Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 2017061

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 20170617

atlantic city, you're at 69. and what we're going to track today, warm, humid conditions with all that moisture, some possible storms. we'll talk more about it coming up in a few minutes. >> we'll see you shortly. thanks, krystal. could it be decision day? jurors in the bill cosby sex assault trial return for a sixth day of deliberations in their efforts to reach a verdict. jurors found themselves deadlocked on friday, but continue to deliberate, still asking to review the evidence presented. nbc 10's cydney long is at the montgomery county courthouse to tell us what's happening right now. cyd? >> reporter: rosemary, good morning. i can tell you the jury is reporting back to work as we speak, this on a day when the courthouse is usually locked and closed. but within moments, they will be right back at it, deciding and deliberating bill cosby's ultimate fate, this for a sixth straight day. we can tell you the attorneys just entered the courthouse. mr. cosby, i'm sorry, usually arrived about 8:40 in the morning. but right now, we are still anticipating his arrival. a jury of his peers is right now picking up where it left off last night, with additional testimony read to them. they want to her more from accuser andrea constand's police officer brother-in-law. >> mr. cosby has a few words he wants to say really quick. >> it's ban tiring, exhaustive week of work for jurors at some 52 hours of deliberations. cosby himself spoke out before going home last night with a thank you and a wish for fathers. >> i just -- i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day. and i want to thank the jury for their long days and their honest work. >> reporter: judge steven o'neil refused to grant a mistrial despite repeated attempts by cosby's defense team that this jury has tried long enough and they are weary. >> they have the power to come and say we're at a deadlock. >> reporter: retired new jersey judge michael donio says this if jury finds themselves hopelessly hung up, unable to agree on one or all of the counts, this is how it could unfold. >> they've come back, had read backs, deliberated more than a couple of days, i'm more than sure that the judge will declare a mistrial. to come back and give them that charge again after all of this time has gone by, i seriously doubt that he will do that. >> reporter: now, rosemary, it is important to note that this jury is expressing to the judge a show of tenacity. by that, i mean, they are willing to work. they are coming back to the courtroom, asking questions over the past two days since they deadlocked. you remember on thursday, they are asking to re-hear specific testimony. they do have the right to say, judge, we're stuck, and we simply cannot go further. but this judge is allowing them to work and he certainly is allowing them to do that by coming here on a saturday and not putting any time limits or time constraints on these deliberations. we will certainly key you posted. live in norristown, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> certainly a diligent jury. thank you for that, cydney. this jury has been deliberating for longer than they spent listening to the defense and prosecution lay out their cases. this case lasted 36 hours over six days. the deliberations began this past monday and have gone on now for about 52 hours. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you full coverage of the trial's outcome when it happens. you can look for our news alert on the nbc 10 app as soon as as we get a decision. new overnight, a driver hit a man in north philadelphia and then took off. the man in his 20s was struck near the sbintersection of olne and park avenue in the logan neighborhood. police did take a person into custody, but it's not clear yet if that person is facing charges. the victim, in the hospital, is recovering in the hospital. police are trying to track down the woman who stabbed a 27-year-old woman in the back in the fair hill section of north philly. it happened earlier this morning. the victim went to temple hospital. she is expected to survive. down the shore, the search is suspended for two teens missing in the water off the coast. 16-year-old ckaliyah hand and ramon quinn disappeared in the ocean in atlantic city on thursday. after a full day of searching, there were no signs of the teens. their families tell us they're heartbroke heartbroken. >> can't fathom losing your child, especially at that young of an age. it hurts. >> officials tell us that kaliyah hand got caught in a rip current just about half an hour after lifeguards went off-duty. quinn tried to save her. developing overseas this morning, seven u.s. sailors are missing following a collision between a navy destroyer and a merchant ship. a massive search is now underway for those sailors off the coast of japan. the "uss fitzgerald" had heavy damage to the right side after the crash involving a large philippine container ship last night. part of the destroyer then flooded, but it's not in danger of sunking. the ship's commanding officer along with two other members were airlifted to the hospital. president trump has been briefed on the crash and is monitoring the situation. now, overnight, the destroyer was towed back to its home port at a naval base south of tokyo. it took two tug boats and other ships to slowly move the damaged destroyer. crew members from the "uss dewey" helped to stabilize the ship before moving it. now to a new discovery in the attack on members of congress this week. investigators say they've uncovered a chilling list made by the gunman who opened fire at the congressional baseball practice. that list contains the names of house republicans. according to authorities, james hodgkinson had the list with him as he shot at members of congress in alexandria, virginia, on wednesday. the list included congressman trent franks of arizona, jeff duncan of south carolina, mo brooks of alabama, and some others who have not yet been revealed. police shot and killed hodgk hodgkinson during the attack. house majority whip steve scalise was critically wounded in that shoot. doctors say, quote, an excellent recovery is a good possibility, but added that scalise will need more surgery and rehabilitation. scalise remains in critical condition, but is improving. in washington, there was a call to unite as concern grows that president trump could fire the top investigator in the russia probe. yesterday, the top democrat in the house intelligence committee asked congress to stop the president if he tries to remove special counsel, robert mueller. now, this comes as president trump has hired another lawyer to deal with the russia investigation. john dowd joins trump's other high-profile attorney, marc kasowitz. dowd has represented other politicians, including john mccain. eight minutes past 9:00 right now on this saturday. all eyes are on the montgomery county courthouse. here's a live picture of bill cosby and his defense team arriving at court today. cydney long is on the ground there. she's going to be giving us updates throughout the morning in addition to cosby and his defense team arriving, we know that the jury is arriving, if not already there. this morning, they are looking to re-hear evidence related to an account given by andrea constand's brother-in-law. we'll have those details, coming up. plus, fire and floods. next, heavy rains wreak havoc in western pennsylvania. we'll take you there after the break. and this morning sparking some scattered showers across the region. we could see more of this as we go into the afternoon, your father's day, and the big day, monday. we'll talk more about how the big day will impact your weekend plans. here's a live view of some of those low-hanging clouds over center city. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day. miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ take a look at this video out of pittsburgh. you can see this car destroyed. it caught fire during flooding yesterday afternoon. the good news here, nobody was inside the car. that car stranded in the flood waters, it was the third straight day of flooding caused by heavy rain and it got more rain coming this weekend in pittsburgh. homeowners in omaha, nebraska, will spend today cleaning up following severe storms there. the strong winds knocked down trees and damaged houses. more than 75,000 people lost power at the height of the storm. fortunately, though, no reports of any injuries. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and unfortunately, we'll be under the threat of severe weather, but that's not for a couple more days. right now we'll talk about our current condition. here's our first alert radar view. some scattered showers across the board. zoom in a little more closely and the pockets of yellow you see, those are the pockets of heavier rain that are moving through right now. warrington to charles town, westchester, and moving out of philadelphia. let's talk high temperatures. it's going to be hot and humid this weekend. 86 for us in philadelphia today, in philadelphia. we're looking at 80 in the lehigh valley and 76 at the jersey shore. delaware, you're at 86. tomorrow, a couple degrees warmer across the board, meaning we may make it to 90 in philly. but because of the increase in humidity we expect later today and especially tomorrow, it will feel more like the mid-90s. also, notice, we've got the possibility of showers and thunderstorms both days. coming up in a few minutes, we're going to track that out with your future model. we'll also talk about that potential threat for your monday. 