Transcripts For WCAU Today 20170405 :

Transcripts For WCAU Today 20170405

featuring kendall jenner. why critics are blasting it as tone dueaf. and how pepsi is pushing back today, april 5th, 2017. >> from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. a lot of people raising eyebrows over that pepsi ad. >> when you try to mix politics or social issues with a soda ad, it's tricky. and pepsi is answering for that ad this morning. we'll have much more coming up. but let's start with the top story. it's a surprising reaction from the white house overnight to yet another north korean missile test. that provocation just one of the national crises, now facing the trump administration. we have complete coverage, beginning with hallie jackson at the white house. hallie, good morning to you. >> reporter: hi, matt. good morning. if kim jong-un is trying to prod a response out of the u.s., he's not getting one. the secretary of state issuing what amounts to a no comment. and before this latest wa launce white house indicating the time has r is running out for north korea. and this as they're meeting with china's leader. and this is going to be at the top of the agenda. in timing of this missile test, no coincidence. north korea, launching one day before president trump is feeting with xi jinping. the missile was fired from north korea's east coast, reaching an altitude of 117 miles before crashing into the sea of japan. the launch, triggering a terse statement from rex tillerson. north korea launched another intermediate range ballistic missile. the united states has spoken enough about north korea. we have no further comment. it's the latest in a series of missile launches from north korea recently. the country also conducting nuclear tests and warning it's ready to test an intercontinental ballistic missile. on the campaign trail, then-candidate trump talking tough on north korea. >> north korea is more dangerous and defiant than ever. >> reporter: and now, as president, his administration is taking a hard line on north korean efforts to develop a nuclear weapons program, calling on china to rein in kim jong-un, the leader of the rogue country. in an interview with "the financial times" published sunday, president trump says he's ready to act to curb north korea's nuclear ambitions with or without china's help. china will decide to help us with north korea or they won't, the president said. if china's not going to sofl north korea, we will. u.n. ambassador nikki haley says she hopes the summit at mar-a-lago will create a good relationship between presidents trump and xi. >> they are willing to act on north korea. >> reporter: this administration has been pushing china to take a tough tougher stance on north korea, a white house official says that will be a matter of interest tomorrow and friday at mar-a-lago. he's likely to be asked about it today by reporters during a press conference with the king of jordan. >> hallie, thank you. now, to a troubling foreign policy incident facing the white house and the world. this morning, president trump and other world leaders are condemning a suspected chemical weapons attack in syria, that killed dozens of people and children. the images of the aftermath is disturbing. richard engel has the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. they are absolutely disturbing. a u.s. intelligence official tells nbc news it appears this was a chemical weapons attack. but russia, an ally of the syrian regime, has a different explanation. saying a weapons depot was exploded, releasing toxins in the air. the images show the tell-tale signs of a chemical weapons atta attack. no blood, only the dead and injured on the ground, after succumbing to what witnesses describe a poison gas. this boy, using all his strength just to breathe. the first responders, stripping off their clothes to wash off the invisible contaminant. medics and volunteers, rushing people to clinics. >> no one is doing anything to top these gas attacks. >> reporter: they claim bashar al assad's syrian army fired sarin. while condemning the attack, president trump took a shot at his predecessor, barack obama, saying in a statement, the heinous actions by the bashar al assad regime are a consequence of the previous administration's weakness. he is referring to 2013, after a thousand people were killed in another alleged chemical attack by the assad regime. >> a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemicals moving around or being utilized. that would change my calculus. >> reporter: but vladimir putin swooped in with a deal, offering to help rid syria of chemical weapons. averting any further talk from president obama of war. other victims of tuesday's attack were taken to a makeshift clinic built in a cave to protect it. a father there kissed his daughter good-bye. in a nearby room, this activist was recording what he was seeing, saying warplanes were still overhead. then, hospitals are often targeted in this cwar, a war tht respects no conventions. amazing the actor survive. the southeaste syrian army denied it used chemical weapons. there were still air strikes in the same part this morning. let's bring in nbc national security analyst, jeremy bash. he served as chief of staff at the cia and the defense department during the obama administration. good morning to you. >> good morning, matt and savannah. >> president trump said the world has to happen what happened in syria. then, he went to blame on the obama administration, not being tough on the red line for chemicals used by assad. is this time for the blame game? what are his real options? and doesn't he need to articulate his own plan right now. >> he's the president. the blame game never saved the life of an innocent child. and the question on the securit council and this national chief is what the military options boil down to this. air strikes from a military mi warpla warships off of the coast, would be to prevent his warmaking abilities in the future against civil wan populations. it sounds defenses are dense. they're sophisticated. r heightened level of risk over syrian skies. and we wouldsia aside because the a not somethi white house is willing to do. >> we blame game worth examining what happened here. the obama administration setat . and then said, we don't need to do military options because we got this deal to get the chemical weapons out of syria. opportuni turns out, all of the weapons aren't gone because they've been used recently. >> that's right, savannah. what also has failed is any diplomatic effort to take assad out of power. i talked about the military options. the reality is, only a diplomatic solution will remove assad and bring syria back together again. >> let me ask you about north korea before we go. they test-fired another missile. it comes as president trump is about to met with the leader of china. kim jong-un is saying i'm not going to be ignored. what options do we have there, jeremy? >> i thought it was an interesting move to give him the silent treatment, as president trump sits down with president xi over the next couple days, he's going to try to put the screws to the chinese leadership to say, use your leverage and your economic influence in po pyongya pyongyang. >> but trump said he will get ambitions for north korea, with or without china. >> preemptive military action, that would be dangerous. north korea could send artillery fire into seoul. there's 10 million people there. we can 2,800 troops. i would not recommend military action at this point. >> thank you very much. the white house is doubling down on its effort to revive the failed health care bill. also, the battle over the supreme court nominee intensified with democrats holding the floor on the senate in opposition to that pick. kristen welker, good morning. >> reporter: you're right. the fight over the president supreme court nominee is heating up this morning, as democrats dig in. this is a live shot of the senate floor, as some democrats hold an all-night talk-a-thon to protest this nomination. it's still going on. the reality, as republicans have enough votes to override the democrats. this comes as republicans try to salvage the plan to repeal and replace obamacare. there were more meetings on capitol hill. the white house striking a note of optimism. but republicans are more skeptical, stressing, there's no deal yet. for the second night in a row, a huddle on the hill. the vice president and other top white house officials rallying house republicans to revive their stalled effort to repeal and replace obamacare. >> we're making progress. >> reporter: at the table, moderate and conservative members of the gop. overnight, striking a note of optimism. >> there was a general agreement that the progress that we're making is certainly progress. and they're good discussions. >> reporter: president trump telling nbc news, he's confident they can strike a deal. a point echoed by vice president mike pence touuesday. >> the president and i remain confident that working with the congress, we will repeal and replace obamacare. >> reporter: a compromise, allowing states to waive some regulations if they can provide lower costs and premiums. but that could wind up aliena alienating more moderate problems who say the new plan can drive up costs for the sick. with health care up in the air, neil gorsuch is one step closer to confirmation, after debate ended late tuesday. but overnight, politico reporting he plagiarized several authors in his book and academic article. the accusations were called, a last-second smear of judge gorsuch. a showdown, now, set for thursday, with republicans in the majority, poised to use the nuclear option needed to approve gorsuch. also in the spotlight, ivanka trump. now speaking out in a rare interview. >> i would say not to conflate lack of public denouncement with silence. >> reporter: responding to critics, saying she should speak out more on issues like gay rights and climate change. >> where i disagree with my father, he knows it. and i express myself with total candor. >> reporter: now, ivanka has her father's ear, serving as special assistant to the president. ivanka pushing back, when asked about criticism she is complicit in her father's agenda. >> if being complicit is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact, i'm complicit. >> reporter: as for judge gorsuch, the author of the law review article, that he is accused of plagiarizing. knocking down the allegation. and the white house calling the allegations cherry-picked. the final vote on gorsuch is expected friday. >> kristen welker, thank you. there's new twists in the russian investigation. the republican lawmakers dragging president obama's national security adviser into the conversation. she is firing back exclusively to nbc's andrea mitchell. andrea, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. former obama national security adviser susan rice is at the center of the new political firestorm, fanned by the trump white house, denying to nbc that the obama administration used intelligence for political purposes. as critics are charging that the administration is trying to divert attention from the investigation of russian meddling in the election. susan rice, in an exclusive interview with us, responding to a bloomberg news report, that the white house is zeroing in on whether she requested the name of trump officials, caught up in surveillance be revealed or unmasked for political reasons. rice insisting any unmasking requests were part of her job. >> we do it to protect the american people to do our jobs in the national security room. that's the only reason. >> did you leak the name of mike flynn? >> i leaked nothing to nobody. and never have and never would. >> reporter: the white house continues to fuel the controversy. >> the more we find out about this, the more we learn that there was clearly something there. >> reporter: it's the latest in a series of charges by the trump administration that critics say are designed the distract from the russia investigation. and justify the president's explosive tweet a month ago. just found out that obama had my wires tapped in trump tower. shot down immediately by top republicans and fbi director james comey. >> i have no information that supports those tweets. >> reporter: the second claim, press secretary sean spicer repeating a false statement by a fox news pundit, accusing president obama to ask british intelligence to spy on mr. trump. the president brushing off questions, referring to fox. >> you shouldn't be talking to me. you should be talking to fox. >> reporter: the british intelligence, and the nsa director, shooting the story down. >> did you request that your counterparts should wiretap mr. trump on behalf of mr mr. obama? >> no, sir, nor would i. >> reporter: the third charge, devin nunes that he's seen official that trump officials were swept up in legal surveillance. leading president trump to say he felt vindicated. but nunes walked back the charge, saying he did not know if trump officials had been s surveilled or mentioned by others. the information he used came from officials inside the trump white house. and today, "the wall street journal," quoting a republican official familiar with house