Transcripts For WCAU Today 20160706 :

Transcripts For WCAU Today 20160706

him and his co-star, singer and actress, elizabeth gilly. >> we are going to catch up with julia stars. she has been starring alongside matt damon in those bourne films since she was 19. >> a nice train to be on. we will talk to her about that. she has a little engagement going on. >> good for her. you may have seen this funny video on your facebook page showing you how to contour your face with a wine bottle. it began as a joke. it has gone viral. ali connel is here to show us how it is done. >> she is smart. >> would you like some words of wisdom? >> i need anymore, hoda. >> they are kind of abrupt. let's do it. ready. you want to know who your true friends are. screw up and see who is still there. >> it's true. >> anon. >> my mother's favorite fill os fi philosopher. yesterday, we had our guys tell-all panel. we tried something new with the seating arrangement. >> we thought it would be fun to have them like at a bar. >> so then one of our eagle eye fans noticed something and tweeted it on kathie's twitter page. take a look at the shot. >> james gomez. >> take a look at the shot. now, we are going to zoom in. that's bob guinea. look at the legs. they kind of look like his a little. so our eagle eye circled it and tweeted it to me. so there are kath's legs reflected. >> i don't know but the guy has a great pair of legs is what i said. this is an interesting situation. how can we sum this up? >> so there is a huge, huge day for a young man in whales. he is playing in a huge soccer tournament that if you are a soccer fan, this euro cup is going on. he is in the semifinals for whales. >> playing france tonight. i think portugal. >> he is playing portugal in france. >> here is the thing. the day of his big soccer tournament happens to also be the date of his brother's wedding. he is the best man in the wedding and the brother is getting married in mexico. this brother is going to play soccer and the other brother is going to get married. >> the one playing soccer is going to be the best man. the painrents are in the dilemm. should they go to the wedding or the soccer match in france? >> the parents weighed in and they have made their decision. guess where they decided to go? they are going to go watch the soccer. >> i know. some people are mad at this decision. they are saying it is shocking. the chance of you being in the euro cup semifinals are slim to none. >> and the chance of your marriage lasting very long are slim to none too. >> some people say the parents should have gone to the wedding and watched the match on tv while that was going on. we were talking about splitting up the parents. >> one parent goes one way. we sought about who could solve the problem. somebody who has a private plane that's in france could take them right as soon as the match is over. >> it's tonight. >> tonight is the match. >> and fly them 14 or 15 hours to go from leone to mexico city. there is a big-time difference. >> the only way they could make it is if it was i private flight. they cannot make it commercially. it is impossible to make it after the match. >> so these soccer teams are very well think, aren't they? get a plane. >> get somebody patron. get tons of great press. >> take a film crew and be able to catch the whole thing. >> make a commercial out of it. you would be a hero. >> this happens tomorrow. you know why it happened? because of us. maybe it will happen. >> it is international kissing day today. the best movie kisses of all time. paste magazine. i don't read it generally. p. >> here are the top three kisses. number three, please. lady and the tramp. ♪ >> number two, is spiderman. this is mcguire and best. remember this. that was a good one. >> that's all right. >> the guys are all laughing like they are in june are your high. >> number one, casa blanca. >> humphrey bogart and ingrid bergman. >> how much i love you. how much i still love you. >> that wasn't mine. >> he didn't even open his mouth a little. >> it landed on her chin a little. >> i didn't get to use the one i really wanted. i was just told i was not allowed to. i'll tell you why later. so amanda picked this one, from here to eternity. >> i like it. >> no. that music is ridiculous. >> at least he opens his mouth a little bit. >> i never knew it could be like this. nobody ever kissed me the way you do. >> nobody? >> no, nobody. >> that was good. i like that one, kath. i like "the notebook." >> everybody likes "the notebook." >> rain always works. >> you wrote me? >> yes. >> it wasn't over. it still isn't over. >> so apparently you want to get a good kiss, either get wet in the ocean or rain storm. >> in the rain. >> we are going to pick those two. which one did you like later, kat's kiss? >> just say this one. from team #klg or from team #hoda. >> the one on "unfaithful". >> that's so hot. >> it is one of the movies i own. >> of course you do. >> nobody even cares. >> zero tweeting. >> #teamhoda. is the guy even here? >> i don't think he is here. let me see him. i want to see him. just show him down there, what he does. >> there is a guy under there. can we just show what happens under the wine bot. >> look what andrew does down there. andrew built it. andrew pours wine into that contraption for a living. andrew, thank you for all you do. >> thank you, andrew. the one i wanted to show was from. >> "mr. and mrs. smith". >> "gone with the wind." remember, when he kisses her and picks her and takes her up the stairs. >> this was a moment for a teacher on "american's got talent" 32 years old from las vegas, her name is moya angela. she got on "america's got talent" and sang her heart out. >> why now at the age of 32 have you decided you are going to go on a show like this. >> it is time for me to stand on my own feet as moya angela and show the word what i'm made of. ♪ ♪ it's all coming back to me now ♪ ♪ >> wow. what a life-changing moment. >> good for her. >> every now and then, you get to witness somebody's moment. >> she knew it. >> let's head to the next round. >> look who is over there. dennis leery is here. >> nice of you to come here. >> somebody say hello. >> we have some wonderful auction winners back here. ji jimmy, could you do me a favor and show these guys back here? we have heather and debra right here. they are auction winners. we want to thank you for coming and we want to thank christie and ashley, the young mother and daughter that came to see us today. >> dennis leery and elizabeth gilly right after this. to win at the olympic games, allyson felix needs to... quicker than everybody. to win at home, she needs to be quicker than... allyson: chloe! that's why allyson felix uses bounty. the quicker picker upper. allyson: chloe! allyson: chloe! bounty is faster and 2x more absorbent than the leading... ...ordinary brand, and faster than chloe too. allyson: come on chloe! bounty the quicker picker upper frizz, you can either deal with it... or be done with it. get up to 3 days of sleek hair. fructis sleek & shine. strength to fight frizz. made with argan oil, it smoothes straight to the core. plus an intense leave-in to lock out frizz. hair is stronger, smoother, shinier. and stays that way up to 3 days straight. sleek & shine. fructis. stronger hair, stronger you. garnier. befi was active.gia, i was energetic. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. jirks a hollywood veteran who is written, produced and starred in many shows. >> and some your kids novell well. >> together, denis leary and elizabeth gillies star in sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. >> elizabeth plays his much talented daughter, gigi. he can't help but work himself into an equation where she gets a gig. >> i will be your music director, pick out the songs, make the set list, come up with the title and you just worry about singing and i'll handle everything else, except for the check. we have an old standing rule, grammy winner picks up the check. >> five-time grammy winner. >> you won five. >> six. i keep forgetting about the michael j. fox audio book. >> and those count? i didn't know. >> yes. it's a tiny dig at my good friend, michael j. fox, who has eight emmys and three grammys. it is not fair. it is fair. he deserves them all. you go over to his office and he has them all on display. he won one for rescuing me on his emmy. can i just take the rescue me emmy for a week conditioned aen it is mine. he was like, no. >> you must have so much fun with this show? >> it dopt feesn't feel like wo. we have a good bunch. we all get along. >> we do. john corbett. >> he is aiden from sex and the city. i never watched that. >> i did. >> me too. >> i watched is this year. >> he is my boyfriend on the show. we have so many scenes together. i go home and binge watch him as aiden. >> how important is it she is a real singer? >> the most important thing