11 minutes past 9:00 on this saturday. we continue to monitor developments at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown. a moment ago, we saw the defense attorney in this case walk into court. before that, a little bit earlier, we saw bill cosby and some other representatives from the defense team heading inside. the jury is back today. sixth day of deliberation. they're, of course, going to be reviewing some more testimony. again, here is bill cosby coming into court. we're going to continue to keep you posted on any new developments, any new details, anymore questions that the jury may potentially have. we'll keep you posted. also ahead, we now have some more information on what killed actress carrie fisher. those details from the medical examiner's report are straight ahead. a quarter after 9:00 right now on this saturday. here is a live look at the montgomery county courthouse, where just a few moments ago, we saw bill cosby and his defense team arrive at court for the day. and then, of course, we know the jury is at court. they are going to resume deliberations. they told the judge on thursday that they were deadlocked. they are continuing to deliberate. they are continuing to ask questions. they want to review the testimony and the evidence presented in this case. a sixth day for those jurors. we don't know how long they'll be there today. we'll bring you any new developments as they happen. at this hour, all is calm on the streets of st. paul, minnesota, but overnight, more protests erupted following the not guilty verdict of the police officer in the shooting death of a black driver. officer engineje raje ran moe y acquitted. police arrested 18 protesters. it took jurors in this case four days of deliberations before finding the officer not guilty of manslaughter. last july, castile was shot five times during a traffic stop for a broken taillight. the story made national headlines after his girlfriend streamed the aftermath on facebook. castile was shot seconds after he told the officer he was carrying a gun and had a permit. yanez testified that he believed castile was reaching for the weapon. >> my son loved this city and this city killed my son. and a murderer gets away. >> them jurors did not have enough human empathy and a conscience to just do the right thi thing. >> the city of st. anthony, minnesota, now says they'll dismiss yanez, that's where he's been an officer, even though he was acquitted in the shooting. eagles wide receiver tory smith is speaking out against the acquittal saying, "it's beating a dead horse, but don't talk to me how offensive kap taking a knee was if you aren't ochffend by the philando castile case." he referenced colin kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem in the past season. dennis rodman has left north korea and is promising to return. before leaving, he said his thoughts and prayers are with the family of otto warmbier. he was released from captivity earlier this week. he arrived home in a coma. rodman also said he played no role in his release. today, fans are remembering a director who was behind two of maybe the best underdog story. one of them put philadelphia in the hollywood spotlight. actor john aveldson died last year. he talked about in an interview how he was hesitant to make "rocky," but after being urged by a friend to read the script, he fell in love. he was 81 areas old. "rocky" star sylvester stallone reacted to the director's death on social media. he said, "the great director john g.avildsen who won the oscar for directoring rocky, r.i.p., i'm sure you'll soon be directing hits in heaven." and also this morning, we're learning new details a about the death of actress carrie fisher. according to the new report, fisher had taken multiple drugs before she died, but it's not clear if those drugs contributed to her death. fisher had a medical emergency on a flight on december $23rd. s she died four days later. her mother, movie star, debbie reyno reynolds, died the very next day. >> announcer: this week's "wednesday's child" is sponsored by mealey's furniture, just what you're looking for. >> this week's wednesday's child is a compassionate team who aspires to become a nurse some day. she's hoping to find a forever family to help her achieve all of her goals. vai sikahema introduces us to anisa. >> reporter: 16-year-old anisa wants to be a nurse so we brought her here and got a private tour by the dean, lisa easterby. >> i want to go to nursing school. i like helping people. when i started toot volunte ed work and stuff and i thought, this is perfect. >> her passion is helping the elderly. she loves music, cooking, and cleaning, and she's sheeerious about her studies. >> i want somebody who's going to be there for me and support me rather than make me feel like they're just going to leave. very active, fun, they encourage me to do things. >> does she have an ideal forever family in mind? >> no. i honestly -- i don't think that the way the family setup is. it's more so their personality. maybe a sibling. i just love exotic pets. >> reporter: pets or no pets, this young lady is ready to be loved. >> i think what she would bring to a family is commitment. the vulnerability to be able to be nurtured, to allow love in. that's a really important asset when you're building a family. >> reporter: anisa is this week's wednesday's child. >> if you would like to make anisa's dream come true or the dream of any wednesday's child, go to and search wednesday's child. you can also call the national adoption center at 1-866-do-adopt. a lot to talk about these next few days. we'll start with our saturday forecast. highs right around the low to mid-80s. 86 degrees in philadelphia. it will be mostly cloudy throughout today. you can already see from the live cameras and we could see some scattered thunderstorms throughout the afternoon. 84 for the suburbs in new jersey. about 80 to 81 degrees in the lehigh valley. and delaware, up to 86 degrees. again, all of us are going to see that possibility of a pop-up thunderstorm. on our radar and satellite view right now, they've just been scattered showers moving through. you can kind of see the greens. little spots of yellows over parts of the suburbs, those are the pockets of heavier rain. we've seen a particularly strong cell that's passed through hampton. looking at some of it will heavier rain now moving that direction and then it will move on out of our viewing area. but, through the morning, into the afternoon, we may see some more spot thunderstorms develop. if you're going down to the shore or you're there are and watching right now, low '80s for rehoboth beach and bethany beach. mid-70s along cape may to avalon, 78 in atlantic city. for your shore cast, 76 to 71 degrees. that's by the delaware beaches. wave heights, 3 to 4 feets. and this is an update. the rip current risk, earlier in the day, i said moderate. actually has been updated to a hay risk. if there is not a liveguard present, it's not a good idea to get in the water. hour by hour forecast. we go through the morning hours, and this model is a little too strong with the rain, but it does show the scattered nature of the showers through today. and cthat spot thunderstorm tha may start to develop in the afternoon. this is not a washout, by any means, just a few scattered showers and thunderstorms moving by. we know this drill. some of us may see nothing. others could see a period of heavy rain move through. and then we stay mostly cloudy overnight into your father's day. father's day will be mostly cloudy through the morning hours, but mostly dry. in the afternoon, we do see some light spots of rain picking up around 3:00 p.m. near the lehigh valley. and we may, again, see an isolated thunderstorm in the afternoon. but my big concern is monday. monday, we start at 9:00 a.m. with just some rain, steady rain moving throughout the area. but as we get later in the day, a front is going to pass. that will be the energy, the lift we need for strong storms to develop. you see the deeper greens and yellows. we may have some thunderstorms, some of them strong to severe in nature passing through. there you see, cutting through even 9:00 at night, those heavy showers that may pass by. here's a quick look at your fathers day forecast. it will be a hot and humid one, near 90 degrees in the afternoon. 9:23 right now on this saturday. it is day six of jury deliberations in the bill cosby trial. this is a look at bill cosby's arrival at the courthouse within the past 20 minutes. last night, he spoke for the first time, since this trial began, telling his supporters to be calm, to be patient, and he thanked the jurors for their work thus far. we will have another live update in moments. . fire breaks out inside an abandoned supermarket and authorities are calling this one suspicious. we'll give you the details on where this happened ahead in our next half hour. i mean, if you didn't have anything to do this weekend, this would be the place to be. the firefly music festival continues today in dover, delaware. the weekend, bob dylan and dj jazzy jeff are among the performers that take to the stage today. the four-day event wraps up tomorrow. hey, i like this music, too. i'll take moat. the smith memorial playground kicked off its summer concert series last night. a jazz bound confirmed as part of kidchella in fairmount park. families enjoyed crafts and food trucks. thal be hosting concerts throughout the summer in july and august. it's a few minutes before 9:30 right now and all eyes are on the montgomery county courthouse in norristown. that's because the jury just arrived there within the past half hour, so did bill cosby and his defense team. nbc 10's cydney long has been there live all morning for us. she's got an update. cyd? >> reporter: rosemary, on a day courthouses are usually locked, the jury in the bill cosby sex assault trial is back. they are behind closed doors, as we speak, deliberating. but what happens if they simply cannot agree unanimously? we'll explain, coming up next. and a view of first alert radar. we have spots of heavier showers. the details coming up with your ten-day on 10 through the next half hour. this summer, journey into the adirondacks where campers carve through stone. and to the thousand islands, where kids can be kings. if you like big adventure, you'll love new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer getaway at jury deliberations push into the weekend. now entering their sixth day in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. first thing this morning, jurors will be in that courtroom reviewing more evidence. a live report to explain is coming up in moments. plus a hit-and-run investigation in a philadelphia neighborhood has officers very busy this morning, looking for the driver who struck a man and kept going. we will see some scattered showers and storms around the region today. we've got the details on how it may impact your father's day weekend plans, coming up in this fle first alert neighborhood forecast. