Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20160225 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20160225

across the tri-state area. >> i'm glad it's over. >> reporter: well, she is glad it's over but we know there's still much clean-up to be done. now, pseg long island tells us at the height of the storm, more than 85,000 customers were without power as of last check just over 7,000 remaining without power this evening. and those power problems today did result in some school closings nearby. we're live from great neck, long island, with the mobile weather lab, vanessa murdoch, cbs 2 news. the storm knocked down trees all over new jersey, as well. clean-up began this morning in essex fells. trees took down power lines overnight and large branches blocked some roads and in new milford more trouble when a giant tree snapped and crashed on a deck and part of a home. the homeowner says it sounded like the sky was falling. in queens the storm ripped off chunks of a building that crashed into the street and on parked cars below. the debris came from the verizon building on broadway police say 6 cars were damaged but no one was hurt. so the next weather challenge we're facing is falling temperatures. >> lonnie quinn with more on that after this wind dies down. >> the wind is not strong as it was yesterday but it's still out there. look how strong it was yesterday. near hurricane-force winds, 74- mile-per-hour winds, that makes a cat-1 hurricane. you had 73-mile-per-hour winds in larchmont. new york city 55-mile-per-hour gusts out at laguardia. it wasn't just one specific area just like the shoreline or just inland. everywhere, okay! i'm talking either wind reports or these little blue icons you see winds 50 miles per hour or stronger, or the other little circular icons those are damage reports, you know, a tree down, a sign blown over, things like that. i think go from the east end of long island inland to new jersey. everybody felt this line of weather through the area. as of now a little light rain could see some light snow starting to come in because temperatures will now become the story. maurice was talking about that's what we focus on. right now 40 in the city, 45 babylon. 34 monticello. 40 in the city, you're seeing 45 at the bottom of your screen. this is your most recent one this is just updated. so the colder air is making its way into the area. everyone is going subfreezing in the morning. you walk out early tomorrow morning, looking at all the and winds will be still blowing tomorrow, maurice and talking about a wind chill even colder than the readings that you see right there. more a little later. but let's go back to you. new at 5:00 now, the stormy weather is partly to blame for an unusual accident that injured a man in the bronx. the 50-year-old was hit in the head by falling bricks. from highbridge. >> reporter: luis lopez and his brother cesar knew the weather was bad. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: it was then that luis lopez decided they could use a couple of cold beers on the stormy night. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: the fierce wind ripped several bricks from the edge of the fifth floor window of their building on shakespeare avenue. at least one landed on lopez's head. his brother took this picture of the bricks and a blanket used to help him. the family in the fifth floor apartment whose window this is had no idea the falling bricks were so close. were so close. she said she thought someone's air-conditioner fell to the ground. >> like a big sound, loud sound and my husband take from the window and the body was lying there so we called cop. >> reporter: the building's super also heard it. >> i saw the man on the floor and my daughter called 911. >> reporter: he says lopez tried to stand up but couldn't. >> put a blanket under his head. >> reporter: the buildings department says a hazardous failure to maintain violation will be issued along with an emergency declaration for a as for lopez, his brother says he had surgery. he also says he is furious with the building's landlord. >> reporter: we reached out to management which offered no comment on the accident or any plans to make repairs. luis lopez is recovering at the hospital. he should be out in a few days. in the highbridge section of the bronx, sonia rincon, cbs 2 news. >> the building had one other open violation but not for anything hazardous. >> one call for help and two boats end up in distress and one is a coast guard vessel. alice gainer is live at jamaica hospital where the men rescued were taken. >> reporter: the coast guard just interviewing the men about what happened this morning. they were trying to ride out the storm closer to shore. they ran into some trouble this morning and had to be airlifted off of their vessel because the coast guard boat sent to help capsized. from their fishing vessel after it ran aground near east rockaway inlet. nearby residents watched with bathed breath. >> this is intense. it's very intense. >> reporter: although the boat was close to dry land the waves were too rough to swim ashore. >> a rescue swimmer couldn't handle the conditions so conditions are very deceiving. >> reporter: but a coast guard chopper was not the original rescue plan. around 2 a.m. a distress call came in from the 76-foot carolina queen 3 reporting that it ran aground and was being knocked around by 12-foot waves taking on some water. initially, it was hard to find the boat. >> nassau county and new york city had units all over the place looking for this. we didn't find them until they called on the fourth floor of the apartment building locally saw the rescue flares from the boat. >> reporter: and as one of the coast guard boats tried to find the vessel, they hit a sandbar causing them to capsize just two miles from where the fishing boat got stuck. the five coast guard members were forced into the 42-degree this afternoon, coast guard officials were at jamaica hospital questioning the fishermen one by one to find out what exactly happened. lieutenant william stewart got a close-up look at the fishing boat. >> it looks fairly intact. still hull. and we're working with contractors and the owners to remove that from the beach now. >> reporter: no one was injured. the scallop fishing boat is from virginia and this was the 8th day of their journey. they are now waiting to hear from their employer about what to do next. alice gainer, cbs 2 news. the nypd's asking for the public's help in catching the suspect wanted for flashing a group of schoolchildren. this is the man police are looking for. investigators say he approached the kids on a bronx playground and exposed himself. it happened monday afternoon on bryant avenue in the hunts point section. when the children screamed, the suspect ran southbound on longfellow avenue. police say he was last seen wearing all black and silver the results are in from the investigation into nassau county executive ed mangano's alleged "sexting" scandal. cbs 2 political reporter marcia kramer here now with the latest. >> reporter: nassau police say they could find no evidence that nassau county executive ed mangano exchanged sexually explicit messages with a local marketing executive. but there are still questions and still a mystery. >> i am a victim here. i am being hacked. this is a lie. and i will bring every legal action to catch this person and bring this to justice. >> reporter: that was ed mangano's story when i first sat down with him to ask him about alleged sexually explicit imessages sent from his phone number to a number of women including karin caro. now after an investigation that lasted three weeks the cops say he wasn't hacked and wasn't spoofed and that -- >> the evidence that i have did shows that mr. mangano and mrs. caro did not sext each other. the phones were national hacked or spoofed. >> reporter: the detective said he was able to download information from phones belonging to mangano and mrs. caro and could find no communication. but i asked him if imessages could be deleted and not recovered because of apple's encryption policies. >> that's 100% correct statement. but -- when somebody opens the account for you, like mrs. caro did, and gave us her id and her password. >> reporter: are you 100% sure that she didn't have another phone, that -- that things were deleted that you couldn't imessage system? >> from the evidence i have, i can tell you it's not there. another phone? absolutely. >> reporter: but there are two schools of thought about whether deleted imessages can be recovered even with manny gomez is a former fbi agent. from what you know about delete them? >> yes. they can be deleted. and then you would need to go to the cloud to get them retrieved and unfortunately, apple is not cooperating with law enforcement these days in terms of getting into their devices. >> reporter: when i first interviewed mangano, he said someone was out to get him. who would want to go after you? >> political opponents? warped individual? i don't know. >> reporter: police say it's a mystery. >> i don't know the answer to the riddle here. i wish i did. >> reporter: well, the relationship between mangano and caro is still being investigated. law enforcement wants to know the details of how she got two no-bid contracts with nassau county. meanwhile, mr. mangano put out a statement saying that he and his family are the victims of a hoax perpetrated by a deranged individual. maurice, kristine? >> okay, thank you. up next here at 5:00 we'll get another update from lonnie on the cold snap we are about graduation. a college commencement plan has some jewish students frustrated. >> new attack on donald trump. does he have anything to hide in his tax returns? and new polls show where all the republicans fall in some key states. >> my little buddy here has a brain tumor that needs weekly chemotherapy. i'm dr. max gomez. he has a lot to teach all of and resilience. >> yes! i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms . no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. attention parents: before school this september all kids entering 7th and 12th grades must get the meningococcal vaccine. it protects against serious and sometimes deadly diseases like meningitis. call your health care provider today. tonight it's pomp and circumstance on a collision course with the sabbath because jewish students are complaining that a local college has scheduled commencement for late afternoon on a friday. if the time doesn't change they won't be able to attend graduation. cbs 2's tony aiello reports. >> i'm depressed. i was upset when i found out about that they scheduled it at 5:00. >> reporter: renee worried she will miss her college commencement. >> reporter: like last year baruch college will hold the ceremony at barclays center. the only space available for the crowd of 15,000. in 2015 it was at 10 a.m. on a wednesday. this year, the college chose 5 p.m. on a friday. 