was finding a guitar player. i wanted a guy that was taller than me and a handsome guy. i wrote it with him in mind. my big worry bass finding someone who could do comedy, drama and improve to play my daughter. also, really be able to sing, not just sing in the studio but sing live. >> you wanted the real deal. >> you got the real deal. >> i got the real deal. i'll tell you how, because my producing partner, jim serpico said we are not going to be able to find a girl that can do all this stuff. he has three teenage boys and she said, we watch this show, victorious on nick owe yan. he says, i'm not putting a girl from nicolodeon on my fx tour. they showed me a clip of her singing live. i was like, oh, my god, get this girl in here. she has an amazing voice. >> thank you. >> i shy away from singing in her presence. >> i love your voice. he has like i rock star grit. >> grit, that's the key word. i have grit. she can sing. >> i have grit as well. >> you have gr it when you want it. i have nothing but grit. i'm all grit. >> you know this game. we told you. we are going to put up a photo of a daughter and you tell us who the dad is. >> the first one? >> steven tyler. >> next? >> mick jagger. >> who are you? >> that's lenny kravitz' daughter. >> that's lilly collins, phil collins' daughter. >> this is not happening. >> i'm really good at that. >> that's bono's daughter. eve or something i think it is. eve. >> why do i know this? >> the last one. >> this is yours. >> it is mine. >> rod stewart. >> gene simmons daughter. >> we have one more. here is the last one. >> oh, that's sambora. >> we don't have a prize. >> in was off the cuff. >> i think she should win a bottle of the wine. >> we can make that happen. >> a bottle of the show wine. >> yes. white or red? >> white z are you 21? >> yes. i'm 23. >> just making sure. great to see you. >> great to see you. you are amazing. >> all righty. sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll airs thursday on fx. >> julia stiles is back with the role she was born to play. could this be the makeup trick could this be the makeup trick hoda and i are dreaming of. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth.. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? 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[ baseball bat cracks ] lemony fresh, lemony fresh. ♪ lemony fresh. powerful clean. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ♪ ♪ to secure a job in the therfield of education.ents sleep isn't one of them. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. it's the final days of the lowest prices of the season sale, with the our best buy rated c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. if you love the art of ton touring and wine, you will love alli connor. alli taught herself to contour her face with a wine bottle. her wine contouring video which pokes fun at all the makeup videos on youtube. this one, baby, has gone viral. >> it looks like it works. alli is going to show us how it is done sdpchlt whether what were you thinking when it happened? >> these videos are so popular, the art of stunt contouring with knives and shop sticks. it is insane. who doesn't love wine? so i figured, why not? wine not. >> how do we start? >> we start off with a lovely contour shade. you are going to want to pick something maybe one to two shades darker than your skin and a wonderful brush for blending. >> does this really work? >> well, it's not so much meant to work. its mostly meant to be comedy and and an excuse to drink wine. >> what made you reach for a wipe bottle? >> living in this world, who doesn't want wine. it is the question and answer to all things. >> did you expect this thing to go as viral as it did? >> i am delight thad it did but it was a wonderful, wonderful surprise. this was kind of an idea i had at 2:00 in the morning. i woke up with it. i said, hey, let's do wine contouring and i work with such amazing, creative women who will run with it. >> a little since you have got it there. >> you are going to want to really work that brush into the contour powder there. blow it off, because you don't want to be looking like donald trump, bright orange all over your face. you are going to take your wine bottle, only the finest for you ladies. you are going to put it along here. >> you can check out her video. you have to. >> julia stiles. [siren] come on! ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ p&g. proud sponsor of moms. and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for 30 years and by taking chantix, this is an nbc news special report. here's savanna guthry. >> we have breaking news from the white house. the president about to make a statement from the roosevelt room and expected to focus on u.s. troop levels in afghan. he's going to be joined by ash carter and joseph dunford. ron, good morning. any indication on what the president might say when we hear from him? >> reporter: we know there's been a review going on of troop levels in afghanistan for some time now. there are about 10,000 troops there currently and president obama has wanted to cut that number to about 5,500. we believe there's going to be some pushback from his military advisors because the situation in afghanistan has been deteriorati deteriorating. there's been violence sweeping afghanistan and there's concern about isis and other militant groups getting a foothold there as they have in iraq and syria and elsewhere. so this is the last major decision that president obama is going to make about troop levels in afghanistan. 15 years america has been there. america's longest war and a war that president obama said he wanted to end and bring all the troops home from when he first took office eight years ago. in 2014 america and nato ended military combat operations there but since then the afghan national security forces have been taking a pounding by the taliban. you recall about a month ago or so the u.s.'s coalition had a major victory when they killed the taliban leader in southwest pakistan in a drone strike, a unique operation, but generally the situation in afghanistan has been deteriorating. there have been attacks on foreign contractors and civilians and that's why there's every expectation that the president is going to keep troop levels at 9,800 and increase them and this is going go on for some time. >> here's the president, ron. more than 14 years ago after al qaeda attacked our nation on 9/11 the united states went to war in afghanistan against these terrorists and the taliban that harbored them. over the years and thanks to heroic efforts by our military and intelligence community and dip mats and development profession als, we pushed al qaeda out of its camps and helped the people topple the taliban and helped them establish a democratic government. we dealt crippling blows to the al qaeda leadership and we trained afghan forces to take responsibility for their own security. given that progress 1 1/2 years ago in december of 2014 america's combat mission in afghanistan came to a responsible end. compared to the 100,000 troops we once had there, today fewer than 10,000 remain. and compared to their previous mission, helping to lead the fight our forces are now foc focussed on two missions, training and advising afghan forces and supporting counterterrorism operations against al qaeda and other terrorist groups including isil. in short, even as we've maintained a relentless case against those who are threatening us, we are no longer engaged in a major ground war in afghanistan. but given theeven these narrow continue to be dangerous. over the past 112 years americans have lost their lives in afghanistan in that security and we honor that sacrifice. we stand with their families in that grief. and we resolve to carry on the mission in which they gave their last full measure of devotion. this is not america's mission alone. in afghanistan we're joined by 41 allies and partners, a coalition that contributes more than 6,000 troops of their own and we have a partner in the afghan people who support a long-term partnership with the united states and in fact the afghans continue to step up for the second year now afghan forces are fully responsible for their own security. every day nearly 320,000 afghan soldiers and police are serving and fighting and many are giving their lives to defend their country. to their credit and in the face of a continued taliban unsurgesy and networks afghan forces remain in control of all the major network centers, major transport routes and centers. afghan forces have beaten back attacks and they've pushed the taliban out of some areas. meanwhile in another milestone we removed the leader of the talib taliban. never the less the security situation in afghanistan remains precarious. even as they improve afghan security forces are still not as strong as they need to be. with our