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. thanks for being with us. it's just after 9:30 on this saturday. we have a lot to cover. let's get you started with our weekend weather. this is a live look right now from our eagles next camera at lincoln financial field. crews are setting up the stage for tomorrow's u2 concert. it's going to be hot and humid and we are going to see those showers and storms pass through. meteorologist krystal klei has some details for us. she's tracking those changes to our weather. krystal? >> the good news is, it is ant washout we're dealing, but we have the potential for some scattered showers and spotty thunderstorms, as well. this morning on our first alert radar, what you're looking at is mostly just showers that are passing through. not all of us getting the rain, but we have a pocket of rain passing into allentown. and just to the north, doylestown, edmon, some lighter to steady rain moving through parts of philadelphia, montgomery county, and chester county still getting a little bit right now. as we go through the day, that's going to be the picture. some pockets of heavier rain possible. temperature wise right now, pier mostly in the low 70s out there as we get into the afternoon. i don't think we'll see a huge warm-up, but we'll get to the low to mid-80s. i think in philly, some parts may make it to 85, 86 degrees at best, though, it's kind of a slow warm-up we're dealing with this morning, and that means a slower afternoon warm-up, as well. we'll talk more about the temperatures across all our neighborhoods. we'll also look at the impacts on your fathers day, coming up. >> thanks for that, krystal. after more than 50 hours of deliberations with no verdict, the jury in the bill cosby trial is back at work. the first order of business, hearing more evidence read back to them in court. cydney long is outside the courthouse in norristown with more details. >> reporter: mr. cosby arrived a few short minutes after 9:00 and right behind his defense team for what is now the sixth day of deliberations on a rare saturday session. so because this jury is back on a weekend day, a saturday, doesn't mean the jury is close to potentially reaching a verdict after some 52 hours of deliberations. and this is video of bill cosby arriving at court. a jury of his peers is right now picking up right where it left off last night, with additional testimony read to them. they want to hear more from accuser, andrea constand's police officer brother-in-law. it has been a tiring, exhaustive week of work for jurors who have been celebrated from their family for several waex neeks n. the judge refused defense's motion to grant a mistrial. they've been working hard to determine if a 2004 sexual encounter between cosby and accuser andrea constand was consensual or forced and a crime of sex assault. here's what cosby had to say before going home last night. >> mr. cosby, how are you feeling? >> i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day. and i want to thank the jury for their long day. >> at any time, they could come back and say, sorry, judge, we tried, we're hopelessly deadlocked. at that point, there'll be a mistrial. >> now, retired supreme court judge michael donio calls this jury hard working and tenacious. he says only if they're hopelessly deadlocked could the judge call this a mistrail. that could mean this entire and very costly time-consuming process would happen all over again. of course, we'll be listening and watching throughout the day today and bring you any brand-new developments as it happens, both on-air and online at for now live in norristown, montgomery county, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> thanks, cyd. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you full coverage of the trial's outcome when it happens. and make sure you have the nbc 10 app downloaded, because as soon as anything comes down, we will send out an alert. just into the nbc 10 newsroom this morning, a driver hit a pedestrian on city avenue. this happened at the intersection of presidential boulevard before 8:00. you can see a lot of police there on the scene. we know that another person was injured in this accident. it's not clear if that second person was the driver. both, in any case, were taken to the hospital. no word yet on their conditions. we'll keep you posted. new overnight, a driver hits a man in north philly and takes off. the man in his 20s was struck near the intersection of olney and park avenue in the logan neighborhood. philadelphia police tell us they did take someone into custody, but it's not clear yet if that person is facing any charges. the victim, in the meantime, is recovering in the hospital. now to the think city's homeford neighborhood, where investigators there are lacking into what they call a suspicious fire. the building on frankfort avenue was one a path mark supermarket, but it's been unoccupied for two years. firefighters tell us they found four fairs burning at different places within the store. they quick lly distinguished th. no one was hurt. let's head to delaware county. police are looking for the drooufr who slammed into this buildinged and sped off. it happened around 3:00 this morning on marshal road in upper darbi. police tell us the driver hit the apartment complex and backed up and tack off. nobody inside the building was injured. it is now up to members of the philadelphia teacher's union's to decide if a new contract will move forward. after four years without a contract, ongoing negotiations, the union and the school district reached a tentative agreement yesterday. no other details have been revealed. we did speak to school superintendent dr. william hite. he tells us if aproproved, this could mean more stability for the district, the teachers, and the students. >> very excited, because i said that at the beginning of the school year and for the last couple of years, this was a major priority and the fact that we have now reached a tentative agreement means that we've met that goal. >> the teachers union will vote on the new contract at 6:00 p.m. monday. now, if it's confirmed, it would last through the year 2020. a congressman from our area is introducing a new bill to change how colleges and universities handle hazing. this all comes in the wake of the death of a penn state fraternity pledge. pennsylvania congressman pat nian wants a clear definition of hazing and a requirement from all schools to file an annual hazing report. the bill also pushes for more education for students about the dangers of hazing. this comes following the death of 19-year-old timothy piazza. he died from his injuries after a night of drinking at the beta theta pi fraternity earlier this year. 18 students have been charged in his death. 9:38 right now on this saturday. and we are closely monitoring the development in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. here is a live look, a bird's eye view of the montgomery county courthouse. a lot of activity happening outside the across. plenty going on inside. jurors are beginning their deliberates for the day. we know that they want to hear some more evidence related to statemented made by andrea constand's brother-in-law, who is in law enforcement and helped to guide her when she initially made her report. we're going to be getting updates from our reporter on the ground, cydney long, throughout the rest of the morning and we will bring them to you. and this is a look at our weekend future model. still giving us scattered showers and even the possibility of thunderstorms. we'll track them out and talk about your father's day, coming up. y26vey y5yy welcome back. here's a look at your first alert radar. still some scattered showers, pockets of heavy rain moving through the suburbs and starting to move out of the lehigh valley. let's track this out through the rest of today. so even into 2:30 in the afternoon, we could see some isolated showers or spot thunderstorms developing. as we go from 2:30 through about 8:00 p.m., an isolated thunderstorm may still develop, especially into southern parts of our viewing area. but as we go overnight, we're going to hang with the clouds and as we go into father's day, we may get a little break from the rain before the heaviest stuff hits on monday. so coming up, we'll talk more about monday and the threats it may bring with it. a quick reminder, we, of course, are following developments in the bill cosby trial. a live look now at the montgomery county courthouse. you can see members of the media gathered outside. also this week, we've seen both supporters for bill cosby, those who support the accusers in this case, out there, as well. and there have been some clashes, but by and large, it's been calm and peaceful. we'll continue to follow the developments this morning and bring them to you as soon as they happen. let's talk some sports now. sixers may be looking to make it back-to-back years with the top pick in the nba draft. we'll show you how they're trying to trade up, so to speak, and talk to the player they may be looking to land. in the state that invented the american vacation... a legendary adventure awaits. heroes will rise. bonds will be forged. and memories will be made to last a lifetime. new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer trip at 9:45 right now on this saturday. and we continue to watch what's happening in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. here's what we know that may be going on at this hour. jurors are inside the courtroom. they are hearing some more evidence