Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20150929 : comparemela

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20150929

area are stopping one another to talk about it. >> reporter: question and concerns as word spread that seven people who lived or work inside the morris park section of the bronx have been diagnosed with legionnaires' disease. right now the exact source is unknown. >> because we identify this as a cluster, it does not mean that we know what the cause is. >> reporter: does it scare you? >> sure it does. >> reporter: the patients ranging in ages for 45 to 75, all with previous underlying medical conditions and the first case was reported last month on september 21st, and mayor bill de blasio says this is not linked to the deadly outbreak this summer. it was traced to legionnaires' bacteria in the cooling tour of the opera house in the bronx and the city has since implemented new cooling tower regulations. 35 in this area were tested over the weekend. cleaned recently, and it could be something different. >> reporter: exposure can come from the mist of contaminated showers, faucets, and more. >> we want to know what will be done so it's not widespread. >> reporter: the results from the tested cooling towers are expected back this week. legionnaires' disease is a form of that pneumonia, but it's not spread person-to-person. >> reporter: tracee carrasco cbs 2 news. >> tracee, thank you. an emergency landing at jfk as an air lingus flight was forced to turn back just after takeoff. the plane was headed to ireland. the port authority spokesperson says the rear brakes overheated during the landing, causing a fire. passengers were transferred by bus to the terminal. the police are questioning a man after a baby was found dead behind an apartment building, and valerie castro is live in the university heights section for us tonight. valerie. >> reporter: kristine, police sources say the man believed to be the father is being held and questioned that the hour at the police precinct. it happened in the white brick building behind me, and police are on the scene trying to sort out how and why it happened. >> reporter: a heart breaking scene as the body of a newborn infant is brought out of the apartment building and loaded into the medical examiner's van. the baby girl was likely born inside of 57th floor apartment and may have been thrown from a window monday afternoon. >> i don't want the baby. i will toss it out the window. that's ridiculous. discovered the baby in the courtyard below, and the baby's umbilical cord was attacked. detectives gathered evidence and questioned a man believed to be the child's father who was in the apartment when it took place. tiffany martinez says the man is her close friend. >> he's a good guy, and every time i see him, he's with his son. >> reporter: the man and his girlfriend also have a 3-year- old son together. >> from what i have seen, they always look like a happy family. >> reporter: what led to the child's death is something the police and the neighbors are trying to figure out. >> i'm a mother. it's devastating of any child going through that and any child, that's just mind blowing. police sources -- police sources tell us the mother was taken to a nearby hospital to be treated for heavy bleeding, and initially she did not cooperate with police, but at this hour, no charges have been filed. reporting live at the university heights section of the bronx, valerie castro, cbs 2 news. new information on the new jersey high school football star who died after getting injured during a game on friday night, and an autopsy shows 17- year-old warren regional high school quarterback, evan murray died from massive internal bleeding, caused by a lacerated spleen. he collapsed and die at the hospital. police are investigating a security scare connected to pope francis' visit to new york city. 39-year-old christopher canella is facing charges including impersonation, trespassing, and possession of ammunition. investigators said the north babylon resident was arrested after he tried to follow a motor case on to the tarmac on saturday, 10 hours after the hope left for philadelphia. it's not clear if he knew the pope departed. dismissed against bob menendez. a federal judge dismissing 2 of 14 count in the federal lawmaker's corruption case. also thrown out, two counts against the florida eye doctor, and menendez is accused of taking money and gifts in exchange for political influence. turning to campaign 2016, donald trump got specific today. under his proposal, individuals making less than $25,000 and married couples making less than $50,000 would pay no income tax. as for the corporate rate, it gets cut from 35% to just 15%. >> i did the plan with the leading economists and tax expercents in the country, and they love it and say why hasn't it been done before. that's my wheel house. that's what i do well. one-time 10% tax on money that u.s. companies have parked overseas. a marathon meeting with president obama and russian president vladimir putin tonight. the intense talks lasted 90 minutes, and jessica schneider reports there was little they agreed on. >> reporter: president obama and vladimir putin gave each other a handshake before sitting down together. these satellite images blind sided the american leaders, putin calling on the international community to support the syrian government, and president obama though has called for the ousting of the leader. president obama said assad does not have to immediately leave, but he must eventually go, and he offered to work with russian and iran to negotiate a transition. >> realism is a managed transition to a new leader. >> reporter: putin was clear he must stay for his first remarks toe the world beau in nearly a decade. few remarks came out from the world leaders. putin said his military could join in by the way of air strikes in syria, and he deflected all questions by charlie rose when asked what he thought of president obama before today's meeting. >> i don't think i'm entitled to give any views regarding the president. that's up to the american people. >> and u.s. officials say putin and obama agree that members of the opposition should be included in syria's future government, but they don't see eye-to-eye on the fate of president assad. the gathering of world leaders at the u.n. is causing intense gridlock in manhattan. 