 9 on your side we have something really cool to show you happening out at Yosemite National park. Park. Its called a firefall. And it happens only around this time of the year. The optical illusion looks like fire flowing off a cliff. But park rangers say its actually the sun glowing through a waterfall. The angle of the sun has to be just right, which happens only for a couple of weeks in february. But when it does. The park website says its great for photographers. This weekend is the cincy auto expo downtown. And thousands of tri staters will get the bug to start car shopping. But before you take advantage of the warmer weather and begin shopping. We have a warning about crooks rolling back odometers just as the 2016 car buying season begins. A woman has already fallen victim to odometer fraud. In the transaction, a buyer and a liar. And i was the buyer. Tracy schmidt purchased a used ford pickup truck that looked like a great deal. But after a mechanic found all sorts of probelms under the hood, she ordered a carfax report. Uh oh her low milage pickup really had over 200 thoudsand miles on it. Leaving tracy. Tracy. Shocked, disappointed, angry. Angry. Christopher basso many of us think that odometer fraud doesnt even exist anymore. That makes it extremely easy for criminals to rip you off simply by telling you its got low mileage. Last fall, we reported on a woman who found a car on craigs list for 53 hundred dollars. Melissa collie thought the car had 124 thousand miles on it. But when she went to the county Clerks Office to get it registered. Registered. Melissa collie we found out it had over like 230,000 miles, Something Like that and it had been registered several times. The collies. It turned out. Had fallen victim to odometer fraud. Its easy with todays computerized dashboards. Carfax estimates more than a million cars in the us had their odometers tampered with. But you can protect yourself. Find the cars vehicle on the dashboard. Then go to carfax or a simialr service, for a free odometer check. All you need is the vin and your zip code. So that you dont end up with a rollback, like tracy and melissa did. So check a car carefully. Lo ok for signs of extra wear, such as on the Steering Wheel and drivers seat that indicate it may have more than 50 thousnd miles. That way you dont waste your money. Money. John, youll look into big changes for time warner customers later today . Today . Today starting at 5. Duke wants to give you a free smart thermostat, but there is one big catch. Plus the latest on time warner dropping analog cable. And up soon. Doing more than making your morning rough. The lifelong effects of missing shuteye. And the Alarming Number of youre watching 9 on your side at noon theres a woman in cleves making it her business to look out for others. She does this while running a small motel a motel we sent the 9 on your side surprise patrol to check out. Out. Juliewhy is that important to you . Customer it forward you know our mission is to be nice to each other. Juliewe like to do that sometimes to, im with the 9 on your side surprise patrol and we want to give you a hundred dollars. Customeroh my god are you serious. Thank you. Thank you so much. Our surprise patrol is handing out 100dollars a day at random every monday through thursday in february. On fridays, we are picking a special someone and giving them a 500dollar surprise. So make sure you watch for that tonight on 9 on your side at 6pm. Seven hours of sleep a night . For some of us, it might be just a dream. But if youre not getting this much sleep, it turns out, youre not alone . With more, heres abc news senior medical contributor dr. Timothy johnson. Script a good nights sleep . So important for your health, yet so hard for some of us to achieve. Now, a new cdc report shows that one in three night. The findings may be a wakeup call for some. Insufficient sleep means more than just being tired the next day. Over the long term, it can put you at risk for Serious Health problems, like obesity, heart disease, and high blood pressure. The researchers also providing statebystate statistics on Healthy Sleep. So what is the most wellrested state . South dakota snoozed into first with the most inhabitants reporting getting enough sleep. Hawaiians, meanwhile, had the fewest respondents who said they got that seven hours. The study also found that there are certain things that appear linked to better chances of getting Healthy Sleep . Being married, having a college degree, and having a job, for example. So what can you do it you are among the one in three whos skimping on sleep . Make sleep a priority. Practice good sleep hygiene, and limit screen time before bed. Simple steps . That might have you resting easy in the long run. With this medical minute, im lets turn to your forecast now with a live look from skycam 9. Famous women of the french revolution here in cincinnati. No. Its not a history lesson. Its a new play at playhouse in the park joining me now are lise bruneau and keira keeley. Who are two revolutionists tell us about the play tell us about of the play . Anything you look forward to doing night after night . Is this a family show a look out over the city from well have a final check of later today at 4 on the now cincinnati. Man versus mimicking humans and it just beat us. Us. A garage engulfed in flames in minutes the reason one man says his parked car caught fire. Fire. Go grocery shopping. Without going to the store. The new way you can save time right now. Join Tanya Orourke and me for the now cincinnati. Today at 4. Lets get one last check of your forecast. For this xx. Well see you again at four for the now cincinnati. Cincinnati. I hope we have a buyer for the house. Me too what are the neighbors doing here . Bill hey come in, come in i didnt know your home wifi could stream so many devices at the same time. Dad, its Time Warner Cable internet. Crazyfast. And we were right across the street the whole time. The whole time. Make your home as connected as possible with Time Warner Cable. Pnget Everyday Low Price internet to 50 meg internet. Plans start at 14. 99 per month. Call now. Would anybody like to see the kitchen . Anybody . This place. Switching is easy. I know, right . window, no contract to sign, and a moneyback guarantee. Do you want to take a look pizzarolls are done take a look at the kitchen. Get internet with unlimited data starting at 14. 99 per month. Ask about free installation and access to nearly 500,000 wifi hotspots with select plans. Call now. It only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous always keep laundry pacs keep them closed. Keep them up. Keep them safe. A message from tide from Television Studio two in new york city, the chew brings you flashback friday, legends of hollywood. We are rolling out the red carpet and getting you ready for oscar sunday. Marios serving up an awardworthy dish that definitely cant be beat, then Michael Symons going for the gold with a mouthwatering dish thats ready for its close up. Plus, clintons in the kitchen with the legendary darlene love, and theyre baking up a cake that will be music to your mouth. All the glitz and glamour starts

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