that they wanted to review. this has been going on all week. this is part of the deliberation proce process. this is a live look inside the montgomery county courthouse outside that courtroom in the hallway there. we know that jurors are taking their time. they are asking questions. they continue to deliberate. and that's important to remember in this case, that the judge has said, these deliberations can go on for as long as the jury wants to continue to consider the information, the evidence that was presented to them. we will continue to watch this and we will, of course, bring you any updates and developments as soon as they happen. for our regular saturday viewers, you know that this is the time of the morning when we chat with our friends over at act philly, amy dormany about clearing the shelters. thanks for being with us. >> we love coming. >> and this is harmony here that loves krystal. all the dogs that come in, they go straight to krystal. >> so seems like a friendly fellow here. >> very friendly. ha he's come a long way since he arrived at the shelter. he was pretty nervous, scared. a good samaritan found him running in traffic and saved him and brought him to us. our volunteers have been working him and now he's nice and happy and confident and loves people. >> i can tell that. >> he's got to pit bull in him that makes him want to cuddle and love haul attention. he's been jumping up and trying to be a lap tdog all morning. >> any idea how old he might be? >> i think he's about 2 to 3 years old and he's very loving. he seems to love everyone he meets. we're very happy with the progress he's made. he's okay with other dogs, not amazing. but i think if someone comes in and brings their dog to meet him, it's possible -- >> it's possible. >> yeah, it has to be the right dong. >> i think he found traces of breakfast on my hand. interested in that. so some interesting specials happening this weekend. >> yeah, it's our real men love pets adoption special in honor of dads of furry pets, babies, and human babies. all of our adult animals are fee waived saturday and sunday. >> today, if you want to head out, 10:00. yep, 10:00 to 5:00 today and tomorrow, you can adopt a guy like this guy and all our cats as well are half price. >> so harley will be at the shelter. once you head out of here, that's where you're headed. >> that's right. it's actually parley. >> i'm thinking it's harley like harley davidson. par p parley. >> who came up with parley? >> i don't know. someone got fancy at the shelter. we have so many dogs, we've got to try to find a theme. >> i can say for your dad special, being a dog dad or a dog mom is very, very fun. so to someone who's thinking about it right now watching at home. >> if you can't make it out to the shelter, you want to get a little bit more information before you do go, we've got their information. give them a call, 2467-385-3800, amy amy, thank you for coming in. and thank you, parley. >> thanks for having us. >> announcer: this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity, x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> hey, i'm john clark from csn. big sixers news. multiple reports say the sixers are really deep in talks with the celtics to trade up for the number one overall pick in the nba draft. it is next thursday night. and one report says they have agreed in principle. the report says the sixers would take this guy, markelle fultz. here he is in april coming out of a sixers tunnel. did he know something? he watched the sixers game that night courtside and he like what had he saw. he's a point guard from washington. he also can shoot it. he told us then, no doubt he would be the number one pick. >> i might have a chance to go here, so i want to come out and see how they play and the atmosphere. >> you came out of the sixers' tunnel when you came out here. could you picture that happening in the future? >> oh, man, i could see it happening. i think it would be a great experience. so it'll be cool. >> the sixers will work out fox today. they reportedly worked out josh jackson yesterday in sacramento. phillies last night were going for two straight wins. arizona diamondbacks in town. take a look at this play by freddy galvis. runner on first in the first. freddy, quick reaction, steps on second, quick throw for the double play. that is gorgeous defense. phillies down 2-1 in the fifth. catcher cameron rupp ties it up. solo home run, fifth of the season, so we are tied up at two. in the sixth, maikel frankel with two on, that's an 0-2 pitch, so herrera scores easily, aaron scores easily. phillies up 4-2, looking good. but in the seventh, the other team's blanco, gleregor blanco, ties it right back up. two-run shot. diamondbacks also add a sacked fly, phillies lose 5-4. they have lost 9 of 10. the flyers have traded nick cousins to the coyotes for a fifth round draft pick and a prospect. the nhl draft is less than one week away, next friday night. and there is a consensus, this is a two-player draft. ron hextall is playing a little poker like all the over gms right now. he says all the options for the flyers are open. >> yeah, there's a consensus top two. but look back at the history of the draft, there's been a lot of consensus top whatever. and you look and you go, my god. so, you've got to be really careful with consensus. >> all right. i am john clark for csn. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and we'll start with a lack at our first alert radar. you can see still some of those scattered showers that are moving through. mostly, now, the suburbs and into the lehigh valley. most of it starting to mauve out of the lehigh valley and out of our viewing area. hats faeld in hatsfield into buckingham, looking at rain. norristown, you've been getting in and out of some of the heavier pockets as well. don't be surprised by a brief 10 to 15-minute heavier downpour and right on to the next neighborhood. not going to be long lasting. as we get into the afternoon, we saw a few minutes ago on our future model, we might have some scattered thunderstorms. not a washout. a lot of us should stay in the lower 80s, right around 79 in doylestown and 84 in lansdale. allentown, you're up to about 80 degrees. 84 in vorhees. only 76 for atlantic city and 86 in wilmington. we will notice cooler conditions at the shore. we'll actually have a strong onshore wind which means a high risk for rip currents. tomorrow, a little breezy. in philadelphia, about 83 at lunchtime. possibly an isolated afternoon thunderstorm and hot humid conditions. upper 80s to around 90 degrees for the forecast high. in the suburbs, 82 in the afternoon, for the suburbs, we may see some scattered to isolated thunderstorms near parts of the lehigh valley. 83 at 4:00 p.m., was nothing widespread. in fact, less of a chance tomorrow for father's day. in delaware, 77 at 8:00 a.m. 75 in new jerseys to the upper 80s in the afternoon. hot and humid, as well. and there you go along the shore, along the upper 70s, close to 80 degrees in the afternoon. should mostly stay dry for father's day at the shore. but likelihood is we'll still see that risk for rip currents. hour-by-hour forecast, now we're going to talk about monday. this is the threat zone we're looking at. we go through the overnight, and you can see how we're mostly clear. by the late morning hours monday, we start to pull in some rain. and by the afternoon hours, heavier rain is possible as a cold front preapproaches. a lot of strength with this system. that means there's the possibility for strong to severe thunderstorms. and you can see that line cut right through philadelphia. we're actually at this point under an enhanced risk for severe thunderstorms. tall th all that means for us at home, you need to know the possibility of damaging wind and hail in the forecast for monday. we'll talk more about this as we get closer with your ten-day on 10 in a few minutes. before we leave you this morning, here's another live look just outside the courtroom at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown, where the bill cosby sex assault trial continues. jurors are back for a sixth day to deliberate. they continue to ask questions, continue to want to review the testimony and the evidence presented. they have been deliberating longer than the prosecution and the defense presented their cases. this has been described as a diligent jury, certainly fulfilling their civic duty. and also before we leave you, one last look and discussion of our weather. krystal? >> and we are looking at some in and out showers and thunderstorms possible, especially this afternoon. maybe an isolated thunderstorm tomorrow for your father's day, but it is hot and humid this weekend. stay hydrated if you'll be outside with family. have plans to go inside if necessary. monday is a big rainy day where we could see strong to severe thunderstorms. this is a reason to track our newscast. it could mean damaging conditions with those winds. >> our first alert weather team will be staying on top of that. and we'll be staying on top of the bill cosby trial. be sure to tune in here to nbc 10. 'm alicia quarles, in for sara gore, and this is "open house." this week we explore impressive waterfront estates. we're in greenwich, connecticut to tour an award-winning home with a private dock and a california contemporary on hermosa beach, but first, a tuscan-style stunner in sunny malibu. the most magnificent element of this room is the spectacular view of the malibu coastline. [music playing] welcome to "open house." i'm alicia quarles, and it's my pleasure to be in for sara gore while she's away. as a huge fan of interior design, architecture, and of course beautiful homes, "open house" is my can't-miss show. right now, i'm coming to you from a unique duplex in west chelsea right next to the high line. wait until you see this place. i was blown away by the great height

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 20170617 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 20170617

