Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 7am 2016100

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 7am 20161002

it is now 7:00 a.m. thank you for being with us. and we're really in the soup this morning. here's first alert meteorologist krystal klei with the gray start to our sunday. >> big time. so foggy out there we're having a hard time seeing through our cameras there. there live look outside. 61 where we are in philadelphia right now. we do have that fog mist that is right at the surface which means you step out the door and going to instantly feel that moisture. 57 in new jersey. 58 in the lehigh valley. just gray skies anywhere you look. delaware is at 62 degrees this morning. then we look at your forecast highs, not a ton of warming but a little more so than yesterday. 72 is the forecast for us in philadelphia. 69 in the pennsylvania suburbs. 71 in new jersey. you see very similar numbers in delaware through the lehigh valley. mostly cloudy as we move late day. we may see a peek of sunshine. we're not looking at any sunny forecast today. still holding on to the clouds. what you see on radar and satellite is that the system itself has started to wobble and move a little to the north. that breaks that pat that we've been stuck under with rain and rain and rain. so we've got isolated chances of showers today. clouds will continue through the day. st forecast does call for morely more sunshine as we move into the work week. we'll talk about that in detail in a few minutes. we are going to win pennsylvania. we're going to win back the white house. while donald trump p was making his push for pennsylvania in lancaster county. a portion of his tax history was becoming public. "the new york times" released part of his 1995 tax records which appear to show he may not have paid taxes for almost two decades. nbc 10s monique braxton is live in the digitsal operation center with more details on the "new york times" report and trump's response. mow? >> hi, ted. as you know, this morning donald trump is neither confirming or denying what is revealed in a new york time article. but we ayou will know he refused to release the tax return. he says he's being audited and attorneys advising him against it. but take a look at this article in the "new york times" today. if you just waking up, look at the first pages of trump's 1995 state income tax filings in new york, new jersey and c connecticut. the times says they received the documents none musly. it coincides with the period that trump filed for bankruptcy involving atlantic city casinos. according to the times, ordinary investors saw the value of their shares in the new company plun toth 17 cents fr$17 cents from$ scores of contractors went unpaid for works on the trump ka seen. and the bond holders received pennies on the dollar. in 1995, trump declared a loss of $916 million. tax experts hired about it "times" say tax rules for the wealthy would have allowed him to cancel out federal taxes owed on the 50 to $100,000 he was paid for each episode of "the apprentice." the multiple million dollar loss according to the times also legally atrump to avoid paying any federal taxes for 18 years or through 2013. when trump appeared before thousands in lancaster last night, he didn't mention his taxes or the "time" article. he has declined to comment but the campaign accuses the paper of working to benefit democrat hillary clinton. now trump's attorneys released this statement saying, trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. the statement goes on to say mr. trump knows the tax code far better than anyone who has ever run for president. and he is the only one that knows how to fix it. about midnight overnight, democratic candidate clinton tweeted this, trump apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. now the tax documents obtained by "the new york times" does not reveal any charity donations. throughout the morning, we're going to delve more into this article and what the tracax recs show and have that for you. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. >> hillary clinton's campaign will make a stop in delaware county on tuesday. she will be with her daughter chelsea clinton and actress elizabeth banks. the nominee plans to talk about her agenda for children and families. hillary clin is celebrating her best fund-raising month ever. the campaign brought in $154 million in september to use for her presidential bid and for the democratic party. the campaign says more than 900,000 people contributed an average of about $56 each. the federal government is downplaying the threat of hackers altering the november election. the home land security secretary says hackers broke into state election systems in a few cases. but he added officials found the data in those systems was left intact. cybersecurity experts say it would be nearly impossible for hackers to alter the election since ballot tabulations are not connected to the internet. our decision 2016 coverage continues. we're exploring the power of young voters on this election. go to the nbc 10 app right now and click on 2016 for insight into how the youngest voters could sway the results in november. ♪ >> first responders from around the nation honor two wilmington firefighters killed in the line of duty. vice president joe biden spoke at the memorial for chris leech and jerry ficus. here is more of the service. >> 2 1/2 hours of memories, music and speeches to celebrate the lives of the firefighters. it wasn't just what they did, it was who they were and their brothers and sisters in uniform promised they'll never be forgotten. men and women in uniform as far as the eye can see standing formation. to salute the families of fallen firefighters chris leech and jerry ficus. >> we cried together to get throughout tough times. >> today we come together to honor heroes, two giants who stood among men. >> reporter: it's one week since a row home fire, the firefighters' bravery continued to be recognized. their families accepted medal of honor along with a flag that flew over the u.s. capitol on >> may he lift you up on the eagle's wings and bury on the breadth of dawn. >> reporter: of all the titles he holds, joe biden spoke as a man who knows the heartache of real loss. >> the time will come when the memory of jerry and the memory of christopher will bring a smile to your lip before it brings a tear to your eye. >> there was laughter about the nicknames that he had for so many he loved and the endless stories of their leadership on the job. but above all, they were fathers, well loved and extremely missed. >> we love you and we will never forget you. >> nbc 10 news. despite being on strike, the philadelphia orchestra says it still plans to thank its patrons this week. musicians will perform 23 audience appreciation concerts around philadelphia and new jersey on tuesday. members of the orchestra went on strike friday night and all concerts this weekend were canceled. years of pay cuts put their salaries far below orchestra members in other cities. this evening thousands of people will watch opera philadelphia's season opening performance on inagainst mall. the performers will be on stage at the academy of music but their show will be broadcast to three giant outdoor screens on the mall. >> 40 years of fun. there is a big birthday bash but it's the visitors who will be getting the presents. details straight ahead. jamaica is bracing for the arrive afl hurricane matthew. we'll show you how are getting ready to face the storm. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mrs. wagner's car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie "up in the air" to watch while she's...up in the air. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now get our best offer ever, super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. good morning. radar and satellite where we're starting, a little different picture than yesterday. still have the clouds. not tracking rain heading our direction this morning though. all we're looking at is cloud coverage and if step outdoors, you know the answer here, fog. that's what we're really looking at. a lot of it spread across the map this morning in our area. that is why you don't see a very well on radar and satellite. they indicate what the deeper whites, the higher level clouds. we're seeing very low level clouds that are hanging along the building and right at the ground. the foggy conditions also leading to misty conditions. here's the forecast the rest of your day, 10:00 a.m. we should make it right to the low 70s in philadelphia today as you see cloudy conditions persist. and in the suburbs, mid 6 o's by 2:00 making to the upper 60s for forecast highs. and in the lee high valley, cloudy conditions as well. 65 by 2:00 p.m. and that continues through about 6:00. maybe a peek of sunshine. but better chance of sun as we start your work week. we'll talk more about the conditions the rest of your sunday and the sun ahead in just a few minutes. >> all right. thank you. please touch mu e-mail is celebrating a milestone. the children's museum is throwing a 40th birthday party today. there will be dance parties and, of course. museum is also offering all guest 40% off admission today so they can be part of the celebration. a pair of royal charmers. the royal family heads home from canada. but it is the two youngest members of the family stealing the show. she broke it with obama. she and obama stole my microphone and took it to canada. >> snl takes decision 2016. they put the twist on the presidenttial debate. that's next. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. a community in south carolina is mourning the death of a 6-year-old boy would was wounded in a school shooting last week. jacob hall died yesterday. a 13-year-old boy shot fires at their elementary school playground. police arrested the teen who say killed his father before driving to the school. the young suspect faces murder and attempted murder charges. there is no word on a motive. jab on ha jacob hall's family issued a statement saying we know jacob has forgiven this child for what he did to him and his family because that's the of child he was. this morning, hurricane matthew is barrelling towards jamaica and haiti. forecasters say the two countries could see heavy rain and strong winds from the category 4 storm starting tonight. people in jamaica are taking precautions stocking up on gas and food anding up buildings. matthew is the strongest hurricane in the atlantic ocean since felix in 2007. yeah, matthew is a very large system. we'll take a look at that coming up in just a minute. let's start current conditions this morning much here's a live look outside philadelphia. i swear it is philadelphia in the background here. you just can't see very well because we've got these low hanging clouds and that just extends to the ground. so we're seeing fogginess, cloudiness, the whole gray forecast for you this morning. also, you're going to notice mist out there meaning you're going to feel the moisture as you step out the door. those conditions are going to be hanging on throughout today's forecast. patchy areas of fog and cloudy conditions expected. your temperatures, we're now looking at pennsylvania suburbs here. west bradford township at 58 degrees. and unionville at 59 degrees. exton at 58. north wales, 57. elroy also at 57 degrees. starting in the upper 50s. we should make our way into the upper 60s for forecast highs for the suburbs later this afternoon. now the good news is we're not looking at a washout today. so for the final season game for the phillies and mets this afternoon, 3:05 start, we'll be in the low 70s and cloudy out there. still not going to be most beautiful day but it's only likely that we'll see a spot shower or so pop-up around the area. meaning, that we're not looking at a washout for the game. good news for those of you heading out there. by end of game, going back into the upper 60s. probably want that light jacket on hand. now let's talk about hurricane matthew. this is a very strong category had 4 hurricane. a major hurricane in the southern part of the caribbean. so what we're looking sat 150 mile-per-hour winds moving now to the northwest of 5 miles per hour. that is very important. the northwest. yesterday it was heading to the west. now it's starting to get that curve to go along the north track that we xpkt it to. there we are by monday. the projected track still holding ton a category four. very close to maka and haiti. then this is the big problem moving through your tuesday. 125 miles per hour winds. haiti jashgs makemaica all in tf fire. we're looking for the potential of land follow in some areas. then we continue along stretching this track. the cone does expand. we're looking at that pos of it nearing parts of the u.s. near florida and is through your friday. it is not until the weekend that this may start to track up the east coast. at this point that, is still a big if. it is something we'll be continuing to every newscast throughout your work week. >> all right thank you. the 42nd season of "saturday night live" is under way. a political showdown got the season opener off anding. take a look. >> secretary hillary clinton. >> i'm better than ever. let's do. this. >> republican nominee donald trump. >> good evening, america. i am going to be so tonight. alec baldwin is donald trump and kate mckinnon is hillary clinton. viewers were anticipating this debate parody. and here's more of what happened live from new york. >> my microphone is broken. she broke it with obama. she and obama stole my microphone and took it to kenya. they took my microphone to kenya and broke it and now it's broken. secretary clinton, what do you think about that? >> i think i'm going to be. >> one tv critic wrote sn used the candidate's words because they couldn't come up with anything funnier. >> 3-year-old george and 1-year-old princess charlotte charmed the crowds during a departure ceremony yesterday. they were joined about it children during a sea plane ride before leaving the country. construction years in the making is getting underway along the coast. it will help a jersey shore landmark recover from an unforgettable disaster. next we'll explain why some want to stop the casino pier project in its tracks. remember this? it's unof the ungne of the most unforgettable images from hurricane sandy. flooding and fire left that resort lacking attraction. this week construction began on a major project and brought more tourists back to town. however, it's not completely smooth sailing. it is work many have waited nearly four years to see, new pilings rising from the sand for a major expansion of casino pier in seaside heights. >> we need some kind of improvement. we need something to bring the tourists back. >> the jet star roller coaster washed into the ocean by sand gli 2012 is one of the most iconic images of the hurricane's destruction. the storm and devastating boardwalk inferno the following year dealt a pair of blows to local tourism. >> there is not enough here for people to do. >> angie lombardi and other local business owners hope that will change when casino pier doubles in size adding new rides, games, and other attractions by next summer. >> it hurt our town. but we're coming fwrak that. we're hoping that we can start fresh and new. >> for me, yea. i'm so glad to see it. >> not everyone s construction began this week despite a legal challenge to lapped swap that is making the expansionible. two environmental groups believe the swap violates the state's green acres protection program because the deal involves seaside heights trading prime beach property. >> very concerned about this. this swap, very concerned about the precedent that it sets. >> others say the work must continue to fuel the community's future. >> this is number one priority, i feel. >> casino pier isn't jet revealing the number of new rides it plans to put in. but i learned they include a giant ferris wheel and roller coaster. 7:27. more tax trouble for donald trump. did he avoid paying federal taxes for years? a newly discovered document that may answer the question and explain why. we're looking at at angles and getting reaction from the clinton camp next. krystal? >> and now future models continue to keep the clouds around for your sunday. but coming up, take a look at when maybe shots like this on battleship new jersey might finally start to clear up. this morning, the donald trump campaign is dealing with new tax troubles. records uncovered by "the new york times" surfaced just as the republican presidential nominee was holding a rally in lancaster county. toppled trolly guests athe a delaware wedding are hurt when the ride tips over. take a live look outside philadelphia international airport. the clouds will stick around for much of your sunday. let you know when we'll see some sunshine return to our region. good morning, everyone. thank you so much for being with us. it is 7:30 on this morning. a very foggy and cloudy sunday morning. krystal klei is here and tough to see in some spots. >> it is. i was look together live cameras. i said i can't use this. it's a big white cloud that we're looking at. temperatures are showing off that we again have not much at all dropped or warmed in temperature over the last several days. we're at 60 currently in philadelphia. yesterday the high was 65. the day before it was the low 60s. so there is quite consistency with the temperatures outside. 