Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 600PM 20160416 : comparem

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 600PM 20160416

jim: at 18, jason day. very surprising round, seven over. needs to get up and down for 78. let's go over to peter kostis. peter: thank you, jim. charley, you played some spectacular golf all day long. a couple of stumbles at the end. how do you feel about today's round? charley: good. got off to a great start then stumbled around the middle of the round, made some nice birdies. around the turn it was a little sloppy but made some great par saves in the middle of the round and made a great birdie on 16. hit a good shot on 17 that didn't turn out. on 18 i thought i hit a good one but five feet short. next thing you know i make two bogeys. peter: those are the conditions we play there. you've been putting yourself in contention quite a bit this year. been struggling a bit on the what's within getting in your way on the weekends? charley: i've been getting in my own way. hopefully i can reach down deep. i've done it before and try and do it again. you have to be tough and patient. the greens are hard as a rock. you have to hit quality shots. hopefully i can come down the stretch tomorrow and show you what i got. peter: good luck tomorrow. charley: thanks, peter. jim: we're going to finish up with the last two on the golf course here at the r.b.c. heritage and golf links in the beautiful community of hilton head, south carolina. just amplifying what -- what charley was talking about. 74 in houston, 76 in houston, 75 in tampa, 75 at doral, his last final rounds. 80 at torrey pines. 70 at phoenix. so that's the only one under par. [captioning funded by cbs sports national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] jim: again, a reminder tomorrow, professional bull riding circuit continues with coverage at 1:00 eastern time. then a pga tour special that you should really see. pga tour special "making cancer history presented by m.d. anderson." and then 3:00 coverage tomorrow right here from harbour town golf links. similar shot to what luke donald faced. this will run out about four and a half, five feet. nick: hey, that's us. that's how i'm going to get to san antonio next week. wish me luck. are you in the front seat or is leslie ann? well, our old pal pat summerall, i always think of him here at the 18th because we used to come on with what he called announcer hole openings. i'm pat summerall, i'll be describing the action at 18. calibogue sound to the left. out of bounds and condominiums to the right. and it became just a ritual. it was one of the subtleties that people probably didn't realize. he said it every year but primarily as an inside joke because we used to always kind of imitate him with his opening here at harbour town. pat passed away three years ago today. he's been on my mind very much. we all miss the great man. such a friend and we hope that his bride, sweetheart. you can't get much closer to being in the hazard. but he's outside of it. it's chappell. he's dropped some shot here in the late going, hasn't he? nick: be careful. you grab a 60-degree too quickly and you stub it a little bit, you're going to mis-hit it considerably. so sometimes it's wise to grab the 54 or 56 for this one. jim: easy. nick: oh, that came out so fast. jim: it's hard to shake off the bad break you have at 15. nick: yeah. jim: didn't hit a good job but for it to be wedged up right against the edge of the bunker on the outside part of the virtually no shot to -- to play with his fourth. led to a double bogey seven. when i look at this leaked and i think most years, it ends up being chaotic on sunday. you get these players from four or five back in many cases. you know, brandt snedeker did it before. there have been a number of players through the years that have stormed from behind and made the big comeback. programs as many times as any tournament i can recall. nick: the most obvious one is zach johnson. again, horses for courses and keep it under the wind. one under today. jim: matt kuchar at three. kevin na had a big day. 66. sensational round. and that included even a five at the 18th. whee kim, 68. colt knost under par, even for the tournament. david toms, stan limit spencer levine. ben crane is at even. jason day giving away a lot too. here is the par attempt for chappell. jason day in a press conference this week said that last week at augusta -- we kept thinking he was growing to break through with shooting scores. still was in it on sunday. he said he woke up sunday morning and was mentally not as sharp as he was through the first three days. said he got kind of beat up after the first three rounds. his only weakness, his immune system. mentally strong, great swing but so many little things seem to upset him. jim: and surrenders one more shot. his caddie there, colin swatton always a part of the story. lives here in the area. along with his wife lisa and family used to own a prominent restaurant here at harbour town. old cafe europea. so there you go. 54 holes complete with luke donald the leader alone. we are back at 3:00 eastern tomorrow and the lineup again tonight at cbs at 8:00, "ncis: new orleans," criminal minds, 48 hours. for sir nick. lance barrow, steve milton all jim nantz saying so long from the r.b.c. heritage until tomorrow. they found out who's been hacking into our network. who? guess. i don't know, some kids in a basement? you watch too many