Transcripts For WCAU Today 20240622 :

Transcripts For WCAU Today 20240622

caught. breaking her sighlencesilence. the naacp activist breaking her silence, but her parents are speaking out. this morning, her mother and father join us to say why they decided to set the record straight. and hurricane warning. despite a slow start to the season this year the danger is real. dylan takes us inside the powerful winds today, saturday june 13th. >> announcer: from nbc news this is "today" with lester holt and erica hill. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." i'm erica hill. >> and i'm carson daly in for lester holt alongside sheinelle jones and dylan dreyer. >> we start with breaking news with the standoff on the texas highway. we have charles this morning with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, erica. dallas police came under attack from one or more people inside an armorreded van. after a police chase and shootout a standoff is under way. after midnight an armored van pulls pulls up to headquarters and four shooters firing on police from what could have been multiple locations. officers start to return fire but the van rammed the scene and sped away. the scene captured by several nearby and posted to twitter. onlookers shocked by the flurry of gunshots. dallas police say it was an armored vehicle. >> they were shooting at police officers from different locations. possibly elevated. >> reporter: luckily no officers injured. dallas police asking for the public's help. this is the first time the headquarters has been under attack. four bags out is side the headquarter, one with a pipe bomb. dozens of officers and s.w.a.t. members head to the van and then the van heads to the interstate. >> s.w.a.t. officers are s ares are currently talking with the suspect by cell phone and trying to find a peaceful solution. >> reporter: the interstate shutdown amid high drama and standoff this morning. no one was injured in the wild shootout and police chase. the suspect is described as 36-year-old white male is talking to police by cell phone. he said quote, you took my child and called me a terrorist. now i'll blow you up. erica. >> chilling words. the fact he is talking with them is a good sign. do we know if there are other suspects? we hear multiple shots and multiple locations. >> reporter: that's what is confusing. it happened in the darkness. gun shots were ricochetting everywhere around the police building. police thought they might have heard shots from an apartment building in an elevated position. they are searching the area now. they also found four bags and one bag contained what the chief said was a pipe bomb. >> we will monitor that situation as the standoff is happening. charles hadlock, thanks. we are learning details about the new york prison employee who helped two escape. she is behind bars as the search for the killers enters the second week. we have nbc's miguel almaguer in morrison new york. >> reporter: good morning, carson. roads are closed and road blocks are up as they believe the fugitives are in the area and the woman who helped them is herself behind bars. arraigned overnight, 51-year-old joyce mitchell faces charges. charged with promoting prison contraband and criminal facilitation. this complaint says mitchell snuck hacksaw blades chisels, a punch and screwdriver bit five weeks before the escape. >> the investigation is ongoing to other charges that we may file relative to joyce mitchell. those will be determined at a later time. >> reporter: sources close to the investigation tell nbc news mitchell thought it was love when she agreed to be the get away driver for david sweat and richard matt. convicted murderers. sources say mitchell got cold foot and never showed when the convicts appeared from the manhole. >> this is one piece of the puzzle. >> reporter: the district attorney also told cnn mitchell's husband is now part of the prison prone and could have been involved or knowledge of the breakout. >> her husband has not been charged with any crime. her husband is not in custody. >> reporter: the search for sweat and matt is in the second week. the small community surrounding the prison fortress. the community holed up together. 800 officers on the ground following 700 leads. every day, police swarming a different neighborhood. many living in fear. >> they could be in my backyard anytime. >> the choppers are overhead. >> you can hear them now. they do get very close. the other day, they could land on my roof. >> reporter: police believe the inmates may be on foot. they may be cold wet and hungry. officers also say that would make these dangerous men more desperate. back to you. >> miguel almaguer with the latest. miguel thanks. john copp is the retired u.s. marshal. john good morning. >> good morning. >> as miguel pointed out we are in day eight. a lot of rain in the area. they are likely cold potentially hungry. if you are leading the investigation, where do you think they are mentally? >> they will be mentally fatigued and worn out. if they did not seek nichelle after out there. one of the actors also has a medical condition which requires medication. some back injury or something along that line. so their personalities may be wearing on each other at this point. they are like in a frenzy at this point. >> we are going on the assumption they are together. >> that's correct. >> any reason to believe they would have split up? >> in my experience in these cases, one or more prisoners involved they form a symbiotic relationship. in this case a goal to escape. they will use any people they can to reach that goal. that kind of fell apart when the get away car did not show up. in any experience these two individuals will still be together until they either reach that porous perimeter that is out there or get to the goal of pre-determined goal of wherever it was. that is why it is important for the public to be vigilant on sightings. because the search area is contained up there right now does not mean they may not have penetrated the border and gone elsewhere. >> they could look elsewhere all they we are focused on this one area. >> that's right. there is a parallel investigation going on into the criminal associates. >> as we are looking right now at joyce mitchell with the charges coming down. if you are talking to her as the investigator, what are you asking here at this point? what are you trying to glean from her? >> an opportunity. we don't know other than what's reported what information is out there. at this point. it is an opportunity for her to disclose any information that is helpful to the investigation. obviously the safety of the community is at risk here. safety of law enforcement, of course. any little bit of information is crucial. an old adage, one man's garbage is another man's treasure. any observation, anything at all. a broken window. a car missing. a neighbor that did not show up. anything in nature is what law enforcement will determine. >> john cuff i appreciate it. thanks. now to a busy day on the campaign trail. hillary clinton is kicking off the first campaign rally in new york as jeb bush wraps up his tour ahead of his big announce: we have nbc's andrea mitchell with more. >> good morning. hillary clinton will hold her first campaign rally in new york today and explain why she is running in a personal speech in a park in new york city. today's rally on an island named for franklin roosevelt is intended to evoke his legacy and eleanor roosevelt. she will say her real inspiration is her mother dorothy rodham. >> my mom never got to go to college. to see her daughter go to college. >> reporter: today's rally will be long on promises. women's rights affordable college, jobs rebuilt infrastructure. at her heels, challenger bernie sanders. taunting clinton for still not doing interviews. and rarely answering press questions. >> it is hard for me to understand how you can run for president of the united states and not answer any question you are asked. i do that every day. >> reporter: clinton is dominating the democratic field, but polls say she is not honest or trust worthy over her e-mails and clinton foundation donors. >> i think the critical question for voters going forward and right question is who will they count on and trust to be fighting for them every day in the white house from the oval office. >> reporter: bill clinton at his wife's side for the first time in the campaign denied to cnn any conflict of interest. >> i never study a list of contributors. i had no idea who was doing business before the state department. >> reporter: and from here