Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 2016020

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 20160206

satellite radar showing we're dry. few high clouds around. nothing to about. as for our day side planner at 1:00 a.m. look for temperatures in the mid-30s bumping up to mid-40s by late afternoon and cooling off and quite chilly but clear as we move into saturday night. i'll be back with more in just a bit. >> now to that breaking news. philadelphia police are on the hunt for two passengers who was with the cab driver that was shot. >> reporter: i'm told from the dispatcher of that cab company that that van picked up those passengers right here at wharton and broad street. the driver was making about a mile and a half away to point breeze when the drive ended in gunfire and a crash. the cab driver is at the hospital and is in stable condition. we watched philadelphia police tow the taxi way. about three hours earlier neighbors called police. they heard a gunshot and the cab hit several cars. you can see the damage to the front end tire. we confirmed with officers based on early evidence a passenger likely pulled the trigger. witnesses say the passengers, a man and woman were yelling to be let out of the car. when they got out they started to leave the scene. >> they literally walked. >> just walked away from the scene? >> i confronted them and said you're all witnesses, where your going? and the guy just responded by saying the female didn't say anything. because there was a cop coming up the block. >> reporter: police did not catch up with those passengers they would like to speak with them, though. we've been out here for a hour. we do see a lot of cabs. we spoke to one of the drivers out here. we can tell you the driver involved in this case is at the hospital and is recovering with a gunshot wound to the arm. live in south side philadelphia, i'm drew smith. >> this morning police in chester county are looking into hazing allegations involving the football team at conestoga high school. the alleged hazing involved both current and former football players but police won't give details. the school district says it's working with law enforcement but the school has not conducted its own investigation. we spoke to some students who tell us the hallways are buzzing but one senior says the allegations simply are not true. >> the thing here is that with the football team like there are boys in the locker room, you know, stupid thing are going to happen but nothing to the degree that is going around. >> these allegations come after a recent sexting scandal at the high school. one conestoga student was charged with sending sexually explicit images. students say this is hurting the school's image for academic excellence. >> our students work hard. they get insane grades. to be back in the news for negative stuff it's ruining the school's really good reputation. >> as for the hazing investigation the school district has told patience to call authorities if their children have any information. in montgomery county a high school principal is warning parents about this. a social media buzz over what's being called school brawl week. in a letter the principal says social media messages claim there will be fights at the school starting on monday. she believes it's modelled after events at nearby abington high school. there were guy fights at be a -- abington high school. school administrators in abington said students could be expelled and charged. it was this fire that took the life of a boy who tried to save his father from the flames. the father escaped but the 12-year-old did not. this morning sanford harling is being hailed a hero. the boy went back into the burning home to try to save his father. his dad was recovering from surgery and harling thought that he might be trapped. what he didn't know the father had jumped from a window. >> kids like sanford just want to succeed. they want to be part of pose things. sanford was resilient. just always active. always involved. >> a go fund me page has raised $15,000 for the family as they are in the process of making funeral arrangements and looking for a place to live. in delaware county an elderly woman is dead and her husband serious hurt after this tree crashed right through their roof and into their bedroom while they were sleeping yesterday morning. it took crews about 70 minutes to rescue the man from the couple's home. investigators say the couple may have been there for more than an hour before someone heard the man calling for help. now to decision 2016. tonight is debate night for the republican presidential candidates in new hampshire. the primary there is on tuesday. the latest survey shows senator marco rubio gaining some ground. the nbc/"washington post"/maris poll shows donald trump leading in new hampshire with rubio in second place. rubio will join trump, ted cruz, ben carson, jeb bush, chris christie and john kasich for tonight's debate in manchester. nbc 10's george spencer is heading to new hampshire for primary. can you watch his live report starting tomorrow night on nbc 10 news at 11:00. it's not the super bowl but these players brought their a-game wing bowl 24. only one winner and it was a 125-pound woman from nebraska. we'll tell you how many wings she had to eat to beat the competition. drivers in california had to do a double take after witnessing this on a highway overpass. it looked like a scene from a hollywood movie but it turned out tube real life or death situation. we'll explain coming up. whatever plans you have today i think you're going enjoy the forecast it's a typical february day feel nice and crisp especially for the skiers up there at camelback mountain. plenty of sunshine. we'll stay dry and temperatures are chilly up there in mount pocono for sure, 22 degrees, 23 in allentown. warming up into the lower 30s, mid-30s up there in the mountains but for us across region we're looking for high temperatures in the 40s. 43 to 46. sun and clouds. dry conditions. we'll have wind out of the southwest, five to ten miles per hour. for this evening, still dry. not doing too badly. skies will remain clear for us tonight. partly cloudy in the afternoon and then as we get into the nighttime hours we'll have clearing skies. again the winds out of the southwest, five to ten. temperatures will be dropping. so we just want to take it easy overnight with those temperatures below freezing. again might have a little bit of refreezing going on especially where we get the snow pack melting, maybe secondary roads or on sidewalks that's tonight into tomorrow. i'll be back with a look at your sunday forecast plus some snow in the seven day. now to an event that's just as competitive as the super bowl. bath whole lot messier. competitive eaters from across the country flocked to the wells fargo center for wing bowl 24. the big winner molly skylar from nebraska. she may weigh only 125 pounds but she devoured 429 wings. that's more than 77,000 calories. that doesn't include the bleu cheese. here's what she had to say. >> i was happy i won a harley. i wanted that bike last year. i wanted at any time year before. i was ecstatic. this is awesome. >> in addition to the bike she won a ring and $10,000. the time right now is 8:40 on this saturday. 29 degrees outside. still ahead a man with special needs loses his long time job at a local amusement park but the story doesn't end there. >> well i miss my friends. i miss going to the employees. i miss getting my number 12 snoopy pin. >> next, how a concerned co-worker's message on social media turned into a viral victory for his friend. we have some new video of the dramatic rescue on a california bridge. a highway patrol officer arrived to help after a man was spotted walking on the edge of the fresno bridge. the man slipped and the officer ran to grab him. they struggled and the man tried to throw himself off the edge. two men in a truck stopped to help as well and the man was finally taken into custody. out west the coast guard is searching for three who were on board two small planes that collided right off the coast of los angeles. rescuers have found debris but there's no sign of any survivors. the mid-air collision happened around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. searchers believe the wreckage may be in 80 to 90 feet of water. some streets in manhattan remain closed this morning after that deadly crane collapse. one person is dead and three others are hurt after the 15 story crane toppled yesterday morning. the crane was being lowered and secured because the winds were so strong they were topping out at 20 miles per hour. but instead the crane slowly fell over. it smashed into several buildings on the way town before landing on some parked cars