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Thats actually falling on the ground right now here in wichita. Over the last couple hours in this region, weve seen everything from blinding rain to intense lightning and damaging hail. It started at the airport in kansas city, missouri, this morning, hail the size of golf balls left dents in rental cars at the airport, led to some delays. That was this morning. Then as we proved into the afternoon, students took shelter at Kansas State University in kansas amid reports that Severe Weather was moving through. 18 Million People from nebraska to kansas, texas and oklahoma are under a tornado watch right now. In fact, scott, in oklahoma, universities have canceled evening classes there and the state of oklahoma, scott, 80 of the state is under a tornado watch right now. Again, here in wichita, the hail is starting to fall. Id say its pennysized right now, but the rain is really starting to pick up in this area, and were told it will continue late into the night. Pelley david begnaud, thanks. Eric fisher is tracking these storms at our boston station, eric . Reporter scott, weve really seen these storms take offer over the last couple hours, very volatile spring atmosphere. Here across the plains, kansas and oklahoma, is where we see most of the activity right now. Thats where were going to focus as we head into the evening. Up and down the plains right in tornado alley, this is where we have tornado watches out, meaning that tornadoes are very much possible, perhaps even some longtrack, violent tornadoes. This has been forecast for days now, so hopefully everyone is staying vigilant right up and down, north to south, thats where well be watching for the highest risk of Severe Weather, also some large hail, damaging wind gusts in any of these storms that do develop, larger than the hail we saw there, maybe even the size of baseballs. As we watch the rest of the night, big line of storms from missouri on into texas. Another round will develop as we head into the day tomorrow, especially as we head into the afternoon. So tomorrow a Severe Weather outlook into the midsouth. I wouldnt be surprised if this moves into the northeast. So be vigilant. Pelley if youre told to eric fisher, wbz, thank you very much. At 8 00 p. M. Tonight, the polls will close in five states, connecticut, rhode island, delaware, maryland and pennsylvania. For the republicans, 172 delegates are up for grabs. But even a clean sweep would not quite give donald trump the nomination. Major garrett is at trump headquarters in new york. For those supporters of john kasich either here or at home, there may be issues on which we disagree, but more unites us. Reporter a ted cruz rally in franklin, indiana, last night served as the Highwater Mark for a Political Alliance already tanking. John kasich has agreed to cede indian no to cruz, but kasich wont tell his voters to support cruz. I think theyre smart enough to figure out what they should do. Reporter in a radio interview today, cruz would not tell his back toes side with kasich in upcoming primaries in oregon and new mexico. Were not urging voters to vote for anybody else. I trust the voters to figure out who to vote for. Okay. Reporter another part of the deal sank when officials in oregon announced kasichs biography and picture will not be included in primary voter guides because kasich missed the march 10th submission deadline. The unraveling appeared to confirm Donald Trumps midmorning tweet, this joke of a deal is falling apart, not being honored and almost dead. Very dumb. He added this on fox news. When i first heard about it, i said, you got to be kidding. Theyre not going to do that. Thats going to make them look very weak. It looks like collusion, and it proves my words that its a rigged system. Reporter but trump is facing rigging charges of his own. A new york judge today ordered a jury trial on a class action fraud suit against trump university. Scott, new yorks attorney general said trump will be called as a witness in that trial expected to occur some time next year. Pelley major garrett, thanks. The same five states are voting on the democratic side with 384 a clean sweep would leave Hillary Clinton just short of the nomination tonight. Nancy cordes is in philadelphia. Reporter unfazed by the delegate count, sanders insisted he can catch clinton no matter what happens tonight. Is she Strong Enough on poverty to win over your supporters if she needs to . Well, ill let my supporters make their own decision. Reporter but you have a lot of influence over them . Well, i am one person, and my job is to win this nomination. If i dont win the nomination, im going to do everything i can to make sure that a republican does not get elected the president of the united states. Reporter the clinton camp argues he will have to go further and embrace the nominee, like clinton did in 2008. I did not put down conditions. I didnt say, you know what, if senator obama does x, y and z, maybe ill support him. Report clinton did back him unequivocally after she dropped out in june. And he must be our president. Reporter but in april of sanders does now. Senator obamas remarks are elitist and theyre out of touch. Reporter this time, just like back then, there are hard feelings that can seem insurmountable. Just today the Sanders Campaign accused clintonites of using language reserved for traitors to our country, saying we are giving aid and comfort to trump by attacking clinton. And James Andrews said the couple will only release additional tax returns if clinton releases transcripts of her wall street speeches. Secretary clinton hasnt released a transcript yet, so why dont we wait and see what happens. Reporter thats a switch from earlier this month when senator sanders released one year of tax returns and said he would soon release several more. It shows that despite pleas from democratic leaders, he intends to keep his focus on the wall treat ties until the very end. Pelley nancy cordes rocking the vote for us