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Category 2 hurricane hammering South Carolina with winds of 105 Miles Per Hour and heavy rain and dangerous storm surge. People in charleston bracing for the worst. Meanwhile, folks in florida assess the damage from what matthew left behind. Now ive got holes in the roof and its leaking in my kitchen. Dylans tracking it all today, saturday, october 8th, 2016. Announcer from nbc news, this is today live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. And welcome to today on this very busy saturday morning. Im craig melvin alongside Sheinelle Jones and Stephanie Ruhle is here. Dylan dreyer is standing by. Charleston being hammered. Lets get to it. Hurricane matthew barrelling on charleston, South Carolina after leaving a path of destruction in florida. We will go live to our team of correspondents in the south. Dylan is tracking the storms path. We will get to that in a few minutes. Overnight, political news with the election 31 days away. Donald trump apologizing to women for what he said in 2005. This after the tape catching trump in an unguarded moment. He has been disinvited to an rally today. There is so much to get to this morning. Lets start with nbcs katy tur who has been following the Trump Campaign from the beginning and has latest from the fallout. Good morning, sheinelle. 16 months in and donald trump has refused to apologize to the judge or the gold star family or former miss universe. This changed this morning. Trump finally saying he is sorry he could grope a woman for saying he is famous. Is the damage after done . When you start it, they let you do it. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. After the outrageous remarks. Finally contrite trump. I said it. I apologize. Then the attack. Bill clinton has abused women and hillary has shamed his victims. Reporter the apology believed to be unprecedented came after a 2005 tape surfaced with a conversation and then access hollywood host billy bush. Trump brags about groping women and laughing off the attempts to seduce nancy odell. I moved on her heavily. I took her furniture shopping. Ill show you. I moved on her like a [ bleep ]. I couldnt get there. She is married. She totally changed her look. Reporter the comments caught on a hot mic on a publicity tour. Eight months after he married melania who was already pregnant. Overnight, deluge of condemn nation. Leaving trump no choice but to repent. One calling it their very own hurricane. One writes, priebus, no one should described in the terms ever. And paul ryan withdrawing from a scheduled appearance today. Saying he is sickened. The republican governor along with Congress Member Jason Chaffetz withdrawing support. I cannot do it. Reporter some are calling this the end and some high profile voices demand he drop out. Trump isnt leaving. We will discuss this more in the coming days. See you at the debate on sunday. This morning, new talks to see how the Republican Party can go forward and whether they can take trump off the ticket. Pressure to do so mounting from big dollar donors. It is a move highly unlikely because of ballot issues. Early voting has started already. Meanwhile, billy bush is apologizing saying he is embarrassed saying this happened when he was younger and less mature. What is the likelihood there are other tapes out there . There have been grumbling like that. We could see more of the tapes from now until election day. I have spoken to somebody who has known donald trump for a long time. They said he has said much worse. Katy, thank you. Lets bring in political director and moderator of meet the press. Chuck todd. Good morning. I feel we have had the same conversation over the last year. Trump doing something ridiculous and it doesnt stick to him. Does this feel different to you . It does. I think, look, you already had a campaign that was reeling and sort of for conventional reason. Now this. I think it is unrecoverable. How do republicans down the ballot breakaway from him . Is it done by the leadership first . Is it mcconnell . Is it ryan . Is it the chairman of the party . It is unrecoverable. The question is what do people what does the rest of the party do . The apology or half apology or promise to continue the conversation likely during the debate tomorrow. Whats in store for the debate tomorrow . If this debate is what donald trump threatens, i dont think it is unchartered territory, craig. Im trying to envision what this would look like. Disaster doesnt begin to describe it if this is the road trump goes down. If this is what it turns into, i dont think he has any idea how much of a mistake this would be or how poorly this would play to attack a woman for the infidelities of her husband. It would be of epic proportion of a political miscalculation. The defects of Jason Chaffetz and senator mike lee saying trump should get out of this thing. Paul ryan uninviting himself to the rally today. Will we see more of that . I think we will. I would be stunned if we dont. So far, the first people to break are two groups of republicans. One have been mormons. Obviously, this is an issue for utah republican rank and file leaders for months. You have some coming from republicans in competitive races in a month. I think today and tomorrow, you will see panic among house republicans. Remember, craig, lets talk about winning and losing. This is can the republicans hold the senate. If this is mishandled. If donald trump truly goes into tomorrow as political ied, the house could be in play and suddenly the entire party could collapse on itself over the next few weeks. I think its a total i think people will start running for the hills. It sounds like you are saying that donald trump could very well bring down the entire gop. I think he could. Come november. To be clear, 31 days out, theyre stuck with him. Theyre stuck. Look, i had a conversation with some high level republicans in early august, craig, during the khan episode. When he was attacking the gold star family and khan family. There was chatter. Okay. If they can convince him to quit, you know, how much time would they have and when would they have to do it and when would he have to get out. It was determined they had until the first week of september. Now it is too late. Ballot deadlines. It is too late. Maybe there is some weird Electoral College thing to get all of the electors that are promised to elect trump to sign some other pledge. Fundamentally, it is too late to replace him. Thank you, chuck todd. We will see more tomorrow morning on meet the press. Hard to believe that is not all that happened in politics yesterday. At the same time the donald trump tape was public, wikileaks released more emails claimed to be from the Clinton Campaign manager email account. It reveals the private wall street speeches. Many want to know what is in those. Nbcs kaci hunt is in st. Louis at the site of the big debate. Kaci, good morning. Reporter steph, good morning. So much news all at once here. We are finally getting a glimpse into the speeches that you mentioned that clinton gave to wall street and other private groups that Bernie Sanders demanded she released during the primaries. She never did. These are from wikileaks. We have not confirmed the authenticity of them. The campaign has not either. John podesta writing im not happy about being hacked by the russians. This is a Hillary Clinton different in private than public. She went so far as to say as much. Politicians need to have one public position and one private position as they get things done in washington. And on trade which was important to sanders, she went so far as to say she would call for an open border policy. My dream is a hemisphere common interest. And we raised doubt that the kremlin recognized wikileaks to meddle in our election. He says they will not confirm the authenticity of stolen documents from Julian Assange and made his desire to damage Hillary Clinton. At the same time, there are no major bombshells in the documents. It stands up to the story of donald trump and Many Democrats i talked to privately saying they think this race may already be over. Steph. Kasie hunt in st. Louis. See you there tomorrow. We will open up the conversation. There is too much to cover. Lets bring in sara flores. A deputy Campaign Manager for Carly Fiorina and we have carl edward. A political analyst. Good morning to both of you. We have to start with donald trump. These comments. Any other person could make them. It would torpedo their campaign. This conversation he has had over and over. He has a problem with women. 