that received over two blocks. it was like an earthquake sound. it was really trembling all over. it could have been an incredibly much bigger accident that could have killed so many more people. >> the collapse did kill a 38-year-old mathematician who worked on wall street. two by standers hit by debris are in serious condition while a third person has minor injuries. an investigation into what cause this collapse is ongoing. now to some new information on a mass killing in chicago. police now say they believe six family members found beaten to death inside their home thursday were targeted for murder. the victims include four adults and two boys ages 10 and 13. police say the killings could have happened during a robbery or domestic incident. they say there's no sign of forced yen and that the home had not been ransacked. crews in arizona have recovered body of a man who fell into a sinkhole. witnesses say the man disappeared in a field after walking behind his farming vehicle. the hole that swallowed the victim was feet across and 15 feet deep. the fieldrigated at the time. >> police in the lehigh valley need your help to find people who broke into dorney park. four people climbed nearly 200 feet to the top of the dominator ride and took a blue and white dorney park flag. if you recognize any of suspects call south whitehall township police. dorney park said it will rehire a long time special needs employee who was told that he didn't fit what they were looking for any more. the family says no thanks. christopher emery has special needs. he's worked at dorney park for 12 years. he was recently told he would not have a job for the spring. social media lit up after the online outcry. the vice president and general manager of the park leased a statement saying that he reached out to emery to offer his job back. the controversy first began after a new interview process involving team building. >> so she said he didn't do anything wrong, she goes but he doesn't fit into what we're looking for. >> what did you think? >> well i miss all my friends. i miss going to employees. i miss getting my number 12 snoopy pin. >> again, he's been there 12 years. chris' mother said she hopes the owners will adjust their interviewing practices. >> 8:47 on this saturday. time to chick in with this week's wednesday child. he's a bright and creative teen. he's hoping to find a forever family to support and encourage him through life. nbc 10's vai sikahema introduces us to jay. >> i'm jay. >> reporter: jay is an outgoing and adventurous teenager. he has a bright personality and a burning passion for music. so with guitar in hand we headed to the school of rock in philly to play tunes. ♪ he had a great time singing his songs and learning some ones. >> jay is a great person to be around. fun. articulate. inquisitive. >> reporter: he plans on working in the music industry in the future. >> when i write my music i usually sit down and have my guitars in the hand. i pick chords. i see something in my head i want to write down. so i basically play and write at the same time. >> reporter: a forever family for jay would be loving and supportive in reaching his goals. >> seeing him and how he's been able to be really resilient with all that he's been through i feel like a family -- it's a quality that a family could take away from jay and ultimately make him stronger. >> reporter: he's ready to share his love with a forever family. jay is this week's wednesday's child. >> if you would like to make jay's dream come true or the dream of any wednesday's child go now your nbc 10 first alert weather. if you are just waking up this morning and maybe had some plans for midday or even in the afternoon you're going to want to take a coat along. conditions will dry today. plenty of sunshine on tap. all in all our saturday forecast is shaping up quite nicely. as is the same for sunday. however come monday tracking a little bit of snow there. then we're looking at frigid temperatures wednesday on as we move into our next work week. currently 30 degrees at philly international. winds out of the west-southwest at five miles per hour. temperatures across the region on a chilly note. up as we move through our saturday. 22 degrees the skiers at camelback mountain. 26 in glassboro. 25 degrees in atlantic city. 24 in millville. so we don't have much in the way of a wind chill but we do have calm winds right now out of the west. be turning from the southwest later on this afternoon. but we don't anticipate a really strong gusty wind today. so really tranquil sort of forecast. satellite radar showing we do have dry conditions just a few clouds around and that will be our story for today. okay. when we get through our great forecast today, really straightforward forecast for tomorrow being mild, we get to monday and things get interesting. we have a coastal low. should remain way off the coast, zips out of here, possibility of scattered snow shower, maybe a rain shower monday afternoon along the shore line there but then come monday night into tuesday another system develops off of the coast and that's expected to up into the northeast as well. that would be for tuesday and this is likely to bring us snow showers with a mix of rain down along the shore line. right now, models have that system sitting off the coast, enough to bring us some snow showers but not a huge amount of accumulation. we have to watch this now for tuesday, tuesday night into wednesday morning as it skirts to the northeast just to see if it does change its track then we could get more snow out of that. but we're checking it for you. sun and clouds. the call dry conditions, 43 to 46 for high temperatures across region. really not doing too badly. weekend forecast is shaping up quite nicely. close to 50 degrees tomorrow. so it's to feel quite nicely out there and then monday and tuesday you want to bundle up, pay close toenattention to our t alert forecast. >> as we celebrate black history event there's a special event in philadelphia just for the kids to give them a new perspective on the importance of picking up a book. details in a live interview are coming up in minutes. february is black history month and we're excited to tell you about a wonderful event happening today. it is the 23rd annual african-american children's book fair. the event spotlights the work of african-american authors. joining us an author from seattle. thanks for coming to philly. you write for tweens and you have a new book. also joining us is award-winning best selling illustrator floyd cooper. you published over 96 books. your latest is on ira aldridge. >> there will be 24 of us out there authors and illustrators. we want people to come out and meet us, meet the creators. >> it's at the community college on 17th and spring garden. >> between 1:00 and 3:00. it's free. open to everyone. we want much to come on out. i was out at highland elementary and they have a slogan saying readers are leaders. we want kids to have books in their hands. bring the kids out. >> absolutely. imagination is key. it will be a survival tool. my big thing as well. >> talk about why it's so important children to see african-american authors, illustrators and then read their books? >> absolutely. there's a quote. it says you see yourself truthful lie depicted you have a sense of a right to be in the world. we want our kids to see images that rethem and send a message to publishers there's a market for these books. so, the more we buy, the more the publishers say there's a market let's keep making them. >> this has been happening for quite a few years. the response has been to grow year after. >> that's what i heard. >> i've been here about 11 years. i have seen it grow. >> huge turn out. >> still a need. still necessary to have it. big push in many areas for diversity and we do need to show that we can dream too. >> what better time than during black history month. >> absolutely. >> we have that information for you, for all of our viewers out there who are interested in attending the book fair. it's happening from 1:00 to 3:00 at the community college of philadelphia. and nbc 10 and telemundo 62 are proud sponsors of the event. thank you for being with us and thank you for your contributions. o still ahead on nbc 10 news police are searching for two passengers believed to be connected to the shooting of a cab driver overnight. >> reporter: that cab driver is recovering in the hospital this morning. we'll update you on the search and also explain how people were woken up from their bed to find damage to their cars. that's next. >> taking a look at our weather forecast, calm and clear for now but we bring snow back into the forecast. stay tuned. i'll be back with a look at our sunday forecast as well as the seven day after the break. a . there were people in the cab saying let us out, let us out. and they were kicking and rocking the cab. >> a cab ride ends with gunfire and a crash sending the driver to the hospital. this morning philadelphia police are looking for the two passengers who may have pulled the trigger inside the -- this van. >> he was just trying to save his father in the end he lost his life. next the boy from montgomery county who made the ultimate sacrifice for his family. take a live look outside right now at the center city skyline. looking good. mix of sun and clouds. temperatures just below freezing but we will warm up today. first alert forecast is just moments away. good morning. this is "nbc 10 news today." thanks for being with us. i'm rosemary connors. it's 9:00 on this saturday. let's get to that weekend weather where meteorologist karen thomas. >> i love the early saturday morning forecast that looks like this because i know everybody has plans they want to get out, they have things to do and i love being able to tell everybody we got sun, just a few clouds around and we'll be dry today which is nice. 28 degrees in allentown. 