11% of the student body is jewish. many keep the sabbath which starts at sundown. what will the impact be on your and your family? >> we wouldn't be able to attend. to leave the venue just a bunch of things to make it >> reporter: the baruch president says the college took jewish concerns into account by checking the calendar. sundown on may 27th will be at 8:19 p.m. in a letter he explains, we would have to start the ceremony promptly at 5 p.m. and end no later than 7 p.m. this will leave the audience a full hour and 20 minutes to get home before sundown. assemblyman dov hikind says that timetable is too rushed for observant jews who need we spoke with him by phone. >> they don't have to look at their watch every two seconds do i have to get out and rush traffic and everything else that's involved? >> reporter: renee started an online petition signed by more than 1100 people who say commencement should commence earlier for the sake of those who keep sabbath. tony aiello, cbs 2 news. >> in a letter to high kind the hikind, there was no time slots open at barclays. the college had no comment. now to campaign 2016. a surprise attack on donald trump from the last gop presidential nominee. cbs 2's dick brennan with more on that and new polling in the race tonight. dick. >> reporter: mitt romney unleashed on the gop front- runner over his tax returns and what some see as the republican establishment trying to take trump down. >> frankly, i think we have good reason to believe that there's a bombshell in donald trump's taxes it. every time he is asked about his taxes he dodges and delays and says we're working on it. >> reporter: trump said on twitter, mitt romney who is one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of republican politics is now pushing me on tax return. dome! -- dope! and he said he will release his returns when he is ready. >> my returns are complex and i'll make a determination at the right time. i am in no rush to do it. >> reporter: romney says me thinks the donald protests too much. what is he hiding? will release their taxes. >> they are just not very exotic but we will release them, sure. >> very glad to release tax returns. >> got nothing to hide not a problem. >> look, the nice thing is i haven't made enough money that my tax returns are not that interesting. >> reporter: in upcoming primaries trump will be battling candidates in their home states. trails cruz in texas and leads kasich in ohio. trump is taking flak from another trump over his bid to make mexico pay for a border wall. listen to what the former mexican president had to say. >> i declare, i'm not going to pay for that [ censored ] wall. he should pay for it! he's got the money. democracy cannot take us to crazy people that doesn't know what's going on in the world. >> reporter: can't make it up. as for romney, some say he is doing the same thing to trump that democrats did to him back in 2012. criticizing him for not releasing his taxes. the republicans debate tonight ahead of super tuesday next tuesday and the democrats in south carolina saturday for their primary there. >> you managed to get a lot in there including the word dope! >> that's right. >> and the bleep. >> yes. [ laughter ] thank you. in weather news, amish country turned into a disaster zone by a tornado. 40 homes and farm buildings in lancaster county, pennsylvania, damaged by a funnel cloud. multiple structures collapsed. there's one report that animals are trapped underneath some debris. a schoolhouse was totally destroyed. police say no one was hurt. so just how strong was that tornado? >> lonnie quinn now with a closer look at that. what a mess. >> you betcha. you look at those pictures, you can tell that was is not just a baby tornado. they can be 65-mile-per-hour winds or up to 200-mile-per- hour winds or stronger. this ef-2 in the middle. 125-mile-per-hour winds recorded. five to six-mile path, 2400 power outages and 50 structures or more damaged as this thing roared through lancaster. right now in our area, some rain on the lens because we have a little shower pass through midtown cloudy skies overhead. it's 40 degrees as of right now. if you take a peek at what the winds are doing, they are as light as -- light, smallest you have a 36-mile-per-hour gust right now in belmar. new york city has a 29-mile- per-hour gust. it's going to be windy overnight. but again, not a repeat performance of what you had last night. it still remains windy and gusty out there. vortex satellite and radar, that shower that passed through midtown manhattan is now anywhere from yonkers towards oyster bay. a little broader picture will show you look at this a little bit of mixed precipitation snowflakes mixed in the jersey hills because temperatures are dropping. overnight 32, breezy, feels like 20 to 25. then tomorrow, trust me, it's going to have a wind chill that's going to be cold all day long. and that number comes up in just a bit. a mother fighting to keep her daughter's memory alive. still ahead, she wants to do it by getting pregnant with her frozen eggs. and now a judge is getting involved. >> look, i'm coming into this i'm not taking anything for granted. >> what a difference a year season. listen up new york. there's a new drug out there. and it's trying to destroy our generation. it's called synthetics. . . so, some guy thought it might be a good idea to spray poison on some herbs, and then sell it to you. no, it's not marijuana. it goes by names like k2, spice, rocks. causes hallucinations, rapid heart-beat. vomiting, seizures. we gotta have each other's backs. this is our future. and the future of new york is saying no to synthetics! go to, or call or text the hopeline. shoo..ugh, come on! well will you look at this? fortunately your 2016 cr-v comes standard with multi-angle rearview camera and bluetooth handsfree link. honey get out here right now, please. so you can call your knight in shining armor... oh shoo, get out of here! why are you wearing my robe? it's comfortable. hey jerry! way to go lancelot. check out this lease deal on a 2016 honda cr-v today. trihonda dealers. not just smart, street smart. coming up at clock new information in the shooting of the owner of oheka castle. released today. why is there being done two years after the shooting? >> something needs to be done about a floodwall fight. but there's a big push to put a stop to the current plan. that and more coming up at 6:00. meantime, what a difference a year makes for alex rodriguez. last spring training he was public enemy number one following his one year suspension. a lot less fanfare for him this year and he is perfectly good with it. cbs 2's otis livingston at his news conference today joins us live from those stories and more tonight at 6:00. hey, otis. >> reporter: hey, kristine and maurice. let me take you back 12 months. there was so much uncertainly surrounding alex rodriguez, how much did he have left in the tank after being banned for that season? would he even make the team coming out of tampa? he was an outcast by major league baseball and to many by the yankees themselves. a year ago at this time, alex rodriguez was just coming off a season-long suspension for ped use. and before he could pick up a bat or glove, he had to answer a barrage of questions from the media. >> there's nothing more painful to be kind of fired opportunity to come back and try to do things the right way. last year was extremely challenging situation to come into. a difficult one. i prepared tremendously hard, didn't know what to expect. >> reporter: in fact, no one knew what to expect. >> there it goes! see ya! >> reporter: certainly not the monster 33 home run, 86 rbi season he put up. turning the boos into cheers and quieting the critics. >> i mean, i saw, you know, 12, 14 home runs. 80 games. i mean, that was a fair handicap. i didn't know what to expect. but i know i came in ready, hungry. i couldn't believe what happened to be honest with you. >> it's just his love of the game. and think he wanted to perform at a high level and i did. i mean, he was big for our offense last year. you look at the production, you look at the on-base percentage, he was really big for our club. >> a-rod! whoo! >> reporter: now he is back with less baggage, hoping to take the yankees on a trip to the fall classic. >> we have one goal and that's to win a world championship. i thought last year was the start of something good. young players and helping them develop their skills in new york. we have some unfinished business going into this year. >> reporter: a-rod says he feels good but unlike mark teixiera he won't be playing until he is 45. doesn't know when he will retire. and he is also asked if he would think about going into managing. he said sure, maybe. of his daughter's teams or at the boys & girls club. we'll have much more coming up from a-rod at 6:00. but for now, reporting from steinbrenner field in tampa, otis livingston back to you. thank you. may look like any other office building but neighbors were shocked to hear who the state is moving into this building. the big question, did they let anybody know before making plans? it's a cbs 2 exclusive. >> and a rough cruise triggers and class action lawsuit. what passengers are now demanding. >> and new calls to boycott the oscars. that's next. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at so, what moves me? it's the journey. the feeling of doing. it's making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us. i'm on my path and i love it. the path to a healthier you starts with nature's path pumpkin flax granola. crunchy clusters of delicious organic oats, flax and pumpkin seeds, with all the goodness nature's path granola. enjoy your path. a brooklyn building under renovation, is the state trying to keep its future secret in launch everybody agrees that something needs to be done about the homeless problem in the city. homeless shelter into one of brooklyn's community buildings without telling residents? brian conybeare has the exclusive story. >> reporter: this week cbs 2 news got an exclusive look inside one of the buildings currently being cleaned out and rehabbed at the state- owned brooklyn developmental center that shut down in december. sources confirm the state is quietly planning to put hundreds of homeless housing units on the 35-acre campus in east new york. contractor vans have been on the site for weeks, workers inside the buildings are we doing bathrooms, bedrooms being cleaned up, walls repaired and a fresh coat of paint to make the abandoned buildings livable. while the work goes on behind that tall stonewall, most neighbors we spoke with say they had no idea that this could be a site to house the homeless. and that's causing concern. >> it depends what type of homeless you're dealing with. >> reporter: tina lives across >> it's very close to my daughter. she plays out here. and her safety. definitely a concern. >> i'm just nervous about, you know, the crime going up in this area. >> yes, it's fine. it's secure. >> reporter: sources say the state office of general services used emergency contracts to get the work done as soon as possible. but that's not sitting well with charles barron who represents east new york. >> for the state not to inform us on this is unacceptable. >> reporter: the office of general services issued this statement. the administration is exploring the possibility of using underutilized state facilities for various purposes but no decision has been made about the bdc campus." >> i don't believe to start construction on something and then figure out what you're going to put there later! that makes zero sense to me. zero. >> reporter: we have also confirmed the total dollar amount for the emergency contracts at that site $1.8 million. provide local jobs or possibly some affordable housing on the campus. he plans to reveal more about it at a news conference tomorrow. >> thank you. an off-duty police officer was involved in a shooting outside a new jersey 7-eleven. this incident happened today along main street in paterson. several witnesses tell cbs 2 one man was blocking a door and then another man trying to get by him said, you don't know who i am. and fired a shot into the sidewalk. now, the first man was injured by pieces of concrete and then allegedly roughed up by a third man. the gunman got away. now the prosecutor is investigating. senate democrats went to the supreme court today to demand that republicans hold nomination hearings for justice antonin scalia's replacement. republicans have said they will not consider anyone president obama puts forward. >> we felt it was extremely important to make sure the american people understand that we have obstruction that is on steroids. country has there been anything like this. >> the absence of one of the nine justices on the court is far from a calamity but a hastily made lifetime appoint will be. >> the court is split evenly between liberals and conservatives. a republican governor may have been a nominee but he said today he is not interested. apple is now on the offensive in its fight with the fbi over the san bernardino shooters syed farook's locked iphone. today the company filed its first response to a federal magistrate's order. apple says the government is lying when it says it wants to help in the case. the matter is likely to go all the way to the supreme court. it was a nightmare vacation. passengers aboard the royal caribbean cruise ship that sailed through a violent storm earlier this month say it never should have happened. cbs 2's ted scouten has more >> reporter: it's the cruise that terrorized people on board the anthem of the seas. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: some 4,000 passengers survived being tossed around while the ship sailed into hurricane-force winds. >> i could see the water on our balcony on deck 8. >> reporter: this passenger is suing along with 75 others so far. he took his wife on their first cruise for her birthday. >> i was wondering who had control of the boat. the boat seemed to be out of control. tossed all over the place. it was chaotic. >> reporter: deluca said he can't figure out why the ship sailed into the storm in the first place. >> why would a ship that big not know what kind of waters it was cruising into? certainly they had the technology on board to know where that storm was. >> reporter: attorney mike winkleman alleges the captain knew the forecast even announcing to passengers he planned to outrun it. >> nearly concurrent with the anthem of the seas leaving the noaa forecast hurricane-force winds. docked back in new jersey, royal caribbean said it would review their storm avoid dabbs policy. >> it should never happen. we have to do better. >> so the captain that challenged those waters with 4500 passengers and 1600 crew members, i find it quite disturbing. >> reporter: we asked royal caribbean for comment about the lawsuit. they said they don't talk about pending litigation. in miami, ted scouten, cbs 2 news. >> after that cruise, passengers received a full refund and a half off voucher for another cruise. now to an oscars controversy. al sharpton announced today he will lead a rally prior to the awards ceremony on sunday. he says he will hold a demonstration near the dolby theater to protest the lack of diversity in this year's nominees. sharp to understand an jesse jackson urged viewers to boycott the broadcast from home. in a statement last month the bring changes to its membership. a little boy is battling brain tumor and chemotherapy but his parents say he is bringing them strength. >> hanging 10 on 50-foot waves. the rare competition that's getting some help from mother nature. >> and today in history, in 1964, 22-year-old cassius clay defeated sonny liston in a technical knockout to win the world heavyweight boxing crown. he changed his name to heavyweight title three times. smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. ones that can kill you fast. ones that can kill you slower. ones that can leave you almost speechless. ones that can take away life's most basic pleasures. there are 16 different types of cancer caused by smoking. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. a sneak peek behind the scenes. you can stream our newscasts live at keep the tv on at the same time. >> our producer just tried to lean into that shot. we saw you! continuing here at 5:00, health news now. there are few things tougher for a parent than dealing with a child with serious illness teach parents and the rest of us a lot about life and how to handle adversity. cbs 2's dr. max gomez has the story of one such little boy. [ laughter ] >> reporter: it's often said that everything happens for a reason. most of us have a tough time finding that reason when a child has a potentially deadly disease. michael has a brain tumor. you would be hard pressed to find a happier friendlier 7- year-old. i met him today while he was chemotherapy. >> i like to listen to music. and you like to do a lot of things and have a little snack. >> reporter: michael has glioblastoma. it's weakened his right side and it's growing around his optic nerves so he has to get very close to things to see them. >> it can cause damage to surrounding structures because where it is. to try to do surgery is almost impossible without causing significant damage. >> reporter: radiation can be devastating to a developing so to try to control the tumor, michael's been getting weekly chemotherapy since he was a year old. this is where the life lessons come in. michael's mother says his personality has always been this upbeat almost like he was born to teach all of us about being strong. >> he's our angel. he is the support of my family. instead of being the parents to this little boy, i think he is the one who -- the glue to keep us together and strong for him. senate. laughing and yelling ] >> reporter: michael lights up the pediatric oncology unit at nyu langone medical center making friends with patients and staff but he is not above liking a little notoriety. are you famous? >> mm-hm! >> how are you famous? >> i was on the newspaper. >> reporter: now dr. william carroll who was talking to me earlier in the package there tells me that michael's prognosis is unknown. his tumor sometimes stops growing or responding to chemo. growing on its own. if it does keep growing, doctors will use radiation when michael's brain is developed enough to resist that treatment. but in the meantime, he can teach us a lot about how to be strong and upbeat in the face of adversity. this was probably the happiest kid i have met in a long time. >> intense being in his presence. >> his mom says he is the glue that's keeping the whole family together. >> amazing how that works. >> powerful. thank you. all right. well, a big score for a little boy in afghanistan who showed his love for a super soccer star with a homemade jersey. >> now he is wearing the real thing. the pictures spread on social media last month. 