64 polled have a negative view of him. Will this change votes . We are heading into the election where we will have the largest gender gap in history by a factor of two. I think what this will do, we wont measure this outside of the debate on sunday. What does this is in the debate he needed to win and be on offense, he is heading in on his heels at best. They have to spend all of today and tomorrow preparing for how to handle this. I dont think last nights apology video does anything to help that. So i think this will all be tied into the debate he could not lose. Go back to the video that he put out around midnight. Half apology. Half threat. Basically saying he will go after bill clinton. The debate tomorrow in st. Louis how ugly could it get . It is really all on him. I agree with sarahs comments. In a lot of ways, it shows what his wealth provides him. He talked about the advantage of celebrity and how you treat women. You wonder how he treats his daughter. I thought convincingly at the convention and his wife. And three, the gender gap you speak of. It will be large. I think republicans alike we will hear from more republicans about him stepping down. If you have a daughter or sister or married. It is hard to look your family in the eyes and say ill get out and actively support and be for donald trump. Not only will the debate be interesting, but the next 24 hours will be in how he handles women in his party and in general. Thank you so much. We know this topic will come up tomorrow night during the second president ial debate of t. You can see Hillary Clinton and donald trump faceoff on msnbc. Coverage begins at 9 00 eastern 6 00 pacific. Tomorrow night. Im sure we will get a huge audience. Lets turn to the other story this morning. Hurricane matthew. That storm is now a weakened category 2 hurricane with top sustained winds of 105 Miles Per Hour. It is battering South Carolina, but on friday, heavy damage and destruction left behind in parts of florida. At least four people were killed in that state. More than 1. 2 Million People are without power this morning through georgia and florida and the carolinas as well. We have Team Coverage this morning. We start with nbcs Chris Jansing in charleston. Chris. Reporter this is what hurricane conditions look like, craig. This wind and rain has been steadily worsening over the last hour or so. They say it will continue for several hours more. Hurricane conditions for at least another hour. Take a look at the flooding. You can see how deep my boots are. This isnt the worst of it. Were pretty far away from the worst of it. Having said that, the Officials Say the combination of wind and rain could be worse than hurricane hugo. Governor nicki haley is upping the number of National Guard members to 35,000 people. We saw some of them out braving some of the earlier conditions and flooding yesterday. In addition to that, you have waves that are cresting at 20 feet. Measured off bouys off the coast. 90,000 people without power. That is expected to rise. Power crews here from as far away as texas. A problem downed power lines causing burglar alarms and fire alarms to go off. That has been keeping the emergency crews busy. The one thing that officials are happy about is they told people to evacuate. 335,000 did. Many of those in shelters. Those who didnt heeded the warnings overnight. They had no problems and they kept off the streets. The only thing we saw at 8 00 or 9 00 last night were police cars. The curfew seemed to hold. I just talked to a city official who said they did not have major problems overnight. Having said that, when you look at the combination of factors, wind, rain, flooding, the third highest surge in history. They will have a mess on their hands here in what is clearly, you know, craig, because you spent so much time here in the historic and most beautiful cities in thing south. Craig. The crown jewel. Chris jansing, thank you. Lets go to dylan. Whats the latest on Hurricane Matthews track . The track is still expecting to make landfall somewhere near charleston shortly. It is a category 2 hurricane. It has been weakening. Winds down to 105 Miles Per Hour. That is strong. Look at the rain bands in South Carolina and North Carolina right now. Since we are very close to possible landfall, you can see the hurricaneforce winds, they are making it onshore. You go up to charleston and inland a bit. 37mileanhour wind gusts. Some strongest gusts in tybee island, georgia, 39 Miles Per Hour. The highest storm surge they experienced. Speaking of the storm surge, 5 to 7 feet from hilton head north. And cape fear to kitty hawk. That push of water which increases the coastal flooding. Here is the latest track. We will get an update later this morning. It is expected to weaken and move to a tropical depression before it loops around into the bahamas as we get into the end of next week. In the meantime, we are looking at heavy rain, torrential downpours and 5 to 9 feet storm surge. Look at how far north it spreads. We have approaching cold front from the west. We will see rain across eastern long island and southeastern massachusetts. Not because of the storm itself, but adding extra moisture. We will see the effects across the northeast. Guys. Dylan, thank you. We will get more from you throughout the morning. We want to get back to charleston, South Carolina and see how the city is doing. John techlenburg is the mayor. Good morning to you. Good morning, sheinelle. Welcome to charleston. Thank you. We are looking at the pictures. Heartbreaking to see. What do you see as far as the damage is concerned . First let me say how proud i am of the Emergency Operations personnel both in the city and county and the state. I was riding around downtown charleston last night and despite the fact we always welcome people to our vibrant and lively city, it was virtually a ghosttown. We did a great job of getting folks evacuated and secure in the homes before the storm came. What we are concerned about today are the high winds that are about to unleash on the city as the eyewall of the storm actually hits the city of charleston. We are expecting over 100mileanhour winds and the triple threat of flooding which includes the storm surge and high tide that will be here midday today and the torrential rains that we are receiving as the day goes on. I was just about to ask you that. Lets talk about flooding for a moment. Charleston is low lying. Downtown floods easily. How much flooding are you expecting . A good bit. We already closed about 80 local streets due to flooding and some trees already coming down. The trees and Power Outages frankly will increase as the day goes on with the increased wind, but the flooding midday should be the worst because as that storm surge pushes water in and the high tide comes in and the rain has nowhere to go out, were going to have continued and increased flooding throughout today. Hopefully, god bless, we have no loss of life. Thats the most important thing. Amen to that. My colleague just mentioned 90,000 people without power. When can they expect that to be back on . Well, just to let you know, our city personnel both Public Safety and Public Service are stationed throughout the city in fire stations everywhere so as soon as the storm is over, well begin our response and recovery. Utility companies have prepositioned crews not only their own crews, but called in other crews. We have many resources and assets ready to go for response and recovery. We hope in just a day or two well be happy to welcome folks back to charleston and come down and join us. All the best to the communities affected there. Mayor, thank you for your time this morning. Dylan is back with the quick check of the forecast. Thank you, sheinelle. There is not a lot to talk about. The main focus is the cold front moving east than combining with the rain. All eyes on South Carolina and North Carolina with the heavy rainalling right now. F nolan carol. Good morning, i am first alert meteorologist krystal klei. The forecast for today. We see a chance of rain with a front from the west and moisture from matthew pulling in from the south. 71 the forecast high in center city, 70 in lance dale. 69 in allentown. And temperatures are cooler on sunday. Heres new jersey. 