intelligence committee remembme is reporting that mike flynn and one other identify official, were the two people unmasked. flynn, on a call with the russian ambassador. another, on a matter unrelated to russia. republican sources say susan rice is not the official that requested either of those unmaskings. >> andrea mitchell. fascinating. a tornado tore through the southwest corner of missouri, causing damage in a small down there. this morning, 55 million people across the south are bracing for more severe weather. kerry sanders is in atlanta for us this morning. good morning. >> reporter: we're bracing for an ugly day in the greater atlanta area. already, most schools are closed. it's forecast that the winds could exceed more than 60 miles per hour. rainfall more than two inches. that's why there's a flash flood watch. and hail about the size of golf balls is forecast. all-told, it will be a rough day here. and the weather system that's moving this direction has left damage in its wake to the west. this morning, the residents of goodman, missouri, are cleaning up, after a tornado ripped through town. storm chasers capturing the formation on video. with the twister touching down late tuesday. suffering a direct hit, goodman's firestation, now destroyed. firefighters work through the night to clean up the debris. and the storm didn't spare the town's elementary school, which just hours earlier, had been packed with students. inside during the storm, a school custodian, who managed to escape unharmed. goodman is just a half-hour drive from joplin, missouri, the scene of a dead lly ef-5 tornad in 2011. back in goodman, no one was seriously hurt from mother nature's latest punch. back here in georgia, today marks the final day of the practice round for the masters in augusta. earlier this week, they had to suspend some of the play there because of nasty weather. all eyes today will be to the skies. the gates will open as planned. but the officials say if there's a problem with the weather, they will suspend play immediately. savannah, matt? >> thank you very much. >> i love golf. i don't love golf ball-sized hail. >> nobody does. we have severe weather to talk about. let's show you. on the radar, here's what kerry is looking at. heavier showers and thunderstorms, pushing in. severe thunderstorm warnings from alabama, on into central georgia. here we are. 55 million people at risk, from mobile, albany, georgia, augusta, up into raleigh, norfolk and nashville. tomorrow, that risk moves to the east, with the highest threat in the afternoon. we're going to watch the strong storms. they will be rounds and rounds of the systems. storms will move into the midwest, with heavy rain. strong forms during the day, into the mid-atlantic. and we're looking at flash flood watches and advisories, from the southeast to the northeast. 55 million people at risk, three 55 million people at risk, three to seven inches of rain in some ♪ at almond breeze, we only use california-grown blue diamond almonds in our almondmilk. it's something we're proud of. knowing exactly where every almond comes from. but the whole "care-and-nurturing-making- sure-they-grow- up-just-right" part? that idea... ...we borrowed from the experts. ♪ blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. good morning. meteorologist bill henley. beautiful spring day. temperatures take off for philadelphia. 70 degrees this afternoon. nice warmup in the suburbs as well. little fog. parts of new jersey. doesn't last. 69 degrees today. few clouds you can see in the lehigh valley will clear out for sunshine this afternoon. plenty of sunshine for delaware. 68 degrees. enjoy it today because we've got wet weather returning for tomorrow. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. guys? >> al, thank you so much. coming up, the growing backlash against bill o'reilly, amid sexual harassment. could the scandal cost him husband job. would you know where to find a defibrillator or how to use it? bob harper is back, along with dr. oz. we're going to review life-saving information. first this, is "today" on nbc. for years, fios has been promising fast internet to small businesses. but for many businesses, it's out of reach. why promise something you can't deliver? comcast business is different. ♪ ♪ we deliver super-fast internet with speeds of 250 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. we do business where you do business. ♪ ♪ just ahead, outcry over kendall jenner's new protest-themed soda commercial. what pepsi is saying about that backlash. backlash. and backlash. and i had a wonderful time tonight. me too! call me tomorrow? i'm gonna send a vague text in a couple of days, that leaves you confused about my level of interest. i'll wait a full two days before responding. perfect! we're never gonna see each other again, will we? no-no. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. it lets you earn double cash back. 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. the easter bunny's one-stop shop for building the perfect basket? yeah, i talked to the bunny. you talk about his ears? no! about what toys better be in my basket! everybody can buy one get one 40% off what they need to build the perfect easter basket! toys"r"us... awesome! or how high the pollen count, flonase allergy relief keeps your eyes and nose clear. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. for relief beyond the nose. flonase. at hellmann's, we care about sourcing 100% of our oils responsibly. and we care about incredible taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food. good morning. i'm rosemary conners. just a few minutes before 7:30 this wednesday. bill henley is tracking a beautiful day ahead. clouds, but breaking out for sunshine. sunny skies all day long. fog in new jersey starting to disappear. temperatures in the 40s is where the fog is. won't last. sunshine warms temperatures into the 60s. closer to 70 degrees this afternoon. plenty of sunshine for the shore, into the middle 60s today. >> jessica boyington watching is traffic. starting off on the schuylkill. police activity ahead on the schuylkill expressway just past the ramp on montgomery drive. seeing delays there approaching the scene. see on the eastbound side right now 31 minutes. from the blue route to vine street expressway. average speeds there moving towards center city into the 20s. checking in with mass transit. amtrak running on modified schedule. new jersey transit on holiday schedule. rosemary back to you. this morning a $70,000 reward offered to the person who can help police solve a quadruple shooting that killed three people in north philadelphia. at least 25 shots fired on monday. not far from a school play ground. today appealing panel will hear arguments on soda tax. american beverage association and local businesses both challenging the tax, saying it amounts to another sales tax. city disputes that arguing the tax is levied on distributors. we'll have another update. 25 months. join us every weekday morning nbc 10 today from 4:30 to 7:00. i'm rosemary. have a good one. ♪fast, rhythmic drumming it's now open in the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpark is making waves. kalahari resorts & conventions in the poconos. book your african adventure now! book your african adventure 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[ cheers and applause ] 7:30, now. wednesday morning, the 5th of april, 2017. it is a pretty morning. we're going to go outside and say hello to our lovely crowd in a moment. >> a calm between two storms. rain yesterday and rain again tomorrow. let's get you caught up on headlines this morning. a powerful tornado being blamed for this destruction, happening in goodman, missouri, just south of joplin. the fire straight and elementary school, and homes and businesses damages. officials say luckily no one was injured. more severe storms and likely tornadoes expected in the south today. a missile test by north korea is drawing a surprising response from the trump administration. rex tillerson says he has nothing more to say about the rogue nation. but during a recent trip to asia, tillerson said all options, including military opti action is on the table when dealing with north korea. investigators searched the home of the 22 suspected suicide bomber behind monday's deadly subway attack in st. petersburg. police arrested six people in separate raids on suspicion of raiding in other terrorist activi activities. there's new allegations against bill o'reilly, with more companies pulling ads from his show. the question is, whether o'reilly can survive this scandal. tom costello has more on that. tom, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. some big-name advertisers pulling out of bill o'reilly's show. he has been an icon of fox news for 20 years. hosting in his 8:00 show and bringing in millions in revenue. he and the network are facing more fallout, an avalanche of negative headlines following claims of sexual harassment. >> can we ask you a question, sir? >> reporter: this morning, the biggest star at fox news is embroiled in a career-threatening controversy, and dozens of stadvertisers, ranking their ads from bill o'reilly's talk show, after allegations surfaced of harassment and millions in settlements paid out to staffers. auto companies, bmw, mercedes-benz, and mitsubishi pulling support. allstate dropping ads from the show. saying inclusivity and response for women are allstate values. and fox news released a statement, saying we value our partners and are working with them to address their concerns about wi"the o'reilly factor." the ad buys have been reexpressed into other programs. this coming after another woman, wendy walsh, accused o'reilly of sexual harassment, though she is not filing a lawsuit. >> he said, come back to my suite. and i said, i'm sorry, i can't do that. >> caution, you are about to enter the no-spin zone. >> reporter: for the second night in a row, o'reilly stay e silent on the subject. not responding on the air. but in a statement on saturday, o'reilly says, i'm vulnerable to lawsuits from individuals who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity. saying he quickly settled the suits to spare his children. for years, o'reilly has been a valuable asset to fox. bringing in $178 million in ad revenue of 2015 alone. a profit source that could be in jeopardy. this is not the first time the network has faced backlash from sponsors. glenn beck left fox after racially-charged comments he made against president obama. he fleed to other programs. now, six years later, the network is facing an avalanche of negative headlines, including harassment claims. robert ailes, forced out after was hit with another harassment lawsuit this week. accusations, ailes and his attorney, vociferously deny. in a fox news internal memo obtained by nbc news, the company makes note of the expanded h.r. training, urging employees to address problems promptly and confidentially. this is calling for bill o'reilly's ouster, including the national organization for women. >> tom costello in washington. thank you. let's briswing over to mr. roker for the weather. >> we're dogging snow. winter storms starting. look at the tornado reports. the last seven days, 56 tornadoes. more than 460. and normally this time of year, we'd have about 240. we've almost doubled that. and then, the backside of the system that's going to cause problems. snow for the midwest tomorrow. and t appalachians and interior northeast for friday. look at the snowfall amounts. michigan, four to eight inches. upwards of six inches. and the mountains of west virginia, anywhere from 8 to 12 inches of snow. hard to believe we are in april. afternoon temperatures take off for philadelphia. near 70 degrees this afternoon. nice warmup in the suburbs as well. little fog this morning. doesn't last. 69 degrees today. few clouds you can see in the lehigh valley will clear out for sunshine this afternoon up to 66. and plenty of sunshine for delaware. 68 degrees. enjoy it as to because we've got wet weather returning fortomorrowfor tomorrow. have a great day. anytime you need it. check out the weather channel on cable. >> thank you very much. coming up next, a defibrillator helped save bob harper's life. do you know if your office or gym has one? and do you know how to use it? >> bob and dr. oz other world where your time together is special and your memories more powerful than ever because here, the magic is endless walt disney world get play proof kid's gearhl's built for springtime fun like jumping beans dresses for only $12 $7 mix and match tops and bottoms and carter's sandals $19.99. you'll get kohl's cash too. play proof guarantee only at kohl's. 