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Us what it is like to be at the center of the hamilton hysteria. How crazy is this for you right now . It is the most exciting, wonderful, trying, challenging time ever. Then well go inside the word of Artificial Intelligence, the stuff of scifi movies is already here and there is a big debate at the highest reaches of Silicon Valley about whether it is here to save us or make us obsolete. Olivia sterns looks into it. Ai can be might be really, really good thing for us, and it might be a really, really not good thing for us. And with the Boston Marathon tomorrow, a group of survivors of the bombing three years ago is gathering there again and theyre not stopping at 26 miles. Dylan dreyer has their story a bit later. Lets begin with the race for president. After nearly two weeks of campaigning and some painful displays of new york values seemed pandering, the primary two days away. There was a testy brooklyn debate tuesday night and Bernie Sanders hustled off to the vatican for a brief meeting with pope francis. Hillary clinton spent the weekend raising cash with the clooneys in california. Including at an event friday that cost 353,000 per couple. Sanders supporters threw dollar bills at clintons motorcade as she drove into the event. George clooney telling chuck todd, shouldnt be like this. It is an obscene amount of money. The sanders campaign, they talk about it, is absolutely right. This kind of money in politics. Kristen welker, thank you for being the very first guest on sunday today. Good to see you. Hey, willie. Great to see you and congratulations on the new show. Im so honored to be your first guest. Thank you. It is such a weird dynamic now in the race that youre covering. If you have one candidate in california hanging out with the clooneys and another who is at the vatican with the pope, what does it tell you about the race right now . Reporter well, look, i think it tells us a couple of things, first of all, secretary clinton still has to raise money the oldfashioned way. She has to go to the high dollar fundraisers where senator sanders can raise millions of dollars in small dollar donations online, we have seen him do this consistently every month. Actually outpacing secretary clinton. It allows him to make the case she is the establishment candidate, hes the true progressive, hes the one who is really going to fight to get money out of politics, but the bottom line, willie, it is not clear that what happens, those differenting optics you mentioned are going to impact the race here in new york, polls show secretary clinton still has a double digit lead here. What could happen, though, senator sanders offered tough new ads in california, slamming money in politics. Could it hurt her in a state where you have more progressive, more left leaning voters. Thats the question. One more point, willie, the fact that senator sanders decided to go to the vatican underscores he probably thinks the cake is baked here in new york as well. This is obviously a deeply personal decision for him. He got to meet with the pope, but at the same time, he did give up some critical Campaign Time here in new york, so he probably thinks that hes not going to win here and thats what his Campaign Aides have underscored to me. As you mentioned, Hillary Clinton up big in the polls there in the state of new york. Kristen welker, thanks so much. Lets swing to the republican side of things, donald trump dominating the polls in his home state of new york while railing against the Republican Party over what he calls a rigged system of delegate allocation. Trump warning the Republican National Committee Last night at a rally in syracuse. But the system is a bad, bad system. And they got to do something about it. The Republican National committee, they better get going because ill tell you what, youre going to have a rough july at that convention. Also on saturday, ted cruz picked up 14 delegates in the state of wyoming. Thats where we find Hallie Jackson in casper. Good morning to you. Donald trump has been all week on this rant against the rnc, against the party saying it is a rigged system. Last night issuing that warning that it is going to get crazy in july at the convention. What is his strategy here . Reporter well, essentially, willie, his campaign would be foolish to not be looking ahead to a contested convention at this point. He wants to lock up the nomination on the first ballot by getting 1237 delegates, right. But hes struggling when it comes to keeping up in the delegate race with ted cruz. Thats why youre seeing him take aim at the rnc, at the process. The risk for him there, though, is the very people hes hitting when he slams the Republican National committee are the very folks who will be at a convention in cleveland. For trump, the key to winning out now as hes been doing is pivoting to try to look more president ial. Why youre seeing him head to the New York Military Academy today, trying to boost his credentials as a potential commander in chief. He has a short, tighter stump speech and hes looking to hit Hillary Clinton even harder with a new nickname for her now, crooked hillary. Hallie jackson in casper, wyoming, thank you very much. Breaking news overnight, the strongest earthquake in decades hit ecuador, killing 77 people, injuring hundreds more. The magnitude 7. 