Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20150902 : comparemela

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20150902

. i broke out of the handcuffs when i was at the hospital when they almost killed me, and they just tried to again. >> captured and talking to our cameras, an escapee telling her side of the story. good evening, everyone. i'm maurice debois. kristine is off. jessica schneider is live in tribeca with more details on the story from the escapee herself. jessica? >> reporter: tiffany neumann is not surrendering without a fight. she yelled out to reporters tonight as police led her out of the precinct. she insists she is pregnant, even though police say she isn't, and she defended her actions after 36 hours on the run. >> really need someone to help me. >> reporter: 23-year-old tiffany neumann claiming she is the victim after busting out of handcuffs on sunday night and escaping from police custody. did you steal a woman's credit card? >> i didn't steal it. she left it in the bar for me, and i used it. >> reporter: she spent her 36 hours of freedom bar hopping and committing grand larceny. she went straight to the south line sea port after walking out of the hospital where a now suspended cop left her alone while he went to the bathroom. neumann stole the cell phone and credit cards of a woman she met while drinking a beer. that woman reported the stolen items to the police, and the video shows her in her hospital scrubs, making purchases at this newsstand. >> i bought cigarettes and food. >> reporter: police nabbed her tuesday morning when she showed up at her aunt's home on west 109th street. she's the fourth suspect to escape custody since june. robert mccree says it's not as much a number problem as it is a perception problem. >> the nypd has 1,000 arrests a day, and since june there's been 60,000 or 70,000 arrests for escaped control, and that's four too many, but it's not really a tragedy for the police management. >> reporter: and tiffany neumann is awaiting arrangement on additional charges tonight, including escape, grand larceny and criminal possession of stolen property, all charges results from her alleged antics on sunday night into monday. live outside of the criminal courthouse on lower manhattan, jessica schneider, cbs 2 news. now to a cbs 2 exclusive, sanitation workers are accused of refusing to take out the trash, unless the bartender serves them drinks, and tracee carrasco has this story now from jersey city. >> guy was so blatant, and he seemed to think in this day and age, he wouldn't get caught. >> reporter: the owner of the pint in jersey city is fighting back against sanitation workers who tried to shake down employees at his bar. it was on august 13th, and you can see in this surveillance video the man with the jersey city incinerator authority uniform walked up, demanding his employees step outside. >> his supervisor told him he could no longer pick up his recycling, but he would do so if we bribed him with liquor. >> reporter: the worker refused and the man promised to return. when he returned last week, sterling says his surveillance cameras once again captured him demanding alcohol in exchange for doing his job. >> they asked for liquor and made it clear we would have to supply liquor for this gentleman and his entire truck on a weekly basis. >> reporter: the agency is not managed by the city but they said we are working to shut it down after a long history of corruption. >> it bothers me a lot that we have a few corrupt people that mar the reputation of other city employees and the city that so many of us love. >> reporter: the city investigating the incident, and we reached out to the jersey city incinerator authority but have not heard back. tracee carrasco, cbs 2 news. now to a developing story, the search for three suspected cop killers now in its 14th hour. the officer was gunned down this morning about 50 miles northwest of chicago in the community of fox lake, and authorities have been going door-to-door searching for trains and other things. earlier they shutdown local air space, and police say 30 year veteran, charles gwenowitz was shot down after he got into a foot chase with the suspects. former wrestling superstar, jimmy superfly smuka charged with murdering her girlfriend. she was found in a motel room in allentown, pennsylvania. it's believed the wrestler beat her and then denied her medical care. they built the case partly on his auto biography. >> he talked about frequent use of cocaine, steroid use, and other drug use. >> he is now 72 and said to have failing health. dillon baker who has a reoccurring role on "the good wife" jumped into action when fire broke out on his west side high rise. he lives on the 33rd floor at the plaza, and after getting his family out, he worried about his neighbor who uses a walker, and he pounded on the door. >> i hoped the door, -- i opened the door,s and i surprised to find it open. there was smoke coming out all over me, and i yelled again, and