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"rossen reports." and this morning, we're focusing on something we talked about yesterday. heart attacks and the importance of defibrillators. >> celebrity trainer, bob harper, says one of those devices helped save his life. we're going to talk with him and dr. oz in a moment. first, national investigative correspondent, jeff rossen, is here with an important test. >> reporter: good morning, guys. less than 3% of americans are trained in cpr. if your heart stops and no one helps, your chance of surviving is at 6%. but there's an aed that anybody can use. but most of us have no clue where they are in our officers and schools and as bob harper knows, our gyms. would you know where to found it in an emergency? this morning, we're putting you to the test. >> one. that's right. you're in my house right now. >> reporter: bob harper is the face of fitness. inspiring contestants on nbc's "the biggest loser." but in february, a sudden emergency. harper collapsed while at the gym, suffering a heart attack. speaking exclusively about it here on "today." >> i was dead. i was on the ground dead. they started performing cpr on me. they pulled out the aeds and used that on me twice. >> reporter: an aed, an automated external defibrillator saved his life. harper's gym had one. but many don't. 15 states, plus washington, d.c., require aeds in gyms. if there's one available, would you know where it is? to find out, we've come here to the new york sports club. they have an aed here. it's near the front entrance. and we're going the test out real customers. can they find this? how fast can they find it when seconds matter. hi. sorry to brother you. jeff rossen from nbc. i'm going to ask you a quick question. somebody just had a heart attack around here, find the aed. >> no idea. >> reporter: no idea? can't find it? >> sorry. >> reporter: can't find it? i ask this woman. find the aed. >> i don't know where it is. >> reporter: she does try. scouring the entire floor. finally, going upstairs. but -- she just walked right past it. vnchl eventually, she finds it. watching it all, sarah gillon. >> it was too lock. we find that defibrillator of 60 seconds of the person collapsing. >> reporter: this woman has never heard of it. aed? you know what that is? >> no. >> reporter: automatted external defibrillator? >> do you know where the defibrillator is? no. okay. >> reporter: when she asks other people. the defibrillator is? no one else knows. she gets warmer when she heads upstairs. a staffer finally shows her. >> right here. here it is. unfortunately, you took so long to find it, that person's chance of survival would be slim. >> my god. >> reporter: we don't know where they are. you're like the rest of us. >> i didn't know i had to know where it was. >> reporter: what should we be doing to make ourselves better? >> today, we should go to our work polices, our schools, our gyms and find the defibrillator now so we are prepared when an emergency occurs. >> reporter: such good advice. most gyms with an aed, the staff is trained in cpr. somebody should be grabbing the aed and somebody should be getting an employee. and the best part about the machines, they're easy to use. i learned how to do it. now, you will, too. >> bob harper, with us, along with mehmet oz, host of "the dr. oz show." you've become familiar with this thing, haven't you? >> my favorite piece of equipment in the gym right now. >> a lot of us are intimidated. i would think, i can do more harm than good. >> you can't. you open up the device. it will tell you everything you need to do. most importantly, stay calm. call 911. it will tell you both those things. >> stay calm. follow these instructions. >> it's loud. it will tell you what to do. you're doing chest compressions. when the device is identified, rip off of the cloethes. the patches have a map on them, telling you where to put one. put one below the nipple. and the other one above. once that's done, get away. it's analyzing. that's all you do. >> it's not going to shock the patient if it doesn't need a shock. >> no. and it won't shock you, either. it will start counting down. throe, two -- don't touch. shock delivered. >> and you're done. the chance of your surviving, you go do your chest compressions, it will keep going over and over until it saves your life. every minute it take yos s you find this device, reduces survival by 10%. this is an amazing opportunity. you survived with a 6% chance. that chance doubles, triples, even more if you can do chest compressions and get to this advi advice. what you're doing, in the duration of this segment, someone will have died in america. >> you still feel of where they lingered. >> they hit -- they were co compressing my chest so hard, for a month, i was feeling it. and i had pneumonia on top of it. >> that's another piece of it. i have to say, it's the dummy here, i would be afraid to do the chest compressions. how do you know if the person needs them and that's what's called for? >> you know you have good chest compressions if you're sore afterwards. you want to depress the chest one or two inches. but you need to put your whole body into it. only a 6% chance they're going to live. you can't do much harm. do whatever it takes to keep compressing at a rapid rate, about 100 times a minute, with the defibrillation. do not worry about anything else. and forget about breathing. that'sworried. no more breathing. just compress. get to the defibrillator, save a life. >> and don't ignore symptoms. you had the dizziness you talked about before a month beforehand. thanks for being here. >> you like being called a walking miracle. >> i'm a walking miracle. >> this is the dummy. you're not the dummy. >> that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. still ahead, why critics are bashing this new pepsi ad starting thursday at kohl's home sale save on kitchen essentials like a farberware cookware set just $49.99 after $30 mail in rebate. select kitchen aid electrics are $39.99 and a fiestaware 5 piece place setting is only $32.99. plus get kohl's cash too. kohl's. i the uncertainties of hep c. wondering, what if? i let go of all those feelings. because i am cured with harvoni. harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. it's been prescribed to more than a quarter million people. and is proven to cure up to 99% of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. before starting harvoni, your doctor will test to see if you've ever had hepatitis b, which may flare up and cause serious liver problems during and after harvoni treatment. tell your doctor if you've ever had hepatitis b, a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv or any other medical conditions and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni can cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni include tiredness, headache and weakness. ready to let go of hep c? ask your hep c specialist about harvoni. 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[ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: we' >> we're back, 8:00 on this wednesday morning. the fifth day of april 2017. it's one of the nice ones. here in the northeast. a great crowd of people gathered. some of them got here. i got here early this morning. that makes us feel good. coming up, are you tired of serving the kids piece pizza, pas pasta. camilla alvez has recipes guaranteed to win over the pickiest eaters in your house. let's start with the top stories. here's your news at 8:00. >> reporter: good morning. i'm hallie jackson at the white house. this morning, we are following several big international stories, including overnight, a missile launched by north korea. if kim jong-un is trying to prod a response from the u.s., he is getting met with basically the silent treatment. rex tillerson saying simply, quote, north korea launched an intermediate range ballistic missile. the united states has spoken enough about north korea. adding, we have no further comment. from secretary tillerson. the timing for that ballistic missile test, north korea launching it one day before president trump is set to meet with chinese president xi jinping. and the white house responding to the chemical weapons attack in syria, calling it heinous. blaming the assad regime and the obama administration. as the president juggled the emerging crises, it's keeping an eye on the domestic policy here at home. the vice president holding another late-night session with lawmakers. round two of repeal and replace talks, essentially. conservatives leaving the meeting saying they're optimistic. but realistically, the timeline for any health care plan is tbd, as they work out a compromise on some of the issues. the senate prepares to bury a longstanding tradition, going nuclear, as they call it. mitch mcconnell taking the first steps to change the rules and force a vote on supreme court pick neil gorsuch. that vote is set to happen later this week. matt? >> a lot to cover. hallie jackson at the white house. thank you very much. let's turn to texas where the manhunt is intensifying for a gunman that shot a law enforcement officer at a courthouse near houston. jaken rascon has more on the investigation. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the investigators say they're following leads hoare in baytown and the greater houston area. but so far, no arrests the they say the fallen officer told officials he thought his life might be in danger, just days before his death. and there was a long list of potential enemies who might want to do him harm. this morning, authorities intensifying the search for this man, seen on newly released video, walk around the baytown courthouse annex monday morning. just before constable clint greenwood was ambushed, gunned down as he arrived for work. investigators say four days before his death, greenwood e-mailed county officials that he felt threatened by someone he put in skral. i believe that eric baumgart is threating my safety. he is one of enemies that greenwood made in his 30-year career as a police officer and prosecutor. he's not considered a suspect. asked phil archer if he had anything to do with his death, baumgart replied of course not. a line of pickup trucks with blue lives matter flags and horns blaring, paid tribute to greenwood. [ "taps" plays ] hundreds attending an emotional vigil. it seem like it's okay to shoot a cop. it's not anymore okay to shoot a cop than it is to shoot anybody. they don't deserve it. they don't deserve it. >> reporter: also, this morning, law enforcement is offering protection to former colleagues and friends of the fallen officer, as a precaution. and they're hoping that a $65,000 reward will motivate anyone who might have seen anything to say something. matt? savannah? >> jacob rascon. thank you. members of an adventure-loving colorado family are recovering from a trip that ended with a helicopter rescue. church pastor jay vonnish recorded the inflatable kayaks flipped over in a river in utah. after two days, they prayed for a miracle. within minutes, a police chopper on a mission to rescue another kayaker rescued them instead. up next, prince harry's emotional speech honoring his mom's legacy, as the royals attend a special service this morning. we're there live. on "trending," a commercial controversy. the new pepsi before fibromyalgia, i was active. i was energetic. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions... or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. come with me. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. 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[ cheers and applause ] 8:11. this is a busy day for the royal family. it's highlighted by an emotional service, in the wake of the terror attack in london. >> keir simmons is at westminster abbe this morning. good morning. >> reporter: the duke and dut duchess of cambridge are at westminst westminster abbey behind me. the three young royals are attending a service for unity and opposed to terrorism. of course, at the abbey, where their mother diana's funeral was held 20 years ago. how proud diana would be if she were here. this morning, her sons, with kate, supporting victims of lontden's terror attack. attending a service at westminster abbey. >> jesus said to him, go. >> reporter: minutes from the place where last month, five people died. last night, the duchess of cambridge, the daughter-in-law diana never met, with so much confidence. and prince harry, in an emotional speech, remembering his mom and a cause that was close to her heart. >> 20 years ago, in the last months of her life, my mother campaigned to draw attention to the horrific and indiscriminate impact of land mines. >> reporter: harry himself has visited angola where his mother famously walked close to a mine field. and he has met victims of land mines, just as she did, comforting them in her own special way. >> she met with those who had suffered life changing injuries as a result of anti-personnel mines. she listened to their stories and helped share them with the world. >> reporter: harry, who was just 12 when his mom died, a loss he now says took him decades to talk about, paying tribute to her last night. >> she knew she had a big spotlight to shine. and she used it to bring attention on the people that others had forgotten, ignored or were too afraid to support. >> reporter: this year, the 20th anniversary of diana's death, will be challenging for prince charles, too. perhaps for different reasons. charles and camilla in italy this week, meeting the pope. but even this moment will draw comparisons with the time that charles and diana met pope john paul. diana's influence, still felt today. most of all, in the character and charisma of her two sons. the service in