70. Ocean city also at 70. Forecast temperature of 71 for wilmington. And thats your latest forecast. Dylan, thank you. More of our coverage of Hurricane Matthews wrath. But first this is today on nbc. Cozy up this fall with dunkins coffee and espresso flavors. Sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. America runs on dunkin. Still to come here, we are live in South Carolina as folks there wake up to assess the damage from Hurricane Matthew. This is a live look at the beach. And one month to go until i am rosemary connors. Just a few minutes before 7 30. Meteorologist krystal klei is keeping a close watch on Hurricane Matthew and telling us about the effects in our area. Thats right, rosemary. A lot to talk about with Hurricane Matthew pommelling the South Carolina coast. You take a look from hilton head through charleston, seeing the eyewall of the storm, worst part of the storm. Right now over charleston. Very serious damage by end of the morning as it tracks northeast. For us, take a look. We move farther north and our area, we have clouds and rain to the west. A cold front is blocking matthew from making a direct hit near us, but some of matthews moisture is pulled up with this front. Later today we are tracking chances of rain moving through the area. As for temperatures, they arent warming much. Low 60s in philadelphia. The forecast high 71. One person in the hospital following a crash in south philadelphia. Take a look. One car overturned at 20th around the car hit three parked vehicles. No word on the condition of the person injured. Today Community Groups will be Holding Block parties to encourage people to register to vote in philadelphia and bucks county. The events come days before pennsylvanias deadline tuesday. Delaware Voter Registration deadline is october 15. In new jersey, october 18th. Watch the second debate live at 9 00 on cozi tv. If you watch sunday night football instead and miss the debate, dont worry, weve got you covered. We have a report from st. Louis after the game. Gas prices are about to go up in new jersey. State lawmakers approved a 23 current hike in gas tax. It is bolster the Transportation Trust fund used to build and fix roads. Governor Chris Christie is expected to sign it. I am rosemary connors. Now back to the today show. See you in 25 minutes for another update. How tall are you . How do we measure greatness in america . Its measured by what we do for our children. Its why as president ill invest in our schools. In college that leads to opportunities. Not debt. And an economy where every Young American can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. Ive spent my life fighting for kids and families. I want our success to be measured by theirs. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. We are back on this saturday morning. October 8th, 2016. A great crowd on the plaza this morning. We will head out in a few to say hello. Here is what else is making headlines. A rare apology from donald trump overnight for vile comments he made about women in 2005 when he did not realize he was recorded. It was from a taped conversation he was having with access hollywood host billy bush. In a video released on friday night, trump said he was sorry. Ive said and done things i regret. The words released today are more than a decade old video are one of them. I said it. I was wrong. And i apologize. Trump was supposed to appear at a Campaign Event in wisconsin today. He was disinvited. With many fellow republicans slamming his comments. And moscow is responding to the obama administrations accusation that it ordered hackers to try to interfere with the president ial race. The secretary from the state of Homeland Security charged that senior russian officials were the only ones to authorize the attacks on the u. S. Political groups. The kremlin dismissed it as nonsense. And the u. S. Military is moving in and sending a ship full of aid and supplies to haiti after the destruction. Hundreds of people have died and hundreds of thousands have been displaced. Some relief supplies have poured into that country in great need. Lets go back to the coverage of Hurricane Matthew now. The storm leaving its mark on georgia overnight. Nbcs rehema ellis is in savannah for us. Rehema, whats the scene now . Reporter craig, i can tell you so many are waking up to massive Power Outages. According to Georgia Power, 200,000 people in the county. Here in chatham county, 600,000 are without power. You see street lights on. That is a good thing. Also, consider what you see. You dont see anyone. In this particular county, according to officials, about 75 of the residents did heed the order to evacuate. Thats Something Like 200,000 people. The good news is that while the wind is still surging at gusting at 46 Miles Per Hour now, the storm we got that hit the area overnight did not force the wind and rain, i should say, up into the streets here. You can see the streets are pretty dry. But there are Power Outages and downed trees and down power lines. On the island, a lot to deal with. Tybee island got the record storm surge of 12 1 2 feet overnight. To assess the damage, they will wait for all of the wind to calm down before authorities send in emergency crews and their assessment crews out to figure out exactly how much damage has been done to this area. Craig. Rehema ellis in savannah. Stay safe. Be careful. Dylan, what is the latest on matthew . Savannah was hit hard and tybee island. Because of the fact because we saw the high tide occur right when the strongest storm surge occurred. I want to show you exactly what a storm surge is. Its basically a rise of water in addition to the regular high tide. You have your normal tide levels and high tide levels. If you add water on top of that, it is a huge push of water that comes onshore. Obviously this is a bit exaggerated. On tybee island, 12 feet above normal high tide. To put that in perspective for you. Im 53. If you take your average high tide level and you add perhaps up to 4 to 6 feet on top of that, this is a wall of water coming onshore. The water has nowhere to go. It continues to push inland. Although savannah is a little bit farther inland, it is still close enough that the water floods savannah. We will see the same situation in charleston as well. It is not just the coastal flooding because of the storm surge, but also the rain itself. You can see all of this is pushing onshore as the system wraps around. We are looking at flash flooding which is a concern. We are looking for additional 12 inches of rain possible in what we will see today. It is the combination of the storm surge pushing water onshore causing coastal flooding and inland flooding and flash flooding from another foot of rain. Some areas picked i am first alert meteorologist krystal klei. Look at the forecast for today. We do see a chance of rain with a front moving in from the west, moisture from matthew pulling in from the south. Showers through the entire area. 71 in center city, 70 in lansdale. 69 for the High Temperature in allentown. And temperatures are cooler on sunday. Here is new jersey. 70. Ocean city, also at 70. Forecast temperature of 71 degrees for wilmington. And thats your latest forecast. Thank thank you, dylan. Still to come, following in her fathers footsteps. Cant get cuter. John legends daughter proofs it is never too early to Start Playing piano. And the story behind this incredible halfcourt shot. Incredible halfcourt shot. Looking like incredible halfcourt shot. Looking like i was infected with hpv. 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The Vice President candidates held their debate and Kim Kardashian was robbed in a paris hotel. Those are a few of the stories. Hurricane matthew leaving a trail of destruction slamming into the caribbean. Packing winds of 140 miles an hour after slamming into haiti. The poorest country recovering from the massive earthquake and now another disaster. And Douglas Mcarthur mccain and mike pence faced off in the first Vice President ial debate. Trying to keep up with the insultdriven campaign. Im just saying facts about your running mate. Im happy to defend him. Tim kaine pushed pence. You whipped out that mexican thing again. Pence hitting Hillary Clintons email and answered questions about his running mates 1 billion loss. He used the tax code the way it is supposed to be used. Yahoo after a data breach. Now accused of snooping on customers emails. Three years ago, Edward Snowdens leaks revealed that the nsa tapped into the email traffic so computers could search terms to investigate potential terrorists. Last year, yahoo encrypted emails. Reuters says yahoo was doing the searching last year in realtime on millions of messages looking for a term supplied by the government. Creeping clowns are popping up coast to coast. Some are hoaxes and some criminal. Michigan Police Reveal that a boy was scratched by a clown with a butter knife. And photos of an armed clown which was a teenager holding a bb gun. A big scare for Kim Kardashian. A