i didn't find anything. >> when firefighters arrived, they found a woman inside of the apartment, and tonight she is listed in serious condition. a burglary spike in brooklyn, and one of the latest victims is a bride to be who is missing jewelry she wants to hear on her wedding day. the story from tony aiello at 11. >> it's not how rachel expected to spend the week before her wedding, trolling craigslist, and ebay hoping to find her stolen jewelry for sale. >> that's what i'm thinking of now instead of thinking of marrying the love of my life. >> reporter: this was the scene on august 24th, burglars ransacking box after box of jewelry she inherited from her grandmother and others. >> every piece had a lot of meaning for me, things i hoped to wear on my wedding day, i am now unable to. >> reporter: including diamond studs and a gold bracelet, her fiancee's wedding band was also stolen. here in the 76th precinct, dozens of other residents may not share this bride-to-be's exact story but they do share her anguish. >> reporter: burglary in the 7- 6 are up 80% year-to-date. 91 this year from 51 last year. one long time resident wonders if burglars are attracted by the wave of new residents. >> a wave of young professionals, and the burglars are getting smart. >> hopefully by the time i get back from my honeymoon, the police will have found something for me. >> reporter: she's trying to focus on what she will gain on her wedding day, not what she has lost. tony aiello, cbs 2 news. a striking move from pope francis. the pontiff issuing a letter to priests around the world temporarily allowing them over the coming year to forgive women who have had abortions. it's already a common practice in most u.s. parishes, but it addresses even broader issues. >> he's sending a strong message, not just to women, but speaking to all of us in need of forgiveness. >> reporter: thousands will have a chance to see the pope when he arrives in the area. he added a procession through central park to his io dent rare. new york state residents can apply online or go call 311 for a chance to win tickets to the historic events. he will arrive on september 24th and leave on the 26th. look for live coverage here on cbs 2 and streaming live on continuing to defy a supreme court ruling, a kentucky clerk is refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples and she stood firm when a couple demand she do her job. >> i pay your salary. i pay your salary. >> we pay your salary. >> i'm paying for you to discriminate against me right now. >> kim davis stopped issuing all marriage licenses after the supreme court legalized same- sex marriage in june. she said she never thought she would be asked to held her deeply-held religious beliefs. she is refusing to back down even though she would could face fines and jail time. she has been ordered to appear in federal court on thursday, and cbs news learned davis herself has been married four times. new tonight fans of the broadway show les miserables stood outside of the theater to honor kyle jean-baptiste. he died on friday after falling from a fire escape in brooklyn. he was the youngest person and the first african american to play the lead role on broadway. more turbulence on wall street with the stocks making the third biggest drop of the year. at the closing bell, the dow was down by 469 points, and the nasdaq was down by show. markets in asia are down indicating we could see a fall here tomorrow. a moment a fight club for kids. day care workers accused of pitting preschoolers against each other. >> i'm upstairs in the closet, and i'm trying to hide. i don't know what to do. >> home alone and hiding, a strange man trying to get inside, and a little girl gathers clues to help the police. all smiles selfie during a divorce. the photo op that could be trendy for couples parting ways. take a look at these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. disturbing allegations of a day care fight club, and tonight two former day care workers are accused of urging young children to fight and then video taping it. prosecutors allege the workers a the the lightbridge academy in new jersey forced the violence. >> a dozen children between the ages of 4-6, just fighting, throwing each other to the ground, hitting each other. >> what we would like to focus on at this point a the children are safe. that's our number one priority. >> reporter: 22-year-old erica kenny and 28-year-old chanese white are charged with child abuse, and both have been fired. a 12-year-old girl home alone, helped the catch the man who was trying to break into her house. >> i'm upstairs, in the closet, and i'm trying to hide, and i don't know what to do. >> police in auburn, massachusetts, near boston said the girl was home alone when the man started to pull at the front and side doors, and the girl was able to get a picture and video of the suspect, and then she hid in a closet and called the police. >> he's wearing a hat and has a rag in his back pocket. he's trying to get