Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20160309 : comparemela

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20160309

they didn't do well. there's only one person who did well tonight. donald trump. >> victory after easy wins in two states. for others, it's a tossup. we've got up to the minute primary results. a petition to change school policy. why some new jersey parents are demanding more time out of the classroom. breaking news, nypd officer rushed to the hospital after being shot in the shoulder, right now a search on the ground or in the sky for one of the suspects still on the run. i'm kristine johnson. >> i maurice dubois. cbs2 news valerie castro following this and has the very latest. valerie? >> reporter: tonight that officer is at the hospital recovering and is expected to be okay. right now police believe he was another officer's gun during a heroin bust. nypd officers flooded the streets of bushwick on a manhunt after an officer was shot during a narcotics osberg -- operation near troutman street. >> i hear gunshots. i'm like, what is that? >> reporter: this picture shows the officer on the ground, exclusive cell phone video captures the arrest of one of three suspects. a second suspect was shot multiple times. a third ran from the scene and a full-scale search was underway. >> we have an outstanding purpose this time. -- perpetrator at this time. >> reporter: teams of officers marched down the street and checked the nearby subway station. chopper 2 was overhead as officers searched surrounding buildings. the officer was in plainclothes as the upper -- undercover drug buy went down. and tried to drive away when the officers identified themselves. that's when the shooting happened. this man who doesn't want to be identified says it took place right in front of him. >> be detectives were stopping the car in front of them. they reversed it to try to get away. one of the cops ran inside, like jumped through the window. that's when the guy hit. he got hit on the shoulder. >> reporter: police are investigating but say they believe the officer was hit in the crossfire with a shot from his fellow officers's weapon. >> a total of four shots were fired. based on the position, it appears the detectives may have been hit by crossfire. >> reporter: it's unclear if the suspect had a weapon or fired any shots. tonight the injured officer remains at elmhurst hospital where he is said to be in good spirits. back out here live, police are still investigating the scene. the suspect's vehicle is still in the middle of the intersection. shot, oscar rivera, has 58 prior arrests. the second suspect, geraldo rodriguez, is 51 and has 17 priors. police are still searching for that third suspect. live in bushwick, valerie castro, cbs2 news. also breaking news in another shooting, in chelsea, in manhattan, police say a man was shot in the leg on ninth avenue and west 25th. the search for the gunman continues at this hour. the victim was taken to bellevue hospital, is expected to survive. not clear what led to the shooting. campaign 2016, a big night for donald trump and a close contest for the democrats. >> the billionaire walks away tonight with two more commanding wins but in a stunner, clinton finds herself behind bernie sanders right now in michigan. marcia kramer is here now with the very latest. >> reporter: polls had showed clinton enjoying a double-digit lead over sanders in michigan, but right now the vermont points. clinton has beaten sanders in the mississippi primary, getting more than 80% of the vote there. now to the republicans, the michigan results so far indicate trump got 37% of the vote. john kasich and ted cruz are fighting for second place. in mississippi, trump got nearly half the vote. we're awaiting results of the contests in idaho and hawaii. >> there's only one person who did well tonight, donald trump. >> reporter: super tuesday was very good to donald trump. the front burner chalked up wins in michigan and in mississippi. despite a series of harsh attacks by opponents and former presidential candidate mitt romney. >> i don't think i've ever had so many horrible, horrible things said about me in one week. $38 million worth of horrible lies but that's okay. it shows you how brilliant the public is. because they knew they were lies. >> reporter: trump's showing it out for the anti-trump vote. marco rubio faded so dramatically that his rally in his home state of florida took on an air of desperation. >> it comes down to florida, doesn't it? we're familiar with march madness. coming north. the state of ohio. >> reporter: on the democratic side, hillary clinton took the sights on next tuesday when battleground states like florida and ohio vote. >> we have to build on what made america great. our energy and optimism, our openness and creativity. nobody works harder than americans. nobody innovates better. nobody dreams bigger. >> reporter: bernie sanders was intent on criticizing misses clinton for her wall street contributions. >> she has raised $15 million from wall street. does anybody here know what the $27! this is a campaign of the people , by the people, and for the people. >> reporter: it says a lot about the election that the candidates win states that vote next week, trump, rubio and sanders in florida, clinton and kasich in ohio, cruz in north carolina. a very big day because it rubio loses florida, he will be under intense pressure to drop out. ditto for kasich in ohio. we have to wait until next tuesday to see