movies. who? a small business in china. a business? like a job? like a job. we tracked them. how did we do that? we have some new guys defending our network. new guys? well, they're not that new. they've been defending things for a long time. [ digital typewriting ] it's not just security. live from studio 46, this is cbs2 news at 6. good evening, i'm cindy hsu. police say a slashing suspect stayed at the same shelter where a man was strangled yesterday. police are searching for william smith who sources say was seen on video washing blood off his hands after the murder. dave carlin is following the developing story and joins us live from elmhurst queens. dave. >> reporter: a shelter resident murdered in his bed. could it be that this is the work of one man. police say maybe. >> these photos show the knife attack wounds on the neck of 43- year-old livery cab driver manuel rivera. he was expecting to get his $10 fare but instead the man put a blade to his neck and sliced. police say this is the man they are looking for. they want to catch 53-year-old william smith saying he could cabbie attack but also a murder prior to that. friday morning here inside this homeless shelter in manhattan's kicks bay, 56-year-old shelter resident marcusger rare row was found dead in his bed. the attacker made it out of the shelter, and police must determine if it is the same man who attacked the cabbie. >> investigators say their first clues clues possibly linking the crime, the suspect could not get back in and get them. the injured cabbie's mother told us her son feels lucky to be alive while residents of the bellevue men's shelter say without better protections and security cameras they could be in grave danger. >> there's no reason why we're coming for help and we've got to worry whether or not somebody's object to take our there's no reason for that. >> there's no real protection in here. there's no real security, you as they please. you know, every man for himself. >> reporter: the search for this suspect intense to catch him before he can strike again. live in elmhurst queens dave carlin cbs2 news. we're following another developing story on the upper west side where a man was injured after falling from a window. it happened at a hotel on west 94th street. the 29-year-old checked into the hotel on thursday. right now police don't know if he fell or was pushed from a hallway window on the 8th or 10th floor. he was rushed to st. luke's hospital in critical condition. a frightening sight in queens where two young children were seen wandering the streets of jamaica. they were supposed to be in the care of her grandmother. >> a baby alone in the middle of the street before 8 a.m. saturday at 145th street and surveillance video. >> this baby girl was standing right here. witnesses who scrambled to protect what turned out to be two siblings out here by themselves, a 2-year-old girl and a 3-year-old boy hidden by the car. >> i lift up the girl. the girl is crying profusely. she's all soaking wet with urine. >> the residents wrapped the children in coats and called 9- 1-1. >> we spoke to another witness who did not want to appear on camera. she tells us when she comforted the little children here they were very cold and afraid. >> the children live a few doors down where police say the grandmother looking after the youngsters had fallen asleep while the two little ones got out the front door. >> it happened to be an honest accident. mistakes happen. >> later the mother of the lost children who declined to give her full name tells us she was coming home from an overnight shift when she found her children in an ambulance here. >> i'm very shaken up and and i'm obviously very upset that it happened. the kids are okay. a couple of weeks earlier the children had to be rescued from the same intersection. >> you saw and others saw the children out here by themselves in the street. >> in the middle of the street. >> i don't know anything about that. this is the first time to my knowledge that i know it's happened. >> the children now back at home after being examined at a hospital while police say there will be no criminal charges. in jamaica queens queens langford. >> new york. what makes it think bigger? go bolder? push for a living wage that's higher. for tuition-free public college. justice that works for all. for a middle-class that... must. be. saved. you do. values. forged in new york. brooklyn born. native son. who knows what we know: we're all in this together. and i approve this message. pope francis put faith into action after visiting a migrant camp to greece where refugees are deported back to turkey. the pontiff brought 12 syrian muslims to italy aboard his plane. it happened after an emotional visit to the greek island of lesbos which has been on the front line of europe's migration crisis. the pope pleaded with european nations to respond to the migrant crisis in a way that is "worthy of our common humanity." >> in this way that everyone has to engage themselves in find solution or try to help >> the vatican says all three families fled syria after their homes were bombed. a catholic charity is helping to resettle them. now to campaign 2016, the presidential candidates are spread out across the country with the new york primary just days away. donald trump campaigned upstate. john kasich also spent the day in new york, first at a deli on the upper west side before speaking at a synagogue on long island, and ted cruz spent the day