5-year-old [ non-english language ] wearing a plastic bag made to look like the jersey of argentine soccer player. now his family lives in a poor village. look at him there. with unicef to deliver two autographed jerseys and a soccer ball. unicef said the boy kept saying i love messie as he proudly wore the jersey and showed off his footwork. >> score, goooooooaaaaal! coming up next, will we see a warmup for any part of the weekend? lonnie has the answer. >> plus in this home coming up it looks like you're stepping back into history but you'll be surprised to find out when this house was really built. >> and then at 6:00 new evidence in the shooting of the owner of oheka castle in long island. investigators hope surveillance video they released today will lead to new clues. >> plus bathroom stalls, atm key pads, germs everywhere. the way you try to avoid them might actually make things worse. we have the five biggest bay. in southern california, there are voluntary evacuations as firefighters work to contain a wildfire in malibu starting near the pacific coast highway this morning. helicopters are being used to drop water on the flames. dry brush on the south edge of the santa monica mountains. part to earth west, this is is oahu in hawaii. an elite surfing competition, this is the first time they have been able to hold it since 2009. organizers of the quicksilver contest said the waves are ee here. feet. over the past 30 years the event has only been held 9 times because the weather is usually so much milder than this. >> wow. big, big waves. it's called the eddy. wonder why? >> i'll look it up. >> kind -- >> he is right over there. >> he is a twister in his own right. [ laughter ] let's go to the weather forecast. i'll look up why they call it the eddy. in the meantime, it's the temperatures now. >> it's not called eddy because of eddy who is right over there? all right. guys, look, you know, you talk about temperatures dropping. well, take a peek at what we have right now. here we go over to my weather watchers and let's pull up coldest one i can find -- or the warmest one i can find right now around 40 degrees in manhattan, and i guess it's got to be this 49 in long beach. when was this taken? it's about an hour ago. whenever you can get me a new reading i'd appreciate it because that temperature has dropped. we have all dropped here. it's going to continue to drop overnight. new york city right now coming in at that 40 degrees mark that we're talking about and the skies you look out over the city. not so great looking out there. has not been all that sunshiny today. we have had the clouds in place. they continue to be in place. and i'm running out of things to say until we find -- there we go. now we're -- wow. ha ha. that's the shot we would like. looking outside as of right now. the raindrops are on the lens. but we're not picking up the rain as of right now. it's definitely still out there. it's not very heavy. but it's cloudy. it's 41 degrees as of right now. taking a peek at how i see everything coming together, with the headlines, i want you to dress for winter as you head out tonight. and as you walk out in the them off to school, you dress them for winter. trust me on this one. it's going to be real cold out there. not going to be too much precipitation. and yet we still have flooding possibilities out there. as a matter of fact, the national weather service has flood warnings. these are not watches. these are actual warnings. this is imminent to the happening out there in places like warren, sussex and somerset counties. on the ramapo river having problems with cresting. 2.5" in poughkeepsie, 1.5" in teterboro, a lot of rain. we are adding some but not much. not much out there. i mean, a couple of light little showers. snow showers north and west of the city like sussex, new jersey, a light coating on the ground. it looks like there's going to be more to come because that snow extends all the way out past the great lakes. right? it's just not going to hold itself together. everything i have seen watches skies are clear for friday. it's going to be colder though out there. i mean, you're talking about starting off in the morning subfreezing and never really feeling like you get above the freezing mark. high temperature will be 38 degrees. but it feels like winter because the winds will be gusting at times 25, 30 miles per hour. so that 38 will feel like anywhere between 20 and 30 degrees and that's at the warmest time. your day. across the board your numbers are like this. we know tomorrow is going to be, you know, more sunny day out there but it's a cold day. only 38 degrees. saturday you still hold on to that chill. you start off at 25. you get up to 40 on saturday. brighter sky. sunday is the pick at 56. we'll top that on monday at 57. tuesday precipitation chance is possible high temperature of 50. it's called the eddy because he was a famous lifeguard and surfer on oahu and saved over 500 lives when he was an active lifeguard. >> unlike our eddy. he will bring you under. >> we love the guy. >> the wind beneath our wings. >> he saves us from a lot of stuff. in "living large" we visit a 2003 home that has the look of a historic mansion with seven bedrooms, theater and wine cellar. cbs 2's emily smith in norwalk, connecticut. [ music ] >> reporter: this manor at 12 valley road is made of stone and slate. hi, i'm emily. >> eileen murphy from sotheby's. as soon as you walk through the front door you have front to back open water views of the long island sound. [ music ] >> reporter: feeling it opens up here. >> we have a front back-to- back foyer. and on the back side on the water side two stories. >> reporter: plaster molding can be found in most every room inspired by mansions in newport, rhode island. >> think of the great gatsby era. when you go through a lot of the rooms in this home you get that same sense of feeling if you have ever toured in newport. here you can walk into the library which is exquisite. >> reporter: which leads to the billiard room flamed with palladium windows and lots of light. >> here we are in the formal dining room and the oak paneling in this room was imported from a castle in scotland. >> reporter: a gourmet kitchen has a large gathering spot for family and friends. >> here you have your two walk- in pantries. you have a formal that leads into the dining room which really is lovely. here's your informal pantry which also has another refrigerator-freezer. this sweeps up to the second story foyer. >> reporter: the home has seven bedrooms. >> the master wing is over here. you have gas fireplace. lovely balcony. beautiful views. you have his and her baths. they both have their own character in their own right and then they adjoin with the dual shower. >> i love that. >> isn't that great? that's where you meet up. >> walk in. >> and you walk through and over. >> then you are in the ladies' bathroom. >> reporter: on the garden >> this is the recreation area. you have a fabulous home theater. >> reporter: each seat offers a massage experience. a wine room holds 2,000 bottles of vino. and there's a home gym. >> here you have your great exercise and dojo gym. >> reporter: how much does to cost to live large here? >> $11.9 million or you can rent it for $35,000 a month. >> reporter: the home also includes a private dock. that's "living large" in norwalk, connecticut. >> all the bases covered. >> definitely. up next, it could be a first-of-its-kind court case. the 60-year-old woman fighting to get pregnant with her dead daughter's frozen eggs. >> and then at 6:00 a city divided over plans to prevent from being built. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. should a 60-year-old woman be allowed to give birth to her grandchild? she said it was her only child's dying wish to leave her frozen eggs to her mother. hazel sanchez has reaction. >> reporter: 36-year-old amy >> being a new mother is not easy but it's outstanding. >> reporter: can you imagine, though, going through this process at 60 years old? >> um, i mean i guess it's just hard to imagine being 60. >> reporter: a 60-year-old woman in the united kingdom wants to have her grandchild. fighting a legal battle to carry the frozen eggs of her late daughter. the 28-year-old daughter froze her eggs when she was first diagnosed with cancer five years before she died. but authorities won't release her eggs to her parents because she never left full written consent. >> the [ indiscernible ] said in britain this is unseemly. we should not have a 60-year- old woman giving birth from her own body of her own daughter's eggs. >> reporter: a mother of three says she can't imagine it. >> no. mentally, physically, no! out of the question. no way. >> would do you it? i think that at age 60, the patient should not be conceiving. >> reporter: reproductive endocrinologist dr. singer says if the 60-year-old is healthy, she can be injected with hormones allowing her to have children. but -- >> once pregnant, there's a significant increased risk of miscarriage and other complications. >> reporter: the baby could be smaller at birth but some parents say the love would be immeasurable. >> i would like to think she is doing it for the right reasons for love to replace this loss. >> parenthood is evolving constantly. so who are we to judge? >> reporter: a british court will decide. hazel sanchez, cbs2 news. >> the mother did lose her case in a high court. it's now being considered on appeal. the first person in the world to do this. that's all for the news at 5:00. the news at 6:00 starts right now. [email protected] this is an individual who was lying in wait. >> new video released tonight in the shooting of the owner of oheka castle. why investigators are releasing it two years after the crime. >> wild weather, trees on homes, bricks crumbling from buildings and a daring rescue off the shoreline. >> a flight over a floodwall. we see the high water when it rains but hoboken residents are divided over the plan to fix it. good evening, i'm maurice and kristine,. >> i'm kristine johnson. dana tyler is off today. it's a mysterious crime caught on camera. and today that footage was made public. it is the video showing an assassination attempt on a long island business owner two years after he was shot outside oheka castle. police are asking for new leads. cbs 2's carolyn gusoff reports. >> reporter: a baffling mystery the attempt on the life of oheka castle owner. two years later police first it shows the shooter in the act. >> this is an individual who was lying in wait and was able to shoot the victim in the face. >> reporter: you can see the man walking through the palatial chateau's parking lot toward his car. as the gunman waits inside an suv. next, the would-be killer cloaked in a hood runs up and fires into his driver's side. seconds later he fumbles a problem with the gun may have spared the owner's life. the vehicle a 2006 khaki metal colored baseline jeep grand cherokee with five spoke rims and thin black body molding stripe. >> take a look at the video and cooperate. it's in the interests of justice that a dangerous person out there, we want to bring him to justice. >> reporter: motive and suspects, the subject of much speculation. political foes, a relative, business rivals. he is considered a giant among long island power brokers from

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 5 20160225