26 in the poconos. it is 32 in philly right now. 32 in atlantic city. and still quite chilly down there along the shore line in wildwood 30 degrees, 28 in cape. so to move on through our saturday, we can expect dry conditions to remain, sun and clouds. high temperatures across the region, 43 to 46. we'll have winds out of the southwest five to ten miles per hour. for tonight temperatures dropping down and just be cautious of any slick spots overnight, any of that refreeze that will happen because philadelphia 31 degrees south and evident, 27. partly cloudy skies and again we'll stay dry. now, the forecast picks up a little bit in interest come monday. so i'll be back with that plus a look at the seven day in just a bit. more now on that breaking news. a cab driver is in the hospital this morning after being shot on the job. now philadelphia police are looking for the last passengers he picked up. nbc 10's drew smith is live in south philadelphia with details. drew, fill us in. >> reporter: this is the spot where that cab driver picked up his last passengers early this morning at and morton street. police want to track down the people that got in for the ride. the cab ended up on morris street in point breeze. we saw police towing the van a couple of hours ago. it hit several parked cars. evidence points to one of the passengers pulling the trigger. the cab driver got rushed off to the hospital but he was alert and talking. after taking a gunshot to the arm. we're also told the passengers just walked off. >> it's sad. they really need to stop this. i don't know how but they need to stop. you hurt somebody that's driving for a living. >> reporter: we checked with detectives and police have not made an arrest. they also have not released a possible motive for this shooting. a young boy killed in a fire in ricetown is being called a hero this morning. he died trying to save his father from a raging house fire. the boy rushed back into his burning home yesterday morning looking for his dad. the father had escaped but the boy did not. 12-year-old sanford harling went back into that house on markley street. his father was recovering from surgery and harling thought he might be trapped but the father had jumped from a window. >> whole family is just nice knit family. >> he was active in school, in this community. >> a go fund me page has already raised more than $15,000 for the family they are making funeral arrangements and now looking for a place to live. sky force 10 was over the scene of a house fire in delaware county last night. the flames started just before 7:00 along mccormick avenue in ridley park. no one was hurt in this case. investigators are still trying to determine what sparked the fire. it was special equipment that to rescue a man in newark new castle county last night where he fell an embankment. sky force 10 was over this rescue scene along red mill road and old mill road. crews spent 20 minutes retrieving the victim. his injuries are nonlife threatening. we have some new information on this police chase and crash that was captured exclusively by sky force 10. the suspect robbed the cell phone store in south philly thursday night and police used those stolen phones to track him down and corner him in a cul-de-sac in delaware. pennsylvania state police say henry davis iii remains under guard in the hospital after breaking his arm during the crash. davis is charged with fleeing from police, recklessly endangering another person and several vehicle code violations. sky force 10 captured the high-speed chase. it went on for 25 miles. the crash ended in a quiet neighborhood in north wilmington. authorities pulled davis from the suv and moved him onto a stretcher. investigators tell us this all started when davis robbed a verizon store on south christopher columbus boulevard in south philly. we're told davis stole cell phones, tied up store employees and then assaulted. looking for something to do today? two big events are wrapping up this weekend. you only have today and tomorrow to get to the philadelphia auto show. they got tlfrg. classic cars. proto vehicle types. do mini test drives. anything. all on display at the pennsylvania convention center. down the shore the atlantic city boat show is in the final two days at the ac convention center. hundreds of water craft are on display. there are work shoshops, plus w told indoor pond for casting lessons. >> live look at blue ross rivcrr rink. they are gearing up for super bowl. there's skating, arcade games and bring in some big tv screens and $4 drafts for adults. it happens tomorrow night from 6:30 to 10:30. still ahead on "nbc 10 news today" twitter tackles terrorism. social media site suspends 1,000 accounts because of suspected terrorist activity. we'll have those details coming up. . if you're making plans for your saturday you'll like the forecast, i think, anyway. we're cold and clear out there right now. live shot down in cape may, 27 degrees along the shore line. but, hey, if you're bundled up take a nice stroll, get some exercise in. 32 degrees in philadelphia. 28 in trenton. 30 degrees in mount holly. 30 at wildwood and just one tick below freezing in southern delaware, 31 in georgetown. we'll stay dry today. we'll take you through the morning hour, mid-morning about 35 degrees with sun and clouds sticking a bit in the afternoon by 3:00 p.m. temperature reading not doing too badly as we warm up to the mid-40s and temperatures fall off as we get in the evening hours. we stay dry and could get a bit more snow melt. any of that could refreeze overnight tonight in tomorrow. i'll be back with a look at your seven day in just a bit. >> health officials in montgomery county say three elementary students have whopping cough. they are in the fourth grade atco low any all elementary school. the district tells nbc 10 school administrators have called and emailed parents to notify them. all three students had been vaccinated for whooping cough. >> three of these children, because they had their full immunizations due to date have had mild to moderate illness. that means that the vaccine is actually doing its job. >> health officials tell us that children who get the illness can usually go back to school after several days on antibiotics. montgomery county has had seven reported cases of whooping cough so far this year. it's 11 minutes after 9:00 on this saturday andcounting do super bowl 50. peyton manning chasing history. >> it's a special opportunity to play in this game. >> how manning could make it into the record books and possibly put an exclamation point on the final chapter of his career. ♪ i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. tonight will be the last opportunity for the republican presidential candidates to go head-to-head. there's a bait this evening in new hampshire. of course this comes a few days before the primary on tuesday. the latest poll shows senator marco rubio really picking up some steam. this poll is the nbc/"washington post"/maris poll. it shows donald trump in the lead in new hampshire. rubio is second place. rubio will join trump, ted cruz, ben carron, jeb bush, chris christie and john kasich for tonight's-day bait in manchester. speaking of chris christie the new jersey governor is hoping to finish in the top tier of candidate in new hampshire. he told msnbc's rachel maddow there are distinct differences between voters in iowa, new hampshire and the garden state. >> iowans are very laid back. new hampshire, more emotive. new jerseyans i never have to wonder how i'm doing. i know immediately when i walk in the room. new hampshire folks won't interrupt