Transcripts For WCAU Today 20161005 :

Transcripts For WCAU Today 20161005

down. snooping scandal. yahoo!'s ceo marissa mayer under fire for reportedly complying with the government's request to secretly search hundreds of millions of e-mail accounts, a massive invasion of privacy or an important tool in the war on terror? and "today" exclusive, it's behind these walls that one of the biggest pop stars lived and recorded many of his hits. only a select few have ever been inside, but this morning they're opening the doors of prince's paisley park just for us, and we're getting a first-ever live tour, today, wednesday, october 5th, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and good morning, everyone, welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. that map we've been watching of hurricane matthew down south just continues to get more and more ominous for the united states. >> not to be all al roker about it, but it seems like those models have converged and it's headed this way. >> that is our top story. preparations are under way for matthew across the south as the storm cuts a path of destruction through the caribbean that will eventually bring it here to the u.s. we have it all covered beginning with dylan dreyer. she's in the orange room that we've turned into a hurricane center as the track of the storm gets closer. dylan. >> that's right, matt, we are keeping a close eye on hurricane matthew. after cuba it has downgraded to a category 3 hurricane with pin winds up to 125 miles an hour. that's still a major hurricane and we're still expecting some fluctuation in intensity over the next couple of days. so it's most likely going to regenerate back up into a category 4 storm as it takes nearly a day and a half to make its way into the bahamas. here we are friday 2:00 a.m. look how close it is to the coast of florida as a category 4 hurricane and then it tracks right along the coast of florida as we go into the weekend. but now it's not looking like north carolina is going to get that landfall. instead even some models have this wrapped back around into the bahamas and then rehit southern florida, possibly as we go into next week. still way to early to determine that part of the forecast, but we have a lot to watch in the meantime. we could see a 10 to 15-foot storm surge in the southern bahamas starting today. we could end up with a total of 15 inches of rain. as it gets closer to florida, we'll see the outer bands begin to move in on thursday, closer enough to produce a 3 to 4-foot storm surge. if the storm goes a little further west, this could make possible landfall in florida so that's the situation we're running into. it's only 50 to 100 miles offshore. if it goes a little farther to the west, which the models have been trending to do with this storm, we could see greater impacts for florida. >> all right, dylan, thank you very much. gabe gutierrez is in port-au-prince, haiti, this morning. good morning. >> reporter: matt and savannah, good morning. we've seen more rain here in port-au-prince but a large swath of the southwestern part of the country remains cut off from communications so the full extent of damage is not yet known. this was a powerful hurricane, the strongest to hit haiti in more than 50 years. this morning hurricane matthew is on the move. the monster storm 900 miles wide is churning towards the u.s. packing winds of 140 miles an hour, matthew's eye sweeping across eastern cuba overnight and now targeting the bahamas. after slamming into haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, still recovering from a massive earthquake, now reeling from yet another natural disaster. today the u.s. is sending several naval ships to help with the relief effort. i've never seen this much rain, this woman told us. the hurricane now blamed for at least 11 deaths, including four in the dominican republic where this tornado was caught on camera. torrential downpours and a devastating storm surge hitting parts of jamaica. hardest hit, haiti's rural southern peninsula where many ignored evacuation warnings and rode out the storm in a shack, a key bridge washed away. floods and mudslides threaten homes. the strongest hurricane in haiti's recent memory now has the u.s. east coast on high alert. today a massive cleanup effort is under way in haiti, as aid organizations scramble to reach the southwestern part of the country that so far remains cut off. matt and savannah. >> gabe gutierrez, thank you. as we said, here at home millions up and down the east coast are preparing for matthew with states of emergency in florida, georgia and the carolin carolinas. nbc's miguel almaguer is in charleston, south carolina, where evacuations under way. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. that number is staggering, 1.1 million people along south carolina's coast asked to evacuate, asked to move 100 miles inland. the governor here ordering a state of emergency as grocery stores' shelves are running low, gas is running low, the governor has said everyone needs three days of food and water ready. it is an incredible number of people that should be on the move, even including lane reversals. later on today some 280 school buses will be set up ready to load and take people inland if they're not able to drive their own vehicles that way. schools have been cancelled in half of the state here today, matt, and it's not just south carolina, but parts of florida that are bracing for 100-mile-an-hour winds. many told to be on the alert and also to evacuate up and down the eastern seaboard as matthew works its way this direction. back to you guys. >> thanks. >> we are watching this storm and have more as we go on this morning. now to the battle for the white house and the state of the race today. 34 days to go until election day and vice presidential candidates mike pence and tim kaine sparred for 90 minutes last night. this was their one and only debate and the candidates used a lot of that time to attack hillary clinton and donald trump. >> so how did they do? according to a cnn poll taken just after that debate 48% felt pence won, 42% said tim kaine was the winner. donald trump will hold rallies in nevada today. this is his first trip to that state since august. hillary clinton has no scheduled campaign event on her calendar. we have a lot to cover with our decision 2016 team. let's begin with hallie jackson and talk about last night's debate. hallie, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the vice presidential candidates are back out on the campaign trail today after a debate here in virginia that was really more about the top of the ticket. tim kaine interrupting to put mike pence on defense, attacking frequently, as pence tried to play it cool and show he's a steady hand. while this debate may not move the needle for voters come november, it did reveal more about the strategy each side is hoping to show to win come election day. finally their turn to talk and the vp nominees couldn't seem to stop. >> the people at home cannot understand either one of you when you speak over each other. >> i'm just trying to keep up with the insult-driven campaign on the other side of the table. >> you know what, i'm just saying facts about your running mate and i know you can't defend them. >> reporter: that was part of mike pence's mission, counterbalance donald trump's controversies, even as tim kaine pushed pence to directly defend his candidate, like trump's comments on women and mexicans. >> senator, you've ripped out that mexican thing again. >> reporter: #thatmexicanthingagain trending on twitter. >> in all cases he's refused -- >> don't put words in my mouth. >> and yet he is asking everybody to vote for somebody that he cannot defend. >> reporter: on style, kaine coming under fire for sounding too rehearsed and too pushy. ronald reagan said something really interesting about nuclear proliferation back in the 1980s. he said the problem with nuclear proliferation is that some fool or maniac could trigger a catastrophic event. and i think that's who governor pence's running mate is, exactly who president reagan warned us about. >> senator, that was even beneath you and hillary clinton, and that's pretty low. >> reporter: on substance, a split on russia. pence, unlike trump, suggesting strikes against the russian-backed syrian regime. also unlike trump, slamming president vladimir putin. >> the small and bullying leader of russia. >> reporter: less than a month ago. >> i think it's inarguable that vladimir putin has been a stronger leader in his country than barack obama has been in this country. >> donald trump and mike pence have said he's a great leader. and donald trump -- >> no, we haven't. >> reporter: pence hitting hillary clinton's e-mail and the clinton foundation controversies. answering questions about his running mate's nearly billion dollar loss in 1995 revealed in tax documents leaked to "the new york times." >> but he used the tax code just the way it's supposed to be used and he did it brilliantly. >> reporter: this morning a new interview with trump's former accountant who prepared those returns. >> he knew that we would produce the lowest possible tax to him within the law. he never went into the details. >> reporter: donald trump's taxes likely to remain in the spotlight. but as for the debate here at longwood university, hillary clinton watched it from her home in new york, donald trump from the campaign trail out west, live tweeting and, no surprise, declaring mike pence the winner. but it's the republican national committee that apparently got ahead of itself posting its post-debate spin hours before the debate even happened. you can see it on the screen, praising mike pence for certain talking points like in their words hitting hillary clinton's scandals. matt, savannah. >> all right, thank you very much. >> let's bring in chuck todd and nicolle wallace. good morning. last night you were asked what are we going to be talking about tomorrow morning and you said the next debate on sunday night. >> i left out matthew. that i am serious about. >> the storm, absolutely. but seriously what's the headline from this vp debate? >> long term we'll talk about how mike pence did mike pence a lot of good. the question is going to be did he, while he gave the trump campaign a positive headline after eight days of a debacle, did he do enough to defend trump. are we talking -- or are we going to be talking about too many areas where the two of them disagree. >> actually on that point, tim kaine went after him on taxes, on temperament, on some of the insulting comments trump has made about different groups over the last year or so and at one point mike pence simply denied that he had made those comments, even though they exist on tape. what's that strategy? >> yeah, i think this is where it was pence won the 90 minutes and didn't engage in the back and forth, but in the way that the clinton campaign will say, well, wait a minute, he said this, but you were wrong, trump did say x and trump did say y. it's all up to the moment, but who's watching and who wins. the post-spin could matter. >> it's not just a matter of substance but style and tim kaine did take a lot of criticism for his style being overly amped up, aggressive, interrupting too much. do you think that will matter? >> if you were watching, it matters. i mean he talked all over a female moderator, which is tricky and doesn't go over well among any viewer. i think he acted very unlikable, and he was picked to address some of her diplomacy issues where she's weak. i don't think he was a very good ambassador for her last night. when you're up six, you don't have to deliver the kind of performance that he delivered last night. >> there's another aspect of this. in addition to attacking the top of the other ticket and going on the offensive, did either of them present themselves as ready to be commander in chief should that situation occur? did they seem presidential? >> you know what's funny about that question is i think there are people in both parties that would have preferred to have seen either man at the top of the ticket. they both passed that test. they both passed that test when they took it to the table, which is what makes kaine's performance all the more inexplicable. trump is already on the defensive because of his own poor performance in his own debate. so for kaine to have squandered the opportunity to further hillary clinton's cause and spend the whole time interrupting, filibustering and speaking over the moderator was sort of a mind-boggling strategic decision. >> real quickly, perhaps it won't change the outcome of the actual election, but did pence manage to swing the momentum back in trump's favor? >> i don't know. i think a lot matters on whether they could have done something today. i think part of it is i don't think they get much out of this debate after really this morning, to be honest. >> all right, chuck and nicolle, go get some rest. thank you. i want to turn to a closely watched trial of a georgia father charged with murder after his son died inside of a hot suv. for the first time, dash cam video from the scene has been released. nbc's janet shamlian has more. >> reporter: never-before-seen dash cam video played for the jury in the ross harris trial. it shows the moments when police first arrived on a horrific scene. a spot where harris said he found his son, cooper, dead in the back seat of his car. police say harris was pacing and on the phone and became argumentative when they approached him. once in cuffs and in a cruiser, police testified harris was unemotional and complained about the heat. in opening statements tuesday, harris' attorney defending his reaction. >> we expect that you're going to hear lots of state's witnesses come in and suggest he didn't act right, he didn't cry enough. none of them knew ross. none of them know his coping mechanism for trauma. >> reporter: harris' defense team also addressed accusations of lewd sexual behavior but said it didn't amount to murder. >> ross's sex life, no matter how perverse and nasty and wrong that we think it is, it doesn't have a thing in the world to do with the fact that he forgot that little boy. >> reporter: adding that harris' ex-wife will testify on his behalf. >> the woman who's got every reason in the world to despise his guts, she's going to say the truth. she's going to tell you they got it wrong. >> reporter: that's for the jury to decide. for "today," janet shamlian, nbc news. and now to a new report and it's raising questions about privacy online. it claims internet giant yahoo! at the government's request secretly searched its users' incoming e-mails. pete williams is following that for us. pete, good morning. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. the company isn't saying much, but tellingly no one familiar with the report is denying it and it comes at a time when yahoo! is already under fire for the massive data breach that it recently revealed. according to a report from the reuters news agency, yahoo!'s ceo marissa mayer decided to obey rather than fight a u.s. government directive to have its own computers scan all incoming e-mail messages last year, looking for a specific term that had intelligence agencies on the lookout. the company says just this, yahoo! is a law-abiding company and complies with the laws of the united states. ceo mayer said at a tech conference in 2013 that yahoo! does fight some government demands. >> on each request we review it, scrutinize it, push back a lot. >> privacy matters. >> reporter: three years ago edward snowden's leak said its computers searched for specific terms to investigate potential terrorists. but last year yahoo! began encrypting its e-mails making it impossible for the government to scan him. reuters said yahoo! was doing the searching last year on realtime on millions of incoming messages looking for a term supplied by the government. >> when you take your user data and turn it over to the government, what you're doing is exposing your users to criminal investigation. >> reporter: yahoo! itself has been scanning user e-mail content for years, looking for terms it can use to tailor ads to individual users. the website's user policy is explicit. quote, yahoo! analyzes and stores content from incoming and outgoing e-mail. both google, the world's largest e-mail provider, and microsoft, say they have never performed such scans of e-mail traffic for the government. twitter says that if it ever got such a request, it would take it to court. matt, savannah. >> pete williams in our washington newsroom, thank you. let us go back over to dylan for the rest of her forecast. >> we are watching matthew but the rain we're going to see, scattered storms and showers in florida not related to hurricane matthew just yet. that will change as we got to the end of the week. we have a chance of strong storms today right through the middle of the country including indiana and illinois. we also have some rain making its way into the pacific northwest. good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. here's a look at your neighborhood forecast for today. sunny to mostly sunny, light to breezy winds along the shore. pretty good forecast. we're at 70, center city, 69 west chester and 70 as well for lansdale. pretty consistent. allentown 71 as well as easton with just spotty clouds overhead in the afternoon. new jersey, you're at 70 as well as evesham township. ocean city at 65, 69 atlantic city. wilmington with a forecast high today of 70 degrees. have a nice day. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> dylan, thank you very much. coming up, what investigators are now revea rev about that terrifying armed robbery of kim kardashian as her friends open up on how she's doing. and al takes us inside paisley park, prince's home and studio, to give us a look at the life and love and prince's sister speaks out about prince's death. but first, this is "today" on nbc. just ahead, ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. by the time i was 30, i said "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell 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[heartbeat] nbc 10 news starts now. 7:26. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get right to your first alert neighborhood forecast, meteorologist krystal klei has that. how's it look, krystal? >> we're looking pretty good out there this morning.ç 56 in philadelphia, wilmington 57 and allentown sitting at 50. 50 mt. holly and 55 vineland, sitting in the mid-50s for atlantic city. later today we'll warm up to 70 degrees. pretty much across the board with sunny to mostly sunny conditions. that wide radar view shows us we are clear across the board. that will last through your afternoon. there's a look at hurricane matthew, right now, category 3 storm. likely to strengthen it a category 4 as it impacts the bahamas today. >> now a check of the roads and get an update on an accident we've been following on 295. francesca ruscio has that. remind us where on 295. >> on the southbound side of 295 approaching route 206. what we know so far, originally a blocked lane, this is a jackknifed tractor-trailer that went off into the woods. traffic is getting by. no reported injuries and no other vehicles involved. good to go. it's cleared in bordentown township, new jersey. that is an a-okay start for new jersey. 95, we are seeing delays on the southbound side, traveling towards center city from the woodhaven to the vine, it will take you 34 minutes. today in bensalem bucks county there will be a vote on a piece of legislation. the city has a 3.4% wage tax for those nonresidents. lawmakers in new jersey today will vote on a proposal to raise the gas tax by 23 cents a gallon. both the assembly and senate have votes scheduled. the tax will be used to replenish the state's transportation fund. we'll keep you up to date on the nbc 10 app. 7:30 now on wednesday morning, the 5th of october, 2016. this is prince's paisley park in his beloved home state of minnesota. it is getting set to open as a museum. al is there and is going to give us a sneak peek inside. we'll talk to prince's sister. >> very interesting. let's get a check of the headlines first. hurricane matthew made landfall in cuba last night. right now the bahamas are feeling the brunt of that powerful storm as it inches closer and closer to the southeast coast. the national guard is being activated, coastal evacuations are under way in south carolina. we'll go there live in a moment. president obama plans to campaign for hillary clinton in florida today but because of matthew he has cancelled that trip. instead he will visit fema headquarters and get a briefing on the storm. things got heated in last night's vice presidential debate with tim kaine and mike pence sparring repeatedly over the names at the top of the tickets. >> when donald trump says women should -- or mexicans are rapists are criminals, or john mccain isn't a hero, he is showing you who he is. -- all of the insults that hillary clinton leveled when she said half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. >> still on the subject of the debate, while their running mates face off, hillary clinton and donald trump weren't just sitting and watching on tv, hillary clinton wrote the number of times trump has tweeted about rosie o'donnell, 65. number of times he has tweeted in support of his running mate, 21. meanwhile he retweeted a post that said tim kaine looks like an evil crook out of a batman movie. let's get back to hurricane matthew and its potential impact on the u.s. nbc's miguel almaguer is in charleston, south carolina. miguel, good morning again. >> reporter: matt, good morning. those evacuation orders are in place here in south carolina. 1.1 million people asked to move 100 miles inland for those residents that live along the water line here in south carolina. the historic order was issued from the governor late yesterday. at 3:00 this afternoon they'll load up 280 school buses for anyone who can't drive their own vehicle out of this area. grocery store shelves are going bare. gas lines are long. many are making a run on other supplies like water as well. the governor says everyone should have three days of food and water at the ready. the governor says everyone also needs to take this threat very seriously. the state is bracing for 100-mile-an-hour winds here. the storm is expected to arrive thursday and friday here, but the governor wants many of those mass evacuations to begin today because they are concerned the roads here will be clocked. they are all prepping here up and down the eastern seaboard, matt, for hurricane matthew as it works its way north. back to you. >> okay, miguel, thank you very much. let's turn it over to dylan who's got her eye on all of it. dylan, good morning again. >> good morning, guys. its interaction with cuba has caused hurricane matthew to downgrade to a category 3 hurricane, but it is expected to get back up to a category 4 as it makes its way through the bahamas. winds are up to 125 miles per hour, still a major hurricane at this time. we have hurricane warnings all across the bahamas, still for eastern cuba and western haiti. look at what's going on in florida. in palm beach we have a hurricane warning and a hurricane watch a little farther north. now that this storm is expected to track closer and closer to florida, now is the time to prepare. so here is a look at our hurricane wind forecast. you can see the closer you get to the eye of the storm, that's where we have your hurricane force winds, but we are still looking at perhaps 50 to 60-mile-per-hour winds just offshore, so if this were to track a little farther to the west, which the models have been trending, then we would see those hurricane-force winds make their way onshore. it will skirt right along the southeast coast and it is now looking like north carolina will not see a direct landfall as it starts to turn out to sea. we're still looking at some of our heaviest rainfall totals across the coast of south carolina with as much as 10 inches of rain and coastal good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. here's a look at your neighborhood forecast for today. sunny to mostly sunny, light to breezy winds along the shore. pretty good forecast. we're at 70, center city, 69 west chester and 70 as well for lansdale. pretty consistent. allentown 71 as well as easton with just spotty clouds overhead in the afternoon. new jersey, you're at 70 as well as evesham township. ocean city at 65, 69 atlantic city. wilmington with a forecast high today of 70 degrees. have a nice day. >> and that's your latest forecast. >> all right, dylan, thank you. and there are new questions this morning about that armed robbery of kim kardashian in paris over the weekend. the police are narrowing the search for suspects. tamron is following this once again for us. >> a lot of new details on this. kim kardashian remains surrounded by heavy security in her new york city apartmentrtme we learn new minute-by-minute details about her terrifying detail. >> kim, are you okay? >> kim kardashian, now safely back in new york, visited by concerned friends on tuesday. this as chilling new details are emerging about her ordeal inside this paris hotel. a source close to the investigation tells nbc news monday at around 2:30 a.m., five masked burglars wearing police jackets entered the building. no security was on duty, only an overnight receptionist. the burglars bound him and forced him to take two of them to kardashian's suite on the second floor. there they gagged and bound her and placed her in the bathtub. the thieves stole over $10 million in jewelry, none kept in a safe, all of it left out in her room, including this 20 carat diamond ring kardashian recently showed off on instagram. according to e! news, kardashian's close friend and hairstylist simon haroush was also inside the suite. upon hearing the commotion, she locked herself in a bathroom. she texted kardashian's bodyguard and her sister, kourtney. kardashian told her to jump off the balcony to get degree. caitlyn jenner posting i'm so thankful she's okay. >> i don't understand why she was in a hotel with no security and things like that. >> fashion designer carl loggerfeld criticizing kardashian for flaunting her jewelry on social media. >> you cannot display your wealth and then be surprised that some people want to share it with you. >> oar celebs coming to her defense. >> that they should shut the -- up and leave this poor woman alone and let her recover. >> regardless of whatever you think of someone, it's someone being held at gunpoint in her room. just don't say anything. >> now, as for how the burglars got in, was the front door open, was there security needed? so far police have not commented and "people" magazine says kim kardashian is blaming herself because she snapchatted her room so much and wore it all the time. >> tamron, thank you so much. stay on it. coming up, trending, did a hospital just charge a couple to hold their own newborn baby? check the bill, you won't believe this. first an exclusive look inside prince's beloved princely park estate and the treasures and secrets it holds, right and secrets it holds, right after this. moms know their family's mouths often need a helping hand. and secrets it holds, right after this. after brushing, listerine® total care helps prevent cavities, strengthens teeth and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. and for kids starting at age six, listerine® smart rinse delivers extra cavity protection after brushing. heyyyyy! ♪ it's the little things that make life rich. ritz. people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. 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all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon, natural is back. i'm going to make this as simple as possible for you. you can go ahead and stick with that complicated credit card that limits where you earn bonus cash back. or... you can get the quicksilver card from capital one. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on ev-e-ry purchase, ev-e-ry-where. i shouldn't have to ask. what's in your wallet? we're back now, 7:42. it's one of the most iconic homes in music, prince's paisley park. >> it's not often you get to go inside, but this morning al is there to show us all around. al, good morning. >> hey, good morning, guys. we're here in chanhassen, minnesota, just outside of minneapolis. this is studio a in paisley park. and what's amazing about this place, everything has been left just as prince left it. for example, on this music stand, handwritten notes. they have not moved them, not touched them. and a few lucky people are going to get a chance to come in here over the next few days and then paisley park opens up as a museum to the public. but we were given an exclusive sneak peek. we got to go around and even i got to talk to a couple of prince's sisters. paisley park is the epicenter for all things prince. now ready to open its doors to the public as a music museum for prince fans from all around the world to see the history behind all those hits. this is the control room of studio a. handwritten notes still laying about. the microphone set where prince would sit in this chair, record his music overnight, leaving recordings for his engineers to work on later in the day. a keyboard, one of the 27 instruments he played and all that music flowed through this control board. just before his death, prince was using this studio to work on a jazz album that will one day be released. forecast, 100% purple rain, baby. ♪ purple rain, purple rain >> the next stop, the purple rain room. with "purple rain" playing in the background, folks get to see the keyboard, script, guitar, wardrobe, the oscar and one of the motorcycles that prince rides in this monster hit movie. in fact so big he had the number one movie, song and album all at the same time. he was the first person to ever do that. hallways lined with awards guide visitors to prince's performance area named after his iconic backing band. back in the day prince was a pretty good basketball player, everybody says so, so he built this great basketball facility and then the music took off, so he decided to turn it into mpg music club. it's an intimate space where he would entertain friends and even perform for small groups. ♪ >> from the club to prince's costumes, it's all here. >> if you notice the label inside? >> prince. >> prince. all his clothes were custom made, everything piece of clothing he has. >> angie is the archivist. >> mm-hmm. >> you must have a tremendous responsibility and an amazing inventory. >> we do have an amazing inventory because prince saved everything. >> he was a pack rat. >> he really was. >> not only did i get an early look at all these wonders, i was joined by two of prince's sisters who saw the exhibit here for the first time. >> he's putting all of his energy in that song, you can just feel it. >> can you feel his presence in here? >> absolutely. >> yes, yes, uh-huh. the spirit of prince is here. >> really beautiful. >> it's a pretty good representation of his legacy. >> it is. and he did plan it to be a museum. everything is strategically placed. when the fans come in, they'll see that it is. >> it's truly prince. he thought all this through. he had a vision. he finished it. >> and that vision is on display. this is one of the many drum kits that they have. they actually have in storage here every drum kit that prince used on concert, when he was on concert tour, just amazing stuff. coming up, we're going to be talking with his other sister, tyka nelson, coming up next in the next hour. guys, this room here, not only did prince record his music, but folks like celine dion, stevie wonder, and other great music stars came to record. and you can feel the presence and the energy in here even still. >> al, that's very, very cool stuff. not only a working facility but where he lived as well, just in a different area, right? >> absolutely, yeah, that's right. that is off limits to the public, but there's a lot of him and what people are coming to see on display here. >> very cool. al, thank you very much. up next, we'll take a turn. why those creepy clown sightings have college students taking to the streets. why let someone else have all the fun? the sometimes haphazard, never boring the why can't it smell like this all the time the learning the virtue of sharing why let someone else have all the fun? that's no fun. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury., and my sweethearts handsome,gone sayonara.rance... this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. sorry... sorry... regerts? sorry, i was eating a milky way. ♪ this piece is so you. i saw it and i was just like "oh, i have to have it..." state farm knows that every one those moments, there's one of these... this piece is so you. i saw it and i was just like "i have to have it..." from renters insurance... rewards credit cards, state farm is here to help life go right. we're back at 7:51. it always seems a little funny when you say it, these creepy clown sightings, but it's very serious and police and neighborhoods are on edge. >> penn state's campus went from serenity to total chaos on monday night here. panicked students sprinting through the streets in search of clowns. hundreds of students swarmed the campus after a rumor circulated on social media saying that clowns had been spotted in the area. according to police, there were no reports of injury or violence that night and no confirmed clown sightings except for this image of a clown projected onto a nearby apartment building. this is just one of the recent uprisings in this creepy clown phenomenon that has stretched across the country. it started back in august when there were reports of clowns luring children into the woods. locally here in new haven, connecticut, officials have banned clown costumes or clown-like attire this halloween after instagram posts surfaced with captions reading watch out and wait and see. unfortunately, this doesn't appear to be the last we're going to be hearing about this creepy clown phenomenon, guys. >> thank you very much. coming up, ben stiller sfx (kids chatter) deluxe kids' character costumes. greetings classmates. 58 different costume options available, $15. save money. live better. walmart. in shoes and shoe boxes. impeccable taste; so they choose new meow mix bistro recipes, made with real chicken to make mealtime taste like a reservation for two. no wonder it's the only one cats ask for by name. people always say let's just get a sandwich or something. you don't just learn how to drive... or solve the world's problems... be a dad... "or something" and we don't just make sandwiches "or something" we hand-slice avocado, pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and craft every sandwich clean from top to bottom... there's nothing "or something" about it. panera. food as it should be. so i use excedrin.ments from my life. it starts to relieve migraine pain in just 30 minutes. and it works on my symptoms, too. now moments lost to migraines are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. nbc 10 news starts now. just before 8:00. good morning. i'm tracy davidson. let's get right to your neighborhood first alert forecast. meteorologist krystal klei is watching that. looks beautiful. >> this is a great forecast for us today. 56 degrees in philadelphia, cooler at 51 in the suburbs and 53 in new jersey as well as the lehigh valley. upper 50s for delaware, sunny to mostly sunny outside. you see the live cameras. they look great. as we move into your afternoon, this is a perfect fall day. 70 degrees as we move through the suburbs, new jersey 71 your high in the lehigh valley and delaware at 0. mostly sunny through this afternoon and there is the look at hrm hmpl, still-- hurricane still a category 3 hurricane. a significant problem on the blue route.ç nbc 10 traffic reporter francesca ruscio has that. >> a very active scene on the blue route right now on the northbound side. it involved a vehicle, an overturned vehicle with entrapment. good news. the person has been freed. it's off to the shoulder, two lanes remain blocked. very active right now. you see people on the scene zooming out. it's active. traffic is at a standstill. it's backed up for two hours. i would completely avoid the blue route on the northbound side all morning. and if you're on the blue route, try to veer off towards the boulevard or 95. we'll have more on this accident. tracy, back to you. just hours after their primetime debate, it's back to pennsylvania for vice presidential candidates tim kaine and mike pence. kaine will stop in philadelphia where he will speak to sheet metal workers. pence will hold a rally at a volunteer fire company in grantville, dauphin county. there will be a series of flu shot clinics today at eastern regional high school in voorhees from 4:00 to 7:00 this afternoon. i'm tracy davidson. another update in 25 minutes. stay updated with news and weather and the track of matthew with the nbc 10 app. "today" show continues in a minute. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, hurricane matthew targets the u.s. after battering islands across the caribbean, it turns north as millions along the east coast are told to evacuate. we're tracking it all. then ben stiller's stunning revelation. >> one of the main things i felt was i was really lucky. >> what he says about the cancer test that saved his life and why all men should take it. dr. oz joins us to break down the myths and the facts. and mounting a comeback. seven months after she was suspended for failing a drug test -- >> a huge mistake. i don't want to end my career this way. >> tennis star maria sharapova opens up about being banned from the sport and her plans to return to the court. today, wednesday, october 5th, 2016. >> all the way from washington state. ♪ >> hello! >> the great state of tennessee. we're back now, 8:00 on a wednesday morning. it's the 5th day of october, 2016. everybody of course keeping an eye on hurricane matthew to find out where it is headed. we're going to take a look inside, we have maria sharapova here. it was a big day for her yesterday. the court of arbitration for sport coming down with a ruling in her case. she'll be here to talk about it in just a couple of minutes. and staying cozy and stylish is no easy feat when the temperature is chilly. thank goodness jill martin is here with a request "steals and deals." first let's get you the top stories. here is the news at 8:00. >> reporter: good morning. this morning we begin with both vice presidential candidates back on the campaign trail after the debate in virginia. i'm hallie jackson in farmville where the tone turned testy as tim kaine's interruptions put mike pence on defense. the debate really more about the top of the ticket with pence forced to try and defend his candidate's controversies. in this campaign clash, a war over their running mate's words. >> if donald trump had said all the things that you said he said in the way you said he said them, he still wouldn't have a fraction of the insults that hillary clinton leveled when she said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. >> reporter: mike pence trying to clean up his candidate's controversies, like donald trump's statements on women and mexicans. >> senator, you whipped out that mexican thing again. >> reporter: #thatmexicanthingagain trending on twitter overnight with tim kaine pushing pence to directly defend trump. >> six times tonight i have said to governor pence i can't imagine how you can defend your running mate's position on one issue after the next. and in all six cases, he's refused to defend his running mate. >> don't put words in my mouth. >> reporter: both vps clearly well prepped. >> did donald trump apologize after taking after somebody in a twitter war and making fun of her weight? >> did you work on that one a long time? because that had a lot of really creative lines in it. >> well, i'm going to see if you can defend any of it. >> reporter: at times, tough to handle. >> gentlemen, the people at home cannot understand either one of you when you speak over each other. >> reporter: both sides declaring victory for their candidate. donald trump doing it on twitter, but it was the gop website getting ahead of itself, posting this hours before the debate had started. quote, the consensus was clear after the dust settled, mike pence was the clear winner of the debate. >> i don't think it was prepublished. it was some inactive link somebody found. but look, we're so confident in mike pence that we have no problem declaring him the victor at any time. >> reporter: hillary clinton meanwhile watching the vp debate from her home in new york. while last night's showdown may not move the needle much with voters, it does set the stage for sunday night when hillary clinton and donald trump face off town hall style. matt. >> all right, hallie, thank you very much. emergency plans are in effect from florida to the carolinas as hurricane matthew approaches. the deadly storm has already caused widespread damage in the caribbean. nbc's gabe gutierrez is in port-au-prince, haiti. gabe, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt and savannah, good morning. we've seen more rain here in port-au-prince overnight but a large swath of the southwestern part of the country remains cut off so the full extent of the damage is not yet known. this was a powerful hurricane, the strongest to hit haiti in more than 50 years. the hurricane now blamed for at least 11 deaths. that is expected to climb, as aid organizations scramble to rush into that southwestern tip of haiti and assess the damage today. hurricane matthew slamming into the eastern tip of cuba overnight as well as threatening the bahamas and now the u.s. east coast. today there is a massive cleanup effort under way here in haiti. matt and savannah, back to you. >> gabe gutierrez, gabe, thank you very much. a little boy who died after last week's elementary school shooting in south carolina will be laid to rest today. at his parents' request, 6-year-old jacob will be given a superheroes funeral. they are encouraging people to wear costumes and character t-shirts to remember their son in a way he would enjoy. his mom says jacob loves anything to do with goodness and with helping others. just ahead, ben stiller opens up about the cancer test that he said saved his life. so should that test be given to all men of a certain age? we'll talk about that with dr. oz. and tennis superstar maria sharapova is here to talk about her just reduced ban from the sport and mounting a comeback. but firs little dakota's nose was quivering in fear. because it knew an ordinary tissue was near. the fiery tissue left her nose sore and red. so dad slayed the problem with puffs plus lotion, instead. puffs have pillowy softness for dakota's tender nose. with lotion to comfort and soothe when she blows. don't get burned by ordinary tissues. a nose in need deserves puffs, indeed. now get puffs plus lotion in the squeezable softpack. no matter what you love. we'll help you style your home from floor to ceiling. now get up to $40 off our best paint via rebate, at lowe's. i'm jamie foxx for verizon. in the nation's largest independent study by rootmetrics, again, verizon is the number one network. hi, i'm jamie foxx for sprint. and i'm jamie foxx for t-mobile. (both) and we're just as good. really? only verizon was ranked number one nationally in data, reliability, text and call and speed. yeah! and you're gonna fist bump to that? get out of my sight. don't get fooled by a cut rate network. verizon gives you tons of data without all the restrictions. get 20 gigs and 4 lines for only $160. with no surprise overages on america's best network. 