Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20160404 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20160404

it will feel like the 30s with the wind chill. >> thank you. the weather was wet, windy, and wild across the tri-state area. >> reporter: good afternoon. we are on 210th street just off murdock avenue where evidence of the wild and really dangerous weather is still evident. look at the huge tree blocking the street. people we spoke to had no trouble telling us what they really think about our spring weather so far. >> it's crazy like the rest of the world. >> it is unpredictable here. you can't know what's going on. >> intense. the winds were intense. the rain was intense. >> reporter: an intense thunderstorm toppled a huge tree in front of this home. the tree took down power lines and landed on her car crushing it and two others. she feels like the treacherous spring weather is pay back for >> i guess it's got to come sometime. here it is. hopefully after this is done, we will have a beautiful spring and not too crazy summer. >> reporter: the temperature roller coaster continues with day time highs a balmy 79 friday and will dip into the 40s tuesday. >> it's been really weird. you get teasers of nice weather and then it's gone. >> reporter: replaced by devastating high winds and severe thunderstorms complete with hail and two systems that brought measurable snow to parts of the area. now, this. >> it's pretty consistently gloomy and rainy and cold. >> reporter: people said all they can do is stay prepared by keeping rain gear and cold weather clothing close by. >> nothing is put away yet. no, you have to anticipate we're going to still have cold days. >> i think it is crazy. at least it is better than having the snow. >> reporter: others are dreaming of and waiting for the ideal spring day. degrees is perfect. >> reporter: now, of course we are far from perfect. this tree is still down across the street. com ed is working to untangle the power lines and then the tree can be lifted. we are with the mobile weather lab. even though things are rainy, it is still relatively mild temperature wise. it will be sometime before we see the woman's perfect 70 degrees. back to you. >> okay, elise. today's weather postponed the yankees home opener. fans who traveled on are took the day off to see the team -- excuse me if you hear the echoing. there are audio issues in our studio. we'll have more in the half hour. sorry, that threw me off but it seems we have it remedied. get weather updates at any time by downloading the cbs 2 weather app. get the forecast and temperature where you are. itunes store and for android on google play. new information in the robbery turned deadly hit and run in brooklyn as police try to track down a suspect. we are learning more about the victim. reagan is live with much more. >> reporter: good evening. it is still an active investigation behind me on 4th avenue and green wood heights section of brooklyn as police continue piecing together what happened and who killed a 63 year odd man known in the community as a hard working family man. take a good look at the surveillance video of a man running down 5th avenue if green wood heights brooklyn around 9:15 this morning. police believe this is the man responsible for causing so much pain and grief, accused of stealing a truck he used to hit and kill phil degrazia. >> great guy, just family and work. that's it. seven days a week. >> it breaks my heart to see the family mourning and crying. it really hurts the whole community. >> reporter: workers say they were outside unloading equipment from their construction vehicle when all of a sudden someone got inside the vehicle and took off down the street. that's when the owner saw what was happening and got in his truck and chased him down. police say this, the two got stuck in traffic next to each other. he got out of his pick up to confront the man who took his truck. it was then when a local business owner heard something strange. >> they come here all the time, all the workers, to get food. i didn't think nothing of it. i kept doing what i had to do. all of a sudden i heard a bang. >> reporter: that was delagrazia getting hit. >> he ran him over. >> reporter: the suspect took cbs 2 obtained this surveillance video of the man. he is seen inside a nearby bakery moments after the crash appearing to change his clothes. again, police need your help tracking down a man they believe hit and killed 63 year old phil delagrazia in the green wood heights section of brooklyn. >> thank you. new information, gurney iona college has claimed the life of a freshman student. a local resident is charged with murder. lou young spoke with the devastated family. >> he was a good kid. he just went to school and worked. and he came home. >> reporter: a heart broken sister spoke with us hours after identifying her brother's body, the college freshman died on a ball field in the early hours of sunday morning at the start of his life as an adult. >> he just celebrated his birthday two weeks ago, march 14. he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. >> reporter: he commuted to the campus and graduated last year he played basketball. police say he was riding in a car with several friends when a a girl. the