if this sort things out for the rest of the campaign. >> thank you. new information about the american tourist who was killed during a stabbing spree in israel. he has been identified now, taylor force was an army veteran and graduate student at vanderbilt university in tennessee. israeli police say he was killed when a palestinian man went on a rampage in the port 10 people were injured and a third attacker was shot and killed. a developing story, nypd is searching for the driver who mowed down a woman in the bronx. and left her there injured. surveillance video shows madeline bengochea pushing her walker along williams bridge road in the allerton section. as she crossed in the middle of the block, a white late-model sedan clipped her from behind and then kept going. witnesses rushed to help the victim. >> i heard her crying. of the pain. she was talking. she was asking one of the people to get her family. >> reporter: madeline bengochea is in critical condition. federal prosecutors say there is not enough evidence to file criminal civil rights charges against a white nypd officer accused of killing an unarmed black teen. officer richard haste was originally charged with manslaughter in the 2012 investigators say a police surveillance team hurt by radio that graham might be armed. haste says when he confronts tim, he fired his gun because he thought the teen would fire on them. but no weapons were ever found. i'll sharpen spoke with mother. >> very much heartbroken but also very determined to continue to fight. >> pat lynch said he was gratified no charges were filed but at a quote, there is no winner here. carbon monoxide danger for a family after five family members were found unconscious. scare happened this morning inside a home on 77th avenue in oakland gardens. three adults and two children were taken to nassau university medical center in east meadow. once there the family was put into a hyperbaric chamber for treatment. ems workers suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. >> the husband was awoken by the wife who was sick in the he called 911 and both of those patients passed out. >> the outcome could have been different if it had not been for the quick response of ems. >> because the family made it into the chamber, their prognosis is good. con ed said the buildup of carbon monoxide was caused by a faulty heating unit. talks to avert a transit strike made progress with both sides saying negotiations were encouraging but still no deal. sticking points include length of contract, worker contributions to health care and wages. talks resume on thursday board meeting tomorrow. workers say they will strike on sunday if there is no deal. a reporter live on the air nearly loses his life. >> confusion situation -- >> a close call with a car that lost control and what happened saved him. charity trouble at one says it's getting blocked because of a connection to 9/11. i really feel that it's so important and so do so many parents. >> a local petition to change school policy, why she says all recess. what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13 today. smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. we got one! >> a daring rescue in the norwalk river captured by a police body camera. two firefighters and a police officer jumped into action after a car plunged down an embankment and landed upside down in the water. the responders were able to pull the 35-year-old man to safety. so far he doesn't face any charges. he was hospitalized in serious condition. police are investigating whether alcohol or drugs might have played a role in the crash. west chester businessman is indicted in the grisly murder of his estranged wife who was a prominent pediatrician. prosecutors say julius reisch stabbed robyn goodman nearly two dozen times in their the couple had separated and goodman had changed the locks on the house but reisch found a way inside and ambushed her while she was in the shower. police say reisch walked to the kitchen covered in blood, smoke a cigarette and called 911. >> this case is a tragedy for everybody involved. i've had the opportunity over the last week to spend a significant amount of time with my client and his concern right now is for his family. primarily his children. >> reisch has three grown children, he is pleading not guilty. >> trying to end a standoff over a charity stair climb. the durst organization, the landlord for one world trade center, is blocking this year's event. the company is citing security concerns but organizers say that's just a cover. they accuse durst of trying to bury the building's connection to 9/11 in order to lease more space. from what happened on 9/11 that last year they didn't want us to have pictures in the staircases of firefighters or police officers that died. >> the event is the work of the stevens foundation. stephen siller foundation. cbs2 is a sponsor of another event called the annual tunnelton towers run. new video of a reporter's close call, inches away from being hit by a car on live television. >> confusing situation -- >> that was alex savidge, live report from a train derailment in the san francisco bay area, two cars bumped each other on the road behind him, sending one racing towards him. savage said his camera man yelled, get out of the way! that saved his life. he jumped from the path, thankfully, no one was seriously hurt. with seconds to spare. be the only time kids get a chance to play outside. >> now a group of parents are taking on the school board