except with laugh an answer. new jersey folks will interrupt you in the middle of an answer, that's crap. >> governor chris christie is polling in the single digits new hampshire following a tenth place finish in the iowa caucuses. governor chris christie is on the campaign trail, atlantic city could potential be on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. that's at least what atlantic city's mayor says his city will have to do if it's forced to pay millions of dollars owed to the bore ggata borgata. yesterday a judge ruled the city has to pay the casino $62 million in tax refunds. both sides have 45 days for settlement talks. borgata has said it will stop making current tax payments until the case is resolved. atlantic city is dealing with deep budget problems caused by years of decline for the casino industry. state officials accuse the city of over spending and financial mismanagement. lawmakers are considering giving the state broad power over the city's operations the. if that happens the state would gain control of off city assets including land. a developing story we're watching overseas. at least 13 people including a baby are dead and hundred more are hurt after an earthquake struck taiwan early this morning. the 6.4 quake toppled two high residential buildings. most people were asleep when the earthquake hit. here are some video and images from the city of tainan. crews have been using cranes to search some dark areas around the collapsed buildings. for other survivors people across the island of taiwan and as far away as mainland china they felt that quake. back here in the u.s. a michigan man is under arrest this morning for allegedly pledging his allegiance to isis. >> reporter: no answer at the dearborn heights home of cha litt -- khalil. investigators have been watching him since may because of his pro isis twitter posts, gun purchase his own words. words that send a chill through dearborn attorney. >> he's intent on committing mass murder. i think that's terrifying. >> reporter: he is not represented the man but reacting to the online conversation that he had with someone he did not know was an undercover fbi agent telling that agent he had an ak-47, i tried to shoot up a church one day. one of the biggest ones in detroit. i had it planned out. i bought a bunch of bullets, i practiced reloading and unloading. the complaint doesn't specific which detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack. only that it was close to his work and could seat 6,000 members. the complaint quotes him saying it's easy and a lot of people go there. people are not allowed to carry guns in church. plus it would make the news. everybody would have heard. honestly i regret not doing it. if i can't do jihad in the middle east i'll do my jihad over here. the complaint says he also armed himself with a large knife, allegedly saying quote i would gladly behead people if i needed to. it's my dream to behead someone. >> the fbi should be credited for putting this case together and we have a criminal behind bars. >> twitter is now targeting the accounts of possible terrorists. it's using spam fighting technology to find accounts that might promote terrorism. twitter says it suspended more than 125,000 accounts for threatening or promoting terrorist acts. taking our last look at the weather forecast for the weekend. it's shaping up to be a greet forecast. weather headlines have us in the dry pat today, tomorrow, so there's good news. sun and clouds. we'll take it. we'll be tracking more snow as we get into the seven day forecast and then a period of very frigid temperatures mid-week towards tend of the week temperatures will take a tumble. 32 degrees currently in philadelphia. we have winds out of the south-southwest at 3 miles per hour. temperatures across the region, we are warming up very slowly, but 26 degrees right now in the poconos, 28 degrees in allentown. mainly in the upper 20s and closer to philadelphia we're in the 30s, 31 right now in wilmington. now look at that. over 31. 32 in atlantic city. and so temperatures will be bumping up to more seasonal this time of year about 42, 43 degrees. our winds will shift out of the south-southwest but calm just a light breeze out there especially up in the poconos. satellite radar showing we're dry. we have some high clouds around. that will be call today and tomorrow. we'll be dry with sun and clouds. watching a system well off the coast for monday, just tracking very quickly up to the northeast could bring scattered snow shower, even a rain shower to extreme south jersey and southern delaware monday. tuesday another system develops off of the coast and we're watching this one to see just how close or how far out to sea that that system stays but likely tuesday we'll get a light accumulation out of this system. again, watching the track of that because as it skirts out to the northeast that could make all the difference for us in terms of just who gets snow and how much come tuesday, tuesday night into wednesday morning. but for now sun and clouds, dry conditions, 43, 46 across the region. and we'll go ahead and show you the seven day forecast. weekend forecast just fine. really straightforward. not much to complain about. we get to monday, now we have to really focus in on these two systems coming in. looks like a light snow/rain mix for monday and tuesday more snow involved. then we turn colder. thanks, karen. talking sports now. flyers play a matinee with the rangers at the wells fargo center today at noon. orange and black have to face the broadway blues whitney houston sean couturier. the flyers say couturier will not need surgery. tonight also in south philly the 76ers will host brooklyn nets. during last night's loss in washington. smith sprained his ankle. on hall trip many double led the wizards by 12 points. super bowl 50 tomorrow between the broncos and panthers could be the final game of peyton manning's career. the denver quarterback won a super bowl with the colts in 2007. if he comes out on top again he'll be the first quarterback to win a super bowl with two different teams. >> playing super bowl 50 is, if you have any appreciation for the history of the game and certainly you watched super bowls and played in super bowls, had a sibling play in the super bowl it makes it even more special. >> manning's broncos are.5 point und -- a 5.5 point underdog against carolina. we'll be right back. >> nbc 10 continues our commitment to clear the shell taerns find homes for adoptable pets. joining me this morning is the spca. we get two today. >> we got two sort of for the price of one. we have buffy and teddy who are both pugs. they came to us together and we want to make sure they go to a home together so they will like i said need to go to the same family. >> do we think they are related? i'm not sure. it's possible that they have siblings but definitely grew up together one way or the other and can't be separated. even just walking in here i would pick one up and the other one is like what are you doing. >> they are very, very friendly, but, you know, they are definitely a little timid at first. but they really, really love each other. so that's kind of cool. we estimate they are 5 years old. i think they have a lot of life ahead of them. >> they ill be at your event. >> we'll be out at petco unleashed in northern liberty with these guys along with other adoptable dogs and cats. >> and if anybody needs to get in touch with you guys they can give you a call >> absolutely. call us or visit our website. and see our adoptable animals. >> that number is right there. or you can always go to the event today. these guys will be out there in the afternoon through 3:00. thanks so much with the pennsylvania spca. thanks for being with us guys. that's going to do it for us on this sunday. i'm rosemary connors. have a good one. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. like the new smoky bacon sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and this is "open house." this week, we're taking a peek inside the homes of fashion designers. we visit designer peter som's stylish west village apartment. veteran fashion designer trina turk shows us her glamorous palm springs pad. kym gold, founder of true religion jeans, takes us on a tour of her spanish-style retreat in malibu. plus, see luxury shoe designer vanessa noel's chic manhattan townhouse. but first, we head to the fashionable upper east side retreat of pamella devos of pamella roland. i feel you have an appreciation for art looking around this apartment. pamella: that's why the walls are white. and there's stories about so many of the different pieces of art i have here. welcome to "open house. " today, i'm coming to you from a stunning park avenue prewar apartment.