in new york clinton heads to iowa and new hampshire. aides say she will start to be more available for questions. they say it is early in a long campaign. >> when? >> we are still waiting. >> a lot to come. >> nice to have you here. >> thanks. another member of the political dynasty is in the headlines. jeb bush. he is expected to formally announce he is running for president on monday as he wraps up the high profile overseas tripped trip today. we have white house correspondent chris jansing in estonia with more. >> reporter: good morning, erica. i talked with him about his biggest speech happening on monday. he was here for five days in urine and getting picture taken with world leaders and visiting historical sites, back home, abilities to fund raise and poll numbers. i started out by asking him what are his priorities over the next couple of days. >> i need to sharpen the saw. i need to go to mass. i need to be with my grand kids. >> emotional? mental? >> i need to decompress a little bit on sunday. >> the things that are going on while you were here. the questions about your staff and fund raising. where is that on your priority list? >> it is not on it. i learned to prioritize. my job as a candidate to be the best to persuade people of the ideas i have are right for the future of the country. >> reporter: jeb bush tells me his speech is done. he will practice it over the weekend. he feels excited to get started. his campaign staff feels good about what happened. two rules about the foreign trips. one is you have to look presidential. you have to be able to hold your own on the world stage. he met with the leaders of all three countries he came to and also do no harm. no gaffes that plagued previous candidates. the real challenge for him on monday is can he inspire and separate himself from an increasingly crowded field that is also raising money. erica. >> chris jansing, thanks. i want to get a check of the other stories on this busy morning. >> let's go to france where the fire started evacuations. >> a 25 block of columbia city indiana due to a chemical fire. police went house to house to get people out. a haz-mat team is on the scene. investigators have not determined what chemicals are burning or what caused the fire at a metal finishing plant. search crews head back out to washington state this morning. 23-year-old kyle bufet came separated from his group at 14,000 feet with winds up to 70 miles an hour. the others rescued sunday night. and frightened passengers evacuated on allegiant airlines on the wings. in boise, idaho, passengers smelled fuel and climbed on the wing. crews responded, but everyone was okay. actor john stamos of "full house" fame was arrested for dui. police received 911 calls about an erratic driver. once at the hospital he was suspected of driving under the influence. and michael sam, the first openly gay player drafted by the nfl is leaving his team for an unexplained reason. he was due to play for the canadian football league tonight, but he left the team friday for quote personal reasons. the u.s. women's soccer team is still first in the group in the world cup in canada, but advancing to the next round wasn't easy. they played sweden friday night. they can win the group if they win tuesday's match against nigeria. and the stanley cup finals. the blackhawks and lightning are tied at 2-2 each. you can watch it at 8:00 p.m. tonight on nbc. it is too hot or rainy? you can watch. >> the women's team so close. let's get a check of the weather from dylan. we have rain where we don't need more rain. through oklahoma and texas. it has been dry for the last several days but the ground is still soaking wet. some of this rain that we're seeing in the thunderstorms and downpours north of dallas could lead to flooding. we have flash flood watches in effect through parts of kansas and oklahoma. city included. also in wichita falls, texas. we have the tropical moisture. this is the pattern. moisture from the gulf of mexico and anytime you have tropical moisture when you get those downpours, because of the frontal system they tend to produce a lot of rain. st. louis is already raising awareness to the fact the missouri river could start to flood as we go into early next week. over the course of the next 48 hours, most of our rain through oklahoma with 2 to 3 inches of rain with the heavy as we head into the rest of today, our temperature range betweenle 8 and 92. not as hot as yesterday or humid, but well above average for this time of year so drink plenty of water as you start your weekend. if we hit 90 degrees, we have a heat wave on our hands. sunday a chance of storms and that chance of storms stays with us all next week. and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thanks. we will catch you up on the stories. a police officer caught on tape to the golden retriever who risked his life to save his owner. it is all (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. back on a saturday morning with the weekly download. >> from the mysteries on the grey novel to dennis hastert appearing in court over the sex scandal. the we begin with the manhunt in new york state. >> being on lookout. >> the man hunt for two escaped murderers intenseifyingntensifying. >> the prisoners in side by side cells stuffed beds with clothes. then cut through the steel wall and crawling on the catwalk and broke through a wall. they shimmied beneath the prison. and with officers stacked yards apart, teams are combing the areas. just three miles from the prison they escaped from. a police officer in mckinney, texas is out of a job after a disturbing scene at the pool party as he responded to the fights all caught on camera. >> now viewed more than 10,000 times online. former police officer eric casebolt spoke out through his attorney. >> he allowed his emotions to get the better of him. >> this contends casebolt responded to two suicide calls before the pool party call. and dennis hastert is out on bail. >> the indictment claims hastert made 15 withdrawing of $15,000 and 105 cash withdrawals all to pay an individual a to cover up past sexual misconduct. in entertainment, the disappearance of the anticipated novel has some wondering if it was a hoax. >> the latest entry in the "fifty shades" novel, just who christian grey is has been stolen. we have no comment to make due to the police investigation. police say they have not been made aware of any theft. leaving fifty shades fans asking not for the first time what is going on? a tale of loyalty and love. a golden retriever puts his life in danger to save his owner. figo and his owner, audrey stone, were on the way home when the bus headed toward them. the golden retriever lepd in front of the bus and figo sat by her side until the ambulance came. >> he is strong. he loves me and i love him. and a special performance by a retired dance teacher proving she can still move. ♪ >> oh, wow. >> you are awesome after nearly 20 years of teaching. >> oh, no. >> i love her. >> that is so good. >> that's the first time i have seen that. >> it is your dance teacher just do so well. as a kid, you are going look at her go. >> she is amazing. >> that is cool. >> and the head stand at the end. >> kids freak out. that was a great story this week. >> and especially your gym teacher. >> figo is a great story. we have wrangler. wrangler look at figo. >> do you think he is paying attention? >> i will not test it by going in front of a bus. >> and puppy envy. >> you kind of train the dog and hopefully they pick up on the emergency moments chls. >> we talked to saxon. the dog figo did not run away. still to come on a saturday edition of "today," did you know your smartphone could be tracking your every step. this one is not the way you imagine. we will show you how to disable that. also ahead, why would the parents of th good morning. i am rosemary connors. it's 7:25 on this saturday. get ready. we could hit a heat wave and meteorologist, brittney shipp has the details. >> it takes three straight days and we could see temperatures pushing into the 90s, and not as hot and humid as yesterday, but temperatures pushing close to 90 degrees. it's going to be hot. 73 in allentown. and 76? atlantic city, and if you take a look at the next eight hours, we will push into the 80s by 9:00 a.m., and by noon 84 degrees and 3:00 p.m. 87, and wind speeds going to shift out of the northwest with the breezy condition, but dry, and we range between 88 and 92. you can prepare for the potential heat wave and a chance for some storms this weekend with our nbc 10 news app. download it for free to get severe