62 wilmington. atlantic city also at 63 degrees. today we'll see just a tad bit warming. expecting us to make it to the upper 60s and the low 70s in some parts of philadelphia. radar shows thus mornius this mt we're pulling in more clouds. now what we may see are a few isolated showers. you see a few small lines here that are right just well to our west. but spot chances of showers and cloud coverage may start to break apart by your work week. we're going to take a closer look at that and talk about hurricane matthew coming up. thank you. for months republican presidential candidate refused to release his tax. but now "the new york times" has released part of his 1995 tax records which appear to suggest he may not have paid taxes for many years. the news surfaced while trump was making his push for pennsylvania. he spoke at a rally in lancaster county last night. nbc 10s monique braxton is in the digital operations center with more detail on the "new york times" report and responses from both trump and his opponent, hillary clinton. monique? >> ted, every time the tax issue comes up you know it, donald trump says his attorneys told him not to do so. he's being audited. but take a look at what we found in this morning's edition of "the new york times." if you're just joining us this is what is appearing in the issue. it's the first pages of trump's 1995 state income tax filings from new york, new jersey, and connecticut. the "time" says they received thes annan -- anonymously but he says the only news here is that more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that "new york times" like establishment media in general is an extension of the clinton campaign. the democratic party and the global special interests. the 1995 return coincides with the period he filed for bankruptcy involving atlantic city ka seens. ordinary investors in the new company saw the value of their shares plunge to 17 cents from $35.50 while scores of contractors went unpaid for work on trump casinos and casino bond holders received pennies on the dollar. now trump declared a loss of $916 million in 1995. tax experts hired by the "times" say tax rules for the wealthy would have allowed him to cancel out federal taxes owed on the $50,000 to $100,000 he was paid for each episode of "the apprentice." the mult i will million dollar loss according to the times could have legally allowed trump to avoid paying any federal taxes for 18 years. we're talking through 2013. p claimed net worth of $2 billion at the time but that is not shown because assets are not reported or they're reported separately from taxes. >> now when trump appeared in lancaster last night, you see thousands attended. he didn't mention taxes or the time article. most of the conversation centered around secretary clinton about midnight the democratic candidate tweeted trump apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. now the tax information does not reveal charity donations by the republican candidate. but question tell you he checked off he not want to donate to the new jersey veterans fund. also the wildlife conservation or conservecy and the chifldrens defense fund. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. hillary clinton's campaign will make a stop in delaware county on tuesday. she'll be with her daughter chelsea clinton and actress elizabeth banks. she plans to talk about her agenda for families and children. our coverage continues. we're exploring the power of young voters on this election. go to the nbc 10 app now and click on decision 2016 for insight into how the nation's youngest voters could sway the results in november. delaware state police are investigating this trolly crash that sent at least 12 people to the hospital. these are pictures from the scene south of dewey beach much police say the jolly trolly was transporting wedding guests yesterday afternoon when it began to sway and then fell on to its side on the south bound coastal highway. no one was seriously hurt. now to our continuing coverage of the deadly new jersey transit train crash. investigators say there was no signal problems at the station before the crash. investigators are still delayed in getting to some key evidence. three days after the crash. crews can not access the front cab of the train. that's where an vent recorder and an outward facing camera are located. they say there is too much structural damage at the hoboken train station also, asbestos levels are too high. the train slammed into the term in the thursday morning killing a woman and injuring 100 people. yesterday investigators did make progress by interviewing the train's engineer. you're tommy gallagher and his wife arriving home in north jersey. gallagher was treated at a hospital for undisclosed injuries. a preliminary review showed gallagher had no red flags in his history prior to the crash. new jersey transit is in the red from paying fines for years of safety violations. in june, a federal railroad audit found the agency broke dozens of rules from operating guidelines to employee substance abuse since 201. the report shows new jersey transit paid more than half million dollars to settle the violations. a followup to the audit was in progress when the hoboken train crash happened on thursday. stay with nbc 10 news and the nbc 10 app for continuing coverage of the deadly new jersey transit train crash. a way to honor local heroes by lacing up your sneakers. see what can you do in the next fuhr hou few showers next. and chowing down on a philly favorite. a celebration that took over a south philadelphia street corner just ahead. did you know your business doesn't have to suffer from slow internet? comcast business now offers blazing fast internet speeds up to 150 mbps. that's 10 times faster than dsl. get internet for as low as $59.95 a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. did you know that sharing wifi with your customers could leave your business exposed? only comcast business offers wifi pro. two separate networks - one that's private for you, and one that's public for your customers. upgrade to wifi pro for only $19.95 a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. katie v/she stays late.rd. but she gets paid 21% less than her male coworkers. pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. katie o/c: for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. celebrating a philly class wick live music and dancing. ♪ nbc 10 was in south philadelphia where geno's steaks marked the 50th anniversary with a celebration yesterday in addition to enjoying live entment, people, of course, got to chow down on cheese steaks. today in montgomery county, runners and walkers will help raise money for the collegeville fire company. the hero run 5k begins at 10:00 this morning. this year the fire company plans to use the proceeds to help a member who is battling cancer. nbc 10s deanna duranti will host that event. a welcome home for heroes. hundreds of vietnam veterans celebrate in philadelphia after returning from a special trip. and preparing for hurricane matthew. the storm is moving closer to jamaica. the island nation is doing now to be for the worst later. 200 vietnam veterans got this here rose' welcome back to philadelphia after a day towering memorial washington, d.c. dozens of people with american flags at sugar house casino cheered and thanks the vets for their service. honor flight philadelphia organized the tribute for the 42nd season of "saturday night people in kingston stocked up on emergency supplies like gas and food. both kun could start seeing the effects of the category 4 storm tonight. math sue the strongest hurricane in the atlantic since 2007. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist krystal klei is tracking the hurricane. you have to feel for the folks in the caribbean. >> absolutely. we're keeping a close eye on this as we move through the next week. it may have an infeeffect on us. now, let's talk about what we're dealing with currently. this has nothing to do with that tropical system. instead, a live look cape mae shows we have the foggy low visibility morning that we're dealing with. it's not just at the that we're dealing with this. it's all over the place. we areas of fog. these are the visibilities by here that you're looking at. coatsville, now we're looking at very limited visibility. same as we look at areas like mt. pocono at a quarter mile for visibility. other areas reporting better. two miles in philadelphia. although, with low hanging clouds as well, the tops of some buildings look like they've been sheare off. we're looking at northeast philadelphia just one mile for visibility. so fog is pretty dense in some areas. dover and wilmington, better off. to 7 miles per hour. you look along the shore, only 1 1/2 miles of visibility along atlantic city this morning. the radar and satellite shows while we have the clouds and fog, we do not have rain to track. and the potential is there but it's for isolated storms. it's not going to be a big washout day. you need to drive with caution this morning. hour by hour shows maybe some isolated showers or mist outside. that continues through your morning hours. we mostly have clouds overhead. that continues through your afternoon. we're at 6:30. may see some breaks of the clouds