in everywhere. >> officers caught up to 53- year-old clinton joyce and arrested him. investigators said joyce also tried to get into a neighbor's home. no one was hurt. the end of a couple's marriage is getting a lot of publicity, for the selfie they posted on facebook. cbs 2's valerie castro with the story. >> reporter: couple from calgary, canada, is all smiles. they completed the walk down the aisle for divorce court. >> good for them. >> i think it's weird. i hate selfies. >> reporter: the facebook post had thousands of likes in just days. shannon and chris neumann explained their cheerful faces and divorce. they released the following statement: >> my first impression, it was cute. >> reporter: this attorney says it sheds a positive light on a usually negative event for the couples. >> it shows these people were able to get through their divorce with a great degree of friendliness and humor. >> reporter: she thinks it's best to leave the kids out of it. >> it affects not only the couple but the entire family. >> the divorce selfie is about the couple, not so much the kids. >> do we really care as a society about whether people get divorced or not? >> reporter: the canadian couple probably didn't realize it would get worldwide attention, and the post has since been removed from public view on facebook. reporting in midtown, manhattan, valerie castro, cbs 2 news. time now to talk about weather. lonnie quinn is here. if you're splitting hairs, there's a heat wave going on. >> i think what maurice is talking about, we had the heat wave by 1 degree, we were 90 degrees for less than an hour today, but it's the third 90- degree day, and right now, outside, the 60s seven o'clock0s around the area. 69 right now, and this is from barry in bloomingdale, new jersey, and barry what do you have to say tonight? one of our trusted weather watchers. we badly need the rain. you got it, barry, you bet. this keeps the entire area dry. barry is is a closet meteorologist. barry, my hat is off to you. you are right, we don't see a lot of rain brewing, barry, i will tell you more than you just put on the board. we are over 2 inches behind where we should be for the august rain bucket, but half a foot for the entire year, and we need rain. not out there tonight, it's a beauty. 78degrees, and the headlines coming together like this. today's high temperature, 90 degrees, and that does make three in a row. the second official heat wave for 2015. not an oddity for september, but typically your temperatures should be going down, and ours are going up. 90 in central park was the lone hot spot in the area. jfk, islip, 87. bridgeport, connecticut, 86 today, and for tomorrow, close again, as maurice was saying, we are splitting hairs here. i will go with 89 degrees. more of a sea breeze is kicking in. a bright, sunny day, feeling hotter tomorrow than it was today. 90 to 93 depending where you are. the hair mass is beautiful, and this is the next weather maker. fine for thursday, and the front will come to town, and then you could squeeze squeeze out rain thursday into friday, and it will not be as hot by the time you get to friday. the numbers, hot again tomorrow. 9, 91 on thursday. late thursday into friday, the cold front is coming through the area. could see rain, but it doesn't look like a drencher. we could use big rains, but it doesn't look like it will do that. 82 on friday, and then spending a moment to talk about this. it's a beauty, my man. 86 on friday, 86 on saturday, and monday, there's the labor day forecast. partly sunny, and it's a good one right now. >> summer going out with a bang. >> it's been banging all along. >> the countdown to colbert is on. in 7 dayings stephen colbert will be the face of late night, but right now you can hear his voice in your car thanks to the app known as ways. >> i can change the settings to get a voice i trust. stephen colbert. ahead. ugh, traffic, my least favorite kind of jam, followed by apricot and toe. >> they have partnered with the ap waze, and you can now hear stephen narrate your driving directions and hit the road with him until september 22nd. we learned today that joe biden will be among colbert's first set of guests on next thursday's show. i wonder if he will talk about running for higher office or something like that his first show will be two 2 days prior on the 8th here on cbs 2 news at 11. guests will include george clooney and jeb bush. it's time for otis livingston to tell us what's going on in sports. >> it's the nitty-gritty, and the mets and yankees, big playoffs all the way. jeter taking in action at the u.s. open. [muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. so far i've counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and i'm super tired! tweens--fun age, huh? you have places to go. 