with a petition for a right to recess. cbs2's tracee carrasco has the story. >> reporter: their favorite part of the school day is recess. >> it's the only time i can run. >> kids just have to sit there and like, learn the whole day. but like, when it's recess, like, energy out. >> reporter: it may even be their parents' favorite part too. >> i appreciate them getting outside in the fresh air and not inside. while i'm trying to make dinner. >> reporter: which is why a montclair mom started a petition for recess rights in the school district. >> i know they are more focused if they've had some fun and a chance for a break. >> reporter: according to the website, all students have a recess. egan says that's not enough. she wants to increase it to 40 minutes of entirely unstructured playtime for kindergarten through fifth grade. >> just let the children be free to socialize. >> reporter: it also wants to make sure kids get outside as much as possible even in the winter. and that recess is not taken away as a form of punishment. >> if my child has missed recess for some reason, that they are really feeling upset. and i don't want my children to learn that way. >> reporter: a psychotherapist believes recess is just as important as time in the classroom. >> it provides an opportunity for kids to develop social skills and learning how to problem solve on their own. conflict resolution, compromising. >> reporter: a group of parents plan to present the petition to the board of education during a public meeting next month. from montclair, tracee carrasco, cbs2 news. >> there will be a lot of >> as long as they come home tired. that's what i'm talking about. elise finch is here. >> we really do. today was beautiful, tomorrow we do it again, tons of sunshine but even warmer temperatures. things never really cooled down. tonight let's check in with weather watchers and see what kind of numbers we're seeing out there, 11:19, you notice we have lots of 40 degree temperatures, let's get started in islip, 46. from nancy in east islip, the temperatures are clustered around the same numbers here, 45, from paul in fan would, new jersey, as we head into connecticut, a little bit warmer but not by much. stan in greenwich, 47. only getting better over the next few days, can't wait. yeah. tomorrow, it's here, record- breaking warmth is what we're expecting, a look outside from our camera, high atop the empire state building, mostly clear, 49 degrees in the park, winds out of the east at six. places like bridgeport, to the mid and upper 60s, 65 for newark, central park today, 67 degrees. incredibly mild, but not a record, 20 above where we should be, but the record for this day is 76. so we didn't come close to challenging a record but again, 20 above normal, going to see even warmer temps tomorrow. for tech satellite and radar showing a few high, thin passing clouds, generally speaking things relatively dry in our area. as we head through the day tomorrow, the bigger picture shows what's going on. area of high-pressure sliding up short, circulation around it happened to nice warm air, southerly flow, tapping into warm air and boat to get the most out of it tomorrow. soak overnight tomorrow we have like winds, temperatures in the upper 40s, really, 40s across the tri-state area tonight. temperatures right now or what they should be for highs on the day, so that really sets the stage for an incredibly warm wednesday. for tomorrow. the record for the day is 69. we hit that back in 2000. if we hit our high of 74, not only do we set a record but it will be feeling like late may. big-time pick of the week for us tomorrow, with that 74 degree temperatures, tons of sunshine, we stay warm on thursday but increase in clouds and a chance for rain north of the city were cooler -- where we are cooler. then over the weekend, upper 50s right around 60. clouds, chance for showers and remember this weekend, we spring forward, turn the clocks ahead one hour. >> no calling in sick tomorrow. >> well, now, if you are going to play hooky, tomorrow is the day to do it. >> i'm just saying. fans of joan rivers, can we talk? i mean, really, can we talk? downs, paintings and other personal items from the new york penthouse heading to the auction block in june. melissa rivers announced that than 200 items belonging to this outspoken mom. some proceeds will go to charity and online auction kicks off june 16. a live auction is set for new york on june 22. >> can we talk? >> i'm not good at that accent. >> one of the items is a crystal ball that her dog used to drink water out of. i want that. otis is here now talking sports. >> all right. they put up a good fight but it's a rocky mount low for the knicks in denver. and what a comeback for jason pierre-paul. a new one-year deal and possibly more. alright guys. i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. the knicks welcomed back wasn't as to the lineup after missing saturday's game against the pistons. the knicks have lost 12 of 15 and they were trying to get a rocky mountain high in denver. kenneth faried has the elevation. early. carmelo anthony back where he spent his first seven years in the nba. he had 30 but another loss for the knicks's. 110-94 the final. the nets north of the border, brooklyn had a 16 point halftime lead but that evaporated. demar derozan with the hoop and the foul. 28-4 run from 16 down to up by 14. this night biyombo -- bismack biyombo. the big east and 8-10 tournaments get underway tomorrow. tomorrow. tonight we had