source close to the investigation tells nbc news that monday at 2 30 a. M. , five masked robbers dressed in police clothing burst in. They forced them to take two to the kardashian suite and they bound and gagged her. The thieves stole over 10 million in jewelry. All of it left out in the room. Amazing halfcourt shot and a celebration for the fans at university of kansas basketball team. Went in to shoot on behalf of a student winning her 10,000. She knew what to do with the money almost immediately. She is giving all of her winnings to her grandmother roxanne edwards. Who raised her and her siblings. And emmy winning actress Sarah Paulsen stopped by jimmy fallon. Give me some of that chocolate chip baby take a ride hoop, hoop thats what im talking about. Who knew . I feel like car pool karaoke has completely changed everything. It is okay. I used to do it at home with the hair brush. Now it is fun. Feel free to sing. We have seen dylan sing here. I like it. We have not seen you. Not yet. Maybe ill bring out a different talent. Dont make promises. Coming up next, after the most Chaotic Campaign season we have ever seen. Election day just one month away now. What you need to know to make sure that when i was a little kid, i made a deal with myself that i would never grow up. We met when we were very young. I was 17, he was 18. We made the movie the book of life. 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We are back on a saturday morning with todays take away. Important information for everyone planning to vote on election day. With one month to go, if you have not registered, the deadline is approaching. A battle is racing in florida for the deadline. We have jesse moore with the rock the vote. Good morning. Lets talk about registering to vote and what you need to know this morning. The first thing is you are not too late, but you are getting close. It is time to register to vote right now. If you are in mississippi, for instance, today is your deadline. I was about to ask. How many states have deadlines this week . 28 this week. 28 . Yes. Better safe than sorry. You can go to rockthevote. Com. Figure out if you are coming up on the deadline. Lets take about the requirements and status. Reerquirements, you want to a u. S. Citizen and 18 years old. Check your status is important. A lot of people move. You have to update your status when you move. Its best not to assume. Go online and make sure you are registered at the right place. Come on down with me. Once you are registered, lets talk about what you need to know. Especially if you want to vote early. I will tell you this, vote early. The president of the United States voted early this week. He is busy. Thats what busy people do. We have jobs. We have kids. We have things to worry about. It gives you weekend options and night options and several days. I dont think a lot of people considered this. Unless they are out of town. Early voting is the way to do it. Thats the way to do it. Absentee ballots. If you are traveling. I know we heard from the formation tour that they wanted to vote absentee because they are on the road. Military and overseas, check with your chain of command and go to rockthevote. Com. Voter tools. This is important. Too Much Technology not to take advantage of it these days. We have bells and whistles on our phones telling us what to do. Sign up with rockthevote and sign up for the bells and whistles. There is so much out with twitter and facebook and everything else. It is hard to separate fact from fiction. If you want to do the prep work, you have to know what you are doing. I will say twitter is one of our partners at rock the vote. Believe what you hear. They will turn you out. Vivo is doing a lot of work to push messaging up to voting day. We are registered. Here is what we need to know prior to election day. Come on down with me here. Lets talk about the big day. One month away. What do we need to know about the polling places and identification . Whether you are voting early or on election day, make a plan. Thats what most people forget or what people dont think of. What do you mean . You are breaking your routine. You get up and have cheerios. You have to have a plan. Add it to the calendar. Who are you car pooling with . Do something to make you remember this is the day. So, knowing your polling place. You want to go to the right spot. You cant just vote anywhere. That is part of signing up for the reminders. Identification. You will want to have a government issued photo i. D. For almost all states. Thats a hot button issue. You want to look online to see what is needed. I want to jump down here. Beating the rush. I used to vote in the middle of the day at 2 00 or frankly noon. When should you go to beat the rush . Early vote. If you dont early vote to beat the rush, shoot the gaps. A lot of people vote in the morning. A lot of people vote in the evening. Some late morning. Early afternoon. I will say on accessibility, if you do have special needs and need hearing impaired or mobility, check with your polling place in advance. We got a lot in. High five. Jesse, thank you. We have a lot of information so we have it for you on today doichbl still to come on today. The latest on Hurricane Matthew. We will head back to South Carolina where matthew is making its mark on charleston. And tiger woods taking up the game. Heading back to the professional circuit. Is he ready though . Take a look at tigers return. A lot more coming up. We head hey dad. Hey sweetie, how was your first week . Long. Itll get better. Im at the edward jones office, like sue suggested. Thanks for doing this, dad. So i thought it might be time to talk about a financial strategy. laughing you mean pay him back . Knowing your future is about more than just you. So lets Start Talking about your longterm goals. Multiplied by 13,000 financial advisors. Its a big deal. And its how edward jones makes sense of investing. When you make a pb j with smuckers, thats the difference between ordinary everyday and exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. Because with a name like smuckers, it has to be good. 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. And exquisitely delicious in an everyday sort of way. And im doing all i can to help prevent another one. A bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. State farm knows that for every one of those moments. What . Theres one of these. Sam, i gotta go. Is this my car . This is ridiculous this is ridiculous from Car Insurance. To car loans. State farm is here to help life go right. After 40 years of making soup at progresso, weve learned chicken is king. And so were now using 100 antibiotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken in all our chicken soups. Long live chicken jill went to lowes and they have all the latest trends. I wish i could roll around on it. Ugh, i think youve made your point deborah. Now get free basic installation with purchase of carpet and pad, at lowes. Good morning. I am rosemary connors. Just a few minutes before 8 00 this saturday. Lets check in with first alert meteorologist krystal klei tracking matthew. Krystal . Matthew is a powerful system, still a category two hurricane. Look how close to charleston. This is the eyewall. You see heavy rain moving through. Wind gusts 80 to 100 Miles Per Hour possible. It is close to landfall. Hasnt officially happened. Very close to charleston with possible landfall. This is a very close call. Regardless, damage is happening as we speak there. For our area, temperatures this morning, 62 degrees in wilmington. Atlantic city, 63. Temperatures only warm to upper 60s, low 70s, chances of rain move in later in the day into tonight. Seven people in the hospital after a van crashed in gloucester county. It happened around 12 45 this morning in elk township. We are working on more details of how it happened and condition of those injured. If looking for a ride in philadelphia, it is legal to use uber and lyft. An appeals judge blocked a ruling that suspended the ridesharing services. Taxicab drivers that compete with them sued for the suspension. State lawmakers gave them a temporary okay to operate in philadelphia over the summer. Today in philadelphia, the Lieutenant Governor will christen the uss murtha. That does it for now. Krystal and i will see you in 25 minutes. Back to the today show. Have a good one. vo when it comes to your favorite Pennsylvania Lottery pick games, its smart to add the new wild ball to your game. Sally plays 1 2 3, just like she does every day. But today she adds wild ball. Because sally chose to get extra chances to win by playing wild ball, sally yah vo she can now replace the number 4 with tonights wild ball, number 3. Making her a winner sally thanks, wild ball vo dont change the way you play, change the way you win learn more at palottery. Com. Good morning. Breaking overnight. Donald trumps apology. I was wrong and i apologize. The republican candidate for president admitting he made crude remarks about women after a tape from 2005 surfaced when he did not know he was recorded. All of a sudden, i see her. She totally changed her look. The Trump Campaign reeling as republicans condemn the candidate and others call for him to step down. How will this affect the election and the debate . We are live. And Hurricane Matthew fury. The storm now weakened category 2, but packing a powerful punch as it makes its way to South Carolina. 