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atlantic city, you're at 69. and what we're going to track today, warm, humid conditions with all that moisture, some possible storms. we'll talk more about it coming up in a few minutes. >> we'll see you shortly. thanks, krystal. could it be decision day? jurors in the bill cosby sex assault trial return for a sixth day of deliberations in their efforts to reach a verdict. jurors found themselves deadlocked on friday, but continue to deliberate, still asking to review the evidence presented. nbc 10's cydney long is at the montgomery county courthouse to tell us what's happening right now. cyd? >> reporter: rosemary, good morning. i can tell you the jury is reporting back to work as we speak, this on a day when the courthouse is usually locked and closed. but within moments, they will be right back at it, deciding and deliberating bill cosby's ultimate fate, this for a sixth straight day. we can tell you the attorneys just entered the courthouse. mr. cosby, i'm sorry, usually arrived about 8:40 in the morning. but right now, we are still anticipating his arrival. a jury of his peers is right now picking up where it left off last night, with additional testimony read to them. they want to her more from accuser andrea constand's police officer brother-in-law. >> mr. cosby has a few words he wants to say really quick. >> it's ban tiring, exhaustive week of work for jurors at some 52 hours of deliberations. cosby himself spoke out before going home last night with a thank you and a wish for fathers. >> i just -- i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day. and i want to thank the jury for their long days and their honest work. >> reporter: judge steven o'neil refused to grant a mistrial despite repeated attempts by cosby's defense team that this jury has tried long enough and they are weary. >> they have the power to come and say we're at a deadlock. >> reporter: retired new jersey judge michael donio says this if jury finds themselves hopelessly hung up, unable to agree on one or all of the counts, this is how it could unfold. >> they've come back, had read backs, deliberated more than a couple of days, i'm more than sure that the judge will declare a mistrial. to come back and give them that charge again after all of this time has gone by, i seriously doubt that he will do that. >> reporter: now, rosemary, it is important to note that this jury is expressing to the judge a show of tenacity. by that, i mean, they are willing to work. they are coming back to the courtroom, asking questions over the past two days since they deadlocked. you remember on thursday, they are asking to re-hear specific testimony. they do have the right to say, judge, we're stuck, and we simply cannot go further. but this judge is allowing them to work and he certainly is allowing them to do that by coming here on a saturday and not putting any time limits or time constraints on these deliberations. we will certainly key you posted. live in norristown, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> certainly a diligent jury. thank you for that, cydney. this jury has been deliberating for longer than they spent listening to the defense and prosecution lay out their cases. this case lasted 36 hours over six days. the deliberations began this past monday and have gone on now for about 52 hours. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you full coverage of the trial's outcome when it happens. you can look for our news alert on the nbc 10 app as soon as as we get a decision. new overnight, a driver hit a man in north philadelphia and then took off. the man in his 20s was struck near the sbintersection of olne and park avenue in the logan neighborhood. police did take a person into custody, but it's not clear yet if that person is facing charges. the victim, in the hospital, is recovering in the hospital. police are trying to track down the woman who stabbed a 27-year-old woman in the back in the fair hill section of north philly. it happened earlier this morning. the victim went to temple hospital. she is expected to survive. down the shore, the search is suspended for two teens missing in the water off the coast. 16-year-old ckaliyah hand and ramon quinn disappeared in the ocean in atlantic city on thursday. after a full day of searching, there were no signs of the teens. their families tell us they're heartbroke heartbroken. >> can't fathom losing your child, especially at that young of an age. it hurts. >> officials tell us that kaliyah hand got caught in a rip current just about half an hour after lifeguards went off-duty. quinn tried to save her. developing overseas this morning, seven u.s. sailors are missing following a collision between a navy destroyer and a merchant ship. a massive search is now underway for those sailors off the coast of japan. the "uss fitzgerald" had heavy damage to the right side after the crash involving a large philippine container ship last night. part of the destroyer then flooded, but it's not in danger of sunking. the ship's commanding officer along with two other members were airlifted to the hospital. president trump has been briefed on the crash and is monitoring the situation. now, overnight, the destroyer was towed back to its home port at a naval base south of tokyo. it took two tug boats and other ships to slowly move the damaged destroyer. crew members from the "uss dewey" helped to stabilize the ship before moving it. now to a new discovery in the attack on members of congress this week. investigators say they've uncovered a chilling list made by the gunman who opened fire at the congressional baseball practice. that list contains the names of house republicans. according to authorities, james hodgkinson had the list with him as he shot at members of congress in alexandria, virginia, on wednesday. the list included congressman trent franks of arizona, jeff duncan of south carolina, mo brooks of alabama, and some others who have not yet been revealed. police shot and killed hodgk hodgkinson during the attack. house majority whip steve scalise was critically wounded in that shoot. doctors say, quote, an excellent recovery is a good possibility, but added that scalise will need more surgery and rehabilitation. scalise remains in critical condition, but is improving. in washington, there was a call to unite as concern grows that president trump could fire the top investigator in the russia probe. yesterday, the top democrat in the house intelligence committee asked congress to stop the president if he tries to remove special counsel, robert mueller. now, this comes as president trump has hired another lawyer to deal with the russia investigation. john dowd joins trump's other high-profile attorney, marc kasowitz. dowd has represented other politicians, including john mccain. eight minutes past 9:00 right now on this saturday. all eyes are on the montgomery county courthouse. here's a live picture of bill cosby and his defense team arriving at court today. cydney long is on the ground there. she's going to be giving us updates throughout the morning in addition to cosby and his defense team arriving, we know that the jury is arriving, if not already there. this morning, they are looking to re-hear evidence related to an account given by andrea constand's brother-in-law. we'll have those details, coming up. plus, fire and floods. next, heavy rains wreak havoc in western pennsylvania. we'll take you there after the break. and this morning sparking some scattered showers across the region. we could see more of this as we go into the afternoon, your father's day, and the big day, monday. we'll talk more about how the big day will impact your weekend plans. here's a live view of some of those low-hanging clouds over center city. it takes a lot of people to make a good school day. miss hoffman gets us there safe every time. mrs. migliaccio teaches us all about fractions - and haikus - and the erie canal! miss reeves makes us sound amazing. and miss santoro always takes time to see how we're doing. miss simpkins keeps our school looking great. recess wouldn't be recess without miss basile. and mrs. mccarthy always has tons of good books to read. which makes for a pretty good day at school. ♪ take a look at this video out of pittsburgh. you can see this car destroyed. it caught fire during flooding yesterday afternoon. the good news here, nobody was inside the car. that car stranded in the flood waters, it was the third straight day of flooding caused by heavy rain and it got more rain coming this weekend in pittsburgh. homeowners in omaha, nebraska, will spend today cleaning up following severe storms there. the strong winds knocked down trees and damaged houses. more than 75,000 people lost power at the height of the storm. fortunately, though, no reports of any injuries. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and unfortunately, we'll be under the threat of severe weather, but that's not for a couple more days. right now we'll talk about our current condition. here's our first alert radar view. some scattered showers across the board. zoom in a little more closely and the pockets of yellow you see, those are the pockets of heavier rain that are moving through right now. warrington to charles town, westchester, and moving out of philadelphia. let's talk high temperatures. it's going to be hot and humid this weekend. 86 for us in philadelphia today, in philadelphia. we're looking at 80 in the lehigh valley and 76 at the jersey shore. delaware, you're at 86. tomorrow, a couple degrees warmer across the board, meaning we may make it to 90 in philly. but because of the increase in humidity we expect later today and especially tomorrow, it will feel more like the mid-90s. also, notice, we've got the possibility of showers and thunderstorms both days. coming up in a few minutes, we're going to track that out with your future model. we'll also talk about that potential threat for your monday. 