help, they're still working to improve critical capabilities such as intelligence, logistics, aviation and command and control. at the same time the taliban remains a threat. they've gained ground in some cases. they've continued attacks and suicide bombings including in coble because the taliban deliberately target afghan civilians more men, women and children are dying and often overlooked in the global refugee crisis millions of afghanistans have fled their homes and many have been fleeing their country. as president and commander in chief i've made it clear i will not allow afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorists who attack our nation and that's why i constantly review our strategy with my national security team, including our commanders in afghanistan. in all these reviews were guided by the facts, what's happening on the ground, to determine what's working and what needs to be changed and that's why at times i've made adjustments for example by slowing the drawdown of our forces and more recently giving u.s. forces more flexibility to support forces on the ground and in the air and i strongly believe that it is in your national security interests, especially after all the blood we've invested in afghanistan over the years that we give our afghan partners the very best opportunity to succeed. upon taking command of coalition forces this spring, general nickleson connected a review of our military posture. it was good to get a fresh set of eyes and based on the recommendation of the general as well secretary carter and chairman dunford and following extensive consultations with my national security team as well as congress and the afghan government and our international partners, i'm announcing an additional adjust isment to our posture. instead of going down to 5,500 troops by the end of this year, the united states will maintain approximately 8,400 troops in afghanistan into next year through the end of my administration. the narrow missions assigned to our forces will not change. they remain focussed on supporting afghan forces and going after terrorists but maintaining our forces at this specific level based on our assessment of the security conditions and the strength of afghan forces will allow us to continue to provide tailored support to help afghan forces to continue to improve. from coalition bases will be able to continue supporting afghan forces on the ground and in the air and we continue supporting critical counterterrorism operations. we're reaffirming the commitment of the united states to afghan and its people. the decision i'm making today will help our allies align their own commitments. tomorrow i depart for a summit where i will meet with our partners. many of our allies and partners have already stepped forward with commitments of troops and funding so we can keep strengthening afghan forces through the end of this decade. the nato summit will be an opportunity for moral lies and partners to affirm their contributions and i'm confident they will because all of us have an interest in the security in afghanist afghanistan. my decision today also sends a message to the taliban and all those who have oppose in had afghanistan's progress. you have now been wagging war against the afghan people for many years. you've been unable to prevail. afghan security forces continue to grow stronger and the commitment of the international community, including the united states to afghanistan and its people, will endure. i will say it again, the only way to end this conflict and to achieve a full drawdown of foreign forces from afghanistan is through a lasting political settlement between the afghan government and the taliban. that's the only way. that is why the united states will continue to strongly support an afghan led reconciliation process and why we call on all countries in the region to end safe havens for militants and terrorists. finally, today's decision best positions my successor to make future decisions about our presence in afghanistan. in january the next u.s. president will assume the responsibilities of commander in chief, the security of the united states and the safety of the american people. my decision today ensures my successor has a solid foundation for continued progress in afghanistan as well as the flexibility to address the threat of terrorism as it evolves. so in closing i want to address directly what i know is on the minds of many americans, especially our troops and their families who have borne a heavy burden for our security. when we first sent our forces in afghanistan 14 years ago few americans imagined we'd be there in any capacity this long. as president i focussed our strategy on training and building up afghan forces. it has been continually my belief that it is up to afghans to defend their country because we have emphasized training their capabilities, we've been able to end our major ground war there and bring 90% of our troops back home. but even as we work for peace we have to deal with the realities of the world is this and we can't forget what's at stake in afghanistan. this is where al qaeda is trying to regroup. this is where isil continues to try to expand its presence. if these terrorists succeed in regaining areas and camps where they can train and plot they will attempt more attacks against us. we cannot allow that to happen. i will not allow that to happen. this september will mark 15 years since the attacks of 9/11 and once more we'll pause to remember the lives we lost. americans and peoples from around the world will stand with their families who still grieve and will stand with survivors who still bear the scars of that day and we'll thank the first responders who rushed to save others and perhaps most importantly we'll salute our men and women in uniform, our 9/11 generation who have served in afghanistan and beyond for our security. we'll honor the memory of all these who have made the ultimate sacrifice, including more than 2,200 american patriots who have given their lives in afghanistan. as we do, let's never forget the progress their service has made possible. afghanistan is not a perfect place. it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. it is going to continue to take time for them to build up military capacity that we sometimes take for granted. and given the enormous challenges they face, the afghan people will need the partnership of the world led by the united states for many years to come, but with our support afghanistan is a better place than it once was. millions of afghan children, boys and girls, are in school. dramatic improvements in public health have saved the lives of mothers and children. afghans have cast their ballots in democratic elections and seen the first democratic transfer of power in their country's history. the current national unity government continues to pursue reforms to strengthen their country and over time help decrease the need for international support. that government is a strong partner with us in combatting terrorism. that's the progress we've helped make possible. that's the progress that our troops have helped make possible and our diplomats and our development personnel. that's the progress we can help sustain in partnership with the afghan people and our coalition partners. and so i firmly believe the decision i'm announcing today is the right thing to do for afghanistan, for the united states and for the world. may god bless our troops and all who serve to protect us. may god bless the united states of america. >> president obama from the roosevelt room. the chairman of the joint chiefs announcing an expanded troop presence in afghanistan. the original plan was to go to 5,500 troops by the end of this year and now he says there will remain a presence of 8,400 troops into 2017. how much those troops stay after is up to his successor as the president mentioned. let's go to andrea mitchell. she's on the campaign trail but she was watching the president's remarks. i'm struck by the time troops have spent in afghanistan. time and time again the president has set a schedule to draw down troops and time and time again found himself because of the security nation in afghanistan having to temper that and once again we see that in action today. >> reporter: exactly right. and once again he has compromised between what former commanders and former embassadors in june, at the beginning of june recommended to him which was to leave 10,000. currently there are about 9 hundred americans there. he is compromising gown to 8,400 which is an increase over the 5,500 he wanted to have when he leaves office in january of 2017. this is the facts of life on the ground, the taliban resurgery ents and stronger than they hoped. there was hope to be negotiating some kind of cease fire and peace agreement with the taliban. instead very been on the rise and isis already