car was parked in a lot near lincoln park. >> we received phone calls from citizens about 3:15 in the morning on sunday morning. they heard what sounded like three different gun shots. >> reporter: whatever the beef, lawrence and one of the other occupants of the car parked in the lot stepped out on this ball field to settle it with their fists. it was during the fight that another occupant came up and shot lawrence dead and ran. when police arrived, they found the body, the car, and three witnesses. police arrested the murder suspect at his home in new rochelle. at his first court appearance monday he decided to stay in the holding cell to avoid police released this mug shot of desir, arrested based on information from witnesses. they have not found the gun. many supporters hid their faces as they left the court house saying nothing. the victim's family struggles to make sense of it. >> he goes to work, church, school. he just went to a party at his college and came home and waited on his ride to come home. >> reporter: a memorial service is being planned. the defendant will be back in court for a bail hearing next week. >> although lawrence played basketball in high school, he is not on the iona college squad. friends tell us he belonged to the fashion club and was a member of the school's black student union. an early morning fire at newark airport forced widespread delays and cancellations creating travel headaches for passengers. >> reporter: the boiler room fire sent smoke billowing through terminal b as passengers, many arriving >> they're saying i won't get there until 10:30 tonight. i have no idea. i come from pennsylvania. i am not happy. >> reporter: pictures show the plumes visible from the tar mack as crews worked to put out the flames that started in the boiler room ceiling just after 1:00 this morning. around the time of flight to hong kong was scheduled to depart. a cbs news producer was among the passengers first evacuated. >> we started to smell smoke and you could see it rising over the top. about ten fire trucks showed up. >> reporter: hundreds were forced out as firefighters extinguished flames. those passengers were eventually allowed back in only to be sent back out once again two hours later after a flareup. >> they just evacuated us back outside and no other communication other than just step outside. >> reporter: by the time the all clear was given around 5:00 am, passengers' plans had already been ruined. was your flight delayed? >> reporter: sherman porterfield's flight canceled twice. >> it ruined my appointment for this afternoon. >> not the greatest way to start my day but i will deal with it. >> just ready to go home. >> reporter: no injuries to report but still plenty peopley cancellations and delays. if you are flying, you will want to check with your carrier. >> there is no word yet on what caused that fire. investigators are trying to figure out what caused this fire, a warehouse fire in brooklyn broke out overnight inside a cold storage and restaurant supply facility on park side avenue. fdny says pockets of flames kept popping up but may have been stored cooking oils that fueled it. investigators say the building is a total loss but no one was seriously hurt. campaign 2016, we are a day away from finding out who is the about eight inches cheese in wisconsin -- big cheese in wisconsin. the polls are indicating clinton and trump could lose. >> reporter: i hadn't thought of that one, big cheese. wisconsin votes tomorrow. two candidates came here today. jon kasich and hillary clinton. >> ladies and gentlemen, a big new york welcome to the next president of the united states, hillary rod am clinton! >> reporter: hillary clinton appeared with governor cuomo reminding new yorkers who vote april 19 that she has home court advantage as a residents of west chester. >> i was so proud to be a new yorker all those eight years i represented you. i have always been proud, but i am even prouder today. >> reporter: the clinton and bernie sanders camps can't agree on a date to debate and sanders offered a touch of sarcasm. >> if we win in new york state between you and me i don't want nervous than she already is. she's already under a lot of pressure. >> reporter: the latest cbs news battleground tracker shows crus with the lead in wisconsin and brought another provocative tweet from donald trump. >> we are at war. no one wants to admit it but humanity is under attack. >> reporter: trump went on the attack insisting kasich drop out because he can only win his home state. >> he is one in 30. he ought to get the hell out. >> i am not getting out. why would i? particularly when trump is worried i will get his votes which i always knew i could do. >> i don't think it is a state secret that donald's personal life has not been immaculate. but i have no interest in going there. >> reporter: trump admitted he made a mistake retweeting a photo of heidi crus. trump said america is headed >> dick, thank you. in a moment, saved by strangers. a father and son risk their lives to save a woman trapped in a burning car. >> a turkey take over. the wild birds damaging cars and even breaking into homes. >> a major merger. the $4 billion deal that could shake up the airline industry and what it means for flyers. >> a