11 minutes past 9:00 on this saturday. we continue to monitor developments at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown. a moment ago, we saw the defense attorney in this case walk into court. before that, a little bit earlier, we saw bill cosby and some other representatives from the defense team heading inside. the jury is back today. sixth day of deliberation. they're, of course, going to be reviewing some more testimony. again, here is bill cosby coming into court. we're going to continue to keep you posted on any new developments, any new details, anymore questions that the jury may potentially have. we'll keep you posted. also ahead, we now have some more information on what killed actress carrie fisher. those details from the medical examiner's report are straight ahead. a quarter after 9:00 right now on this saturday. here is a live look at the montgomery county courthouse, where just a few moments ago, we saw bill cosby and his defense team arrive at court for the day. and then, of course, we know the jury is at court. they are going to resume deliberations. they told the judge on thursday that they were deadlocked. they are continuing to deliberate. they are continuing to ask questions. they want to review the testimony and the evidence presented in this case. a sixth day for those jurors. we don't know how long they'll be there today. we'll bring you any new developments as they happen. at this hour, all is calm on the streets of st. paul, minnesota, but overnight, more protests erupted following the not guilty verdict of the police officer in the shooting death of a black driver. officer engineje raje ran moe y acquitted. police arrested 18 protesters. it took jurors in this case four days of deliberations before finding the officer not guilty of manslaughter. last july, castile was shot five times during a traffic stop for a broken taillight. the story made national headlines after his girlfriend streamed the aftermath on facebook. castile was shot seconds after he told the officer he was carrying a gun and had a permit. yanez testified that he believed castile was reaching for the weapon. >> my son loved this city and this city killed my son. and a murderer gets away. >> them jurors did not have enough human empathy and a conscience to just do the right thi thing. >> the city of st. anthony, minnesota, now says they'll dismiss yanez, that's where he's been an officer, even though he was acquitted in the shooting. eagles wide receiver tory smith is speaking out against the acquittal saying, "it's beating a dead horse, but don't talk to me how offensive kap taking a knee was if you aren't ochffend by the philando castile case." he referenced colin kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem in the past season. dennis rodman has left north korea and is promising to return. before leaving, he said his thoughts and prayers are with the family of otto warmbier. he was released from captivity earlier this week. he arrived home in a coma. rodman also said he played no role in his release. today, fans are remembering a director who was behind two of maybe the best underdog story. one of them put philadelphia in the hollywood spotlight. actor john aveldson died last year. he talked about in an interview how he was hesitant to make "rocky," but after being urged by a friend to read the script, he fell in love. he was 81 areas old. "rocky" star sylvester stallone reacted to the director's death on social media. he said, "the great director john g.avildsen who won the oscar for directoring rocky, r.i.p., i'm sure you'll soon be directing hits in heaven." and also this morning, we're learning new details a about the death of actress carrie fisher. according to the new report, fisher had taken multiple drugs before she died, but it's not clear if those drugs contributed to her death. fisher had a medical emergency on a flight on december $23rd. s she died four days later. her mother, movie star, debbie reyno reynolds, died the very next day. >> announcer: this week's "wednesday's child" is sponsored by mealey's furniture, just what you're looking for. >> this week's wednesday's child is a compassionate team who aspires to become a nurse some day. she's hoping to find a forever family to help her achieve all of her goals. vai sikahema introduces us to anisa. >> reporter: 16-year-old anisa wants to be a nurse so we brought her here and got a private tour by the dean, lisa easterby. >> i want to go to nursing school. i like helping people. when i started toot volunte ed work and stuff and i thought, this is perfect. >> her passion is helping the elderly. she loves music, cooking, and cleaning, and she's sheeerious about her studies. >> i want somebody who's going to be there for me and support me rather than make me feel like they're just going to leave. very active, fun, they encourage me to do things. >> does she have an ideal forever family in mind? >> no. i honestly -- i don't think that the way the family setup is. it's more so their personality. maybe a sibling. i just love exotic pets. >> reporter: pets or no pets, this young lady is ready to be loved. >> i think what she would bring to a family is commitment. the vulnerability to be able to be nurtured, to allow love in. that's a really important asset when you're building a family. >> reporter: anisa is this week's wednesday's child. >> if you would like to make anisa's dream come true or the dream of any wednesday's child, go to and search wednesday's child. you can also call the national adoption center at 1-866-do-adopt. a lot to talk about these next few days. we'll start with our saturday forecast. highs right around the low to mid-80s. 86 degrees in philadelphia. it will be mostly cloudy throughout today. you can already see from the live cameras and we could see some scattered thunderstorms throughout the afternoon. 84 for the suburbs in new jersey. about 80 to 81 degrees in the lehigh valley. and delaware, up to 86 degrees. again, all of us are going to see that possibility of a pop-up thunderstorm. on our radar and satellite view right now, they've just been scattered showers moving through. you can kind of see the greens. little spots of yellows over parts of the suburbs, those are the pockets of heavier rain. we've seen a particularly strong cell that's passed through hampton. looking at some of it will heavier rain now moving that direction and then it will move on out of our viewing area. but, through the morning, into the afternoon, we may see some more spot thunderstorms develop. if you're going down to the shore or you're there are and watching right now, low '80s for rehoboth beach and bethany beach. mid-70s along cape may to avalon, 78 in atlantic city. for your shore cast, 76 to 71 degrees. that's by the delaware beaches. wave heights, 3 to 4 feets. and this is an update. the rip current risk, earlier in the day, i said moderate. actually has been updated to a hay risk. if there is not a liveguard present, it's not a good idea to get in the water. hour by hour forecast. we go through the morning hours, and this model is a little too strong with the rain, but it does show the scattered nature of the showers through today. and cthat spot thunderstorm tha may start to develop in the afternoon. this is not a washout, by any means, just a few scattered showers and thunderstorms moving by. we know this drill. some of us may see nothing. others could see a period of heavy rain move through. and then we stay mostly cloudy overnight into your father's day. father's day will be mostly cloudy through the morning hours, but mostly dry. in the afternoon, we do see some light spots of rain picking up around 3:00 p.m. near the lehigh valley. and we may, again, see an isolated thunderstorm in the afternoon. but my big concern is monday. monday, we start at 9:00 a.m. with just some rain, steady rain moving throughout the area. but as we get later in the day, a front is going to pass. that will be the energy, the lift we need for strong storms to develop. you see the deeper greens and yellows. we may have some thunderstorms, some of them strong to severe in nature passing through. there you see, cutting through even 9:00 at night, those heavy showers that may pass by. here's a quick look at your fathers day forecast. it will be a hot and humid one, near 90 degrees in the afternoon. 9:23 right now on this saturday. it is day six of jury deliberations in the bill cosby trial. this is a look at bill cosby's arrival at the courthouse within the past 20 minutes. last night, he spoke for the first time, since this trial began, telling his supporters to be calm, to be patient, and he thanked the jurors for their work thus far. we will have another live update in moments. . fire breaks out inside an abandoned supermarket and authorities are calling this one suspicious. we'll give you the details on where this happened ahead in our next half hour. i mean, if you didn't have anything to do this weekend, this would be the place to be. the firefly music festival continues today in dover, delaware. the weekend, bob dylan and dj jazzy jeff are among the performers that take to the stage today. the four-day event wraps up tomorrow. hey, i like this music, too. i'll take moat. the smith memorial playground kicked off its summer concert series last night. a jazz bound confirmed as part of kidchella in fairmount park. families enjoyed crafts and food trucks. thal be hosting concerts throughout the summer in july and august. it's a few minutes before 9:30 right now and all eyes are on the montgomery county courthouse in norristown. that's because the jury just arrived there within the past half hour, so did bill cosby and his defense team. nbc 10's cydney long has been there live all morning for us. she's got an update. cyd? >> reporter: rosemary, on a day courthouses are usually locked, the jury in the bill cosby sex assault trial is back. they are behind closed doors, as we speak, deliberating. but what happens if they simply cannot agree unanimously? we'll explain, coming up next. and a view of first alert radar. we have spots of heavier showers. the details coming up with your ten-day on 10 through the next half hour. this summer, journey into the adirondacks where campers carve through stone. and to the thousand islands, where kids can be