Transcripts For WCPO 9 On Your Side News 530 20160316 : com

WCPO 9 On Your Side News 530 March 16, 2016

Investigation. Her boyfriend has plead guilty to promoting prostitution in relation to the case. Eric sextons attorney claims the case is over and his client is now serving his time. Bogan has not been seen for six months. Wyoming native Otto Warmbier has been sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor in north korea after a socalled confession to stealing. Stealing. State and federal officials are calling for his release, but as our Scott Wegener tells us, the North Koreans may not be listening. Hes in a tough bind right now. That is no understatement. Wyoming native Otto Warmbier has been sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor in a north korean prison camp after the College Students so called confession. i understand the severity of my crime. That crime allegedly trying to steal a political banner from his hotel in pyongyang. Warmbier was in north korea as part of an adventure tour organized by a chinese travel company. Laura neack, Professor University says Something Else is going on. The sentencing has very little to do with the student. Its really about solidifying the regieme at home and then standing up to people abroad. Especially given recently stepped up sanctions at the u. N. Against north korea. In a Statement Issued wednesday, governor kasich says north korea should immediately release Otto Warmbier and let him return to his family here in ohio. His detention was completely unjustified and the sentence north korea imposed on him is an affront to concepts of justice. Neack says warmbiers release wont work with more sanctions. I dont think that pressure being brought to bear on north korea works very well. Shes hopeful former u. N. Ambassador and Arizona Governor Bill Richardson may better luck flying under the radar. People who are not official u. S. Representativesthey probably have clearer paths into to this afternoon the state department called on north korea to pardon warmbier, grant him special amnesty and release him on humanitarian grounds. The Ohio Supreme Court rules that the state can execute an inmate who survived a botched execution. Execution. Romell brooms 2009 execution was called off after a team tried to find a suitable vein for two hours. Broom was sentenced to die after killing and raping a cleveland girl in 1984. No new execution date has been set. The Grant County Health department may be launching a gamechanger in the fight against heroin. Heroin. Today it launches a Needle Exchange program the first in northern kentucky. Its an effort to stop the spread of diseases associated with heroin addicts and sharing needles. Even though the program doesnt require users to gve their names they expcet it will take a while to kickoff. What everybody tells us is that it takes some time for them to build trust. Maybe for the first second week nobody will show up upto participate you dont county or even kentucky. The program is available every wednesday from 1pm to 4 pm. Now lets take a look at the only helicopter bringing you breaking news in the tristate. Chopper 9 taking a live look i71 atthe lateral this evening. The back up extends to dowtonn matthew 25 ministries in blue ash is sending a team down to louisiana to help people in dire need. Need. The state is finally starting to dry up after nearly a week of flooding. About five thousand homes were damaged by the water. The team left early this morning with boxes full of first aid and hygiene supplies. 19. 57. 34 so the team can get in just as the people get back into their homes and get them a little normalcy as they clean up and rebuild 19. 57. 42 19. 57. 42the storm took the help the team out by making a donation on their website m25mdotorg. Childrens hospital is using the radio airwaves right now to help kids who are suffering. Suffering. The hospital teamed up with the Childrens Miracle Network and Cumulus Radio for the 13 hour fundraiser. The 2016 radiothon is being hosted by our friends at warm 98 and nash fm. The money they raise will help kids who are really in need. You should donate,,, so it can be better. There is still time to make a donationthe radiothon goes until 7 pm tonight. You can find the number to call on warm 98s Facebook Page. Donatations can also be made online at cincinnati childrens dot org. Some good news this evening the only litter of shark ray pups in the world continue to grow into healthy adults at the newport aquarium. Aquarium. The pups were born program is helping biologists write the book on shark ray development. The research will help scientists learn how to save the species. The task of taking care of this litter is a lot more difficult than you may think. Wcpo insiders can get an exclusive look into what it takes to keep these animals alive. Just log on to our website and see. Next on 9 on your side at 5 30,. A massive fire takes the lives of dozens of dogs. Dogs. Find out what may be to blame as the Humane Society pleas for help this evening. And its going to be an empty stage in utah next week as the gop cancels its next debate. Hear why debate officials suddenly decided to pull out from the planned event. Im John Matarese. Have