Steel exports to America said in a statement that if you'd any trade restrictions on Canadian steel and aluminum as absolutely unacceptable Lisa thanks John right now the Dow is down 90 points it had been down over 300 points earlier an armed suspect still on the loose after a deadly shooting at Central Michigan University 2 people killed in a dorm a tragic event took place on our campus but university police lieutenant Larry Clough says neither victim was a student or that it may have been the result of a domestic dispute they're searching for a 19 year old suspect named James Eric Davis considered armed and dangerous Fox News and balanced. Hey this Ricky from being in jail you like freedom I do you like money I don't have to if you like freedom and money and you're going to love freedom chicks you see over the next few months an estimated $34600000000.00 up for grabs to anyone who stakes there quite yet you heard that right $34600000000.00 to get all the details just go to Debbie Debbie huge freedom checks dot com Thousands of people already lined up to cash in thanks for example he's a 46 year old from Joplin Missouri said to get a check for 24000 said if I doubt if the can do this I've got a hunch that you can too but here's the thing if you want the chance to grab your full fair share of this $34600000000.00 payout you must have your ducks in a robot April 1st so no white get over to Debbie Debbie Debbie a huge freedom checks dot com before the April 1st deadline that's Debbie Debbie Debbie a huge freedom checks dot com w c b s news time 103 I'm Michael Philip l.a. In the 680 w c b a Maryland News Center some trucks and dozens of trees around the area have been toppled today and power and power outages reported due to the high winds and gusts weeping through the state the high wind warning issued by the National Weather Service stretches into tomorrow with the strongest winds being felt all day today well expect high winds from 25 to 40 miles per hour and gusts from 60 to 70 miles per hour more than $126000.00 Marylanders were without power before noon the Chesapeake Bay Bridge on Route 50 is closed in both directions the I $95.00 tydings bridge was closed after 2 overturned tractor trailers one northbound and one southbound the u.s. 40 at Hatim bridge remains open though it's wonderful when restrictions and subject to temporary closures at any time Mark trains are shut down all service on the Penn Camden and Brunswick lines have been canceled the Maryland Senate passed a bill yesterday to strengthen a 2013 law addressing online bullying of children. The Senate passed the 1000000000 and mostly and now goes to the house in sports college lacrosse tomorrow 2nd rank Maryland has number 8 Notre Dame at 11 am Number 9 Loyola visits Holy Cross Navy is a Bucknell to house and hose you n.b.c. And 18 Frank Johns Hopkins tools number 20 Princeton a home Winfield 6 pm your weather channel forecast is next Congress will also have a court order for Missouri for 13 hours and I sit in my truck and I drive out of boredom I'll stop it if I'm not doing fast I guarantee there's a bag of chips open on my desk or I was all until hamburger 400 I started out or months ago and since taking under 400 I've dropped 45 pounds I'm sleeping better there's no craving I actually don't even think about food my knee pain went away I've had some lower back to shoes and I've noticed that that went away and I can only contribute that to and report 101 think it and report it said on the radio ad as it attacks but with that well let me tell you the 2nd month is where I saw a drastic change in the size of my stomach I've lost 6 such as this product really does work so guys if you'd like to experience similar results then get Enderle 400 the safe natural and inexpensive way to boost your testosterone go to Andrew 400 dot com or call 8084000435884000435 your exclusive w c b m Weather Channel forecast very windy conditions for serious we finish up the Business Week and head into the upcoming weekend we continue with the high wind warning through 6 am Saturday morning winds could gust at times of over 50 mph cloudy and windy here this afternoon with a couple of snow showers still possible mid forty's cloudy and windy tonight mid thirty's still rather windy Saturday mix of clouds and sun hyest tomorrow around 50 much less wind Sunday partly cloudy skies low fifty's I'm Ken boon from the Weather Channel for Talk Radio 680 w.c.p.n. a Constellation doc in Baltimore 47 degrees 45 at City Dock in Annapolis reporting a 106 on Michael Philip l e 680 w c. News The w c b m studios are sponsored by safer time solutions school Rhonda Rowland today at 412-161-1241 the Web site Retirement Solutions dot com The Rush Limbaugh Show starts now on talk radio 688 w c b m. Welcome back my friends great to have you with us it's Rush Limbaugh the one and only Excellence in Broadcasting Network remember in all 4 corners of the world. And this program have become household names. From sunny south Florida so well thank you to. All but one Friday Jim about you a little more look see go see on the other days of the league but of course it all depends. On what's in the movie. And what happens to be of interest to me. If I don't care about it. It means you don't need to worry. If I don't talk about it. You don't even know about. That how. Much. Although my Friday means you can talk about whatever in addition it doesn't have to be anything I care about and it doesn't have to be anything in the news it can be a question a comment a complaint. 