And featuring the legendary roots crew. Questlove 641, iowa yeah steve and now, here he is, jimmy fallon [ cheers and applause ] jimmy oh hello looking good welcome to the tonight show, everybody youve made it youre here thank goodness you made it. Thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] im your host, jimmy fallon. I see a lot of green out there. Looking good. [ cheers ] yeah. I want to wish everyone a happy st. Patricks day to everyone [ cheers and applause ] and everyone at home, watching, too. For many today, a proud day to celebrate irish heritage. For most, its the start of pregaming for cinco de mayo. [ cheers and applause ] so, its a little little primer. Get this. I read that 13 million pints of guinness were expected to be consumed today. Yeah. And they just didnt expect that wed do it by 9 00 a. M. , but we did. [ cheers ] were overachievers. Steve we did it jimmy usa usa usa [ audience chanting usa ] thats right, yeah. There was a lot of drinking today. So, for once, it wasnt a big deal when sean spicer showed up to his White House Press briefing with a flask. [ laughter and applause ] you know, thats normal. Actually, it turns out, President Trump is a big fan of the irish. Thats why yesterday he sported the colors of their flag. There you go. Hes got green tie, white shirt, orange chin. [ applause ] its perfect. Steve oh jimmy the whole combo. That was very thoughtful. Steve yeah, very thoughtful of him. Jimmy but it turns out everyone in the Trump Administration loves st. Patricks day, and several members took part in the festivities. For example, attorney general Jeff Sessions dressed up as the lucky charms leprechaun and nobody noticed. [ laughter and applause ] no one. Steve wow. Jimmy not one person. Steve wow jimmy next treasury secretary steve mnuchin. He put glasses on a potato behind his desk then went out and got drununk [ laughter and applause ] drunoonk. Drununk . Steve drununk. Jimmy drunoonk, yeah, drunoonk. Next, white house advisor Kellyanne Conway went to a a st. Patricks day parade and took photos with her microwave. That was cool. [ cheers and applause ] and finally, Vice President mike pence tried to ban the word gaelic. Steve really . Jimmy yeah. [ laughter and applause ] enough iou enough is enough steve wow. [ laughter ] jimmy again, on behalf of everyone here at the tonight show, id like to wish you all a happy st. Patricks day. If youre irish, raise a glass, and if youre not irish, raise two. Yeah. [ cheers and applause ] tariq hey, yo, jimmy. Jimmy yo, whats up, man . A happy st. Patricks day, too . Jimmy of course, tariq. Tariq can we do it with an irish accent . Jimmy id be disappointed if you didnt. [ light laughter ] tariq okay. Top of the morning to you [ applause ] that was great. What about you, kamal . May your troubles be less and your blessings be more. And nothing but happiness come through your door. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hey fantastic that was beautiful that was really nice. What about you, james . I parked my car across far from the bar at harvard yard. [ laughter and applause ] jimmy lets get to some news here. [ laughter ] steve whew. Jimmy yesterday a Senate Intelligence committee announced that it found no evidence that President Trump had been wiretapped by president obama. When asked if hed apologize to obama, trump said, ill just say im sorry the next time he wiretaps me. [ laughter and applause ] no. The white house did apologize for accusing British Intelligence of helping obama wiretap trump during the campaign. And to show that theres no hard feelings, the uk promised to never listen to anything trump says ever again. [ cheers and applause ] thats a great idea. Lets shake on that. We have a deal. Well never, ever do it. Meanwhile, trump held a joint press conference with german chancellor Angela Merkel today. We watched it, and it seemed like she was a little distracted. Look at can we see what she is thinking about here . We said nothing. All we did was quote a a certain a very talented legal mind, who was the one responsible for saying that on television. [ laughter ] i never would have guessed i could miss someone so bad yeah reay only met her about a week ago but it doesnt seem to matter [ cheers and applause ] [ applause ] jimmy a lot of people are ter ing about this. They met, and normally thats when theyd shake hand mr. President . Thank you. Hankou, folks. Thank you, folks. [ audience ohs ] jimmy so, for he insulted both england and germany in less th steve yeah jimmy that is a new record. Usa no, no, no, no. Im sorry. E, f news aired some more of trumps interview with Tucker Carlson last night, and the president