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they were up 6-0 before putting up the 5th spot. another homer for the mets, and then the big thoughts of the womanback were short lived, that error did not help his cause, and then darren rough with his 5th and 6th runs of the game. the middle relief struggles again for the mets. the phillies win it 14-8. the jets placed jason marrow on the injured reserve. leonard will be sidelined for the preseason finale, but he's still gunning for the season opener. revis and the other starters will probably not play on thursday, but they have a job on the sideline before week one when they host cleveland. >> starting to get into the cleveland week, and for the other guys, we have a month end task, by helping the young guys, this last game, and also moving forward to improvement. >> and don't forget, there's still some roster spots up for grabs on this team, so be sure to tune in to thursday night's preseason finale against the eagles beginning at 6:00 here on cbs 2. i will be there, will you? >> sometime to step aside for a mint, day 2 at the u.s. open, roger federer barely broke a sweat in his first round matchup. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. evyo ithhoe n onnellt ce on fs s 0 g wnadee, thqu uoa ee.soouanpld uravit viosp 5faerha cae. anwi t fs bi a,yocavi yr teaien atom oonheo.buthma rsotoetio 'rrad mb 1n stertiacony osulmalyth'sy. rit w,et0 g osteettv pnetain at799 moh,arte f t yrs pl g $0 ckita oye aeentca ogonle darrth oernd ptbe19. geouofheas g fs.wod lloromhi swt.nnspt atno.soouc fa.. dot ghyo ititswi 1 cors ch y rw ch camchsekebeon welcome back, everyone. donald young battled back from down two sets, and andy murray highlighting the ninth section with the victory, and it only took federer a few quick sets to win. federer has only won 1 of the last 21 matches but he comes in winning the last few matches. loeb has her debut ruined by wozniacki, but she got to do it in front of derek jeter, and that is nice. he looks so excited. didn't he? place. >> he is the king of new york. >> he will always be that guy. >> he's not worried about the al east or anything like that. >> he's not worried about anything. >> exactly. thank you, back in a minute. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . thank you so much for joining us tonight in an hour, the late lay show with james corden. he has paula abdul and steve burn. for the entire team have a great night. we will see you back here

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Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20150902 :

Transcripts For WCBS CBS 2 News At 11 20150902

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. i broke out of the handcuffs when i was at the hospital when they almost killed me, and they just tried to again. >> captured and talking to our cameras, an escapee telling her side of the story. good evening, everyone. i'm maurice debois. kristine is off. jessica schneider is live in tribeca with more details on the story from the escapee herself. jessica? >> reporter: tiffany neumann is not surrendering without a fight. she yelled out to reporters tonight as police led her out of the precinct. she insists she is pregnant, even though police say she isn't, and she defended her actions after 36 hours on the run. >> really need someone to help me. >> reporter: 23-year-old tiffany neumann claiming she is the victim after busting out of handcuffs on sunday night and escaping from police custody. did you steal a woman's credit card? >> i didn't steal it. she left it in the bar for me, and i used it. >> reporter: she spent her 36 hours of freedom bar hopping and committing grand larceny. she went straight to the south line sea port after walking out of the hospital where a now suspended cop left her alone while he went to the bathroom. neumann stole the cell phone and credit cards of a woman she met while drinking a beer. that woman reported the stolen items to the police, and the video shows her in her hospital scrubs, making purchases at this newsstand. >> i bought cigarettes and food. >> reporter: police nabbed her tuesday morning when she showed up at her aunt's home on west 109th street. she's the fourth suspect to escape custody since june. robert mccree says it's not as much a number problem as it is a perception problem. >> the nypd has 1,000 arrests a day, and since june there's been 60,000 or 70,000 arrests for escaped control, and that's four too many, but it's not really a tragedy for the police management. >> reporter: and tiffany neumann is awaiting arrangement on additional charges tonight, including escape, grand larceny and criminal possession of stolen property, all charges results from her alleged antics on sunday night into monday. live outside of the criminal courthouse on lower manhattan, jessica schneider, cbs 2 news. now to a cbs 2 exclusive, sanitation workers are accused of refusing to take out the trash, unless the bartender serves them drinks, and tracee carrasco has this story now from jersey city. >> guy was so blatant, and he seemed to think in this day and age, he wouldn't get caught. >> reporter: the owner of the pint in jersey city is fighting back against sanitation workers