with the democrats. John dickerson is our political director and the moderator of affairs program, face the nation. Donald trump is going to have a big night all indications. Where does that leave the stoptrump movement . It lost a lot of its oomph after he won big in new york, and it will have trouble keeping energy after this big night hes expected to have tonight. He made this speech. There was ahearted attempt by john kasich and ted cruz to tell their voters, in a future contest vote for cruz in indiana and kasich in new mexico and oregon to deny trump the delegates. It just fizzled out because voters who like john kasich dont like ted cruz and vice versa. So if youre going to unite them,o have to say, heres a fresh reason to be scared of donald trump, and they never made that sale. Christa how about the democratic side. What are you looking for tonight . Reporter Bernie Sanders top strategist said he will reevaluate after tonight. Hillary clinton will widen the gap in pledge delegates. What does that reevaluation look like . And how does Hillary Clinton when she comes out and talks, does she create space . Atmosphere for those sanders her . And what does Bernie Sanders do . He says hes going to go to the last contest, thats fine, but whats his tone like . Is he going to keep hitting her, or does he start training his fire on republican . Pelley john dickerson, thank you very much. Well have election updates throughout the night right here and continuous coverage on our digital network, cbsn at cbsnews. Com. The u. S. Is using new computers. Today a u. S. Army general said the attacks are highly effective and highly classified. Yesterday the president said 250 special forces troops will be joining 50 already in syria to coordinate 30,000 local fighters. We asked Holly Williams to bring us up to date on the fight against isis in syria and iraq. Reporter iraq says its now fully recaptured the city of hit which sits in a key supply line between iraq and syria. Its the latest in a string of iraqi victories as American Military advisers in iraq are moved closer to the front line with isis. In all isis has lost around 40 of the territory it once controlled in iraq according to u. S. Officials. They also claim that Coalition Air strikes have killed 25,000 isis militants in iraq and syria and the pentagon says only 200 foreign fighters are joining the extremists each month, down from 1,500 a year ago, but the numbers dont tell the whole story. Isis still controls the city of fallujah and u. S. Military advisers are now back in the surrounding province of anbar, one of the bloodiest battle fields after the American Invasion of iraq. Mosul, iraqs second biggest since 2014, but according to a u. S. Intelligence official, mosul probably wont be recaptured before next year. Across the border in syria, Regime Forces and a kurdisharab alliance backed by the u. S. Are both closing in on raqqa, the socalled isis capital. But even if isis is defeated in syria, thats unlikely to end the countrys bloody, multisided civil war. The syrian ceasefire agreed to months ago is now in tatters as Regime Forces pummel the city of aleppo. Even if isis is completely stripped of its territory, at least some of its fighters would probably then turn to guerrilla warfare, and, scott, were already seeing isis use those tactics around ramadi, which was recaptured from the group in february. Pelley Holly Williams reporting for us from istanbul in another important story, an f. D. A. Panel has rejected the pleas of parents whose children suffer from a rare, alwaysfatal disease. An experimental drug shows promise, but the panel wasnt convinced. See for yourself in our story from jim axelrod. Reporter austin leclaires view from his wheelchair is dire. Most kids my age with my disability are on death row. Theyre basically toward the end of their life. Reporter both he and his brother max suffer from duchenne musclar dystrophy, a rare musclewasting disease thats fatal, typically by age 25. Whats the roughest part of this whole deal in. Everybody else not being able to be on the drug. Reporter the drug, eteplirsen, isnt a secure, but slows down duchennes progression by helping to restore a missing protein. Up to 15,000 boys in the u. S. Have duchenne. Roughly 100 kids in clinical trials. I do believe this is holding the kids from the edge of the cliff. Reporter Jennifer Mcnary is austin and maxs mother. Shes seen austin able to maintain certain functions while on the drug and regain others like raising his arm above his head. Yes reporter max, one of the first to get eteplirsen is still walking four years later. Its almost worse to be shown something that could treat your children and then be told it could be taken away than it is to just come to terms with having children that are ill. Why is the f. D. A. So focused on outliers . Reporter yesterday an f. D. A. Advisory Committee Held a hearing before voting on whether to recommend the drugs approval, but the small size of the trial raised redding froms for the committee as well as questions about the drugs effectiveness, which didnt sit well with austin. You dont know anything about duchenne. [applause] evens toking a football around demonstrate the drugs benefits did not sway the committee. They voted against approval 73. The families were devastated. Its an incredibly devastating ruling. If we have to go through this for every raredisease drug, we dont have it in us. Reporter should the f. D. A. Go along with the committees recommendation and deny approval of the drug, the makers of eteplirsen could start over with another trial, but that could take years and, scott, that is time these boys who suffer from duchenne just dont have. Pelley not a final decision yet. Jim, thanks very much. Today a search team found the data recorder belonging to the sunken cargo ship el faro. Its about the size of a mike wave and it was found nearly three miles underwater off the bahamas. Investigators hope the recorder will help them understand why the ship went down. 33 crew members were lost in a it was the worst American Ship disaster in decades. Coming up, who will get princes fortune when the cbs evening news continues. Feel secure in your dentures. Feel free to be yourself all day. Just switch from denture paste to seabond denture adhesive seals. 