was asked what he does at the end of the day. Well, listen to what he said. I love to read. Actually, im looking at a a book. Im reading a book. Im trying to get started. I love to read. [ laughter ] i dont get to read very much. [ laughter ] jimmy yeah. I read. I read cereal boxes. [ cheers ] i read my remote control. I try to read the little words at the bottom of fox news, but sometimes they go too fast, but i try to read. [ cheers and applause ] i love reading. Im mr. Book. They call me mr. Book. This is going viral here. You guys, you see this video . Someone took a slow motion video of an amtrak train here in new york pulling into a a station and running into a a bunch of snow. Everyone is okay. But just take a look at how cool this is. Jimmy here comes the train, and then what . Oh, my. This is what . Oh, man [ laughter ] well, i guess im not going to work today. Okay. [ scattered applause ] at least the trains on time. Steve yeah. Jimmy yeah. Steve you know . Jimmy guys, its the end of another crazy week, and since theres too much to talk about, instead of giving you a full week in review, we put together a little montage that just focuses on the key words used this week. Its time once again for this week in words. Here we go. [ cheers and applause ] march madness the ncaa in the 68 teams selected to play st. Patricks day green tie for a reason northeast blizzard late in the season surveillance methods any number of ways through their phones tvs and microwaves coming this friday beauty and the beast bachelor finale who did he pick we all couldnt be happier for vanessa and nick a lot of unresolved issues to deal with healthcare fight and russia concerns Donald Trumps tax returns wiretap claims has no facts so the white house is trying to walk it back wiretapping wiretapping wiretapping in quotes jimmy we have a great show tonight give it up for the roots, everybody [ cheers and applause ] jimmy hi, everybody. Thank you for tuning in. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for watching. I hope youre having a great time. Guys, we have great show tonight. We just love this woman. She is the coolest. Steve ahh. Jimmy the star of empire, taraji p. Henson is here steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] come on. Jimmy taraji and i are going to play a special st. Patricks day edition of drinko. Steve ooh. [ cheers ] jimmy so be sure to tune in for that. Plus, from adult swims neon joe, the very funny jon glaser is dropping by. Steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy neon joe. Steve come on. Jimmy hes my jam. And we have great music. Oh, tonight. Oh, my gosh. We have great music. Run the jewels is here tonight steve yeah [ cheers and applause ] jimmy its fantastic. I love those guys. Its going to be good. Guys, todays friday, and thats usually when i catch up with my personal stuff. You know, i check my inbox. Can i get maybe a beat after that . I check my inbox. I return some emails. And, of course, i send out my thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Uh, james can i get some thank you noteswriting music, please . Steve wow. Jimmy hes having a blast. Steve yeah. [ laughter ] this is like his party day. Jimmy yeah. Steve you can tell hes having a great time. Jimmy hes been drinking since 8 00 in the morning. [ laughter ] steve 8 00 yesterday morning. Jimmy yeah, yesterday. Steve james in jameson. Jimmy thank you, Shamrock Shake, for sounding less like a drink and more what leprechauns call twerking. [ laughter and applause ] steve theyre magically delicious. Jimmy thank you, march madness, for making me feel good about rooting against a bunch of 19yearolds trying to follow their dreams. [ laughter and applause ] steve ah jimmy thank you, guinness logo, for letting me know what it would look like if picasso painted donald trump. Then they go [ laughter and applause ] interesting. Thats art. Steve art. Jimmy its art. You get it . Steve beautiful. Golden. Jimmy thank you, pub crawls, for being trick or treating for drunk people. [ cheers and applause ] steve ding dong [ imitates vomiting ] [ laughter ] jimmy james, can i get a a honk, honk for that one . [ light laughter ] there you go. Steve give me a beep beep jimmy happy st. Patricks day. Steve there you go. Really tied one off. Jimmy this is a new thing now. Steve its the new thing. Youd love it. [ laughter ] jimmy everyone is doing it. Vogue magazine said. Steve vogue way . Jimmy vogue way. Steve vogue way. Jimmy vogue way, esquirt. Steve esquirt . Jimmy esquire. Steve and gaq. Jimmy gq [ laughter ] they all said this is the top deal. Steve this is the top deal, its top shelf. People who do this, classy topshelf people. Jimmy this is, like, yeah. This is electric boogaloo. [ laughter ] steve what . Im not a trend follower. Oh, youre doing it, too. Jimmy oh, whats up . Oh. Steve sup . St. Patricks day is up. Jimmy i think james everything good over there, james . There you go. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] steve oye jimmy thank you, snowblower for looking like a lawnmower thats flashing somebody. Its like, whoa, hey. [ laughter and applause ] steve hello jimmy hey. Steve hmm, Christmas Goose came early. [ laughter ] jimmy thank you, beauty and the beast for teaching kids an important lesson. Its okay if youre hideous and everyone is scared of you. You can still get the girl as long as youre crazy rich. [ laughter and applause ] good lesson. Steve its America Jimmy its a good lesson to learn. Steve its america [ light laughter ] jimmy thank you, little girl who interrupted her dads bbc interview [ light laughter ] for letting us know what it would look like if minions were real. There you go, everybody. Thats what im talking about. [ cheers and applause ] those of my thank you notes. Well be right back with taraji p. Henson [ cheers and applause ] i dont think thats how theyre made. Klondike hooks up with tasty flavors. The best ice cream bars ever conceived. [laughs] you have a side that is retired playing tag and gettin tired. You have a side that saves for their tuition. But right now it looks like bedtime is the mission. A side that owns your own store. Looks like you need to expand some more. Thats why theres nationwide. They help protect and grow your many sides. Nationwide is on your side. Sir . You give me that salad and i will pay for your movie and one snack box. Can i keep the walnuts . Yes. But i get to pick your movie. Can i pick the genre . Nope. With the blue cash everyday card you get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Backed by the service and security of american express. You get cash back on purchases with no annual fee. Deartheres no other way to say this. Its over. Ive found a permanent escape from monotony. Together, we are perfectly balanced. Our senses awake. Our hearts racing as one. I know this is sudden, but they say. If you love something set it free. See you around, giulia dave this fios party is da bomb fo shizzle its tv totally ahead of its time. Yo, let me check that. Oh snap. That x1 voice remote is crunk and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. What should i watch . Things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] whats fios . Fios has fallen behind. Dont fall with it. Xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy our first guest is an Academy Award nominated and golden globe winning actress starring on the very Popular Television series empire, which returns with all new episodes beginning wednesday march 22nd on fox. Please welcome the very talented, the very beautiful taraji p. Henson [ cheers and applause ] jimmy taraji, you are the greatest i love you only you. Oh, come on. Is everybody drunk . Jimmy oh, yeah [ cheers and applause ] ats in your mug, jimmy. Jimmy well, only the finest, only the finest. Smells like water. Jimmy well, its all right. The finest water. Okay. I have to be careful, because my makeup and hair is watching i like this jimmy i think leave it, leave it. This is not distracting . Jimmy that looks cute. No. [ light laughter ] you you somehow pull it off. You look gorgeous. Im awful as a bug, look, my antennas is sideways. They get stuck. [ light laughter ] jimmy i like that. [ laughter ] i think it looks cute. Do you want me to take it off . I was always special. Jimmy oh my god, ridiculous, i was always special. I was trying to hide that. Jimmy oh really . No, you can just leave it out. Whatever you want to do, you can play. It might be distracting. Jimmy thank you. You look gorgeous, first of all. I do . Tell me again. Jimmy you always look gorgeous. [ laughter ] tell me again, yeah, everything. By the way, i wish if i had your email and everything, id be like, dude, you were fantastic on that, you were great on that, you looked gorgeous on that. Aw, thank you. Jimmy look at this, i mean super mom level up here. I mean, come on. [ cheers and applause ] i look incredible right now. I look amazing. Jimmy no, thats not you. Youre up here. Thats you, yeah. Oh, yeah. Jimmy you do look amazing. I always wanted to be kate moss, so jimmy yeah. How great is kate moss . Shes so hot. Jimmy shes a rocker. Yeah. So unfair. Jimmy its unfair. Happy st. Patricks day. Thank you, yes. Jimmy i know that you live in chicago, right . Where you filmed empire . Yes okay, so heres heres the disturbing, well not