now going to afghanistan and as the president said 38 americans, civilian and military have lost their lives in afghanistan in the last year and a half. this is again the president taking a compromise choice of leaving more troops in afghanistan than he had wanted. this after 15 years, america's longest war. >> let's turn to richard engel who has spent time in afghanistan and certainly continues to follow dwopts there. the president feeling his hand was forced by the security situation there. given us the lay of the land. of course we learned about the 38 americans who have been killed in the last year and a half but you have the taliban who obviously is not ready to come to the table for a political settlement and al qaeda and isis now trying to get a foothold in that same area. >> reporter: well, the longest war in u.s. history is now dragging on even longer. this must have been a very difficult decision for the president to make. he didn't want to end his presidency saying there would be more troops in afghanistan. he wanted to end his presidency pulling all troops out of there but the situation in afghanistan has been deteriorating. there is still al qaeda in the country. there is also the taliban and over the last couple of years there has been an isis presence as well. and when you look at these three aggressive often competing terrorist groups vying for control in a country that has proven in the past to be a dangerous place when left in a power vacuum, it seems that the president couldn't be responsible or couldn't responsibly pull all the u.s. troops out. there's the issue of iraq hanging over him. many critics say he prematurely pulled out troops from iraq and allowed that country to descend into chaos and we saw the rise of isis in both iraq and syria. so the forever war keeps dragging on. >> and richard, the president pointed out that the mission of these troops, while there be more than he intended, the mission stays the same and it's more narrowly tailored than it was years back, that they're helping to assist afghan troops and then counter terrorism. tell me about that. >> reporter: well, yes and no. if you listened to his speech he said that he had recently given the troops more authorization to conduct counterterrorism missions. in january i believe it was the president authorized an expanded role that would allow american troops back in combat and that forward positions to be fighting isis or fighting al qaeda or the taliban. troops aren't kicking down doors like they used to be andi conducting daily and nightly raids but they are more deployed than they were a year or two ago. >> let's talk about your wheelhouse diplomacy and where things stand on this political settlement that the president still clearly wishes for. he had a direct message for the taliban. get to the negotiating table because you will not prevail militarilily. >> reporter: the diplomacy has been as complicated there by the fact you have competing interests and a very weak central government secretly under attack. it's almost like john kerrys diplomacy and trying sto get a cease fire in syria. iraq is under threat from isis and under terrible attack. syria and afghanistan are all three fronts. this administration is going to leave office facing battles that they never anticipated and this president in particular came into office to draw down krcrits on the hill, john mccain and others, said he drew down too quickly in iraq and he's now paying the price. >> you mentioned that some of the generals had wanted to keep an increased troop presence more than the 8,400 that we learned about today. is that feeling widespread on capitol hill as well? >> reporter: it is widespread at least among the republicans and some of the more hawkish democrats. we don't know about the current chairman of the joint chief but we know there are retired military and embassadors who wrote this letter on june 1st to the president and it's believed there are others within the current command who are not as outspoken that believe there should have been at least 10,000. now there are 9,800. he is compromising and going down to 8,400. this president has tended to split and pick an average when council by the military and by others on the democratic side to either draw down or build up, he picks a middle number. here he's done the same thing. this is a president that came into office determined to withdraw and end these wars and he's finding that through diplomacy and increased terrorism attacks and the growth of isis, many critics blame him for fairly or unfairly that all these things have led to a concern. they have trapped this president with a civil war in syria, continued violence and the isis threat in iraq and continued threats against u.s. troops, nato troops and our afghan allies in afghanistan. >> you put it well. as america's longest war continues past this presidency. thank you very much for your reporting. and the announcement from the white house is that the troop presence of 8,400 will continue into 2017 and it means the next decision about troop levels will be left to president obama's success successor. we have more coverage. this has been an n look at that. >> the madagascar. animated movies are often a child's first introduction to the diverse world of animals wechwe show you some popular app mated characters. here to show them off is julie scardi in. a. she is holding a baby cloth on a stuffed animal. >> his mom is right here. little gazelle was born at bush gardens, tampa, along with one other sloth. >> what is mama doing? >> we designed this specially so that our veterinarians could do sonograms the whole time little gisele was developing. for the first-time ever, documented the development of a sloth in the womb. >> we need to know what happens there. >> it is always good to find out more about animals and a lot of times you can only do that in the zoo logical park. >> this one doesn't smell like the other sloths. >> nthis is an adorable one. >> sloths have an odor all their own. >> i don't want to be around when it happens. >> everything is slow. >> is that an apple? >> that is a pair. they eat a variety of vegetation. >> i am going to let auntie sarah take the baby to the mom. >> we are going to bring out padre. hoda open up your arm. did you see the real movies, the animated movies. the spoon debills were actually beautiful dancing birds. that's what they do in the wild as well. they stir up the krill that they eat and find that with a sensitive bill shaped like a spoon. perfect name for a spoonbill. >> a great lesson. people have a direct impact on animals in the wild. that's what we try to keep it at seaworld and bush gardens by letting people to know not to buy things like feathers in the wild. that's how this animal is brought from the brink of extinction in the early 1900s. that can happen very, very easily. >> we are going to go ahead and slide padre back. if you want to turn your arm arnold, padre can fly back to jason. >> yea, padre. >> okay. or maybe jason will just pick it up. >> there you go. >> percy here, a lot of the animated ones have this. she is a porcupine from south america. there we are. he can hang by that tail. look at that face. is that not adorable. >> he is so agile. >> we have to get percy off. >> we'll be back, everybody, in just a moment. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> you want another one. >> ♪ sparkle paper towels are great for wiping up fingerprints without wiping out your savings. just right for cleaning up...jelly... ...water... and security camera lenses. just right clean. just right price. sparkle. just right. when you're the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. but you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. when i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled, i was appalled. you gotta see this guy... ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember! that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. it told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible come to sesame place before little kids become big kids. come to the only place that makes little hearts race. get unlimited visits with a season pass for 6 payments of less than $19. sesame place we have a lemur. >> where is this guy from? >> madagascar. >> i like to move it. >> tomorrow, modern family star, eric stonestreet, a performance by john pardy. >> and ambush makeovers. >> i know i'm having one. >> come here. >> tomorrow is thursday thursday allegedly and we'll see you. have a good one! okay. we have no room. you have to step off the train, please. >> right now at 11:00, day two of a septa slowdown, as more riders are discovering there's no space for them on regional rail trains. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it happened all morning. regional rail riders waited for trains. those that stopped didn't have enough room. other trains just kept right on going. nbc 10's monique braxton is live for us this morning. what are passengers telling you? >> reporter: hey, vai, all is quiet here now, so hopefully all of those riders, they're at work, on the job up-to-the-. and the riders are telling us a