105mileanhour winds and heavy rain and threatening storm surge posing major problems overnight as florida residents begin to clean up from what matthew left behind. Dylans tracking the path today, saturday, october 8th, 2016. Good morning. Welcome back to today on this saturday morning. We have a lot to get to this morning. We will go live to South Carolina which is currently taking the brunt of Hurricane Matthew in just a few minutes. First, we have got to start with the breaking political news that took place overnight. A rare apology from donald trump. The candidate forced to say hes sorry after a tape from 2005 surfaced where he said vulgar comments about women. A lot of backlash this morning. Nbcs katy tur is here with the latest. Good morning, sheinelle. Donald trump facing pressure overnight and finally succumbed apologizing for the first time in the public life and the audio tape him caught him bragging about groping women because he is famous. When you are a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the [ bleep ]. That conversation happening eight months after trump married melania. She was already pregnant at the time. He describes trying and failing to have sex with a married woman. Overnight a deluge of condemnation. House Speaker Paul Ryan saying he is sickened. That is forcing trump to do what he never had to do before. Apologize. Anyone who knows me knows these words dont reflect who i am. I said it. I was wrong. I apologize. The apology was 90 seconds long. He wasted no time to attack hillary and bill clinton. Bill clinton has harassed women and hillary attacked and shamed his victims. We will discuss this more in the coming days. The debate is sunday. We will see how aggressive trump gets in trying to defend himself. It seems the clinton marriage is fair game. One thing for certain here. There is a lot of soul searching going on for republicans over how they continue to stand by their nominee. Sheinelle. Katy tur, thank you. Donald trump was supposed be in wisconsin today, but after the comments overnight, he was disinvited by paul ryan. We have jacob rascon in elkhorn, wisconsin with more. Reporter good morning. Paul ryan was supposed to be on stage. The stage you see behind me with trump for the first time campaigning today. It was supposed to be a big moment for trump and as you mentioned, he was uninvited and now paul ryan has come out with a statement condemning trump saying he was sickened. That was followed by other republicans including Mitch Mcconnell saying it was repugnant and senator john mccain said there are no excuse. Marco rubio says they are egregious. And Reince Priebus said no woman should ever be talked about that way. None of the Top Republicans unendorsed trump. Other Republican Leaders did begin to rescind support. Many including from utah. The governor and former governor and Congress Member Jason Chaffetz. Saying it is over. I can no longer support trump. Many calling for trump to be replaced at the top of the ticket. Many suggesting mike pence. Mike pence will be on the stage with paul ryan. Jacob rascon, thank you. No doubt all of this will come up in the second debate in st. Louis. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton faceoff on msnbc. We will stream it live on nbcnews. Com. Now lets go to the other big story of the morning. Different kind of storm. Hurricane matthew. It is now downgraded to a category 2. It is packing a powerful punch and hammering South Carolina. Lets go back to charleston where Chris Jansing has the latest. How bad is it . Reporter as a matter of fact, Officials Say the worst is yet to come. We have seen some widespread damage. Im not sure what that cracking was right now. We already felt the winds whipping up. The rain is coming down and heres the problem. Take a look down here. We already have flooding. There have been dozens of streets. This is a rare car coming by. In fact, i95 in both directions is impassible. Having said that, over at the waterfront, it is low tide. Yet, the water is six feet above normal. This afternoon, high tide, it is just about the time the eyewall is expected to pass in charleston. That is why governor nicki haley upped the National Guard members here as the rain comes down heavily. 3,500 guards will evacuate people. About 335,000 people took advantage of it. A number of the shelters have seen a significant number of people there. What they are telling people who have hunkered down in their homes is to stay there. People were mostly adhering to a curfew overnight. We saw almost no one out overnight except police officers. There are areas where they have not figured out where people are doing. Particularly the barrier islands. At least 90,000 people without power. That is expected to rise. A lot of power crews here as far as from texas. They are in place when this ends. They are looking at 1 00 for the worst of the flooding, downed power lines and you can see, while this is coming in waves, the wind and rain is coming down significantly and theyre waiting to see what happens in the next three or four hours. Stephanie. Thanks, chris. We learned it has been downgraded to a category 1 with winds up to 85 miles an hour. To georgia now. That state getting pounded overnight. We have nbcs rehema ellis with more. Reporter good morning. Take a look down the street. We talked about widespread Power Outages. You see no light with the exception of the Police Cruiser down possibly assessing the damage. We will see a lot of that throughout the area in the morning. Lets turn here. The Power Outages and trees is spotty. You can see some of the trees have come down. Look down the street. We have power. At least to the traffic lights and the building next to it, we have no power. According to the Georgia Power company, it is widespread Power Outages with Something Like 260,000 people along the coastline without power. And here in the county alone, we are told 134,000 people have no power. Many people did heed the order to evacuate. Authorities tell us here in savannah about 134,000 people, 75 of the county did decide to leave the area in order to get to safer ground. If we just turn a little bit over here, you can see that one of the few cars that are passing through the streets. The trees, they are still moving in terms of the wind. Just on the other side of that is the savannah river. The river is moving at a fast pace. Thats because of the gusting winds we get from time to time. We are told they are going up to 50 Miles Per Hour. A lot of assessment will be going on in the Community Today as they try to figure out how wide spread the damage is and when they can tell people its time for them to go back home. Rehema, thank you. Be safe. Lets get to dylan dreyer. National Hurricane Center just put out the new coordinates a few minutes ago. Craig, it has been downgraded to say category 1 hurricane. Winds up to 85 Miles Per Hour. It is close to charleston. We have not gotten reports of official landfall yet. Sitting 20 miles south southeast of charleston. It is moving to the northeast. So i want to point out how much rain is falling. The torrential downpours in charleston right now. You can see all across northeastern parts of South Carolina. The rain is coming down heavily. We also now have a tornado watch in effect until 4 00 p. M. With some of the bands of rain, you could get enough energy to produce and spin up the tornadoes. Right now, gusts up near 87 Miles Per Hour in hilton head. Charleston with winds up near 52 Miles Per Hour. Some high gusts have been hurricane force. Tybee island, georgia, 96mileanhour winds gusts. The gusts off the water and pushing the water onshore and the high tide at the same time with the gusts to produce the significant flooding with more than a 12foot storm surge. As we go through the day today, we are looking at