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 20160206 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 9am 20160206

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satellite radar showing we're dry. few high clouds around. nothing to about. as for our day side planner at 1:00 a.m. look for temperatures in the mid-30s bumping up to mid-40s by late afternoon and cooling off and quite chilly but clear as we move into saturday night. i'll be back with more in just a bit. >> now to that breaking news. philadelphia police are on the hunt for two passengers who was with the cab driver that was shot. >> reporter: i'm told from the dispatcher of that cab company that that van picked up those passengers right here at wharton and broad street. the driver was making about a mile and a half away to point breeze when the drive ended in gunfire and a crash. the cab driver is at the hospital and is in stable condition. we watched philadelphia police tow the taxi way. about three hours earlier neighbors called police. they heard a gunshot and the cab hit several cars. you can see the damage to the front end tire. we confirmed with officers based on early evidence a passenger likely pulled the trigger. witnesses say the passengers, a man and woman were yelling to be let out of the car. when they got out they started to leave the scene. >> they literally walked. >> just walked away from the scene? >> i confronted them and said you're all witnesses, where your going? and the guy just responded by saying the female didn't say anything. because there was a cop coming up the block. >> reporter: police did not catch up with those passengers they would like to speak with them, though. we've been out here for a hour. we do see a lot of cabs. we spoke to one of the drivers out here. we can tell you the driver involved in this case is at the hospital and is recovering with a gunshot wound to the arm. live in south side philadelphia, i'm drew smith. >> this morning police in chester county are looking into hazing allegations involving the football team at conestoga high school. the alleged hazing involved both current and former football players but police won't give details. the school district says it's working with law enforcement but the school has not conducted its own investigation. we spoke to some students who tell us the hallways are buzzing but one senior says the allegations simply are not true. >> the thing here is that with the football team like there are boys in the locker room, you know, stupid thing are going to happen but nothing to the degree that is going around. >> these allegations come after a recent sexting scandal at the high school. one conestoga student was charged with sending sexually explicit images. students say this is hurting the school's image for academic excellence. >> our students work hard. they get insane grades. to be back in the news for negative stuff it's ruining the school's really good reputation. >> as for the hazing investigation the school district has told patience to call authorities if their children have any information. in montgomery county a high school principal is warning parents about this. a social media buzz over what's being called school brawl week. in a letter the principal says social media messages claim there will be fights at the school starting on monday. she believes it's modelled after events at nearby abington high school. there were guy fights at be a -- abington high school. school administrators in abington said students could be expelled and charged. it was this fire that took the life of a boy who tried to save his father from the flames. the father escaped but the 12-year-old did not. this morning sanford harling is being hailed a hero. the boy went back into the burning home to try to save his father. his dad was recovering from surgery and harling thought that he might be trapped. what he didn't know the father had jumped from a window. >> kids like sanford just want to succeed. they want to be part of pose things. sanford was resilient. just always active. always involved. >> a go fund me page has raised $15,000 for the family as they are in the process of making funeral arrangements and looking for a place to live. in delaware county an elderly woman is dead and her husband serious hurt after this tree crashed right through their roof and into their bedroom while they were sleeping yesterday morning. it took crews about 70 minutes to rescue the man from the couple's home. investigators say the couple may have been there for more than an hour before someone heard the man calling for help. now to decision 2016. tonight is debate night for the republican presidential candidates in new hampshire. the primary there is on tuesday. the latest survey shows senator marco rubio gaining some ground. the nbc/"washington post"/maris poll shows donald trump leading in new hampshire with rubio in second place. rubio will join trump, ted cruz, ben carson, jeb bush, chris christie and john kasich for tonight's debate in manchester. nbc 10's george spencer is heading to new hampshire for primary. can you watch his live report starting tomorrow night on nbc 10 news at 11:00. it's not the super bowl but these players brought their a-game wing bowl 24. only one winner and it was a 125-pound woman from nebraska. we'll tell you how many wings she had to eat to beat the competition. drivers in california had to do a double take after witnessing this on a highway overpass. it looked like a scene from a hollywood movie but it turned out tube real life or death situation. we'll explain coming up. whatever plans you have today i think you're going enjoy the forecast it's a typical february day feel nice and crisp especially for the skiers up there at camelback mountain. plenty of sunshine. we'll stay dry and temperatures are chilly up there in mount pocono for sure, 22 degrees, 23 in allentown. warming up into the lower 30s, mid-30s up there in the mountains but for us across region we're looking for high temperatures in the 40s. 43 to 46. sun and clouds. dry conditions. we'll have wind out of the southwest, five to ten miles per hour. for this evening, still dry. not doing too badly. skies will remain clear for us tonight. partly cloudy in the afternoon and then as we get into the nighttime hours we'll have clearing skies. again the winds out of the southwest, five to ten. temperatures will be dropping. so we just want to take it easy overnight with those temperatures below freezing. again might have a little bit of refreezing going on especially where we get the snow pack melting, maybe secondary roads or on sidewalks that's tonight into tomorrow. i'll be back with a look at your sunday forecast plus some snow in the seven day. now to an event that's just as competitive as the super bowl. bath whole lot messier. competitive eaters from across the country flocked to the wells fargo center for wing bowl 24. the big winner molly skylar from nebraska. she may weigh only 125 pounds but she devoured 429 wings. that's more than 77,000 calories. that doesn't include the bleu cheese. here's what she had to say. >> i was happy i won a harley. i wanted that bike last year. i wanted at any time year before. i was ecstatic. this is awesome. >> in addition to the bike she won a ring and $10,000. the time right now is 8:40 on this saturday. 29 degrees outside. still ahead a man with special needs loses his long time job at a local amusement park but the story doesn't end there. >> well i miss my friends. i miss going to the employees. i miss getting my number 12 snoopy pin. >> next, how a concerned co-worker's message on social media turned into a viral victory for his friend. we have some new video of the dramatic rescue on a california bridge. a highway patrol officer arrived to help after a man was spotted walking on the edge of the fresno bridge. the man slipped and the officer ran to grab him. they struggled and the man tried to throw himself off the edge. two men in a truck stopped to help as well and the man was finally taken into custody. out west the coast guard is searching for three who were on board two small planes that collided right off the coast of los angeles. rescuers have found debris but there's no sign of any survivors. the mid-air collision happened around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. searchers believe the wreckage may be in 80 to 90 feet of water. some streets in manhattan remain closed this morning after that deadly crane collapse. one person is dead and three others are hurt after the 15 story crane toppled yesterday morning. the crane was being lowered and secured because the winds were so strong they were topping out at 20 miles per hour. but instead the crane slowly fell over. it smashed into several buildings on the way town