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across the tri-state area. >> i'm glad it's over. >> reporter: well, she is glad it's over but we know there's still much clean-up to be done. now, pseg long island tells us at the height of the storm, more than 85,000 customers were without power as of last check just over 7,000 remaining without power this evening. and those power problems today did result in some school closings nearby. we're live from great neck, long island, with the mobile weather lab, vanessa murdoch, cbs 2 news. the storm knocked down trees all over new jersey, as well. clean-up began this morning in essex fells. trees took down power lines overnight and large branches blocked some roads and in new milford more trouble when a giant tree snapped and crashed on a deck and part of a home. the homeowner says it sounded like the sky was falling. in queens the storm ripped off chunks of a building that crashed into the street and on parked cars below. the debris came from the verizon building on broadway police say 6 cars were damaged but no one was hurt. so the next weather challenge we're facing is falling temperatures. >> lonnie quinn with more on that after this wind dies down. >> the wind is not strong as it was yesterday but it's still out there. look how strong it was yesterday. near hurricane-force winds, 74- mile-per-hour winds, that makes a cat-1 hurricane. you had 73-mile-per-hour winds in larchmont. new york city 55-mile-per-hour gusts out at laguardia. it wasn't just one specific area just like the shoreline or just inland. everywhere, okay! i'm talking either wind reports or these little blue icons you see winds 50 miles per hour or stronger, or the other little circular icons those are damage reports, you know, a tree down, a sign blown over, things like that. i think go from the east end of long island inland to new jersey. everybody felt this line of weather through the area. as of now a little light rain could see some light snow starting to come in because temperatures will now become the story. maurice was talking about that's what we focus on. right now 40 in the city, 45 babylon. 34 monticello. 40 in the city, you're seeing 45 at the bottom of your screen. this is your most recent one this is just updated. so the colder air is making its way into the area. everyone is going subfreezing in the morning. you walk out early tomorrow morning, looking at all the and winds will be still blowing tomorrow, maurice and talking about a wind chill even colder than the readings that you see right there. more a little later. but let's go back to you. new at 5:00 now, the stormy weather is partly to blame for an unusual accident that injured a man in the bronx. the 50-year-old was hit in the head by falling bricks. from highbridge. >> reporter: luis lopez and his brother cesar knew the weather was bad. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: it was then that luis lopez decided they could use a couple of cold beers on the stormy night. [ speaking spanish ] >> reporter: the fierce wind ripped several bricks from the edge of the fifth floor window of their building on shakespeare avenue. at least one landed on lopez's head. his brother took this picture of the bricks and a blanket used to help him. the family in the fifth floor apartment whose window this is had no idea the falling bricks were so close. were so close. she said she thought someone's air-conditioner fell to the ground. >> like a big sound, loud sound and my husband take from the window and the body was lying there so we called cop. >> reporter: the building's super also heard it. >> i saw the man on the floor and my daughter called 911. >> reporter: he says lopez tried to stand up but couldn't. >> put a blanket under his head. >> reporter: the buildings department says a hazardous failure to maintain violation will be issued along with an emergency declaration for a as for lopez, his brother says he had surgery. he also says he is furious with the building's landlord. >> reporter: we reached out to management which offered no comment on the accident or any plans to make repairs. luis lopez is recovering at the hospital. he should be out in a few days. in the highbridge section of the bronx, sonia rincon, cbs 2 news. >> the building had one other open violation but not for anything hazardous. >> one call for help and two boats end up in distress and one is a coast guard vessel. alice gainer is live at jamaica hospital where the men rescued were taken. >> reporter: the coast guard just interviewing the men about what happened this morning. they were trying to ride out the storm closer to shore. they ran into some trouble this morning and had to be airlifted off of their vessel because the coast guard boat sent to help capsized. from their fishing vessel after it ran aground near east rockaway inlet. nearby residents watched with bathed breath. >> this is intense. it's very intense. >> reporter: although the boat was close to dry land the waves were too rough to swim ashore. >> a rescue swimmer couldn't handle the conditions so conditions are very deceiving. >> reporter: but a coast guard chopper was not the original rescue plan. around 2 a.m. a distress call came in from the 76-foot carolina queen 3 reporting that it ran aground and was being knocked around by 12-foot waves taking on some water. initially, it was hard to find the boat. >> nassau county and new york city had units all over the place looking for this. we didn't find them until they called on the fourth floor of the apartment building locally saw the rescue flares from the boat. >> reporter: and as one of the coast guard boats tried to find the vessel, they hit a sandbar causing them to capsize just two miles from where the fishing boat got stuck. the five coast guard members were forced into the 42-degree this afternoon, coast guard officials were at jamaica hospital questioning the fishermen one by one to find out what exactly happened. lieutenant william stewart got a close-up look at the fishing boat. >> it looks fairly intact. still hull. and we're working with contractors and the owners to remove that from the beach now. >> reporter: no one was injured. the scallop fishing boat is from virginia and this was the 8th day of their journey. they are now waiting to hear from their employer about what to do next. alice gainer, cbs 2 news. the nypd's asking for the public's help in catching the suspect wanted for flashing a group of schoolchildren. this is the man police are looking for. investigators say he approached the kids on a bronx playground and exposed himself. it happened monday afternoon on bryant avenue in the hunts point section. when the children screamed, the suspect ran southbound on longfellow avenue. police say he was last seen wearing all black and silver the results are in from the investigation into nassau county executive ed mangano's alleged "sexting" scandal. cbs 2 political reporter marcia kramer here now with the latest. >> reporter: nassau police say they could find no evidence that nassau county executive ed mangano exchanged sexually explicit messages with a local marketing executive. but there are still questions and still a mystery. >> i am a victim here. i am being hacked. this is a lie. and i will bring every legal action to catch this person and bring this to justice. >> reporter: that was ed mangano's story when i first sat down with him to ask him about alleged sexually explicit imessages sent from his phone number to a number of women including karin caro. now after an investigation that lasted three weeks the cops say he wasn't hacked and wasn't spoofed and that -- >> the evidence that i have did shows that mr. mangano and mrs. caro did not sext each other. the phones were national hacked or spoofed. >> reporter: the detective said he was able to download information from phones belonging to mangano and mrs. caro and could find no communication. but i asked him if imessages could be deleted and not recovered because of apple's encryption policies. >> that's 100% correct statement. but -- when somebody opens the account for you, like mrs. caro did, and gave us her id and her password. >> reporter: are you 100% sure that she didn't have another phone, that -- that things were deleted that you couldn't imessage system? >> from the evidence i have, i can tell you it's not there. another phone? absolutely. >> reporter: but there are two schools of thought about whether deleted imessages can be recovered even with manny gomez is a former fbi agent. from what you know about delete them? >> yes. they can be deleted. and then you would need to go to the cloud to get them retrieved and unfortunately, apple is not cooperating with law enforcement these days in terms of getting into their devices. >> reporter: when i first interviewed mangano, he said someone was out to get him. who would want to go after you? >> political opponents? warped individual? i don't know. >> reporter: police say it's a mystery. >> i don't know the answer to the riddle here. i wish i did. >> reporter: well, the relationship between mangano and caro is still being investigated. law enforcement wants to know the details of how she got two no-bid contracts with nassau county. meanwhile, mr. mangano put out a statement saying that he and his family are the victims of a hoax perpetrated by a deranged individual. maurice, kristine? >> okay, thank you. up next here at 5:00 we'll get another update from lonnie on the cold snap we are about graduation. a college commencement plan has some jewish students frustrated. >> new attack on donald trump. does he have anything to hide in his tax returns? and new polls show where all the republicans fall in some key states. >> my little buddy here has a brain tumor that needs weekly chemotherapy. i'm dr. max gomez. he has a lot to teach all of and resilience. >> yes! i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms . we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms . no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. attention parents: before school this september all kids entering 7th and 12th grades must get the meningococcal vaccine. it protects against serious and sometimes deadly diseases like meningitis. call your health care provider today. tonight it's pomp and circumstance on a collision course with the sabbath because jewish students are complaining that a local college has scheduled commencement for late afternoon on a friday. if the time doesn't change they won't be able to attend graduation. cbs 2's tony aiello reports. >> i'm depressed. i was upset when i found out about that they scheduled it at 5:00. >> reporter: renee worried she will miss her college commencement. >> reporter: like last year baruch college will hold the ceremony at barclays center. the only space available for the crowd of 15,000. in 2015 it was at 10 a.m. on a wednesday. this year, the college chose 5 p.m. on a friday. 