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Transcripts For WCAU Today 20160706 :

Transcripts For WCAU Today 20160706

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him and his co-star, singer and actress, elizabeth gilly. >> we are going to catch up with julia stars. she has been starring alongside matt damon in those bourne films since she was 19. >> a nice train to be on. we will talk to her about that. she has a little engagement going on. >> good for her. you may have seen this funny video on your facebook page showing you how to contour your face with a wine bottle. it began as a joke. it has gone viral. ali connel is here to show us how it is done. >> she is smart. >> would you like some words of wisdom? >> i need anymore, hoda. >> they are kind of abrupt. let's do it. ready. you want to know who your true friends are. screw up and see who is still there. >> it's true. >> anon. >> my mother's favorite fill os fi philosopher. yesterday, we had our guys tell-all panel. we tried something new with the seating arrangement. >> we thought it would be fun to have them like at a bar. >> so then one of our eagle eye fans noticed something and tweeted it on kathie's twitter page. take a look at the shot. >> james gomez. >> take a look at the shot. now, we are going to zoom in. that's bob guinea. look at the legs. they kind of look like his a little. so our eagle eye circled it and tweeted it to me. so there are kath's legs reflected. >> i don't know but the guy has a great pair of legs is what i said. this is an interesting situation. how can we sum this up? >> so there is a huge, huge day for a young man in whales. he is playing in a huge soccer tournament that if you are a soccer fan, this euro cup is going on. he is in the semifinals for whales. >> playing france tonight. i think portugal. >> he is playing portugal in france. >> here is the thing. the day of his big soccer tournament happens to also be the date of his brother's wedding. he is the best man in the wedding and the brother is getting married in mexico. this brother is going to play soccer and the other brother is going to get married. >> the one playing soccer is going to be the best man. the painrents are in the dilemm. should they go to the wedding or the soccer match in france? >> the parents weighed in and they have made their decision. guess where they decided to go? they are going to go watch the soccer. >> i know. some people are mad at this decision. they are saying it is shocking. the chance of you being in the euro cup semifinals are slim to none. >> and the chance of your marriage lasting very long are slim to none too. >> some people say the parents should have gone to the wedding and watched the match on tv while that was going on. we were talking about splitting up the parents. >> one parent goes one way. we sought about who could solve the problem. somebody who has a private plane that's in france could take them right as soon as the match is over. >> it's tonight. >> tonight is the match. >> and fly them 14 or 15 hours to go from leone to mexico city. there is a big-time difference. >> the only way they could make it is if it was i private flight. they cannot make it commercially. it is impossible to make it after the match. >> so these soccer teams are very well think, aren't they? get a plane. >> get somebody patron. get tons of great press. >> take a film crew and be able to catch the whole thing. >> make a commercial out of it. you would be a hero. >> this happens tomorrow. you know why it happened? because of us. maybe it will happen. >> it is international kissing day today. the best movie kisses of all time. paste magazine. i don't read it generally. p. >> here are the top three kisses. number three, please. lady and the tramp. ♪ >> number two, is spiderman. this is mcguire and best. remember this. that was a good one. >> that's all right. >> the guys are all laughing like they are in june are your high. >> number one, casa blanca. >> humphrey bogart and ingrid bergman. >> how much i love you. how much i still love you. >> that wasn't mine. >> he didn't even open his mouth a little. >> it landed on her chin a little. >> i didn't get to use the one i really wanted. i was just told i was not allowed to. i'll tell you why later. so amanda picked this one, from here to eternity. >> i like it. >> no. that music is ridiculous. >> at least he opens his mouth a little bit. >> i never knew it could be like this. nobody ever kissed me the way you do. >> nobody? >> no, nobody. >> that was good. i like that one, kath. i like "the notebook." >> everybody likes "the notebook." >> rain always works. >> you wrote me? >> yes. >> it wasn't over. it still isn't over. >> so apparently you want to get a good kiss, either get wet in the ocean or rain storm. >> in the rain. >> we are going to pick those two. which one did you like later, kat's kiss? >> just say this one. from team #klg or from team #hoda. >> the one on "unfaithful". >> that's so hot. >> it is one of the movies i own. >> of course you do. >> nobody even cares. >> zero tweeting. >> #teamhoda. is the guy even here? >> i don't think he is here. let me see him. i want to see him. just show him down there, what he does. >> there is a guy under there. can we just show what happens under the wine bot. >> look what andrew does down there. andrew built it. andrew pours wine into that contraption for a living. andrew, thank you for all you do. >> thank you, andrew. the one i wanted to show was from. >> "mr. and mrs. smith". >> "gone with the wind." remember, when he kisses her and picks her and takes her up the stairs. >> this was a moment for a teacher on "american's got talent" 32 years old from las vegas, her name is moya angela. she got on "america's got talent" and sang her heart out. >> why now at the age of 32 have you decided you are going to go on a show like this. >> it is time for me to stand on my own feet as moya angela and show the word what i'm made of. ♪ ♪ it's all coming back to me now ♪ ♪ >> wow. what a life-changing moment. >> good for her. >> every now and then, you get to witness somebody's moment. >> she knew it. >> let's head to the next round. >> look who is over there. dennis leery is here. >> nice of you to come here. >> somebody say hello. >> we have some wonderful auction winners back here. ji jimmy, could you do me a favor and show these guys back here? we have heather and debra right here. they are auction winners. we want to thank you for coming and we want to thank christie and ashley, the young mother and daughter that came to see us today. >> dennis leery and elizabeth gilly right after this. to win at the olympic games, allyson felix needs to... quicker than everybody. to win at home, she needs to be quicker than... allyson: chloe! that's why allyson felix uses bounty. the quicker picker upper. allyson: chloe! allyson: chloe! bounty is faster and 2x more absorbent than the leading... ...ordinary brand, and faster than chloe too. allyson: come on chloe! bounty the quicker picker upper frizz, you can either deal with it... or be done with it. get up to 3 days of sleek hair. fructis sleek & shine. strength to fight frizz. made with argan oil, it smoothes straight to the core. plus an intense leave-in to lock out frizz. hair is stronger, smoother, shinier. and stays that way up to 3 days straight. sleek & shine. fructis. stronger hair, stronger you. garnier. befi was active.gia, i was energetic. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. jirks a hollywood veteran who is written, produced and starred in many shows. >> and some your kids novell well. >> together, denis leary and elizabeth gillies star in sex, drugs and rock 'n roll. >> elizabeth plays his much talented daughter, gigi. he can't help but work himself into an equation where she gets a gig. >> i will be your music director, pick out the songs, make the set list, come up with the title and you just worry about singing and i'll handle everything else, except for the check. we have an old standing rule, grammy winner picks up the check. >> five-time grammy winner. >> you won five. >> six. i keep forgetting about the michael j. fox audio book. >> and those count? i didn't know. >> yes. it's a tiny dig at my good friend, michael j. fox, who has eight emmys and three grammys. it is not fair. it is fair. he deserves them all. you go over to his office and he has them all on display. he won one for rescuing me on his emmy. can i just take the rescue me emmy for a week conditioned aen it is mine. he was like, no. >> you must have so much fun with this show? >> it dopt feesn't feel like wo. we have a good bunch. we all get along. >> we do. john corbett. >> he is aiden from sex and the city. i never watched that. >> i did. >> me too. >> i watched is this year. >> he is my boyfriend on the show. we have so many scenes together. i go home and binge watch him as aiden. >> how important is it she is a real singer? >> the most important thing was finding a guitar player. i wanted a guy that was taller than me and a handsome guy. i wrote it with him in mind. my big worry bass finding someone who could do comedy, drama and improve to play my daughter. also, really be able to sing, not just sing in the studio but sing live. >> you wanted the real deal. >> you got the real deal. >> i got the real deal. i'll tell you how, because my producing partner, jim serpico said we are not going to be able to find a girl that can do all this stuff. he has three teenage boys and she said, we watch this show, victorious on nick owe yan. he says, i'm not putting a girl from nicolodeon on my fx tour. they showed me a clip of her singing live. i was like, oh, my god, get this girl in here. she has an amazing voice. >> thank you. >> i shy away from singing in her presence. >> i love your voice. he has like i rock star grit. >> grit, that's the key word. i have grit. she can sing. >> i have grit as well. >> you have gr it when you want it. i have nothing but grit. i'm all grit. >> you know this game. we told you. we are going to put up a photo of a daughter and you tell us who the dad is. >> the first one? >> steven tyler. >> next? >> mick jagger. >> who are you? >> that's lenny kravitz' daughter. >> that's lilly collins, phil collins' daughter. >> this is not happening. >> i'm really good at that. >> that's bono's daughter. eve or something i think it is. eve. >> why do i know this? >> the last one. >> this is yours. >> it is mine. >> rod stewart. >> gene simmons daughter. >> we have one more. here is the last one. >> oh, that's sambora. >> we don't have a prize. >> in was off the cuff. >> i think she should win a bottle of the wine. >> we can make that happen. >> a bottle of the show wine. >> yes. white or red? >> white z are you 21? >> yes. i'm 23. >> just making sure. great to see you. >> great to see you. you are amazing. >> all righty. sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll airs thursday on fx. >> julia stiles is back with the role she was born to play. could this be the makeup trick could this be the makeup trick hoda and i are dreaming of. this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth.. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? 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[ baseball bat cracks ] lemony fresh, lemony fresh. ♪ lemony fresh. powerful clean. ♪ ♪ the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. ♪ ♪ to secure a job in the therfield of education.ents sleep isn't one of them. amazing sleep stays with you all day and all night. sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. it's the final days of the lowest prices of the season sale, with the our best buy rated c2 queen mattress now only $699.99. know better sleep. only at a sleep number store. if you love the art of ton touring and wine, you will love alli connor. alli taught herself to contour her face with a wine bottle. her wine contouring video which pokes fun at all the makeup videos on youtube. this one, baby, has gone viral. >> it looks like it works. alli is going to show us how it is done sdpchlt whether what were you thinking when it happened? >> these videos are so popular, the art of stunt contouring with knives and shop sticks. it is insane. who doesn't love wine? so i figured, why not? wine not. >> how do we start? >> we start off with a lovely contour shade. you are going to want to pick something maybe one to two shades darker than your skin and a wonderful brush for blending. >> does this really work? >> well, it's not so much meant to work. its mostly meant to be comedy and and an excuse to drink wine. >> what made you reach for a wipe bottle? >> living in this world, who doesn't want wine. it is the question and answer to all things. >> did you expect this thing to go as viral as it did? >> i am delight thad it did but it was a wonderful, wonderful surprise. this was kind of an idea i had at 2:00 in the morning. i woke up with it. i said, hey, let's do wine contouring and i work with such amazing, creative women who will run with it. >> a little since you have got it there. >> you are going to want to really work that brush into the contour powder there. blow it off, because you don't want to be looking like donald trump, bright orange all over your face. you are going to take your wine bottle, only the finest for you ladies. you are going to put it along here. >> you can check out her video. you have to. >> julia stiles. [siren] come on! ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ p&g. proud sponsor of moms. and i quit smoking with chantix. i have smoked for 30 years and by taking chantix, this is an nbc news special report. here's savanna guthry. >> we have breaking news from the white house. the president about to make a statement from the roosevelt room and expected to focus on u.s. troop levels in afghan. he's going to be joined by ash carter and joseph dunford. ron, good morning. any indication on what the president might say when we hear from him? >> reporter: we know there's been a review going on of troop levels in afghanistan for some time now. there are about 10,000 troops there currently and president obama has wanted to cut that number to about 5,500. we believe there's going to be some pushback from his military advisors because the situation in afghanistan has been deteriorati deteriorating. there's been violence sweeping afghanistan and there's concern about isis and other militant groups getting a foothold there as they have in iraq and syria and elsewhere. so this is the last major decision that president obama is going to make about troop levels in afghanistan. 15 years america has been there. america's longest war and a war that president obama said he wanted to end and bring all the troops home from when he first took office eight years ago. in 2014 america and nato ended military combat operations there but since then the afghan national security forces have been taking a pounding by the taliban. you recall about a month ago or so the u.s.'s coalition had a major victory when they killed the taliban leader in southwest pakistan in a drone strike, a unique operation, but generally the situation in afghanistan has been deteriorating. there have been attacks on foreign contractors and civilians and that's why there's every expectation that the president is going to keep troop levels at 9,800 and increase them and this is going go on for some time. >> here's the president, ron. more than 14 years ago after al qaeda attacked our nation on 9/11 the united states went to war in afghanistan against these terrorists and the taliban that harbored them. over the years and thanks to heroic efforts by our military and intelligence community and dip mats and development profession als, we pushed al qaeda out of its camps and helped the people topple the taliban and helped them establish a democratic government. we dealt crippling blows to the al qaeda leadership and we trained afghan forces to take responsibility for their own security. given that progress 1 1/2 years ago in december of 2014 america's combat mission in afghanistan came to a responsible end. compared to the 100,000 troops we once had there, today fewer than 10,000 remain. and compared to their previous mission, helping to lead the fight our forces are now foc focussed on two missions, training and advising afghan forces and supporting counterterrorism operations against al qaeda and other terrorist groups including isil. in short, even as we've maintained a relentless case against those who are threatening us, we are no longer engaged in a major ground war in afghanistan. but given theeven these narrow continue to be dangerous. over the past 112 years americans have lost their lives in afghanistan in that security and we honor that sacrifice. we stand with their families in that grief. and we resolve to carry on the mission in which they gave their last full measure of devotion. this is not america's mission alone. in afghanistan we're joined by 41 allies and partners, a coalition that contributes more than 6,000 troops of their own and we have a partner in the afghan people who support a long-term partnership with the united states and in fact the afghans continue to step up for the second year now afghan forces are fully responsible for their own security. every day nearly 320,000 afghan soldiers and police are serving and fighting and many are giving their lives to defend their country. to their credit and in the face of a continued taliban