80282288. I was just searching the spam folder because sometimes mail that should reach me. For some reason gets in there and even though I've got all kinds of safeguards against that I mean isn't there's a number of steps you can take to make sure mail you want does not end up in the spam folder but even having taken those steps some of the mail has that gets those I peruse it now and then. When I have time just to make sure that there's nothing in there that I need saving and I ran across what is obviously a phishing. Trick e-mail but I got a kick out of it because it's so it's a. It's an Orthodox and goes so against the cultural grain today and yet these are people trying to get people to click on the link the link in this email is Quink to a quick To unsubscribe That means if you know want to continue to get pestering him Alles from us quick on unsubscribe and if you do that you are potentially opening up your computer to the people that sent you this thing that's what happened to John Podesta he fell for one of these type things a phishing attack. Well I don't fall for phishing attacks I haven't for a long long time but this one going switched I made a copy of it we've put it in the dental cam switcher so that those of you watching on the devil cam can actually see this that looks like the fox trademark does it not that looks it's not but it's very close it's very close to the fox. Icon or logo. Underneath it says Fox News newest face Sandra Smith reveals the truth behind. Keep their jobs and then there's a picture of Sanderson she's a she's an anchor an info babe on Fox know as she hosts a. Show at noon she doesn't stuff on the Fox Business Network there's a picture of her on set wearing a very short skirt smiling it's obviously a legitimate press photo I don't know how these clowns got it but they've got it so Fox News newest face Sandra Smith reveals the truth behind. How females keep their jobs than you stare at the picture and the right under the picture is a caption women need to be attractive and in shape. We're not this is going to irritate every every time I'm not seeing and left wing because that is the exact opposite of what they think. In fact it's one of the reasons that they got so mad in the early era days of modern feminism and then there's the giant lank read more. And it just it amused me because it reduces. What women have to do to succeed look good. In. These guys think it's going to generate a lot of clicks and it probably will I mean if people fall for his kind of attacks . Well look I have again I'm I'm assuring a warning here and I'm actually trying to be protective of Sandra Smith she's not participating in this her image is being used illegally I guarantee you Sandra Smith has not signed on to this there's nothing to sign onto here this is a fraudulent phishing attack and they probably got a picture that they're going to say is in the public domain. And there isn't a there is not a company mentioned here so there's nobody to target it's a straight out of the book phishing attack. I'm not going to comment on the picture so that would be forming for the trick here is trying to goad me by commenting himself on his impressions of the picture of Sanderson and I'm going to remain above that I'm not falling for that and that's why again more evidence of why the people on the other side of the glass do not have live microphones on the show I want to go to the phones because we are fortunate to have just Sluggo called Sluggo as markets are looked at markets are a who very brief version flew the American flag on his tanker into the invasion of Iraq 2003 unbeknown to me in my honor and it flew on other planes that day he sent the flag of explanation to me unbeknownst to me he has written a book. That came out last November about his life in the Air Force as a tanker pilot and he's called I mean he actually got through says not me put him up there is in line to some are going to break protocol we're going to take a call in the monologue section Sluggo How you doing. Well welcome to the e.i.b. Network. First time caller longtime listeners I think 91991 welcome to the 1st Gulf War 2 What do we owe the pleasure of your called a Sluggo I find this story about your Christian or security clearance fascinating in a fake news kind of way I spent 24 and a half years in the military right on active duty and my security clearance was upgraded and downgraded numerous times. And it all depends on your job position but more importantly rush on your need to know because we have to protect the information but more importantly protect the methods and discipline on how we got the information how much similarity do you think there is in your. Being examined. For clearance check and so move between what you had to pass in the Air Force and what they're doing in the White House what are similarities and many in what you have to do to prove you need to know. When I was working in the defense industry they're asking me the same questions I was being asked when I was on active duty rush the background checks cover the same things financial I was always asked Do I have bank accounts in foreign countries where are those bank accounts how much is in the bank accounts these things these kinds of questions are normal rush and so the evaluation that we went through for our security clearances covers a lot of aspects to make sure that you know we aren't targets for espionage and somebody coming up and flashing a lot of cash to us and say and we need this information we'll pay you this much for it and have something happen in the cushion or story that made you want to call here and he's here I guess is clearance has been downgraded from top secret a secret whatever that means and they're saying that this is happening because he has fallen out of favor that maybe some people don't trust him in the White House they're trying to make it as negative as they can be what I gather you're saying is that these changes happen all the time based on need to know rather than. People's judgment of somebody stepped in is correct that is correct and when I didn't have a need to know my security clearance Rush was downgraded from top secret down to secret. Well I look I'm understanding you don't know a thing about what's going in the White House and I'm not I'm not trying to entrap you here but but how could his need to know change on a day to day re month to month basis I mean passes his background checks apparently get some degree of clearance for security and then we're told that the chief of staff decided to change. The system whereby clearances