you used the new chip card readers at kroger yet . Ill tell you why some shpppers are not so up on 9 on your side. Youre watching 9 on your side close to seventy dogs are dead following a massive fire at a texas Humane Society. At the time about 200 animals were inside the shelter. Investigators believe the fire was caused by a dryer. The society is asking for donations and foster families for the animals that survived. Next weeks Republican National debate in Salt Lake City is canceled. Canceled. The decision to cancel the debate followed donald trump and john kasichs announcments that they would not attend. In last nights primary elections trump took every state but ohio. Carolina, missouri, and illinois. Thats still not enough to win the nomination. Governor kasich won here in ohio last night but what is his path to the nomination . Coming up at six. Evan millward takes a look at what kasich plans to do next. In the democratic race Bernie Sanders needs a lot of support if he wants to defeat hillary clinton. Clinton. Analysts from the Associated Press say he must win 66 percent of the remaining delegates to erase clintons lead. As of right now she has about twothirds of the numbers she needs to clinch the nomination. The nations secondbusiest Transit System is closed for inspections. Inspections. The shutdown was prompted by a series of electrical fires in the underground line. Hundreds of thousands of commuters are being forced to turn to plan b as they head to and from work today. Get on one of these first buses to try and get into dc and figure it out from there. Its going to be a nightmare, nightmare, nightmare. Nightmare. Other commuters are taking advantage of the take the day off or work from home. The metro system is expected to reopen tomorrow at five am. Your nine first warning forecast is coming up. Sot you have to put your pin number in, you dont have a choice. It just puts the customer at more risk. Chip debit cards are supposed to make shopping safer. John matarese is on your side with a kroger controversy so you dont waste your money. Sot be minding your own business and have someone just reach out and change your life forevera random attack in broad daylight injures a man walking to work. Youre watching 9 on your side at 5 30. Youre watching 9 on your side at 5 30. Have you used the new chip card readers at kroger yet . Consumer reporter John Matarese is here with why some shpppers are not so sure they like them. But first. A big change is coming to new cars. John . Emergencybraking systems can prevent a car accident. Today, twenty automakers committed to making this lifesaving feature standard by 2022. 6 years from now, major carmakers will make automatic braking as standard as abs brakes. It will use cameras to hit the car in front of you, and apply the brakes. Carmakers say it could prevent more than a million accidents each yaar. A warning tonight about misspelling common websites. Because you could end up with malware in your phone or computer. Computer. Business insider reports that if you mistype a web name, you could end up on a fake site. Once you are there it will try to download viruses or malware into your pc. Pc. The report it happens if you type in. Om. Instead of. Com. Example typing in amazonc. Com. Hackers have bought domain names like amazonc. Om and neflixc. Om to specifically spread malware. Have you been to kroger the past week . If you have a new chip card, you now have to use it. But a number of customers are not happy with the changeover, and worry it could cost them more. Remember when checking out at card . Not anymore. Cincinnati Area Kroger Stores this month are making the switch to emv chip cards. For added security. But some customers are not thrilled, saying its slow slow it takes longer. And when it does work, it slows everything down. You have to wait, the process is even longer. But the bigger source of angst you now have to enter your pin if using a debit card. Even if you use it as credit. Credit. I dont like it. Whys that . You have to put your pin number in. You have no choice fred lemkuhl of northern kentuckysays he tried to refuse. Refuse. I said im not going to put my pin in. They said they we cant continue with the transaction. So he reluctantly pulled out a regular credit card. Card. I didnt have to use a pin. Fred doesnt want people in line watching him enter his code. Other customers, meantime, say their bank hits them with a small fee every for using debit. The whole goal of emv chip cards is increased security. And stores say if you have to enter a pin along with that chip. Thats even more security to protect you. Kroger issued a statement saying. Our primary concern is protecting our customers security and reducing fraud. We are taking the additional step of requiring a pin on chipenabled debit cards to make transactions even more secure. Two layers of protection are better than one. But freds sticking with credit for now. Now. I will pull out my pull out my credit card and use it temporarily, to figure out whats going on. Finally, i want to thank toni rossi and anyone else who voted for me in yesterdays ohio president ial primary. Primary. Tony posted on his Facebook Page he wrote in my name on the ballot, because he