2nd avenue shut down 42nd to 49th streets. the disruptions are expected through friday, and for a full list, you can go to happening right now, more closures on the george washington bridge, and the inbound lower lanes are shut down and will remain that way through tomorrow. they will be closed 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. on friday and saturday, and construction crews are removing temporary platforms used during the replacement of the upper deck. prison time for the former prison worker who helped prisoners escape over the summer. joyce mitchell was sentenced between 2 1/3 and 7 years behind bars. >> it's by far the worst mistake i have ever made in my life. i live with regret every day and will for the rest of my life. >> she gave tools to the two, but she backed out of being the getaway driver. the two escape from the clinton correctional facility in june, and matt was ultimately killed captured. after an unseasonably warm september, get ready. the weather changes start right now. you better leave it. you look here at the weather watchers, and they picked up some today. a little bit of rain falling, recorded by les in littleneck that number will get bigger. we will talk about it in a bit. >> it's incredibly unfair for people like me. cyber scalpers snatching up tickets and jacking up the prices. the big bang theory, why one star says certain episodes make her cringe. >> what's there to be ashamed of? i use a razor on my legs and armpits. why not on my face? shaving their faces, next. we are the largest and most diverse school district in america! yet we are one! one point one million students! one thousand eight hundred schools! sharing one common goal. help all kids succeed. we're new york city public school teachers. taking learning to the next level. and parents and the community are on board! all coming together... one. to celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. royal caribbean's wow sale is back. buy one get one half off. plus free upgrades and up to $200 onboard spending money. it all ends september 30th, so call 1-800-royal-caribbean new york senator charles schumer is joining the fight to keep cyber scalpers from beating fans to the best seat. for fans the tickets sold out in 5 minutes, leaving many actual fans shutout. hackers bought them for face value and sold them for as much as $8,000, and schumer says it has to stop. >> through autodialing, all tickets are gone in a matter of minutes, and then they sell them to a secondary website, which sells them for thousands of dollars. >> and schumer is now introducing legislation to stop the software boots from getting around the ticket sales. he is urging congress to identify and shut down the ticket sales. a genetic test could determine if some women with early stage breast cancer should skip chemotherapy. it's oncotype dx, and it will help to determine if a woman's cancer will come back. a low score means the woman could safely skip chemo and still beat the disease. something that is rarely talked about, but some believe it's the secret for younger looking skin. >> i think it's about time women shave their faces. >> reporter: you heard that right. women should shave their face for a smoother complexion. >> you can feel the difference when you go over your face. >> charlie: proven beauty treatment, but admittedly not for everyone just yet. >> i feel like i will get razor burns all over your face. >> shaving very legs is bad enough. i would never do it. >> reporter: it's not only unwanted hair, the good close shave is about keeping your skin in the best possible shape. >> we are just using a blade to prepare the skin for powerful and effective items. >> whose razor are you using? >> reporter: carolyn manzo proudly put her shaved face forward. >> i'm just doing something to maintain my complexion, to maintain my skin, and i'm not a believer in injections and botox and stuff like that. i do nothing of that sort, so i have to do something, so how do i do it? i shave. >> reporter: she has been shaving for 15 years. >> men shave, and they have beautiful skin for the most part. they are exfoliating. day in the simplest of ways. >> i don't know where the stigma came from. the hair present on a woman's face is tiny peach fuzz it will never come back darker or thicker or wiry. >> reporter: be brave ladies, be brave! do it. there's nothing to be afraid of. if you don't like it, stop it. >> it may not be suited for everyone, and there's many alternatives and procedures to consider. talk to your dermatologist to see if this is for you. >> there's options for everyone. >> no beard. that's what it comes down to. >> apparently not. >> smooth skin. >> yes, exfoliating. lonnie is talking about changes in the weather department. >> we just had a tropical storm formed about 18 minutes ago, and i will show you that. the picture is outside. right now, but we are seeing the fog develop, and your temperature, 73 degrees, and your high temperature was 68. officially 8 degrees above average, and that's going to change as we get deeper into the week. some days this week, not getting out of the 60s, and then every single day, during the workweek into saturday, there's a rain chance. i have not said that in a long time, and now i feel like, yeah, maurice and kristine and i were just talking about this. joaquin just became a tropical storm. it's going up the eastern sea board, and yeah, that's the -- this is the current cone this is saturday at 8:00 in the evening, somewhere sort of southeast of cape may, and 65- mile an hour winds, and our area, right now, securely in that cone of concern, and that's why i want you to keep it tuned here. i will get updates. everyone from the national hurricane center, i will put it on the air for you to see. that's 400 