the abbey behind me. melissa cochran from utah who was injured in that terrorist attack. this is what they learned from diana and the role they play that is most important. that is to be there for people, savannah and matt, who are really suffering. >> all right, keir at westminster abbey. thank you. going to take a turn and talk about other stories that are on our minds today. time to "trend." >> new pepsi ad, features kendall jenner. causing a controversy online. the ad shows jenner in a photo shoot, while protesters are nearby. in progress, tears off her beg and goes to join the action. this goes to the moment that jenner breaks through the crowd, hands an officer a pepsi and the protest turns into cheering and applause. the backlash was immediate. i can't believe kendall jenner stopped police brutality with pepsi. many were upset with this moment. its striking resemblance from the black lives matter protest. pepsi responded saying this is a global ad that reflects people coming together in a spirit of harmony. we think that's an important message to convey. now, i remember that i want to buy the world a coke commercial. maybe this was the intent. but apparently, did not go over well. >> we talk on the show a lot about if they get you talking about it is, is that a success? in this case, it seems to be a miss. >> we saw this yesterday in the orange room around noon. kendall jenner tweeted this out. we've never seen a fast and furious response to this. and things are controversial for a polarized nation. usually, there's two sides to this. this side was overwhelmingly, everybody saying bad idea. you said at the top of the show, trying to solve a social issue with soda. >> i'm amazed you're still in the orange room at 12:00 noon. >> all day. monitoring things happening. >> carson never sleeps. >> a tent. >> you said it with a straight face, too. >> chick-fil-a is next door, we're good. what's with the chocolate bunnies? >> we're not there yet. we may have to stretch this one. baby names, right? they come and go. we're now in the age of sofia and emma and noah and aidan. what about popular names of years past. the website baby center released a list of names on the verge of extinction and yet to be chosen in 2017. i don't know how they come up with this. doris, sharon, beverly, maureen, elaine, on the way out. >> wow. >> for boys, horace, roy, geoffrey, dennis, and wayne on the verge of extinction. >> save horace. i think it -- i can see the names coming back. there has to be enough time. i know a little girl that's been named harriet, which is a name that's back like 20 years ago, you wouldn't hear. >> daisy, they become trendy again. >> i feel loic cike calvin is a old-fashioned name. luckily, not on that list. >> he's got it. it will be good. >> it will be cool to pull off of that list. just wait. should we talk about the easter bunnies? okay. hold up your bunnies. >> why did you pass me a big knife? >> in case of an attack. >> we're going to do an experiment. take a bite of your easter bunny, okay? >> mind if i cut my easter bunny? we want to see where people eat their bunnies. >> i like hollow bunnies. i'm off to a good start here. okay. everybody here ate the ears first. >> right. >> well, are you still chewing, too? okay. the headline this morning said you're abnormal if you eat chocolate bunnies feet-first. 59% of the people bite the ears first. >> is this april 1st. >> 30%, a free-for-all. >> a free-for-all. like a feeding frenzy. >> about 1,000 shots our director can't take right now. this is a potential nightmare. >> i went for the hollow end. >> i don't think you want to eat that end. >> i think you just want to put it down. just go to "pop start." >> all right. move my bunny over here. >> get that bunny away from me. there it is. bunny down. we're going to start with bar remry manilow, why he hid being gay for decades. i thought i would be disappointing them. i never did anything. when they found out that gary and i were together, they were so happy. i'm grateful for. the couple has been married for three years. manilow will be joining us in studio 1a. that will happen later this month. and he'll talk about this. and his brand-new album. you can catch "people" on newsstands on friday. and beyonce, the carters celebrating the ninth wedding anniversary. beyonce marking that occasion, by releasing her video for her video "die with you." made up f of home videos, precious moments they shared. beyonce, first released this song a couple years ago on their seventh anniversary. you see blue ivy, kissing her mom's belly. a beautiful shot. you can see it in its tire entirety. that's available on tidal. that's your "pop start" today. >> back to the orange room with you. >> take your bunny with you and get out. so, here's the deal. earlier, we showed you this area that was a severe thunderstorm watch. it has been upgraded to a tornado watch. and we also, right now, have a tornado warning to the south of atlanta. so, these storms are really firing up. as you can imagine, airport delays are going to be rampant over the next several hours. and in fact, 55 million at risk for a very large hail, tornadoes, in atlanta, mississippi, georgia. georgia and south carolina, by later this afternoon. tomorrow, it moves to the east with a risk of 15 million people from good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a beautiful spring day. a mild start, and a warm afternoon. temperatures will take off for philadelphia, near 70 degrees this afternoon. a nice warmup in the suburbs, as well. fog this morning. parts of new jersey. 69 degrees today. a few clouds in the lehigh valley will clear out. up to 66. and plenty of sunshine for delaware. 68 degrees. enjoy it today, because we've got wet weather returning for tomorrow. have a great day. >> and that's your latest weather. savannah? >> al, thank you. now to "cults & crime." this morning, we're talking about the infamous manson murders. >> joe fryer talked to some of the victims and survivors trying to move past that gruesome crime, nearly half a century later. ♪ >> reporter: it has been said the decade of love came to a sudden, violent end in august 1969, shattered by the manson family murders. >> it's something that stuck with me, ever since that day. >> reporter: now, even after half a century, families are fighting to tell the victims' stories. >> speak for the people who can't speak for themselves. >> reporter: and keep the killers behind bars. >> go rigde a horse. >> i don't want one family, not one family to go through what my family did. >> reporter: it all began when l.a. police were called to the home of actress sharon tate, wife of filmmaker roman polanski. jerry derosa was first on the scene and started talking about it. >> it affected my wife. she was afraid. >> reporter: tate had been murder aid long with jay sebring, vole tech wachowski and steven parent. when you saw this scene, what was going through your mind? >> a lot of things go through your mind. you think what happened? was this a party that went bad? a drug deal that went bad? >> reporter: the next night, leno and rosemary labianca were killed. the words rise and death to pigs on their walls. the deaths were pinned on a cult, led by charles manson. >> he's not an educated man. but he's a born manipulator of people. >> reporter: he did the killing spree hoping to incite a race war. in 1987, he showed no remorse. >> there's no need to feel guilty. if i wanted to kill somebody, i'd take this book and beat you to death with it and i wouldn't feel a thing. >> reporter: manson and his followers were convicted and sentenced to die. but when california's death penalty was ruled unconstitut n unconstitutional in 1972, the punishments were changed to life in prison. do you foeel like there has bee true justice in this case? >> absolutely not. as a matter of fact, the word justice is so inappropriate in this case. >> reporter: today, relatives of the victims regularly testify at parole hearings, and spearhead online petitions to keep the manson family behind bars. >> our family's involvement has nothing to do with anger or revenge or hatred. they cam out of love. >> it is countless how many lives were shattered by the path of destruction that i was a part of. >> reporter: one of the killers, patricia krenwinkel, is 65 years old. >> the thing i try to remember sometimes, the what i am today, is not what i was at 19. >> reporter: she was the subject of a recent documentary called "life after manson." >> these are my choices. i learned choice. i learned choice at the most horrific cost. >> reporter: krenwinkel's parole hearing was delayed until june. victims' relatives want the panel to see if she meets the criteria for battered women syndrome. >> just wake up. just because they're over the age of 60 does not make them nondangerous individuals. >> reporter: as for the others, leslie van houten was recommended for release last year. but the governor reversed it. tex watson has been denied parole 17 times. susan atkins died in 1979. and there's manson. >> ever since he's been incarcerated, every two years, manson will do something that gets media attention. >> reporter: at age 82, manson was reportedly rushed to the hospital with a serious illness. but is now back in prison. >> we hold no delight in his demise or his suffering or his death or any of those people. we want hem to live the rest of their lives behind bars. >> reporter: anthony demaria, nephew of jay sebring. >> i'm 35 years old. >> reporter: he spent years putting together a documentary about the groundbreaking hair stylist. >> i feel compelled to restore his face, to restore his story. >> reporter: for the families left behind nearly 50 years later, their work is not over. for "today" joe fryer, nbc news, los angeles. >> it o's hard to look back at e images. most of you are too young to remember this. >> lived through that. >> crazy. just ahead, we're going to shift gears dramatically. a couple new ways to think about home decor. and we catch up with "the fate and the furious" co-star, scott eastwood, having fun with our racetrack on the plaz good morning. 8:26 on this wednesday. meteorologist bill henley is tracking a great day ahead. >> temperatures have started to climb. no surprise with sunshine like this. the view from the adventure aquarium, a few thin clouds over the city. mainly sunny all day long today. and 57 right now in philadelphia. the temperatures have started to warm up. the fog is quickly disappearing, and a few neighborhoods are already getting close to that 60 degree mark. 59 degrees. 57 57. tars dale up to 58 degrees. >> jessica boyington is watching traffic for us. >> the schuylkill expressway, disabled vehicle at montgomery drive. over to the shoulder, though. we're seeing pretty big delays on the schuylkill. you can see red for most of it. yellow is not red, of course. eastbound, we're seeing 36. but westbound towards -- an earlier crash, creating big backup on the westbound side. 40 minutes from the vine headed to the blue route. this morning philadelphia police looking for the gunman who shot a man in the neck in logan. it happened here along the 4900 block of north warnock street. today in montgomery county, a food pantry for students. it started after the university and faculty and staff noticed students going hungry when their funds are low. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. remember, you can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. ♪ 8:30 on this wednesday morning. yes, it is wednesday all day long. april 5th, 2017. and we've got nice sunshiney morning on our plaza. rain yesterday. rain tomorrow. but today, a beautiful, spring day. >> really nice. by the way, just ahead, more health, upgrading your home in time for the warmer weather. nate burkes and jeremiah brent is here. what's this? >> this car at our feet, that was just driven over here by the latest edition of "the fast and the furious" franchise, not to mention hollywood royalty, scott eastwood, on the plaza. we'll chat with him coming up. >> i'm going to put this hat on you. it's inspector clouseau. >> it is. any picky eater s in your home? camila alves is in the kitchen with recipes to make dinner time fun and easy. first, let's get a check of the weather. show you what's going on. show you the nice folks over here. show you what's going on today. we have severe weather going on. out west, more rain coming in. heavy rain into the pacific northwest. eventually, it makes its way into oregon, down into northern california. and southern california, through tomorrow, with some heavy mountain snow in the sierra. in fact, upwards of one to two feet, of rain -- i should say one to two inches of rain, some areas up to three inches. snowfall amounts up to one to two feet inhe sierra. t good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a beautiful spring day. a mild start and a warm afternoon. temperatures will take off near philadelphia. 70 degrees this afternoon. a little fog this morning. parts of new jersey doesn't last. sunny skies and 69 degrees today. and a few clouds you can see in the lehigh valley will clear out for sunshine this afternoon. up to 66. and plenty of sunshine for delaware. 