kings. if you like big adventure, you'll love new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer getaway at jury deliberations push into the weekend. now entering their sixth day in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. first thing this morning, jurors will be in that courtroom reviewing more evidence. a live report to explain is coming up in moments. plus a hit-and-run investigation in a philadelphia neighborhood has officers very busy this morning, looking for the driver who struck a man and kept going. we will see some scattered showers and storms around the region today. we've got the details on how it may impact your father's day weekend plans, coming up in this fle first alert neighborhood forecast. good morning. this is nbc 10 news today. i'm rosemary connors. thanks for being with us. it's just after 9:30 on this saturday. we have a lot to cover. let's get you started with our weekend weather. this is a live look right now from our eagles next camera at lincoln financial field. crews are setting up the stage for tomorrow's u2 concert. it's going to be hot and humid and we are going to see those showers and storms pass through. meteorologist krystal klei has some details for us. she's tracking those changes to our weather. krystal? >> the good news is, it is ant washout we're dealing, but we have the potential for some scattered showers and spotty thunderstorms, as well. this morning on our first alert radar, what you're looking at is mostly just showers that are passing through. not all of us getting the rain, but we have a pocket of rain passing into allentown. and just to the north, doylestown, edmon, some lighter to steady rain moving through parts of philadelphia, montgomery county, and chester county still getting a little bit right now. as we go through the day, that's going to be the picture. some pockets of heavier rain possible. temperature wise right now, pier mostly in the low 70s out there as we get into the afternoon. i don't think we'll see a huge warm-up, but we'll get to the low to mid-80s. i think in philly, some parts may make it to 85, 86 degrees at best, though, it's kind of a slow warm-up we're dealing with this morning, and that means a slower afternoon warm-up, as well. we'll talk more about the temperatures across all our neighborhoods. we'll also look at the impacts on your fathers day, coming up. >> thanks for that, krystal. after more than 50 hours of deliberations with no verdict, the jury in the bill cosby trial is back at work. the first order of business, hearing more evidence read back to them in court. cydney long is outside the courthouse in norristown with more details. >> reporter: mr. cosby arrived a few short minutes after 9:00 and right behind his defense team for what is now the sixth day of deliberations on a rare saturday session. so because this jury is back on a weekend day, a saturday, doesn't mean the jury is close to potentially reaching a verdict after some 52 hours of deliberations. and this is video of bill cosby arriving at court. a jury of his peers is right now picking up right where it left off last night, with additional testimony read to them. they want to hear more from accuser, andrea constand's police officer brother-in-law. it has been a tiring, exhaustive week of work for jurors who have been celebrated from their family for several waex neeks n. the judge refused defense's motion to grant a mistrial. they've been working hard to determine if a 2004 sexual encounter between cosby and accuser andrea constand was consensual or forced and a crime of sex assault. here's what cosby had to say before going home last night. >> mr. cosby, how are you feeling? >> i just want to wish all of the fathers a happy father's day. and i want to thank the jury for their long day. >> at any time, they could come back and say, sorry, judge, we tried, we're hopelessly deadlocked. at that point, there'll be a mistrial. >> now, retired supreme court judge michael donio calls this jury hard working and tenacious. he says only if they're hopelessly deadlocked could the judge call this a mistrail. that could mean this entire and very costly time-consuming process would happen all over again. of course, we'll be listening and watching throughout the day today and bring you any brand-new developments as it happens, both on-air and online at for now live in norristown, montgomery county, i'm cydney long, nbc 10 news. >> thanks, cyd. you can count on nbc 10 to bring you full coverage of the trial's outcome when it happens. and make sure you have the nbc 10 app downloaded, because as soon as anything comes down, we will send out an alert. just into the nbc 10 newsroom this morning, a driver hit a pedestrian on city avenue. this happened at the intersection of presidential boulevard before 8:00. you can see a lot of police there on the scene. we know that another person was injured in this accident. it's not clear if that second person was the driver. both, in any case, were taken to the hospital. no word yet on their conditions. we'll keep you posted. new overnight, a driver hits a man in north philly and takes off. the man in his 20s was struck near the intersection of olney and park avenue in the logan neighborhood. philadelphia police tell us they did take someone into custody, but it's not clear yet if that person is facing any charges. the victim, in the meantime, is recovering in the hospital. now to the think city's homeford neighborhood, where investigators there are lacking into what they call a suspicious fire. the building on frankfort avenue was one a path mark supermarket, but it's been unoccupied for two years. firefighters tell us they found four fairs burning at different places within the store. they quick lly distinguished th. no one was hurt. let's head to delaware county. police are looking for the drooufr who slammed into this buildinged and sped off. it happened around 3:00 this morning on marshal road in upper darbi. police tell us the driver hit the apartment complex and backed up and tack off. nobody inside the building was injured. it is now up to members of the philadelphia teacher's union's to decide if a new contract will move forward. after four years without a contract, ongoing negotiations, the union and the school district reached a tentative agreement yesterday. no other details have been revealed. we did speak to school superintendent dr. william hite. he tells us if aproproved, this could mean more stability for the district, the teachers, and the students. >> very excited, because i said that at the beginning of the school year and for the last couple of years, this was a major priority and the fact that we have now reached a tentative agreement means that we've met that goal. >> the teachers union will vote on the new contract at 6:00 p.m. monday. now, if it's confirmed, it would last through the year 2020. a congressman from our area is introducing a new bill to change how colleges and universities handle hazing. this all comes in the wake of the death of a penn state fraternity pledge. pennsylvania congressman pat nian wants a clear definition of hazing and a requirement from all schools to file an annual hazing report. the bill also pushes for more education for students about the dangers of hazing. this comes following the death of 19-year-old timothy piazza. he died from his injuries after a night of drinking at the beta theta pi fraternity earlier this year. 18 students have been charged in his death. 9:38 right now on this saturday. and we are closely monitoring the development in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. here is a live look, a bird's eye view of the montgomery county courthouse. a lot of activity happening outside the across. plenty going on inside. jurors are beginning their deliberates for the day. we know that they want to hear some more evidence related to statemented made by andrea constand's brother-in-law, who is in law enforcement and helped to guide her when she initially made her report. we're going to be getting updates from our reporter on the ground, cydney long, throughout the rest of the morning and we will bring them to you. and this is a look at our weekend future model. still giving us scattered showers and even the possibility of thunderstorms. we'll track them out and talk about your father's day, coming up. y26vey y5yy welcome back. here's a look at your first alert radar. still some scattered showers, pockets of heavy rain moving through the suburbs and starting to move out of the lehigh valley. let's track this out through the rest of today. so even into 2:30 in the afternoon, we could see some isolated showers or spot thunderstorms developing. as we go from 2:30 through about 8:00 p.m., an isolated thunderstorm may still develop, especially into southern parts of our viewing area. but as we go overnight, we're going to hang with the clouds and as we go into father's day, we may get a little break from the rain before the heaviest stuff hits on monday. so coming up, we'll talk more about monday and the threats it may bring with it. a quick reminder, we, of course, are following developments in the bill cosby trial. a live look now at the montgomery county courthouse. you can see members of the media gathered outside. also this week, we've seen both supporters for bill cosby, those who support the accusers in this case, out there, as well. and there have been some clashes, but by and large, it's been calm and peaceful. we'll continue to follow the developments this morning and bring them to you as soon as they happen. let's talk some sports now. sixers may be looking to make it back-to-back years with the top pick in the nba draft. we'll show you how they're trying to trade up, so to speak, and talk to the player they may be looking to land. in the state that invented the american vacation... a legendary adventure awaits. heroes will rise. bonds will be forged. and memories will be made to last a lifetime. new york state. it's all here. it's only here. plan your summer trip at 9:45 right now on this saturday. and we continue to watch what's happening