tropical stormforce winds with higher gusts. This will continue to ride along the coast and eventually North Carolina and Cape Hatteras will be hit with the gusts. And in norfolk, gusts up near 50 Miles Per Hour. The push of water that comes onshore. The next high tide in charleston is 1 55 this afternoon. The good thing is the storm should be moving on at that point. It will not hit like in tybee island. Kitty hawk could get coastal flooding. Here is the latest from the national Hurricane Center. It skirts past the coastline and should downgrade by sunday afternoon. It loops back around and turns into a tropical depression approaching the bahamas. We are watching the rain throughout the rest of the afternoon. Some flash flooding is possible as well. It is eventually going to combine with the cold front. That will help push it out to sea. It means it will draw on the tropical moisture. We could see rainfall as far as new jersey and eastern long island and southeastern massachusetts tonight and throughout the day on sunday. Dylan, thank you for that update. Hurricane matthew tore through much of floridas east coast on friday. This morning, those residents are starting the tough job of cleaning up the damage that matthew left behind. Nbcs Gabe Gutierrez is in st. Augustine, florida with more. Good morning, gabe. Clean up time. Reporter stephanie, good morning. This is the oldest city, but today a ghost town. Thankfully the waters receded, but uprooted trees and downed power lines. Authorities are is assessing the damage after the storm surge. This morning, Hurricane Matthew was taking aim at georgia and carolinas after scraping the coast. Communities from st. Augustine to Jacksonville Beach with storm surge. Brutal winds toppling the church steeple. Look at this massive tree. It was slammed into the house. I have holes in the roof and it is leaking in my kitchen and i hope it doesnt start leaking in the rest of the house. Reporter in orlando, marks wife narrowly escaped the tree that hit while she slept. It was amazing. It missed her. Reporter north of daytona beach, this coastal highway washed out. At one point, more than 1 million customers without power. 5,000 Flights Canceled after matthew battered the caribbean. The Massive International relief efforts ramp up. It veered east and the storm spared heavily south florida. For many others, there was no escape. The water overwhelming. Floridas governor now asking for fema assistance. In florida, the death toll is at least four and at one point 23,000 people were in emergency shelters. Guys, back to you. Thank you, gabe. That tree. You know, to see the sheer power of the storm. I was down in florida yesterday for hurricane coverage. I didnt see anything like that. Limbs and branchs and power lines. They will clean up for a long time. Lucky so many evacuated. A lot of people listened to officials. Dylan dreyer on the plaza now with the look at the rest of the countrys forecast. Guys, taking a little bit of a turn on the plaza here in new york city. We have a sweet 16. Texas. Nice to have you celebrating here in new york. We are going to see showers here as we go into tonight and tomorrow morning. Of course, we are focusing on the heavy rain and possible flooding down through the carolinas as matthew continues to make its way close to landfall. Then that cold front will fina good morning. I am first alert meteorologist krystal klei. Look at the forecast today. We see a chance of rain with a front moving in from the west, moisture from matthew pulling in from the south. Chance of showers through the area. 71 forecast high in center city, 70 in lansdale. 69 in allentown. And temperatures will be cooler on sunday. Ocean city is also at 70. Forecast temperature of 71 degrees for wilmington. And thats your latest forecast. Guys. All right. Dylan dreyer, thank you so much. Still to come, tiger woods back at it. Why the golfer is choosing now to make his reentry into the profes im here in bristol, virginia. And now. Im in bristol, tennessee. On this side of the road is virginia. And on this side its tennessee. No matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on Car Insurance by switching to geico. Look, im in virginia. Im in tennessee. Virginia. Tennessee. And now im in virginessee. See how much you could save on Car Insurance. Or am i in tennaginia . 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Theyll buy your car even if you dont buy a car from them. Because feeling obligated is uncomfortable. And tight. In places it shouldnt be. Carmax wont make you feel that way. Lucky you. I feel like a quilt. We are back on a saturday morning with big news from the golf world this morning. After more than a year long hiatus, tiger woods will play in a professional tournament next week. Nbcs Steve Patterson has more. Reporter the former number one golfer in the world wasnt playing. He served as vice captain to the winning u. S. Team. Im trying to do my role. To help the team. Reporter all that while planning perhaps the biggest comeback of his career. Im dying to see him come back. Reporter after speculation, woods announced he is back. Woods said on his web site depends on continued progress and recovery. The 40yearold has been out of the game for more than a year with injury. Requiring a recovery after surgery on his spine. In his hayday, woods was unstoppable. He is second on the pga alltime win list with 79 victories. Including 14 majors with wins at british and u. S. Open and masters. Then the steep fall from grace. My life changed upside down. Reporter in late 2009, the world learned about his infidelities. I hurt so many people by my reckless attitude and behavior. Reporter a firestorm of controversy, woods suspended his career in golf and lost millions in endorsement deals. In the years that followed, his play suffered. Now after years of scandal, injury and disappointment, tiger is taking another swing. Will he be as dominant as in the past . No. He is capable of winning. Reporter the possible final chapters of one of the greatest athletic careers of all time. For today, Steve Patterson, nbc news. Thank you. Still to come, you would not believe there is an etiquette to tailgating, but there is. But first this is today on nbc. Planned parenthood. I would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. Would you put people in jail for performing abortions . At some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. And so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. Im a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. My son max cant live in trump world. So im crossing party lines and voting for hillary. I dont always agree with her, but shes reasonable. And shes smart. She can work with people to solve problems. I want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Still to come on today, my mom will be upset. Why you might not get the 20 off new extra moisturizing discover the wbath routine. Sons with 10x more moisturizer in our wash and an ultrarich cream for 24hour hydration especially on dry skin. Johnsons® for every Little Wonder when youre close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment . If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. Taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. With taltz, up to 90 of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. In fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. Do not use if you are allergic to taltz. Before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis. Taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. Inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. Including worsening of symptoms. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Nows your chance at completely clear skin. Just ask your doctor about taltz. Im beowulf boritt and im broaa broadway set designer. Completely clear skin. When i started designing a bronx tale the musical, i came up. With this idea of four towers that were fire escapes. Essentially. Ill build a little model in photoshop and add these. Details in with a pen. I could never do that with a mac. I feel like my job is. To put out there just enough detail to spur the audiences. Imagination to fill in all the blanks. This windows pc is amazing, having all of my tools. Right at my finger tips is incredible. Good morning. I am rosemary connors. Just a few minutes before 8 30 this saturday. First alert meteorologist krystal klei is tracking Hurricane Matthew. Krystal, you have an update for us. We have the 8 00 a. M. Update from national Hurricane Center on matthew, downgraded to category one. The storm is loosening a bit, but doesnt mean it is not dangerous. 