who tried to shake down employees at his bar. it was on august 13th, and you can see in this surveillance video the man with the jersey city incinerator authority uniform walked up, demanding his employees step outside. >> his supervisor told him he could no longer pick up his recycling, but he would do so if we bribed him with liquor. >> reporter: the worker refused and the man promised to return. when he returned last week, sterling says his surveillance cameras once again captured him demanding alcohol in exchange for doing his job. >> they asked for liquor and made it clear we would have to supply liquor for this gentleman and his entire truck on a weekly basis. >> reporter: the agency is not managed by the city but they said we are working to shut it down after a long history of corruption. >> it bothers me a lot that we have a few corrupt people that mar the reputation of other city employees and the city that so many of us love. >> reporter: the city investigating the incident, and we reached out to the jersey city incinerator authority but have not heard back. tracee carrasco, cbs 2 news. now to a developing story, the search for three suspected cop killers now in its 14th hour. the officer was gunned down this morning about 50 miles northwest of chicago in the community of fox lake, and authorities have been going door-to-door searching for trains and other things. earlier they shutdown local air space, and police say 30 year veteran, charles gwenowitz was shot down after he got into a foot chase with the suspects. former wrestling superstar, jimmy superfly smuka charged with murdering her girlfriend. she was found in a motel room in allentown, pennsylvania. it's believed the wrestler beat her and then denied her medical care. they built the case partly on his auto biography. >> he talked about frequent use of cocaine, steroid use, and other drug use. >> he is now 72 and said to have failing health. dillon baker who has a reoccurring role on "the good wife" jumped into action when fire broke out on his west side high rise. he lives on the 33rd floor at the plaza, and after getting his family out, he worried about his neighbor who uses a walker, and he pounded on the door. >> i hoped the door, -- i opened the door,s and i surprised to find it open. there was smoke coming out all over me, and i yelled again, and i didn't find anything. >> when firefighters arrived, they found a woman inside of the apartment, and tonight she is listed in serious condition. a burglary spike in brooklyn, and one of the latest victims is a bride to be who is missing jewelry she wants to hear on her wedding day. the story from tony aiello at 11. >> it's not how rachel expected to spend the week before her wedding, trolling craigslist, and ebay hoping to find her stolen jewelry for sale. >> that's what i'm thinking of now instead of thinking of marrying the love of my life. >> reporter: this was the scene on august 24th, burglars ransacking box after box of jewelry she inherited from her grandmother and others. >> every piece had a lot of meaning for me, things i hoped to wear on my wedding day, i am now unable to. >> reporter: including diamond studs and a gold bracelet, her fiancee's wedding band was also stolen. here in the 76th precinct, dozens of other residents may not share this bride-to-be's exact story but they do share her anguish. >> reporter: burglary in the 7- 6 are up 80% year-to-date. 91 this year from 51 last year. one long time resident wonders if burglars are attracted by the wave of new residents. >> a wave of young professionals, and the burglars are getting smart. >> hopefully by the time i get back from my honeymoon, the police will have found something for me. >> reporter: she's trying to focus on what she will gain on her wedding day, not what she has lost. tony aiello, cbs 2 news. a striking move from pope francis. the pontiff issuing a letter to priests around the world temporarily allowing them over the coming year to forgive women who have had abortions. it's already a common practice in most u.s. parishes, but it addresses even broader issues. >> he's sending a strong message, not just to women, but speaking to all of us in need of forgiveness. >> reporter: thousands will have a chance to see the pope when he arrives in the area. he added a procession through central park to his io dent rare. new york state residents can apply online or go call 311 for a chance to win tickets to the historic events. he will arrive on september 24th and leave on the 26th. look for live coverage here on cbs 2 and streaming live on continuing to defy a supreme court ruling, a kentucky clerk is refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples and she stood firm when a couple demand she do her job. >> i pay your salary. i pay your salary. >> we pay your salary. >> i'm paying for you to discriminate against me right now. >> kim davis stopped issuing all marriage licenses after the supreme court legalized same- sex marriage in june. she said she never thought