although i don't think it's going to be a sunny day by any means. we're expecting most cli cloud conditions. overnight, spotty chances of showers will move by. not very developed. drizzle at best around 2:30 a.m. that does start to roll off the coast as we move into your monday morning. here's a look at the model forecast. we're taking this all the way out an entire week here. we're going through your next weekend. that is when it shows that possibility of it moving along the east coast nearing us bringing a possibility of rain. again this is a very strong system. this is a very fluid forecast we're looking at that with pos built of bringing rain by next weekend. we'll to update you on that and talk more about your day on ten coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you. billionaires galore, key economic reports and a legendary concert lineup. >> the markets start with september car sales figures on monday. analysts expect a small drop from a year ago levels. keep an eye on incentive levels as automakers try to stem the decline. other economic data includes factory orders and international trade on wednesday. it all leads up to the september employment report on friday. markets will be watching the job gains and how much wages increase. the earnings calendar is light with yum brands and con sta lags brands set to report. s season starts in earnest the week after next. there is rich and then really rich. "forbes" magazine will say who is the worth the most on wednesday. they will release the list of the world's 400 most rich people. finally, southern age is heading to southern california for two weeks of concerts with rock 'n' roll legends desert trip. the music festival could bring in a record amount of money over $160 million by one estimate. get all your business news on cnbc. join me later this morning when we discuss political ads. we love to complain about them. research finds they work. >> i'd look her right in the fat ugly place. >> deplorable. you know what is defloplorablde? hillary clinton. >> this is a year where two candidates, unfavorables are higher than the favorables and are beating each other in the head with two by fours. >> coming up this morning at 11:30 following meet the press only on nbc 10. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. decision 2016, a taxing weekend for donald trump. the republican presidential nominee is firing back after a "new york times" report on his tax filings reveal he may have skipped paying uncle sam for years. it is the top issue on nbc's "meet the press" this morning. joining us live is now the moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. thank you for being with us. >> good morning, ted. >> chuck, a week of setbacks for trump appears to be dragging won this latest report from the "times." could this tax issue deepen his dip in the polls against hillary clinton? i've been checking in the last half hour or so, he's been back on twitter. >> no. he is back on twitter. he's saying that what he's -- nobody knows the tax code better than him. so who can fix it better than he can? so he's not denying anything in the report about not paying any taxes or at least not paying on income of nearly $1 billion over 20 years that he got to avoid paying taxes on. but i don't know if it is going to hurt him. if he loses support. but this is not about losing support for donald trump. we're in october. he has two add new supporters to the following. he can't win with 45%. he has get to it north of 45%. and the stories prevent it from happening. the stories don't dislodge voters but the bad news is it makes it harder for him to add. >> so much attention on trump and clinton. they will face off tuesday night in a vice-presidential debate. what do tim kaine and mike pence have to acknowledge for the respected tickets? mike pence simply has to normalize this debate and normalize the election, make it about issues again. try to turn the attention more to hillary clinton and turn the attention to an ideological back and forth with tim kaine. tim kaine job is not let pence do that on tuesday night. he wants to make the debate about donald trump and everything he has done in this last week. make pence try to defend donald trump's statements. that's how you'll know who won this debate. it is more about trump or it is more about clin? if it's more about clinton issues, good night for pence. and a very happy trump campaign. it would stop what has been a week long sort of spiral downward. >> chuck, we look forward to the show this morning and also your analysis after the debate. donald trump's character and last on decision 2016. we'll be on chuck's discussion list with his guests on "meet the press" this morning at 10:30 right here on nbc 10. today could be the end of an era. ryan howard expected to play his final in a phillies uniform. the big p has a contract option for next season. it's unlikely the phillies pick it up. howard is the last remaining member of the 08 chap2008 champ phillies to be on the roster. yesterday howard slammed this two run homer. 382nd of his career. the slugger at the heart of the 2008 world series winners said he is just trying to finish the season as a winner. >> i'm just taking the weekend as is. you know? just trying tone joy it. just trying to embrace everything and just take it as is. i'm not trying to look too much into anything but just, you know, actually just trying to go out and win the ball game. >> the phillies will honor their veteran first base nan a ceremony before today's game with the mets. delaware county catholic high school is celebrating a historic night. for the first time in 60 years, they hosted a true home football game last night. nbc 10 was there for the matchup against bishop mcdevot high school. and look at this in delaware. eagles fans turned out by the hundreds yesterday to meet legend airy safety ryan dawkins. nbc 10 was at the concord mall where heed for photos at ab sports. this event is nothing new for the store but officials there said dawkins broke their previous attendance record. speaking of breaking through, buildings haven't been able to do that with the fog all morning. >> oh, man, visibility very low. some areas now just very limited visibility. unfortunately today, here is a live look outside. barely of center city outside. and we're dealing with the fogginess, cloudiness expected to continue through the morning. your afternoon, maybe starting to break apart a bit by late day. better chance for sunshine will be here monday. temperatures though are going to warm just a tad. we'll be in the low 70s in philadelphia. elsewhere, upper of 60s. 76 by your monday. then do you see we start to dip back down again with more cloud coverage into the next work week. chance of rain moving in right now we're calling for saturday. but this is something we'll have to keep a watchful eye on. it is going to depend on the path of what is right now a very major hurricane matthew in the caribbean. >> when you're closely keeping an eye on. >> absolutely. >> we'll have the latest coming up at 9:00. the "today" show is coming your way next. for krystal and all of us here at nbc 10, we thank you for being with us. we'll have an update in a half hour. have yourself a great sunday. i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible when pat toomey went to wasworking for wall street... toomey's plan would risk social security on the stock market, lining bankers' pockets with fees from our benefits that... could total billions, even if the market crashes, and seniors lose everything. katie mcginty is working for us. a mother of three, and ninth of ten kids, mcginty knows what matters. she'll fight for equal pay, affordable college, and... she'll always protect social security. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. the rain feels like it never stops. >> i have a much better temperament. >> whoo, okay. anybody, pick any leader. ♪ good morning. welcome to "sunday today." i'm willie geist. a day into october, just over five weeks from election day, a break in the mystery surrounding donald trump's tax returns. "new york times" reporting overnight trump may not have paid federal taxes for 18 years. trump, of course, has not released his taxes to the public. we'll get into that story and its implications with chuck todd and katy tur

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Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 7am 20161002 :

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News Today Weekend At 7am 20161002