85 Miles Per Hour winds, 20 miles south, southeast of charleston at this point. It has not made landfall but has been incredibly close to the coast. Checking the eye at some point, close to ten miles off coast. What that means, we are feeling the effects of what would be landfall. Storm surge, heavy rain and wind gusts 80 to 90 Miles Per Hour. This is the track of projection on course. Saturday passing through myrtle beach. Sunday, clipping wilmington and the outer banks before it starts to move out to sea and move south. We are looking at the new track showing the same pathway, but weakened to a category one. Community groups are Holding Block parties to encourage people to register to vote in philadelphia and bucks county. The organizations hope to register up to 1,000 people before the pennsylvania deadline tuesday. Delaware Voter Registration deadline is october 16. In new jersey, october 18th. Watch the second president ial debate between donald trump and Hillary Clinton live tomorrow night at 9 00 on cozi tv. If you watch sunday night football instead and miss the debate, dont worry, we have you covered. Nbc10 will have a live report from the debate in st. Louis right after the game. This is the last weekend to visit trump taj mahal in atlantic city. It will close before 6 00 monday morning. Half the Gaming Machines are already shut down. Nearly 3,000 workers who had been on strike will lose their jobs as a result of the closing. That does it for us for now. I am rosemary connors. Krystal and i will be back at 9 00 for a half hour of news. See you then. Now back to the today show. When i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. But i spent my whole life fighting back. So you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say. I dont know what i said, ah, i dont remember that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. I dont want a president who makes fun of me. I want a president who inspires me, and thats not donald trump. Priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. We are back this saturday morning, october 8th, 2016. Charleston, South Carolina being hammered from Hurricane Matthew as we speak. The worst for charleston and surrounding areas could be yet to come. The weather channels maria larosa is in folly beach with more. Reporter folly beach is still feeling the brunt of the eyewall of Hurricane Matthew. Now a category 1. I want to show you the pier behind me. The folly beach pier in tact. Wind gusts measured at 76 Miles Per Hour. The next few hours, this island will lose power. Cell phone service is sketchy at this point. With the daylight, you get the first chance to get out and look about from the safety point to see what damage has been done by Hurricane Matthew. One thing is for sure, we had high surf and high water on the streets. With high tide coming, concerns of the water level of the ocean for the afternoon. The good news is with matthew pulling away, we will have better conditions in the afternoon. Stephanie, back to you. Thank you, maria. Dylan is tracking the path. What is the latest . It is close to charleston, South Carolina. It is downgraded to category 1. I want to point out the tornado watch in effect until 4 00. Including myrtle beach and moorhead city. We could see severe thunderstorms. We have torrential downpours as the storm continues to skirt along the coast of South Carolina. It will wrap out to sea. It is still going to weaken to a tropical depression, but could reimpact parts of the bahamas for next week. The storm surge is important to talk about. The Energy Associated with the hurricane is pushing the ocean onshore. That is why we have the coastal flooding up to 5 to 7 feet in charleston and from cape fear to 2 to 4 feet on top of high tide. The good news in charleston, the high tide is not until 1 55 this afternoon. If you get the storm surge, it will come actually at the time between low and high tide. It will not be as bad as it could get like tybee island, georgia. The storm system will continue to make its way up the coast. We could see rain up to virginia and delaware and new jersey and parts of new england for sunday. The cold front will push it away. Elsewhere across the country, heavy rain making good morning. I am first alert meteorologist krystal klei. We will see the forecast today. Chance of rain with a front moving in from the west and moisture from matthew from the south. 71 the forecast high in center city. 70 in lansdale. 69 in allentown. Temperatures will be cooler on sunday. New jersey, ocean city 70. And forecast temperature of 71 degrees for wilmington. Thats your latest forecast. Thank you, dylan. Up next. The big breakfast debate. Is there a better way to eat cereal in the morning . And pop start. Huge news for Rolling Stones fans like my father in law. The band planning to release new music. And with football season in full swing, check them out. A tailgating celebration. But first these messages. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. 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Everybody lets go oreo oreopen up your wonder you and me werent born to see this world with our hearts closed so lets live and wonder if with oreo this piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like oh, i have to have it. State farm knows that every one those moments, theres one of these. This piece is so you. I saw it and i was just like i have to have it. From renters insurance. To rewards credit cards, state farm is here to help life go right. We are back on a saturday morning. It is time to trend. Lets trend. Look at the table here. Cereal is the breakfast staple. Do you know there a better way to eat cereal . Before i share the findings, stephanie and dylan, go ahead. Okay. I want some of all of these cereals. I want to do a mash up. Hurry. Were running out of time. You just pour it in and pour milk over. Some dont like a lot of milk. I use a lot of milk. This is what you are supposed to do. You are only supposed to put a little bit of cereal in. Right . And then a lot of milk like this. Thats ridiculous. No one eats cereal that way. You optimize the crunch and it doesnt get soggy. You finish that and pour more. I eat cereal this way. I have a bigger bowl than this one. I fill up with just as much milk so it all goes to the top. You have to hurry up. Im not going to eat it slow. I love cinnamon toast crunch. With whole milk. My wife never lets me eat that. Up next, question for you. What do you like best about thats how i eat my cereal. What do you like best about bed, bath beyond . These are from my house last week. The retailer has been sending the 20 off coupons to customers for years across the country. That may soon change. Bed, bath beyond testing a membership to get rid of the coupons. For a membership, you get 20 off and free shipping. That would help. That coupon is usually off one item. If that is how many coupons you have, i wonder what the rest of your paper pile looks like. Do you like that . Coupons never expire. They expire. They honor them anyway. I dont think the folks at bed, bath beyond appreciate that. It is true. They do. They do have expiration. There is nothing worse than being at the register and everyone else has a coupon except you. You are negotiating. I forgot mine. Take your coupon. There you go. Tell them sheinelle sent you. All right. Moving on. This one is a really cute story. Check it out. Meet the 2monthold baby with the internet going crazy. He is giving me major hair envy. You have to look at the bouffant on this baby. He gets so much attention, his mother takes an extra 80 minutes to get through the Grocery Store because everyone stops to look at the hair on this baby. Heres the best part. Most newborns, their hair falls out. They can look perfect when they are born. That hair falls out. My kids did. The baby, that hair is here to stay. Will you figure out what you will do with your boys hair . I dont know. Spike it . Oh, i have not given that any thought at all. It is your responsibility. What do you do with it . What do you think, buddy . He does. Youre right there. He likes you. Go ahead. Okay. Stop, collaborate and listen. Competition in the Meteorology Department from vanilla ice. He live tweeted. His forecast is different. Riders on the storm. I dont know what that means. Im on the ocean in palm beach looking at evil darkness sky. I have been talking about this for days. Riders on the storm is that why . Is that a song . Hes channelling the doors. It took me a second. I didnt know. I was distracted by the ice, ice baby. I forgot about the songs. Great news for fans of the