bit later, determined to be a mom. how a super model overcame a heart condition and survived a (laughing) there's nothing like making their day. except making sure their tomorrow is taken care of too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. controversy at the united nations today. >> parts of an exhibit on israel were banned at the un because some thought it was inappropriate. the un reversed course but the debate is not over. hazel sanchez has the story new at 5:00. >> reporter: before this went of 13 panels on zionism, injure use lem and -- jerusalem and others calling -- >> we will fight for the truth and we will make sure that the full exhibition will be presented at the un. >> reporter: a spokesperson for un secretary general says there was a misunderstanding about a photo on the zionism panel though he wouldn't plain what that was. after discussions with a permanent mission of israel the un reversed the decision and allowed it to be displayed. the other two are still banned. >> to say israel matters should not be an exhibit is saying you don't believe israel should exist. that's wrong. >> un spokesperson defended the decision saying displays need to be in conformity with purposes and principles of the organization. country that should not be done at the expense of others who cannot immediately respond. >> we cannot accept the fact that the un is still disqualifying exhibition about democracy in israel. >> stand with us says the un reversal of the decision is an important victory that sends a clear message about the importance of standing strong for what you believe in. the group says it won't stand down until the entire exhibit is allowed to be displayed. a un spokesperson says it deals with 193 member states and regularly looks at the process to best serve everyone. big deal in the airline industry. alaska air is buying virgin america. the deal would be worth more than $2 billion. it would combine airlines' west coast presence, expand route departures and would give access to east coast airports including kennedy and la gardia. an escalator malfunctioned sending fans flying. people were thrown from the escalator and crashed into a pile as they reached the bottom. some tried to bail over the sides to avoid the pile up. several people were banged up but thankfully no one was seriously hurt. not the opening night or day local baseball fans had in mind. >> metz had a case of dajavu and it rained on the yankees parade. >> hopefully tomorrow the sun will come out. the mets and yankees. from placing dallas who was 3-0 against them last season. it was called about 4.5 hours before the start time because of inclimate weather. as far as the mets, they had to watch the royals celebrate world series win for a second time. a rough start, ugh, misplays a routine fly ball and that led to a run. mets got down 4-0. a strike out ends it with a tying run on third, not the debut the mets wanted against defending champion royals. >> there are no royal victories. we are still 0-1. you don't want to go down three or four runs in the 7th, 8th 8th, 9th against those guys. >> there will be nights when they'll win a game but the next night we got something for you. >> both teams will be back on their first wins of the year. >> 161 to go. >> royals had the ring ceremony this week with the mets. >> a lot of emotion on that side. >> a rough start. >> we will rain on their parade tomorrow. >> thank you. what will the weather be like for tomorrow's game? >> lonnie quinn is here with another look. it was yucky. >> today was not a good day. tomorrow for the game you are talking sunshine back in place. it may be every bit as cold tomorrow as it was today. we have freeze warnings and watches that go into effect tonight. north of inland west chester county, northwest new jersey you don't see a freeze watch or freeze warning because the growing season has not yet begun for the areas. trust me, everybody is dropping look at the future temps we are forecasting. 28 is the warmest reading you will find in the area. we get to your high temperatures. i think it will be around 40 for new york city. it is showing 39 at 5:00 p.m., 27 liberty, 40 toms river. tuesday night into wednesday, a repeat performance. we are dropping down below freezing once again. that freeze warning we have tonight will be in effect again tomorrow night. here is what we see on the vortex radar and satellite. this will be clearing the area. it will be colder tonight than it was last night. any rain finishes as snow with no big accumulations. >> thank you. still ahead, common core testing starts tomorrow in new york. will students even show up? >> a massive money laundering ring exposed with world leaders accused of corruption. who is behind the unprecedented leak? >> a suspect gets away from police but not for long. helped officers find their man. t mt ard twk.nogesur-st00eginrn tanphe r st699 r nt li.cae n'ofr teetspdshifa aa icthodon fs n. finding colon cancer early gives me the best chance for treatment. doesn't always come with symptoms. i was worried about the cost but got screened when i learned there are options. my doctor helped me find the right test for me. we got screened when we turned 50 and we're so glad we did. if you're 50 or older talk with your healthcare