before landing on some parked cars that received over two blocks. it was like an earthquake sound. it was really trembling all over. it could have been an incredibly much bigger accident that could have killed so many more people. >> the collapse did kill a 38-year-old mathematician who worked on wall street. two by standers hit by debris are in serious condition while a third person has minor injuries. an investigation into what cause this collapse is ongoing. now to some new information on a mass killing in chicago. police now say they believe six family members found beaten to death inside their home thursday were targeted for murder. the victims include four adults and two boys ages 10 and 13. police say the killings could have happened during a robbery or domestic incident. they say there's no sign of forced yen and that the home had not been ransacked. crews in arizona have recovered body of a man who fell into a sinkhole. witnesses say the man disappeared in a field after walking behind his farming vehicle. the hole that swallowed the victim was feet across and 15 feet deep. the fieldrigated at the time. >> police in the lehigh valley need your help to find people who broke into dorney park. four people climbed nearly 200 feet to the top of the dominator ride and took a blue and white dorney park flag. if you recognize any of suspects call south whitehall township police. dorney park said it will rehire a long time special needs employee who was told that he didn't fit what they were looking for any more. the family says no thanks. christopher emery has special needs. he's worked at dorney park for 12 years. he was recently told he would not have a job for the spring. social media lit up after the online outcry. the vice president and general manager of the park leased a statement saying that he reached out to emery to offer his job back. the controversy first began after a new interview process involving team building. >> so she said he didn't do anything wrong, she goes but he doesn't fit into what we're looking for. >> what did you think? >> well i miss all my friends. i miss going to employees. i miss getting my number 12 snoopy pin. >> again, he's been there 12 years. chris' mother said she hopes the owners will adjust their interviewing practices. >> 8:47 on this saturday. time to chick in with this week's wednesday child. he's a bright and creative teen. he's hoping to find a forever family to support and encourage him through life. nbc 10's vai sikahema introduces us to jay. >> i'm jay. >> reporter: jay is an outgoing and adventurous teenager. he has a bright personality and a burning passion for music. so with guitar in hand we headed to the school of rock in philly to play tunes. ♪ he had a great time singing his songs and learning some ones. >> jay is a great person to be around. fun. articulate. inquisitive. >> reporter: he plans on working in the music industry in the future. >> when i write my music i usually sit down and have my guitars in the hand. i pick chords. i see something in my head i want to write down. so i basically play and write at the same time. >> reporter: a forever family for jay would be loving and supportive in reaching his goals. >> seeing him and how he's been able to be really resilient with all that he's been through i feel like a family -- it's a quality that a family could take away from jay and ultimately make him stronger. >> reporter: he's ready to share his love with a forever family. jay is this week's wednesday's child. >> if you would like to make jay's dream come true or the dream of any wednesday's child go now your nbc 10 first alert weather. if you are just waking up this morning and maybe had some plans for midday or even in the afternoon you're going to want to take a coat along. conditions will dry today. plenty of sunshine on tap. all in all our saturday forecast is shaping up quite nicely. as is the same for sunday. however come monday tracking a little bit of snow there. then we're looking at frigid temperatures wednesday on as we move into our next work week. currently 30 degrees at philly international. winds out of the west-southwest at five miles per hour. temperatures across the region on a chilly note. up as we move through our saturday. 22 degrees the skiers at camelback mountain. 26 in glassboro. 25 degrees in atlantic city. 24 in millville. so we don't have much in the way of a wind chill but we do have calm winds right now out of the west. be turning from the southwest later on this afternoon. but we don't anticipate a really strong gusty wind today. so really tranquil sort of forecast. satellite radar showing we do have dry conditions just a few clouds around and that will be our story for today. okay. when we get through our great forecast today, really straightforward forecast for tomorrow being mild, we get to monday and things get interesting. we have a coastal low. should remain way off the coast, zips out of here, possibility of scattered snow shower, maybe a rain shower monday afternoon along the shore line there but then come monday night into tuesday another system develops off of the coast and that's expected to up into the northeast as well. that would be for tuesday and this is likely to bring us snow showers with a mix of rain down along the shore line. right now, models have that system sitting off the coast, enough to bring us some snow showers but not a huge amount of accumulation. we have to watch this now for tuesday, tuesday night into wednesday morning as it skirts to the northeast just to see if it does change its track then we could get more snow out of that. but we're checking it for you. sun and clouds. the call dry conditions, 43 to 46 for high temperatures across region. really not doing too badly. weekend forecast is shaping up quite nicely. close to 50 degrees tomorrow. so it's to feel quite nicely out there and then monday and tuesday you want to bundle up, pay close toenattention to our t alert forecast. >> as we celebrate black history event there's a special event in philadelphia just for the kids to give them a new perspective on the importance of picking up a book. details in a live interview are coming up in minutes. february is black history month and we're excited to tell you about a wonderful event happening today. it is the 23rd annual african-american children's book fair. the event spotlights the work of african-american authors. joining us an author from seattle. thanks for coming to philly. you write for tweens and you have a new book. also joining us is award-winning best selling illustrator floyd cooper. you published over 96 books. your latest is on ira aldridge. >> there will be 24 of us out there authors and illustrators. we want people to come out and meet us, meet the creators. >> it's at the community college on 17th and spring garden. >> between 1:00 and 3:00. it's free. open to everyone. we want much to come on out. i was out at highland elementary and they have a slogan saying readers are leaders. we want kids to have books in their hands. bring the kids out. >> absolutely. imagination is key. it will be a survival tool. my big thing as well. >> talk about why it's so important children to see african-american authors, illustrators and then read their books? >> absolutely. there's a quote. it says you see yourself truthful lie depicted you have a sense of a right to be in the world. we want our kids to see images that rethem and send a message to publishers there's a market for these books. so, the more we buy, the more the publishers say there's a market let's keep making them. >> this has been happening for quite a few years. the response has been to grow year after. >> that's what i heard. >> i've been here about 11 years. i have seen it grow. >> huge turn out. >> still a need. still necessary to have it. big push in many areas for diversity and we do need to show that we can dream too. >> what better time than during black history month. >> absolutely. >> we have that information for you, for all of our viewers out there who are interested in attending the book fair. it's happening from 1:00 to 3:00 at the community college of philadelphia. and nbc 10 and telemundo 62 are proud sponsors of the event. thank you for being with us and thank you for your contributions. o still ahead on nbc 10 news police are searching for two passengers believed to be connected to the shooting of a cab driver overnight. >> reporter: that cab driver is recovering in the hospital this morning. we'll update you on the search and also explain how people were woken up from their bed to find damage to their cars. that's next. >> taking a look at our weather forecast, calm and clear for now but we bring snow back into the forecast. stay tuned. i'll be back with a look at our sunday forecast as well as the seven day after the break. a . there were people in the cab saying let us out, let us out. and they were kicking and rocking the cab. >> a cab ride ends with gunfire and a crash sending the driver to the hospital. this morning philadelphia police are looking for the two passengers who may have pulled the trigger inside the -- this van. >> he was just trying to save his father in the end he lost his life. next the boy from montgomery county who made the ultimate sacrifice for his family. take a live look outside right now at the center city skyline. looking good. mix of sun and clouds. temperatures just below freezing but we will warm up today. first alert forecast is just moments away. good morning. this is "nbc 10 news today." thanks for being with us. i'm rosemary connors. it's 9:00 on this saturday. let's get to that weekend weather where meteorologist karen thomas. >> i love the early saturday morning forecast that looks like this because i know everybody has plans they want to get out, they have things to do and i love being able to tell everybody we got sun, just a few clouds around and we'll be dry today which is nice. 28 degrees in allentown. 