are passed out and that resulted in Jared cushion or being downgraded a swat you know you think something's nefarious about this or you're trying to explain that it's really it's really not nefarious I'm trying to explain that it's not nefarious and these kinds of evaluations Rush go on all the time and so the only reason we even know about this is because question or is the target of Trump's enemies media and so forth no why is whenever we know that everybody and Trump family has been a target haven't. Had any remains on to make a story and they're just trying to make a big story out of this and there's there's really no reason for it because like I said Rush I was in certain positions and I had a need to know secret information and my security clearance was graded accordingly when I left that position or I didn't have a need to know that information my security clearance was downgraded back to secret and this kind of movement happened numerous times throughout my career and the military guys all understand that it's going to happen depending on what you're doing and I just don't think it's a big story I don't think they're making a big thing out of it and there's no reason to smile but you know if you had to go through a security clearance check it had to go through 7 different organizations in the Pentagon again it's just to protect the information but. Well the way to let you know you're holding the 2nd now you took a turn I want to follow you did the Department of Defense or any of the people that you ever submit your book manuscript to did they make you take anything out because of potential security violations or threats there were things that could have been redacted but fortunately I wrote my book in such a manner that. I was careful not to put things in there that I knew would cause security red flag also grounds so you got an unabridged I did book out there past the Pentagon and guess when I got them the proof. Well by the way if you don't have that then by the way I've got that front page and it's got that stamp on it September 11th I thought that was kind of a good omen Now that is why I remember when Colonel Hayes sorry by the way for those of you just joining us this is tell a current overtired Marcus our u.s. Air Force to tank hers and one other aircraft if you fly the sights tankers in your career shortlist I thought I flown an f. 15 I have even flown an oil Air Force a b. C. 10 tankers c. 130 a wax and I have 10 catapult assisted takeoff and 10 arrested landing if you ever had I guess why a Warthog or hog only a single seater so I thought they'd have to strap me to the wing to fly. Ok so. You're right I remember when Sluggo just cited to write the book and his original title was passing gas which I thought was just an ideal I thought of in part because you flies tanker jets in the military passing gas because nobody kicks ass without tanker gas right nobody. I thought it was but you downgraded the time when you change you didn't downgraded and the book came out there's actually another book out there called Passing gas and. The folks that Simon and Schuster said let's change the title a little bit and so we did oh I didn't know that. But you know everybody loved the story about you helping us hunt Bin Ladin. Told you that Maurice right. Well tell it to I love my ego prevents me bragging to that degree so very briefly to tell her story about me helping write tell it in 2002 we were able to pinpoint Osama bin Laden's location and the site to Dolly and my team had to create a refueling system for Operation Anaconda and we had 3 or fueling areas we named them Russ Hannity and O'Reilly. And bipartisan because the military has to be bipartisan on the far left hand side of the country right up against the Iranian border we put Hillary and Kennedy. Right during the war in Iraq when we move tankers in the Iraqi airspace I named them all after female country western singer. We opened Reba and said I asked south of Baghdad we had faith after Faith Hill near Baghdad Martina McBride had one named after her near the Syrian border but. We were all really pleased to know that Rush Limbaugh was helping a hunt Osama bin Laden over the fact that valley in March of 2002 and it's another thing that was being done I was totally totally unaware of it Well look I don't congratulations on getting millions of pounds the gas and Russia you know that. You and the found millions and you would use. My airplane takes off with 180000 pounds of gas and your vehicle won't use that 27 years I know and just think of all the climate change damage one take. One take off of yours is wreaking Why hang would rather have effect in this beneficent see any day of the week absolutely Hey I'm glad you called it's a thrill that you want took the time to get through here and and appreciate your input on leave security clearance stuff Jared questionnaire again he doesn't think there's anything nefarious here it's just people's need to know what changes based on new is and so forth in the media as hyping this as a way of taking another pot shot at Trump and his and his family so you're in Salt Lake City right now right yes. Here in Utah write more books well congratulations in the 1st one is awesome it's. Selling well doing well and and I did a lecture over the weekend C.-Span actually recorded it for possible broadcast in a couple weeks and well you did a science preview what you did a C.-Span book book t.v. Interview. Over the weekend I was giving a lecture at the killer for space to see him and C.-Span recorded for broadcast in 2 or 3 weeks will go well that's fabulous So yeah it's really fun that's 5 while I've been on C.-Span there Hartnell's. Well you know a lot of programs. I have great quality you're there Mark thank you I'm glad to hear from that's Mark Asara nickname Sluggo great tanker pilot United States Air Force for 24 years we have to take a break we'll be right back I used to do don't we listen. To the Russian My e.i.b. Network Rush Limbaugh m w c.b.s. . 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