knew i wouldnt waste anyones money. Thanks tony but im not running for president. President. I will save you some money thought tonight because it is you win wednesday. And on wcpo. Com youll find st patricks day waste your money. Temperatures fall a bit more tonight, dropping into the mid 40s. While this is still well above normal for mid march, its a bit of a change from the last few days. Skies will be partly cloudy overnight. Thursday is a partly cloudy and mild forecast. Highs will end up near the 60 degree mark, which is again on the warm side. Friday is another dry day but its definitely going to be cooler. Highs will stay chilly only near 50 degrees. In fact, this weekend highs drop to the upper 40s with a chance for rain on both a homeless mans good deed is turning his life around. See thousand dollars richer. Teens fighting crime. Norwood middle schoolers signing up to support a plan. That some think could lower crime in their neighborhood. At six the one playground staple this a homeless man in San Francisco is getting a large reward for helping police recapture two escaped inmates. Inmates. He will recieve a onehundred thousand dollar reward for his efforts. The homeless man was living in a park when he spotted the fugitives. He knew what they looked like after seeing their pictures in the newspaper. When asked about the cash reward he shrugged it off saying he did the right thing. You may soon be able to pay for things with your smile smile amazon has filed a Patent Application for the technology allowing shoppers to pay with selfies. The company argues it is more secure and less awkward than passwords. Customers would take a picture or a short video of themselves to make payments. A road sign aimed at saving lives of both people and deer is causing controversy in iowa. Iowa. Every year the state has thousands of deer related crashes. The suicidal deer sign is meant to get the attention of drivers. Since the getting a lot of backlash on social media. Thats not stopping county officials from keeping it up. We dont want anybody injured or killed. We just felt that this would be an attention getter, and it has been. Been. Even though the sign may be a life saver others are calling it inappropriate. Similar signs recently went up in illinois. His father says he was simply walking to work. Before a random attack sent him to the hospital. Hospital. That mans story new at six. Carol Williams Joins us now. That father was shocked about the attack in overtherhine that happened in broad daylight daylight now that family wants answers. And hear the warning from the victims father for every tristate person visiting downtown. Some are calling it a big win. But what does john kasichs victory in ohio mean for the eventual republican nomination . We talked to political experts they weigh in on last nights impact on the republican i hope we have a buyer for the house. Me too what are the neighbors doing here . Bill hey come in could stream so many devices at the same time. Dad, its Time Warner Cable internet. Dad you can get wifi all over this place. Cool make your home as connected as possible. Get internet with unlimited data starting at 14. 99 per month. And ask about free installation. Call now. Downtown attack. Attack. Be minding your own business and have someone just reach out and change your life forever punch in the face. The victim knocked unconcious. Nine is on your side with a warning about unprovoked attacks. Kasichs chances. Confetti and cheers for the governors win in ohio. But can he wn the nomination . Middle schoolers take on city hall. Demanding the return of a playground staple that was taken away. The change some think will help fight crime. Youre watching nine on your side at six. A cincinnati man walking to work in overtherhine. When his father says he was randomly attacked attacked and this happened in broad daylight that attack led to hours of surgery. Nine on yours sides tj parker spoke with the victims father its an interview youll see only on nine on your side. Tj . Jon deibold says his son max was walking along vine street, here in otr, when out of nowhere he says someone came up and attacked him sending him to the hospital. This there was no way to see it comingjon deibold on edge, tonight after he says his son, max, was punched in the face and knocked unconcious in front of the kroger in overtherhine. It was immediate just hit him and was gonehis son was walking to work in otr with a buddy of his when it happened. He didnt really see anything he just it happened max was taken to the er where he spent several days for a broken nose multiple facial fractures, and a concussion. He underwent surgery to repair the damage. 23 16 its been a very emotional long four days days it all comes down to being mindful of your surroundings Cincinnati Police lieutenant Steve Saunders tells 9 on your side this type of random attack doesnt happen often but its a good reminder for people to be cautious. It seems like this was an unprovoked attack or an assault on the victim that is again a very rare circustance his advice be watchful of of what and whos coming towards you. Tonight jon diebold believes there was nothing is

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