11% of the student body is jewish. many keep the sabbath which starts at sundown. what will the impact be on your and your family? >> we wouldn't be able to attend. to leave the venue just a bunch of things to make it >> reporter: the baruch president says the college took jewish concerns into account by checking the calendar. sundown on may 27th will be at 8:19 p.m. in a letter he explains, we would have to start the ceremony promptly at 5 p.m. and end no later than 7 p.m. this will leave the audience a full hour and 20 minutes to get home before sundown. assemblyman dov hikind says that timetable is too rushed for observant jews who need we spoke with him by phone. >> they don't have to look at their watch every two seconds do i have to get out and rush traffic and everything else that's involved? >> reporter: renee started an online petition signed by more than 1100 people who say commencement should commence earlier for the sake of those who keep sabbath. tony aiello, cbs 2 news. >> in a letter to high kind the hikind, there was no time slots open at barclays. the college had no comment. now to campaign 2016. a surprise attack on donald trump from the last gop presidential nominee. cbs 2's dick brennan with more on that and new polling in the race tonight. dick. >> reporter: mitt romney unleashed on the gop front- runner over his tax returns and what some see as the republican establishment trying to take trump down. >> frankly, i think we have good reason to believe that there's a bombshell in donald trump's taxes it. every time he is asked about his taxes he dodges and delays and says we're working on it. >> reporter: trump said on twitter, mitt romney who is one of the dumbest and worst candidates in the history of republican politics is now pushing me on tax return. dome! -- dope! and he said he will release his returns when he is ready. >> my returns are complex and i'll make a determination at the right time. i am in no rush to do it. >> reporter: romney says me thinks the donald protests too much. what is he hiding? will release their taxes. >> they are just not very exotic but we will release them, sure. >> very glad to release tax returns. >> got nothing to hide not a problem. >> look, the nice thing is i haven't made enough money that my tax returns are not that interesting. >> reporter: in upcoming primaries trump will be battling candidates in their home states. trails cruz in texas and leads kasich in ohio. trump is taking flak from another trump over his bid to make mexico pay for a border wall. listen to what the former mexican president had to say. >> i declare, i'm not going to pay for that [ censored ] wall. he should pay for it! he's got the money. democracy cannot take us to crazy people that doesn't know what's going on in the world. >> reporter: can't make it up. as for romney, some say he is doing the same thing to trump that democrats did to him back in 2012. criticizing him for not releasing his taxes. the republicans debate tonight ahead of super tuesday next tuesday and the democrats in south carolina saturday for their primary there. >> you managed to get a lot in there including the word dope! >> that's right. >> and the bleep. >> yes. [ laughter ] thank you. in weather news, amish country turned into a disaster zone by a tornado. 40 homes and farm buildings in lancaster county, pennsylvania, damaged by a funnel cloud. multiple structures collapsed. there's one report that animals are trapped underneath some debris. a schoolhouse was totally destroyed. police say no one was hurt. so just how strong was that tornado? >> lonnie quinn now with a closer look at that. what a mess. >> you betcha. you look at those pictures, you can tell that was is not just a baby tornado. they can be 65-mile-per-hour winds or up to 200-mile-per- hour winds or stronger. this ef-2 in the middle. 125-mile-per-hour winds recorded. five to six-mile path, 2400 power outages and 50 structures or more damaged as this thing roared through lancaster. right now in our area, some rain on the lens because we have a little shower pass through midtown cloudy skies overhead. it's 40 degrees as of right now. if you take a peek at what the winds are doing, they are as light as -- light, smallest you have a 36-mile-per-hour gust right now in belmar. new york city has a 29-mile- per-hour gust. it's going to be windy overnight. but again, not a repeat performance of what you had last night. it still remains windy and gusty out there. vortex satellite and radar, that shower that passed through midtown manhattan is now anywhere from yonkers towards oyster bay. a little broader picture will show you look at this a little bit of mixed precipitation snowflakes mixed in the jersey hills because temperatures are dropping. overnight 32, breezy, feels like 20 to 25. then tomorrow, trust me, it's going to have a wind chill that's going to be cold all day long. and that number comes up in just a bit. a mother fighting to keep her daughter's memory alive. still ahead, she wants to do it by getting pregnant with her frozen eggs. and now a judge is getting involved. >> look, i'm coming into this i'm not taking anything for granted. >> what a difference a year season. listen up new york. there's a new drug out there. and it's trying to destroy our generation. it's called synthetics. . . so, some guy thought it might be a good idea to spray poison on some herbs, and then sell it to you. no, it's not marijuana. it goes by names like k2, spice, rocks. causes hallucinations, rapid heart-beat. vomiting, seizures. we gotta have each other's backs. this is our future. and the future of new york is saying no to synthetics! go to, or call or text the hopeline. shoo..ugh, come on! well will you look at this? fortunately your 2016 cr-v comes standard with multi-angle rearview camera and bluetooth handsfree link. honey get out here right now, please. so you can call your knight in shining armor... oh shoo, get out of here! why are you wearing my robe? it's comfortable. hey jerry! way to go lancelot. check out this lease deal on a 2016 honda cr-v today. trihonda dealers. not just smart, street smart. coming up at clock new information in the shooting of the owner of oheka castle. released today. why is there being done two years after the shooting? >> something needs to be done about a floodwall fight. but there's a big push to put a stop to the current plan. that and more coming up at 6:00. meantime, what a difference a year makes for alex rodriguez. last spring training he was public enemy number one following his one year suspension. a lot less fanfare for him this year and he is perfectly good with it. cbs 2's otis livingston at his news conference today joins us live from those stories and more tonight at 6:00. hey, otis. >> reporter: hey, kristine and maurice. let me take you back 12 months. there was so much uncertainly surrounding alex rodriguez, how much did he have left in the tank after being banned for that season? would he even make the team coming out of tampa? he was an outcast by major league baseball and to many by the yankees themselves. a year ago at this time, alex rodriguez was just coming off a season-long suspension for ped use. and before he could pick up a bat or glove, he had to answer a barrage of questions from the media. >> there's nothing more painful to be kind of fired opportunity to come back and try to do things the right way. last year was extremely challenging situation to come into. a difficult one. i prepared tremendously hard, didn't know what to expect. >> reporter: in fact, no one knew what to expect. >> there it goes! see ya! >> reporter: certainly not the monster 33 home run, 86 rbi season he put up. turning the boos into cheers and quieting the critics. >> i mean, i saw, you know, 12, 14 home runs. 80 games. i mean, that was a fair handicap. i didn't know what to expect. but i know i came in ready, hungry. i couldn't believe what happened to be honest with you. >> it's just his love of the game. and think he wanted to perform at a high level and i did. i mean, he was big for our offense last year. you look at the production, you look at the on-base percentage, he was really big for our club. >> a-rod! whoo! >> reporter: now he is back with less baggage, hoping to take the yankees on a trip to the fall classic. >> we have one goal and that's to win a world championship. i thought last year was the start of something good. young players and helping them develop their skills in new york. we have some unfinished business going into this year. >> reporter: a-rod says he feels good but unlike mark teixiera he won't be playing until he is 45. doesn't know when he will retire. and he is also asked if he would think about going into managing. he said sure, maybe. of his daughter's teams or at the boys & girls club. we'll have much more coming up from a-rod at 6:00. but for now, reporting from steinbrenner field in tampa, otis livingston back to you. thank you. may look like any other office building but neighbors were shocked to hear who the state is moving into this building. the big question, did they let anybody know before making plans? it's a cbs 2 exclusive. >> and a rough cruise triggers and class action lawsuit. what passengers are now demanding. >> and new calls to boycott the oscars. that's next. in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at so, what moves me? it's the journey. the feeling of doing. it's making choices for a healthier me, a healthier us. i'm on my path and i love it. the path to a healthier you starts with nature's path pumpkin flax granola. crunchy clusters of delicious organic oats, flax and pumpkin seeds, with all the goodness nature's path granola. enjoy your path. a brooklyn building under renovation, is the state trying to keep its future secret in launch everybody agrees that something needs to be done about the homeless problem in the city. homeless shelter into one of brooklyn's community buildings without telling residents? brian conybeare has