she would be asked to held her deeply-held religious beliefs. she is refusing to back down even though she would could face fines and jail time. she has been ordered to appear in federal court on thursday, and cbs news learned davis herself has been married four times. new tonight fans of the broadway show les miserables stood outside of the theater to honor kyle jean-baptiste. he died on friday after falling from a fire escape in brooklyn. he was the youngest person and the first african american to play the lead role on broadway. more turbulence on wall street with the stocks making the third biggest drop of the year. at the closing bell, the dow was down by 469 points, and the nasdaq was down by show. markets in asia are down indicating we could see a fall here tomorrow. a moment a fight club for kids. day care workers accused of pitting preschoolers against each other. >> i'm upstairs in the closet, and i'm trying to hide. i don't know what to do. >> home alone and hiding, a strange man trying to get inside, and a little girl gathers clues to help the police. all smiles selfie during a divorce. the photo op that could be trendy for couples parting ways. take a look at these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf roping... yep, greatness deserves recognition. you got any trophies, cowboy? whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row. well i'll be... does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. disturbing allegations of a day care fight club, and tonight two former day care workers are accused of urging young children to fight and then video taping it. prosecutors allege the workers a the the lightbridge academy in new jersey forced the violence. >> a dozen children between the ages of 4-6, just fighting, throwing each other to the ground, hitting each other. >> what we would like to focus on at this point a the children are safe. that's our number one priority. >> reporter: 22-year-old erica kenny and 28-year-old chanese white are charged with child abuse, and both have been fired. a 12-year-old girl home alone, helped the catch the man who was trying to break into her house. >> i'm upstairs, in the closet, and i'm trying to hide, and i don't know what to do. >> police in auburn, massachusetts, near boston said the girl was home alone when the man started to pull at the front and side doors, and the girl was able to get a picture and video of the suspect, and then she hid in a closet and called the police. >> he's wearing a hat and has a rag in his back pocket. he's trying to get in everywhere. >> officers caught up to 53- year-old clinton joyce and arrested him. investigators said joyce also tried to get into a neighbor's home. no one was hurt. the end of a couple's marriage is getting a lot of publicity, for the selfie they posted on facebook. cbs 2's valerie castro with the story. >> reporter: couple from calgary, canada, is all smiles. they completed the walk down the aisle for divorce court. >> good for them. >> i think it's weird. i hate selfies. >> reporter: the facebook post had thousands of likes in just days. shannon and chris neumann explained their cheerful faces and divorce. they released the following statement: >> my first impression, it was cute. >> reporter: this attorney says it sheds a positive light on a usually negative event for the couples. >> it shows these people were able to get through their divorce with a great degree of friendliness and humor. >> reporter: she thinks it's best to leave the kids out of it. >> it affects not only the couple but the entire family. >> the divorce selfie is about the couple, not so much the kids. >> do we really care as a society about whether people get divorced or not? >> reporter: the canadian couple probably didn't realize it would get worldwide attention, and the post has since been removed from public view on facebook. reporting in midtown, manhattan, valerie castro, cbs 2 news. time now to talk about weather. lonnie quinn is here. if you're splitting hairs, there's a heat wave going on. >> i think what maurice is talking about, we had the heat wave by 1 degree, we were 90 degrees for less than an hour today, but it's the third 90- degree day, and right now, outside, the 60s seven o'clock0s around the area. 69 right now, and this is from barry in bloomingdale, new jersey, and barry what do you have to say tonight? one of our trusted weather watchers. we badly need the rain. you got it, barry, you bet. this keeps the entire area dry. barry is is a closet meteorologist. barry, my hat is off to you. you are right, we don't see a lot of rain brewing, barry, i will tell you more than you just put on the board. we are over 2 inches behind where we should be for the august rain bucket, but half a foot for the entire year, and we need rain. not out there tonight, it's a beauty. 