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it is now 7:00 a.m. thank you for being with us. and we're really in the soup this morning. here's first alert meteorologist krystal klei with the gray start to our sunday. >> big time. so foggy out there we're having a hard time seeing through our cameras there. there live look outside. 61 where we are in philadelphia right now. we do have that fog mist that is right at the surface which means you step out the door and going to instantly feel that moisture. 57 in new jersey. 58 in the lehigh valley. just gray skies anywhere you look. delaware is at 62 degrees this morning. then we look at your forecast highs, not a ton of warming but a little more so than yesterday. 72 is the forecast for us in philadelphia. 69 in the pennsylvania suburbs. 71 in new jersey. you see very similar numbers in delaware through the lehigh valley. mostly cloudy as we move late day. we may see a peek of sunshine. we're not looking at any sunny forecast today. still holding on to the clouds. what you see on radar and satellite is that the system itself has started to wobble and move a little to the north. that breaks that pat that we've been stuck under with rain and rain and rain. so we've got isolated chances of showers today. clouds will continue through the day. st forecast does call for morely more sunshine as we move into the work week. we'll talk about that in detail in a few minutes. we are going to win pennsylvania. we're going to win back the white house. while donald trump p was making his push for pennsylvania in lancaster county. a portion of his tax history was becoming public. "the new york times" released part of his 1995 tax records which appear to show he may not have paid taxes for almost two decades. nbc 10s monique braxton is live in the digitsal operation center with more details on the "new york times" report and trump's response. mow? >> hi, ted. as you know, this morning donald trump is neither confirming or denying what is revealed in a new york time article. but we ayou will know he refused to release the tax return. he says he's being audited and attorneys advising him against it. but take a look at this article in the "new york times" today. if you just waking up, look at the first pages of trump's 1995 state income tax filings in new york, new jersey and c connecticut. the times says they received the documents none musly. it coincides with the period that trump filed for bankruptcy involving atlantic city casinos. according to the times, ordinary investors saw the value of their shares in the new company plun toth 17 cents fr$17 cents from$ scores of contractors went unpaid for works on the trump ka seen. and the bond holders received pennies on the dollar. in 1995, trump declared a loss of $916 million. tax experts hired about it "times" say tax rules for the wealthy would have allowed him to cancel out federal taxes owed on the 50 to $100,000 he was paid for each episode of "the apprentice." the multiple million dollar loss according to the times also legally atrump to avoid paying any federal taxes for 18 years or through 2013. when trump appeared before thousands in lancaster last night, he didn't mention his taxes or the "time" article. he has declined to comment but the campaign accuses the paper of working to benefit democrat hillary clinton. now trump's attorneys released this statement saying, trump has paid hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes. the statement goes on to say mr. trump knows the tax code far better than anyone who has ever run for president. and he is the only one that knows how to fix it. about midnight overnight, democratic candidate clinton tweeted this, trump apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. now the tax documents obtained by "the new york times" does not reveal any charity donations. throughout the morning, we're going to delve more into this article and what the tracax recs show and have that for you. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. >> hillary clinton's campaign will make a stop in delaware county on tuesday. she will be with her daughter chelsea clinton and actress elizabeth banks. the nominee plans to talk about her agenda for children and families. hillary clin is celebrating her best fund-raising month ever. the campaign brought in $154 million in september to use for her presidential bid and for the democratic party. the campaign says more than 900,000 people contributed an average of about $56 each. the federal government is downplaying the threat of hackers altering the november election. the home land security secretary says hackers broke into state election systems in a few cases. but he added officials found the data in those systems was left intact. cybersecurity experts say it would be nearly impossible for hackers to alter the election since ballot tabulations are not connected to the internet. our decision 2016 coverage continues. we're exploring the power of young voters on this election. go to the nbc 10 app right now and click on 2016 for insight into how the youngest voters could sway the results in november. ♪ >> first responders from around the nation honor two wilmington firefighters killed in the line of duty. vice president joe biden spoke at the memorial for chris leech and jerry ficus. here is more of the service. >> 2 1/2 hours of memories, music and speeches to celebrate the lives of the firefighters. it wasn't just what they did, it was who they were and their brothers and sisters in uniform promised they'll never be forgotten. men and women in uniform as far as the eye can see standing formation. to salute the families of fallen firefighters chris leech and jerry ficus. >> we cried together to get throughout tough times. >> today we come together to honor heroes, two giants who stood among men. >> reporter: it's one week since a row home fire, the firefighters' bravery continued to be recognized. their families accepted medal of honor along with a flag that flew over the u.s. capitol on >> may he lift you up on the eagle's wings and bury on the breadth of dawn. >> reporter: of all the titles he holds, joe biden spoke as a man who knows the heartache of real loss. >> the time will come when the memory of jerry and the memory of christopher will bring a smile to your lip before it brings a tear to your eye. >> there was laughter about the nicknames that he had for so many he loved and the endless stories of their leadership on the job. but above all, they were fathers, well loved and extremely missed. >> we love you and we will never forget you. >> nbc 10 news. despite being on strike, the philadelphia orchestra says it still plans to thank its patrons this week. musicians will perform 23 audience appreciation concerts around philadelphia and new jersey on tuesday. members of the orchestra went on strike friday night and all concerts this weekend were canceled. years of pay cuts put their salaries far below orchestra members in other cities. this evening thousands of people will watch opera philadelphia's season opening performance on inagainst mall. the performers will be on stage at the academy of music but their show will be broadcast to three giant outdoor screens on the mall. >> 40 years of fun. there is a big birthday bash but it's the visitors who will be getting the presents. details straight ahead. jamaica is bracing for the arrive afl hurricane matthew. we'll show you how are getting ready to face the storm. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mrs. wagner's car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie "up in the air" to watch while she's...up in the air. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now get our best offer ever, super fast 100 meg internet, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. good morning. radar and satellite where we're starting, a little different picture than yesterday. still have the clouds. not tracking rain heading our direction this morning though. all we're looking at is cloud coverage and if step outdoors, you know the answer here, fog. that's what we're really looking at. a lot of it spread across the map this morning in our area. that is why you don't see a very well on radar and satellite. they indicate what the deeper whites, the higher level clouds. we're seeing very low level clouds that are hanging along the building and right at the ground. the foggy conditions also leading to misty conditions. here's the forecast the rest of your day, 10:00 a.m. we should make it right to the low 70s in philadelphia today as you see cloudy conditions persist. and in the suburbs, mid 6 o's by 2:00 making to the upper 60s for forecast highs. and in the lee high valley, cloudy conditions as well. 65 by 2:00 p.m. and that continues through about 6:00. maybe a peek of sunshine. but better chance of sun as we start your work week. we'll talk more about the conditions the rest of your sunday and the sun ahead in just a few minutes. >> all right. thank you. please touch mu e-mail is celebrating a milestone. the children's museum is throwing a 40th birthday party today. there will be dance parties and, of course. museum is also offering all guest 40% off admission today so they can be part of the celebration. a pair of royal charmers. the royal family heads home from canada. but it is the two youngest members of the family stealing the show. she broke it with obama. she and obama stole my microphone and took it to canada. >> snl takes decision 2016. they put the twist on the presidenttial debate. that's next. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. a community in south carolina is mourning the death of a 6-year-old boy would was wounded in a school shooting last week. jacob hall died yesterday. a 13-year-old boy shot fires at their elementary school playground. police arrested the teen who say killed his father before driving to the school. the young suspect faces murder and attempted murder charges. there is no word on a motive. jab on ha jacob hall's family issued a statement saying we know jacob has forgiven this child for what he did to him and his family because that's the of child he was. this morning, hurricane matthew is barrelling towards jamaica and haiti. forecasters say the two countries could see heavy rain and strong winds from the category 4 storm starting tonight. people in jamaica are taking precautions stocking up on gas and food anding up buildings. matthew is the strongest hurricane in the atlantic ocean since felix in 2007. yeah, matthew is a very large system. we'll take a look at that coming up in just a minute. let's start current conditions this morning much here's a live look outside philadelphia. i swear it is philadelphia in the background here. you just can't see very well because we've got these low hanging clouds and that just extends to the ground. so we're seeing fogginess, cloudiness, the whole gray forecast for you this morning. also, you're going to notice mist out there meaning you're going to feel the moisture as you step out the door. those conditions are going to be hanging on throughout today's forecast. patchy areas of fog and cloudy conditions expected. your temperatures, we're now looking at pennsylvania suburbs here. west bradford township at 58 degrees. and unionville at 59 degrees. exton at 58. north wales, 57. elroy also at 57 degrees. starting in the upper 50s. we should make our way into the upper 60s for forecast highs for the suburbs later this afternoon. now the good news is we're not looking at a washout today. so for the final season game for the phillies and mets this afternoon, 3:05 start, we'll be in the low 70s and cloudy out there. still not going to be most beautiful day but it's only likely that we'll see a spot shower or so pop-up around the area. meaning, that we're not looking at a washout for the game. good news for those of you heading out there. by end of game, going back into the upper 60s. probably want that light jacket on hand. now let's talk about hurricane matthew. this is a very strong category had 4 hurricane. a major hurricane in the southern part of the caribbean. so what we're looking sat 150 mile-per-hour winds moving now to the northwest of 5 miles per hour. that is very important. the northwest. yesterday it was heading to the west. now it's starting to get that curve to go along the north track that we xpkt it to. there we are by monday. the projected track still holding ton a category four. very close to maka and haiti. then this is the big problem moving through your tuesday. 125 miles per hour winds. haiti jashgs makemaica all in tf fire. we're looking for the potential of land follow in some areas. then we continue along stretching this track. the cone does expand. we're looking at that pos of it nearing parts of the u.s. near florida and is through your friday. it is not until the weekend that this may start to track up the east coast. at this point that, is still a big if. it is something we'll be continuing to every newscast throughout your work week. >> all right thank you. the 42nd season of "saturday night live" is under way. a political showdown got the season opener off anding. take a look. >> secretary hillary clinton. >> i'm better than ever. let's do. this. >> republican nominee donald trump. >> good evening, america. i am going to be so tonight. alec baldwin is donald trump and kate mckinnon is hillary clinton. viewers were anticipating this debate parody. and here's more of what happened live from new york. >> my microphone is broken. she broke it with obama. she and obama stole my microphone and took it to kenya. they took my microphone to kenya and broke it and now it's broken. secretary clinton, what do you think about that? >> i think i'm going to be. >> one tv critic wrote sn used the candidate's words because they couldn't come up with anything funnier. >> 3-year-old george and 1-year-old princess charlotte charmed the crowds during a departure ceremony yesterday. they were joined about it children during a sea plane ride before leaving the country. construction years in the making is getting underway along the coast. it will help a jersey shore landmark recover from an unforgettable disaster. next we'll explain why some want to stop the casino pier project in its tracks. remember this? it's unof the ungne of the most unforgettable images from hurricane sandy. flooding and fire left that resort lacking attraction. this week construction began on a major project and brought more tourists back to town. however, it's not completely smooth sailing. it is work many have waited nearly four years to see, new pilings rising from the sand for a major expansion of casino pier in seaside heights. >> we need some kind of improvement. we need something to bring the tourists back. >> the jet star roller coaster washed into the ocean by sand gli 2012 is one of the most iconic images of the hurricane's destruction. the storm and devastating boardwalk inferno the following year dealt a pair of blows to local tourism. >> there is not enough here for people to do. >> angie lombardi and other local business owners hope that will change when casino pier doubles in size adding new rides, games, and other attractions by next summer. >> it hurt our town. but we're coming fwrak that. we're hoping that we can start fresh and new. >> for me, yea. i'm so glad to see it. >> not everyone s construction began this week despite a legal challenge to lapped swap that is making the expansionible. two environmental groups believe the swap violates the state's green acres protection program because the deal involves seaside heights trading prime beach property. >> very concerned about this. this swap, very concerned about the precedent that it sets. >> others say the work must continue to fuel the community's future. >> this is number one priority, i feel. >> casino pier isn't jet revealing the number of new rides it plans to put in. but i learned they include a giant ferris wheel and roller coaster. 7:27. more tax trouble for donald trump. did he avoid paying federal taxes for years? a newly discovered document that may answer the question and explain why. we're looking at at angles and getting reaction from the clinton camp next. krystal? >> and now future models continue to keep the clouds around for your sunday. but coming up, take a look at when maybe shots like this on battleship new jersey might finally start to clear up. this morning, the donald trump campaign is dealing with new tax troubles. records uncovered by "the new york times" surfaced just as the republican presidential nominee was holding a rally in lancaster county. toppled trolly guests athe a delaware wedding are hurt when the ride tips over. take a live look outside philadelphia international airport. the clouds will stick around for much of your sunday. let you know when we'll see some sunshine return to our region. good morning, everyone. thank you so much for being with us. it is 7:30 on this morning. a very foggy and cloudy sunday morning. krystal klei is here and tough to see in some spots. >> it is. i was look together live cameras. i said i can't use this. it's a big white cloud that we're looking at. temperatures are showing off that we again have not much at all dropped or warmed in temperature over the last several days. we're at 60 currently in philadelphia. yesterday the high was 65. the day before it was the low 60s. so there is quite consistency with the temperatures outside. 