Rolling Stones. Mick jagger and boys are back. You have to wait until december for the full album. We have a clip of the first single. Take a listen. Cant help myself i love you baby and no one else i love it. The album is the cover of songs by classic blues. And john legend released the latest single, but his wifes latest snap that has everyone swooning. Cute baby. Their 2yearold daughter luna. Clearly music runs in the family. Luna legend. Beautiful. Still to come, you can eat your cereal. A tailgating party on the plaza. You get to come with us. But first this is today on nbc. vo when it comes to your favorite Pennsylvania Lottery pick games, its smart to add the new wild ball to your game. Sally plays 1 2 3, just like she does every day. But today she adds wild ball. Because sally chose to get extra chances to win by playing wild ball, sally yah vo she can now replace the number 4 with tonights wild ball, number 3. Making her a winner sally thanks, wild ball vo dont change the way you play, change the way you win learn more at palottery. Com. The High School Marching rams from new jersey. Playing the fight song. They are getting ready for homecoming weekend over at randolph high. But first tailgating on the plaza. The season for football and homecoming. tis the season. It is. And if you are planning tailgating anytime soon, i dont know if i would believe this. Believe it or not, theres tailgating etiquette. It should be followed in the parking lot. Mr. Manners is here to give us best practices. All right. Help us out here. Yes, stephanie and craig, we take football seriously in the country, as you know. Aspe spectators are minding the manners at the game, we want to do so in tailgating. Whether it is a college game or professional nfl game, you want to wear the colors, but follow the traditions that are followed at that particular game. You want to know the drill. This is the key. This is especially true down south. S. E. C. Tailgating. You cannot do the same as william and brice. Minimize headaches with transportation. That is a big deal. This is key. If you want to be near your friends, arrive together. You want spaces next to each other. The best way is to show up together. You dont want to save a spot for friends coming late. You are planning out food and drink. I guess chips, beer, hot dogs or chili. Plenty of food is key. Regardless if it is jumbalaya or hot dogs. You want food for every diet restriction as well. It is easy to overdo it sometimes with the drinks. Especially if you are some of my friends. Whats some guidance . What a nice way to put it. Easy to overdo it. That would never happen to me. Most tailgates, you have one option. Portapotty. Diet soda. For starters, you want a designated driver. One person steering clear of all alcohol. We all have limits. You know what your limits are. One drink . Two . Five . Stop short of those. You dont want to do something embarrassing. Have fun. How about clean up . It is time when the tailgate is ending, you are scrambling. People are running for the stadium. Or you are staying in the parking lot the entire time and not going to the stadium. Bring garbage bags with you. We have seen the bins overflowing. Dont dump your trash next to the bin. Bring bags and charcoal, you want to dispose of in the marked yellow or red bins safe for hot charcoal. Best tailgating school . Go. Best tailgating school . Yeah. I will have to guess notre dame. I would guess wrong. Michigan state. You need to go to the university of florida with the Worlds Largest outdoor cocktail party. That is the game to be. Mr. Manners, thank you. Thomas, thank you so much. I love this. Coming up next, you cant have a tailgate without the food. Sunny anderson is here with Sunny Anderson is here with musttry the pursuit of healthi. It begins from the second were born. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. 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Okay, well ill leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back 1 when you buy, and 1 as you pay. The citi double cash card. Double means double. All right. We are wrapping up this saturday morning with todays food loves football. Sunday night is the big game with the giants and packers. What better way to get ready than a tailgating feast. The perfect person to do that is none other than Sunny Anderson. I love a tailgate. I love football because it gives us a chance to check out of the real world for a second. And throw on some blue lip sticks. I went to lambeau last year. As a person that moved around growing up, i love all teams, but i am for odell and my team. A pulled pork barbecue and pulled pork mac and cheese. You are shameless. Pork butt here. Creamy mac and cheese. Onion, garlic, tomatoes, nice spice blend. Really, the cola. Is that straight up . Yes. Straight up root beer i use for this. A dark cola. I have a pork butt here. You know, they are usually about 5 to 6 pounds. Leave the fat on . It will give us the flavor. Right in here, i add in onion. Ill put in garlic. Nice pinch of salt. Thats what is good about the slow cooker. Throw it in whole. Salt. We have paprika and cumin. And you can do cola or beer or brown sugar. If you dont want to go to the Grocery Store for everything, pork butt and cola will do it. Eight hours. Cover it up. You will pull pork in eight hours. We have a dish thats been buttered. Pulled pork here. Shred it up. Put it into the bottom. Over the top of that layer, i like to layout some pickled h l jalepeno. You ready . A Tailgate Party is crazy like mac and cheese on top of pulled pork. You are dumping the mac and cheese in. Yes. The holidays are coming. You know people have green bean casserole. French fried onions. Put it in the oven for 350. You cannot have a tailgate without buffalo chicken something. You have rotisserie chicken and whipped cream cheese. It is smooth. We have buffalo wing sauce. Bleu cheese dressing. You can sub the bleu cheese for ranch dressing. Get it in here. Throw it in. Shred it up. I think stephanie is putting that on top of the mac and cheese. Get that bleu cheese dressing in. You combine it and i bake it . Yes. Stir it up. In the oven 350 degrees. Im not using carrots. I use pita chips. There is one at the party. You put hot chocolate and added jalepeno . It is the perfect time of year to warm something up. It is steeped with peppers. You are incredible. We have this recipe at today. Com. The Green Bay Packers host the giants tomorrow night at 7 00 eastern. Go, odell thats going to do it on this saturday morning. Thank you for waking up with us. Good morning. I am rosemary connors. Just ahead, trump apologizes. I said it, i was wrong and i apologize. An old tape surfaces revealing new comments the president ial nominee made about women. Coming up, the political fallout. And we have reaction from voters. An eye on Hurricane Matthew, tracking the moisture starting the day. We will talk about chances for rain. And new video from charleston, South Carolina where streets are flooded and parts of i95 are impassable. And a crash in philadelphia sends one to the hospital. Those details straight ahead. Those stories and more up next on nbc10 news today at 9 00. I said it, i was wrong and i apologize. An old recording creating new problems and a political fire storm for donald trump. He is owning up to what he said. Downgraded but not done. Hurricane matthew is now a category one but is still hitting South Carolina, winds at 80 Miles Per Hour and bringing torrential downpours. Matthew will bring us rain and cooler weather to kickoff the weekend. Details coming up. Good morning. This is nbc10 news today. I am rosemary connors. It is almost 9 00 on this saturday. Hurricane matthew may be mild away from us but we will feel some effects from that storm. Meteorologist krystal klei is tracking the latest path. We got that update an hour ago on details of Hurricane Matthew. Heres the details. I had to move the screen. We just got an update pushed into the system as i was talking. Wind speeds at 75 Miles Per Hour. Thats a 10 Miles Per Hour drop from an hour ago. This is really starting to weaken as it moves along the shore near charleston. Part of the reason may be because of land interaction that will slow down hurricanes. It is moving east 12 Miles Per Hour. Three miles southeast of charleston. The effects still felt there, we will continue to see that moving throughout saturday and sunday along South Carolina and North Carolina. Theres the radar imagery. Heavy rain. This is the eyewall, and thats the most dangerous part pushing through charleston. We haveea

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