unsurgesy and networks afghan forces remain in control of all the major network centers, major transport routes and centers. afghan forces have beaten back attacks and they've pushed the taliban out of some areas. meanwhile in another milestone we removed the leader of the talib taliban. never the less the security situation in afghanistan remains precarious. even as they improve afghan security forces are still not as strong as they need to be. with our help, they're still working to improve critical capabilities such as intelligence, logistics, aviation and command and control. at the same time the taliban remains a threat. they've gained ground in some cases. they've continued attacks and suicide bombings including in coble because the taliban deliberately target afghan civilians more men, women and children are dying and often overlooked in the global refugee crisis millions of afghanistans have fled their homes and many have been fleeing their country. as president and commander in chief i've made it clear i will not allow afghanistan to be used as a safe haven for terrorists who attack our nation and that's why i constantly review our strategy with my national security team, including our commanders in afghanistan. in all these reviews were guided by the facts, what's happening on the ground, to determine what's working and what needs to be changed and that's why at times i've made adjustments for example by slowing the drawdown of our forces and more recently giving u.s. forces more flexibility to support forces on the ground and in the air and i strongly believe that it is in your national security interests, especially after all the blood we've invested in afghanistan over the years that we give our afghan partners the very best opportunity to succeed. upon taking command of coalition forces this spring, general nickleson connected a review of our military posture. it was good to get a fresh set of eyes and based on the recommendation of the general as well secretary carter and chairman dunford and following extensive consultations with my national security team as well as congress and the afghan government and our international partners, i'm announcing an additional adjust isment to our posture. instead of going down to 5,500 troops by the end of this year, the united states will maintain approximately 8,400 troops in afghanistan into next year through the end of my administration. the narrow missions assigned to our forces will not change. they remain focussed on supporting afghan forces and going after terrorists but maintaining our forces at this specific level based on our assessment of the security conditions and the strength of afghan forces will allow us to continue to provide tailored support to help afghan forces to continue to improve. from coalition bases will be able to continue supporting afghan forces on the ground and in the air and we continue supporting critical counterterrorism operations. we're reaffirming the commitment of the united states to afghan and its people. the decision i'm making today will help our allies align their own commitments. tomorrow i depart for a summit where i will meet with our partners. many of our allies and partners have already stepped forward with commitments of troops and funding so we can keep strengthening afghan forces through the end of this decade. the nato summit will be an opportunity for moral lies and partners to affirm their contributions and i'm confident they will because all of us have an interest in the security in afghanist afghanistan. my decision today also sends a message to the taliban and all those who have oppose in had afghanistan's progress. you have now been wagging war against the afghan people for many years. you've been unable to prevail. afghan security forces continue to grow stronger and the commitment of the international community, including the united states to afghanistan and its people, will endure. i will say it again, the only way to end this conflict and to achieve a full drawdown of foreign forces from afghanistan is through a lasting political settlement between the afghan government and the taliban. that's the only way. that is why the united states will continue to strongly support an afghan led reconciliation process and why we call on all countries in the region to end safe havens for militants and terrorists. finally, today's decision best positions my successor to make future decisions about our presence in afghanistan. in january the next u.s. president will assume the responsibilities of commander in chief, the security of the united states and the safety of the american people. my decision today ensures my successor has a solid foundation for continued progress in afghanistan as well as the flexibility to address the threat of terrorism as it evolves. so in closing i want to address directly what i know is on the minds of many americans, especially our troops and their families who have borne a heavy burden for our security. when we first sent our forces in afghanistan 14 years ago few americans imagined we'd be there in any capacity this long. as president i focussed our strategy on training and building up afghan forces. it has been continually my belief that it is up to afghans to defend their country because we have emphasized training their capabilities, we've been able to end our major ground war there and bring 90% of our troops back home. but even as we work for peace we have to deal with the realities of the world is this and we can't forget what's at stake in afghanistan. this is where al qaeda is trying to regroup. this is where isil continues to try to expand its presence. if these terrorists succeed in regaining areas and camps where they can train and plot they will attempt more attacks against us. we cannot allow that to happen. i will not allow that to happen. this september will mark 15 years since the attacks of 9/11 and once more we'll pause to remember the lives we lost. americans and peoples from around the world will stand with their families who still grieve and will stand with survivors who still bear the scars of that day and we'll thank the first responders who rushed to save others and perhaps most importantly we'll salute our men and women in uniform, our 9/11 generation who have served in afghanistan and beyond for our security. we'll honor the memory of all these who have made the ultimate sacrifice, including more than 2,200 american patriots who have given their lives in afghanistan. as we do, let's never forget the progress their service has made possible. afghanistan is not a perfect place. it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. it is going to continue to take time for them to build up military capacity that we sometimes take for granted. and given the enormous challenges they face, the afghan people will need the partnership of the world led by the united states for many years to come, but with our support afghanistan is a better place than it once was. millions of afghan children, boys and girls, are in school. dramatic improvements in public health have saved the lives of mothers and children. afghans have cast their ballots in democratic elections and seen the first democratic transfer of power in their country's history. the current national unity government continues to pursue reforms to strengthen their country and over time help decrease the need for international support. that government is a strong partner with us in combatting terrorism. that's the progress we've helped make possible. that's the progress that our troops have helped make possible and our diplomats and our development personnel. that's the progress we can help sustain in partnership with the afghan people and our coalition partners. and so i firmly believe the decision i'm announcing today is the right thing to do for afghanistan, for the united states and for the world. may god bless our troops and all who serve to protect us. may god bless the united states of america. >> president obama from the roosevelt room. the chairman of the joint chiefs announcing an expanded troop presence in afghanistan. the original plan was to go to 5,500 troops by the end of this year and now he says there will remain a presence of 8,400 troops into 2017. how much those troops stay after is up to his successor as the president mentioned. let's go to andrea mitchell. she's on the campaign trail but she was watching the president's remarks. i'm struck by the time troops have spent in afghanistan. time and time again the president has set a schedule to draw down troops and time and time again found himself because of the security nation in afghanistan having to temper that and once again we see that in action today. >> reporter: exactly right. and once again he has compromised between what former commanders and former embassadors in june, at the beginning of june recommended to