another local a teen punching its tickets. fairly dickinson and wagner going at it on staten island. wagner led at halftime but derian anderson took over in the second half. the sophomore from dc had a game-high 28, six boards, five assists, fdu, that's who, going dancing for the first time in 11 years. they joined iona men and women first ever mac title against quinnipiac. and the men followed that up against monmouth. the third time ever they are headed to the tournament in the same season, men and women. >> never happened here before. a special time. the first ncaa tournament for them, for us it's great to be back. and excitement around the whole story and our community. for a minute. the giants are still down with jpp. they agreed to a one-year deal worth $10.5 million. how about the yankees and marlins? cc sabathia looking marvelous. striking out two, the yankees having trouble scoring runs lately, shut-out 1-0. managing just five hits against the marlins. the mets lost to the braves 5- 4. kings set to return this spasms that caused henrik lundqvist to miss three games, he's expected to get back on the ice saturday. the rangers had this one locked up, triggers the play and lets one rip, 10th of the year, 3-0. it got dicey at the end but j.t. miller added an empty net or. islanders hosting penguins, john tavares puts new york up 1- 0. tie game in the third, isles on the power play, anders lee finds himself in the right place at the right time. the game-winner, 2-1 the final. thank you, otis. hey what are you here for? you getting poked, prodded or pinched?? uhhh yeah, colon cancer screening. hey me too, second time. it's a piece of cake! that sounds good right now. it's no big deal. that's what everyone tells me. today there is more than one way to screen for colon cancer and it's easier than ever. if you're 50 or older and choose the best test for you! if you're 50 or older get screened for colon cancer. egntne swcho tt.swcho os in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at thanks for joining us tonight. >> up next, "the late show with have a great night. >> stephen colbert! captioning sponsored by cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: hey! welcome to "the late show" everybody. thank you so much. everybody out there. >> stephen! stephen! stephen. >> stephen: truth to wake them up! wake up! >> stephen! stephen! stephen! ( cheers and applause )

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20160309 :

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20160309

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they didn't do well. there's only one person who did well tonight. donald trump. >> victory after easy wins in two states. for others, it's a tossup. we've got up to the minute primary results. a petition to change school policy. why some new jersey parents are demanding more time out of the classroom. breaking news, nypd officer rushed to the hospital after being shot in the shoulder, right now a search on the ground or in the sky for one of the suspects still on the run. i'm kristine johnson. >> i maurice dubois. cbs2 news valerie castro following this and has the very latest. valerie? >> reporter: tonight that officer is at the hospital recovering and is expected to be okay. right now police believe he was another officer's gun during a heroin bust. nypd officers flooded the streets of bushwick on a manhunt after an officer was shot during a narcotics osberg -- operation near troutman street. >> i hear gunshots. i'm like, what is that? >> reporter: this picture shows the officer on the ground, exclusive cell phone video captures the arrest of one of three suspects. a second suspect was shot multiple times. a third ran from the scene and a full-scale search was underway. >> we have an outstanding purpose this time. -- perpetrator at this time. >> reporter: teams of officers marched down the street and checked the nearby subway station. chopper 2 was overhead as officers searched surrounding buildings. the officer was in plainclothes as the upper -- undercover drug buy went down. and tried to drive away when the officers identified themselves. that's when the shooting happened. this man who doesn't want to be identified says it took place right in front of him. >> be detectives were stopping the car in front of them. they reversed it to try to get away. one of the cops ran inside, like jumped through the window. that's when the guy hit. he got hit on the shoulder. >> reporter: police are investigating but say they believe the officer was hit in the crossfire with a shot from his fellow officers's weapon. >> a total of four shots were fired. based on the position, it appears the detectives may have been hit by crossfire. >> reporter: it's unclear if the suspect had a weapon or fired any shots. tonight the injured officer remains at elmhurst hospital where he is said to be in good spirits. back out here live, police are still investigating the scene. the suspect's vehicle is still in the middle of the intersection. shot, oscar rivera, has 58 prior arrests. the second suspect, geraldo rodriguez, is 51 and has 17 priors. police are still searching for that third suspect. live in bushwick, valerie castro, cbs2 news. also breaking news in another shooting, in chelsea, in manhattan, police say a man was shot in the leg on ninth avenue and west 25th. the search for the gunman continues at this hour. the victim was taken to bellevue hospital, is expected to survive. not clear what led to the shooting. campaign 