68 degrees. enjoy it today, because we have wet weather returning for tomorrow. have a great day. >> get that weather anytier any need it. check out the weather channel on cable. happy birthday. savannah? >> al, thank you so much. now, to our week-long series. "upgrade your home." nate furkas and jeremiah brent are here. good morning. >> good morning. >> this is fun. these are things that you can do to give it tlc. >> so to speak. >> shows on tlc. i didn't do it on purpose. your first tip is to kind of personalize. >> definitely. >> one of the things we always do, we bring things home from our travels. we never buy what other thinks are souvenir. baskets are great to bring home. >> there's always a great basket there. and you can back this flat. but the idea of hanging these things on your wall is great. this is our vrgs of an entry. and then, use baskets, as well, for decor but storage. and one hot trend, is just throw a tassel on something. >> really? >> jewelry, all over the place. >> you find a tassel and throw it on there. >> personalization. >> you're just sprucing it up. >> small touches that make the space feel like it has an extra layer. >> if decor can be storage, that's a good thing, right? let's move over to this farm table. and you're incorporating nature, which is wonderful. >> one of the things about nature is it's inexpensivnexpen. you can buy flowers at the grocery store. and you can do a series of them. air plants. geo geodes. it feels assembled over time. if you're not spending a lot of money, you don't want to have an instant interior. >> one of the things we believe, is your space should not feel precious. we like a dining room table. everybody comes there. your coffee, your magazines. do your homework. >> we have meetings there. we have a 2-year-old. there's crayons all over our table. >> exactly. can't be too fancy. i did notice. i have an eye for detail, you have the mismatched chairs, which is fun. >> we tried to get that by you, savannah. >> i'm on my game this morning. >> your awake. if you can find a pair of chairs for less money than a set of 12. these are mid century and we paired them with a vintage farm table. we think it looks good. >> how do you -- there's mismatch that looks good. and there's mismatch that's just mismatched. >> looks like you raided your grandmother's house. how do you make it work together? >> if you go around the objects that are important to you. and the truth is, have fun with design. take some risks. use things in a way you never thought of, a text tile or rugs all over the place in different patterns. >> and play with the age of things. that's anything. everybody, when they start to design their space, they buy everything new. go to vintage finds, flea markets, estate sales. things with more character. >> we're standing on one of the trends, to layer rugs. tell me about this. >> this is his favorite thing. >> i'm bad at this. >> people think that rugs are expensive. and there's a lot of great rugs out there that are not extensive. by layering them, especially smaller sizes, not only can you refresh your space, but you can change it with seasons. >> move over to our final scene here. and looking at wall art. thinking that's expensivexpensi. you do a 3d thing. >> think of objects as artwork. it doesn't have to be an expensive painting or a photograph. these are wickered mirrors. if you group objects together, that's a strong state. we use that on our show. all these tips and tricks are things we want everybody to know. design shouldn't be scary. and you should be able to update your home for spring in a beautiful way without spending a ton of hundred and panicking. >> and you have the plants, incorporating nature. how do you make the flowers look good like that? >> that's your production staff. sfwh you' >> you're supposed to pack them tight together? >> you did a wonderful job. we thank you. we buy flowers from the grocery store. we cut them short and pack them tight. it looks professional every time. >> nate and jeremiah. "nate and jeremiah by design" thistlc. we kick things into overdrive with "the fate and the t rious" star scoteastwood. ♪ ♪ welcome back. after seven "fast and furious" movies you would think the team doesn't have room for new additions. but dom goes rogue, leaving room for scottie's character to join the squad. the getting to know you period is not without growing pains. >> i'm in love. >> again? no. no. that's a million-dollar show car. the point is to not draw attention. >> it's reverse psychology. dom will never see it coming. >> it's neon orange. the international space station would see it coming. >> scott, good morning. you're in this franchise. and you have to be the good guy, the one trying to whip them into shape. >> i do. i have to enforce the rules. >> you're the protege of kurt russell's character. >> yeah. >> he's like mr. cool. >> he is. >> can you give me cool tips, kurt russell? not that you need them. >> where do we start? >> the glasses. the cia agent. >> i think i just tried not to say anything stupid. every day in front of them. >> how was it coming into this? obviously, there's been the seven movies that came before it. now, you're the new kid on the block. is it like going to summer camp? >> a little wbit. first day at school. >> any hazing that we need to know about? >> a little bit. a little bit. all in good fun. >> yes. >> all in good fun. the great thing about these films is they are a family. and so, they let me in. it was really nice. >> i saw a clip when vin diesel shoves you up against the wall and drops you -- >> dwayne johnson did. >> just develops you. >> you know, in true rock fashion. >> how many takes did you have to do of that one? >> we did a few. a few. >> i know this franchise is something you've been interested and followed. and i know paul walker was a good friend. was that on your when thinking is this something i want to be a part of? >> it was on everybody's mind who was friends with him and making the film. the entire cast. but you know, i think ultimately, you know, decided that what better way to continue his legacy, you know, than to keep making the films that everybody loves so much. >> and you did end up having some fun. your character gets it to let go a little bit. >> lets his hair down. >> you took some instagram photos showing some fun on the set. i think they're going to show some. there you are. are you a gear guy now? didn't you just do gentlemen start your engines at the nascar race? >> i did. that was incredible. i had never been to nascar before. >> look at you. there you are. is that one of the things you practiced in front of the mirror. >> start your engines. >> yes. >> they told me, they said, whatever you do, don't get up there and say, gentlemen start your engines. you know, give it -- so, i got up there. in front of 100,000 people. and i felt like a gladiator. okay. gentlemen -- >> exactly. that okay sounded like your dad. you know i have to ask about your dad. did he give you acting tips? he seems like the strong, silent type to me. >> yeah. just, you know, shut up and listen. just that's a life tip. >> exactly. >> all right, scott eastwood, thank you so much. good to have you here. "the fate of the furious" opens next friday, april 14th. coming up next, kid tested, kid approved. camila alves is here with her go-to recipes that every kid will ♪ ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer, or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? ♪ arbreak through your allergies. try new flonase sensimist instead of allergy pills. it's more complete allergy relief in a gentle mist you may not even notice. using unique mistpro technology, new flonase sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. most allergy pills only block one. and six is greater than one. break through your allergies. new flonase sensimist since 2004, more than 90 million pounds of trash have been picked up during the great american cleanup of pa. mcdonnell: nearly 2 million volunteers have joined this effort -- people like you. hi. i'm penndot secretary leslie richards. and i'm dep acting secretary patrick mcdonnell, asking you to invest in your community by taking part in this year's cleanup. visit to learn more. both: and help us pick it up, pa! announcer: paid for with pennsylvania taxpayer dollars. ♪ we're back with something new. "today food kid approved." if you've been stumped by what to feed your family, this one is for you. in the coming weeks, our favorite chefs will show you how to make delicious food that your family will love. and four kid judges will taste and rate the recipes. that's where it gets interesting. lifestyle expert and entrepreneur, camilla alvez, who knows about cooking for picky eaters. >> how are you? >> can we introduce our judges? >> i'm nervous about this. >> you should be. they're going to rate your food, live in a second. bring the lights up. 12-year-old michael burns is a meat and potatoes kind of guy. only eats greens when forced. samuel is 8, he will try anything once, but prefers pound kick. sam i sam's sister, dylan. she would eat chipotle every day. and olivia is 11. only thing she cannot stand is peanut butter. good to have you here. >> good morning. >> we're going to make two recipes. you guarantee they're going to give you the thumbs up at the end of this. >> i can't guarantee anything. but this is my kids' favorite recipe. they're watching at home. levy, receiita, living ston. >> and the ingredients are simple. we'll start with the chicken wings. not a lot in terms of ingredi t ingredients. >> salt, lemon, paprika, honey and olive oil. you get your wings. and put some lemon juice. you want to mix those up for me a little bit. make your rub. i have garlic, flake salt, one of the best salt for you guys. you don't want the overprocessed salt. >> how far issed advance do we this? two hours. olive oil, and lemon juice. he's getting heavy in the kitchen here. >> i know. >> practicing a little bit. here. put it in there. the trick on this, guys, massage it really good. >> make sure everything gets covered. >> we're on tv. we're going to skip that part. another trick is, you want to put in the baking sheet with aluminum foil. you want to put the skin facing down. >> this is going to go in the oven twice, right? >> yes. you're going to cook at 375 for 45 minutes. take them out, flip them over. another ten minutes. and put on broil. the trick on this -- i see smiling faces. >> that's good. >> the trick of this chicken is, the honey. >> is it the hits or the honey? >> a little bit of both. >> you drizzle it for me. drizzle honey on top of it. not too much. you don't want to go too crazy. and put on broil for two to three minutes. take it out. put on broil again. when you put on broil for the second time, watch the oven like a hawk. it can get burned really fast. >> with the side dish you're going to make with the chicken wings is couscous. but you managed to sneak some vegetables in there. >> exactly. you want to make the vegetables, the main ingredient, as well. be loud and fun. what we did was, we did israeli c couscous. you can use the wheat version. going to rinse it and put in boiled water for 10 to 12 minutes. cover up. you want to make sure you mix it up throughout the process a little bit so it doesn't stick in the bottom. >> look what you've done. you took your carrots and made alphabet letters out of them. >> you're going to cut your carrots into squares like this. and i usually to my kids, the first letter of their names. >> be careful, please. >> oh, come on. you want to try to do it? it's supereasy. after you cut the square, you want to slice it thinner. like this. to cook them up. and you're going to boil about three minutes, really quick, with your broccoli. going to mix everything up. >> no other spices? just the couscous and the vegetables? >> i make it very basic for the picky eaters at home. please customize this to what your kids are used to. on my wings, i usually put my favorite steak seasoning, herbs and extra things. but again, we try to make a recipe that it's across the board. kids-proof. >> are you ready for the moment of truth? kids, you have paddles in front of you. one side says thumbs up. one side says thumbs down. on the count of three. talking about the chicken wings and the couscous with the vegetables. on the count of throe, you show me which one you give it, a thumbs up or a thumbs down. remember, you can break her heart on this. >> i'm hiding. and my kids' heart. no pressure at all. >> come back up here. one, two, throe. four thumbs up. four thumbs up. you did it. congratulations. thank you so much. enjoy the rest of your meal. to get kamcamilla's kid-approve recipes, head to and more of the series coming up in the coming weeks. two stars from "real housewives of new york," bethenny and carol. first, this is bravo for "the real housewives of new york city" season nine tonight. bethenny frankel and carol. hello, ladies. what do we expect from season nine? bethenny, you returned last season. >> two seasons ago. >> and some people were like, where is the old bethenny with her quips and her memorable phrases that we can't repeat on morning television? >> the old bethenny took a vacation during a divorce. this was a funny season. this season felt like a season of therapy. a rollercoaster