8 quake struck last night collapsing homes and buckling roads. The damage stretching for hundreds of miles. Pope francis brought 12 refugees back to italy after visiting the greek island of lespos where thousands of people are stranded. All three families escape the fighting in seeria and will be supported by the holy sea and supported by the catholic community. And Justin Trudeau went Beautiful Mind on us this week when asked a question about quantum computing at a press conference. What quantum states allow for is much more complex information to be encoded into a single disc. Regular computer bit is 1 or 0, on or off. A quantum state could be much more complex than that because as we know things can be both particle and wave at the same time. Bet you didnt expect that answer, did you. Check out the womans face behind him, yes, very impressive. Very impressive. Joining us to make sense of this wild week, the charter members of our sunday table, New York Times columnist, author of true american, and owner of the single finest head of hair in the continental United States, annan giardardis. Adviser to secretary of state condi rice, worked most recently in rand pauls president ial campaign and happens to be the pride of holly springs, mississippi. Wes moore is a rhodes scholar, former captain in the United States army, the ceo of bridge edu, full disclosure, wes is here because hes going to be president some day and i want the first interview. Good morning. Thank you for being with me. Congratulations. Here we are. I saw you tweet last night about Prime Minister trudeau and his Beautiful Mind moment. Pretty crazy. Hes just trolling the United States. Hes like a massive like an internet commenter on the shortcomings of the United States. Lets dig into the United States and the political system. What is happening here right now. Lets begin with the democrats. It seems to me watching that debate on thursday night, Hillary Clinton is now just outright annoyed that Bernie Sanders is still in the race. Bernie is not going anywhere. He has the money to go as far as he wants to go. What does the die nam nynamic l as we get into may and june. The risk now as you see on thursday night is now hes basically really angry too at Hillary Clinton. It seems like there is genuine animosity between the two. Hes going to stretch that as long as he can too. Thats the risk of his movement, though, if you make it keeps becoming increasingly personal and not the message that attracts fwrattract s grassroots support. He conceded he probably cannot get the delegates he needs to go to convention. I think there is a tactical endgame of can he get the nomination at not or were at risk of turning this into a personality contest as its gotten bitter. I think it obscures the amazing philosophical choice that has emerged between what i would frame as Hillary Clinton and the kind of winwin model of how we change america. The rich are doing great. Let other people join them. Versus the kind of win lose paradigm on the sanders side, a lot of people are not doing great precisely because some people are doing great. Theyre going to have to do a little less great. They are the barriers. And i actually think thats an exciting and interesting debate that now is getting merged into she absorbed many of the points of his message, wes, over the course of the campaign. Thats the irony of a lot of this is that at this point theyre almost vigorously agreeing with each other. The two big issues that the Democratic Party and also the Clinton Campaign has Going Forward is on the side of energy. People who thought that occupy wall street and on the republican side are finding themselves to be very, very long. Moments that continue to grow and now become political. And the other big issue is the one you raised was the money issue. At this time, the senator obama was far outpacing at that time, you know, Hillary Clinton in terms of the money race. There was a better rational and then fall in under the democratic mantra. Thats not the case this time around. Bernie sanders has financial momentum to keep going and drag this thing out. Elise, you were part of the republican race not too long ago. Got out with rand paul a few months ago. Where are we going with this . Donald trump, it appears, is preparing convention strategy, still a narrow path to win the delegates and he may do it. But the warning shot last night in syracuse when he told the rnc, if you try to take this away from me, youre in for a tough and ugly july. From his standpoint, hes a messaging genius. He he figured out how to tap into what people are thinking, v visceral anger that americans have. I dont think it is the smartest move, because he needs the rnc now more than the rnc needs him. They can find another candidate. There are other men who would like the republican nomination for president , ie ted cruz. It will be interesting to see how trump navigates that Going Forward. I dont think trump believes he needs the rnc. He believes hes gone it alone, he can take it to the finish line. Hes identified and harnessed a lot of White Working Class anger, fear, pain, that he has kind of uniquely been able to speak to. And i think if theyre smart, the establishment or the democrats, theyre going to start trying to seduce people who have been swept up in that movement with a different perhaps less hateful message. Were learning about the arcane details of delegate selection and how democracy it is not the