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I dont want your extra time and your kiss reporter in life, prince was in total control of his music, but in death, it appears control may be turned over to a judge. These Court Documents filed on behalf of his sister, teka nelson, state she does not know of the existence of a will and requests the appointment of a special administrator to divide his estate. Entertainment lawyer ken abdo has worked for prince in the past. How does he not have a will . One logical explanation would reporter abdo says hes surprised given princes army of lawyers. I was in a room once about ten years ago when someone posed the question, how many of them here work for prince, and 15 competent, known music lawyers raised their hands. Reporter in addition to teka nelson, the Court Documents also list six halfsiblings, who under minnesota law are equal heirs. So tonight im going to party like its 1999 todays filing states princes total assets are unknown, but his reported net worth, including his paisley park property, is 300 million. Purple rain, purple rain and his music catalog which includes an unpublished recording with miles davis could be worth hundreds of millions more. Scott, the Sheriffs Office says a preliminary cause of death could come within a week. Pelley jamie yuccas reporting tonight. Jamie, thank you. Justice after a sports tragedy. Understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation. Have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Nexium 24hr is the 1 selling frequent heartburn brand in america. I hope you like it spicy get complete protection with the purple pill. The leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Can a toothpaste do everything well . 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They were right all along about who was to blame for the tragedy that took place 27 years ago when liverpool fans poured into a stadium in sheffield for an important away game, and 96 of them died in the crush. A Police Coverup had claimed the fans had forced their way into the stadium, but a Coroners Court has ruled it was to become allowed the stands to become so overcrowded that those in the front were trampled and crushed against the restraining fence. For the bereefd like margaret aspinall, whose 18yearold son was killed, its more than justice at last. I want him to rest in peace now without feeling your mums anger. Im sure after today. His mums done him proud. Hes going to have a good sleep. Reporter police and stadium officials were also blamed for not having an emergency plan to help those who could be helped. Instead, says trevor hicks, who lost two daughters that day, they again tried to blame the victims. In the early days, we were the bad guys and, you know, the police and the rest were, you know, the poor victims. I was a vindictive, snarling, whingeing scouser. Reporter the scousers, which is what liverpudlians call proclaimed their exoneration. Mark phillips, cbs news, london. Pelley and well be right back. Good news. Youre down with crestor. Alright now theres a way you can get crestor for 3. Adding crestor, along with diet, lowers bad cholesterol. Crestor is not for people with liver disease, or women who are nursing,pregnant, or may become pregnant. Tell your doctor all medicines you take. Call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness; feel unusually tired; have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine or yellowing of skin or eyes. These could be signs of serious side effects. Ask for the crestor 3 card. Ask your doctor about crestor. The call just came in. Shes about to arrive. And with her, a flood of potential patients. All on account. Of penelope. 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Heres correspondent bill plante. Come on. Reporter it was this dance with president and mrs. Obama mclaurin famous. The video went viral and interview requests poured in from new york, los angeles, even europe, but mclaurin couldnt travel. She is had no governmentissued i. D. Since her purse was snatched years ago. I didnt ever get the i. D. Out or my pocketbook. Reporter and when the South Carolinaborn sent nairn tried to get one so when you went to the d. C. Government to get an i. D. , they said you had to have a birth certificate. I had to have a birth certificate. Reporter and South Carolina said you had to have a photo i. D. Thats what they say. Reporter it wasnt until her per predicament showed up in the Washington Post that the d. C. Government scrambled to pass an exception. She wanted to be sure she had d. C. Doesnt require voter i. D. She does want her son to drive her to myrtle beach this summer. You say youre not going the fly . Why not . New york i never flew. Im afraid. Reporter youre not going to fly until . Until the lord gives me wings. Reporter you wont need an i. D. For that. No. No. Ill be free at last. Reporter bill plante, cbs news, washington. Pelley the great bill plante. And thats the cbs evening news for tonight. For all of us at cbs news all around the world, good night. Captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org wh the insider tracking the biggest stories making news today. Number one, kelly ripas live return raises eyebrows. Im so happy youre back. Oh, thank you. Was her apology genuine . Our body language expert reads between the lines. Respect in the workplace. Thats a major body language tell. Shes angry. Then are princes ce friends planning two massive memorial concerts . And as more hollywood tributes pour in raspberry beret who profits the most off the purple one its going to be messy. And number three, dancings throwbacks to their Best High School moves. Come back up. 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