him which was to leave 10,000. currently there are about 9 hundred americans there. he is compromising gown to 8,400 which is an increase over the 5,500 he wanted to have when he leaves office in january of 2017. this is the facts of life on the ground, the taliban resurgery ents and stronger than they hoped. there was hope to be negotiating some kind of cease fire and peace agreement with the taliban. instead very been on the rise and isis already now going to afghanistan and as the president said 38 americans, civilian and military have lost their lives in afghanistan in the last year and a half. this is again the president taking a compromise choice of leaving more troops in afghanistan than he had wanted. this after 15 years, america's longest war. >> let's turn to richard engel who has spent time in afghanistan and certainly continues to follow dwopts there. the president feeling his hand was forced by the security situation there. given us the lay of the land. of course we learned about the 38 americans who have been killed in the last year and a half but you have the taliban who obviously is not ready to come to the table for a political settlement and al qaeda and isis now trying to get a foothold in that same area. >> reporter: well, the longest war in u.s. history is now dragging on even longer. this must have been a very difficult decision for the president to make. he didn't want to end his presidency saying there would be more troops in afghanistan. he wanted to end his presidency pulling all troops out of there but the situation in afghanistan has been deteriorating. there is still al qaeda in the country. there is also the taliban and over the last couple of years there has been an isis presence as well. and when you look at these three aggressive often competing terrorist groups vying for control in a country that has proven in the past to be a dangerous place when left in a power vacuum, it seems that the president couldn't be responsible or couldn't responsibly pull all the u.s. troops out. there's the issue of iraq hanging over him. many critics say he prematurely pulled out troops from iraq and allowed that country to descend into chaos and we saw the rise of isis in both iraq and syria. so the forever war keeps dragging on. >> and richard, the president pointed out that the mission of these troops, while there be more than he intended, the mission stays the same and it's more narrowly tailored than it was years back, that they're helping to assist afghan troops and then counter terrorism. tell me about that. >> reporter: well, yes and no. if you listened to his speech he said that he had recently given the troops more authorization to conduct counterterrorism missions. in january i believe it was the president authorized an expanded role that would allow american troops back in combat and that forward positions to be fighting isis or fighting al qaeda or the taliban. troops aren't kicking down doors like they used to be andi conducting daily and nightly raids but they are more deployed than they were a year or two ago. >> let's talk about your wheelhouse diplomacy and where things stand on this political settlement that the president still clearly wishes for. he had a direct message for the taliban. get to the negotiating table because you will not prevail militarilily. >> reporter: the diplomacy has been as complicated there by the fact you have competing interests and a very weak central government secretly under attack. it's almost like john kerrys diplomacy and trying sto get a cease fire in syria. iraq is under threat from isis and under terrible attack. syria and afghanistan are all three fronts. this administration is going to leave office facing battles that they never anticipated and this president in particular came into office to draw down krcrits on the hill, john mccain and others, said he drew down too quickly in iraq and he's now paying the price. >> you mentioned that some of the generals had wanted to keep an increased troop presence more than the 8,400 that we learned about today. is that feeling widespread on capitol hill as well? >> reporter: it is widespread at least among the republicans and some of the more hawkish democrats. we don't know about the current chairman of the joint chief but we know there are retired military and embassadors who wrote this letter on june 1st to the president and it's believed there are others within the current command who are not as outspoken that believe there should have been at least 10,000. now there are 9,800. he is compromising and going down to 8,400. this president has tended to split and pick an average when council by the military and by others on the democratic side to either draw down or build up, he picks a middle number. here he's done the same thing. this is a president that came into office determined to withdraw and end these wars and he's finding that through diplomacy and increased terrorism attacks and the growth of isis, many critics blame him for fairly or unfairly that all these things have led to a concern. they have trapped this president with a civil war in syria, continued violence and the isis threat in iraq and continued threats against u.s. troops, nato troops and our afghan allies in afghanistan. >> you put it well. as america's longest war continues past this presidency. thank you very much for your reporting. and the announcement from the white house is that the troop presence of 8,400 will continue into 2017 and it means the next decision about troop levels will be left to president obama's success successor. we have more coverage. this has been an n look at that. >> the madagascar. animated movies are often a child's first introduction to the diverse world of animals wechwe show you some popular app mated characters. here to show them off is julie scardi in. a. she is holding a baby cloth on a stuffed animal. >> his mom is right here. little gazelle was born at bush gardens, tampa, along with one other sloth. >> what is mama doing? >> we designed this specially so that our veterinarians could do sonograms the whole time little gisele was developing. for the first-time ever, documented the development of a sloth in the womb. >> we need to know what happens there. >> it is always good to find out more about animals and a lot of times you can only do that in the zoo logical park. >> this one doesn't smell like the other sloths. >> nthis is an adorable one. >> sloths have an odor all their own. >> i don't want to be around when it happens. >> everything is slow. >> is that an apple? >> that is a pair. they eat a variety of vegetation. >> i am going to let auntie sarah take the baby to the mom. >> we are going to bring out padre. hoda open up your arm. did you see the real movies, the animated movies. the spoon debills were actually beautiful dancing birds. that's what they do in the wild as well. they stir up the krill that they eat and find that with a sensitive bill shaped like a spoon. perfect name for a spoonbill. >> a great lesson. people have a direct impact on animals in the wild. that's what we try to keep it at seaworld and bush gardens by letting people to know not to buy things like feathers in the wild. that's how this animal is brought from the brink of extinction in the early 1900s. that can happen very, very easily. >> we are going to go ahead and slide padre back. if you want to turn your arm arnold, padre can fly back to jason. >> yea, padre. >> okay. or maybe jason will just pick it up. >> there you go. >> percy here, a lot of the animated ones have this. she is a porcupine from south america. there we are. he can hang by that tail. look at that face. is that not adorable. >> he is so agile. >> we have to get percy off. >> we'll be back, everybody, in just a moment. >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> you want another one. >> ♪ sparkle paper towels are great for wiping up fingerprints 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madagascar. >> i like to move it. >> tomorrow, modern family star, eric stonestreet, a performance by john pardy. >> and ambush makeovers. >> i know i'm having one. >> come here. >> tomorrow is thursday thursday allegedly and we'll see you. have a good one! okay. we have no room. you have to step off the train, please. >> right now at 11:00, day two of a septa slowdown, as more riders are discovering there's no space for them on regional rail trains. good morning. i'm vai sikahema. it happened all morning. regional rail riders waited for trains. those that stopped didn't have enough room. other trains just kept right on going. nbc 10's monique braxton is live for us this morning. what are passengers telling you? >> reporter: hey, vai, all is quiet here now, so hopefully all of those riders, they're at work, on the job up-to-the-. and the riders are telling us a

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