voters who pick the candidates it turns out, because you can win and still lose. Does donald trump have a point about that . He absolutely has a point. This is the thing were seeing right now. Hes exposed the idea this isnt about people not playing by the rules. This is about people playing by the rules but the rules are rigged against you. Same thing, you know, you look at the direct parallel with wall street, the frustration was about why is no one going to jail for this. Then the frustration became well, im frustrated because nobody is going to jail because no laws were broken. So there say problem with the laws. And so that is what hes highlighting. Hes basically saying, you know, this system is not made for you to succeed. And therefore im not just running to become the president , im running to completely r reinvent. The other story that caught our attention this week was the paddling story in the state of georgia. A 5yearold boy being paddled. Legal under law. We learned this week protected by the Supreme Court in a 1977 ruling. There is no federal prohibition of paddling. As a parent, you watch that, and you just recoil. I felt a little bit broken for several minutes after seeing that video. It is i think we these are not isolated incidents. We need to think about this violent strain in our country, which shows up in so many different forms and is not normal in most developed countries. It is not normal. There is an argument out there, there are biblical arguments, spare the rod, all those things, and there say reason why it is legal in 19 states. What are some of the outcomes of that kind of punishment in school . I was a child who where beatings and things just came. If you were acting up, that was something that just happened, right . And the challenge of it and why i think about how we with my kids now, 4yearold daughter and 2yearold son and i cant even imagine doing it or having someone else do it to them. One of the big reasons for that is because im not sure if it is going to get the result were hoping for. One thing we know is that, you know, hurt people, hurt people. And so if we have a situation where we have people who their response to acting out, the response to someone doing something wrong against you is violence, then the unfortunate thing is we might then be creating someone who thinks thats how they need to act when something happens against them. Very difficult to watch. We just showed a tiny bit of it this morning because i think you get the idea. If you want to watch it, you can go online. Other big story in sports this week. Kobe, last game, dropped 60. Dropping the mike, drop 60. And the Golden State Warriors set the record, 729, one game better than the 1996 chicago bulls, 7210. The question for the table, annan, are the warriors now the greatest team of all time . It is hard for me to accept i grew up watching jordan and the bulls. Me too. It is very i think it is a kind of music, like music, the music you grow up with when youre a teenager is always the best music. Thats how i sort of feel about the bulls. I got to see the warriors at a game a few months ago, but i cant let go of my teenage idols. Elise i go michael. I go michael. I cant it is just childhood. Nostalgia, glory days. Wes moore, dissenting opinion. Michael jordan is the best player in the history of basketball. Steph curry has had the best season we have ever seen. I mean, over 400 threepointers in a single year. And here is the thing, if you look at how the bulls would have compared, who would have covered steph curry, harper . This is a team who has done things that we havent seen in basketball before. And they beat, you know, the spurs this year arguably also maybe a top ten, top 12 team in history. Golden state beat them by 30. This team is special. And i always say nostalgia, but it is tough to argue about what theyre doing. Michael jordan on line one for you. He would like a word with you. Before we go, i have to show you this picture, in japan, chimpanzee escaped from the zoo. I dont know what to say. I wanted to show you that picture. Unbelievable. Planet of the apes stuff. Next, the highs and lows of the week including americas greatest toddler. Well begin to campaign to get this 2yearold on the 10 bill. And the love birds who powered through a makeout session as an Armed Robbery was taking place around them. Sunday today will be back after your local weather and a short break. Good morning. First alert meteorologist sheena parveen. For today well be warming up quite a bit. Your first alert neighborhood weather forecast, today will be around 73 in philadelphia, near 80 degrees tomorrow. Cooler as we go into tuesday. Suburbs in pennsylvania mid80s. Nice and dry tore sunday. If youre in the Lehigh Valley youll be 80s tomorrow as well. For today everything looking nice and dry. Temperatures mostly 70s. Have a great day. There must be higher love down in the heart what do you think . And in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. 