the exclusive story. >> reporter: this week cbs 2 news got an exclusive look inside one of the buildings currently being cleaned out and rehabbed at the state- owned brooklyn developmental center that shut down in december. sources confirm the state is quietly planning to put hundreds of homeless housing units on the 35-acre campus in east new york. contractor vans have been on the site for weeks, workers inside the buildings are we doing bathrooms, bedrooms being cleaned up, walls repaired and a fresh coat of paint to make the abandoned buildings livable. while the work goes on behind that tall stonewall, most neighbors we spoke with say they had no idea that this could be a site to house the homeless. and that's causing concern. >> it depends what type of homeless you're dealing with. >> reporter: tina lives across >> it's very close to my daughter. she plays out here. and her safety. definitely a concern. >> i'm just nervous about, you know, the crime going up in this area. >> yes, it's fine. it's secure. >> reporter: sources say the state office of general services used emergency contracts to get the work done as soon as possible. but that's not sitting well with charles barron who represents east new york. >> for the state not to inform us on this is unacceptable. >> reporter: the office of general services issued this statement. the administration is exploring the possibility of using underutilized state facilities for various purposes but no decision has been made about the bdc campus." >> i don't believe to start construction on something and then figure out what you're going to put there later! that makes zero sense to me. zero. >> reporter: we have also confirmed the total dollar amount for the emergency contracts at that site $1.8 million. provide local jobs or possibly some affordable housing on the campus. he plans to reveal more about it at a news conference tomorrow. >> thank you. an off-duty police officer was involved in a shooting outside a new jersey 7-eleven. this incident happened today along main street in paterson. several witnesses tell cbs 2 one man was blocking a door and then another man trying to get by him said, you don't know who i am. and fired a shot into the sidewalk. now, the first man was injured by pieces of concrete and then allegedly roughed up by a third man. the gunman got away. now the prosecutor is investigating. senate democrats went to the supreme court today to demand that republicans hold nomination hearings for justice antonin scalia's replacement. republicans have said they will not consider anyone president obama puts forward. >> we felt it was extremely important to make sure the american people understand that we have obstruction that is on steroids. country has there been anything like this. >> the absence of one of the nine justices on the court is far from a calamity but a hastily made lifetime appoint will be. >> the court is split evenly between liberals and conservatives. a republican governor may have been a nominee but he said today he is not interested. apple is now on the offensive in its fight with the fbi over the san bernardino shooters syed farook's locked iphone. today the company filed its first response to a federal magistrate's order. apple says the government is lying when it says it wants to help in the case. the matter is likely to go all the way to the supreme court. it was a nightmare vacation. passengers aboard the royal caribbean cruise ship that sailed through a violent storm earlier this month say it never should have happened. cbs 2's ted scouten has more >> reporter: it's the cruise that terrorized people on board the anthem of the seas. >> oh, my god! >> reporter: some 4,000 passengers survived being tossed around while the ship sailed into hurricane-force winds. >> i could see the water on our balcony on deck 8. >> reporter: this passenger is suing along with 75 others so far. he took his wife on their first cruise for her birthday. >> i was wondering who had control of the boat. the boat seemed to be out of control. tossed all over the place. it was chaotic. >> reporter: deluca said he can't figure out why the ship sailed into the storm in the first place. >> why would a ship that big not know what kind of waters it was cruising into? certainly they had the technology on board to know where that storm was. >> reporter: attorney mike winkleman alleges the captain knew the forecast even announcing to passengers he planned to outrun it. >> nearly concurrent with the anthem of the seas leaving the noaa forecast hurricane-force winds. docked back in new jersey, royal caribbean said it would review their storm avoid dabbs policy. >> it should never happen. we have to do better. >> so the captain that challenged those waters with 4500 passengers and 1600 crew members, i find it quite disturbing. >> reporter: we asked royal caribbean for comment about the lawsuit. they said they don't talk about pending litigation. in miami, ted scouten, cbs 2 news. >> after that cruise, passengers received a full refund and a half off voucher for another cruise. now to an oscars controversy. al sharpton announced today he will lead a rally prior to the awards ceremony on sunday. he says he will hold a demonstration near the dolby theater to protest the lack of diversity in this year's nominees. sharp to understand an jesse jackson urged viewers to boycott the broadcast from home. in a statement last month the bring changes to its membership. a little boy is battling brain tumor and chemotherapy but his parents say he is bringing them strength. >> hanging 10 on 50-foot waves. the rare competition that's getting some help from mother nature. >> and today in history, in 1964, 22-year-old cassius clay defeated sonny liston in a technical knockout to win the world heavyweight boxing crown. he changed his name to heavyweight title three times. smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. ones that can kill you fast. ones that can kill you slower. ones that can leave you almost speechless. ones that can take away life's most basic pleasures. there are 16 different types of cancer caused by smoking. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. a sneak peek behind the scenes. you can stream our newscasts live at keep the tv on at the same time. >> our producer just tried to lean into that shot. we saw you! continuing here at 5:00, health news now. there are few things tougher for a parent than dealing with a child with serious illness teach parents and the rest of us a lot about life and how to handle adversity. cbs 2's dr. max gomez has the story of one such little boy. [ laughter ] >> reporter: it's often said that everything happens for a reason. most of us have a tough time finding that reason when a child has a potentially deadly disease. michael has a brain tumor. you would be hard pressed to find a happier friendlier 7- year-old. i met him today while he was chemotherapy. >> i like to listen to music. and you like to do a lot of things and have a little snack. >> reporter: michael has glioblastoma. it's weakened his right side and it's growing around his optic nerves so he has to get very close to things to see them. >> it can cause damage to surrounding structures because where it is. to try to do surgery is almost impossible without causing significant damage. >> reporter: radiation can be devastating to a developing so to try to control the tumor, michael's been getting weekly chemotherapy since he was a year old. this is where the life lessons come in. michael's mother says his personality has always been this upbeat almost like he was born to teach all of us about being strong. >> he's our angel. he is the support of my family. instead of being the parents to this little boy, i think he is the one who -- the glue to keep us together and strong for him. senate. laughing and yelling ] >> reporter: michael lights up the pediatric oncology unit at nyu langone medical center making friends with patients and staff but he is not above liking a little notoriety. are you famous? >> mm-hm! >> how are you famous? >> i was on the newspaper. >> reporter: now dr. william carroll who was talking to me earlier in the package there tells me that michael's prognosis is unknown. his tumor sometimes stops growing or responding to chemo. growing on its own. if it does keep growing, doctors will use radiation when michael's brain is developed enough to resist that treatment. but in the meantime, he can teach us a lot about how to be strong and upbeat in the face of adversity. this was probably the happiest kid i have met in a long time. >> intense being in his presence. >> his mom says he is the glue that's keeping the whole family together. >> amazing how that works. >> powerful. thank you. all right. well, a big score for a little boy in afghanistan who showed his love for a super soccer star with a homemade jersey. >> now he is wearing the real thing. the pictures spread on social media last month. 