weather updates sent to your smartphone or tablet. new from overnight, police tell us a man shot an intruder inside his house in philadelphia. nbc 10 was on the scene on b street in olney. medics rushed the man into surgery and police tell us there was no signed of forced entry at the house, and they say the homeowner's girlfriend was also there at the time of the shooting. today wilmington's mayor and police commissioner will meet with citizens and residents with how to put the crime recommendations into action. the focus will be on what individuals and neighborhood groups and nonprofit organizations can all do together to help curb the violence in the city. the forum is set for 9:00 this morning at the church on north jefferson street in wilmington. we will see you in 25 minutes for another local update. now back to "today." ♪ love the music this morning. june 13th 2015. you are looking at the royal family at the balcony at buckingham palace to honor the queen's birthday. this is the first time we have seen duchess kate in public since giving birth to princess charlotte. it is 12:30. perhaps they are having lunch or getting ready for her nap. outside of our studio here on rockefeller plaza, we have a great crowd. >> much different scene. >> usa. >> that's how we roll. >> that's okay. >> we're going to say hi to them in a bit. >> from tea to coffee. also coming up what it is like to be stuck inside the middle of a hurricane. dylan went inside a hurricane simulator to find out. >> so much skin. >> yuck. >> not pretty. also ahead, the "rossen report" about your smartphone. could it be recording your every move and is one phone already making that private information public? you will not want to miss this one and we will show you how to disable it. we start with the naacp activist who claimed to be black, but outed by her parents as white. we will talk with her parents on monday. but hallie jackson has the national debate over the controversy. >> reporter: the city of spokane investigates if she lied on the application. she checked off black. her parents say she's not. >> she's caucasian by birth. >> reporter: the naacp is backing the president who teaches part-time. online she is slammed for what some call faking it. you don't have to be black to work and believe in the naacp, but you do have to be black to be black. >> she made a choice in her life to say i'm going to borrow these aspects of blackness to live my life. and that is not a choice that many black individuals have in this country. >> reporter: it's clear who she considers her father posting a photo of them on facebook. it is this exchange that has gone viral. >> i wonder if your dad really is an african-american man. >> that's a very -- i don't know what you're implying. >> are you african-american? >> i don't understand the question. >> reporter: later, she clarified. >> if i was asked, i would definitely say yes, i do consider myself to be black. >> it's very complicated. we have to open up about it and just accept generally how people want to self identify. >> reporter: if she wants to live her life as a black woman, let her. one person tweeted as the #transracial picked up online. others mocked it calling dolezel a fraud. the investigation is expected to stretch into next week. and for dolezel now? >> are you african-american? >> reporter: for "today," hallie jackson, nbc news. >> we are joined by her parents. good morning. >> good morning. >> she teaches african studies. when do you think she started to identify as african-american? >> i think her identification with african-americans has been over 20 years, but her choice to represent herself visually as an african-american or be involved in their causes and now to be deceptive about what her ethnicity is those are two different things. that's what's changed. >> why do you think she for lack of a better word has changed her identity? >> well she sought to change her identity. of course that's not possible. i don't know why she's chosen to be deceptive about her true identity. >> mr. dolezel, a local reporter shows rachel and picture of you and was asked if this is your dad. did you know about that and how did that make you feel? >> well it isn't very warm when you see your daughter calling someone else dad when you know you are her birth father. >> when you saw the interview on tape as her parents, what did you think? >> we thought rachel should just tell the truth. >> i know there is estrangement in your family. the african-american studies and work with the naacp. did that surprise you? >> no that did not surprise us. it is in line with work she has been interested in and involved with for many years. we have not heard directly from rachel any of this. it is all come through us through press or friends who have told us. >> some people might say this morning and ask why is it important to you to set the record straight? because she is lying about her background or perhaps she is lying about you and the accusations of issues with the whip and physical issues? >> well it is important to us that the truth is known. that's why we are speaking because we cannot participate by our silence in the lies. >> we hadn't been contacted and asked these questions until a few days ago. we didn't take the initiative. we were contacted by news media and asked. we have three choices. to lie to tell the truth or i guess say no comment and hang up. >> there's been a phrase going on online. transracial. i want your thoughts on the idea of somebody sliding in and out of ethnicity. what are your thoughts on that this morning? >> that's an interesting concept. >> yes and to identify with different people groups is i think, a healthy thing. to be involved in issues and friend. to be deceptive and dishonest of who you are, that is a different matter. >> lawrence and ruthann, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> it really is a fascinating story. interesting to see what she has to say on monday. >> a lot of people waiting to hear. dylan is on the plaza with another check of the weather. >> good morning. every once and a while on the plaza, you see a pretty sign that goes above and beyond. you made this for your friend? >> yes. >> where is she? >> nebraska. >> her name? >> taylor. >> is she watching? >> yes. >> happy birthday, taylor. it is hot in nebraska and in the southeast. with the humidity, it will feel like it is close to 100 especially in the carolinas and virginia where teammperatures will be 10 to 15 above average. cooler across northern new england. tomorrow just as hot. columbia south carolina 100 degrees. we have columbia people on the plaza. we have a cold front moving through. it will increase the chance of stronger storms. especially across western texas later this afternoon. we could see some brief flash flooding. it is a little unsettled back first alert meteorologist, brittney shipp. as we head into the rest of the day, temperatures will range between 88 and 92 degrees, and not quite as hot as yesterday and not quite as humid but well above average for this time of year so drink plenty of water as you start your weekend. if we hit a high of 90 degrees, we have a heat wave on our hands. sunday, mid-80s with a chance of storms and that chance of storms sticks with us all next week. and that's your latest forecast. erica and carson. >> dylan, thanks. still to come this morning, cashing in. wait until you hear how much money will be spent to elect our next president. and a rossen reports investigation. did you know your smartphone is what do you think of when you think of the united states postal service? exactly. that's what pushes us to deliver smarter simpler faster sleeker earlier fresher harder farther quicker and yeah even on sundays. what's next? we'll show you. how do you get to the top of your game? give it everything you've got and leave those sticky sunscreens behind. new neutrogena cooldry sport. powerful protection designed to feel good. micromesh technology lets sweat pass through and evaporate so skin stays comfortable, while clinically proven protection keeps going strong. don't get stuck with a sticky sunscreen. stay protected and comfortable with every move. new cooldry sport. neutrogena. summers heating up with royal caribbean's wow sale. our biggest sale of the summer starts tomorrow. get a 50% reduced deposit. plus up to $200 onboard spending money. and up to 30% off your cruise. call 1-800-royal-caribbean or your travel agent today. this morning on "rossen reports" can you hear me now? tracking your every move. >> i'm turning mine off. >> today's correspondent jeff rossen joins