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See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Theres a place for vacationers than just a little time off. The ones who choose to go big or stay home. Come with me now. Where every amazing, despicable, wizarding adventure reveals moments that are truly epic. This place is made for those who do more than just vacation. Whoa go with me now its made for those who vacation like they mean it. Universal orlando resort. Annan, elise and wes still with me as we whip through the highs and lows of the past week. On the high side, so much for the terrible 2s. This kid is the best. He the internet went bananas for 2yearold sawyer after he waddled over in his diaper and shook the hands of one by one of uniform members of the military at an airport in houston. What did your toddler do this week . Amazing. You find the next one born, we found the next bill clinton. Next bill clinton has been born. Already working the ropes. A couple of the trumps feeling a little low when they realized they are not registered to vote for the old man in new yorks republican primary. Donald trumps daughter ivanka and son eric missing the october deadline to register. Donald jr. Is registered, and hes leaning toward george pataki, im told. All in for pataki. The duke and duchess of cambridge looked great in pleasure wear on a trip to india and bhutan, meeting some locals, enjoying some recreational archery. Our high goes to williams bone density. After he survived the notorious vice grip handshake of indian Prime Minister modi. Look at the hand print left on his ruddy paw by modi who apparently models his handshake after superman greeting general dodd. Remember that moment . Remember that handshake . Hes not the first one. The record of bone crushing handshakes from modi. Hes a great leader, but that proves it. Brothers are just the worst. Millicent philips was loopy and her brothers took that as an opportunity to trick her into thinking the Zombie Apocalypse was upon us. We can only take one pet. Which pet, the cat or the dog . The cat, you idiot what about the dog . Hes the worst. He already died. Get the cat cruel and totally hilarious. Our final high from Detroit Tigers season Ticket Holder bill dugan. He caught five foul balls at a single tigers game this week and gave every one of them to a different kid sitting nearby. Nice work. Bill dugan caught more than 200 foul balls over the years. Apparently like a gravitational pull. Our last low might be a romantic high. A couple is making out at the bar, in billings, montana, like you do. When Armed Robbers storm in. But Armed Robbery is no match for the mix of love and bacardi 151. The pair carrying on, obliviously right through the crime. They never broke the huddle the whole time. Passionate love. Is that what it was. Yes. True love. How do you know it is true love . May all people one day know that kind of love. Thank you for being with me on my first show. I really am grateful. Congratulations, thank you. Tickets to see hamilton, kind of. Into the room where it happens for a rare backstage look at the biggest thing going right now. Im hopping over to facebook im hopping over to Facebook Live in two well this a predicament. Homestyle sounds good. But country style, not without its charms. Brown sugar hickory. Who says no to hickory . Singleserve vegetarian . Sure there are no rules here. No rules on aisle four with 17 delicious flavors cooked according to our secret family recipe, bushs has the variety you cant resist. Did you get a can of bushs beans . Yes, yes i did. Bushs beans. Whats your favorite flavor . Thank you so much. Did you say honey . Hey, try some . You know im always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios. Well youve come to the right place. Mind if i have another taste . Not at all mmm part of a complete breakfast ifor all the wrong reasons. Gical you may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. Now. Good morning, im rosemary connors. Its just a few minutes before 8 30 on this sunday. A little bit chilly right now you know that sun will warm us up. Lets get our neighborhood forecast meteorologist sheena parveen. Yes, the sun is already warming us up. Many suburbs north and west of philadelphia warming into the 40s. Mid40s, roarington 45, new hope 42, doylestown already at 41. These areas in the 30s, patchy frost. Plenty of sunshine Lehigh Valley mostly 40s this afternoon. Take a look at these temperatures. Even delaware topping out around 73 degrees with plenty of sun. Rosemary thanks for that, sheena. Were following breaking news out of philadelphias kensington neighborhood. One man under arrest after police say he shot four people. Three of the victims were found dead inside a home here on East Westmoreland street. Another victim shot on the street is at the hospital after a short standoff. The suspects surrenders. Kensington, one man in custody after a child was shot and killed yesterday. Police say the 4yearold girl was shot in the face by her sibling who was playing with a gun that allegedly belonged to her mothers boyfriend. The gun was recovered investigators tell us the boyfriend took off but then surrendered to police late last night. Im rosemariers. Sheena and i will see you in 30 minutes. Do you think when you are president youll be paid as. Much as if it were a man male this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. But there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. Im going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same as the men who are doing that job. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Joe sestak supports a plan that the New York Timesfactreported makes cuts to Social Security benefits. And the plan raises the retirement age. Its true. The a. A. R. P. Opposed the plan, citing dramatic cuts to medicare benefits. The plan sestak supports means higher outofpocket costs for millions on medicare. Any way you spin it, the truth about sestak is gonna hurt. Women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. Our first question comes from a long time new yorker, she worked in publishing and her name is eline bennett. Youve been pretty vague in the past, but how exactly are you going to break up the big banks . You mean the Big Bank Breakup . Yeah, Big Bank Breakup . Yeah, break them up. Julie louisdreyfus bringing back Elaine Bennett last night. She was hosting snl a few hours ago across the street at 30 rock. Snl is a tough ticket in this town, but has nothing now on hamilton. The Broadway Musical that began last year as an off broadway sensation has exploded into a national phenomenon. Fans, celebrities, even the president of the United States has been calling every last favor for a coveted seat inside the Richard Rogers theater to watch Linmanuel Mirandas telling of the Founding Fathers of america. Leslie odom arrived on broadway at the age of 17 and now finds himself in the role and the moment of a lifetime. Im aaron burr. Leslie, let me start with the obvious question, and i think the reason were all here today, can i get four in the orchestra . Is that the hardest ticket in the history of broadway . How crazy is this for you right now . It is the most exciting, wonderful, trying, challenging time ever. Want to be in the room where it happens the room where it happens i want to be in the room where it happens the room where it happens when you come in from home, youre walking toward the theater, you see the rogers sign, see the hamilton sign, you still get that feeling in. I can imagine what that 17yearold kid would have thought, you know, about Something Like this, about a moment like this. And he would be really proud. I want to be in the room i want to be i want to be i got to be you sang at first not on stage, but in church. Yeah. You werent immediately drawn to musicals and broadway and all that. No. No, musicals i didnt even i really didnt know what that was until rent. Really . We didnt we didnt grow up going to see broadway shows and stuff. You get that role at 17 years old. You leave home, basically from high school, right, to take the part. Yeah. I imagine an easy decision when rent calls, you go, right . I had been auditioning all summer. And with no cell phones back then or anything. They called the house phone, i answered the phone. No caller i. D. Even. But i promise you, there was something that felt different about that ring. I dont know what it was. Pick up the phone and it was new york. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Im going to cry. Dont you do it. Pardon me. Are you aaron burr, sir . Show night, what time do you get here . Half hour before. I get dressed relatively can we get to work . Thats lin. Hes fully dressed. Im not, but will be. Notorious for that. It makes people very nervous. Im going to shoot him in, like, three hours. Dont tell anybody. What were your impressions of aaron burr before you got drawn into the show. Most people knew one thing about him, hes the guy who killed hamilton. I knew what that michael bayh commercial told me. Todays 10,000 question, who shot alexander hamilton. Aaron burr im sorry. There is that line in the show where you say, im the villain in your history books. I guess this is the way it is going to be. Was he a villain . That was his own well, not the villain part, but the world was wide enough was his own quote, you know. Thats lifted. Lin took that right from burrs lips, the world is wide enough for hamilton and me. Tommy and david corn are production designers. David corn did all the set, helped me find a place i could watch the audience for a couple of minutes before the show. They couldnt see me, but i could see them. It would freak them out if they knew, but i would watch them from here. What are you looking for . What do you want to see . Im looking to see, are they happy, are they are they excited . Are they tired . Maybe a little drunk. Can you pick that up too . You can pick that up. On a saturday night, yeah. Theyre going to be rowdy, a little tired around the end of act one. You got to know that kind of stuff. We do the lottery winners in the first row, the first row is only paid 10. And so there you get a lot of your super fans. We get these kids who will just cry through the whole show. Or, you know, my favorite is, you know, just seeing a jaw, you know, on the floor, for the entire thing as they watch this thing. This is the hall of fame wall. Lin put this up. This is where everybody signs. Oprah, henry winkler, jill and joe biden. That was big when they came. Thats the thing, when new people come, you see the show through their eyes. Right. I know they just lost a son. Right. So we had that whole section gosh. You talk about the president of the United States coming, world leaders, athletes, people you probably grew up in awe of. Yeah. Now coming backstage to tell you how great you are. Is that kind of a mind bending experience . Yeah. Also really beautiful thing about it is that youre meeting your heroes in a way that theyre disarmed a bit. You know, because they come backstage and you spent three hours together. We fought a war together. We have come out of that together. We had some life, we had some death, and, you know, some celebration. There is a deeper