provider. there's more than one way to screen for colon cancer and it's easier than ever. if you're 50 or older get screened for colon cancer. at 6:00, fighting for better living. >> the paint is peeling off the walls, rats, roaches. court. see the deplore able conditions they say they have been forced to live in for years. >> she's a straight a student. she's earned admissions to all there is more. what this long island teen is crediting with her success. that's tonight at 6:00. a massive document leak out of panama revealed how world leaders and rich and powerful may be hiding billions of dollars. >> panama papers are being called wiki leaks of the mega rich. >> reporter: an anonymous source provided nearly 40 years worth of documents from a law firm in panama which helps establish offshore bank accounts for the wealthiest people. the 2.6 terabytes of data handed to journalists reportedly contains approximately 11.5 million documents including nearly 5 million internal e-mails >> this really told us something about how the offshore financial system works and especially about who are the kinds of people who are using it. >> reporter: michael hudson is one of hundreds of journalists who research documents in what is likely the biggest leak of inside information in history. >> the same system that politicians and mega wealthy and billionaires are using to move money and do transactions is also being used by criminals, drug king pens. >> reporter: among 12 current or former heads of state named in investigations, presidents of ukraine and argentina, king of saudi arabia. while he is not named directly, documents show allies to vladimir putin secretly shuffled as much as $2 billion. the leak is called a crime and stressed to the press that "we have no responsibility in how >> the leak of the confidential documents is part of a plot to destabilize russia. turkey trouble. wild birds are terrorizing one new jersey town. what's being down to control them. >> honoring new york's bravest. sombering ceremony remembering fallen firefighters. >> a teen's wheelchair stolen. he says it changed his life for the better. hear his inspiring story. 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hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, let us help grow your company's tomorrow - turkey trouble in a new jersey neighborhood. the wild birds going on a rampage chasing people on the streets, and there is more. good evening. >> welcome back to the broadcast. the turkeys are terrorizeing. >> they're running on lawns, damaging cars, breaking into cars. >> reporter: it is not thanksgiving. >> we literally ran for our lives out of the house. >> reporter: one woman was at her kitchen table with her two children. >> he went straight through the window. it's a huge picture window. the turkey was covered in mud and water and kept flapping his wings throwing glass, mud, water everywhere. >> reporter: this is the aftermath. >> the sound of the turkey going through the window was the loudest sound. crash. we just weren't expecting it. >> reporter: she isn't the only one with turkey problems. one health officer has fielded more than a dozen calls from residents about aggressive wild turkeys. >> some people feel intimidated, children at bus stops. >> reporter: most complaints came from the synagog here off roemer and i spotted two turkeys walking in the woods behind me. >> reporter: keeping his dog closer. >> we haven't had him being attacked by a turkey yet. >> reporter: a spokesperson explained to me that this is mating season for turkeys so they do tend to be more aggressive. the birds are reflected to their reflection in cars. >> i suggest not to confront the turkeys to start with. you can chase them away by making some noises, using water hoses or even your leashed dog. >> there has to be a peaceful solution. they can't just keep ransacking the neighborhood. >> reporter: fish and wildlife is working to capture the turkeys and relocate them. they don't know why they're more aggressive this year than most. >> birds are state protected so the township cannot do much. that is why they have asked the representative to speak at the town council meeting tuesday. common core testing begins tomorrow morning in new york city. the big question is will students even take them. parents say opting out is their child's only option. >> reporter: you don't typically hear parents telling kids not to do their work but those are orders from the they would rather kids answer no questions on common core tests than answer some correctly. >> what's going to happen is they're going to fail and it's going to be worse. >> reporter: they're not alone. in new york state last year, 20% of students who were supposed to take the common core test opted out. families say schools teach the test rather than the child. >> the test is not to improve the students. i think the school is supposed to work with the student. >> reporter: tests will have fewer questions and there are no time limits this year. proponents say handing students this exam isn't asking much. >> i think being able to sit through a test that's removed all the impediments, not timed, not anything that will make the student frantic. it says the work that you learned, you are accountable for. >> reporter: some say the changes this year should fix some problems from previous years but some families say it it is about getting rid of it and changing to a portfolio system instead. portfolio shows achievement throughout the year. some say if we can't measure how much students are learning in a standard way, there is no way to make learning opportunities equal across schools. >> testing gave us the knowledge we needed. it gave us the proof we needed to make changes for kids who needed most and who had the least ability to make them on their own. >> reporter: for some parents, the needed change is the standardized testing process. >> english language tests will be administered tomorrow to 3 3rd through 8th grades. pay tribute to some of new york's very bravest. a special ceremony commemorated one of the worst tragedies in the department's history. fdny revealed a plaque at the site where six firefighters lost their lives 60 years ago. they were buried beneath of a furniture store collapsed on top of them. friends, family, fellow firefighters gathered and vowed to never forget. >> no matter the amount of time that's passed we make certain their memory lasts on. this is a testament to our department's commitment to never forget those we lost. >> the 1956 fire at 4085 third avenue is still the single worst loss of firefighters in the line of duty in the bronx. hacked and held for ransom. a town computer system taken over by high tech hostages. the ransom demands forcing city leaders to fight back or pay up. >> later, a new use for botox. how doctors use it to treat knee pain. >> it was on this day in 1968 that dr. martin luther king, jr. was assassinated. the civil rights leader was shot and killed by a sniper as outside his room at the lorain hotel in memphis, tennessee. t mt ard twk.nogesur-st00eginrn tanphe the sun'll come out tomorrow... for people with heart failure, tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, tomorrow... i love ya, tomorrow in the largest heart failure study ever. entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than aleading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. can cause harm or death an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. ask your heart doctor about entresto. and help make tomorrow possible. a warning about a growing scam called ransom wear. computers, even entire networks and demand a ransom to give users the files back. >> reporter: plainfield, new jersey, a town of roughly 50,000 people was taken hostage. >> the hijacker has requested or demanded a ransom. >> reporter: the mayor says hackers infiltrated the computer systems when an employee clicked an infected link. city officials scrambled to pull servers but three were compromised leaving e-mails and other city files inaccessible. >> we have about ten years of documents that we are not able to access. >> reporter: hijackers held the files ransom demanding roughly 650 euros paid in bit coin. plainfield was a victim of ransom wear, a malware cyber security experts and law it gets into people's computers often with a simple click. >> they prey on users willingness to click on latest viral videos. they prey on people's willingness to click facebook links. they're sending spam through e- mail in addition to using twitter. >> reporter: once a computer is infected it encrypts a you will files or locks user out until they pay for the key. >> like everyone's computers, it is full of pictures and in many cases family photos. >> reporter: the malware takes hold. >> it is communicating with a server and it is sending instructions to start encrypting the files. >> reporter: in minutes, the computer is compromised. >> this is what end-users see. >> reporter: the photos? >> if i try to look at my photos from my last vacation, try to open this, it's garbage. imagine an average business this happening in the >> reporter: all the computers. >> encrypting every computer on the network. >> reporter: ransom demands are often relatively small, hundreds to a few thousand dollars but the loss to an individual or business can be huge. >> experts say it is important to back up files and avoid clicking any suspicious links. there is a real point to this next story about a group of people in rural england who formed a human arrow. take a look. they were helping the police and helicopters track down a burglary suspect. the arrow pointed in the direction the man ran. police say the incident happened about ten days ago. if you were wondering what they were doing in the field, they were on an easter egg hunt. thanks to their help and quick thinking, the suspect and another man were arrested. >> wow! >> right. >> i would have never thought to do that. >> smart, like an old fashioned smoke signal. >> so clever. mean a risky pregnancy but a in you treatment is helping -- new treatment is helping patients who want to be mothers. >> the victim of crime when his wheelchair was stolen but he says he is glad it happened. >> it is a good thing in my life. >> reporter: the actions of criminals inspired this determined young man to walk. >> a devastating crash on long island. beloved grandparents struck and killed after a family dinner. what police reveal about the suspected driver. >> targeting dangerous behavior. plan to bust biker