8:10. ben stiller revealing his fight with cancer. in a blog he wrote i got diagnosed with prostate cancer friday, june 13th, 2014. on september 17th of that same year i got the test back telling me i was cancer-free. the three months in between were a crazy roller coaster ride with which about 180,000 men a year in america can identify. stiller also talked about his diagnosis in an interview with howard stern. >> at first i didn't know what was going to happen so i was scared. you know, i was scared. >> sure. >> one thing that it does, it just stops everything in your life. one of the main things i felt was i was really lucky as i learned more about prostate cancer. i learned that i was someone who had a case that could be treated. there are a lot of people who can't. >> stiller credits a diagnostic test known as the psa with his life but the guidance is a little mixed, both on just how valuable that test is and when men should start screening. we asked dr. oz to stop by and take us through it. he was 46. no history, no symptoms. is he the kind of guy to get a psa test? >> there's a reason that all the major medical societies agree that it should not be part of a routine screening. for every thousand men who get screened for the psa, you only save one life. so identifying who that one person is becomes a bit of a challenge. >> so you're saying it's a double-edged sword? because in addition to the one person, and he says that test saved his life, you get a lot of other false positives and people who might go for treatment when it's not necessary? >> it may have saved ben stiller's life but just to be clear, he didn't jump into surgery when he was diagnosed. he took a while to figure out if he could do things to reduce his psa number. that's the big problem. a lot of men panic when they have an elevated psa. psa stands for prostate-specific antigen. it doesn't mean you have cancer, it means there's something wrong with your prostate. it could be an infection, irritation, or it could be cancer. but you're probably going to be panicked if your spouse has an elevated psa so you go to the doctor and get it whacked out. so that causes problems with impotence, inkaucontinence and sometimes people die. >> so you don't treat the number, you treat the entirety of the patient. >> just like ben stiller did. you go to the best experts out there that you think might make sense for you. for example, if you have an infection, treat the infection first, don't immediately assume you'll have biopsies done. >> but the message is a little bit mixed. what would you say to the guys sitting out there with no history and no symptoms. should he or should he not get the psa screening? >> i would follow the government guidelines. here's the catch what would mehmet oz do, i'd say get the test. information is power. if i have an elevated psa, i can do a couple of things. i can look for a problem or i can start doing things that might reverse the chances of my developing advanced prostate cancer. we now have data on how powerful lifestyle is. detecting whether you might have elevated psa and prostate cancer is not the same as acting differently in your own life. the things that work, for example, to prevent heart disease from killing you also work for prostate cancer. so fruits and vegetables, making sure you have oily fish in your diet, whole grains, not so much sugar, exercise, these reduce the chance of dying from prostate cancer. that may be the biggest takeaway and the ben stiller effect. the aware of how powerful this is. we're coming back in two weeks, men's health on the "today" show. there's a whole opportunity there. >> dr. oz, always good to see you. thank you very much. of course you can see more of him weekdays. check your local listings. let's turn to dylan now for a check of the weather. >> thanks, matt. we had just gotten the latest update on hurricane matthew. win winds are still keeping it as a major category 3 hurricane and it is moving to the north. there will be some fluctuations in intensity as it moves through the bahamas. there's still the possibility it could strengthen up to a category 4 hurricane as we go into thursday, possibly even as a category 4 hurricane just off the coast of florida. again, this is the track we're watching because now it's a little bit closer to the eastern coast of florida than it was before. but we're also keeping an eye on the fact that it's not looking like it's going to make landfall in north carolina, it will wrap its way around. we could see a storm surge to 3 and that's your latest forecast. >> thank you so much. now let's get to what's trending today. apparently shoulders are not trending, if you look at dylan and hoda. >> and one of our producers katie has the shoulders on too. >> carson has no shoulders on his shirt. >> here is an update to a story we first told you about late last year. a creative way to expand airlines, recruiting people who have little experience and then turning them into pilots. bloomberg reports the program has now kicked off. it costs $125,000 in training fees to join. among the six participants, a supermarket clerk, a baggage handler and an equipment operator. they have already spent three weeks studying meteorology, aerodynamics and aircraft systems. next week the recruits start seven months of actual flight training. the goal is to turn them into full-fledged pilots by 2020. >> is that a reality show? >> i don't think so, no. >> it's like up with yaerd war . a hospital just charged a couple to hold their own newborn. just look at the itemized bill. this is what the parents got in the mail. look at the highlight. skin-to-skin charge for contact with the baby, $39.95. now, online people were outraged and confused, what does this all mean? well, this morning the hospital tells us the charge is not for actually holding your baby, it's actually for the cost of bringing an additional caregiver into the o.r. after the c-section. the hospital says this ensures the highest level of patient safety. but i mean it is kind of amusing. >> even skin-to-skin doesn't sound right. >> but holding your baby for $39.95, good price. >> i was looking at the total cost. is it really that expensive. >> whatever it was, yes, yes. all right, carson. >> oh, this one's for you, hoda. let's start with the first couple of country music. faith hill and tim mcgraw had their 20th wedding anniversary and last night in nashville they made a big announcement. >> all right, okay, so we are going back on the road on tour. >> pretty cool. for the first time in a decade, faith and tim will go next april but you're not going to have to wait that long to see them because faith and tim are joining our family at "the voice." this month they will be the key advisers who will work with all four of our coaches and their teams. we are thrilled about two of the greatest people, forget in music but in general. >> can i come? >> please. we're going to move on to lin manuel miranda, the show of "hamilton." he's hosting snl this weekend. and this cast member learned something strange about him. >> i just saw "hamilton." >> you've seen it? i'm so jealous. >> you haven't seen it? >> no. and everyone is like oh, good job, i can't wait to see it. i can't get tickets. >> i'm just worried we're not going to get along. >> why is that? >> well, i'm -- i'm more of a lin manuel samantha. >> i thought about what samantha said that week. i thought new york is -- >> lin, you're not the carry. please sign my "hamilton" -- >> a little "sex and the city" humor at snl. we're going to end on dolly parton. she's collaborated with a lot of stars, but guess who she might like to work with next. any guesses? that's right, snoop dogg. she said that her husband not only loves him but can relate to him. so that got us thinking what would a dolly parton/snoop sound like? ♪ >> a little drop it like it's hot/jolene special there. >> things you learn. all right, carson, thanks. let's send it over to matt. >> thank you, savannah. back in march, maria sharapova was wanted from tennis for two years for failing a drug test at the australian open. sharapova claimed she was unaware that the substance she had been using had been recently banned. here's part of what she had to say at the time. >> i take great responsibility and professionalism in my job every single day, and i made a huge mistake. i know that with this i face consequences and i've -- i don't want to end my career this way, and i really hope that i will be given another chance to play this game. >> on tuesday sharapova's suspension was reduced to 15 months, meaning she can return to tennis in april. she's joining us now. maria, it's nice to see you. >> nice to see you. >> i want to take you back to that press conference. you said "i made a huge mistake." but in your mind it was an honest mistake, is that a fair assessment? >> yes, absolutely. when i got the e-mail that i made this violation back in march, my first instinct was i need to go to the world and tell the truth in what actually happened. i did it within a couple of days and i'm actually proud of the moment because what i said from the first day is the same thing that i'm saying today. >> and so when the punishment was handed down and it was a two-year suspension, which i understand the itf, the international tennis federation, had actually wanted a longer ban, did you think that the punishment fit the crime? >> for an honest mistake, a two-year ban i don't think was correct. i had admitted my mistake. i also knew that there was a responsibility that the itf and other organizations had in order to notify me of new prohibitive substances, especially when someone was taking a substance that was completely legal for ten years and from one day to the next it becomes illegal and you have no notices, no e-mails, no direct communications that other fed raising did. >> so here comes the court of arbitration for sport and they basically agree with you. they say they found no deliberate attempt to dope. they found no deliberate attempt to cover up doping. they say it's an honest mistake and that raises a question. so why didn't they just release the suspension today? why do you think you have to continue through 15 months? >> well, the least i could have received was one year based on the current rules. the itf rule book. so i received 15 months because i didn't delegate the job to my agent well enough. i didn't check with him at the end of 2015 and make sure that he was checking that list. so that's what i got the three extra months for. >> but there's nothing else we don't know. so when you say you made a huge mistake, there's nothing as to why this court of arbitration may have continued with 15 months? >> nothing at all. the last things itf has made has been overturned by c.a.s.t. >> you know this created an uproar when it was announced. there were other players that said you cheated. you're a cheater. what kind of response or welcome back do you think you're going to get to the sport from your peers? let's start with your peers first. >> i think i've been respected as an athlete ever since i came on tour. i'm tenacious, i'm a fighter, i show a lot of spirit out on the court and i think a lot of players and a lot of fans really respect that. the impact that i've had on millions of lives, i really recognize in these last seven months and the people that have come up to me on the streets, airports, in cars and just said i can't wait to see you back. it's been pretty incredible. >> and yet for all the supportive people, there are probably people on the other side of the fence. might you face some boos? are you prepared for that? >> i faced boos before. i'm sure i'll face boos in the future for different reasons. but that's part of sport. that's what makes it exciting, that adds that extra pressure and i love it. >> what about getting back to the sport and getting back to the top of the sport. you're going to turn 30 just before you take to the court again. >> yes. >> can you get back into top form? >> that's my goal and that's what i asked for. i feel that ever since i received that e-mail in march, i started my comeback. i knew i would be out for a year at least and i knew i had to put my mind in the right -- be in the right frame of mind to start my comeback. and i've had that in my mind and i can't wait. >> is there an impact in not using that substance that you used for ten years which you said perhaps increased your lung capacity. can you have the endurance you once had without using that substance? >> well, i will look with my medical team for a substitute, for something that is legal and okay to take. >> what's the takeaway from all of this? what's the lesson? >> i think the biggest lesson for me is that i don't think anything is handed to you in life that you can't hands. as an athlete it's probably one of the toughest thing i've had to handle. i had shoulder surgery after my third major that i won at 21 years old that came out of nowhere. i've had to face this in the last seven months. everything -- you think why is this happening, what is the real core message. but at the end of the day it makes you stronger. i'm 29 years old. i have an incredible future ahead of me and i just can't wait to get back on the court. >> woe appreciate you taking the time to stop by and talk about it so openly, maria, thanks very much. let's head over