connection there which has been really special. Completely nude. You guys missed it. Shooting the wrong way. When i watched not just the show, but also behind the scenes stuff, all that, you seem genuinely tight. When we are together, that original cast, when we step on stage to do our thing, there is a conspiratorial, you know, essence in the air. Right. And so were a family. And that makes you just makes you better. I think for a lot of us, you know, what hamilton gave us the what gave me the opportunity to do was to go heres what i learned in 35 years. This is the lessons ive learned in my entire life of training, studying this and loving this, and we dump it all out at the Richard Rogers every night. And so now when im looking forward to is the opportunity to take a step back and learn. Is there any fear about that, though . Stepping away from something that is so hot and not knowing what is on the other side . Not at all. This is an amazing moment. Quite a moment it is. You heard leslie talking about stepping back from the show. He tells me hell do that this summer to pursue his music career. As you can imagine, the success of the show has brought a massive financial windfall. It clears 500,000 a week. The shows producers agreed this week to share more of the soaring profits with the original cast. You can see much more of our conversation including the story of the childhood karaoke machine that changed everything for leslie and also our interview with the new king george, by heading to today. Com for sunday today web extras. Next on sunday today, the age of ai. Elon musk says were summoning the demon with Artificial Intelligence. Mark zuckerberg says there is nothing to fear. Which titan of tech is right . Our look at that question is next. Take on the unexpected. The new 2016 nissan altima. Built to stand out. Lowes oanyone can haveee a beautiful garden. Finally, something in this yard as beautiful as me. Enjoy. Now get 20 off all stagreen® products, at lowes. I acidity was in my diet. Ch i was so focused on making good food choices, i had no idea that it was damaging the enamel of my teeth. I wanted to fix it, i wanted to fix it right away. My dentist recommended pronamel. He said that pronamel can make my teeth stronger, that it was important, that that is something i could do each day to help protect the enamel of my teeth. Pronamel is definitely helping me to lead the life that i want to live. Get your beauty sleep and use yonew aveeno®r . Absolutely ageless® night cream with active naturals® blackberry complex. Younger looking skin can start today. New absolutely ageless® from aveeno®. Mastering the art of refinement one dark chocolate rises above the rest lindt excellence created by our master chocolatiers pure, rich, darkly intense. Made like no other crafted elegantly thin to reveal complex layers of Flavor Experience excellence with all your senses and discover chocolate beyond compare try lindt excellence with a touch of sea salt. Seems like everywhere you look there is something guessing for you or just plain doing for you, the gps in your car or the auto correct on your phone. That is the work of Artificial Intelligence and contrary to popular belief, it is no longer the stuff of science fiction. So why are some experts so worried about it . Olivia sterns has the story. Reporter it is a typical weekend drive for david kiter. Except for one thing. All you do is hit this twice and the car takes over. Reporter hes not doing the driving, the computer in his tesla is. Once you use it, youll never want to go back. Reporter believe it or not, were all getting used to it. It is Artificial Intelligence, which is steering this car. Open the pod bay doors. Im sorry, dave. Im afraid i cant do that. Reporter thats right, the fuel for big screen fantasy. Ai is rapidly becoming our reality and just like the movies we have to confront what ai means for our future. Ai might be really, really good thing for us, and it might be a really, really not good thing for us. Reporter thats tim urban from wait but why. His explanation has already been read by 4 million people, but before we get to that whole really good, really bad thing, what is Artificial Intelligence . A lot of the misconception is ai is a robot. Thats the container for the ai. Ai is the software inside the container. Ai is in particular software that can make decisions. Reporter right now were sitting here, chilly morning in central park, is there any Artificial Intelligence around us . So ai is actually all around us. Youre driving a car, there is an engine, fuel Injection System going on. And the parameters of that are fine tuned constantly by Artificial Intelligence. Listening to pandora, thats ai listening to what you like and making better decisions. The ai around us is narrow intelligence. Stay in your own lane. It is really good at one thing. You probably know what the headlines recently that google made when its ai beat the World Champion gold player. Really good at go. If you ask it for dating advice, not going to be helpful. Alpha go is the latest man versus machine victory in a tit for tat race against tech giants like facebook, google and microsoft to develop ai beyond its current narrow form. Remember watson. What is broke the bank in. Five years after winning jeopardy, ai picked up a few new tricks. It is essentially about teaching watson to speak. A new Research Project has watson looking