us now. good morning. >> guys good morning to you. this will surprise a lot of you. it surprised me. i found it was on my phone. if you have an iphone or android device chances are every single thing you do is tracked right now. location by location. down to the exact minute you were there. who is getting all of your information and more importantly, how do you shut it off? pull out your phones. we are about to show you everything. >> oh, my goodness. >> wow! >> it's scary. >> reporter: when we hit the streets. no one knew about it. on the 5th you were there from 7:18 to 9:24 a.m. >> reporter: yes, even this police officer was shocked. the motherlode of personal information stored on your phone. where you live where you work. see the little blue dots? it maps out where you go. including the date and exact times you were there. test security expert. >> very creepy. >> most of us have it? >> i imagine almost every. >> reporter: on the iphone privacy, location services, system services scroll down more and there it is. frequent locations. if you think that is invasive storing that data in your device stickley says this is getting worse. >> android, you can track online. that is a bigger risk. >> reporter: if you have an android phone, all your tracking data is sent straight to google. >> it knows where i was this morning and how long i was sleeping and when i left. when i arrived. and here is where i'm sitting. >> i don't need your phone. >> you can be any computer and pull this up. >> reporter: it goes far back. >> you can go any day. i can go any year. yesterday, i started out in california. traveled across to texas. you see where i went and when i went there. >> if i zoomed in i would see where in california and in texas. >> you will see where i had lunch in california. >> did you know this is here? >> no, i'm not. >> it is creepy. >> reporter: time to bring it to the people. >> i will show you a hidden feature. i know where you live. >> yes, you do. >> what do you think of this? >> it makes it easy for people to stalk you. >> reporter: when we showed the group of new moms in the park. >> i don't need to know anyone to know where i was. >> they were scared. >> these are all the places. >> it shows a map. >> it is scary. i'm at home alone with my son all the time. >> reporter: and you enough knew this would come up. >> i can take my husband's phone and see all the places he has been. i may track him. >> why do they have this here? >> reporter: good question. apple uses the information to provide personal services. it is kept on your device and not sent to apple without your consent consent. >> is this a big form i agreed? >> it is a form you never read. >> apple would not tell us if they take the data or not. google the maker of android says users have the ability to enable or disable on the device or google account. it came down to one question. >> how do you turn it off? >> that is the big question. how do you shut it off? i have a phone in my hand. we have it hooked up. i'll walk you through it step by step. go to settings you get this screen. scroll down over here to privacy. then go to locations services. scroll down more. look down there. system services. we hit system services. scroll down again. i told you it was buried. frequent locations. you hit it and go to the bottom. clear history, yes. then slide that off. it is off and it is fixed. by the way, that is for an iphone. if you have an android or missed the instructions we have it on the rossen reports facebook page. go to i posted instructions on how to shut it off. guys i can no longer stalk you because i know you just did it. >> that is so crazy. >> can we take it a couple of steps back? >> it is buried. it showed locations to where i was. i deleted angry birds accidentally. i have to get that back. >> that will hurt. dylan. up next the lip sync battle meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? 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[ cracking ] ta-da! get dad the perfect gift with big father's day savings now at lowe's, like the troy-bilt trimmer and edger for only $119. plus 10% off select major appliances $396 and more. so hurry into lowe's and save on something he'll love. at subway, we begin with freshly-baked-bread; then combine tender turkey-breast, with robust, spicy, melty italian favorites; adding a splash of our new subway vinaigrette. the magnificent new turkey italiano melt. only at subway. lip sync battles are now part of culture because of one man. jimmy fallon. >> he is battling lena dunham and we have more in the orange room. >> guys, he is the master of the lip sync battle. he went '80s for his song and ending with run dmc. take a listen. ♪ hey lady you lady ♪ ♪ cursing at your life ♪ ♪ you're a discontented mother and a rich inventive life ♪ >> he always nails it right? but lena dunham gave him a run for his money. she started with "outside" and ending with queen. ♪ as i power in and watch every other day i'm watching you ♪ ♪ you want to feel it on the outside ♪ ♪ and to rock the way and every blue eyed cutie ♪ >> lena dunham was the winner of the audience vote. >> they are all good. the audio department is happy she did not drop the microphone. thank you, frances. from getting your patio furniture clean to getting the grime off your grill. that (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. still to come on "today," the show must go on. the front man for the foo fighters keeping performing after breaking his leg. and how about a hot dog with a side of beef cake. sheinelle is taking us inside hi. i'm max. mcdonald's asked me to remind you that their new sirloin third pound burger won't be around long. if you miss out, you'll never know how delicious 100% sirloin tastes. and that'd be a gosh darn shame. so try a sirloin third pound burger before they're gone. #noregrets. #sirloin. 100% north american sirloin. 100% limited. try all three sirloin third pound burgers at mcdonald's enjoy this lovin' while it lasts. ♪ summers heating up with royal caribbean's wow sale. our biggest sale of the summer starts tomorrow. get a 50% reduced deposit. plus up to $200 onboard spending money. and up to 30% off your cruise. call 1-800-royal-caribbean or your travel agent today. how do crest 3d white whitestrips compare to a whitening toothpaste? let's see. the paste didn't seem to do much for me. the whitestrips made a huge difference. that's not fair! crest whitestrips work below the enamel surface to whiten 25 times better than the leading whitening toothpaste. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten good morning. i am rosemary connors. it's 7:55 on this saturday. storm cleanup continues today the lehigh valley. take a look at what the storm did to tractor trailers the lehigh valley. sky 10 was overhead yesterday where a 90-second burst of straight line winds knocked over more than a dozen big rigs and next door people evacuated the warehouse where wind ripped off part of the roost. police say it was remarkable nobody was hurt. meteorologist, brittney shipp, has details on the extreme heat? >> we are tracking a potential heat wave and we have seen temperatures for the past few days at or above 90 degrees, and we need one more day toat 90 to officially have a heat wave. our humidity will be down from yesterday and so will the temperatures be down a few degrees, and the avenue rpblg this time of year is 82 and today is 91 and we head into tomorrow and temperatures drop down to 85. you can prepare for the potential heat wave and chance for storms this weekend with our nbc 10 news app. you can download it for free to get severe weather updates on your smartphone or tablet. in from overnight, a man was stabbed in the arm while trying to break up a fight at a bar. police responded to the scene at overbrook avenue. so far there are no arrests in the case. a crash in bucks county sent eight people to the hospital last night. sky 10 was over the scene where three cars collided at pebble hill and spring valley road. i am rosemary connors, and now back to the "today" show. ♪ good morning. it is saturday june 13th 2015. want to get you caught up. a tense standoff under way in texas. suspects with a barrage of gunfire against officers overnight. residents being evacuated. in new york the arrest in the manhunt. the female prison employee is behind bars accused of giving the fugitives tools to help break out of prison. and back in the spotlight. just six weeks after giving birth, duchess kate appears on the balcony to celebrate the queen's birthday. that is prince george who stole the show with some adorable photos. what