in the bill cosby sexual assault trial. here's what we know that may be going on at this hour. jurors are inside the courtroom. they are hearing some more evidence that they wanted to review. this has been going on all week. this is part of the deliberation proce process. this is a live look inside the montgomery county courthouse outside that courtroom in the hallway there. we know that jurors are taking their time. they are asking questions. they continue to deliberate. and that's important to remember in this case, that the judge has said, these deliberations can go on for as long as the jury wants to continue to consider the information, the evidence that was presented to them. we will continue to watch this and we will, of course, bring you any updates and developments as soon as they happen. for our regular saturday viewers, you know that this is the time of the morning when we chat with our friends over at act philly, amy dormany about clearing the shelters. thanks for being with us. >> we love coming. >> and this is harmony here that loves krystal. all the dogs that come in, they go straight to krystal. >> so seems like a friendly fellow here. >> very friendly. ha he's come a long way since he arrived at the shelter. he was pretty nervous, scared. a good samaritan found him running in traffic and saved him and brought him to us. our volunteers have been working him and now he's nice and happy and confident and loves people. >> i can tell that. >> he's got to pit bull in him that makes him want to cuddle and love haul attention. he's been jumping up and trying to be a lap tdog all morning. >> any idea how old he might be? >> i think he's about 2 to 3 years old and he's very loving. he seems to love everyone he meets. we're very happy with the progress he's made. he's okay with other dogs, not amazing. but i think if someone comes in and brings their dog to meet him, it's possible -- >> it's possible. >> yeah, it has to be the right dong. >> i think he found traces of breakfast on my hand. interested in that. so some interesting specials happening this weekend. >> yeah, it's our real men love pets adoption special in honor of dads of furry pets, babies, and human babies. all of our adult animals are fee waived saturday and sunday. >> today, if you want to head out, 10:00. yep, 10:00 to 5:00 today and tomorrow, you can adopt a guy like this guy and all our cats as well are half price. >> so harley will be at the shelter. once you head out of here, that's where you're headed. >> that's right. it's actually parley. >> i'm thinking it's harley like harley davidson. par p parley. >> who came up with parley? >> i don't know. someone got fancy at the shelter. we have so many dogs, we've got to try to find a theme. >> i can say for your dad special, being a dog dad or a dog mom is very, very fun. so to someone who's thinking about it right now watching at home. >> if you can't make it out to the shelter, you want to get a little bit more information before you do go, we've got their information. give them a call, 2467-385-3800, amy amy, thank you for coming in. and thank you, parley. >> thanks for having us. >> announcer: this is sports desk brought to you by xfinity, x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> hey, i'm john clark from csn. big sixers news. multiple reports say the sixers are really deep in talks with the celtics to trade up for the number one overall pick in the nba draft. it is next thursday night. and one report says they have agreed in principle. the report says the sixers would take this guy, markelle fultz. here he is in april coming out of a sixers tunnel. did he know something? he watched the sixers game that night courtside and he like what had he saw. he's a point guard from washington. he also can shoot it. he told us then, no doubt he would be the number one pick. >> i might have a chance to go here, so i want to come out and see how they play and the atmosphere. >> you came out of the sixers' tunnel when you came out here. could you picture that happening in the future? >> oh, man, i could see it happening. i think it would be a great experience. so it'll be cool. >> the sixers will work out fox today. they reportedly worked out josh jackson yesterday in sacramento. phillies last night were going for two straight wins. arizona diamondbacks in town. take a look at this play by freddy galvis. runner on first in the first. freddy, quick reaction, steps on second, quick throw for the double play. that is gorgeous defense. phillies down 2-1 in the fifth. catcher cameron rupp ties it up. solo home run, fifth of the season, so we are tied up at two. in the sixth, maikel frankel with two on, that's an 0-2 pitch, so herrera scores easily, aaron scores easily. phillies up 4-2, looking good. but in the seventh, the other team's blanco, gleregor blanco, ties it right back up. two-run shot. diamondbacks also add a sacked fly, phillies lose 5-4. they have lost 9 of 10. the flyers have traded nick cousins to the coyotes for a fifth round draft pick and a prospect. the nhl draft is less than one week away, next friday night. and there is a consensus, this is a two-player draft. ron hextall is playing a little poker like all the over gms right now. he says all the options for the flyers are open. >> yeah, there's a consensus top two. but look back at the history of the draft, there's been a lot of consensus top whatever. and you look and you go, my god. so, you've got to be really careful with consensus. >> all right. i am john clark for csn. >> announcer: now your nbc 10 first alert weather. >> and we'll start with a lack at our first alert radar. you can see still some of those scattered showers that are moving through. mostly, now, the suburbs and into the lehigh valley. most of it starting to mauve out of the lehigh valley and out of our viewing area. hats faeld in hatsfield into buckingham, looking at rain. norristown, you've been getting in and out of some of the heavier pockets as well. don't be surprised by a brief 10 to 15-minute heavier downpour and right on to the next neighborhood. not going to be long lasting. as we get into the afternoon, we saw a few minutes ago on our future model, we might have some scattered thunderstorms. not a washout. a lot of us should stay in the lower 80s, right around 79 in doylestown and 84 in lansdale. allentown, you're up to about 80 degrees. 84 in vorhees. only 76 for atlantic city and 86 in wilmington. we will notice cooler conditions at the shore. we'll actually have a strong onshore wind which means a high risk for rip currents. tomorrow, a little breezy. in philadelphia, about 83 at lunchtime. possibly an isolated afternoon thunderstorm and hot humid conditions. upper 80s to around 90 degrees for the forecast high. in the suburbs, 82 in the afternoon, for the suburbs, we may see some scattered to isolated thunderstorms near parts of the lehigh valley. 83 at 4:00 p.m., was nothing widespread. in fact, less of a chance tomorrow for father's day. in delaware, 77 at 8:00 a.m. 75 in new jerseys to the upper 80s in the afternoon. hot and humid, as well. and there you go along the shore, along the upper 70s, close to 80 degrees in the afternoon. should mostly stay dry for father's day at the shore. but likelihood is we'll still see that risk for rip currents. hour-by-hour forecast, now we're going to talk about monday. this is the threat zone we're looking at. we go through the overnight, and you can see how we're mostly clear. by the late morning hours monday, we start to pull in some rain. and by the afternoon hours, heavier rain is possible as a cold front preapproaches. a lot of strength with this system. that means there's the possibility for strong to severe thunderstorms. and you can see that line cut right through philadelphia. we're actually at this point under an enhanced risk for severe thunderstorms. tall th all that means for us at home, you need to know the possibility of damaging wind and hail in the forecast for monday. we'll talk more about this as we get closer with your ten-day on 10 in a few minutes. before we leave you this morning, here's another live look just outside the courtroom at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown, where the bill cosby sex assault trial continues. jurors are back for a sixth day to deliberate. they continue to ask questions, continue to want to review the testimony and the evidence presented. they have been deliberating longer than the prosecution and the defense presented their cases. this has been described as a diligent jury, certainly fulfilling their civic duty. and also before we leave you, one last look and discussion of our weather. krystal? >> and we are looking at some in and out showers and thunderstorms possible, especially this afternoon. maybe an isolated thunderstorm tomorrow for your father's day, but it is hot and humid this weekend. stay hydrated if you'll be outside with family. have plans to go inside if necessary. monday is a big rainy day where we could see strong to severe thunderstorms. this is a reason to track our newscast. it could mean damaging conditions with those winds. >> our first alert weather team will be staying on top of that. and we'll be staying on top of the bill cosby trial. be sure to tune in here to nbc 10. 'm alicia quarles, in for sara gore, and this is "open house." this week we explore impressive waterfront estates. we're in greenwich, connecticut to tour an award-winning home with a private dock and a california contemporary on hermosa beach, but first, a tuscan-style stunner in sunny malibu. the most magnificent element of this room is the spectacular view of the malibu coastline. [music playing] welcome to "open house." i'm alicia quarles, and it's my pleasure to be in for sara gore while she's away. as a huge fan of interior design, architecture, and of course beautiful homes, "open house" is my can't-miss show. right now, i'm coming to you from a unique duplex in west chelsea right next to the high line. wait until you see this place. i was blown away by the great height

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