26 in the poconos. it is 32 in philly right now. 32 in atlantic city. and still quite chilly down there along the shore line in wildwood 30 degrees, 28 in cape. so to move on through our saturday, we can expect dry conditions to remain, sun and clouds. high temperatures across the region, 43 to 46. we'll have winds out of the southwest five to ten miles per hour. for tonight temperatures dropping down and just be cautious of any slick spots overnight, any of that refreeze that will happen because philadelphia 31 degrees south and evident, 27. partly cloudy skies and again we'll stay dry. now, the forecast picks up a little bit in interest come monday. so i'll be back with that plus a look at the seven day in just a bit. more now on that breaking news. a cab driver is in the hospital this morning after being shot on the job. now philadelphia police are looking for the last passengers he picked up. nbc 10's drew smith is live in south philadelphia with details. drew, fill us in. >> reporter: this is the spot where that cab driver picked up his last passengers early this morning at and morton street. police want to track down the people that got in for the ride. the cab ended up on morris street in point breeze. we saw police towing the van a couple of hours ago. it hit several parked cars. evidence points to one of the passengers pulling the trigger. the cab driver got rushed off to the hospital but he was alert and talking. after taking a gunshot to the arm. we're also told the passengers just walked off. >> it's sad. they really need to stop this. i don't know how but they need to stop. you hurt somebody that's driving for a living. >> reporter: we checked with detectives and police have not made an arrest. they also have not released a possible motive for this shooting. a young boy killed in a fire in ricetown is being called a hero this morning. he died trying to save his father from a raging house fire. the boy rushed back into his burning home yesterday morning looking for his dad. the father had escaped but the boy did not. 12-year-old sanford harling went back into that house on markley street. his father was recovering from surgery and harling thought he might be trapped but the father had jumped from a window. >> whole family is just nice knit family. >> he was active in school, in this community. >> a go fund me page has already raised more than $15,000 for the family they are making funeral arrangements and now looking for a place to live. sky force 10 was over the scene of a house fire in delaware county last night. the flames started just before 7:00 along mccormick avenue in ridley park. no one was hurt in this case. investigators are still trying to determine what sparked the fire. it was special equipment that to rescue a man in newark new castle county last night where he fell an embankment. sky force 10 was over this rescue scene along red mill road and old mill road. crews spent 20 minutes retrieving the victim. his injuries are nonlife threatening. we have some new information on this police chase and crash that was captured exclusively by sky force 10. the suspect robbed the cell phone store in south philly thursday night and police used those stolen phones to track him down and corner him in a cul-de-sac in delaware. pennsylvania state police say henry davis iii remains under guard in the hospital after breaking his arm during the crash. davis is charged with fleeing from police, recklessly endangering another person and several vehicle code violations. sky force 10 captured the high-speed chase. it went on for 25 miles. the crash ended in a quiet neighborhood in north wilmington. authorities pulled davis from the suv and moved him onto a stretcher. investigators tell us this all started when davis robbed a verizon store on south christopher columbus boulevard in south philly. we're told davis stole cell phones, tied up store employees and then assaulted. looking for something to do today? two big events are wrapping up this weekend. you only have today and tomorrow to get to the philadelphia auto show. they got tlfrg. classic cars. proto vehicle types. do mini test drives. anything. all on display at the pennsylvania convention center. down the shore the atlantic city boat show is in the final two days at the ac convention center. hundreds of water craft are on display. there are work shoshops, plus w told indoor pond for casting lessons. >> live look at blue ross rivcrr rink. they are gearing up for super bowl. there's skating, arcade games and bring in some big tv screens and $4 drafts for adults. it happens tomorrow night from 6:30 to 10:30. still ahead on "nbc 10 news today" twitter tackles terrorism. social media site suspends 1,000 accounts because of suspected terrorist activity. we'll have those details coming up. . if you're making plans for your saturday you'll like the forecast, i think, anyway. we're cold and clear out there right now. live shot down in cape may, 27 degrees along the shore line. but, hey, if you're bundled up take a nice stroll, get some exercise in. 32 degrees in philadelphia. 28 in trenton. 30 degrees in mount holly. 30 at wildwood and just one tick below freezing in southern delaware, 31 in georgetown. we'll stay dry today. we'll take you through the morning hour, mid-morning about 35 degrees with sun and clouds sticking a bit in the afternoon by 3:00 p.m. temperature reading not doing too badly as we warm up to the mid-40s and temperatures fall off as we get in the evening hours. we stay dry and could get a bit more snow melt. any of that could refreeze overnight tonight in tomorrow. i'll be back with a look at your seven day in just a bit. >> health officials in montgomery county say three elementary students have whopping cough. they are in the fourth grade atco low any all elementary school. the district tells nbc 10 school administrators have called and emailed parents to notify them. all three students had been vaccinated for whooping cough. >> three of these children, because they had their full immunizations due to date have had mild to moderate illness. that means that the vaccine is actually doing its job. >> health officials tell us that children who get the illness can usually go back to school after several days on antibiotics. montgomery county has had seven reported cases of whooping cough so far this year. it's 11 minutes after 9:00 on this saturday andcounting do super bowl 50. peyton manning chasing history. >> it's a special opportunity to play in this game. >> how manning could make it into the record books and possibly put an exclamation point on the final chapter of his career. ♪ i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. tonight will be the last opportunity for the republican presidential candidates to go head-to-head. there's a bait this evening in new hampshire. of course this comes a few days before the primary on tuesday. the latest poll shows senator marco rubio really picking up some steam. this poll is the nbc/"washington post"/maris poll. it shows donald trump in the lead in new hampshire. rubio is second place. rubio will join trump, ted cruz, ben carron, jeb bush, chris christie and john kasich for tonight's-day bait in manchester. speaking of chris christie the new jersey governor is hoping to finish in the top tier of candidate in new hampshire. he told msnbc's rachel maddow there are distinct differences between voters in iowa, new hampshire and the garden state. >> iowans are very laid back. new hampshire, more emotive. new jerseyans i never have to wonder how i'm doing. i know immediately when i walk in the room. new hampshire folks won't interrupt except