a little -- this is the live shot of the balcony at the royal palace. the royal family for the trooping of the colors. >> she is looking fantastic. the queen and duchess kate. >> more of a ruckus here in new york. >> minnesota, south carolina. >> a nice representation. >> we have a large crowd. great to have you here. out on the plaza, i'm erica hill alongside carson daly and dylan dreyer. >> let's get a check of the stories with frances rivera. >> good morning. we start with the shootout in dallas. a fierce attack on police. nbc's charles hadlock is there. charles, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, frances. the headquarters came under attack this morning from one or more people inside an armored van. [ gunshots ] >> reporter: this is what it looked like this morning. it lasted long enough for people to grab cell phones and report it. as you see, the van struck several police cars before speeding off. it is now stopped 20 miles south of dallas in a hamburger restaurant parking lot. police are negotiating with the man. he is described as 36 year the old white male. he said you took my child and called me a terrorist. they are picking up the shell casings to determine how many weapons are involved and tweeting out pictures of the police cars that were shot up this morning. frances, back to you. >> thank you very much. it is now day eight and hundreds of officers are back out searching for richard matt and david sweat. officials believe the two have not left the area. overnight, joyce mitchell was arraigned charged with providing materials for the escape. to presidential politics. hillary clinton kicks off her campaign with a speech in new york city. she is expected to make a personal presentation touching on the inspiration of her mother and fight for women's rights and colleges affordable. rival jeb bush is wrapping up his trip to europe today. he heads back to florida and on monday he will launch his own presidential bid. and in london crowds got the glimpse of kate middleton. the duchess of cambridge joined the royal family marking the queen's official birthday celebration. you can see from the pictures there is big brother george joining the pomp and parade. that's your news this morning. back out to the plaza and dylan. thank you, frances. there is a time to grab the boxes and boxes of girl scout cookies and this is why. you guys are from where? >> richmond virginia. >> you did an awesome job of the cookies. let's see where we have a chance of stronger storms today. it is out in the pacific with another tropical storm. it is quiet for the atlantic hurricane season. in the pacific, active. tropical storm carlos. winds of 65 miles an hour. this will effect the resorts. especially acapulco and puerto vallarta. rough surf and wind and rain. we are looking at rain back through oklahoma and texas. we could see some brief flash flooding with the downpours and west texas with as we head into the rest of today, temperatures will range between 88 and 92 degrees. not quite as hot as yesterday and not quite as humid but still well above avenue repblgrage for this time of year so drink plenty of water to start your weekend. if we hit 90 degrees we have a heat wave on our hands. sunday, we have a chance of storms and that goes with us all next week. and that's your latest forecast. erica. >> dylan, thanks. as we mentioned, hillary clinton is particularkicking off her rally here in new york and jeb bush is kicking off his on monday. the election will cost $5 billion. a lot of zeros. we have nbc's abbey huntsman here with more. >> good morning, erica. the race for president is not just about the voters right now. it is about the cash and lots of it. 2016 is looking like it will break all records. the ever growing field continues to squeeze candidates. in a race where cash is proving to be king. >> i'm running to be your president. >> i am candidate for president of the united states. >> in the two months super pacs for hillary clinton have raised $20 million. jeb bush's backers plan to raise $100 million by the end of june. his team is expected to fall short of the goal. >> people are talking about $5 billion. i don't know what the number will be but it is more than we have seen before. >> reporter: that is right. $5 billion to elect the next president. double what was spent in 2012. four times the amount of bush and gore in 2000. who is shelling out the dough? >> every candidate has a billionaire behind him or her. willing to finance their campaign. most of the donors have a particular issue. >> reporter: some of the most sought after? the koch brothers. they are planning to spend close to $1 billion. and sheldon adelson spent $20 million to keep newt gingrich in the race. and businessman foster friess spent $2 million to backkck rick santorum. to give perspective, what else can $5 billion buy? it can build close to 170 new high schools in america. send 125,000 kids to college for four years. fill up the tanks of 2.4 million americans for one year. or provide groceries to 2.5 million americans. and the race is on to elect the next president with no cap on spending in sight. >> there is a point of diminishing returns. we may be approaching that point. >> the numbers are astronomical. some super pacs have fund raising figures. we will see how close they are to their goals. come july 15th, when they have to make the numbers public we are not talking about that. it is tens of billions. >> it is sickening when you think what it could buy. abby thank you for being here. carson. thanks guys. hurricane season is in full swing, dylan. despite tropical storm ana, the atlantic hurricane season is off to a slow start. you have more. >> according to the latest numbers from national oceanic atmospheric administration it will stay that way. it takes just one hurricane. i take a look at what is takes to be in the hurricane. take a look. forecasters predicting a below average hurricane season with 6 to 11 named storms. >> it is an el nino year. >> reporter: in 1992, it was hurricane andrew that devastated florida. a category 5 hurricane with winds up to 175 miles an hour. the perfect example to respect nature's fury and never been complacent. we throw a lot of numbers at you with a hurricane forecast. especially category and wind speed. to put it in perspective, we are on the university of maryland campus in the wind tunnel to simulate how powerful the winds can be in a hurricane. tropical-storm force winds. you will not get a lot of wind damage like this but watch what happens when we go to a category one hurricane. we are in a category one hurricane right now. it's hard to breathe. we are serious wind at this point. those were intense winds. >> i don't know what we learned from that. that was awesome. >> nobody listened when you cut it off. >> it feels so intense. we maxed out at 115 miles per hour. anything over that is unsafe to be standing in. you have sustained winds that high and higher gusts on top of that and torrential downpours and storm surge. we went to show you how strong the winds are. that was a weak category 3. >> you hold up well in unflattering position with the upshot. >> the straps prevented me from flying away. >> you would have been long gone. like the "wizard of oz." >> the take away is the winds are strong. >> you are in trouble. nbc news is watching. they know what you are capable of. >> bring your harness. you'll be fine. >> hook up to a tree. >> listen to your meteorologist when she tells you to stay inside during a storm. >> smart move. >> let's go to frances in the orange room and the fan of the day. >> i have ed and joann burke here in new york. first time in new york city and in a cab and broadway show. this is great. it is amazing. this is your moment. first time fan of the day. >> still to come on "today,". >> we will have the rundown in pop start. >> but first these messages. cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner, but will it make people confident enough to go commando? how was your wiping experience? ok. why do you think ripples are so great? probably ripples would just clean better. yeah, why? just...would pick up more layers. do you feel confident enough to go commando? go commando...uh...yeah sure. congratulations! i did it! how do you feel? fresh! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so going cottonelle means you can go commando. at philadelphia, there's an art to making cream cheese. we always use fresh milk, real cream, and no preservatives. that's why philadelphia cream cheese tastes so rich and creamy. only philadelphia. i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. at subway, we begin with freshly-baked-bread; then combine tender turkey-breast, with robust, spicy, melty italian favorites; adding a splash of our new subway vinaigrette. the magnificent new turkey italiano melt. only at subway. in my bakery, i see customers every day. but some days, i felt like all they saw was my acne, not me. i couldn't believe i still had acne. so i went to, found a dermatologist, and asked her about aczone® (dapsone) gel. together, we decided aczone® gel was right for me and my acne got better. acne is a medical condition that can happen at any age. fortunately, your doctor can prescribe aczone® gel, fda approved for the topical treatment of acne and proven in clinical studies with people 12 years and older. talk to your doctor about any medical conditions you have, including g6pd deficiency, and any medications you are using. use of benzoyl peroxide with aczone® gel may cause your skin to temporarily turn yellow or orange at the site of application. the most common side effects with aczone® gel are dryness redness, oiliness, and peeling of treated skin. now you could pay no more than $10 for aczone® gel. get your coupon and learn more at aczone® gel. prescription treatment. proven results. ♪ ♪ you're unpacking already? 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[ giggles ]ok. ♪ folgers in your cup ♪ summers heating up with royal caribbean's wow sale. our biggest sale of the summer starts tomorrow. get a 50% reduced deposit. plus up to $200 onboard spending money. and up to 30% off your cruise. call 1-800-royal-caribbean or your travel agent today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with walmart's low prices every day...'s not just about having more savings. it's about having more fun. great get-togethers start with low prices you can trust every day. this morning in "popstart" a rock star with a serious injury during the concert. >> you know how they say break a leg before you go on stage. this happened to david grohl. this happened in sweden on friday night. the front man for the foo fighters fell off the stage and broke his leg. he got his leg in a cast and finished the show in a chair. after the show they tweeted, that was amazing. thank you, gothenburg. >> he could still play guitar and sing. he wanted to get out there. other music news 1989 world tour shows taylor swift helped a family in need. earlier this week a firefighter responded to a head-on collection to collision, but to find the victims were his wife and son. the family received a donation for $50,000 signed by taylor swift. this is classic taylor swift. she paid off a fans college tuition. invited fans to her apartment for christmas. very taylor swift. and then ben morrison is honored on friday by queen elizabeth as now a knight. he was honored with eddie redmayne as well. amazing. >> amazing. and finally, "seinfeld" fans can visit jerry's apartment. the streaming service is recreating jerry's apartment. it opens to the public in june with a memorabilia gallery with props and scripts. you know what everybody will do they will go into the apartment and do the kramer thing. >> i can't wait for that. you and jenna wolff are the biggest fans. >> i moved to new york and i love it. i watched it over and over. >> the old neighborhood i lived in. the exterior of it. you would always see people outside taking pictures. you know recognize it. >> you are so used to seeing that part of the corner. >> i sense a field trip coming up. thanks. what it is like to work with dinosaur dinosaurs? we will ask chris still to come on "today," entrees with eye candy or should we say guy candy? we have a reservation at the new hooters for women. and we have the latest for your next everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. whiten more just by brushing. when we go to the store i find my box of honey bunches of oats, and i'm checking to see if i packaged it. he says "it has a certain code that's my line, this is the date." if the last 3 letters were p22, that's me. i've been the same shade of red for many years. it's time to change it up! hello, golden blonde. shift a shade with nice'n easy. for natural looking color i don't know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out the pursuit of healthier. it begins from the second we're born. after all, healthier doesn't happen all by itself. it needs to be earned... every day... using wellness to keep away illness... and believing that a single life can be made better by millions of others. healthier takes somebody who can power modern health care... by connecting every single part of it. for as the world keeps on searching for healthier... we're here to make healthier happen. optum. healthier is here. why are all these people so asleep yet i'm so awake? did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia. the citi double cash card. it earns you cash back now and cash back later. with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn on purchases, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided. good morning. i am rosemary connors. it's 8:25 on this saturday and it's going to be another hot one out there. we are tracking the possibility of a heat wave. meteorologist, brittney shipp, has more in the first alert forecast. >> we need three consecutive days with temperatures at 90 degrees, and we are forecasting a high of 91 for the airport, so if you take a live look outside, the poconos, mostly cloudy skies and a mix of sun and clouds today, and then it's going to be warm once again. not quite as humid as what we saw yesterday. our wind direction shifted and we have drier air moving in. already 80 degrees in philadelphia, and 79 in wilmington, and starting off in the low 60s in the poconos, and 75 in oxford and make sure you drink plenty of water today. these temperatures are well above average for us and our average is typically in the low 80s for this time of year, and today the temperatures will range between 88 and 91. remember stay on top of the heat wave and a chance for storms on our nbc 10 news app and get updates on your smartphone or tablet. plenty to do today if you plan to be outdoors in new jersey it's free fishing day which means you do not need to buy a license or trout stamp to fish, and it gives out of state visitors to spend time on the new jersey waters. this weekend plenty of fun and patriotic ways to celebrate flag day, which is tomorrow and it falls on the army's 240th birthday. you can ring america's freedom well in honor of active duty service members, veteran or heroes that gave their lives for our country. tonight we will learn who will be crowned miss delaware. 11 young ladies are vying for the title of miss delaware and the winner goes on to the miss america competition. we will see you back here at 9:00. dear stranger, when i booked this trip, my friends said i was crazy. why would i stay in someone else's house? but this morning a city i've never been to felt like one i already knew. i just wanted to thank you for sharing your world with me. it felt like home. airbnb. belong anywhere. i want to thank these young ladies on the plaza for telling me it is our time on the air. welcome back to saturday june 13th. thank you for spending a steamy morning with us. i don't want to blow it now. coming up ladies we take you inside a bar where the eye candy may be better than the food. it's called tallywackers. consider it a hooters for women. sheinelle stopped by recently. she is going to share that with us coming up. >> and tasted the food. grilling season is now in full swing. if you use your grill every weekend, you need tips to keep it clean. we have household hacks for your grill and everything else to keep the barbecue season running smoothly. we have tallywackers but we also have chris pratt to talk about "jurassic world." and something smells de delicious. we have a chef with us to tell us how to make five ingredients quickly into a quick meal. let's get a check of the weather with dylan. >> it is warm here and in the southeast. humid. it feels like it is 100 degrees. we have a chance of really strong storms back through western texas. hail damaging winds and threat of flooding rain is possible. especially through oklahoma and texas where it is raining right now. just north of dallas with heavy downpours. southwest, 105 today. 