gangs. ooh... >>psst. hey... where you going? we've got that thing! you know...diarrhea? abdominal pain? but we said we'd be there... woap, who makes the decisions around here? it's me. don't think i'll make it. stomach again...send! if you're living with frequent, unpredictable 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the possibility but modern medicine kept her alive. >> reporter: this is three week old kennedy jordan who aside from delivered prematurely is doing just fine. different story for mom, asia jordan. she has a genetic disease she inherited from her mother. the patients tend to grow very tall with multiple orthopedic issues. asia has had rods put in her back to straighten scoliosis but it's what it did to her heart is concerning. >> she had two open heart procedures. she had aortic root replacement and then a second more complicated procedure where they had to get inside the heart. >> reporter: doctors had stern advice for asia. >> the recommendation was probably not to get pregnant and if i did decide to get pregnant to be planned. kennedy was not planned. >> reporter: the reasons for the advice? >> her risk of mortality was very high, at least 50% if not more. her biggest concerns were stroke, heart failure, aortic dissection. >> reporter: it took an interdisciplinary team monitoring and working with asia to keep disaster from striking her and her unborn baby. amount of blood the heart has to pump. blood pressure and heart rate change putting stress on the already weakened aorta. then delivery. rods in her back meant epidural was impossible, another risk for aortic rupture. >> my job would be to keep the blood pressure as stable as possible during delivery. >> all went well thanks to good luck and good doctors. >> i was in awe that this person was inside me. i was so small. when i seen her i couldn't believe it. >> reporter: there is a 50% chance that the baby will have morphan but she won't be tested. as for asia, even after delivery things could have happened. she'll have to be monitored because her aorta could continue to weaken. for now she and kennedy are okay and doctors made sure they said no more unplanned pregnancies. >> amazing. >> thank you. medical researchers reveal a new use for botox. botox relaxes muscles and is often used to smooth wrinkles but it is being tested to relieve knee and hip pain. doctors in london injected botox in a front hip muscle of 45 patients and researchers found a single small injection with continued physical therapy had a 69% success rate. >> three months after, i was actually relatively pain free and i have done a marathon since with no pain. >> studies are still underway but british researchers say injections could be available to the public in two years. lonnie quinn is here. that lens behind you, that's >> beautiful, isn't it? >> as much as we wish it wasn't the story. >> i wish i had something prettier to show you. that's the best you will do. there is light rainfalling in new york city. there. with that picture, you can't the temperature right now is coming in at 41 degrees. the winds are out of the northeast right now. that's why we are watching temperatures start to drop in new york city. your high temp was 45 at 2:39. my goodness, that's 12 degrees colder than it should be. here are my headlines. the skies thankfully will be clearing. we'll be able to see something tomorrow. freeze alerts are in effect from 8:00 tonight into your morning. it's going to be real cold. everybody is going to be below freezing on the thermometer and feeling even colder. it's going to be a cold first half of april. this jet stream has made a big dip into the area. i talk about this all the time. we fill up with cold canadian air. this is not showing signs of retreating north until you get beyond i think the second week the first couple weeks of april side. you may have those days where you spike and hit 60 but overall it will be a colder first half of april. morning. warning in new york city, long island, coast of long island, freeze watch south of the city. if your county is not in light blue or purple, you will still be sub freezing. it's just that your growing season hasn't started yet so we don't issue freeze warnings or watches if that's the case. snow is falling in portions of england, fairfield county, a little bit of sleet around bridge port and portions of connecticut shoreline. the bigger picture will show you what's going on. we will deal with the tail end of this. it will push through and we'll have a better looking day tomorrow. today temperatures were all over because you had winds from the south, from the east for new york city, from the northeast for portions north of the city. tomorrow it is a uniform air mass all from the northwest. i don't know if that's guns or been. i think itself been because everybody will be cold. it's not going to be like toms river hitting 60 today and monticello hitting 28. everybody is cold. futurecast will show you a good looking tuesday. by wednesday a few more clouds another round of wet weather thursday. thursday will be wet for everybody because it will be too warm. it will not be balmy but it will be warmer than it is now. 42 will be your high tomorrow. we'll get the clouds out and the sun will break down. we'll be fine