2016, a big night for donald trump and a close contest for the democrats. >> the billionaire walks away tonight with two more commanding wins but in a stunner, clinton finds herself behind bernie sanders right now in michigan. marcia kramer is here now with the very latest. >> reporter: polls had showed clinton enjoying a double-digit lead over sanders in michigan, but right now the vermont points. clinton has beaten sanders in the mississippi primary, getting more than 80% of the vote there. now to the republicans, the michigan results so far indicate trump got 37% of the vote. john kasich and ted cruz are fighting for second place. in mississippi, trump got nearly half the vote. we're awaiting results of the contests in idaho and hawaii. >> there's only one person who did well tonight, donald trump. >> reporter: super tuesday was very good to donald trump. the front burner chalked up wins in michigan and in mississippi. despite a series of harsh attacks by opponents and former presidential candidate mitt romney. >> i don't think i've ever had so many horrible, horrible things said about me in one week. $38 million worth of horrible lies but that's okay. it shows you how brilliant the public is. because they knew they were lies. >> reporter: trump's showing it out for the anti-trump vote. marco rubio faded so dramatically that his rally in his home state of florida took on an air of desperation. >> it comes down to florida, doesn't it? we're familiar with march madness. coming north. the state of ohio. >> reporter: on the democratic side, hillary clinton took the sights on next tuesday when battleground states like florida and ohio vote. >> we have to build on what made america great. our energy and optimism, our openness and creativity. nobody works harder than americans. nobody innovates better. nobody dreams bigger. >> reporter: bernie sanders was intent on criticizing misses clinton for her wall street contributions. >> she has raised $15 million from wall street. does anybody here know what the $27! this is a campaign of the people , by the people, and for the people. >> reporter: it says a lot about the election that the candidates win states that vote next week, trump, rubio and sanders in florida, clinton and kasich in ohio, cruz in north carolina. a very big day because it rubio loses florida, he will be under intense pressure to drop out. ditto for kasich in ohio. we have to wait until next tuesday to see if this sort things out for the rest of the campaign. >> thank you. new information about the american tourist who was killed during a stabbing spree in israel. he has been identified now, taylor force was an army veteran and graduate student at vanderbilt university in tennessee. israeli police say he was killed when a palestinian man went on a rampage in the port 10 people were injured and a third attacker was shot and killed. a developing story, nypd is searching for the driver who mowed down a woman in the bronx. and left her there injured. surveillance video shows madeline bengochea pushing her walker along williams bridge road in the allerton section. as she crossed in the middle of the block, a white late-model sedan clipped her from behind and then kept going. witnesses rushed to help the victim. >> i heard her crying. of the pain. she was talking. she was asking one of the people to get her family. >> reporter: madeline bengochea is in critical condition. federal prosecutors say there is not enough evidence to file criminal civil rights charges against a white nypd officer accused of killing an unarmed black teen. officer richard haste was originally charged with manslaughter in the 2012 investigators say a police surveillance team hurt by radio that graham might be armed. haste says when he confronts tim, he fired his gun because he thought the teen would fire on them. but no weapons were ever found. i'll sharpen spoke with mother. >> very much heartbroken but also very determined to continue to fight. >> pat lynch said he was gratified no charges were filed but at a quote, there is no winner here. carbon monoxide danger for a family after five family members were found unconscious. scare happened this morning inside a home on 77th avenue in oakland gardens. three adults and two children were taken to nassau university medical center in east meadow. once there the family was put into a hyperbaric chamber for treatment. ems workers suspected carbon monoxide poisoning. >> the husband was awoken by the wife who was sick in the he called 911 and both of those patients passed out. >> the outcome could have been different if it had not been for the quick response of ems. >> because the family made it into the chamber, their prognosis is good. con ed said the buildup of carbon monoxide was caused by a faulty heating unit. talks to avert a transit strike made progress with both sides saying negotiations were encouraging but still no deal. sticking points include length of contract, worker contributions to health care and wages. talks resume on thursday board meeting tomorrow. workers say they will strike on sunday if there is no deal. a reporter live on the air nearly loses his life. >> confusion situation -- >> a close call with a car that lost control and what happened saved him. charity trouble at one says it's getting blocked because of a connection to 9/11. i really feel that it's so important and so do so many parents. >> a local petition to change school policy, why she says all recess. what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13 