and much more laughs. >> good. >> in the midst of the chaos, and there can be chaos, you have emerged -- don't take this the wrong way. but a voice of reason. is that a fair analysis? >> people say that. i think, you know, i -- i am sort of a reasonable person. i'm kind of down to earth. and i as a journalist for many years, i see a different side. and i try to be -- i don't try to be the voice of reason. but i say what's on my mind. >> if you're the person of reason, you get notice. there's some drama. >> it's a bit of a busted up crew. >> what do you mean by that? >> there's one person who is married on the whole cast of "the real housewives of new york city." there's deaths, infidelity, bankruptcy, divorces. >> booze. >> other things. you know, we are a little bit busted up. a little dysfunctional. >> i'm going to go on a limb and say on this couch, besides you two, i'm probably the only one that's a viewer of "the real housewives." fair to say? >> no. >> really? you watch it? >> i go by it. i love it. >> it's important television to drive by. you're married. if you are married, you drive by. >> my husband watches more. >> a lot of things going on. what do people in new york say to you when they see you? >> me, because of my business experience, i think people say, you inspire me. it made them create their own business the i was broke less than a decade ago. that's been a really good start of the show, to see a success live and direct. >> very cool. >> thank you. >> good luck. >> keep things in order. >> reasonable. >> what will we talk about on the coach? >> exactly, don't. the new season of "new york housewives of new york city" are back on bravo. >> chelsea handler coming up. and how to make a good first nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. a beautiful spring day. let's get to meteorologist bill henley with your most accurate forecast. >> lots of sunshine across the area. in lehigh valley, still some clouds around this morning. but they're not going to last all day. these clouds will thin out and the temperature climbs to 57 degrees at 11:00. then it's into the 60s this afternoon. and they'll keep on going, warming to near 70 degrees this afternoon. new jersey seeing sunshine, and at the shore, sunny skies, 64 later today. thank you, bill. a check on the roads with first alert traffic reporter, jesco boyington. >> near the boulevard, earlier crash on the northbound side of the boulevard. all of that traffic merging in that direction, seeing the backup. the eastbound side slow too, moving toward center city. 37 minutes from the blue route to the vine. average speeds also into the 20s there. now if you head over to any of the bridges, the betsy ross bridge, an accident there, from the eastbound side. >> from the p.a. side into new jersey, through the mid span. bridge. that's why you see a lot of big delays. back to you. >> jess, thank you. arguments on philadelphia's soda tax. the american beverage association and local businesses are challenging the tax, saying that it amounts to another sales tax. the city disputes that, arguing the tax is levied on distributes. at the jersey shore, hard rock officials will reveal more about their plans to turn the old taj mahal in atlantic city into a casino. hard rock hopes to open next year and would employ around 3,000 people. vai sikahema will have another update in 25 minutes. of course, you can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show. have a great day. we'll see you at the bottom of the hour. savings at giant. only at my giant. this morning on "today's take," the original queen of late-night, chelsea handler. then, four secrets to making a good first impression. and the pint-sized putter whose drive made her a world champion. all coming up, right now. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take." live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to wednesday. humpday, april 5th, 2017. we're listening to "deja vu." we're listening to "deja vu" by -- >> i was going, what was that? >> good morning. >> welcome back. >> thank you. thank you. >> nice to have you back. >> i lost my voice after the rokerthon. >> such a surprise. >> i texted you, i can't imagine how you lost your voice. >> i'm better now. >> nice to have you back so quickly. >> it was fun. i wanted to get back. i was so upset that i missed michelle rodriguez and ken jeong. such a huge -- >> did you see ken's dance? >> yes. >> he was floating on air. >> it's amazing how when they turned it into a gif or -- >> it's gif. >> move over moon walk. he was floating across the floor. >> he updated the moon walk. we did this because on stephen colbert he had a grand entrance. >> that's cool. new video of young master calvin. >> i have to video all of the milestones. not all of them are huge. this one to me, as a first-time mom was huge. >> i haven't seen it. >> he's doing a lot of tummy time. just chilling on his elbows. and i have an owl toy. he was following it left and right. and sometimes he goes out. there you go. he looks up now. that was huge because -- >> the milestone of just turning his head. normally, he's face planted on the ground. and the neck and the back strength, right? >> this is a big deal for us. >> almost planking. almost planking. >> that's next. >> get that here. >> and watch him plank. >> he's impressive. >> instagram has changed things. we leave and we almost stay in touch, watching what you're doing in the evening. my new thing -- >> we're connected all the time. >> that is true. people in our neighborhood. new york city doesn't feel like a neighborhood -- new york city is a collection of small towns. >> our neighborhood grocery store, they have shopping carts for the kids. it's fun to see what they put in their cart. and my little claire josephine, she is a little lady. she goes with me. i posted that. i was surprised how observant people are. >> does he get to pick out? >> because we're new york city, there aren't parking lots. whatever you drop in that basket, we have to carry. so, it's not a lot of things. >> you don't go crazy. >> i'm not a big fan of the little carts because, you know, the marketers are very smart. they put the kids stuff low. so that the kids see it and they can reach it and put in there. once it's in the cart, trying to get it out, is no easy trick. >> that's why the skittles get in there. we were jealous of your instagram post as we had oatmeal and apple slices for dinner. >> even though i was homesick, dad, what's for dinner? i was thinking, i don't know, maybe one of you might do something. but not so much. so, i made a little duck. i found this great purple and green cauliflower. >> my sick days home involve cinnamon toast and involving the couch all day. you worked out and made yourself duck for dinner. >> i made it for everybody. and quinoa. >> how do you space up quinoa? >> the best way is to springle it lightly over pizza. >> it is? >> quinoa. trying to make it healthy. today is a special and sacred holiday. it's national deep dish pizza day. >> did you say pizza? >> thank you, jared. >> this almost looks like a quiche. >> it does look like a quiche. >> according to survey,, a site that keeps track of holidays. 30% of americans prefer deep dish, and 49% prefer thin crust. >> this is the only pizza i had my whole life. >> i move to the east coast, what is the stuff? the flat pizza. wichita, kansas, home of pizza hut. and i lived in chicago, with the deep dish pizza. i'm all about the bread. >> deep dish from malnadi's in chicago. and the thin crust here from new york. 49% say the thin crust. i believe the thin crust won the electoral college. >> by a hair. that means you like the thin trust, too. >> i'm a thin crust. so, deep dish, the toppings are under the sauce? >> we used to love giordano's in college. >> head to the twitter page at the today show. take a poll on which pizza you prefer, especially after you get messy. and do you shower after? >> this is good. >> we think -- moving from pizza, to arnold schwarzenegger. is there one line of his that immediately comes to mind? >> i'll be back. >> i'll be back. or hasta la vista, baby. >> that works. >> according to arnold himself, i thought maybe it was this one coming up. in movie site review screen crush, neither are those the most popular lines quoted by his friends. it is -- >> run. go. get to the chopper. >> yes. yes. that was arnold in 1987's "predator." >> you do that all the time. >> it was his tag line for host of "celebrity apprentice." get to the chopper. >> it's funny. i've never seen that movie. when you do that, i never knew why. >> wow. okay. our favorite move one-liner. >> mine? >> you're never going to be jell-o? >> what is that from? >> maybe it doesn't sound like that. you're never going to be jell-o. >> jell-o makes him comfortable. i realize compared to creme brulee, it's jell-o. but maybe that's what he needs. >> i could be jell-o. >> no. creme brulee can never be jell-o. you could never be jell-o. >> i have to be jell-o. >> you're never going to be jell-o. >> you're never going to be jell-o. >> "my best friend's wedding." i love that movie. and i don't remember that. >> "my best friend's wedding" and "noting hill." >> they are together. >> you could not remember your favorite line. >> i'm not good with quotes. >> what? >> i -- >> i said call brian, your husband. he will know what your favorite quote is. >> i know. and he came up with a different quote. i went with, you're free, you're free. >> what's that from? >> from "castaway." >> i don't remember that, either. >> fireflies, go. you're free. you're free. yeah. yes. look what i have created. i have made fire. >> so, when it's -- the reason it popped into my head is when i feed bosco, i make her sit before she eats. and then, i go, you're free, you're free. >> i didn't recognize that. >> she gets it. >> that's a face of a dog going, what the heck are you talking about? >> so then, i finally got ahold of brian. and i said, al told me to reach out to you to come up with the best quote from a movie. and he said, i could have done more. >> what's that from? >> he thought you would know. schindler's list. it's not as catchy. >> or fun. >> or fun. from a fun movie. i mean, a terrific movie. but usually, i don't think of that for quotes. and then, my favorite, of course, from "jaws." >> we're gonna need a bigger boat. >> oh, man. when roy schneider comes popping up, like a cartoon, ding. >> i love it with all of the quotes that we added extra oomph to them. you're going to need a bigger boat, you give it extra oomph. >> you will never be jell-o. >> when you do that, you sound like katherine hepburn. the calla lilies. it's the only thing that i know that katharine hepburn said. is the secret to a good marriage sleeping in separate rooms? other world where your time together is special and your memories more powerful than ever because here, the magic is endless walt disney world big and small. but when i feel my best, i am my best. and it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia probiotic two week challenge and enjoying activia yogurt twice a day. activia with billions of its exclusive probiotic helps take care of what's inside so you can focus on being your best no matter what you do. take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. it works or it's free. take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. this scarf all that's my left to rememb... sayonara. what. she washed this like a month ago! the long lasting scent of gain. now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. what's the problem, ma'am? i have a serious issue with the candy that that easter bunny gave my son. candy? i told you, he bit me first! the kid bit me first! he just walked into my mouth! now, draw the line with high-intensity color. lasting drama gel pencil from maybelline new york. ultra-smooth gel pencil in bold shades. glides on for up to 16 hour impact. waterproof. maybelline's lasting drama gel pencil. make it happen maybelline new york the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. [sighs] that's why we make them for you. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. quali "today's take." there's an article that is getting buzz. it's about a couple that sleeps in separate beds. they claim they're happier because of it. >> we didn't start doing this on purpose. we sleep separately for dten years, i woke up alt 3:00 in the morning. i would go to bed at 7:00. >> separate rooms? >> i would be on the couch or in the bed. i don't know -- what's the old-school show? >> "i love lucy." >> we go to bed separately. >> brian doesn't come to bed until midnight. >> do you hear him when he gets in the bed? >> i do. heeds a loud rollerover. >> loud? >> he rolls over with his whole body. >> is he in bubble wrap? >> it sounds like it. >> the trend may be on the rise. snooze our lose survey, reveals just under 50% of couples sleep separately and eat deep dish pizza. >> that's a lot. >> a lot of us have done it but don't talk about. >> i know deborah wants to. but let's check your weather. see what we've got going on. looking at more severe weather. we have a tornado watch for 10 million people. we're looking at severe weather during the day today. we're going to see a risk of strong storms for upwards of 55 million people, atlanta, missouri, mississippi, i should say, and georgia, this morning. and then, strong tornadoes. atlanta, georgia and south carolina later this morn. the risk moves to the mid-atlantic coast. it will be a rough day tomorrow. rainfall amounts, we're talking, you can see flash flood advise i ryes. rifle from three to fi rainfall, three to five inches. from snow, on the spain of the appalachians from four to eight inches of snow. good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a beautiful spring day. a mild start and warm afternoon. temperatures will take off for philadelphia, near 70 degrees this afternoon. nice warmup in the suburbs, as well. a little fog this morning, parts of new jersey. doesn't last. sunny skies and 69 degrees today. a few clouds you can see in the lehigh valley will clear out for sunshine this afternoon. 