with laugh an answer. new jersey folks will interrupt you in the middle of an answer, that's crap. >> governor chris christie is polling in the single digits new hampshire following a tenth place finish in the iowa caucuses. governor chris christie is on the campaign trail, atlantic city could potential be on the brink of declaring bankruptcy. that's at least what atlantic city's mayor says his city will have to do if it's forced to pay millions of dollars owed to the bore ggata borgata. yesterday a judge ruled the city has to pay the casino $62 million in tax refunds. both sides have 45 days for settlement talks. borgata has said it will stop making current tax payments until the case is resolved. atlantic city is dealing with deep budget problems caused by years of decline for the casino industry. state officials accuse the city of over spending and financial mismanagement. lawmakers are considering giving the state broad power over the city's operations the. if that happens the state would gain control of off city assets including land. a developing story we're watching overseas. at least 13 people including a baby are dead and hundred more are hurt after an earthquake struck taiwan early this morning. the 6.4 quake toppled two high residential buildings. most people were asleep when the earthquake hit. here are some video and images from the city of tainan. crews have been using cranes to search some dark areas around the collapsed buildings. for other survivors people across the island of taiwan and as far away as mainland china they felt that quake. back here in the u.s. a michigan man is under arrest this morning for allegedly pledging his allegiance to isis. >> reporter: no answer at the dearborn heights home of cha litt -- khalil. investigators have been watching him since may because of his pro isis twitter posts, gun purchase his own words. words that send a chill through dearborn attorney. >> he's intent on committing mass murder. i think that's terrifying. >> reporter: he is not represented the man but reacting to the online conversation that he had with someone he did not know was an undercover fbi agent telling that agent he had an ak-47, i tried to shoot up a church one day. one of the biggest ones in detroit. i had it planned out. i bought a bunch of bullets, i practiced reloading and unloading. the complaint doesn't specific which detroit church he was allegedly planning to attack. only that it was close to his work and could seat 6,000 members. the complaint quotes him saying it's easy and a lot of people go there. people are not allowed to carry guns in church. plus it would make the news. everybody would have heard. honestly i regret not doing it. if i can't do jihad in the middle east i'll do my jihad over here. the complaint says he also armed himself with a large knife, allegedly saying quote i would gladly behead people if i needed to. it's my dream to behead someone. >> the fbi should be credited for putting this case together and we have a criminal behind bars. >> twitter is now targeting the accounts of possible terrorists. it's using spam fighting technology to find accounts that might promote terrorism. twitter says it suspended more than 125,000 accounts for threatening or promoting terrorist acts. taking our last look at the weather forecast for the weekend. it's shaping up to be a greet forecast. weather headlines have us in the dry pat today, tomorrow, so there's good news. sun and clouds. we'll take it. we'll be tracking more snow as we get into the seven day forecast and then a period of very frigid temperatures mid-week towards tend of the week temperatures will take a tumble. 32 degrees currently in philadelphia. we have winds out of the south-southwest at 3 miles per hour. temperatures across the region, we are warming up very slowly, but 26 degrees right now in the poconos, 28 degrees in allentown. mainly in the upper 20s and closer to philadelphia we're in the 30s, 31 right now in wilmington. now look at that. over 31. 32 in atlantic city. and so temperatures will be bumping up to more seasonal this time of year about 42, 43 degrees. our winds will shift out of the south-southwest but calm just a light breeze out there especially up in the poconos. satellite radar showing we're dry. we have some high clouds around. that will be call today and tomorrow. we'll be dry with sun and clouds. watching a system well off the coast for monday, just tracking very quickly up to the northeast could bring scattered snow shower, even a rain shower to extreme south jersey and southern delaware monday. tuesday another system develops off of the coast and we're watching this one to see just how close or how far out to sea that that system stays but likely tuesday we'll get a light accumulation out of this system. again, watching the track of that because as it skirts out to the northeast that could make all the difference for us in terms of just who gets snow and how much come tuesday, tuesday night into wednesday morning. but for now sun and clouds, dry conditions, 43, 46 across the region. and we'll go ahead and show you the seven day forecast. weekend forecast just fine. really straightforward. not much to complain about. we get to monday, now we have to really focus in on these two systems coming in. looks like a light snow/rain mix for monday and tuesday more snow involved. then we turn colder. thanks, karen. talking sports now. flyers play a matinee with the rangers at the wells fargo center today at noon. orange and black have to face the broadway blues whitney houston sean couturier. the flyers say couturier will not need surgery. tonight also in south philly the 76ers will host brooklyn nets. during last night's loss in washington. smith sprained his ankle. on hall trip many double led the wizards by 12 points. super bowl 50 tomorrow between the broncos and panthers could be the final game of peyton manning's career. the denver quarterback won a super bowl with the colts in 2007. if he comes out on top again he'll be the first quarterback to win a super bowl with two different teams. >> playing super bowl 50 is, if you have any appreciation for the history of the game and certainly you watched super bowls and played in super bowls, had a sibling play in the super bowl it makes it even more special. >> manning's broncos are.5 point und -- a 5.5 point underdog against carolina. we'll be right back. >> nbc 10 continues our commitment to clear the shell taerns find homes for adoptable pets. joining me this morning is the spca. we get two today. >> we got two sort of for the price of one. we have buffy and teddy who are both pugs. they came to us together and we want to make sure they go to a home together so they will like i said need to go to the same family. >> do we think they are related? i'm not sure. it's possible that they have siblings but definitely grew up together one way or the other and can't be separated. even just walking in here i would pick one up and the other one is like what are you doing. >> they are very, very friendly, but, you know, they are definitely a little timid at first. but they really, really love each other. so that's kind of cool. we estimate they are 5 years old. i think they have a lot of life ahead of them. >> they ill be at your event. >> we'll be out at petco unleashed in northern liberty with these guys along with other adoptable dogs and cats. >> and if anybody needs to get in touch with you guys they can give you a call >> absolutely. call us or visit our website. and see our adoptable animals. >> that number is right there. or you can always go to the event today. these guys will be out there in the afternoon through 3:00. thanks so much with the pennsylvania spca. thanks for being with us guys. that's going to do it for us on this sunday. i'm rosemary connors. have a good one. introducing longhorn's steaks that sizzle for $12.99. like the new smoky bacon sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and this is "open house." this week, we're taking a peek inside the homes of fashion designers. we visit designer peter som's stylish west village apartment. veteran fashion designer trina turk shows us her glamorous palm springs pad. kym gold, founder of true religion jeans, takes us on a tour of her spanish-style retreat in malibu. plus, see luxury shoe designer vanessa noel's chic manhattan townhouse. but first, we head to the fashionable upper east side retreat of pamella devos of pamella roland. i feel you have an appreciation for art looking around this apartment. pamella: that's why the walls are white. and there's stories about so many of the different pieces of art i have here. welcome to "open house. " today, i'm coming to you from a stunning park avenue prewar apartment.

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