as far as the skies for the yankees to play. it will just be cold. wednesday, 49 degrees. thursday is your 60 but again that's when we look for the clouds to fill in and there will be that rain chance. so you get the temperatures but you get the rain as well. >> grin and bear it. his wheelchair was stolen along with his independence. >> tonight the young man tells us the theft was the best thing that ever happened to him. >> reporter: getting himself out of a wheelchair, standing, taking real steps with a walker for the first time. vinnie pinelo, living with cerebral palsy since birth, >> a miracle. i am able to walk. >> reporter: it was a heart less crime say his parents that took their son on this incredible journey. we were there three years ago when police charged teen-age neighborhoods from flower hill with stealing vinnie's electric wheelchair, taking it on a joy- ride and trashing it. >> it was a hate crime. you took away my independence. >> reporter: that crime inspired vinnie while waiting two months for a new custom built wheelchair. he sought advice from his doctor at nyu. he was told he qualified as a candidate for therapy. a pump was surgically implanted releasing a drug into his spine with only a chance it could control his severe spasticity. his family says life has changed for them all out of a hurtful and heart less crime, >> he was able to show the world that there is always hope for every child out there that has a disability. >> it has actually helped me walk. >> reporter: something that was your dream for your entire life. >> yes. >> reporter: it takes a village. these are volunteers helping with vinnie's daily physical therapy. every three months the protein pump medication is infused and doctors say vinnie can even get better. a car goes up in flames. several people rush to save a woman trapped inside. meet the people who risked their lives to save a stranger. >> at 6:00, nypd is on a mission to crack down on roge riders. a new plan targeting aggressive streets. early detection is critical in fighting cancer. a misdiagnosis or other errors can have serious consequences. for almost 40 years jacoby & meyers has successfully represented thousands of clients. winning them the money they need to take care of themselves and their families. you fight the cancer. we'll fight for you. i'm terrible at golf. he is. people say i'm getting better. no one's ever said that. but i'd like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. he's just happier when he's playing. but he's terrible. for the strength and energy tokeep doing what you love, try new ensure enlive. only patented ensure enlive has hmb, plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. and its clinically proven formula helps you stay you. oh. nice shot. an suv up in flames and a woman is trapped inside. tonight, several good samaritans and quick thinking first responders are being called heroes. this happened last night. was pulled to safety in the nick of time. the story is new at 5:30. >> reporter: this video shows a car fully engulfed in flames. moments before a woman had been trapped inside after crashing into a tree along river edge road in ten fly. >> i heard two loud noises and i came out and the car was between the trees. >> reporter: a retired firefighter robert fuller heard the crash around 11:00 last night and called 911. >> the flames were 15 feet high. >> reporter: james and his son michael were driving by when michael noticed an orange glow. >> i said we should turn around. maybe there is a car fire. >> reporter: james, a former firefighter, went back. >> i got to the vehicle. the lady was passed out. i tried to get her out and i couldn't reach because the dash board and firewall crushed on her legs. >> reporter: first responders showed up. extinguisher to keep the flames a the bay. police and fire worked to cut the driver from the seat belt. >> as we got her out of the car, the back seat was fully involved. >> he pulled her out just in time. the police officers did a good job. >> reporter: initial indications are that the driver lost control trying to navigate a curve, crossed over and crashed into the tree. at this point she's only identified as a 39 year old woman from newark. no charges have been filed at this time. the woman was taken to hacken sack university medical center with serious injuries. the pinones are hoping she's okay. is he looking to follow in his father's footsteps? >> not really. too stressful. >> but he says he will do it all again. >> the news at 6:00 starts right now. the city's top cop lays down the law on aggressive motorbike gangs in the city. the new plan to get rid of them for good. >> gusty winds, constant rain and freezing temperatures. get ready. in hours, it will feel like winter. >> a super star scholar meets a teen who was accepted to all eight ivy league schools and then some. good evening. >> an aggressive push to rid the city of roge motorcycle gangs that threaten drivers and pedestrians. >> as part of zero tolerance policy, the city will hold a public crush in to destroy confiscated bikes. marcia kramer with the motorbike crack down. >> reporter: they are a menace and danger. roge motorcycle gangs that terrorize motorists and

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