miles north of the bahamas. you want it to be shaped like a ball. there it. is the big ball of cloud -- there it is, the big ball of cloud cover. our source of rain over the next day, two to three days, not that storm, but off to the west, currently pushing in light little showers, and for your day tomorrow, i don't see much in the morning, a rain chance and you leave with the umbrella, but it's not too much. that's 10:00 in the morning, and later in the day, it's more prevalent out there, and i really believe, that's 11:30 on tuesday night, and i believe wednesday is the wettest day as the system moves through the area it will put down good rain as well. the projections are 1-3 inches for anyone in our area, and some folks could see the 4-5- inch range if the cell is on top of your area. really dealing with the rain chance, basically every day, and 79 tomorrow, and rain chance slight to start off. wednesday a wet weather day, and it's 72. 72 on wednesday a stroke after midnight, and our afternoon hours, you're in the 60s, and thursday, 64 for the high. rain chance developing on friday, and now we watch the tropical system i just showed you for friday and saturday, and again, right now there's nothing that has been carved in stone, but there's a possibility, and i will watch it. >> thank you, lonnie. one of the stars of the big bang theory say the old episodes of the series make her cringe. kaley cuoco puts the old episodes on mute because she can't stand the sound of her voice. off screen things are serious for her. she is splitting from her husband after a new year's eve ceremony in 2013. don't go away. still ahead, the knicks' top pick showing off his new look at knicks' media day. >> after the news, stephen michelle obama. time for sports, still baseball season. >> and we are getting ready to go to the second season. the yankees are setting up the potential wild card starter, and he says he's good to go, and tanaka will pitch on wednesday, being in line for next tuesday's start in the bronx. still had faint hopes for the division crown, but they took a hit tonight thanks to jackie brantley in the 1st, and then murphy coast into 2nd base thinking he had a double until the ump says it was caught. the 2-1 game is a 4-1 game, and the sox go on to win it, 5-1, the bluejays won as well. the yankees are now 5 back with 6 to play. we are thinking wild card here. one thing we are quickly learning about with the new regime with the jets, they can handle their emotions, and they certainly don't get too high with the wins or too low with the loss. they experienced their first one yesterday. the home crowd waiting for the early explosion that didn't come as they couldn't stop the special teams in the 1st half. david was weave his way for the punt touchdown, and they are still talking about brandon marshall's blunder. that would result in a score and the 24-0 philly lead, and todd bowles spoke to marshall about that and spoke about the starters today. >> reporter: how tough is it to sit back and watch now that your team didn't come up as fired as you would like and got behind? >> we didn't come out and do the right thing. if you can get your fans behind you early it will snowball. >> you can watch the jets and the dolphins in london. you bring the fish, and i will bring the chips. like that? >> it's great. >> time for us to step aside for a minute. when we return it will give defensive coordinators nightmares. the field at the same time. tt2watx# gd p bt@qd(\ tt2watx# gd p "a@qt$8 tt2watx# gd p bm@q_/4 tt4watx# gd r dztq 1e4 tt4watx# gd r entq aat tt4watx# gd r gzt& xf, tt4watx# gd r hnt& hh@ tt4watx# gd r iz welcome back, everyone. the giants' fans have been waiting for this since last socket. beckham cruz will practice on wednesday if all goes as planned and play this sunday. >> i'm excited to team up with odell. it's going to be fun. i just want to make sure i'm 100% before i go back out there. i want to be quick, on all sill eniers and make everything full force to prevent another injury. >> i can hear it now. the crowd at the draft booing jackson comparing him to sean bradley. we saw on media day that he is getting stronger. melo still thinks he's a big part of phil jackson's plan. >> for him to start the process with me, being the centerpiece of this, you know, i respect that, and i don't want to let him down. >> that head band is getting thicker and thicker. [ laughter ] >> good job. >> oh, that's wrong. >> i'm just kidding. >> looking for it. >> thank you, dis. [ laughter ] wi aunth oer miesf de iomsa d odccmoti. tiotnvveve elyonndhod ermscoitnt d atavotr veor nfen.ti rllunue cae eyri dpunrsndg wt' ppininfra.i al bie won leon,ansooueetoakanid tt u vendo rityoha t oorni t y,"ie enarofhecrti oov 200unsofoung this is a story about doers, the artificial heart, electric guitars and rockets to the moon. it's the story of america- land of the doers. doin' it. did it. done. doers built this country. the dams and the railroads. john henry was a steel drivin' man hmm, catchy. they built the golden gates and the empire states. and all this doin' takes energy -no matter who's doin'. there's all kinds of doin' up in here. or what they're doin'. what the heck's he doin? energy got us here. and it's our job to make sure there's enough to keep doers doin' the stuff doers do... to keep us all doin' what we do.

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New York , United States , Cape May , New Jersey , Morris Park , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Florida , Syria , Eastern Sea , Japan General , Japan , Russia , Bahamas , The , London , City Of , United Kingdom , University Heights , North Babylon , Ireland , America , Syrian , Russian , American , Tiffany Martinez , Phil Jackson , Joyce Mitchell , Jackie Brantley , Valerie Castro , Bob Menendez , Stephen Michelle Obama , Vladimir Putin , John Henry , Beckham Cruz , Jessica Schneider , Charles Schumer , Kaley Cuoco , Sean Bradley , Carolyn Manzo , Kristine Johnson , Brandon Marshall , Todd Bowles , Devan Murray ,

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