78degrees, and the headlines coming together like this. today's high temperature, 90 degrees, and that does make three in a row. the second official heat wave for 2015. not an oddity for september, but typically your temperatures should be going down, and ours are going up. 90 in central park was the lone hot spot in the area. jfk, islip, 87. bridgeport, connecticut, 86 today, and for tomorrow, close again, as maurice was saying, we are splitting hairs here. i will go with 89 degrees. more of a sea breeze is kicking in. a bright, sunny day, feeling hotter tomorrow than it was today. 90 to 93 depending where you are. the hair mass is beautiful, and this is the next weather maker. fine for thursday, and the front will come to town, and then you could squeeze squeeze out rain thursday into friday, and it will not be as hot by the time you get to friday. the numbers, hot again tomorrow. 9, 91 on thursday. late thursday into friday, the cold front is coming through the area. could see rain, but it doesn't look like a drencher. we could use big rains, but it doesn't look like it will do that. 82 on friday, and then spending a moment to talk about this. it's a beauty, my man. 86 on friday, 86 on saturday, and monday, there's the labor day forecast. partly sunny, and it's a good one right now. >> summer going out with a bang. >> it's been banging all along. >> the countdown to colbert is on. in 7 dayings stephen colbert will be the face of late night, but right now you can hear his voice in your car thanks to the app known as ways. >> i can change the settings to get a voice i trust. stephen colbert. ahead. ugh, traffic, my least favorite kind of jam, followed by apricot and toe. >> they have partnered with the ap waze, and you can now hear stephen narrate your driving directions and hit the road with him until september 22nd. we learned today that joe biden will be among colbert's first set of guests on next thursday's show. i wonder if he will talk about running for higher office or something like that his first show will be two 2 days prior on the 8th here on cbs 2 news at 11. guests will include george clooney and jeb bush. it's time for otis livingston to tell us what's going on in sports. >> it's the nitty-gritty, and the mets and yankees, big playoffs all the way. jeter taking in action at the u.s. open. [muted singing throughout] these girls have waited 62 days for this concert tonight. so far i've counted 32 omgs, 75 lols, 13 yolos, and i'm super tired! tweens--fun age, huh? you have places to go. 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they were up 6-0 before putting up the 5th spot. another homer for the mets, and then the big thoughts of the womanback were short lived, that error did not help his cause, and then darren rough with his 5th and 6th runs of the game. the middle relief struggles again for the mets. the phillies win it 14-8. the jets placed jason marrow on the injured reserve. leonard will be sidelined for the preseason finale, but he's still gunning for the season opener. revis and the other starters will probably not play on thursday, but they have a job on the sideline before week one when they host cleveland. >> starting to get into the cleveland week, and for the other guys, we have a month end task, by helping the young guys, this last game, and also moving forward to improvement. >> and don't forget, there's still some roster spots up for grabs on this team, so be sure to tune in to thursday night's preseason finale against the eagles beginning at 6:00 here on cbs 2. i will be there, will you? >> sometime to step aside for a mint, day 2 at the u.s. open, roger federer barely broke a sweat in his first round matchup. it took serena williams years to master the two handed backhand. but only one shot to master the chase mobile app. technology designed for you. so you can easily master the way you bank. evyo ithhoe n onnellt ce on fs s 0 g wnadee, thqu uoa ee.soouanpld uravit viosp 5faerha cae. anwi t fs bi a,yocavi yr teaien atom oonheo.buthma rsotoetio 'rrad mb 1n stertiacony osulmalyth'sy. rit w,et0 g osteettv pnetain at799 moh,arte f t yrs pl g $0 ckita oye aeentca ogonle darrth oernd ptbe19. geouofheas g fs.wod lloromhi swt.nnspt atno.soouc fa.. dot ghyo ititswi 1 cors ch y rw ch camchsekebeon welcome back, everyone. donald young battled back from down two sets, and andy murray highlighting the ninth section with the victory, and it only took federer a few quick sets to win. federer has only won 1 of the last 21 matches but he comes in winning the last few matches. loeb has her debut ruined by wozniacki, but she got to do it in front of derek jeter, and that is nice. he looks so excited. didn't he? place. >> he is the king of new york. >> he will always be that guy. >> he's not worried about the al east or anything like that. >> he's not worried about anything. >> exactly. thank you, back in a minute. i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara . thank you so much for joining us tonight in an hour, the late lay show with james corden. he has paula abdul and steve burn. for the entire team have a great night. we will see you back here

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