62 wilmington. atlantic city also at 63 degrees. today we'll see just a tad bit warming. expecting us to make it to the upper 60s and the low 70s in some parts of philadelphia. radar shows thus mornius this mt we're pulling in more clouds. now what we may see are a few isolated showers. you see a few small lines here that are right just well to our west. but spot chances of showers and cloud coverage may start to break apart by your work week. we're going to take a closer look at that and talk about hurricane matthew coming up. thank you. for months republican presidential candidate refused to release his tax. but now "the new york times" has released part of his 1995 tax records which appear to suggest he may not have paid taxes for many years. the news surfaced while trump was making his push for pennsylvania. he spoke at a rally in lancaster county last night. nbc 10s monique braxton is in the digital operations center with more detail on the "new york times" report and responses from both trump and his opponent, hillary clinton. monique? >> ted, every time the tax issue comes up you know it, donald trump says his attorneys told him not to do so. he's being audited. but take a look at what we found in this morning's edition of "the new york times." if you're just joining us this is what is appearing in the issue. it's the first pages of trump's 1995 state income tax filings from new york, new jersey, and connecticut. the "time" says they received thes annan -- anonymously but he says the only news here is that more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that "new york times" like establishment media in general is an extension of the clinton campaign. the democratic party and the global special interests. the 1995 return coincides with the period he filed for bankruptcy involving atlantic city ka seens. ordinary investors in the new company saw the value of their shares plunge to 17 cents from $35.50 while scores of contractors went unpaid for work on trump casinos and casino bond holders received pennies on the dollar. now trump declared a loss of $916 million in 1995. tax experts hired by the "times" say tax rules for the wealthy would have allowed him to cancel out federal taxes owed on the $50,000 to $100,000 he was paid for each episode of "the apprentice." the mult i will million dollar loss according to the times could have legally allowed trump to avoid paying any federal taxes for 18 years. we're talking through 2013. p claimed net worth of $2 billion at the time but that is not shown because assets are not reported or they're reported separately from taxes. >> now when trump appeared in lancaster last night, you see thousands attended. he didn't mention taxes or the time article. most of the conversation centered around secretary clinton about midnight the democratic candidate tweeted trump apparently got to avoid paying taxes for nearly two decades while tens of millions of working families paid theirs. now the tax information does not reveal charity donations by the republican candidate. but question tell you he checked off he not want to donate to the new jersey veterans fund. also the wildlife conservation or conservecy and the chifldrens defense fund. monique braxton, nbc 10 news. hillary clinton's campaign will make a stop in delaware county on tuesday. she'll be with her daughter chelsea clinton and actress elizabeth banks. she plans to talk about her agenda for families and children. our coverage continues. we're exploring the power of young voters on this election. go to the nbc 10 app now and click on decision 2016 for insight into how the nation's youngest voters could sway the results in november. delaware state police are investigating this trolly crash that sent at least 12 people to the hospital. these are pictures from the scene south of dewey beach much police say the jolly trolly was transporting wedding guests yesterday afternoon when it began to sway and then fell on to its side on the south bound coastal highway. no one was seriously hurt. now to our continuing coverage of the deadly new jersey transit train crash. investigators say there was no signal problems at the station before the crash. investigators are still delayed in getting to some key evidence. three days after the crash. crews can not access the front cab of the train. that's where an vent recorder and an outward facing camera are located. they say there is too much structural damage at the hoboken train station also, asbestos levels are too high. the train slammed into the term in the thursday morning killing a woman and injuring 100 people. yesterday investigators did make progress by interviewing the train's engineer. you're tommy gallagher and his wife arriving home in north jersey. gallagher was treated at a hospital for undisclosed injuries. a preliminary review showed gallagher had no red flags in his history prior to the crash. new jersey transit is in the red from paying fines for years of safety violations. in june, a federal railroad audit found the agency broke dozens of rules from operating guidelines to employee substance abuse since 201. the report shows new jersey transit paid more than half million dollars to settle the violations. a followup to the audit was in progress when the hoboken train crash happened on thursday. stay with nbc 10 news and the nbc 10 app for continuing coverage of the deadly new jersey transit train crash. a way to honor local heroes by lacing up your sneakers. see what can you do in the next fuhr hou few showers next. and chowing down on a philly favorite. a celebration that took over a south philadelphia street corner just ahead. did you know your business doesn't have to suffer from slow internet? comcast business now offers blazing fast internet speeds up to 150 mbps. that's 10 times faster than dsl. get internet for as low as $59.95 a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. did you know that sharing wifi with your customers could leave your business exposed? only comcast business offers wifi pro. two separate networks - one that's private for you, and one that's public for your customers. upgrade to wifi pro for only $19.95 a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. katie v/she stays late.rd. but she gets paid 21% less than her male coworkers. pat toomey has voted time after time against equal pay for women, against pay that helps hard working families get ahead. katie o/c: for my daughters and yours, i'll fight for equal pay for women. families need it; you've earned it. katie v/o: i'm katie mcginty, and i approve this message because it's your turn to get ahead. celebrating a philly class wick live music and dancing. ♪ nbc 10 was in south philadelphia where geno's steaks marked the 50th anniversary with a celebration yesterday in addition to enjoying live entment, people, of course, got to chow down on cheese steaks. today in montgomery county, runners and walkers will help raise money for the collegeville fire company. the hero run 5k begins at 10:00 this morning. this year the fire company plans to use the proceeds to help a member who is battling cancer. nbc 10s deanna duranti will host that event. a welcome home for heroes. hundreds of vietnam veterans celebrate in philadelphia after returning from a special trip. and preparing for hurricane matthew. the storm is moving closer to jamaica. the island nation is doing now to be for the worst later. 200 vietnam veterans got this here rose' welcome back to philadelphia after a day towering memorial washington, d.c. dozens of people with american flags at sugar house casino cheered and thanks the vets for their service. honor flight philadelphia organized the tribute for the 42nd season of "saturday night people in kingston stocked up on emergency supplies like gas and food. both kun could start seeing the effects of the category 4 storm tonight. math sue the strongest hurricane in the atlantic since 2007. nbc 10 first alert meteorologist krystal klei is tracking the hurricane. you have to feel for the folks in the caribbean. >> absolutely. we're keeping a close eye on this as we move through the next week. it may have an infeeffect on us. now, let's talk about what we're dealing with currently. this has nothing to do with that tropical system. instead, a live look cape mae shows we have the foggy low visibility morning that we're dealing with. it's not just at the that we're dealing with this. it's all over the place. we areas of fog. these are the visibilities by here that you're looking at. coatsville, now we're looking at very limited visibility. same as we look at areas like mt. pocono at a quarter mile for visibility. other areas reporting better. two miles in philadelphia. although, with low hanging clouds as well, the tops of some buildings look like they've been sheare off. we're looking at northeast philadelphia just one mile for visibility. so fog is pretty dense in some areas. dover and wilmington, better off. to 7 miles per hour. you look along the shore, only 1 1/2 miles of visibility along atlantic city this morning. the radar and satellite shows while we have the clouds and fog, we do not have rain to track. and the potential is there but it's for isolated storms. it's not going to be a big washout day. you need to drive with caution this morning. hour by hour shows maybe some isolated showers or mist outside. that continues through your morning hours. we mostly have clouds overhead. that continues through your afternoon. we're at 6:30. may see some breaks of the clouds although i don't think it's going to be a sunny day by any means. we're expecting most cli cloud conditions. overnight, spotty chances of showers will move by. not very developed. drizzle at best around 2:30 a.m. that does start to roll