today. smoking causes 16 different types of cancer. you have one clear way to reduce your risk. you can quit smoking. we got one! >> a daring rescue in the norwalk river captured by a police body camera. two firefighters and a police officer jumped into action after a car plunged down an embankment and landed upside down in the water. the responders were able to pull the 35-year-old man to safety. so far he doesn't face any charges. he was hospitalized in serious condition. police are investigating whether alcohol or drugs might have played a role in the crash. west chester businessman is indicted in the grisly murder of his estranged wife who was a prominent pediatrician. prosecutors say julius reisch stabbed robyn goodman nearly two dozen times in their the couple had separated and goodman had changed the locks on the house but reisch found a way inside and ambushed her while she was in the shower. police say reisch walked to the kitchen covered in blood, smoke a cigarette and called 911. >> this case is a tragedy for everybody involved. i've had the opportunity over the last week to spend a significant amount of time with my client and his concern right now is for his family. primarily his children. >> reisch has three grown children, he is pleading not guilty. >> trying to end a standoff over a charity stair climb. the durst organization, the landlord for one world trade center, is blocking this year's event. the company is citing security concerns but organizers say that's just a cover. they accuse durst of trying to bury the building's connection to 9/11 in order to lease more space. from what happened on 9/11 that last year they didn't want us to have pictures in the staircases of firefighters or police officers that died. >> the event is the work of the stevens foundation. stephen siller foundation. cbs2 is a sponsor of another event called the annual tunnelton towers run. new video of a reporter's close call, inches away from being hit by a car on live television. >> confusing situation -- >> that was alex savidge, live report from a train derailment in the san francisco bay area, two cars bumped each other on the road behind him, sending one racing towards him. savage said his camera man yelled, get out of the way! that saved his life. he jumped from the path, thankfully, no one was seriously hurt. with seconds to spare. be the only time kids get a chance to play outside. >> now a group of parents are taking on the school board with a petition for a right to recess. cbs2's tracee carrasco has the story. >> reporter: their favorite part of the school day is recess. >> it's the only time i can run. >> kids just have to sit there and like, learn the whole day. but like, when it's recess, like, energy out. >> reporter: it may even be their parents' favorite part too. >> i appreciate them getting outside in the fresh air and not inside. while i'm trying to make dinner. >> reporter: which is why a montclair mom started a petition for recess rights in the school district. >> i know they are more focused if they've had some fun and a chance for a break. >> reporter: according to the website, all students have a recess. egan says that's not enough. she wants to increase it to 40 minutes of entirely unstructured playtime for kindergarten through fifth grade. >> just let the children be free to socialize. >> reporter: it also wants to make sure kids get outside as much as possible even in the winter. and that recess is not taken away as a form of punishment. >> if my child has missed recess for some reason, that they are really feeling upset. and i don't want my children to learn that way. >> reporter: a psychotherapist believes recess is just as important as time in the classroom. >> it provides an opportunity for kids to develop social skills and learning how to problem solve on their own. conflict resolution, compromising. >> reporter: a group of parents plan to present the petition to the board of education during a public meeting next month. from montclair, tracee carrasco, cbs2 news. >> there will be a lot of >> as long as they come home tired. that's what i'm talking about. elise finch is here. >> we really do. today was beautiful, tomorrow we do it again, tons of sunshine but even warmer temperatures. things never really cooled down. tonight let's check in with weather watchers and see what kind of numbers we're seeing out there, 11:19, you notice we have lots of 40 degree temperatures, let's get started in islip, 46. from nancy in east islip, the temperatures are clustered around the same numbers here, 45, from paul in fan would, new jersey, as we head into connecticut, a little bit warmer but not by much. stan in greenwich, 47. only getting better over the next few days, can't wait. yeah. tomorrow, it's here, record- breaking warmth is what we're expecting, a look outside from our camera, high atop the empire state building, mostly clear, 49 degrees in the park, winds out of the east at six. places like bridgeport, to the mid and upper 60s, 65 for newark, central park today, 67 degrees. incredibly mild, but not a record, 20 above where we should be, but the record for this day is 76. so we didn't come close to challenging a record but again, 20 above normal, going to see even warmer temps tomorrow. for tech satellite and radar showing a few high, thin passing clouds, generally speaking things relatively dry in our area. as we head through the day tomorrow, the bigger picture shows what's going on. area of high-pressure sliding