107 tomorrow. it starts to heat up in the northeast as we go into sunday. temperatures in the 80s. it will feel warmer. stronger storms around the great lakes from chicago to philadelphia tomorrow afternoon and evening with the heavy downpours and dangerous lightning and hail and wind gusts. that is something we will keep the eye on. 70s i am first alert meteorologist, brittney shipp. our temperatures will range between 88 and 92 degrees today, not quite as hot as yesterday and not quite as humid, but still well above average for this time of year so drink plenty of water as you start your weekend. if we hit a high of 90 degrees we have a heat wave on our hands. sunday, a chance of storms and that chance of storms sticks with us all next week. and now i'm a little star struck. joining us on the plaza is one of the greatest female golfers annika sorenstam. she is here in new york city and it is so nice to have you here. it is such a pleasure. it is steamy in new york for the golf tournament that is already under way. this goes further than golf. what is the focus for women and success on and off the course? >> they wanted to elevate the tournament to the next level. ladies are getting a way to play the country club. with kpmg stepping it up it is an event that is terrific. the course is in great shape. the second year for the women. i'm picking up the role of the major award. we have the top women in the world playing on the big stage. i was excited on wednesday when we had the leaders in business the women running s&p 500 companies talking about the experiences and sharing it with all the younger women to get them involved. it was terrific. i was inspired and the weekend is coming up and the girls will play good golf. >> it has to be fun for you to see so many young women in the sport of golf. picking it up and trying something new. what is your advice? >> they need to have fun. you look at them. they are so good at a young age. very mature and technically sound. they are ready to win out there. it will be exciting. we have carrie webb and you have 22-year-olds and 19-year-olds. it is a good sign that golf is in a healthy spot. >> there is a lot going on this weekend. the kpmg women's pga championship continues on nbc at 3:00 p.m. >> she won 89 golf tournaments and ten major championships. dylan, i appreciate it. now to a story i have been waiting for and ladies. new restaurant in dallas for what is behind the menu. we sent sheinelle to see what the buzz is all about. >> reporter: it is called tallywackers. at the restaurant you can get beef with a side of beef cake. yes, the ab-tizer. it is hard to miss unless you get distracted. opened in texas two weeks ago, the cheeky concept restaurant is turning the tables on hooters known for their scantily clad waitresses. >> we have taken off. we have on average a two-hour wait at night every day of the week. >> reporter: owner rodney duke says curiosity is driving customers through the door. >> they look at the guys, look at the food. you can tell they want to look more than they do. >> reporter: of course not everyone is too shy to check out the waiters. >> they want us to look at them. that is why they are dressed like that. >> reporter: we met a trio of teachers who drove five hours from oklahoma with tallywackers eye candy. >> we took a picture of the menu and the guys. something new and exciting. >> reporter: with selfies and shirtless photos it is a wonder there is time to serve food. if you are worried the waiters are oogled or objectified. i sat down for a meal. it is tough to focus on the food, but it is all part of the fun. >> thank you. >> reporter: and so far, customers are loving every bit of it. for "today," sheinelle jones, nbc news dallas. >> sheinelle is off this weekend. she is at her mom's house in wichita, kansas. we had to hear more about her time at tallywackers. she is joining us. i hope your mom is not in the room. >> i tried to find a place where everybody is not sleeping so they cannot hear me. i was surprised how crowded it was at noon. people of all ages races. and surprisingly enough guys there were booster seats for kids. i kid you not. a girl when we were there. a little girl. >> a tallywackers kids' menu. >> absolutely. every once and a while, you know we do the stories where you trade jobs for a day. carson they want you to come for the afternoon. >> not enough tally. i appreciate of offer. let me ask you, sheinelle. how was the food? >> i am honest about food. it was really good. the people there are gimmicky things with the hot dogs and beef cake hamburgers. i had fried brussel sprouts. there is a chef in the kitchen that knows what he is doing. between the good food and eye candy, i think it will be a hit. >> you really are at your mom's? you are not in dallas for brunch? >> i'm speaking tonight at an event in kansas. you know you are at home when your baby pictures are on the wall. >> best to you and your family. >> see you next saturday. >> see you next saturday. thanks so much. >> ab-tizers. coming up summer hacks to keep your drinks cool and coolers odor fr out of 42 vehicles based on 6 different criteria, why did a panel of 11 automotive experts name the volkswagen golf motor trend's 2015 car of the year? we'll give you four good reasons. the volkswagen golf. starting at $19,295, there's an award-winning golf for everyone. i'm not a fan of infestation and if even one flea or one tick gets on my william or my monty you're going to have to deal with me. how bad is your infestation? it's a nightmare. petsmart has the products you need to treat your pet, home and yard. they don't serve any purpose. they gang up on you. unless it was to annoy us. you have to fight back. and to anger me. you don't want to mess with me (laughs maniacally). no. not at all. petsmart has vet-recommended k9 advantix ii which repels and kills fleas ticks and mosquitos for dogs only. now save up to 10 dollars on this and other select bayer products. 'cause pethood needs a partner. back on a saturday morning with some secrets for the perfect summer barbecue. have you wondered how to get the grime off the grill or make sure your drinks are ice cold before your guests arrive? we have the author of the book "who knew household shortcut." i am excited about this one. as we are in full barbecue season one thing that can be tough is you are getting your stuff last minute and guests are coming and drinks are not cold. >> that is a buzz kill. warm beer at a party. feel how cold it is. cold. watch this. this is a cup of salt. when i just stir this around, put your hand in there now, erica. >> oh, my gosh. in five seconds. >> it lowers the freezing temperature by 20 degrees. these beers will be cool in about two minutes. >> this is much better than throwing them in the freezer and for getting. >> she gets a cold beer. that's right. >> we are talking about the cooler can get stinky. >> it gets funky by middle of summer summer. put charcoal. this absorbs all the odor. i would do it overnight. at the end of the season this gets rid of odors and to get rid of mildew and moisture crumble newspaper. >> do i leave charcoal and newspaper over the winter? >> yes. >> we have cold drinks. we have non-stinky coolers. what about grill? talk about another buzz kill. in the middle of cooking and no gas. >> a simple trick. you will pour hot water on the side of the propane. if you feel this you will feel this is hot and this is cold. feel the difference there. >> it's safe to touch? >> and down here it is cool. where it's cool you have propane. where it is hot, you don't. if you are half full this is 20 hours or 10 hours left. you will never run out if you do a simple test. >> perfect. the dirty grill. this happens to all of us. >> yes. about the middle of summer it gets funky. spray any household cleaner. this is the big one. put it in a bag anti-itd tie it up and put it in the sun. if you are at a public grill. >> or you want to be green. >> if this is hot, use half an onion. the sulfur in this will keep it clean. >> we have 30 seconds. my all time hack. cleaning the patio furniture. >> this is shaving cream. it has been sitting on it for 20 minutes. >> just regular white shaving cream? >> old shaving cream. you are clean and good to go. >> it is a soft towel. >> right. >> bruce, we're ready. tell us what time. >> two minutes when the beer is cold. up next "jurassic world" hits theaters and we talk to chris pratt. but first this is "today" on nbc. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to buy a house. i know how it feels to be stressed about money. i understand what a scary word "retirement" is, and i can help. cause i'm not just a fellow dad, fellow mom fellow saver i'm a fellow citizen. who gets up every day and tries her best. just like you. if you have a question about money, ask me. sincerely, elizabeth trackler samantha parke robert kennedy deanna morrison jared duemling alex payne actor chris pratt is hotter than ever these days with "jurassic world." >> and sheinelle sat down with him before she left on vacation. >> it is seems everything is in place with "jurassic world" with chris pratt. what could possibly go wrong? >> there you go. this one's for you. >> chris, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. i'm happy to be here. >> is it human nature to up the ante. i never owned a theme park but if i owned dinosaurs? >> if you think about "jurassic world" it is 20 years since the first movie. in a world where dinosaurs are no longer extinct, kids are not impressed. you have to up the ante. the movie focuses on text fatigue. we are no longer excited or impressed by the amazing things around us. they need to up the ante to keep the park looking nice. >> talk about your role. the researcher at the park. >> i play a guy on the island in the behavior facility doing research on raptors. he is tough and he's in an interesting place. he had a lot of respect for the natural order of things but wants to rebel against the company that is funding his research and he doesn't fully believe what they are doing. >> tell us this as a kid, did you have a fascination with dinosaur dinosaurs? i have a 5-year-old and they are intrigued intrigued. >> it is. a universal picture -- and there is a universal appeal to dinosaurs. it is almost unfathomable they walked the earth, but we have evidence of it. it blows our minds. these things really did exist. they were real-life monsters. it has been 65 million years. it's exciting. as a kid, i loved it. i loved "jurassic park." >> is that why these movies are big? they are massive. it is hard to conceptualize if they are coming for you. >> that is one reason why they are so big. when michael creiton wrote the book he talked about the genetics and everyone walked away with the understanding of genetics and how this can potentially happen. they have the bug and dna and the dinosaur flips out and starts killing everybody. >> i want to ask about your other projects. true story, i have to go to bed early, and my husband would get under the covers with the tablet watching "parks and rec." i would try to get him to put his headphones in. he will miss the show. are you going to miss it? >> oh, i already do. definitely. so many parts. i miss my friends i made the show with. i miss all of it. it's a great show. and making it was so fun. it was some of the best comedians and comedy writers out there. it was like home. ten minutes from my house. >> i'll continue to binge watch it. >> he has good taste in more ways than one. >> chris, thanks for coming in and talking to us. the movie will be big. >> i hope so. i hope you like it. >> "jurassic world" is in theaters now. >> i'm going to see it in less than two hours. >> have fun. coming up next you can make a delicious dinner tonight with five ingredients. we will have our che cottonelle cleanripple texture gets you cleaner, but will it make people confident enough to go commando? how was your wiping experience? ok. why do you think ripples are so great? probably ripples would just clean better. yeah, why? just...would pick up more layers. do you feel confident enough to go commando? go commando...uh...yeah sure. congratulations! i did it! how do you feel? fresh! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so going cottonelle means you can go commando. this allergy season, will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than allergy medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. (laughing) everyone needs a bff. even your smile. colgate optic white toothpaste goes beyond surface stains to whiten over 3 shades. in fact, it whitens more than the leading express whitening strip. it's your smile bff. whiten more just by brushing. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. all right. this morning in "today's" kitchen, we are continuing the series with five ingredient dishes. we have five ingredient takes on a roasted chicken. hugh good to see you here this morning. >> good morning. >> i see what you have been doing and i fail at getting the chicken crispy. >> i want you to put liberally put salt and pepper on afterwards. salt both sides. >> the other hand there. nice. >> two handed. we will get these in. i want to push down a bit as i do that just quickly. that is one of the big tricks. keep it on medium to medium low heat for a long time. >> people want it super hot. >> they want to move it around. get the other ones in. >> skin side down? >> skin side down. split the skin out. get three in there. we have these. after 15 to 20 minutes, you will have that nice beautiful crisp skin. just a tiny bit of olive oil. the whole point is you are releasing the fat. you want the crisp chicken behind. >> i'll wash my hands aside. >> you are doing safety chicken. >> yeah twitter goes crazy. >> we have onion here. i'll make a risotto. >> they think they have to stir for hours. that stirring. this is curled barley. sweet onion and olive oil. you get to glisten that off. we will slowly add a bit of stock to it. the stock's warm. this is chicken stock. you can use vegetable stock if you want. this will take 25 minutes to half an hour to cook. >> you don't have to sit and slave over it. >> you want to stir it every once and a while. we don't want to not cook because we're scared of stirring. >> the chicken going on. the stock happening. we have a minute left. >> let's go over there. you over there, hot chicken for some of you. watch out. behind you. this is going over here. i want you to finish this by adding butter to it. copious amounts of butter. you are trying to emulsify that in. >> this finishes the risotto. >> yes. the charred off color. >> it helps with the skillet. >> yes. cast iron skillet. that will go in. fold that in. >> we will shave more zuchinni in. >> you will get the butter in. you are a genius. look at that. a plating genius. this is very evante guarde. >> coming up tomorrow on good morning. ing we are tracking the high temperatures, and the first heat wave of the season and just how hot will it get. temperatures expected to be in the low 90s today and we will have your full forecast coming up. an overturned tractor trailer causing problems in south jersey as you can see, one lane is getting by. details straight ahead. plus a tense morning in south texas, and those stories and more cupoming up at tphaoeups. new jersey's supreme court has spoken but teachers and school employees still fear for their futures. because rather than solving the pension crisis the court says politicians can continue to ignore it. that's just wrong. teachers and school employees have paid billions into their pensions. but the state has failed. the legislature can fix what governor christie has broken - ... before it ends up costing billions more. it's time for fiscal responsibility. fund the pensions now. ♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. police headquarters in dallas under attack. several gunmen carrying automatic weapons target officers in texas, and now an hour's long stand off and an update straight ahead. it takes three consecutive days of 90-degree weather to send us into heat wave territory and we are almost there. today will be hot but not as humid as yesterday. as we take a live look outside, the center city skyline, temperatures already in the low 80s, and there is a little bit of relief in the first alert forecast, but we will have to bear the brutal conditions for today. i am rosemary connors. it's just before 9:00 on this saturday. meteorologist, brittney shipp, is tracking the rising temperatures, the steamy conditions out there. it's not even officially summer yet and we are talking about an extreme heat and heat wave. >> a potential heat wave. we have already seen two days with temperatures at 90 degrees or higher and we are forecasting a high of 91 at the philadelphia international airport, so we could have an official heat wave on our hands. and it's a mild start. look at the beautiful view down at cape may. temperatures at 81 degrees in philadelphia, and 71 in wildwood, and 62 in allentown. you can see the wind direction moving in from the northwest, so our humidity will go down. that's drier air moving into our region. going to be a beautiful day down the shore. and over the next eight hours, here is how your day will break down. by 11:00 a.m. 82 degrees, and then by 2:00 86 and 88 by 5:00 p.m. and temperatures ranging between 88 and 92. not as hot, not as humid, but

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