off the coast as we move into your monday morning. here's a look at the model forecast. we're taking this all the way out an entire week here. we're going through your next weekend. that is when it shows that possibility of it moving along the east coast nearing us bringing a possibility of rain. again this is a very strong system. this is a very fluid forecast we're looking at that with pos built of bringing rain by next weekend. we'll to update you on that and talk more about your day on ten coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you. billionaires galore, key economic reports and a legendary concert lineup. >> the markets start with september car sales figures on monday. analysts expect a small drop from a year ago levels. keep an eye on incentive levels as automakers try to stem the decline. other economic data includes factory orders and international trade on wednesday. it all leads up to the september employment report on friday. markets will be watching the job gains and how much wages increase. the earnings calendar is light with yum brands and con sta lags brands set to report. s season starts in earnest the week after next. there is rich and then really rich. "forbes" magazine will say who is the worth the most on wednesday. they will release the list of the world's 400 most rich people. finally, southern age is heading to southern california for two weeks of concerts with rock 'n' roll legends desert trip. the music festival could bring in a record amount of money over $160 million by one estimate. get all your business news on cnbc. join me later this morning when we discuss political ads. we love to complain about them. research finds they work. >> i'd look her right in the fat ugly place. >> deplorable. you know what is defloplorablde? hillary clinton. >> this is a year where two candidates, unfavorables are higher than the favorables and are beating each other in the head with two by fours. >> coming up this morning at 11:30 following meet the press only on nbc 10. when i was one year old, i was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer on my spinal chord. but i spent my whole life fighting back. so you can imagine what i thought when i saw donald trump say... "i don't know what i said, ah, i don't remember!" "that reporter he is talking about suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms." i don't want a president who makes fun of me. i want a president who inspires me, and that's not donald trump. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. decision 2016, a taxing weekend for donald trump. the republican presidential nominee is firing back after a "new york times" report on his tax filings reveal he may have skipped paying uncle sam for years. it is the top issue on nbc's "meet the press" this morning. joining us live is now the moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. thank you for being with us. >> good morning, ted. >> chuck, a week of setbacks for trump appears to be dragging won this latest report from the "times." could this tax issue deepen his dip in the polls against hillary clinton? i've been checking in the last half hour or so, he's been back on twitter. >> no. he is back on twitter. he's saying that what he's -- nobody knows the tax code better than him. so who can fix it better than he can? so he's not denying anything in the report about not paying any taxes or at least not paying on income of nearly $1 billion over 20 years that he got to avoid paying taxes on. but i don't know if it is going to hurt him. if he loses support. but this is not about losing support for donald trump. we're in october. he has two add new supporters to the following. he can't win with 45%. he has get to it north of 45%. and the stories prevent it from happening. the stories don't dislodge voters but the bad news is it makes it harder for him to add. >> so much attention on trump and clinton. they will face off tuesday night in a vice-presidential debate. what do tim kaine and mike pence have to acknowledge for the respected tickets? mike pence simply has to normalize this debate and normalize the election, make it about issues again. try to turn the attention more to hillary clinton and turn the attention to an ideological back and forth with tim kaine. tim kaine job is not let pence do that on tuesday night. he wants to make the debate about donald trump and everything he has done in this last week. make pence try to defend donald trump's statements. that's how you'll know who won this debate. it is more about trump or it is more about clin? if it's more about clinton issues, good night for pence. and a very happy trump campaign. it would stop what has been a week long sort of spiral downward. >> chuck, we look forward to the show this morning and also your analysis after the debate. donald trump's character and last on decision 2016. we'll be on chuck's discussion list with his guests on "meet the press" this morning at 10:30 right here on nbc 10. today could be the end of an era. ryan howard expected to play his final in a phillies uniform. the big p has a contract option for next season. it's unlikely the phillies pick it up. howard is the last remaining member of the 08 chap2008 champ phillies to be on the roster. yesterday howard slammed this two run homer. 382nd of his career. the slugger at the heart of the 2008 world series winners said he is just trying to finish the season as a winner. >> i'm just taking the weekend as is. you know? just trying tone joy it. just trying to embrace everything and just take it as is. i'm not trying to look too much into anything but just, you know, actually just trying to go out and win the ball game. >> the phillies will honor their veteran first base nan a ceremony before today's game with the mets. delaware county catholic high school is celebrating a historic night. for the first time in 60 years, they hosted a true home football game last night. nbc 10 was there for the matchup against bishop mcdevot high school. and look at this in delaware. eagles fans turned out by the hundreds yesterday to meet legend airy safety ryan dawkins. nbc 10 was at the concord mall where heed for photos at ab sports. this event is nothing new for the store but officials there said dawkins broke their previous attendance record. speaking of breaking through, buildings haven't been able to do that with the fog all morning. >> oh, man, visibility very low. some areas now just very limited visibility. unfortunately today, here is a live look outside. barely of center city outside. and we're dealing with the fogginess, cloudiness expected to continue through the morning. your afternoon, maybe starting to break apart a bit by late day. better chance for sunshine will be here monday. temperatures though are going to warm just a tad. we'll be in the low 70s in philadelphia. elsewhere, upper of 60s. 76 by your monday. then do you see we start to dip back down again with more cloud coverage into the next work week. chance of rain moving in right now we're calling for saturday. but this is something we'll have to keep a watchful eye on. it is going to depend on the path of what is right now a very major hurricane matthew in the caribbean. >> when you're closely keeping an eye on. >> absolutely. >> we'll have the latest coming up at 9:00. the "today" show is coming your way next. for krystal and all of us here at nbc 10, we thank you for being with us. we'll have an update in a half hour. have yourself a great sunday. i think my strongest asset, maybe by far, is my temperament. i'd like to punch him in the face, i'll tell you. i would bomb the [bleep] out of 'em. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters, okay? and you can tell them to go [bleep] themselves. get him out of here! get him out of here! get the hell out of here! priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible when pat toomey went to wasworking for wall street... toomey's plan would risk social security on the stock market, lining bankers' pockets with fees from our benefits that... could total billions, even if the market crashes, and seniors lose everything. katie mcginty is working for us. a mother of three, and ninth of ten kids, mcginty knows what matters. she'll fight for equal pay, affordable college, and... she'll always protect social security. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. the rain feels like it never stops. >> i have a much better temperament. >> whoo, okay. anybody, pick any leader. ♪ good morning. welcome to "sunday today." i'm willie geist. a day into october, just over five weeks from election day, a break in the mystery surrounding donald trump's tax returns. "new york times" reporting overnight trump may not have paid federal taxes for 18 years. trump, of course, has not released his taxes to the public. we'll get into that story and its implications with chuck todd and katy tur

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