66. and plenty of sunshine for delaware. 68 degrees. enjoy it today, because we've got wet weather returning for tomorrow. have a great day. >> do you conquer on that forecast? >> i do agree. >> actually, no. it's more of a jet stream to the left. >> i'm judging you the whole time. >> don't be judging. april is volunteerism month. we want to celebrate the volunteers in your communities. >> we teamed up with state farm for an exciting new series. let's head out to the plaza for a big announcement. >> here we go. the series is called "neighbors helping neighbors." >> perfectly timed, too. that's fantastic. we want you at home to submit someone making a difference in your community, big or small. people who turn the power of caring into the act of doing. >> for example, a young girl who volunteers at her local animal shelter. someone who offers to cook in those in need. someone planning a fund-raiser. anybody making a positive difference. >> that's going to be so nice. you go to and tell us about something special that you know. and we may feature their story in an upcoming segment. >> what about volunteerism for you guys? >> when i first started here, right after sandy hit. the northeast. and we did it for a story. we went out to staten island, we went to. and we helped to clean up. a food pantry. and the story is over. and we're done shooting. none of us left. and neighbors were bringing over food. and watching the community come together after something like sandy was incredible. >> i was thinking about, my cousin, camille, the cousin you admire. i want to be camille. she lives in detroit now. but she always, when she goes anywhere, she will go to the grocery store, and get items and feed the homeless. an important example when she was visiting me, she got my kids up. she made sandwiches. and she's posting pictures. are my kids out there? and they loved it. that has to be something where it becomes a habit to just give. >> makes a big, big difference. and hope you will submit neighbors helping neighbors and get involved yourself. that's very cool. and a well-coordinated xrou ed . that was impressive. up next, one of the best breakfast sandwiches in america from a self-proclaimed eggspert. it's called the pepper boy. you're going the love it. no yolk, really. sorry. >> "neighbors helping neighbors" is created with our sponsor, state farm. you can lift the weight of caring by doing. so, visit state if farm's neighborhood of to find a range of volunteer opportunities in your community. ♪ (cover of chainsmokers 'don't l♪ me down') ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you can lift the weight of caring, by doing. visit state farm's to volunteer in your community. everyone wants to be (cthe cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. at hellmann's, we care about sourcing 100% of our oils responsibly. and we care about incredible taste. because at hellmann's, we're on the side of food. he's a nascar champion who's she's a world-class swimmer who's stared down the best in her sport. but for both of them, the most challenging opponent was... pe blood clots in my lung. it was really scary. a dvt in my leg. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. my doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®... to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner... ...that's proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. here's how xarelto works. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective... ...targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. it may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you've got to learn all you can... help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know. this morning on "today food," if you haven't had your breakfast yet, grab your eggs from the fridge and cook along with us. we're about to make new york's most popular breakfast sandwi sandwiches. nick is the chef of the manhattan restaurant egg shop and "egg shop," the cookbook. you have us all hungry this morning. >> herei'm glad. >> here's our grid. we have everything for a braet sandwich. >> i'm making one of my favorite sandwiches from "egg shop" the pepper boy. crunchy green bell peppers. bacon and a caramelized onion aio aioli. here's a tip from the book. once the caken bacon is crispy the bacon factor increased by toasting your bun in the bacon fat. >> i would kiss you. but it's early. >> green pepper in a saute pan. they get sauteed until they're tender. >> this is crucial. >> cooking soft scrambled eggs, making them soft. moms do this for your kids. >> takes a little extra time. >> a lilt butter in a bowl, nicely melted. lightly beaten eggs. over medium heat, you will work it. >> have water in them. >> this is the simplest double boiler setup. >> how long should it take? >> about five minutes. right? if you get pro level, you end up with this. >> pro level. this is the point you add in your garnishes. and you don't have to go to a broiler to melt the cheese. all we're doing is putting the lid on it. the residual heat will held the cheese and make a perfect soft scrambled egg. >> put a lid on it. next. >> this sandwich would not be completed without kacaramelized onion aioli. it starts with caramelized onions. they're going in a pan. here's a tip. put a little sugar in there, al. onions, you think bitter. but they're really sweet. a little sugar helps. >> oil or anything? >> nothing. just the onions. the moisture will draw out and caramelize them perfectly. i'll pop them in the fridge for a second, just to cool them down. they don't break my sauce. it provides a better picture. these caramelized onions are going into this blender with a little bit of mayo. a little lemon juice. a little bit of grated garlic right here. it's going to get pureed. and it will look like this. >> how do we put this together? >> aioli on the bun like so. and we're going to add our perfect soft scrambled eggs like this. a dbun. this is not complete without a hash bae. it's eggs bae. >> i didn't know food can be your bae. >> it can be. >> in some cultures, it is. for the recipes, head to up next, chelsea ♪ sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. this scarf all that's my left to rememb... sayonara. what. she washed this like a month ago! the long lasting scent of gain. now available in matching scents across your entire laundry routine. nbc 10 news starts now. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. just abo9:30. a few spring day. here's your most accurate neighborhood forecast. >> a beautiful view from the adventure aquarium. a few thin clouds here, where we're seeing more cloud cover is in the lehigh valley, easton. some breaks of sunshine. the temperatures are holding right now in the easton area at 54 degrees. the suburbs seeing some of those clouds too. we're getting sunshine. the temperatures are climbing. 58 degrees in delaware. in philadelphia, a few spots in the 60s. already 60 in center city. >> a check on the roads now with jessica boyington. what are you seeing? >> watching the boulevard right now. a serious situation. an overturned vehicle and a lot of rescue crew on the scene of the northbound side. so, be again, northbound, heading northeast or towards northeast philadelphia. we have only one lane getting by into the shoulder here. you can see we have a few fire engines on-scene, as well. also the southbound side dealing with problems right before fox street. a disabled vehicle blocking the left lane causing huge blackups on the schuylkill. 21 minutes from the vine to the blue route. vai. >> jessica, thank you. a $70,000 reward offered in the person who can help police solve a quadruple shooting that killed three people in north philadelphia. at least 25 shots were fired along style street on monday. not far from a school playground. and the christie administration expected to update state lawmakers today on the 2018 budget proposal. christie's $35.5 billion spending plan includes more money for education and the public employee pension fund. i'm vai sikahema. another update in 25 minutes. you can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc news app. back to the "today" show. have a great day. ♪ she was the first female to break into the male-dominated world of late night with "ch "chelsea late ly." >> now, she's back mixing politics with pop culture for season two of her talk show, chels chelsea," which has scenes from her famous dinner parties. take a look. >> you lock at somebody. you see their humanity and they see your humanity and you have to listen to them, and how they're experiences are different than yours. >> i have diary arrhediarrhea. >> shut up. >> i just ran upstairs and i have have to go again. >> what did you eat? >> i got mended. i had to walk out. >> why are you talking right now? >> i had to tell you. >> i'm so glad. i thought i was being boring. >> dpogood morning. >> is that for real? >> that's a beautiful clip for the morning. i'm okay, for now. anything can change at any moment. >> are you always so subtle? >> that's when a i came back from india. we went to india. we filmed for two weeks. i was one of the only on my crew that did not get diarrhea. it was after. that's how slow my metabolism is. >> you're not kidding. >> it was rough. i didn't know how to say at that dinner party, like i got up too many times. and i didn't want anybody to think i was doing anything untoward. i had to go with honesty. >> it's fine. this is the thing. people can relate to the fact that -- i told you before the show. you must feel so free. one moment, you're talking about diarrhe diarrhea. i don't know why i did it like that. and the next moment -- >> like cancer. >> and the next moment, you're talking about real issues, education or parenting. you know what i mean? you don't both. >> that's what is great about doing netflix and doing the show i'm doing. i can do what i want. we went to england, india, paris. went to wales. you can make it serious. you can make it funny. you can make it silly and stupid and combine all those things. there's no reason all of those things have to be mutually exclusive. it's noise to do a show when i get to be me. >> why was it important to you to combine comedy with some issues? education and health and -- inform people? >> i think it's great to contin constantly be learning especially going on in the world. a political climate when there's a lot of back and forth. people who disagrdisagree. it's great to get informed and highlight the issues and get involved and have deep conversations. how do you get involved in politics? i didn't know how a bill was passed. or i didn't know what the electoral college really meant until somebody explained it to me for the fifth time. i finally got it. you can have fun with the issues without being corny about it. >> what can we expect? i feel like the bar is so high. you keep raising the bar. >> thank you. or lowering it, depending on which episode you watch. now, we're doing hour episodes on friday. that allows us more time with each topic. i can make each episode the themeattic. it's more of like a way for me to get -- delve into topics i'm interested in getting to the bottom of. having more time with my interview subjects and that kind of thing. >> the explainer segments -- it's what we're all too scared to ask. >> i don't have a problem with looking like an idiot. obviously. i feel like if i can ask questions and we can get answers, there's nothing stupid about asking a question. i's more embarrassing to pretend you know something that you don't. i've had experience in that, too. i'm going to ask and admit that i done know how many people are in our house of representatives. >> a lot of people don't know. and we get to laugh somehow, too. >> yeah. you got, you know, to just kind of not take yourself too earsly. i don't take myself too seriously. and it worked out well. i have a pretty nice life. >> you get to curl your feet up and ask what you want. >> living the dream. >> you're living the dream, too, at the "today" show. >> we want to put our feet up on the couch. >> you have to get a couch. >> we have to earn the couch. we haven't earned that yet. the second season of "chelsea" friday, april 14th on netflix. up next, mastering the art of the when you make a pb&j with smucker's, that's the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. because with a name like smucker's, it