in wyoming. meanwhile the democratic candidates were also busy. hillary clinton is in california for some big ticket fundraisers, ask bernie sanders is back in new york tonight. he met with pope francis while visiting the vatican this morning. >> find out how long this great weather will last. coming up next. it's finally starting to feel and look like spring. tulips are in full bloom and will be for the nest two weeks. there will be more than 13,000 tulips and other spring flowers on display. what a perfect day for tulips. elise finch is here with how long this fantastic weather is going to last. >> we'll get a good stretch of it. we had a long stretch of not so great weather. we'll get a good stretch of good weather too. we'll check in with our weather watchers at 6:21, see what kind of numbers we're seeing out there. lots of 60s. let's head to brooklyn. this is beverly. she says it's 66 degrees where she is. her comment, beautiful, dry and sunny spring day in bath beach brooklyn. yeah, in bath beach and pretty much every place else. this is what you love to see on a saturday. we're taking a live look outside right now and still the blue skies, tons of sunshine. it is a gorgeous day. it's nice and mild, currently 63 degrees, winds are out of the east, northeast at 9 miles an hour. check out these highs around the area today. 63 in islip, one of the coolest temps but 64 for laguardia. newark, jfk and central park. it was a nice mild day to have had by all, tons of sunshine, just a great day to get out and do whatever you want to do outside. that puts us a full 5 degrees above the norm. haven't done that in a while consistently. we did that today. very nice. take a look at your vortex satellite and radar. you can see the impact of high pressure. there's not a lot to look at, a few high thin clouds. that's pretty much it. low pressure well offshore, huge area of high pressure really dominating. things for us will continue to stay dry and pretty mild over the next couple of days. so for tonight, the only thing we need to be concerned with in certain locations, chilly temperatures. it's clear and cool tonight, 46 in the city, but 30s as we head to some of the suburbs. so as a result we do have some frost advisories that are in effect. you can see all the areas here in blue starting at 2 a.m. on sunday remaining in effect on sunday. nicely. 72 degrees is our forecast high as we end the weekend. sunshine. an even warmer day tomorrow than what we had today. we are warmer still on your monday. things are looking good for quite a while. >> big smiles everywhere. thank you so much. when we come back. now your jeep sports desk. >> steve overmyer is here with sports and an important time for the rangers. >> this is playoff hockey. this is what the team was built for. these long runs are what we're used to seeing in the post season the past few years. the rangers have given up a lot to win with the core right now. they made deadline trades for three straight years to give goalie henrik lundquist some support, but the championship window while still open is closing. lundquist was back in net for eye injury knocked him out of game 1. the king returned be 29 saves in pittsburgh. the rangers ended up scoring 3 in the second. mats zuccarello with 3 minutes left in the 2nd. rangers trying to hang on. lead. pittsburgh has 10 giveaways. the third. the rangers come back to even the series. game 3 is tuesday night at the garden. the yankees losing streak is now at 4. they went 0 for 12 with runners in scoring position in this game and matt harvey struggling again for the mets who are trailing 7-1 in cleveland. but good news from that game. guess who hit a home run. >> are you going to say curtis granderson. >> curtis granderson. >> he's your guy. >> he is my guy. >> i'm happy, i'm happy. we need to get him some hits early in the season. >> i know, i know. somewhere and just anyone who hasn't followed. interviewed him so long ago when he was a yankee. he's such nice young man. >> that does it for cbs2 at 6. for the entire cbs2 news team, thanks for joining us. we're back tonight at 11. we'll see you then. even when the deck is stacked, a new yorker will find a way to break up big banks, create millions of jobs, and rebuild america. some say it can't be done again. but another native son of new york is ready -- bernie. rebuild the middle class, make wall street banks pay their fair share, give every child a chance. new york -- it's our time again to build a future to believe in. >> axelrod: a bold stroke of humanity. pope francis invites three families of muslim refugees to live at the vatican. >> reporter: can you believe that you're here? >> no, no, i can't believe. >> axelrod: also tonight snow buries all signs of spring in

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New York , United States , Elmhurst , Brooklyn , Turkey , China , Jamaica , California , Greek Island , Texas , Syria , San Antonio , Jordan , South Carolina , Wyoming , Phoenix , Arizona , Islip , Houston , Italy , Greece , New Yorker , America , Henrik Lundquist , Dave Carlin , Emanuel Rivera , Peter Kostis , John Kasich , Curtis Granderson , Zach Johnson , Elise Finch , Leslie Ann , Steve Milton , Torrey Pines , David Toms , William Smith , Spencer Levine , Lance Barrow , Matt Harvey , Luke Donald , Steve Overmyer , Cindy Hsu , Brandt Snedeker , Ted Cruz , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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