to carson. >> come on, guys, we're on the air. get ready. what you need to consider before adopting a new pet and jill's "steals & deals" to help i'm tracy davidson. following breaking news on the blue route an overturned tractor trailer is causing major delays. we get you updated with traffic reporter francesca ruscio. >> tracy it was reported the overturned tractor trailer brought along entrampment. one person had to get flown to the hospital. they had to block all the lanes so the medical helicopter could land in place on the northbound side. as you can see right now you zoom out of the picture on the northbound side, it took place between exit 13 and exit 16. the backup will take you way past brual. looking at alternates for you folks. we are seeing that you should rather take route 320 and route 252 or complete lay void the blue at all costs. this took place not too long ago. traffic is slowly crawling by at speeds anywhere up to five miles an hour. we're going to be watching this accident, which now has cleared but again, that delay, 156 minutes. tracy, back to you. now to your first alert neighborhood forecast. meteorologist krystal klei has that. >> good morning. here's the temperatures outside, very nice at 57 degrees in philadelphia, wilmington, 58 dover and allentown. atlantic city just 57. we're starting to see the upper 50s and we'll make our way to the low 70s forecast temperatures as we move later into the day. clouds and radar showing up plenty of sunshine in the forecast for your afternoon. >> i'm tracy davidson. we'll have another update in 25 minutes. stay updated with the news, weather and major delays on the roads with the nbc 10 app. the "today" show continues in just minutes. have a great day. we're back now. it's 8:30. good morning. it's a beautiful wednesday, the 5th of october and we are happy to have a nice crowd out here. coming up, are you already under a pile of covers and blankets overnight? jill martin has a fall edition of "steals & deals." >> can i show you the wildest fan for just one second? where are you? where are you? i'm sorry. but that happens every now and then. a little shoutout. and then adoption 101 for animal lovers. we're going to teach you everything you need to know about adding a furry new member to your family. >> how about sugar cookies? we're going to get a jump start on your holiday cookie platters. we'll show you how to master the perfect sugar cookie. >> and we've got fun news for parents. when it comes to babies, we know messy is often pretty darn cute so "parents" magazine wants to give you a chance to show off your little ones. they're having an america's messiest baby cover contest. so share your photos and one will get cleaned up, a professional photo shoot and an opportunity to be on the may cover. head to for all the details. >> is vale in that club? >> no. >> all right, double duty. you got weather? >> yes. we of course have been focusing on hurricane matthew as it approaches florida. the rain we're going to see down in florida today doesn't have a whole lot to do with matthew. that will change as we continue through the end of the week. some storms are possible in the middle of the country today, some mountain snow and high fire danger in the southwest, santa ana winds drying things out. any fire that develops could spread pretty rapidly. now, tomorrow we do have a better chance of severe storms moving through areas like iowa, stretching down into northern texas. we'll keep a close eye on florida as some of the outer bands of rain get closer as well. in the northeast, it's going to be sunny and very nice. temperatures around 75 to nearly 80 degrees. still dealing with a fire danger out in the southwest. in the northwest we are watching for winds as the next system makes its way good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. here's a look at your neighborhood forecast for today. sunny to mostly sunny, light to some breezy winds along the shore. pretty good forecast, 70 center city. 69 westchester and 70 as well for lanesdale. presenty consistent, allentown 71, easton with spotty clouds overhead in the afternoon. new jersey you're at 70. ocean city at 65, and 69 atlantic city. wilmington with a forecast high today of 70 degrees. and that's your latest forecast. matt. >> dylan, thank you very much. al is not here this morning because he's in minnesota atta prince's iconic paisley park. al, good morning again. >> and good morning to you, matt. of course this is a legendary place where prince worked, he lived, and he always planned to turn this into a living museum for his fans. joining me now is his sister, tyka nelson, who is a musician and an artist in her own right. first of all, still our condolences and our thoughts and prayers to you. >> thank you so month. >> it's been six months since prince's passing. >> right. >> how are you and your family doing? >> i think my family is doing well. i was probably -- not probably, i am -- i was closest to him, so i think i'm taking it the hardest. in the beginning it was maybe 90% he's not gone and 10% maybe. and now it's finally slipping. >> is this -- when you come into this place, can you feel -- can you still feel prince here? >> oh, definitely. any time you look at his clothes or his shoes or you hear a song, because sometimes they'll play music in here, and then, of course, the dove. >> majesty. >> and divinity. >> i heard these sounds all of a sudden when i was here earlier and it literally is quiet. >> after they passed they weren't talking so i was like where are the doves, what's going on? they said they're up there, they're not talking. you need to play some prince music, maybe they'll talk. >> and there is normally music playing here. this will open up tomorrow as a museum and a living legacy to your brother. >> right. >> how difficult was it getting this ready in a fairly short period of time to be this living museum? >> it actually wasn't difficult at all because prince had already planned -- preplanned a lot of things and so paisley park, you see what it looked like when prince was here. then joel came in and he did a fantastic job and his staff has been extremely nice and courteous. they have taken care with prince's things. >> when people come through here, what do you want fans and visitors to come away with? >> i want them to maybe feel like maybe they saw prince up close. sometimes when you're a fan you only get to see him from a seat. but this way you're almost face to face with him. and then when you hear the -- see the different eras and also hear the different music, i want you to go away with your memories. >> well, people will definitely do that. tyka nelson, prince's sister, thank you so much, we really appreciate it. savannah, it's a real experience. it is the prince experience. back to you. >> we really enjoyed the tour. give our best to tyka, thank you so much. al, as you'll see, it's "steals & deals" time. it's getting chilly and jill is here to solve all our problems. first, this is "today" on nbc. ♪ cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. welcome back, everybody. "steals and deals" time. jill martin is here with deals to keep us warm and cozy. this is a little sneak preview. good morning. >> good morning. i thought i'd be wearing a puffy coat and be hot outside, but today it said we have to do "steals and deals" to be comfy and cozy for winter, now fall. and we have a lot of people in blankets already because they're helping out, so let's start with the jacket because we have women and men. these coats retail $198 to $300. they're wol coats, machine washable and all down. so you see all the different versions. go on to see. this is faux fur on the hood to keep you warm. the retail $198 to $300. the deal, $64 to $74. >> to get a deal like that right as winter is approaching is a big deal. >> and they come packed flat so if you want to get it as a gift for someone, what a beautiful gift. >> what about the dudes? >> the dudes are super cool. these are izod men's coats. izod is a popular brand for many decades. retail is $200 to $250. this comes with the scarf but the scarf comes off. >> oh, that's nice. >> so you can wear it with other jackets. there's lining in some of them. so on we have all the versions. the retail is $200 to $250. the deal is $68. up to 73% off. >> okay, great. we've done the coats. let's move on to the gloves. >> these are always super popular. the isotoner gloves, retail $45 to $52. i have my phone in here just to show that you can use these, you see, they have the smart touch technology. >> that's huge. >> so you can use it, you can swipe, you can type, because we always have to be on our phones, although i'm trying to detox a lot. so the retail $45 to $52. the deal $14. up to 73% off. and these are super cool, also a great gift because there's a lot of interest here in addition to being functional. >> check out the website because they don't all have the swiping ability. >> they don't all have them. you can see the different ones. >> okay, great. >> so now we're moving on. you always love these. >> i do. >> beautiful candles which also come in boxes which already have the bows, which i think is so nice because then you're set and you're done. >> i know, a holiday gift. >> the retail is $85. you have two choices. the 15-ounce and 18-ounce so again you can see all the colors and all the different versions on the retail is $85. the deal is $25. 71% off. >> i like that. do they have a fragrance? >> yeah. i think they're -- no, they're not. >> i like it. >> depending on your taste. and then we have the pillows here. the retail $119.99. so it's faux fur. you can either get the 12 x 20 or the 18 x 18 square. the retail is $118.99. the deal is $29. 76% off. >> these are soft pillows. >> and if you need a little bit of a pop for fall and winter. now, it's cold so we have helped out -- hi. these are the woollen mill throw blankets, retail $140. not only are these comfy and cozy, they come in so many different colors and they're super comfortable, right? so we are using them as -- >> it's kind of working, though. is that not crazy to wear a blanket around your neck? >> i'm into blankets. so merino wool. the retail $140. the deal $42. that's 70% off. >> we love it. all right, thank you so much. let's run through the products one more time. we have women's coats from larry levine, men's coats from izod, the ever popular isotoner gloves, candles from dl company, the pillows and the throws from farribault woolen mills. coming up next, pet adoption and finding the right friend for your family. but first, this is "today" on nbc. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> announcer: pets on the plaza is created with our sponsor, subaru, through the subaru loves pets. subaru has donated over $16 million to animal welfare. >> if you are looking to add a furry new friend to your family, adoption might be the way to go. >> andrea arden is here with every single thing we need to know. >> good morning. >> we've also got some friends from ran manimal rescue up for adoption today. why is adoption a good idea? >> first of all, you're saving a dog's life. when you go to a rescue or a shelter, they have such a wide variety of animals of all ages, all breeds, mixes, and they're really well equipped to guide you to finding a good match for your family. >> i'm holding mabel here. mabel is a 12-year-old shih tzu. a little problem being diabetic and some eyesight issues. this can be a difficult adoption experience for some. >> and it has been for mabel. she's actually been up for adoption for a year. she's a special needs dog. but for empty nesters or they're retired, mabel could be a perfect match because she does require a little extra time. she does need shots to treat her diabetes. but other than that, she's a lovely dog. >> she's adorable. >> really sweet. >> i've got little baylor here. now, baylor is 5, a schnauzer but you said a lot of people might be tempted to get a puppy but you might try a dog like this guy. >> i think a lot of people think raising a puppy with children is the way to go, but puppies can be very challenging for children. they're very mouthy, very jumpy, very ep nergetic. adopting an adult dog, you see what you get. you get to know if they're good with kids. oftentimes they're house trained and a lot calmer than a puppy. >> i've got grayson here. grayson is a great dane. and this guy is okay for an apartment? >> you would think he would take up a lot of space. but a lot of times the very large breeds like graeat danes r greyhounds are suitable for smaller spaces because they tend to be couch potatoes. they need lots of exercise but when they're inside it's not like they romp around. this is molly, a blue heeler. this is an example and you can't tell right now because she's so chill of a very energetic dog. so if you like to go camping or hiking, this could be a very good option for you. >> and if you can't adopt a dog right now, are there other ways you can help? >> shelters and rescues across the country need us to donate money but also donate products. whether it be towels for bedding or toys for the dogs and the cats. and there's other ways you can help too. you can donate your time, you can volunteer. and probably one of the easiest ways to help is just by pressing a share button, sharing a picture of a dog or cat that's up for adoption. it makes a difference. >> take me home. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> let's go to carson in the orange room with more. >> some great dogs out there, guys, thanks. speaking of october, it is subaru loves pets month. they're going to be hosting pet adoptions, toy drives and so much more over the next couple of weeks. we're working with subaru and their #makeadogsday to celebrate all the way people are making a difference with animals. we'll start with al roker and his rescue. this is pepper. people are sharing pictures of their adopted pups. we've got another one from renee. this is my rescue, penny, adopted two and a half years ago. she's my princess and my heart. she definitely lives the good life now. this is a nice sentiment coming in from kate. this is bailey. he rescued me just about a year ago. i can't imagine my life without him. now to keep sharing your pictures and we're going to be supporting this cause, use this hash tag, #makeadogsday. coming up next, we are baking with mark about bitman. his key for making the perfect sugar cookie. coming up first, this is "today" on nbc. we are back now with today food. we're about to master the art of perfect cooking with our help of mark bitman and his new book "how to bake everything." great to see you. >> good to be here. >> you tackle all kinds of baking. you keep it simple. >> as usual, and the idea is not only is there margin for error, you can improvise, you can play around. once you learn a few basic techniques, you're in business. it's not any harder than cooking. >> as i mention you cover all things but we are doing cookies today, sugar cookies. >> we're doing cookies like 12 ways. so we cream butter and sugar like this. you can use a food processor for this or do it by hand. and just egg, sugar, salt, flour, vanilla extract, butter. let's turn this off. >> go ahead. we're going to lift this up a little bit. >> yeah, go ahead. >> add an egg. >> perfect. some vanilla. >> and our flour. >> we go back at it now? >> if we're doing it, we might as well do it right. >> okay. >> salt and baking powder. and then you can just let this go. you want it combined. you don't want to overwork the dough because then cookies get tougher. >> how long should the dough take you? >> five minutes. and in a food processor, no time at all. >> all right, perfect. here's what it looks like when you're finished. >> now you have three or four options. one is -- if you have time and you can refrigerate it in between then and now, it makes it easier. so now you have three or four options. one is to roll it out. and you take a floured board or saran wrap or parchment paper and you just roll it out and you want to get it to the place where it looks like that. >> and that's because you're going to use i cookie cutter? >> there are two options. you have it rolled out, you can do a cookie cutter. and obviously all kinds of fun shapes for kids, it's halloween and holidays and so on. everybody knows this, when you cut them all up, you recombine the dough and start over again. the thing that's actually the easiest is to roll it into a log. saran wrap really helps. this could be refrigerated for an hour or two or frozen forever. then when you're ready to cook, you just start cutting slices and that's the easiest thing. before we run over there -- >> you can make little balls out of there. >> you can just drop them. >> all right. now let's talk about what we do after we bake them? >> they bake at 375 for less than 10 minutes. these are fast. and this is pure really good ingredients and simple as can be. now you can drizzle, this is a white frosting or a caramel or some jam or chocolate, just drizzle or decorate. >> guys downstairs, how are these going? >> oh, they're going. going, going, gone. >> we like them. >> you've got a little frosting on some of these? >> this is an improvised pastry bag. take a plastic bag, fill it with frosting, cut the tip off and squeeze it out. >> i like the way you tip in chocolate over here. basically the same and they are pure goodness. mark, thank you very much. good to see you. again, the book is "how to bake everything." you can get this recipe at dylan, let's use these to celebrate a few birthdays. >> i've got jelly and frosting all over my hands. speaking of jelly, let's get right to the smucker's jar and see who we're celebrating today. first up, happy 100th birthday to glen bru baker. he is from frederick, maryland and still volunteers for the local fire department. lorraine mcmertry is 104 years old. when she was 100 she served as the grand marshal in her hometown festival's parade. happy 100th birthday to ak el du jay. he's a retired fireman and loves to go on daily walks. evelyn atkinson is 100 years old and enjoys cooking and spending time with her family. janet kelly is also 100. she's a retired math teacher and holds a ph.d. in education. and a happy 100th birthday to harry dufex. he owned his own convenience store and didn't retire until he was 93 years old. you can keep the celebration going at >> when i say you've got to be careful you don't spill on yourself, savannah. >> she has a smucker's segment on her dress. >> i have jelly all over. >> was tha it is just about 9:00 a.m. breaking news in montgomery county an accident cleared just moments ago on the blue route. car overturned on the northbound side of 476 near the villanova/st. david's exit. crews rescued one person inside the vehicle, a helicopter flew that person to the hospital. now to francesca ruscio for an update on that situation. >> vai, traffic is crawling. cameras on old gulf road just cleared moments ago but backups took you past brumal and we've seen delays up to 156 minutes. avoid the blue route at all costs. you see it cleared and i have alternates already, at 252, couldn't go wrong there. overturned vehicle on the northbound side and we were working with some road closures because that helicopter had to land on the blue route to rescue that young man. accident north extension and southbound side before lansdale exit 31. delays toward quakertown. we'll watch this accident because it's still in play and still working through it. lot more next. >> let's get to your first alert neighborhood forecast with meteorologist krystal klei. pretty nice day. >> very nice day, sunny and 70s this afternoon. the updated track for hurricane matthew, projected this will strengthen to a category 4 as we move through your thursday and along the coast of florida, right up the east coast and south carolina, before starting to make that hook to the right, and begin weakening, also an update since 8:00 a.m. now and 115-mile-per-hour winds. >> thatnk you. i'm vai sikahema, we'll have another update in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 app. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. this morning, cynthia nixon back on the small screen with an exciting new role. also check out all the hot new gadgets we have ponied up for fall and we'll take you inside prince's paisley park estate. all that coming up now. >> aouncer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, tamron hall and billy bush. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on this wednesday morning, october 5th, 2016. al is at paisley park in minnesota. tamron is here. she is freezing. >> i'm freezing. it's that time of the year. all around the country except in the south where it's kind of warm where you feel this transition outside. but whenever you're inside your office, they don't realize it. we did a story last year on men versus women and the temperature difference, how we process the work environment. some people say put a jacket on. you run hot? >> can we get a wrap? do we have a wrap? >> yo, i'm here. i just rapped. okay. what did you do yesterday? i saw video. >> i had my blind date with a stranger. >> should we call it a blind date? clarify what you mean by that. >> check this out. so last week i'm walking across the plaza after the show is over, i've got my sneakers in hand and going to the gym to work out. kind of a standard routine. i saw this woman, hi, how are you doing, we take a selfie, which is standard. we're chitchatting and she said i'm starting to work out too. i'm kicking it in on my health. i said that's great, good for you. she said it's my 30th birthday coming up and i'm going to do 30 burpies on my 30th birthday. >> they're tough. >> i said that's fabulous. i tell you what, stranger, you and i, next tuesday is your birthday, how about 30 burpies in front of 30 rock on your 30th birthday and i'll join you, 10:05 a.m. tuesday, see you there. i thought for sure -- >> she wouldn't show up. >> she's a fan but you're a stranger. maybe she didn't want to do 30 on 30 birthday. >> like it was nice to meet you, let's take a selfie, but i'm not sure i need to do jumping jacks out in front of the building with you. i never thought she'd show. she never thought that i would show. >> there was doubt, there was doubt. >> nobody had faith in the other one. well, i walked out there, looked around. at first i didn't see her and then there she is. >> now, you didn't even know her name yesterday. >> no. >> when i asked you her name, you said i don't know. >> her name is andrea dirks from des moines, iowa. she was here for a week with her mother. >> so this is her vaca. >> the last day of her vacation and it's her 30th birthday and she's kicking off the best decade of her life. and she's a sweetheart. i told her, by the way, next week is my birthday, i'm turning 45 on october 13th. so i said, hey, if you want to come back, 45 burpies in front of 45 rock on my 45th if you want to join me. i don't think she's going to come. something tells me it was a one and done. >> listen, andrea, 30 burpies, i can do five -- i can do two. >> let me see it. >> absolutely not. you'll never see that on tv but congratulations to her. awesome. i love that. >> i like it, just a random human interaction. it was fun, it was sweet, it happened and it's gone. i'd like to see more of those. >> i love it. that's why i love the plaza. on fridays we get to go out, but i love our plaza because people can come down and you just -- you have no idea. we've talked about wanting a live audience for the show because it's nice to talk to you through this thing, but to get a hug from you guys or say hi, it's so major. i love it. >> i've got to tell you, sometimes i leave here, you have to go do a political show on msnbc as soon as we're done here. sometimes i casually stroll back to the office and i photo bomb tourist photographs. i just pop into people's frames. >> i love that. >> it's a nice head clearer. >> i like that. i like that idea. >> so we have new details on kim kardashian's investigation. monday around 2:30 a.m., five masked burglars wearing police jackets entered the building. no security on duty, just an overnight receptionist. they bound him, so i guess he's tied with his hands behind his back and then force him to take two of them up to kardashian's suite on the second floor. they gagged her, bound her, put her in the tub, as you know. according to e! news, her close friend and hairstylist was also inside the suite but in a different bedroom. she heard the commotion. she runs to a different bathroom. she can't call 911, she tried. so she texts the bodyguard and said this is what is going on. >> some people have said how can you text and not call. in my home, i have blind spots where i can text but a call won't go through. >> really? >> absolutely. i have two spots in my home. i didn't have a land line. i now have a land line because you can have these blind spots. i know when i reported on it earlier, a lot of people zeroed in, how can you text and not call? well, that can happen, firsthand here. >> text isn't going to do, right? >> now we're talking about can you text 911 and neither of us have the answer. but she text kourtney and the bodyguard. she was in duct tape around her legs. she broke through, ran into her friend, simone, and this is terrifying, told her to jump off the balcony to get free. >> but what story were they at? >> the second floor. >> could be a stress fracture. >> that's still terrifying. "people" magazine reported the members of the paparazzi assigned to follow kim during paris fashion week recalled two men that they may have seen hanging out there. >> that's odd, though. these are the guys, there's like 17 to 15 to 17 photographers that follow kim. they're on kim kardashian detail so they know everybody in the detail. they notice these two other guys. this is the paparazzi working with her security. wouldn't it be odd if the paparazzi, who we assume are these pesky, you know, rodents that follow kim wherever she goes and make her life so difficult, all of a sudden there is this thing and discovering who these burglars are. they notice the two guys, they're working with police right now to identify them. there was a gray fiaf at -- fiat at an event and later on it was there again. >> that's kracrazy. for those of you who are probably tweeting we talk about kim kardashian so much and celebrities so much, the supreme court, justice stephen breyer, mentioned kim kardashian's robbery during arguments in a bank fraud case yesterday. basically he was giving a comparison about stealing something and he said, you know, if the robbery had happened with kim kardashian and the robbers took the jewels, that's a justice on the supreme court yesterday invoked the name of kim kardashian during a conversation. so there you have it. it was good enough for a justice of the supreme court, it's good enough for our four minutes we gave it. >> maybe she didn't come into the debate last night. did you watch the vp debate? >> that's why i'm a little groggy. i watched the debate. they called it the interruptionfest. >> bland combat. >> thrilla in vanilla. but let me tell you, the first three minutes -- here i am. i have a little debate ritual so you can watch twitter and i can take notes. i settle in and three minutes in tim kaine is like swinging. he was interrupting. >> he couldn't help himself. >> he was just on fire. mike pence, governor pence stayed calm throughout the debate. he's getting high praise. some people say it's style versus fact. pence denied some of the things that trump said, blah blah blah, but the bottom line is it was not blanda bland combat. >> and people say that vice president -- i would assume if both presidential candidates are as unpopular as the polls show, then you would think that this would matter a lot. in donald's case, i think his campaign manager, paul manafort, the old one, said a long time ago donald is more interested in becoming chairman of the united states and he's going to have pence be the quarterback and run the ceo kind of role. chairman of the united states, i didn't know you could run for that. so i was looking at pence to see, okay, if this guy is calling some shots, what's he like. he was definitely under control. i think kaine, my impression was, there's so many things that donald has said that he wants to call him out on and i get it. he was like -- he was so hard to keep in. we've all been in that situation where it's like -- yeah, but -- >> he's being criticized for that. but you know what's interesting, katy tur, our campaign embed who's with donald trump, now