5-year-old [ non-english language ] wearing a plastic bag made to look like the jersey of argentine soccer player. now his family lives in a poor village. look at him there. with unicef to deliver two autographed jerseys and a soccer ball. unicef said the boy kept saying i love messie as he proudly wore the jersey and showed off his footwork. >> score, goooooooaaaaal! coming up next, will we see a warmup for any part of the weekend? lonnie has the answer. >> plus in this home coming up it looks like you're stepping back into history but you'll be surprised to find out when this house was really built. >> and then at 6:00 new evidence in the shooting of the owner of oheka castle in long island. investigators hope surveillance video they released today will lead to new clues. >> plus bathroom stalls, atm key pads, germs everywhere. the way you try to avoid them might actually make things worse. we have the five biggest bay. in southern california, there are voluntary evacuations as firefighters work to contain a wildfire in malibu starting near the pacific coast highway this morning. helicopters are being used to drop water on the flames. dry brush on the south edge of the santa monica mountains. part to earth west, this is is oahu in hawaii. an elite surfing competition, this is the first time they have been able to hold it since 2009. organizers of the quicksilver contest said the waves are ee here. feet. over the past 30 years the event has only been held 9 times because the weather is usually so much milder than this. >> wow. big, big waves. it's called the eddy. wonder why? >> i'll look it up. >> kind -- >> he is right over there. >> he is a twister in his own right. [ laughter ] let's go to the weather forecast. i'll look up why they call it the eddy. in the meantime, it's the temperatures now. >> it's not called eddy because of eddy who is right over there? all right. guys, look, you know, you talk about temperatures dropping. well, take a peek at what we have right now. here we go over to my weather watchers and let's pull up coldest one i can find -- or the warmest one i can find right now around 40 degrees in manhattan, and i guess it's got to be this 49 in long beach. when was this taken? it's about an hour ago. whenever you can get me a new reading i'd appreciate it because that temperature has dropped. we have all dropped here. it's going to continue to drop overnight. new york city right now coming in at that 40 degrees mark that we're talking about and the skies you look out over the city. not so great looking out there. has not been all that sunshiny today. we have had the clouds in place. they continue to be in place. and i'm running out of things to say until we find -- there we go. now we're -- wow. ha ha. that's the shot we would like. looking outside as of right now. the raindrops are on the lens. but we're not picking up the rain as of right now. it's definitely still out there. it's not very heavy. but it's cloudy. it's 41 degrees as of right now. taking a peek at how i see everything coming together, with the headlines, i want you to dress for winter as you head out tonight. and as you walk out in the them off to school, you dress them for winter. trust me on this one. it's going to be real cold out there. not going to be too much precipitation. and yet we still have flooding possibilities out there. as a matter of fact, the national weather service has flood warnings. these are not watches. these are actual warnings. this is imminent to the happening out there in places like warren, sussex and somerset counties. on the ramapo river having problems with cresting. 2.5" in poughkeepsie, 1.5" in teterboro, a lot of rain. we are adding some but not much. not much out there. i mean, a couple of light little showers. snow showers north and west of the city like sussex, new jersey, a light coating on the ground. it looks like there's going to be more to come because that snow extends all the way out past the great lakes. right? it's just not going to hold itself together. everything i have seen watches skies are clear for friday. it's going to be colder though out there. i mean, you're talking about starting off in the morning subfreezing and never really feeling like you get above the freezing mark. high temperature will be 38 degrees. but it feels like winter because the winds will be gusting at times 25, 30 miles per hour. so that 38 will feel like anywhere between 20 and 30 degrees and that's at the warmest time. your day. across the board your numbers are like this. we know tomorrow is going to be, you know, more sunny day out there but it's a cold day. only 38 degrees. saturday you still hold on to that chill. you start off at 25. you get up to 40 on saturday. brighter sky. sunday is the pick at 56. we'll top that on monday at 57. tuesday precipitation chance is possible high temperature of 50. it's called the eddy because he was a famous lifeguard and surfer on oahu and saved over 500 lives when he was an active lifeguard. >> unlike our eddy. he will bring you under. >> we love the guy. >> the wind beneath our wings. >> he saves us from a lot of stuff. in "living large" we visit a 2003 home that has the look of a historic mansion with seven bedrooms, theater and wine cellar. cbs 2's emily smith in norwalk, connecticut. [ music ] >> reporter: this manor at 12 valley road is made of stone and slate. hi, i'm emily. >> eileen murphy from sotheby's. as soon as you walk through the front door you have front to back open water views of the long island sound. [ music ] >> reporter: feeling it opens up here. >> we have a front back-to- back foyer. and on the back side on the water side two stories. >> reporter: plaster molding can be found in most every room inspired by mansions in newport, rhode island. >> think of the great gatsby era. when you go through a lot of the rooms in this home you get that same sense of feeling if you have ever toured in newport. here you can walk into the library which is exquisite. >> reporter: which leads to the billiard room flamed with palladium windows and lots of light. >> here we are in the formal dining room and the oak paneling in this room was imported from a castle in scotland. >> reporter: a gourmet kitchen has a large gathering spot for family and friends. >> here you have your two walk- in pantries. you have a formal that leads into the dining room which really is lovely. here's your informal pantry which also has another refrigerator-freezer. this sweeps up to the second story foyer. >> reporter: the home has seven bedrooms. >> the master wing is over here. you have gas fireplace. lovely balcony. beautiful views. you have his and her baths. they both have their own character in their own right and then they adjoin with the dual shower. >> i love that. >> isn't that great? that's where you meet up. >> walk in. >> and you walk through and over. >> then you are in the ladies' bathroom. >> reporter: on the garden >> this is the recreation area. you have a fabulous home theater. >> reporter: each seat offers a massage experience. a wine room holds 2,000 bottles of vino. and there's a home gym. >> here you have your great exercise and dojo gym. >> reporter: how much does to cost to live large here? >> $11.9 million or you can rent it for $35,000 a month. >> reporter: the home also includes a private dock. that's "living large" in norwalk, connecticut. >> all the bases covered. >> definitely. up next, it could be a first-of-its-kind court case. the 60-year-old woman fighting to get pregnant with her dead daughter's frozen eggs. >> and then at 6:00 a city divided over plans to prevent from being built. i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who've had no prior treatment. it's the one and only cure that's one pill, once a day for 12 weeks. certain patients... can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. with harvoni, there's no interferon and there are no complex regimens. hiv, or other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness. i am ready to put hep c behind me. i am ready to be cured. are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. should a 60-year-old woman be allowed to give birth to her grandchild? she said it was her only child's dying wish to leave her frozen eggs to her mother. hazel sanchez has reaction. >> reporter: 36-year-old amy >> being a new mother is not easy but it's outstanding. >> reporter: can you imagine, though, going through this process at 60 years old? >> um, i mean i guess it's just hard to imagine being 60. >> reporter: a 60-year-old woman in the united kingdom wants to have her grandchild. fighting a legal battle to carry the frozen eggs of her late daughter. the 28-year-old daughter froze her eggs when she was first diagnosed with cancer five years before she died. but authorities won't release her eggs to her parents because she never left full written consent. >> the [ indiscernible ] said in britain this is unseemly. we should not have a 60-year- old woman giving birth from her own body of her own daughter's eggs. >> reporter: a mother of three says she can't imagine it. >> no. mentally, physically, no! out of the question. no way. >> would do you it? i think that at age 60, the patient should not be conceiving. >> reporter: reproductive endocrinologist dr. singer says if the 60-year-old is healthy, she can be injected with hormones allowing her to have children. but -- >> once pregnant, there's a significant increased risk of miscarriage and other complications. >> reporter: the baby could be smaller at birth but some parents say the love would be immeasurable. >> i would like to think she is doing it for the right reasons for love to replace this loss. >> parenthood is evolving constantly. so who are we to judge? >> reporter: a british court will decide. hazel sanchez, cbs2 news. >> the mother did lose her case in a high court. it's now being considered on appeal. the first person in the world to do this. that's all for the news at 5:00. the news at 6:00 starts right now. this is an individual who was lying in wait. >> new video released tonight in the shooting of the owner of oheka castle. why investigators are releasing it two years after the crime. >> wild weather, trees on homes, bricks crumbling from buildings and a daring rescue off the shoreline. >> a flight over a floodwall. we see the high water when it rains but hoboken residents are divided over the plan to fix it. good evening, i'm maurice and kristine,. >> i'm kristine johnson. dana tyler is off today. it's a mysterious crime caught on camera. and today that footage was made public. it is the video showing an assassination attempt on a long island business owner two years after he was shot outside oheka castle. police are asking for new leads. cbs 2's carolyn gusoff reports. >> reporter: a baffling mystery the attempt on the life of oheka castle owner. two years later police first it shows the shooter in the act. >> this is an individual who was lying in wait and was able to shoot the victim in the face. >> reporter: you can see the man walking through the palatial chateau's parking lot toward his car. as the gunman waits inside an suv. next, the would-be killer cloaked in a hood runs up and fires into his driver's side. seconds later he fumbles a problem with the gun may have spared the owner's life. the vehicle a 2006 khaki metal colored baseline jeep grand cherokee with five spoke rims and thin black body molding stripe. >> take a look at the video and cooperate. it's in the interests of justice that a dangerous person out there, we want to bring him to justice. >> reporter: motive and suspects, the subject of much speculation. political foes, a relative, business rivals. he is considered a giant among long island power brokers from

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