up short, circulation around it happened to nice warm air, southerly flow, tapping into warm air and boat to get the most out of it tomorrow. soak overnight tomorrow we have like winds, temperatures in the upper 40s, really, 40s across the tri-state area tonight. temperatures right now or what they should be for highs on the day, so that really sets the stage for an incredibly warm wednesday. for tomorrow. the record for the day is 69. we hit that back in 2000. if we hit our high of 74, not only do we set a record but it will be feeling like late may. big-time pick of the week for us tomorrow, with that 74 degree temperatures, tons of sunshine, we stay warm on thursday but increase in clouds and a chance for rain north of the city were cooler -- where we are cooler. then over the weekend, upper 50s right around 60. clouds, chance for showers and remember this weekend, we spring forward, turn the clocks ahead one hour. >> no calling in sick tomorrow. >> well, now, if you are going to play hooky, tomorrow is the day to do it. >> i'm just saying. fans of joan rivers, can we talk? i mean, really, can we talk? downs, paintings and other personal items from the new york penthouse heading to the auction block in june. melissa rivers announced that than 200 items belonging to this outspoken mom. some proceeds will go to charity and online auction kicks off june 16. a live auction is set for new york on june 22. >> can we talk? >> i'm not good at that accent. >> one of the items is a crystal ball that her dog used to drink water out of. i want that. otis is here now talking sports. >> all right. they put up a good fight but it's a rocky mount low for the knicks in denver. and what a comeback for jason pierre-paul. a new one-year deal and possibly more. alright guys. i want to show you some cutting edge technology. this is a vhs tape. push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. have you seen these before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table. it took joel silverman years to become a master dog trainer. but only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. the knicks welcomed back wasn't as to the lineup after missing saturday's game against the pistons. the knicks have lost 12 of 15 and they were trying to get a rocky mountain high in denver. kenneth faried has the elevation. early. carmelo anthony back where he spent his first seven years in the nba. he had 30 but another loss for the knicks's. 110-94 the final. the nets north of the border, brooklyn had a 16 point halftime lead but that evaporated. demar derozan with the hoop and the foul. 28-4 run from 16 down to up by 14. this night biyombo -- bismack biyombo. the big east and 8-10 tournaments get underway tomorrow. tomorrow. tonight we had another local a teen punching its tickets. fairly dickinson and wagner going at it on staten island. wagner led at halftime but derian anderson took over in the second half. the sophomore from dc had a game-high 28, six boards, five assists, fdu, that's who, going dancing for the first time in 11 years. they joined iona men and women first ever mac title against quinnipiac. and the men followed that up against monmouth. the third time ever they are headed to the tournament in the same season, men and women. >> never happened here before. a special time. the first ncaa tournament for them, for us it's great to be back. and excitement around the whole story and our community. for a minute. the giants are still down with jpp. they agreed to a one-year deal worth $10.5 million. how about the yankees and marlins? cc sabathia looking marvelous. striking out two, the yankees having trouble scoring runs lately, shut-out 1-0. managing just five hits against the marlins. the mets lost to the braves 5- 4. kings set to return this spasms that caused henrik lundqvist to miss three games, he's expected to get back on the ice saturday. the rangers had this one locked up, triggers the play and lets one rip, 10th of the year, 3-0. it got dicey at the end but j.t. miller added an empty net or. islanders hosting penguins, john tavares puts new york up 1- 0. tie game in the third, isles on the power play, anders lee finds himself in the right place at the right time. the game-winner, 2-1 the final. thank you, otis. hey what are you here for? you getting poked, prodded or pinched?? uhhh yeah, colon cancer screening. hey me too, second time. it's a piece of cake! that sounds good right now. it's no big deal. that's what everyone tells me. today there is more than one way to screen for colon cancer and it's easier than ever. if you're 50 or older and choose the best test for you! if you're 50 or older get screened for colon cancer. egntne swcho tt.swcho os in new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. all across the state, the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. like in buffalo, where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. and in syracuse, where imagination is in production. let us help grow your company's tomorrow - today - at thanks for joining us tonight. >> up next, "the late show with have a great night. >> stephen colbert! captioning sponsored by cbs ( band playing "late show" theme ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: hey! welcome to "the late show" everybody. thank you so much. everybody out there. >> stephen! stephen! stephen. >> stephen: truth to wake them up! wake up! >> stephen! stephen! stephen! ( cheers and applause )

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