says because of the insiders that donald trump is now bothered by the fact that governor pence is getting high praise. that's what katy tur is reporting now. so it's like you're darned if you do, darned if you don't. so according to the late-night polls he did better, like 48-46 or something, pence won the debate. but katy tur is now reporting that donald trump may have beef with that. can't make it up. >> i think it's -- i would expect donald to say he won the vice presidential debate. sir, you won't there. no, but i won. all the online polls, snap polls say. up next, two stars who have been making headlines. brad pitt and mary ann coutillard. smoking with chantix. smoking's a monkey on my back. it was, it was always controlling your time, your actions, your money. it had me. it had me. i would not be a 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nausea. it's me in control now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. ♪ ♪ and off you go, ♪ ♪ ♪ and off you go, ♪ ♪ ♪ and off you go, ♪ for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. i am proud of you, my man. making simple, smart cash back choices... with quicksilver from capital one. you're earning unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. like on that new laptop. quicksilver keeps things simple, gary. and smart, like you! and i like that. i guess i am pretty smart. don't let that go to your head, gary. what's in your wallet? back now with more of "today's take." at 9:00 eastern, just about 12 minutes ago, the trailer for "allied" starring brad pitt and marion cotillard is out. we're trying to turn this around so in minutes you'll be able to see is there any chemistry between -- >> oh, don't say that. you know how i feel about that. >> don't tell me you're not going to look a little extra close to see maybe. >> no. because i feel sad for mayoron -- may marion cotillard. she's pregnant with her boyfriend's baby. >> i'm still watching the "fifty shades of grey" trailer. chrissy teigen and john legend moved into a new hollywood pad, they're obviously doing really well, owned formerly by rihanna. here's what chrissie told ellen about the former owner. >> did she leave anything behind? >> trust me, i looked. the one fun thing that does happen every once in a while is i get a bill of hers and i really want to somehow give it back to her. so i tried to bring it to the grammys and john said, no, that doesn't look cool, please don't, you're embarrassing me. rihanna, you owe $18 to begotti, i think. >> you're opening her mail? >> i think that's the number, i'm not sure. yeah, maybe, okay. she gets a lot of fan mail. >> you open the fan mail? >> i don't get it to the house, i don't get my own to the house. >> you know that's illegal, right? >> is it? >> you can't open people's mail? >> really? but it's my house now. >> no. you cannot open other people's mail. >> really? >> yes. >> okay. has this ever happened to you? that's the question. >> yeah. i moved into a house, this woman was there for ten years before and, yeah, i got her mail for a long time. >> did you open it? >> no, i threw it away. >> see, i've moved lots of times. i move a lot. and my last place i do shutterfly. i sent pictures from my vacation to my old home by mistake, so the people who live there now got my pictures. >> oh, nice. >> and they never gave them back to me. and some of them included who i was with. and it's like i am mortified that these pictures were opened. >> there aren't any news or anything, right? >> no! who does news and prints them on shutterfly. >> i mean with dolphins. >> those are all in the cloud where they get stolen. no. i just wonder the people who live in my house, why haven't you sent me my pictures? >> maybe it's random. >> come on. >> here it is hot off the web. wait no more. your first look at the new trailer for brat pit and marion cotillard in the new film "allied." >> when the war is open, i don't know where i am. >> we found each other. >> you were different with me last night. >> different? >> like you were angry. >> she's the mother of my child. >> it isn't true. >> you were late. >> when the war is over, you won't know where i am. >> hey, what happened to my kiss? >> whoa. >> i mean -- >> it looks like such a good movie. the action scenes, i love it. you see the guy with the scarred face in there? who was that guy, what happened to him? >> so the scarred face guy is what you saw? >> that's what i saw. i saw a thriller. >> what i saw is undeniable heat. >> they're actors. they're actors, that's what actors do. i'm still -- the plane, why was that plane flying through there like that. >> could you completely compartmentalize a heart passionate half nude kiss on the lap and put that aside? that's a heavy line of work right there. >> but that's what they do for a living. i couldn't do it. i watch some films and i say well, how -- is your spouse sitting there watching you make out? i don't think i could do that. >> i think there's some heat. there's some heat in that movie. >> dylan, i know you've got important weather. you're tracking the storm and a lot of evacuations. >> yes. through florida, up into georgia, south carolina, and north carolina, all under alert right now with this category 3 hurricane matthew getting closer and closer. its winds have dropped to 115 miles an hour. the mountains of cuba ripped the storm apart a little bit but it is forecast to perhaps strengthen back into a category 4 storm as it moves through the bahamas. this is where our concern is really for the united states. friday morning at 2:00 a.m., 130-mile-per-hour winds just off the coast of southern florida. and then as we go into saturday morning, it's just off the coast of jacksonville, florida. if this shifts a little farther to the west, we could see seeing just significant impacts. in the meantime we're looking for as much as 7 to 10 inches of rain. also a storm surge of 3 to 5 feet, coastal flooding as well. we'll keep an eye on it as it continues to m ov good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. here's a look at your neighborhood forecast for today. sunny to mostly sunny, light to some breezy winds along the shore. pretty good forecast, we're at 70 center city. 69 westchester and 70 as well for lansdale. allentown 71, as well as easton with spotty clouds overhead in the afternoon. new jersey you're at 70. ocean city at 65, and 69 atlantic city. wilmington with a forecast high today of 70 degrees. have a nice day. and that's your latest foencht billy and tamron. >> i'm so -- i can't jump rope. i've tried a million times. >> jumping rope? come on. >> there's jumping rope coming up here and i'm in trouble. >> i can jump in heels. plus the invention that claims it can cool down a 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than on our previous program. join for free and lose 10 lbs on us. my doctor says i havey, what's skittles pox. are they contagious? i don't think so. contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow! back now with some of the coolest gadgets to hit stores this call. katie is here with a roundup of some of the best. i just read this stat, like 34 million people have begun their holiday shopping. >> it's crazy. >> so for us people who are behind, i guess, this is classic nintendo. >> this is the first tv look. i am so excited about this. this is nintendo's nes classic edition. >> mario! >> 30 games, iconic favorite classics. look at the miniaturized version. i want to pause it and show you it's a miniaturized version. your favorites from mega man to excite bike to bubble bobble. $59.99 coming out november 11th. i could not be more pumped. >> that's beautiful. i'm so excited with the chill-o-matic. this chills a beer or soda 240 times faster? >> you know when you have friends coming over and there's no cold beverages? problem solved. this is the chill-o-matic from one of my favorites companies, perpetual kids. you turn it on and just let it go for 60 seconds. if you want it really, really cold let it go for 90 seconds. everyone doesn't believe it but it does not explode when it's done. you have yourself an icy cold beverage. >> it's just rotating through the ice like that, how smart. i've always wanted to jump rope and i can't. >> let's do it. you've just got to get a few jumps in there. l.e.d. smart rope. the cool part is it will telly your calorie its, how many jumps you've had and track all your workouts so it is interactive with 23 l.e.d.s on the jump rope. so very cool, very interactive, smart and high tech. >> this is awesome. fantastic. you just hang on to these right here. it will give you a little pulse report? >> it's not a pancake maker. cut it some slack. >> it could be a pancake maker. katie will be back later on. more fun tech gadgets. it's going to be cool. what are those, we have -- >> oh, my gosh, we have an electric bike that lights up, a pony, a zebra, an nfl light. all of it. >> cynthia nixon is coming up >> cynthia nixon is coming up after your ♪ ♪ ♪ and grease in just a minute on dirt and grime mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it floors, doors, walls, halls he's so tough, he cleans 'em all mr. clean! >> and that breaking news at 9:26 this morning, an overturned tractor trailer causing problems on the northeast extension of the pennsylvania turnpike. the truck spilled roofing materials onto the highway. no reports of any serious injuries. the accident is causing delays as you might imagine. get right to first alert traffic reporter francesca ruscio with a breakdown of what's happening here. >> here are the specifics, the accident overturned tractor trailer one lane and that live shot was trying to crawl by. look at speeds crawling in the single digitses on the southbound side before lansdale exit 31 but specifically it's right at the creamery road underpass to be specific. so this is what you need to know. traffic is being forced off at quaker town and just mainly sticks to route 309 as an alternate. vai, back to you. >> francesca, thank you. right to your first alert neighborhood forecast with meteorologist krystal klei. >> temperatures for us looking really nice. our forecast is beautiful. we're seeing those 50s, 60s this morning, going to the 70s this afternoon. 70 your forecast high philadelphia, the suburbs, new jersey, we can keep this going. tell tell at 70 and lehigh valley at 71. mostly sunny conditions out there, you can hardly see from the live camera a fairly nice start to the day, that will continue through your afternoon. as for your radar it looks clear continuing over the next couple of days as well. we're talking mid-70s for your thursday into friday. >> thank you. today lawmakers in new jersey will vote on a proposal to raise the gas tax by 23 cents a gallon. both the assembly and the senate have votes scheduled for today. the tax will be used to replenish the state's transportation trust fund which would pay for road and transit projects. i'm vai sikahema. another update in 25 minutes and get the latest news and weather at the nbc 10 app. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. well, between the two of them. cynthia nixon and tim matheson have appeared in more than 250 movies and tv shows. >> that's amazing. >> you may remember tim from his role as vice president in the hit nbc series "the west wing" which earned him two emmy nominations and of course we love cynthia in many roles but she always will be miranda hobbs from hbo's "sex and the city." >> and now tim and cynthia are taking on ronald reagan and nancy reagan in "killing reagan" based on a book of the same name. at the heart of the film is the love story of the reagans and now they navigated the election before the assassination attempt by john hinckley jr. >> no, i'm so happy you're here. >> standing room only out there. >> well, everything hinges off this debate. politics is just like show business. you give them a hell of an opening, coast for a little while and give them a big finale. >> i'm going to go. >> i think you are more nervous than i am. >> break a leg. >> oh. >> well, the hair on both is absolutely perfect. tim, cynthia, have you seen much of this? >> i haven't seen the whole thing. have you seen it? >> i've seen it, yes. >> did you decide not to see it? did you decide to see it? >> well, you've been so busy. >> i have. >> you didn't have a chance but i got a dvd so i got a chance to see it. >> there is something exciting about seeing it for the first time. a little nerve racking. >> it's like whoa. >> i have to say, tim, your reagan impersonation, i'd think the national instinct would be -- that whole thing everybody does. but yours is very subtle. t how did you perfect it? how did you find it? >> well, i worked from inside out and tried not to have enough of it there so the audience would just say, okay, yeah, that's him. but i -- i thought the trap for me was to do an impression, because i would have ended up sounding like johnny carson doing reagan. and johnny did a very good one. >> but it wouldn't have worked for this. >> i think it would have gotten a big laugh. >> and i played eleanor roosevelt one time and so it's the same sort of challenge in that you're used to how they are when they're making speeches or in public, but you tone that down and try and say a flavor of that but what are these people really like in their private moments. >> and that's the thing, their private moments is fascinating. after nancy reagan passed away, their daughter talked about how they were more in love with each other than almost being parents. that this bond was -- it's mystical almost. >> i think nancy was very honest about that. i think she owned up to it. she said it was my goal in life to be the best wife and the best mother that there had ever been. she said, well, i succeeded in one better than the other. >> she was also a great campaign manager. she handled the white house and she handled his world so that everything worked out for him and he didn't have to worry about it. he was like a good -- an actor in a role as president that let -- he just let everybody handle that white house around him. >> and related to people, including gorbachev. she could do all the worrying and the fixing and he could be spontaneous and just relate to people. >> that was his strength. >> when you talk about her strength, behind the scenes at the time she was the most controversial woman in politics, down to the legendary red that you're wearing down. >> yes. >> that she wore, which was her power color. >> i think she was less about -- you know, you see first ladies like michelle obama or hillary clinton who really have issues they want to speak about. she didn't really want to do that. she wanted to give him the spotlight but always be looking great and make sure he was looking great and the house was looking great. that's where she really put a lot of her energy. >> is red a coincidence today? >> you know, a little -- >> nancy red. >> tim, who was your favorite, "sex and the city" question. >> cynthia. >> miranda. >> miranda, absolutely. it was a dream come true. >> well, congratulations on this. we know the series is hugely popular, so many eyeballs will be watching with you for the first time. >> tim, i may put you in the hair hall of fame. >> tim and his hair, thank you very much. by the way, "killing reagan" premieres next october nat geo. up next, al takes us on a rare exclusive tour inside rare exclusive tour inside paisley park where music i rare exclusive tour inside paisley park where music i after 40 years of making chicken soup at progresso, we've learned a thing or two. ok actually, just one thing: chicken is king. and so our majesty is now 100% antibiotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken. and it's in all our chicken soups! because majestic chicken soup starts with majestic chicken. long live chicken! well, at least until it's in the soup. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number #1 prescribed 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folks all over the world. this is the control room of studio a. handwritten notes still out. the microphone set where prince would sit in this chair, record his music overnight, leaving recordings for his engineers to work on later in the day. keyboard, one of the 27 instruments he played and all that music flowed through this control board. lining the hallways, prince paying tribute to artists that moved him. welcome to inspiration hall. this was already a concept that prince had. he had this put up. people who inspired him, like james brown, earth, wind and fire, stevie wonder, carlos santa santana. through another corridor, a walk through prince's many achievements. this is history hallway. it's a pick tore al timeline of his awards, like the mtv awards, the american music awards and the granddaddy of them all, the grammys. and it's not just prince's awards on display -- >> there are over 6,000 pieces of wardrobe, we have guitars, we have drum kits from every tour he ever did dating back to the 1999 tour. he just kept everything. >> archivist angie showed me things from his 2007 super bowl performance. >> you know, when you see it, it's amazing, but you forget what a little guy he was. >> he was a very tiny guy, which actually brings us to very unique and unusual circumstances sometimes finding mannequins to be able to display the clothing. >> i never would have thought about that. >> like the purple rain outfits that you'll see here, prince had a 22 1/2 inch waist at the time in 1984. >> oh, my gosh. >> prince had a shoe with went with every outfit so we have over 1,000 pairs of shoes. these are the ones from raspberry beret. >> and it's even a weather theme, i like that. >> the blue cloud shoes. 3-inch heels, 5'7". >> and finally, the room i was waiting for. the forecast, 100% purple rain, come on. with the movie "purple rain" playing in the background, folks see the keyboard, the script, the guitar, even the oscar and one of the motorcycles prince rode in this iconic movie. a movie that was number one, an album that sold 20 million copies, spent 27 weeks at number one, prince being the first person to ever have the number one movie, number one song and number one album of all time. >> he did have a gift, no doubt about that. and he shared it with all of his fans. >> visiting the museum for the first time, prince's sisters noreen and sharon nelson. >> maybe it was planned to be a museum. it's a pretty good representation of his legacy. >> it is. and he did plan it to be a museum. everything is strategically placed. and when the fans come in, they'll see that it is, and it is and will be the greatest museum ever. >> this was a guy who could have easily moved to new york, hollywood or something like that, but he stayed here. why? >> well, he was well accepted here and he could be himself. he'd go to the grocery store. he could run down the street. he could do whatever he wanted. he felt like he was home. >> can you feel his presence here? >> absolutely, yes. >> uh-huh. the spirit of prince is here. no doubt. and when the fans and other friends come, they feel -- they'll feel the presence also. >> yeah, i've got to tell you, guys, it was really exciting. i was in the control room of studio a where prince was working on a jazz album that is going to be released some day, so can't wait to hear that. now for the latest weather, dylan, what's going on? >> so cool, al. we are keeping a close eye of course on hurricane matthew. the rain that we're going to see, the scattered showers and storms in florida today not related to it, but that will change as we get to the end of the week. we're also looking at strong storms through the middle of the good morning. i'm first alert meteorologist krystal klei. look at your neighborhood forecast for today. sunny to mostly sunny. 70 in center city, 69 westchester and 70 as well for lansdale. pretty consistent. allentown 71, easton spotty clouds overhead in the afternoon. new jersey at 70. ocean city at 65 and 69 atlantic city. wilmington with a forecast high today of 70 degrees. have a nice day. >> and that's your latest forecast. billy, please be careful. >> i know. >> gentlemen, are you ready? >> what's up, aiden. >> go, aiden! go! aiden, go, go, go, go, go. many p many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. their competitors' rates alongside their direct rate to save you money. but what's really going on? when played backwards at 1/8th speed you can clearly hear... what could that mean? woman: tom? tom! they're just commercials. or are they? you're waking the neighbors. well, mom, maybe the neighbors need to be woke. i think it's actually "awoken." no, that doesn't even seem right. no, it's "awoken." revealing the truth to help you save. you made with your airline credit card.these purchases hold only got double miles on stuff you bought from that airline? let me show you something better. the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase... not just...(dismissively) airline purchases. every purchase. everywhere. every day. no really! double miles on all of them! what's in your wallet? jay knows how to keep his nice shorts dad... they don't make 'em in adult sizes? this is what the pros wear. look at the lines... uhhh... look at the other line... mm...mhh... that's why he starts his day with those two scoops... in deliciously heart healthy kellogg's raisin bran. ready to eat my dust? too bad i already filled up on raisins. by taking steps towards a healthy heart, jay knows he'll be ready for the turns ahead. hey don't forget to put up your kickstand. ring (bell) sighs. kellogg's raisin bran. and try kellogg's raisin bran crunch now with more crunchy clusters. hey there, we're back with tech expert, we just love her so much, katie stuck around to show us more fun ganldgets and gear r the fall. i'm obsessed for this because i believe one of the smelliest things, top five, boys sneakers. >> this is going to help you. this is the stink boss. it deodorizes, disinfects and dries any of those dirty shoes. kids come back from soccer, lacrosse, throw them in, turn it on. and there you have it, it's great for a mud room. deodorizes and disinfects. >> can you fit an entire husband in there? >> i hope so. maybe in version 2 .0 we can ask them to work on that. >> does it need any detergent or anything? >> nothing. >> could you go with a little fan boy version? >> fan girl maybe. >> this is r2d2. >> this is the only one that exists in the world. this is an r2 french press. the coffee will taste so much better when it's from our favorite droid. it will fit four cups of coffee in there. it's one of my favorite companies -- >> man, this is awesome. hey, give that zebra a heeyaw. >> pull up, man, pull up. >> hold on. >> we're going to save him from the wall this time. tamron, that's all on you. >> i'm a terrible baby-sitter. >> it comes in a zebra, a unicorn. no electronics, no wires, it's all moving just from aiden. i actually love this for my niece and nephew because it's so quiet around the home. >> it's not battery powered or anything. >> you're having such a great time, right, aiden? >> get on the back, you can get on there. >> side saddle. billy's birthday is coming up and i've got to get billy this for his birthday. surprise. >> this is another awesome gadget, brand, brand new from genesis and it is called the transformer. you're looking at one that is completely ready to ride at 20 miles per hour. it is an electric bike. billy has been flying around the studio in this thing. it is so lightweight and compact, it folds up. >> aiden, i'm happy you have a helmet on, honey. this is crazy. >> it folds up so it's super lightweight and you can take it on the go. >> so this is like thousands of dollars? >> i would put $2500 on this, $499. again, it's called the transformer from ride >> does it come in green and black? >> green, black and orange. >> what color do you want for your birthday? >> i want a bigger one. >> they do have a bigger option. >> last but not least, this is exclusive -- >> it only comes in the jets. >> no, in every single team. you can project your favorite team on your house. as you can see there. there's some new england patriots. what a way to show your team spirit and it's so easy. just turn the on button, put it in the ground and it's ready to go. >> awesome. >> i'm very mad at the giants right now. i'm going to get over it. >> understood. >> when i am, i will put their logo on. >> aiden, take it for a ride again. >> katie, you're a legend, thank you very much. these are great ideas. we are back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> go, cowboy! >> i'm hunting you planned parenthood. i would support legislation in pennsylvania that would ban abortion and i would suggest we have penalties for doctors who perform them. would you put people in jail for performing abortions? at some point doctors performing abortions i think would be subject to that sort of penalty. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. okay. we need your halloween pictures. >> what do you mean? >> if you have a good halloween shot, a good costume out there, send it to us on our facebook page. today's take facebook page. here's mine from last year. do you remember this internet sensation? >> what? >> do you remember this? >> that's a pizza wrap. >> guess who i was. this was on the "today" show. who was i? >> you were a bride. >> no. >> you are -- you are -- >> katy perry. remember, you're hot -- >> you're hot no matter what you do, okay. >> i don't know why i come here. all it does is remind me of how old i am. >> look at the pizza wrap at the bottom. >> and gorgeous. >> look at billy being snatched away. >> we have not had one discussion on what we're all doing for halloween yet. it's getting very tick tock. kelly clarkson -- who did you guys have? >> today tim matheson and cynthia nixon. >> i did hear about that. >> my what? katie v/o: she works hard. she stays late. but she gets paid 21% less than her male coworkers. pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. katie o/c: for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. and that breaking news part of the northeast extension of the p.a. turnpike is closed because of this overturned tractor trailer. this truck spilled roofing materials onto the highway, this is the southbound lanes between quaker town and lansdale. nbc 10 first alert traffic reporter francesca ruscio is here to help us get around this mess. >> vai, i had the specifics in the live shot, slow traffic trying to get by in the free lane. just to recap on the northeast extension, folks, southbound side before lansdale, known as exit 31, definitely nobody as e knowns aexit 31. crawling speeds in the single digits so it's slow going traffic at a standstill in some cases but specifically even though we're seeing before lansdale at creamery road underpass. traffic is being forced off quaker town. i would stick to route 309 instead. >> thank you. we'll be in the low 70s today. let's get a check on your first alert neighborhood forecast with meteorologist krystal klei. >> this is a good forecast for us. temperatures as we start your morning here, we've been in the 50s, now we made it to the low 60s outside. 61 degrees in philadelphia and 60 pennsylvania suburbs. new jersey at 59 degrees. elsewhere low 60s, the stadium looking sunny at 62 degrees and highs vai was mentioning, 07 for philadelphia, the suburbs, new jersey and that continues right across the board. actually in the next couple of days we'll warm up into the mid-70s with mostly sunshine. >> about two minutes before 10:00 a.m. i'm vai sikahema. i'll have another update in 25 minutes. get the latest news and weather with the nbc 10 a.m. back to the "today" show. have a great day. we'll see you at the bottom of the hour. i'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers. she's a slob. she ate like a pig. a person who's flat chested is very hard to be a 10. does she have a good body? no. does she have a fat [expletive]? absolutely. do you treat women with respect? i can't say that either. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. ♪ this is my heartbeat song >> all right, everybody. you have made it to wines day wednesday, october 5th, and that is -- ♪ up, up, up, all night long >> kelly clarkson right in our kitchen with us. >> kelly, a bad girl on seth last night. >> i know. >> you were so bad. >> was she? >> i love him. >> he loves you. everybody loves you. what we love about you, though, you just say it, you don't give a rip. >> i love that part of you. >> no filter. unfortunate sometimes for peo

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