for skin cancer. This lesion is very high probability for being melanoma. And just like jeopardy, hes beating his human counterparts. How accurate is this . The computer is greater than 95 accurate on the lesions where as the best dermatologist today are somewhere between 75 and 84 accurate. In the future, watson could do more than just help doctors fight cancer. I would like to think that watson will be able to outthink cancer, outthink natural disasters, outthink criminals. It will make our world a better place. Reporter not everyone agrees when it comes to the future of ai. With Artificial Intelligence, were summoning the demon. Thats elon musk, the ceo of tesla. That same tesla. The stories where the guy with the pentagram and holy water and hes sure he can control the demons. Didnt work out. Reporter what are some examples of ai going rogue . If you look at the news recently, microsoft created this really awesome teenage girl, ai called taye shell get on twitter and interact with other teenagers, learn their slang, but then a lot of people on twitter started trolling the situation and before you know it the teenage girl was saying incredibly bigoted things. Reporter yes. Thats an example of how you can plan something and ai is learning on its own. Reporter you can train ai to be benevolent . People are trying to think about how we can do that. A nice family can come build a house, and they build a house on top of an ant hill, kill a bunch of ant ants. They dont hate ants. Thats the fear, that the ai is doing its thing, and we end up being the victims by accident. Reporter a group of tech entrepreneurs including elon musk has committed a billion dollars to the nonprofit open ai whose aim is to avoid the ai accidents and make sure it remains a, quote, extension of human wills and not something that is used against us. You say that we are at this key juncture in human history. People will grow up in a world that is completely different than the world they were born into. We havent had things advance that quickly and the truth is this could be the last time we are the smartest things on this planet. And Olivia Sterns joins me now live. We heard all the benefits, watson can help us cure cancer. So why the alarm . I look at that and say the twitter bot went wrong but how bad can it be . Right now were still in control. There is a lot of concern that pretty soon the computers could outsmart us. You have to think about the fact that technology doesnt just advance steadily. Actually advances at an exponential rate, doesnt just get smart, smarter, smarter, it accelerates. I think what steven hawking and elon musk are concerned about is that what if computers suddenly become human level intelligence and super intelligence and quickly cruises right past us, we dont know what hit us and what if they suddenly decide it is inconvenient to have us around. Obviously a solid camp of experts including Mark Zuckerbergs who thinks the computers will help us but something to keep an eye on. As elon musk put s it so subtly, summoning the demon. They survived the bombing at the Boston Marathon three years ago. This year they thought they would add a few thousand miles to the run. Their amazi good morning, first alert meteorologist sheena parveen. For today warming up quite a bit. First alert neighborhood weather forecast. Today will be around 73 in philadelphia near 80 degrees tomorrow. Cooler as we into tuesday. Suburbs in pennsylvania, youll be in the mid to lower today. Near 80 degrees tomorrow. We stay nice and dry for sunday. If youre in the Lehigh Valley near 80. For today nice and dry. Temperatures mostly in the 70s. Have a great day. General mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Again its my decision to make beauty last. Fix. Roc retinol started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it the better it works. Retinol correxion from roc. Methods, not miracles. Ive always taken on the status quo. In harrisburg, they didnt like it when i stopped their perks and pushed for reform. As head of pennsylvanias thirdlargest county, i cut out wall street middlemen to protect pensions, stood up for Marriage Equality and protected our environment. Now im fighting for criminal justice reform. Im proud to be backed by president obama and people who care about our families. Im josh shapiro. Ill be an attorney general who always fights for you. Thats what congressman for wsestak did. Ceos sestak was one of only eight democrats to join republicans to allow ceos of bailed out banks to pay themselves unlimited bonuses using bailout money. An outrage, according to newspapers. For working families Katie Mcginty for senate. Shell invest in education, not ceo bonuses. And fight for pay equity for women. Helping families not wall street. Katie im Katie Mcginty and i approve this message. Tomorrow morning some 30,000 people will line up to run the Boston Marathon. Three years ago, three te spectators were killed when two bombs exploded near the finish line. Those survives are bonded by the terrible day. Dylan dreyer was there when they gathered for their next challenge. Reporter in boston, a moment of silence on friday. Followed by a walk of strength. And thats boston strong. Reporter as the saying goes, life is not a sprint. It is a marathon. Today i can be sad, but tomorrow is another day and it is going to be good. Reporter it has been three years since that fateful day in