disturbing, but its confusing. Jimmy okay. I thought st. Pattys was last weekend. [ light laughter ] im confused. Jimmy they have to do it. What do you mean . Jimmy its such a blow out, that it takes a week to clean up. It is well they dye the river green. Jimmy they really go for it. Chicagos is one of the biggest st. Patricks day celebrations. I know, but how do they get to how do they get two weekends of drunkenness . I mean, i dont understand. Who came up with this idea . Jimmy i wish i did, but it wasnt me. Its a great idea. [ laughter ]ars. [ light laughter ] but did you now, i always forget that it is the week beforet i never know that. Well i figured it out when i get on the elevator about 9 30 a. M. , and my, i dont if they were my neighbors guests jimmy at 9 00 a. M. 9 00 a. M. And i had to lie down 38 floors and so i got secondhand drunk. [ laughter ] i was have you ever been seco jimmy off of their fumes . Off of their fumes, baby. At 9 30 in the morning. Jimmy and what were you doing up there . Were you working . No. I was going over to jesses. It still hadnt dawned on me. I was like, whoa, they have problems. [ light laughter ] jimmy mustve came from a a rave, yeah. Im like, what is going on with them . So then i get downstairs, and i catch a cab and jesse lives like a block from me. Yeah. Im her. Its that cold in chicago. [ laughter ] and the cab drivers looking at me. I was like, buddy, i tip well. Just do it. Jimmy it is too cold too cold. Jimmy it is really cold. So then were driving and i see a few people and im like, oh, wow, a lot of people wore green today. It still doesnt dawn on me until i get upstairs and the rivers green and i go, ah so then we go to brunch. And im like, well, we might as well drink, right . [ laughter ] jimmy gives you an excuse. Gives me an excuse. Im drinking now. Jimmy me, too. I wish i had a rihanna flask. Jimmy oh, wait, that was a a cool flask. That was cool, right . Jimmy what was it again . Did she just it was like a bejeweled flask. Im looking for one. Jimmy but it was a cleavage flask. Hey [ laughter ] i dont know where she pulled it from. Jimmy oh, so you pulled it out of there. Ay, but you know what, i like that. Jimmy thats good cleavage flask. Cleavage flask, thats us. Jimmy thats awesome. So well be rich. Jimmy yeah, i never did that thing. That seals the deal. Thats sealing the deal. You didnt know about this . Jimmy oh, man, no. I know pinky pinky got you can get away with not following through, but if you seal the deal jimmy thats it . [ laughter ] i did not know this. You dont know about sealing the deal . Yeah, see . Philly knows about sealing the deal. Jimmy all right, philly knows about cleavage flask, doesnt have to be the name. We can get a better name for it. But, im down, man. You down for that, right . Jimmy i would totally do that. Yeah, absolutely. Im in. I got to say congratulations. I havent seen you since Hidden Figures came out and [ cheers and applause ] yes jimmy over 200 million later youre at the oscars. Nominated for best picture, pal. Yes. Jimmy you hit this one out of the park thank you [ cheers and applause ] jimmy fantastic. So happy. m still waiting for to bring up the Hidden Figures, or is it too soon . Jimmy no. The envelope the envelope. Jimmy yeah. Well, everybody was like, youre youre a surprise. I was like, well, i mean anything is possible at this point. Jimmy it could be a third mistake. It coulbe [ light laughter ] jimmy how does it feel to i mean honestly that movie was pretty powerful, i got to be honest. It was great. It still is. Jimmy yeah. Its i mean people are still taking classes and kids and i mean, its the most proudest moment of my career. Jimmy yeah, really. I mean, the message is so poignant and its so needed right now. Jimmy yeah because you were ngs a rl. There was an understanding that math and science was for boys. No one necessarily no ones brave enough to tell you that. But there was this understanding, and, you know if id known about these women maybe i wouldnt have chose to sat in the back of the math class or science classroom because i just i was like, its not for me. So why should i be interested . And i could have been a Rocket Scientist [ light laughter ] jimmy yes. We know i know. [ cheers and applause ] i doubt it. Dont get excited. I do jimmy im so happy you didnt, because thats why youre here. You did a cool thing with your cast members. The cast mates from Hidden Figures. Whh o co that you rented out a theater. As a collective we decided to rent out theaters in neighborhoods, like in chicago. Whew, whats going on there. So i was like, you know, as a si know, raising my kid. Its hard. Its hard. Movies are no