has to be good. of many pieces in my life. and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo is specifically designed to open up airways to improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. learn more about better breathing at that gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. classic. cage free. and organic. only eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. ♪ ♪ give extra. get extra. as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. and it's especially important when you're on a job interview, at a business meeting or on a blind date. >> here with the no-fail secrets to mastering the art of a first impression, the author of "scrappy," terri sojdin. nice to see you. we have a quiz here. >> one of the questions that comes up, how do i make a good first impression? and how much time do you have to make a great first impression. there was a recent article in "forbes" magazine that says you have seven seconds to make a great impression. to reveal what they're looking for. we give you a word puzzle and give you a sense of what seven seconds feels like. ready, go. >> rhythmist. >> thoroughly. okay. >> seven seconds goes fast. >> right? it's fast. the word that we're looking for here is trustworthy. >> oh. >> and so, what they're assessing when they're determining whether or not you're making a positive first impression, are two elements, warmth and competence. how do i express warmth and competence in seven seconds. and the key to that is really just find a way to connect because through connection, that's how they assess trustworthiness. way to get there quicker is before you walk into a meeting, do a little scrappy homework. see what you can find out about that person. a little about their hobbies, interest. >> stalking. >> right. elegant stalking would be helpful. >> something to talk about. and what that shows them is, this person really did their homework. they made an extra effort. and now, i'm feeling a little more comfortable. >> is there a fine line? >> such a great point. there is a fine line. like we talked about last time, don't scare the bunny. don't go too far. let's keep it what i say, classy and scrappy. >> okay. >> let's start with a blind date. >> same thing happens. people say, what if i'm in a blind date situation? how do i make a great first impression? >> wine helps. >> wine makes me -- the key word is so spil smile. you're displaying that you're genuinely interested in being there. there's a fake smile and a sincere or genuine smile. and research says suggested that having a genuine smile makes a big difference when crafting a great first impression. dig into your instagram files. and find -- this would be called what we would call a fake smile scenario. >> i'm with big bird, for gosh sake. >> i'm in a grocery store. >> i don't think you're being fake. this is what we call a forced or a say cheese smile, when someone is asking you to do it. what you notice here is that you're always seeing the bottom layer of your teeth, right? you see the bottom layer of the teeth. and you see the wide eyes. and you don't get the little crow's feet on the sides. without those, you don't get a sense of that authentic, genuine vibe. let's look at another photo, where you actually see a more genuine smile. i love this pick chture of you . >> yours looks fake. >> actually, calvin's looks fake. >> the genuine crows feet. you don't see the bottom layer of teeth. you get a sense of warmth. the reason this is important in a dating scenario, is researchers from the university of california suggest that a genuine smile can also determine outcomes in marriage and overall well-being. something to think about. >> how about a job interview? >> on a job interview the question that comes up often, is how do i sit in a job interview. we have lovely "today" show models, illustrating four different positions that you might sit in. look at the models and assess which you think leaves the best first impression. >> i have sat like this. in a job interview. so, that's how i would go. >> you're both going to pick elle. interesting choice. according to an article in "psychology today" magazine, daniel is displaying the best position to craft a great first impression. sitting up straight. >> looks a little uptight. >> almost like there's a string. my first instinct would be to pick ellie, as well. she looks like she's leaning forward. she's engaged in the conversation. but anything too much of anything is a mistake. if you're leaning too far forward, might be over eager. too far back would be cold or off-putting. if somebody, arms are crossed, they're closed off, not being attentive. >> a business meeting. >> now, the question is, where is the best place to sit in a business meeting? in this snare yore, i want you to imagine that you're the head of the meeting. and, dylan, you are the second in command. so, where would you sit if you got to pick in this scenario? a great first impression. >> hey, there. >> a curve ball, there. >> that's it. >> my gosh, you guys are cracking me up. >> i go here. perfect. actually ash l actually, according to an article in "psychology" magazine. you are in the flanking position, that you are in direct earshot of the head of the table. another opportunity might be here to sit in the center, which creates a sense of communion. all these are illustrations to consider when you want to create a first impression in your next opportunity. let's do weather now. >> that's why you picked that seat. for today, we are looking sunny and mild weather in the northeast. severe storms, potential outbreak through this morning into the early evening hours. the western-third of the country, looking fantastic. we move into tomorrow, strong storms along the mid-atlantic coast. heavy rain as you move your way into the northeast. heavy rainmaking its way in northern and central california. high winds through the central mississippi river valley. sunshine through the plains. that'shat's going on around w good morning. i'm meteorologist bill henley. a beautiful spring day. a mild start and warm afternoon. temperatures will take off for philadelphia, near 70 degrees this afternoon. nice warmup in the suburbs, as well. a little fog this morning. parts of new jersey doesn't last. sunny skies and 69 degrees today. and a few clouds you can see in the lehigh valley. we'll clear out for sunshine this afternoon, up to 66. and plenty of sunshine for delaware. 68 degrees. enjoy it today, because we've got wet weather returning for tomorrow. have a great day. >> that's your latest forecast. >> i'm trying to make this work. up next, the 9-year-old golf champion wchampion who made it . how she is making a difference on and off the green i love you so much, that's why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. i want you to stay this bright blue forever, that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you. protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner. discover italy's lighter side, at olive garden with new tastes of the mediterranean recipes that put a fresh spin on traditional italian made with simple, wholesome ingredients inspired by italy's mediterranean coast. indulge in italy's lighter side at olive garden. creamy, crunchy, chocolatey, hershey's. packed with cookies or almond pieces. hershey's has the taste you love in every bite. i lost my sight when i was 14 years old. so i really navigate the world by touch. when dove asked me to try out this body wash... i was excited that it was foam. it was so light and soft... not sticky. it's light. it's different. it's foam. big and small. but when i feel my best, i am my best. and it all starts with a healthy routine. that's why i'm taking the activia probiotic two week challenge and enjoying activia yogurt twice a day. activia with billions of its exclusive probiotic helps take care of what's inside so you can focus on being your best no matter what you do. take the activia probiotic two week challenge with me. it works or it's free. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i can be more active. game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. there's a world like no other world where your time together is special and your memories more powerful than ever because here, the magic is endless walt disney world now, to a story about kids helping kids. gina is a young golfer from ohio, who has spent her life trying to master the golf course. she was one of the athletes that qualified for the drive, chip and putt finals at augusta national. an event making a difference in her life and in the life of others. this is gianna clement. she won the kids championship in 2015. and was runner-up the following year. but all-told, gianna was winning when she was a pint-sized putter. >> nice swing. >> i started playing tournaments at 5. and then, i won the world championship at 7. i love to be competitive. >> reporter: she can thank her daddy caddie for passing on the drive. >> when she turned 16, 18 months old, we put some plastic clubs in her hands. and she embraced it from the start. look at the camera and say how do you like that? >> how do you like that? >> she will be up 6:45 to say, take me that the range. four or five days, practicing. >> now, the chip shot for jianna clemente. >> she became 1 of 80 kids to qualify for last sunday's drive, chip and putt national finals, where girls and boys ages 7 to 15, compete on the same augusta course that hosts the masters tournament. >> it will be good for an experience, just to putt on the 18th green. >> reporter: gianna is helping to raise money for pediatric cancer, which hopes to raise awareness through the love of golf. last year, $25,000 benefited patient casey crow and the st. jude's research hospital in memphis, tennessee. 2017's goal, to raise $100,000 for st. jude and a new nonprofit, the sadie keller foundation. >> the more tournaments i play, the more money that's raised. >> they take one-time donations and also pledges. it's great for her to be part of something that's bigger than golf and parter than her. >> reporter: for now, gianna will keep striving for personal best, on and uf the course. >> when we raise money, it might make them better. and i do believe that someday, there will be a cure for cancer. >> gianna placed seventh in the 7 to 9 division. 1 of 50 kids around the world, aiming to raise $100,000 to fight pediatric cancer through avery's lives win green campaign. if you want to learn more about the campaign, head to back in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc. grit. some have it, some don't. when the odds are stacked against you, you either hide or stand up. at strayer university we've seen it in our students for 125 years. and if you ever think of quitting, our success coaches will be there to pick you up and work with you every day to put you on the right path. it's time. strayer university. let's get it, america. a little earlier, we said that chelsea handler was the first to break into late-night. we have to give joan rivers her props. she was the first to have a late night talk show. "the late show" in 1986. >> results of our pizza poll. which do you like better? deep dish or thin crust? 64% of you say thin crust. >> yes. >> 36%, deep dish. we're not on in chicago yet. >> in the midwest, we're not on yet. >> kathie lee and jenna are coming up next, right after your local news. nbc 10 news starts now. good morning, i'm vai sikahema at 10:00. jessica boyington, you're following delays after an accident on the boulevard. >> right. overturned vehicle. a few things going on on the northbound side. we are seeing massive delays. this is the nourthbound side. traffic at a complete stand still for a time. this is over the top of the delay that's left. the scene has cleared. you can see this was actually where the scene was. they had had ramp blocked off and all traffic blocked off, as well. if you have to get by for now, there are still massive delays. you want to avoid that if you're headed up the schuylkill expressway. head to girard avenue, 33 to west hunting park avenue and back on to the boulevard at broad street. back to you. >> may have noticed how nice the weather is there. let's check in with bill henley. >> we have a nice day this morning. 54 now on the suburbs. a few scattered clouds in the king of plus prussia. jurors here the first full day of testimony of accused cop killer eric frein. prosecutors say he killed one trooper and wounded another. vai sikahema. we'll have another update in about 25 minutes. and you can always get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. now back to the "today" show. have a great day. we'll see you at the bottom of the hour. ♪fast, rhythmic drumming it's now open in the poconos! america's largest indoor waterpark. kalahari resorts & conventions book your african adventure now! live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza -- >> hello, ideas, it is wines day-wednesday. jenna bush hagar is in for hoda mama. you're like my baby sister. >> we have had the best time. >> we've had a good one, baby. yes, we have. are you listening to "i'm ahead. ""the 2013 smash hit by ajr, the three brothers who got their start perfmi

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