april when the bombs went off. Forever changing their lives and so many others. Can you take me back to three years ago where you were when the bombs went off. I lived in massachusetts my whole entire life, and that was the first time i ever went to the Boston Marathon. She was excited to see her sister run with her daughter sydney by her side. It was so great and happy. And everything changed in the blink of an eye. And then my husband, shes blown away from us. Reporter Heather Abbott was meeting friends at the forum. My foot was so injured that i couldnt even stand up. I thought i might die. Reporter as the scene played out on live television, former marine and amputee b. J. Ghanem rushed to the victims bedside. She looked at me and she said, will i ever be able to wear high heels. Reporter the road to recovery was long and difficult. My brother is an amputee. I was by his side as he was going through the healing process. And a part of me was sitting there thinking, i dont think i would be Strong Enough to go through this with the ptsd. Im constantly feeling it like something bad is going to happen, like the sky is going to fall, but then ill remind myself, like, you just got to live in the moment. Just got to live. Reporter but they were not alone. A band of brothers helping them get back on two feet. I always call them my heroes and they always say they didnt do anything different than a lot of people did that day. Happy live day, everybody. Happy live day. Reporter on mondays 120th running of the Boston Marathon, this group, one world strong trek will begin a journey, not 26. 2 miles, but 3,000, across the country, led by another survivor, david fortier. What we wanted to do was actually have people have a chance to meet celeste and meet heather. Reporter a trek across america to say thank you, in person. Love you. Reporter to all those who helped in the healing of those critical first days. We want people to come out, we want them to join us. If it looks like a bunch of people in the forest gump movie, great, were all for it. Reporter now the Boston Marathon finish line is just the beginning. Not their end. Love you guys. Love you guys too. Were going to have some fun with it. Dylan dreyer reporting from boston for us. Every week at this time we will highlight a life well lived. United states marine and medal of honor recipient hector cap a caparata died in florida. He singlehandedly held off a chinese assault for five hours in the snows of the battle of chosen reservoir. He got the medal of honor on november 24th, 1952. He said simply, i did my duty, i protected my fellow marines and they protected me. He survived by his wife of more than 50 years, doeris, his big family, and the school in coral i know youre my financial advisor, but are you gonna bring up that stock again . Well you need to think about selling some of it. My dad gave me those shares, you know. He ran that company. I get it. But you know i think you own too much. Gotta manage your risk. And youve gotta switch to decaf. An honest opinion, even if you disagree. With 13,000 financial advisors, its how edward jones makes sense of investing. Headache . Motrin helps you be an unstoppable, letsrockthisconcert likeits1999 kind of mom. When pain tries to stop you, theres motrin. Motrin works fast to stop pain where it starts. Make it happen with motrin liquid gels. Whos worried about getting ttaken for a ride. R dont worry. The only rides youll get taken on at carmax are the ones you take yourself. But just in case that absolutely 100 percent perfect choice. Turns out to be. Less than perfect. We give you five days to change your mind. Sorry. We close with some predictions for the week ahead. President obama is scheduled to have lunch with Queen Elizabeth at windsor castle. We predict the queen will pull her classic move where she says she has to powder her nose as the chick heck hits the table. The collection of the worlds most beautiful people. We predict busey will be snubbed again. And win, 4 20, is National Weed day. We predict for people who celebrate that annual holiday it will be a lot like 4 18, 4 19 and 4 21. Stay tuned to nbc for meet the press. Chuck todd is joined by george clooney. And tomorrow on nbc nightly news, lester holt from the middle east. Hell have an interview with secretary of defense ash carter. Thank you for spending part of your sunday morning with us today. We hope to see you bac here we hope to see you bac here k the tthan the bottom have mo100 million americans. Nt how does that happen . Well, they use lobbyists to get special tax breaks. My plan close the tax loopholes and make them pay their fair share. Seniors whove worked hard deserve the opportunity to stay independent, pay their bills, and most of all, enjoy their grandchildren. Its time to bring back a basic American Value fairness. Im Bernie Sanders, and i approve this message. In the last half hour, weve learned new information about a 4yearold girl shot and killed in philadelphia. Police sources tell us the mothers boyfriend tells us the boyfriend admitted to accidentally shooting her. A standoff with a gunman barricaded inside a home. Details on the1 l investigatione next. We will cap off our weekend on a high note, the sun will be shining and its only going to get better and warmer. Good morning, this is nbc 10 news today. Im rosemary connors. Its 9 00 on

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